A word for spread out

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jalyn Cronin

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(18 votes)

outspread, outstretch, stretch (out), unfold, unfurl.

What is another word for spread out?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for spread-out, like: disperse, string out, unfold, spread, open, dissipate, turn out, splay, scatter, fanned and diffuse.

What word means spread through?

To diffuse or permeate through. penetrate. permeate. pervade.

What word means spread quickly?

To proliferate or spread (quickly) spring. proliferate. multiply. propagate.

What spread means?

1a : to open or expand over a larger area spread out the map. b : to stretch out : extend spread its wings for flight. 2a : to distribute over an area spread fertilizer. b : to distribute over a period or among a group spread the work over a few weeks.

33 related questions found

What are the 3 types of spreads?

Common spreads include dairy spreads (such as cheeses, creams, and butters, although the term «butter» is broadly applied to many spreads), margarines, honey, plant-derived spreads (such as jams, jellies, and hummus), yeast spreads (such as vegemite and marmite), and meat-based spreads (such as pâté).

What’s another word for sporadically?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sporadically, like: betimes, continue, intermittently, occasionally, usual, infrequently, only-occasionally, periodically, sometimes, little and rarely.

What is the meaning of word sporadically?

: occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances sporadic protests a sporadic disease.

What is a synonym for intermittently?

Synonyms & Antonyms of intermittently

as in periodically, recurrently. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for intermittently. off and on, periodically, recurrently.

What is purpose of spread?

The spread has 3 functions: to prevent the bread from soaking up the filling; to add flavor; and to add moistness. Butter and mayonnaise are the most commonly used spreads. The filling provides the main flavor of the sandwich, and the choices are nearly unlimited.

What are different types of spreads?

Types of Spread Strategies

  • There are three basic types of option spread strategies — vertical spread, horizontal spread and diagonal spread. …
  • Vertical spread refers to moving up or down the pricing list to find differently priced options in the same expiration month and with the same underlying security.

How do you calculate a spread?

To calculate the spread in forex, you have to work out the difference between the buy and the sell price in pips. You do this by subtracting the bid price from the ask price. For example, if you’re trading GBP/USD at 1.3089/1.3091, the spread is calculated as 1.3091 – 1.3089, which is 0.0002 (2 pips).

What do you mean by bid and ask?

What Is Bid and Ask? … The bid price represents the maximum price that a buyer is willing to pay for a share of stock or other security. The ask price represents the minimum price that a seller is willing to take for that same security.

What is spread indicator?

A spread indicator is a measure that represents the difference between the bid and ask price of a security, currency, or asset. The spread indicator is typically used in a chart to graphically represent the spread at a glance, and is a popular tool among forex traders.

What determines bid spread?

The main factor determining the width of the bid-ask spread is the trading volume. Another critical factor affecting the bid-ask spread is market volatility. Stocks that are thinly traded generally have higher spreads. Also, the bid-ask spread widens during times of high volatility.

What is the safest option strategy?

Safe Option Strategies #1: Covered Call

The covered call strategy is one of the safest option strategies that you can execute. In theory, this strategy requires an investor to purchase actual shares of a company (at least 100 shares) while concurrently selling a call option.

What is the most successful option strategy?

The most successful options strategy is to sell out-of-the-money put and call options. This options strategy has a high probability of profit — you can also use credit spreads to reduce risk. If done correctly, this strategy can yield ~40% annual returns.

Is an option an asset?

Options are typically acquired by purchase, as a form of compensation, or as part of a complex financial transaction. Thus, they are also a form of asset and have a valuation that may depend on a complex relationship between underlying asset value, time until expiration, market volatility, and other factors.

What are the 4 basic elements of a sandwich?

The four parts of a sandwich can be listed as:

  • Bread.
  • Spread.
  • Filling.
  • Garnish.

What are things you spread?

  • Various spreads.
  • Bacon jam atop bread.
  • Cashew butter being ground.
  • Manteca colorá
  • Maple butter.
  • Peanut butter in a jar.
  • Rillettes.
  • Tapenade.

What are the most popular sandwich fillings?

Five of the most popular sandwich fillings for everyday occasions:

  • Cheese.
  • Ham and cheese.
  • Ham salad.
  • Sausage.
  • Cheese and onion.
  • Egg mayonnaise.

What does it mean when someone says Theoretically speaking?

A hypothesis can be a broad idea, question or proposal. … When you say “theoretically speaking”, you are formulating your thought or idea based on a valid theory but you are not sure as to its practical implication.

Is methodologically a word?

The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge. meth′od·o·log′i·cal (mĕth′ə-də-lŏj′ĭ-kəl) adj.

What is the opposite of Theoretically speaking?

Theoretical is used to discuss what we think we know. Hypothetical is used to discuss what we want to know. Theoretically is for when we build on what we know. Hypothetically is used for what we guess or won’t admit to knowing. Speaking only adds uncertainty.

Covering or scattered over an area

“You will see white sand beaches, tall limestone cliffs, and coves that are spread out all through the perimeter of the island.”

Bevelled so as to be larger on one side of the wall than on the other

Spread around in a chaotic and disorganized manner

Fully extended or expanded

Having a great width

Of a sizeable measurement from one point to another

Not uniform in order or arrangement

Extending or growing in an outward direction or movement

Put on display, especially publicly

Lying in a horizontal position

Extending or continuing over a relatively long time period

To extend, stretch, or be scattered over an area or expanse

“Maintaining and restoring mixed landscapes with trees and hedges between woods may increase the potential for species to spread out through the landscape.”

To separate or split in different directions

“The road will spread out over most of the center of the state on its way to the northern border.”

To divide or share out (among a group)

“I made my way home, amazed that I had pulled it off, and proceeded to spread out the proceeds of the heist.”

To spread out into the shape of a fan

To stretch or straighten out

To proceed, come or flow out from

Get longer

To begin to develop or proliferate (from something)

To emit or give off a liquid, light, smell, or quality

(of a business) To extend one’s operations

To arrange in an irregular manner or pattern

Spread from or as if from a central point

To arrange in a particular order or position

Sit, lie, or fall with one’s arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way

Lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure

To spread from a central point to cover a wider area

To flatten (something) by passing a roller over it or by passing it between rollers

To spread or pervade throughout

See Also

Nearby Words

  • 1
    spread out

    spread out а) развертывать(ся); to spread out a map разложить карту; tospread out one’s legs вытянуть ноги; the branches spread out like a fan ветвирасходятся веером; б) разбрасывать

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > spread out

  • 2
    spread out

    1. III

    spread out smth. /smth. out/ spread out papers развертывать /раскладывать/ бумаги и т.д.; spread out one’s handkerchief расправить /развернуть/ носовой платок; spread out one’s fingers растопырить пальцы

    2. XI

    be spread out in some manner the map lay spread out ready for use карта была развернута, и ею можно было пользоваться

    3. XVI

    spread out before smb. fields of corn spread out before us перед нами раскинулись кукурузные поля и т.д.; the valley spread out below us под нами расстилалась долина и т.д.; spread out into smth. the river here spreads out into a shallow lake река здесь разливается и образует мелкое озеро; spread out to smth. the river spreads out to a width of half a mile ширина реки достигает полмили; spread out for some time payments spread out for twelve months рассрочка платежей и т.д. дается на двенадцать месяцев

    4. XIX1

    spread out like smth. the branches spread out like a fan ветви расходятся веером [в разные стороны]

    5. XXI1

    spread out smth. /smth. out/ on /over/ smth. spread out a rug on the grass расстилать коврик на траве и т.д.; spread out manure. over a field разбрасывать навез по полю; spread out one’s legs in front of the fire вытягивать ноги перед камином; spread out smth. /smth. out/ for smth. spread out goods for sale выставлять товары для продажи; spread out smth. /smth. out/ for some time spread out one’s payments for a long period растягивать платежи на длительный срок

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > spread out

  • 3
    spread out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > spread out

  • 4
    spread out

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > spread out

  • 5
    spread out


    1) Общая лексика: вытягиваться, разбрасывать, разбросать, развёртывать, развёртываться, развернуть, развернуться, растягиваться, расширяться, раскинуться , разбегаться , разнесённый

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > spread out

  • 6
    spread out

    1. phr v растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться

    2. phr v рассыпаться; рассредоточиваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    unfold (verb) display; open out; spread; unfold; unfurl; unroll

    English-Russian base dictionary > spread out

  • 7
    spread out


    1. растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться

    the river here spreads out to a width of half a mile — ширина реки здесь достигает полумили

    2. рассыпаться (); рассредоточиваться

    НБАРС > spread out

  • 8

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > spread-out

  • 9

    2) полигр. разложение многокрасочного штрихового оригинала на составные цвета

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > spread-out

  • 10

    Англо-русский металлургический словарь > spread-out

  • 11
    spread out

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > spread out

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > spread-out

  • 13
    spread out



    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > spread out

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > spread-out

  • 15
    spread out

    разостлать, разложить, разбрасывать, развертывать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > spread out

  • 16

    1) расширение (хвостовой части листа)

    2) разложение многокрасочного штрихового оригинала на составные цвета

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > spread-out

  • 17
    spread out

    фраз. гл.

    1) рассыпаться, рассредоточиваться

    2) распределять по времени, планировать

    Англо-русский современный словарь > spread out

  • 18
    spread out


    простираться; распространяться

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > spread out

  • 19

    English-Russian base dictionary > spread-out

  • 20

    1. расширение

    2. разложение многокрасочного штрихового оригинала на составные цвета

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > spread-out


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • spread out — index compound, disperse (disseminate), expand, far reaching, open (unclosed), prolix Burton s …   Law dictionary

  • spread-out — index extensive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • spread out — verb 1. move outward (Freq. 6) The soldiers fanned out • Syn: ↑diffuse, ↑spread, ↑fan out • Derivationally related forms: ↑spread (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • spread out — phrasal verb Word forms spread out : present tense I/you/we/they spread out he/she/it spreads out present participle spreading out past tense spread out past participle spread out 1) [intransitive] if people in a group spread out, they move away… …   English dictionary

  • spread out — I ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If people or things are spread out, they are a long way apart. The Kurds are spread out across five nations. II 1) PHRASAL VERB If people, animals, or vehicles spread out, they move apart from each other. [V P] Felix… …   English dictionary

  • spread out — verb a) Become further apart. The police spread out to search a wider area. b) To place items further apart. Spread the cards out and then turn two of them over at random …   Wiktionary

  • spread-out — adjective especially spread in a fan shape (Freq. 2) the peacock s fanned tail the spread out cards • Syn: ↑fanned • Similar to: ↑distributed …   Useful english dictionary

  • spread out — phr verb Spread out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑blanket, ↑map, ↑net …   Collocations dictionary

  • spread out — lie down with your arms and legs apart    When you spread out on the sofa, there s no room for me …   English idioms

  • ˌspread ˈout — phrasal verb if people in a group spread out, they move away from one another so that they cover a large area …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • spread out in area — index extend (enlarge) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

Sit, lie, or fall with one’s arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way. Lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure. To diffuse, radiate or give off. Adjective. Spaced out.

Besides, what is the phrasal verb of spread?

Spread out the map so we can all see it. She gazed at the sprawling city spread out below her.

spread out ?Definitions and Synonyms.

present tense
past tense spread out
past participle spread out

Likewise, what do you mean by dispersed?

The adjective dispersed can describe anything that’s spread across a distance. The Latin root of dispersed is dispersus, meaning «to scatter.» Anything that’s distributed or spread out can be described as dispersed, used either as an adjective or a verb.

Is spred a word?

1. A simplified, and former, spelling of spread. 2. Obsolete forms of spread, preterit, and past participle of spread.

What is mean Sol?

12. From the Wikipedia page on Martian timekeeping: The term sol is used by planetary astronomers to refer to the duration of a solar day on Mars.[7] A mean Martian solar day, or «sol«, is 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35.244 seconds.[6] “Sol” is often used as a direct replacement for “Day” when concerning Mars.

Write Your Answer

раскладывать, разостлать, развертывать, развертываться, разбрасывать


- растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться

the river here spreads out to a width of half a mile — ширина реки здесь достигает полумили

- рассыпаться (по полю); рассредоточиваться

Мои примеры


to spread out a map — развернуть карту  
to spread out one’s legs — вытянуть ноги  
the branches spread out like a fan — ветви расходятся веером  
spread out a map — разложить карту  
spread out one’s legs — вытянуть ноги  
spread out the load — рассредоточивать нагрузку; распределять нагрузку  
spread out — распределять по времени; рассредоточиваться; распространённый  
the white sunlight is spread out into a spectrum — солнечный свет разлагается в целый спектр цветов  

Примеры с переводом

The branches spread out like a fan.

Ветви расходятся веером.

Spread out his boughs and flourish fair.

Раскинул свои ветви и цветёт в великолепии.

A fan of beams, issuing from the hidden sun, was spread out.

Веер лучей, испускаемых заходящим солнцем, занял всё небо.

Looking back the way we had come, we could see the whole valley spread out behind us.

Обернувшись назад, туда, откуда мы пришли, мы увидели всю долину как на ладони.

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