A word in english with all the vowels

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Pages in category «English words that use all vowels in alphabetical order»

The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.


  • abstemious
  • abstemiously
  • abstenious
  • abstentious
  • acedious
  • acerbitous
  • acheilous
  • acheirous
  • adecticous
  • aerious
  • affectious
  • affectiously
  • anemious
  • annelidous
  • anteriour
  • anteriourly
  • arsenious
  • arterious
  • avenious


  • bacterious


  • caesious


  • facetious
  • facetiously
  • fracedinous


  • larcenious


  • majestious
  • materious


  • placentious


  • tragedious
  • transhemizygous
  • transtendinous
  • travertinous

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  • English terms by orthographic property

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All vowel words

  • AA
  • AE
  • AI
  • AIA
  • EA
  • EAU
  • EE
  • EUOI
  • IO
  • OE
  • OI
  • OO
  • OU

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Your word puzzle could need the spelled with/contains filter instead of letters. Searching for «the letters aeiou» is not the same as words «spelled with aeiou». You must say «spelled with» or «contains» in your word search. For large sets of characters to decode, use the unscrambler.

Page 1: equation, education, tambourine, communicate, ambidextrous, automobile, groundbreaking, evaluation, evacuation, commutative, euphoria, pneumonia, encouraging, cauliflower, intellectualization, revolutionary, saliferous, audiophile, adulteration, menstruation, sequestration, abstemious, gregarious, tenacious, facetious, equivocating, equivocation, pandemonium, rejuvenation, neutralization, Aeonium, praseodymium, authoritative, ostentatious, precaution, devaluation, coeducation, permutation, pertinacious, autosuggestion, hallucinogens, repudiation, Australopithecus, aeronautics, tourmaline, abstemiousness, exhumation, eukaryotic, exhaustion, and neurotransmitter

Word Length Consonants Vowels Syllables Origin Favourite
Equation 8 3 5 3 Old French
Education 9 4 5 4 Middle French
Tambourine 10 5 5 3 French
Communicate 11 6 5 4 Latin
Ambidextrous 12 7 5 4 Latin
Automobile 10 4 6 4 French
Groundbreaking 14 9 5 3
Evaluation 10 4 6 5 Middle French
Evacuation 10 4 6 5 Old French
Commutative 11 6 5 4 French
Euphoria 8 3 5 4 New Latin
Pneumonia 9 4 5 4 Ancient Greek
Encouraging 11 6 5 4
Cauliflower 11 6 5 4
Intellectualization 19 10 9 8
Revolutionary 13 7 6 6 French
Saliferous 10 5 5 4
Audiophile 10 4 6 4
Adulteration 12 6 6 5
Menstruation 12 7 5 4
Sequestration 13 7 6 4
Abstemious 10 5 5 4 Latin
Gregarious 10 5 5 4 Latin
Tenacious 9 4 5 3 Latin
Facetious 9 4 5 4 French
Equivocating 12 6 6 5
Equivocation 12 5 7 5 Old French
Pandemonium 11 6 5 5 Ancient Greek
Rejuvenation 12 6 6 5 Latin
Neutralization 14 7 7 5
Aeonium 7 2 5 4
Praseodymium 12 7 5 5 Ancient Greek
Authoritative 13 6 7 5
Ostentatious 12 6 6 5
Precaution 10 5 5 3 French
Devaluation 11 5 6 5
Coeducation 11 5 6 4
Permutation 11 6 5 4 Old French
Pertinacious 12 6 6 4 Latin
Autosuggestion 14 7 7 5
Hallucinogens 13 8 5 5
Repudiation 11 5 6 5
Australopithecus 16 9 7 6 New Latin
Aeronautics 11 5 6 4 French
Tourmaline 10 5 5 3
Abstemiousness 14 8 6 5
Exhumation 10 5 5 4
Eukaryotic 10 5 5 4
Exhaustion 10 5 5 3
Neurotransmitter 16 10 6 5

The most common words with the 5 classic vowels are the adjectives abstemious and facetious.

To include the semi-vowel Y in order, the adverb forms are abstemiously and facetiously.

A comprehensive list would be:

Aerious, Absteinous, Abstemious, Abstenious, Abstentious, Abstentiously, Aceriflorum, Aceriflorus, Acheilous, Acheirous, Acleistous, Adecticous, Adventious, Affectious, Aleikoum, Alpestrious, Anemious, Annelidous, Arsenious, Arteriosum, Arteriosus, Arterious, Avenious, Bacterious, Caesious, Camelious, Carnelious, Facetious, Fracedinous, Gareisoun, Gravedinous, Haeriously, Majestious, Materious, Parecious, Phragelliorynchus, Placentious, Tragedious

For reverse alphabetical order for vowels, there is duoliteral, juloidea, leeuwenhoekiella, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, punctoschmidtella, quodlibetal, quodlibetary, rudoiera, subcontinental, subhyoidean, subpopliteal, subvoiceband, suoidea, tutoiera, uncomplimentary, unconsiderably, uncontinental, unconvinceably, unnoticeably, unobliterably, unoccidental, unoriental, unpolicemanly, unproprietary

*Sorry, but Raeticodactylus has an A before the U so doesn’t count and if we’re just listing English words (as seems to be the case) then Marveillous and variations thereupon are also excluded.

Removed: Marveillous, Marveillously, Raeticodactylus,

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