A word for wanting to give up

want to give up — перевод на русский

So you want to give up now.

Тоесть ты хочешь сдаться прямо сейчас?

If you want to give up…

Если хочешь сдаться…

If you want to give up so easily, be my guest. Okay.

Если хочешь сдаться так просто, пожалуйста.

You want to give up.

Ты хочешь сдаться.

Then, Aoi.. You want to give up on Shuusei?

{fs17.551}Аои… {fs17.551}Ты хочешь сдаться?

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Plus, she’s a really cool girl and I don’t want to give up on her.

К тому же, она действительно классная, я не хочу отказываться от нее.

But… I don’t want to give up on us before we’ve even begun.

Но… я не хочу отказываться от нас прежде, чем мы успели начать.

Look, I know you think we should call it, but I don’t want to give up on this, even if we don’t know what this is.

Слушай, я знаю, ты считаешь, мы должны расстаться. Но я не хочу отказываться от этого, даже если мы не знаем, что это.

I don’t want to give up the baby.

Я не хочу отказываться от малыша.

That I can’t do it because I don’t want to give up the darkness.

Что я не могу сделать этого, потому что не хочу отказываться от тьмы.

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Well, I don’t really want to give up.

Но на самом деле я не хочу сдаваться.

I mean I’m talking to you through some guy who thinks I’m blowing it, but I don’t want to give up just ’cause it’s kinda hard.

Я имею в виду, что говорю с тобой через какого-то парня, который думает, что я все испортил. Но я не хочу сдаваться, только потому что это сложно.

Yoon Hee understood me, so that I wouldn’t get hurt and so that I don’t have to run away like a coward. And I really didn’t want to give up.

Но я правда не хочу сдаваться.

I… I don’t want to give up.

Я… я не хочу сдаваться.

(Sniffles) But I don’t want to give up on this.

(шмыгает) но я не хочу сдаваться.

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Do you want to give up work?

Ты хочешь отказаться от работы?

You want to give up your cut?

Хочешь отказаться от своей доли?

Do you really want to give up the rights to see your…

Ты действительно хочешь отказаться от прав видеться с твоей…

Not wanting to give up Laura.

Не хочешь отказаться от Лауры.

I think Shelly wants to give up the baby again.

Думаю, Шелли снова хочет отказаться от ребенка.

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Maybe the fleshy boy doesn’t want to give up his body parts.

Может, этот цветущий юноша не хочет отдавать части своего тела.

The baby he doesn’t want to give up?

Которого он не хочет отдавать?

And some women don’t want to give up the big piece of chicken.

И некоторые женщины не хотят отдавать большой кусок курицы.

I don’t want to give up the bag.

Я не хочу отдавать сумку.

And the only reason you care is ’cause you don’t want to give up a dollar!

И тебя волнует только то, что ты не хочешь отдавать свой доллар

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She wants to give up the viola and take up doing what you do — comedy.

— Она хочет бросить альт и заняться тем, чем занимаешься ты — комедией.

She wants to give up the viola to take up doing what you do.

Она хочет бросить альт и заняться тем, чем занимаешься ты.

I want to give up what I had in Ohio for something better here.

Я хочу бросить Огайо, ради чего-то лучшего здесь.

You know, it’s like I-I want to give up on Rebecca’s scheming, I do… but it’s just, it… every morning

Понимаешь, я будто хочу бросить строить интриги с Ребеккой, правда хочу…

Sometimes I feel I want to give up!

Иногда я чувствую ,что хотел бы бросить все!

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I don’t want to give up getting to know you.

И я не хочу бросать узнавать тебя поближе.

I don’t want to give up on it.

Я не хочу бросать её.

You know, I really don’t want to give up everything I’ve been working toward and start from scratch, but then I feel like I’m being selfish for even thinking that way.

Знаешь, я правда не хочу бросать все над чем работал, и начинать сначала, но потом я думаю, что эгоистично даже так думать.

She didn’t want to give up Zelena.

Она не хотела бросать Зелену.

She didn’t want to give up Zelena.

Она не хотела бросать Бастинду.

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— Niura wants to give up a room to me. — Niura?

— Нюра хочет снять мне комнату.

What sharbat is asking for,what she wants to give up is a lot.

То, чего хочет Шарбат… она многим жертвует.

You want to give up? No. I want you to take Graystone up on his offer.

Я хочу, чтобы ты принял предложение Грейстоуна.

You don’t want to give up the driver’s seat.

Ты хочешь всегда и во всем быть главной.

About a week before she was killed, my sister called me in tears because John wanted to give up the flat. Suddenly couldn’t afford it.

Где-то за неделю до этого сестра позвонила мне в слезах, потому что Джон не хотел больше платить за квартиру.

I guess I don’t want to give up on you.

Наверное, я не хочу, чтобы ты сдавалась.

There’s got to be a reason why you’d want to give up.

Должна быть причина, почему Вы сдаётесь.

You want to give up?

Ты сдаешься?

But the younger we did not want to give up, we wanted to go further.

Но молодежь не желала сдаваться — мы хотели продолжать дело.

You want to give up?


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  • хочешь сдаться
  • хочу отказываться от
  • хочу сдаваться
  • хочешь отказаться от
  • хочет отдавать
  • хочет бросить
  • хочу бросать
  • хочет
  • чтобы ты сдавалась

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of course, a bouquet of weight, and then take 2 minutes


read all these articles.

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конечно, букет веса, а затем взять 2 минуты, чтобы прочитать все эти статьи.

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What if you do not know what you’re doing and you want to give up all your information in a series?

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Что делать, если вы не знаете, что вы делаете, и вы хотите отказаться от всей информации в серии?

and they

want to

get rid of him forever.

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и они


избавиться от него навсегда.

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My own malice makes me want to give up everything, hop the first flight


you and fall into your arms.

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От собственного скотства мне хочется бросить все и первым рейсом улететь к тебе, чтобы обнять.

get$ 12 cans of this particular coconut oil and use it twice a day, 1 tablespoon at a time.

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получить$ 12 банок этого конкретного кокосовое масло и использовать его дважды в день, 1 столовой ложки за один раз.

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If the sons want to give up some of their portions in the daughters’ favor so that they share in the inheritance,

they should go


a rabbinical court in their town and transfer ownership directly or indirectly in a manner compliant with the Torah’s law.

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Если же сыновья хотят отказаться от части наследства в пользу дочерей, им следует обратиться в раввинский суд

по месту жительства и передать это имущество прямым или косвенным образом, как то подобает в соответствии с предписанным Торой.

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The target groups of the project are:

agricultural workers(farmers or rural people(women and men) who want to give up agriculture

and take


other business or who

want to



a business not directly related with agricultural production in addition


agriculture), other rural people(women and men who wish


engage in non-agricultural businesses or crafts), and members of organizations(local action groups, rural communities, etc.) active in the field of rural development.

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Целевыми группами этого проекта являются сельскохозяйственные работники( фермеры или сельское население(

женщины и мужчины), которые хотят отказаться от сельского хозяйства

и заняться другим делом или которые в дополнение к сельскому хозяйству


заняться коммерческой деятельностью, непосредственно не связанной с сельскохозяйственным производством), другое сельское население( женщины и мужчины, которые


заниматься несельскохозяйственными видами коммерческой деятельности или ремесленничать) и члены организаций( местных инициативных групп, сельских общин и т. д.), занимающихся развитием сельских районов.

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Она хочет бросить альт и заняться тем, чем занимаешься ты- комедией.

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Either nobody saw anything, or nobody wants to give up the jackasses who brought 800 pounds of marble out onto the balcony.

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Или никто ничего не видел, или никто не хочет сдавать тех придурков, которые вытащили 800- фунтовый мраморный стол на балкон.



demonstrate a prototype of scientists and engineers.

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Не желая сдаваться, Борис Грабовский и его помощники вновь готовились отправиться в Москву,

чтобы продемонстрировать опытный образец ученым и инженерам.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

When your dad first arrested me,

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Когда твой отец первый раз арестовал




That’s OK,

I’m going


show you the Top ways


lose weight for anyone who wants to give up 10, 20 or even 100 pounds!

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Это нормально, я собираюсь показать Вам Top способов похудеть для всех, кто желает отказаться от 10, 20 или даже 100 фунтов!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

All pregnant women are registered by the health authorities, and if a woman wants to give up her child for adoption immediate referral is



the social welfare office.

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Все беременные женщины регистрируются в органах здравоохранения, и если женщина хочет отказаться от своего ребенка в целях усыновления,

то этот вопрос незамедлительно передается на рассмотрение в отдел социального обеспечения.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In the past, the President of the General Assembly had

consulted with the members of the Committee


determine which delegation wanted to give up its membership and which wished


replace it.

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В прошлом Председатель Генеральной Ассамблеи консультировался с членами

Комитета для определения того, какая делегация желает отказаться от своего членства в нем и какая- занять соответствующее место.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 30,
Time: 0.0246






(of an activity) To stop or quit

… more ▼

To yield to someone or something

“The army decided to give up after being thoroughly outnumbered.”

(of an activity) To stop or quit

“I will not give up trying to master the saxophone.”

To abandon hope

“After years of not really getting anywhere with the business, I have to admit that I am about to give up.”

To hand over (something), typically for legal or financial reasons

“He had to give up his expensive sports car as he was unable to service its loan.”

To sacrifice (something valuable), especially for moral or practical reasons

“He would work very hard and give up his weekends trying to better provide for his family.”

To uncover that which was hidden or kept secret

“In his upcoming speech, Scott has promised to give up his secret for achieving success in life.”

To give (oneself) over to something, especially unrestrainedly

“The delegates, after spending three good days in their deliberations, relax their efforts in the evening and give themselves up to the pleasures of the banquet.”

To leave behind

To solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim)

(of time or an opportunity) To fail to take advantage of

To keep or withhold oneself from something

To give something towards a cause

To be finished, or end relations, with

To stop operating

To back out of a deal or agreement due to fear or apprehension

To stop pursuing or fighting

Become demoralized

Lose your nerve

(of a business) To go bankrupt

To tell, or inform, on (someone)

To gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor, especially due to underuse or neglect

To stop living

A repayment of a sum of money

See Also

Nearby Words

There are many things in this world that are worth fighting for, and quitting easily is not one of them. This article will highlight other ways that describe someone who gives up easily and provide examples of how these words and phrases are used in a sentence.

Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily

The three most preferred word alternatives for “someone who gives up easily” are quitter, failure, and loser. These words have been assigned negative connotations, which make them the perfect weapons for bullies. They are meant to provoke people’s spirits and make them give up or brace upon their tasks.


A quitter is someone who gives up easily, often without putting in the necessary effort. Quitters never reach their full potential because they are always quitting when things get tough. Someone who is a quitter is also seen as someone who doesn’t have what it takes to be successful.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “quitter” is a noun that means “a person who gives up easily instead of finishing something”.  

Here are some examples of how the word “quitter” is employed:

  • A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.
  • Don’t be a quitter.
  • A quitter stops fighting when the odds are stacked against them.


 A “failure” is someone who has given up on themselves. It’s someone who has stopped trying and has resigned themselves to a life of unhappiness and mediocrity. A failure is someone who doesn’t believe in themselves and who doesn’t think they’re capable of anything great.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes it as a noun that means “the fact of someone or something not succeeding”.

These are a few examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • A person who quits too soon is a failure.
  • A person who gives up is a failure.
  • A failure doesn’t know how to face their fears head-on.


A “Loser” is someone who doesn’t try. They set their mind to a goal and then quit as soon as it gets hard. They give up too easily and have no perseverance. Losers are people who make excuses instead of taking responsibility for their own life.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as a noun, and it means “a person or team that does not win a game or competition”.

Here are some examples of how the term is utilized.

  • He is such a loser for not working hard for the game.
  • It’s so easy to spot a loser in a crowd.
  • He’s a complete loser and can’t do anything right. 


 A deserter is someone who leaves their military unit or formation without authorization, or someone who abandons their post or duty. In the context of revolutions, armies and militias, desertion also encompasses those soldiers who retreat from the front line without reason or permission.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “deserter” is described as a noun that means “a person who leaves the armed forces without permission”.

These are few examples of how the word is used:

  • You are a deserter for abandoning your post during wartime, and you will be subjected to court-martial. 
  • A politician who promised to support a bill but then abandoned it when the going got tough is a deserter of their responsibilities. 
  • A student who skips class regularly might be called a deserter by their teacher.  


An incompetent person is someone who can’t do their job properly. They might be unable to think critically, solve problems, or make good decisions. They might also have poor communication skills and be unable to work well with others. Most times, they settle for mediocrity.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “incompetent” as an adjective that means “not having the ability to do something as it should be done”.

The following are examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • The company’s IT department is composed of incompetent fools.
  • My ex-husband was an incompetent partner who contributed nothing to our marriage.
  •  Incompetent employees are a drain on a company’s resources.


A slacker is somebody who simply doesn’t care about their responsibilities or commitments. They might make excuses, procrastinate, or just flat-out refuse to do what’s asked of them. This can be extremely frustrating for whoever is dealing with the slacker, whether it’s a boss, coworker, friend or family member. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “slacker” is described as a noun that means “a person who does not work hard enough”.

These are more examples of how to use the word “slacker” in a sentence:

  • I’m such a slacker, I can’t even get out of bed in the morning. 
  • I can’t believe he’s still a slacker at his age. 
  • If you don’t want to be a slacker like him, you need to work hard. 


A weakling is someone who does not have the physical strength, stamina, or courage to do what is necessary to survive and thrive. They may be able to do things when everything goes their way, but they will buckle under pressure. They are not dependable in a crisis.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “weakling” as a noun and it is defined as “someone who is weak, either physically or in character”.

Below are examples of how you might use the word “weakling”: 

  • I’m not built for manual labor; I’m such a weakling. 
  • Williams needs to start working out more if he doesn’t want to end up looking like a weakling. 
  • Are you sure you can handle this by yourself? You seem like quite the weakling.


A “wimp” is somebody who’s just too darned weak and spineless to stand up for themselves. They’re the ones who are always getting pushed around and taken advantage of, never able to stand up for themselves or fight back against the bullies.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “wimp” is described as a noun and it is defined as “a person who is not strong, brave, or confident”.

Take a look at a few examples of how to use the word “wimp” in a conversation: 

  • He’s such a wimp that he never stands up for himself, even when mistreated. 
  • I can’t believe she said that to me. I must seem like such a wimp in her eyes. 
  • He always lets his friends walk all over him – what a wimp!  


A chicken is also someone who doesn’t have a lot of courage or backbone and who tends to crumble under pressure. They’re often indecisive and may change their mind frequently about what they want or how they want to live their life.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “chicken” as a noun that means “a person who is not brave”.

These are examples of how to employ the word in a sentence:

  • I’m not chicken, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go parasailing. 
  • He was chicken out when it came to skydiving, so he missed out on a great experience. 
  • She didn’t want to chicken out, so she decided to try the new flavor of ice cream even though she wasn’t sure she would like it. 


A “yellow-belly” is someone who is cowardly or lacking in courage. It’s a derogatory term used to describe someone who isn’t brave enough to stand up for themselves or others. A yellow-belly is not motivated to work or put effort into anything. They would rather lounge around and do nothing.

The following are examples of how to use the term in a sentence:

  • I’m not a yellow-belly; I can stand up for myself. 
  • He’s a coward, and he’s such a yellow-belly.
  • Don’t be such a yellow-belly; come out and play with us.   


A coward is someone who is afraid to face challenges or take risks. Often, cowards avoid difficult situations or challenges altogether out of fear. This can make them appear weak or pathetic to others. While everyone experiences fear at times, cowards let their fears control them. 

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “coward” as a noun, and it means “a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain”.

Here are a few examples to help you better understand how the word is used in a sentence:

  • Peter is a bit of a coward when it comes to public speaking.
  • Janice is such a coward when it comes to spiders.
  • I’m such a coward when it comes to heights.

What Does It Mean To Give Up Easily?

To give up easily means that someone is not determined to achieve their goals. They give up when the going gets tough instead of fighting through the challenges. People who give up easily usually don’t have a lot of grit and perseverance, which are essential traits for success.

The following are examples of how to use the phrase in a sentence:

  • When you’re trying to lose weight, giving up easily on your diet will only lead to frustration and disappointment.
  • People in relationships who give up easily are more likely to experience hardship and breakups down the road.
  • Students who give up easily on their studies are more likely to struggle in school and eventually drop out.
  • Those who give up easily on their dreams tend to live life with little purpose or direction.

You may also like:
12 Words For Someone Who Never Gives Up
11 Good Synonyms For “Never Give Up”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

сдаваться, отказываться, бросать, уступить, оставлять, покидать


- отказаться (от работы, предложения, участия в соревновании и т. п.)

he had to give up studying because of his poor health — из-за плохого здоровья он вынужден был оставить учёбу
to give up the thought /the idea/ — отказаться от мысли
don’t give up the search — не переставайте искать, не прекращайте поиски
I gave up the attempt in despair — отчаявшись, я прекратил все попытки
all the girls swam the lake except two, who gave up halfway — все девочки переплыли озеро, кроме двоих, которые с полпути повернули обратно

- бросить (привычки)

you should give up smoking — вам надо бросить курить

- оставить

he was forced to give up his native country — он был вынужден покинуть родину
don’t give your friends up — не отворачивайся /не отказывайся/ от своих друзей

- уступить; сдавать

to give up a seat — уступить место
the fort was given up to the enemy — крепость была сдана врагу
he went to the police station to give himself up — он отправился в полицейский участок с повинной /сдаваться/

- сдаться

I give up! — сдаюсь!
I give up, tell me the end of the story — сдаюсь, сам расскажи, чем эта история кончилась

- выдать (беглеца и т. п.)
- отказываться, признать безнадёжным, неразрешимым; махнуть рукой

he is given up by the doctors — врачи считают его безнадёжным
you were very late so we gave you up — вы так опаздывали, что мы потеряли всякую надежду на ваш приход
don’t give up so soon, try again — не надо так быстро отчаиваться /сдаваться/, попытайтесь ещё раз
they gave him up for lost — они оставили всякую надежду найти его
to give oneself up for lost — считать себя пропащим
she gave him up as a bad job — ей не удалось с ним справиться, и она решила больше этим не заниматься
I give you up, you’ll never learn anything — ну всё, я сдаюсь /я больше не могу с тобой возиться/, ты никогда ничему не научишься

- (on) разочароваться; перестать верить (во что-л.)
- предаваться

she has given herself up to the study of music — она посвятила себя занятиям музыкой

- уст. передавать, вручать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Don’t give up without even trying.

Не сдавайся, даже не попробовав.

It is never too late to give up smoking.

Никогда не поздно бросить курить.

I give up. What’s the answer?

Я сдаюсь. Какой ответ?

He is given up by the doctors.

Врачи от него отказались.

I hope you won’t give up playing the piano.

Я надеюсь, что Вы не прекратите играть на пианино.

It’s hard to give up the drinking habit without help.

Без посторонней помощи трудно бросить пить.

She could not give up her canaries.

Она не могла оставить своих канареек.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations

Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season.

She refused to give up, and her confidence rubbed off on the others.

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There are countless stories about never giving up attitude. People have faced seemingly insurmountable odds but refused to give up. They kept fighting until they achieved their goals. In this article, we will share five such never give up stories with you. We will also include fifteen inspiring never giving up quotes. Let these stories and quotes motivate you to never give up on your dreams!

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” -Vince Lombardi.

This quote is often attributed to the legendary NFL coach Vince Lombardi, and it speaks to the importance of never giving up.

“Never give up.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard, and it’s a phrase that is easier said than done. But history has taught us that having a “no giving up” attitude can make one accomplish great things. These real-life examples of never giving up inspire us all. These stories will show you that anything is possible if you never give up. And don’t forget: the next step is always worth fighting for!

What Is a “Never Give Up” Attitude?

Having a “no giving up” attitude means believing in your potential to be successful and making sure you don’t quit trying to attain your goals no matter the obstacles faced. It also involves accepting that multiple failures can be part of the process and adapting to the cycle of trial and failure until success is achieved. It would be best if you kept being focused, positive, and progressive in the face of every challenge.

For example, America’s great inventor Thomas Edison made countless efforts at inventing the light bulb, but he didn’t quit the idea until it was realized in 1879.

Benefits of “Never Give Up” Attitude

In a study, it was discovered that the failure rate for young businesses was about 90%. What if the affected entrepreneurs decide to give up on their business ideas and avoid restarting the business? Dreams will be wasted, apart from the loss of financial security and jobs.

Here, you’ll understand why a word for never giving up is necessary. If you think that the phrase “don’t ever give up” is cliché, then you’re about to have a better mindset about that view.

  1. Not quitting enables you to use what you learned from your past mistakes to optimize future approaches to the problem. This means that you’ll be working smarter next time.
  2. Not quitting enables you to take a fresh look at the problem from a different perspective. Your creativity will therefore be exercised in new ways.
  3. Not quitting will make you less fearful of failing next time. In addition, there’ll be mental preparedness to face new challenges.

Real-life Stories about Never Giving Up

Are you ready to know five true stories about not giving up from different parts of the world? They’re the right kind of people to ask for a word for never giving up. Read on.

1. Jack Ma of Alibaba Group

Jack Ma founded Alibaba, which is now a multinational conglomerate based in China. Presently, he’s a billionaire with a net worth that has surpassed the 45 billion-dollar mark. He’s China’s richest person!

However, his success story didn’t start quickly. He was a child who had to redo his middle school entrance exam twice. The same thing happened when he wanted to gain admission into college—another double failure in the entrance exams! Ma also had a series of ten rejection letters from Harvard University. Talk about a very determined person. See why his words are among our list of never give up quotes.

Ma submitted about 30 job applications but got rejected each time. So when he was finally able to get a win—an interview at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)—he was the only one out of the applicants who were rejected.

Ma’s story of difficulty continued after he started Alibaba. The company didn’t become profitable until after a period of three years. All the Silicon Valley investors for who he requested funding declined. It got to a time when the company was nearing bankruptcy. This didn’t discourage Jack. His tenacity later yielded the great results that we know of today.

2. J. K. Rowling: Creator of Harry Potter

This British writer is perfect for our list… J. K. Rowling’s story gives us more reasons why the phrase “don’t ever give up” should be a mantra. We can start her story as a struggling writer from when she became a divorcee. She was living on government financial support at that time and could barely afford to feed her child.

Things were so hard that affording a computer or the cost of making manuscript copies was impossible. So instead, Rowling had to type out each draft of the voluminous Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone for submission to publishers. The drafts were rejected several times until Bloomsbury Publishing accepted a manuscript.

The book series is now a world-famous collection with many awards gained and over 500 million copies sold. It’s the all-time bestselling book series! Apart from that, Harry Potter is one of the top 5 all-time highest-grossing movie franchises. J. K. is worth over 1 billion dollars presently.

3. Nelson Mandela against Apartheid

Nelson Mandela was the most significant figure in the fight against the oppressive Apartheid regime. In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace due to his democratic take-over from the Apartheid government.

Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years (1962 to 1990) for conspiring against the Apartheid government. It was a life sentence, but he was released due to local and international pressure. Nelson had become 72 years old by then. Wasted life? No! He continued the struggle until the fight was won when he became president in 1994.

Madiba, as he’s fondly called, was a beacon of hope for many other anti-Apartheid activists while as a prisoner. His years of struggle against the segregationist government spanned a period of 51 years!

4. Why Oprah Winfrey’s Story Is Good Enough for Never Giving Up Inspiration

The American “Queen of all Media” went through a lot while growing up. She faced sexual abuse, molestation, racism, and early teenage pregnancy. Unfortunately, the baby died shortly after Winfrey gave birth. However, these experiences didn’t stop her from becoming an honors student at the end of high school—enabling her to win a college scholarship.

Winfrey started as an employee in a radio station before rising to become a world-renowned talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist. Her net worth was about 2.7 billion USD as of March 2021.

5. Nick Vujicic’s Life without Limits

Vujicic is a very clear example of an individual who didn’t let his disability get in the way of his progress in life. He was born in Australia with tetra-amelia syndrome—a condition that involves having incompletely formed limbs (no arms and legs).

Vujicic grew up experiencing physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Bullies at school also picked on him. All these got a young Nick to the point of attempting suicide at age 10. Thankfully, Nick later accepted his condition and decided to become an agent of positive change.

Now he’s an international inspirational speaker and bestselling author who also paints swims, surfs, and skydives! He has been to over 57 countries! Amazing, right?! See?? Don’t ever give up! Oh, we can’t forget to mention that Vujicic is happily married with four children.

Watch this YouTube video for another true story of not giving up:

Powerful Inspirational true story…Never give up!

15 Inspiring Never Giving Up Quotes

Quotes on trying can help you stay motivated and boost your morale. That’s why we’ve presented 15 don’t quit quotes from 15 famous people. So now, without further ado, on to our never ever give up quotes!

  1. “Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you.”
    • Michelle Obama
  2. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
    • Nelson Mandela
  3. “Keep moving forward.”
    • Walt Disney
  4. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
    • Theodore Roosevelt
  5. “Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”
    • Jack Ma
  6. “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”
    • Margaret Thatcher
  7. “When you give up on life, never give up on yourself, because there is so much for you to keep on giving!”
    • Oprah Winfrey
  8. “Never, never, never give up.”
    •  Winston Churchill
  9. “No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.”
    • Demi Lovato
  10. “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
    • Albert Einstein
  11. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
    • Thomas Edison
  12. “Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.”
    • Nicki Minaj
  13. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.”
    • Maya Angelou
  14. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
    • Confucius
  15. “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
    • Henry Ford

How to Build “Never Give Up” Attitude?

Never giving up is not only an attitude. It is also a skill that you develop through regular practice. Here are five tips on how to develop it.

1. Stay motivated:

It’s important to stay motivated and positive when building a never-give-up attitude. This can be done by setting goals, focusing on successes, and visualizing your desired outcome.

2. Avoid negative self-talk:

Don’t let negative thoughts or self-doubt keep you from achieving your goals. Instead, replace any negative thoughts with positive ones.

3. Stay positive at work:

No one wants to work with someone who is always negative. However, maintaining a positive attitude at work will make you more pleasant to be around and could lead to better opportunities.

4. Avoid procrastination:

Putting things off only makes them harder to do in the end. If you find yourself putting things off, break them down into small tasks and complete one task at a time.

5. Build on your successes:

So you didn’t achieve all of your goals today; that doesn’t mean you won’t tomorrow. So instead, focus on what you did accomplish and build on those short-term wins.

If you follow these steps, you will soon be on your way to building an unbreakable never give up attitude.

You can also take this course on Teachable for a guided learning approach: The Power of Attitude. Students will learn about eight attitudes that can affect their lives positively and significantly

Related Questions and Answers:

What happens when you never give up?

It’s great to see people strive for success. Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, aiming to be the youngest person to ever start your own company, or a marathon runner pushing yourself past exhaustion, there is no substitute for hard work and persistence.
These are all examples of goals that require resilience. That is what happens when you never give up.

If quitting isn’t in your vocabulary then never giving up might give you everything that you desire and deserve.

You’ll become better and better until you’re good enough to finally achieve your goals and objectives. So don’t ever give up no matter what! The never ever give up quotes given in this guide should be useful as answers.

What is another word for never giving up?

Persistence is another word for ‘never giving up. It means staying the same over time. With regard to personality traits, persistence means showing the same degree of one’s personality. For example, a very assertive person will not suddenly become timid. When you are persistent, you are being true to your true nature.

Never surrender is also synonymous. Those people who have dreams are never crushed easily and last on and never give up until they achieve those dreams of their wishes.

How do I have a “never give up” attitude?

You need to find out your specific challenges to achieve the Never Give Up attitude. Then, for your particular case, follow the tips shared earlier.

Let’s start with some questions to yourself.
Do you believe in yourself?
Have you found your inner self?
Have you set your goals clearly?
Are you practicing the “never give up” attitude?

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Never give up on your dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. If you want something badly enough, go out and get it.

Remember, the only way to fail is to quit. Never giving up attitude is all you need to succeed in anything you do. So never give up and never surrender!

Remember these real-life stories about never giving up – these will inspire you. Also, note the never giving up quotes – check back whenever you feel down.

The last word for never giving up? Ensure you’re on the right path that’s related to your passion, and not doing what someone else or society pressured you to do.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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Probably the most common word to describe someone who gives up easily is quitter:



_informal _
[usually with negative] A person who gives up easily or does not have the courage or determination to finish a task.
‘he’s no quitter’

There are other words that have a similar meaning, but without more context, it would be hard to recommend any of them.

For an antonym, one might say someone is dogged or tenacious. If you really want a noun, you might use go-getter:



An aggressively enterprising person.
‘boys are expected to be assertive go-getters’

or overacheiver (as in, one who overachieves)



1. Do better than is expected, especially in schoolwork.
‘David continued to overachieve all through high school’

1.1 (often as adjective overachieving) Be excessively dedicated to achieving success in one’s work.
‘overachieving geeks’

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

отказаться от всего

бросить все

все бросить

отдать все

бросать все

оставить все

пожертвовать всем

от всего отказаться

все отдать

все оставить

поступиться всем

расстаться со всем

отречься от всего

от всего этого отказаться

отказываюсь от всего

Nervous tension and experiences can make you give up everything that is expensive.

Нервное напряжение и переживания могут заставить отказаться от всего, что дорого.

In other words, you can give up everything without focusing on a specific belief, or habit, or practice.

Другими словами, вы можете отказаться от всего, не сосредоточиваясь на определенной вере, привычке или практике.

You can’t always give up everything for love.

Fedor can easily give up everything he has, for the sake of an idea or a new life purpose.

Федор запросто может бросить все, что имеет, ради идеи или новой жизненной цели.

The desire to give up everything is just a sign that another approach is needed.

Желание все бросить — это просто признак того, что нужен другой подход.

If I must give up everything,

This leads to the fact that the couple decides to give up everything and escape.

Это приводит к тому, что пара решает бросить все и сбежать.

The girl is ready to give up everything to embark on this desperate adventure and save the world.

Девушка готова бросить всё, чтобы пуститься в это отчаянное приключение и спасать мир.

You may not believe it, but sometimes I want to give up everything and run away.

Веришь или нет, а иногда бросить всё хочется и бежать.

And that’s why I can’t let you give up everything for this.

Sometimes it crosses my mind to just give up everything.

To do what we do, you have to be willing to give up everything.

Turns out, he’s willing to give up everything for me.

And… I can’t give up everything.

I can’t give up everything else.

I’m ready to give up everything for you.

I never realized until today that for us to be together, you have to give up everything.

Я не понимал до сегодняшнего дня, что тебе придется отказаться от всего, чтобы мы были вместе.

Well, I didn’t exactly give up everything.

He chose to give up everything for the village.

Remember a leader can give up everything, except final responsibility.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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