A word for not staying in one place

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Q: What is a word for never staying in one place?

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Oh, oh, well, we moved around a lot when I was a kid, so you know, I never stayed in one place long enough to get tied to a team.

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Да, мы много переезжали, когда я была ребенком, так что, я никогда на одном месте долго не жила, чтобы привязаться к какой-то команде.

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Which means that they never


longer than 75 years in one place, after which they left it and moved on.

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То есть на одном месте они находилось не более 75 лет, потом все бросали и двигались дальше.

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From 1907 until 1930 Ricketts had never spent more than two years in one place, and this made his 14-year-stay


Plymouth all the more pleasant.

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С 1907 по 1930 годы Рикеттс никогда не проводил больше двух лет на одном месте, и тем приятнее было его 14- летнее пребывания в Плимуте.

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The pupil, who has understood sense and value of movement in thoughts, won’t complain any more about the destiny even if it is compelled remain on one place because at any moment of a physical immovability or


leaving stay on one place he can make the mental flights which will

get each time more and more reality.

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Ученик, понявший смысл и значение движения в мыслях, уже не будет сетовать на свою судьбу, даже если вынужден оставаться на одном месте, ибо


любой момент физической неподвижности или безвыездного нахождения на одном месте он может совершать свои мысленные полеты, которые с каждым разом будут

приобретать все больше и больше реальности.

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Jamieson Cox of Time magazine felt the song»never blossoms into


of Coldplay’s trademark climaxes, instead blurring into a phosphene cloud of synth melodies» but praised it for being»another step in a new direction for a band that’s never been content with

staying in 


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Джеймсон Кокс( Time) написал, что это« нечеткое фосфеновое облако синтезаторных мелодий

никогда не

станет одной из фирменных работ Coldplay», но похвалил ее


качестве« еще одного шага в новом направлении для коллектива, который никогда не довольствовался топтанием на одном месте».

Place blocks had never been so addictive Tetris since the birth of


of the mental games that we should have more mental agility to get



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Место блоков никогда не была настолько захватывающей, с момента рождения одного из психических Tetris игр, в которых мы имеем более умственных способностей для хранения нас живыми.

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You have never

stayed in one place

longer than five minutes.

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Ты нигде не останавливался дольше, чем на пять минут.

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    • See Also:
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

stay1 /steɪ/USA pronunciation  
v., stayed, or staid, stay•ing, 

  1. to remain over a length of time, as in a place or situation:[no object]The children wanted to stay up late.
  2. to dwell for a while;
    lodge:[no object]to stay at a friend’s apartment.
  3. to pause briefly:[no object]Stay inside until the taxi comes.
  4. to remain as;
    go on being: [+ adjective][usually not: be + ~-ing]Try to stay calm.[+ noun]How long will he stay governor if he keeps making such mistakes?
  5. to hold out or endure to the end, as in a contest, difficult task, etc.: [no object]If you stay with the project you’ll have a good chance of finishing it.[+ object]We need someone who will stay the course and not quit.
  6. to stop or halt:[+ object]He stayed his hand before striking the child.

n. [countable]

  1. the act of stopping or being stopped.
  2. a period of temporarily living somewhere:a week’s stay in Miami.
  3. Lawa temporary stopping of a judicial proceeding:a stay of execution.


  1. Idioms stay put, [no object] to remain in the same position or place:Now stay put until I come back to get you.

stay2 /steɪ/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. Buildingsomething used to support or steady a thing;
    a prop;

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

stay1 (stā),USA pronunciation 
v., stayed or staid, stay•ing, n. 


  1. to spend some time in a place, in a situation, with a person or group, etc.:He stayed in the army for ten years.
  2. to continue to be as specified, as to condition or state:to stay clean.
  3. to hold out or endure, as in a contest or task (fol. by with or at):Please stay with the project as long as you can.
  4. to keep up, as with a competitor (fol. by with).
  5. Games[Poker.]to continue in a hand by matching an ante, bet, or raise.
  6. to stop or halt.
  7. to pause or wait, as for a moment, before proceeding or continuing;
    linger or tarry.
  8. [Archaic.]to cease or desist.
  9. [Archaic.]to stand firm.


  1. to stop or halt.
  2. to hold back, detain, or restrain, as from going further.
  3. to suspend or delay (actions, proceedings, etc.).
  4. to appease or satisfy temporarily the cravings of (the stomach, appetite, etc.).
  5. to remain through or during (a period of time):We stayed two days in San Francisco.
  6. to remain to the end of;
    remain beyond (usually fol. by out).
  7. [Archaic.]to await.
  8. stay the course, to persevere;
    endure to completion.


  1. the act of stopping or being stopped.
  2. a stop, halt, or pause;
    a standstill.
  3. a sojourn or temporary residence:a week’s stay in Miami.
  4. Lawa stoppage or arrest of action;
    suspension of a judicial proceeding:The governor granted a stay of execution.
  5. [Informal.]staying power;
  • Latin stāre to stand
  • Anglo-French estaier, Old French estai-, stem of ester
  • late Middle English staien 1400–50

stay2 (stā),USA pronunciation 
n., v., stayed, stay•ing. 


  1. Buildingsomething used to support or steady a thing;
  2. Clothinga flat strip of steel, plastic, etc., used esp. for stiffening corsets, collars, etc.
  3. Buildinga long rod running between opposite walls, heads or sides of a furnace, boiler, tank, or the like, to strengthen them against internal pressures.
  4. Clothing, British Terms, British Terms stays, [Chiefly Brit.]a corset.


  1. to support, prop, or hold up (sometimes fol. by up).
  2. to sustain or strengthen mentally or spiritually.
  3. to rest on (something, as a foundation or base) for support.
  4. to cause something to become fixed or to rest on (a support, foundation, base, etc.)
  • apparently same as stay3 (compare Old French estayer to hold in place, support, perh. derivative of Middle English steye stay3) 1505–15

(stā),USA pronunciation n., v., stayed, stay•ing. [Chiefly Naut.]

  1. Nautical, Naval Termsany of various strong ropes or wires for steadying masts, funnels, etc.
  2. Nautical, Naval Terms in stays, (of a fore-and-aft-rigged vessel) heading into the wind with sails shaking, as in coming about.


  1. Nautical, Naval Termsto support or secure with a stay or stays:to stay a mast.
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto put (a ship) on the other tack.


  1. Nautical, Naval Terms(of a ship) to change to the other tack.
  • bef. 1150; Middle English stey(e), Old English stæg; cognate with German Stag

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

stay /steɪ/ vb

  1. (intransitive) to continue or remain in a certain place, position, etc: to stay outside
  2. (copula) to continue to be; remain: to stay awake
  3. (intransitive) often followed by at: to reside temporarily, esp as a guest: to stay at a hotel
  4. (transitive) to remain for a specified period: to stay the weekend
  5. (intransitive) Scot South African to reside permanently or habitually; live
  6. archaic to stop or cause to stop
  7. (intransitive) to wait, pause, or tarry
  8. (transitive) to delay or hinder
  9. (transitive) to discontinue or suspend (a judicial proceeding)
  10. to hold in abeyance or restrain from enforcing (an order, decree, etc)
  11. to endure (something testing or difficult, such as a race): a horse that stays the course
  12. (transitive) to hold back or restrain: to stay one’s anger
  13. (transitive) to satisfy or appease (an appetite, etc) temporarily


  1. the act of staying or sojourning in a place or the period during which one stays
  2. the act of stopping or restraining or state of being stopped, etc
  3. the suspension of a judicial proceeding, etc: stay of execution

Etymology: 15th Century staien, from Anglo-French estaier, to stay, from Old French ester to stay, from Latin stāre to stand

stay /steɪ/ n

  1. anything that supports or steadies, such as a prop or buttress
  2. a thin strip of metal, plastic, bone, etc, used to stiffen corsets, etc

vb (transitive) archaic

  1. (often followed by up) to prop or hold
  2. (often followed by up) to comfort or sustain
  3. followed by on or upon: to cause to rely or depend

Etymology: 16th Century: from Old French estaye, of Germanic origin; compare stay³

stay /steɪ/ n

  1. a rope, cable, or chain, usually one of a set, used for bracing uprights, such as masts, funnels, flagpoles, chimneys, etc; guy
    See also stays,

Etymology: Old English stæg; related to Old Norse stag, Middle Low German stach, Norwegian stagle wooden post

stay‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Essay 232 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
When compared with spending one’s life in one place, in my point of view, moving a number of times throughout the life, looking for a better job, house, community or even climate is a better life style, at least for my generation.
Of course, staying in one place can make you feel easy and do not need to experience a process of making one place from strange to familiar. But, on the other hand, it will, at the same time, make you feel bored with facing the same place, the same streets and the same people some day. Further more it will easily lead you to a bad mood which definitely affects your work efficiency.
Comparatively, moving a number of times throughout the life has many advantages. The first, and the most important, is it can enable one to get acclimated a new place quickly and easily, which, for me, is deeply felt. I still remember my first time away from home when I went for education in university. It was completely a new place for me. But after my hard work or reading campus guides and asking other students I finally made my way to the places I want to go. And, from then on, when I went somewhere I never felt worry.
The second is it can make your more friends, which means, in one’s personality, it will make one experience more and know more about what others think, what should do and what should not, and so on.
Furthermore it will broaden one’s eyesight. When every time moving to a different place you will see different sceneries, from architecture to living style.
From all above, moving from place to place to find new way of working is obviously better than staying in one place throughout the life.
Essay 233 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
Which is the better way to experience my whole life, living the place where I born through my entire life, or moving several times to seek dream place I want to live? This put me in something of a dilemma situation. There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides. In my view, I would prefer to move to many places to spend my life because that enjoys several key advantages over only living in one place.
The most conspicuous reason why I make such choice is that I could contact with different people. With the globalization and the spread use of World Wide Web, people throughout the world communicate more frequently than ever before. I maybe work with various people from every corner of the world in the future. Through working in various towns, cities, even different countries, I could learn thoughts, customs, and values of from other groups, religions, or cultures. I would come to deeply understand them and cooperate well with different people.
Moreover, I can find better opportunity in my carrier if I do not only focus in one place. The quick shifting in the world make chances raise in many other parts of our country, even our planet. Maybe, I could find proper position in different places, giving me great progress in my life.
In addition, living in different places could let me fresh my ideas, throw out rigid motions, and create new methods to deal with problems I have faced.
Given the reason discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely reach the conclusion that living different areas in the world could learn from other cultures and civilizations, seek better chances and brush up people’s mind.
Essay 234 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
“Two drifters/ off to see the world/ there are such a lovely world/ to see. ” If you have heard the beautiful song of “Moon River”, you must be quite familiar with the lyrics. I find theses song words have strong spirit resonance in my heart, and I would like to spend my entire life to become such kind of drifter.
Staying at one place, comparatively, is more safe and stable, as we see. But once you are used to seeing the same people at the same place for a long time, everyday life may seem a little bit routine to yourself. And the life itself no longer become to me as long as I feel that I cannot find any excitement in it.
Contrarily, moving from places to places, off to see the world, as another way of living, has far more fun than staying one place. For example, on your way of traveling, you will never know what you are going to see and do tomorrow, something really interesting seem are always available at handy, Is not that kind of exciting? Moreover, there are plenty of new things that cannot be seen any other place in the world, you can take pictures of them, or keep them in your diary, when you grow old, all of these turn to be a very precious memory to yourself. Moreover, living in different places and communicating with different people have fascinating attraction to me. Learn several kinds of foreign languages, try various exotic foods, enjoy totally new life style, all of these has always be my dreams.
Furthermore, living place to place offer more challenges into your life, which in my point of view is a very cherished life experience. For instance, you can test your ability to fit yourself into a entirely new environment, to start from zero before you find what you have been doing become a boring and tiresome stuff to you. I am open to such challenges, thus the drifter’s life suit me quite well.
From what I have state above, you may get a clue about how wonderful a drifter’s life can be. I am looking forward making these true one day in my life. What about you? Do you want to try? Even once in a life time.
Essay 235 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
My parents spend their entire life in Xi’an city, and do not want move to any other places. Although it already takes me twenty-seven years being with them, I still prefer and willing to live different cities or town in my life.
People love to move several times during their lives for many kinds of reasons. To me, the most common reasons are to get better job, to enjoy mild climates, to meet different people.
With rapid development of economy and technology in China, more and more large international companies and business prefer to settle in some big cities. These businesses not only can need a large work-force, but also offer considerable salary to employee, and provide better job positions as well. For example, if I move to Beijing or Shanghai, good background of working in a famous company of Xi’an and talent will make me quickly find a position in a more famous multinational.
Have you ever thought of living a seaside town? I have thought of it many times. As we know, the quality of air and water has become worse and worse by lot of factories, automobiles, and chemic plants in city. Smog and pollution encircle us. You would breath very fresh air, hear sea wind around you, and freely swim in sea if you move to a littoral place. This is very agreeable thing, is not?
Of course, wherever I live, there are many people of different races, religions, abilities, and interests I will meet. The information that I learn from them can enlarge my sight, increase my knowledge. What’s more, by getting along with them, I learn how to deal with peer pressure, how to have self-respect.
All in all, based on above discussion, I prefer to move different places several times in my life. At the same time, I would recommend other people, especially young people not stay one place all the time. They should live in other places to know the world around them.
Essay 236 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
Some people hold the opinion that living in one place is superior to moving in search another place. Others, however, contradict it. Personally, I would like to vote for moving to another place. There are no less than three advantages in it as rendered below:
First and foremost, moving to another place may contribute to one’s development. People always choose a better place than their present ones to be their destination. That way, they can learn some new knowledge, communicate with new friends and find some more chances. Those who change their majors may learn even more. There will be a new world open to them. So, moving to another place is really good for us.
There is another factor that deserves some words here. Changing their characters or habits may be one of lots of reasons for some people’s moving. For instance, if you do not like your present statue, you should try to move to a new place which you have not been to. Certainly, your mood and attitude will change with the new circumstance.
In addition, if you like to make friends, moving to a new place will be fit for you. When you come to a new place, you will communicate with some new friends, and you can help each other. So, changing a place will make you more sociable.
It is undeniable that staying in one place has its own merits. You can do your work step by step. You will spend lots of time with your ole friends, and you can feel comfortable in the place with which you are very familiar.
Nonetheless, I still prefer moving to another place constantly. Because I can make new friends, look for some chances and become more experienced. I love changes.
Essay 237 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
I prefer moving in search of another place. Certainly, Staying in one place can have firmer life, because most of the events are in the control, and people can spend more time to resolve other accidents in the life. Although it is fairly persuasion, I still prefer moving in search of another place, as I like to face more different challenges, increase varied experiences and extend my view in my limited life by moving in search of another place.
I must face all of the challenges when I move to another place, and I can increase my experiences by the challenges. There is no tract for me to following, because every thing is unknown. When I resolved a new problem, it means that I get a new experience. Those challenges can keep me improvement.
I can extend my view by moving, because of new job, new neighbors or new friends. Different people have different backgrounds, and varied companies also have varied traditions. For example, some of the companies think that an employee should work overtime to show his honesty, but others consider that the employee must work hard enough, so he always work overtime. I can share their conceptions when I contact new one.
Because of facing challenges, increasing varied experiences and extended view can fill of my life substance, so I prefer moving in search of another place.
Essay 238 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
Moving a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate, are the right attitude to the life. I prefer this opinion.
For somebody who spends their entire lives in one place, they can only know the outside of hometown by television, newspaper and books. They may live with unhappy environments such as cold, sand storm and pollution. Only know somebody who is old classmate and have a few people can talk with. So, their knowledge is less than some body who like to move.
If you would like to move from one place to another you can find one that is your choice. you will happy with the climate and enjoy the fresh air and sun shine. It is easy to keep your body healthy. you will be feeling fresh and getting new friend with. you will get different new idea about the life. The new culture will give you more knowledge, more interesting. Furthermore, you can make more new friendship to help each other.
So I prefer to move and search another place rather than spend my entire lives in one place. One of the famous man said: the tree will be died after moved, but man alive.
Essay 239 Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay in one place or move around?
Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. I prefer to move in search of the most places for my life rather than stay one place.
First, I like to find a better job in my life. People cannot find a perfect job in one place. We need to move several places for finding a better job. People like to say if they find perfect jobs for themselves; they succeed most of their lives.
Secondly, people need their perfect lovers. I always believe if I find my husband, I need to go another place to find him. Because in biology people are married in the same place, their offspring are not so smart as couples who are from different places. People from different places have more issues to talk. Maybe sometimes they love their lovers having differences.
Finally, people like to find a perfect climate for their health. In my childhood I always coughed in winter because I lived in a cold place. When I moved to a warmer place, I did not cough again. Some people like warm places, others like cold places because they like to see snow and to skate on the ice. I prefer living in a place, which have four seasons.
On the other hand, people living one place in their whole lives can save money. They do not need to spend much money on traveling to find a better place. Maybe some people cannot find a better place to live when they use their whole lives to find it, but I think they have a lot of experiments to tell their offspring. If we do not move from a place to another place, we will not know which place we can have a happiest life. I prefer to move for finding the best place where I can live most happily.
Essay 240 Topic 31 Benefits of Moving
Along with the rapid development of modern society, there is a growing tendency that people are concerned about what a better living style is? staying in a place for entire lifetime or moving to other places for opportunities and challenges? Personally, I support the latter pattern of life and the reasons will be followed. My first reason is that moving to a new place is always a challenging and exciting matter. You learn many knowledge and skills from adapting to the locality, for example, making new friends or looking for another job at a place no one is familiar with you. That could be frustrated or painful at the very beginning. However, after all, you will find you can always survive from it and all the new things around you seem so fresh and different. My second reason is that moving across the country or even around the world is a demand of modern life. Students go abroad for further study and academic research. Businessmen travel here and there to expand their business or searching for new markets. Skilled workers choose to immigrant to foreign countries to seek for new professional opportunities and higher living standards. People will lose their chances of self-development if they solely stay in one single place. My third reason is that people tend to be more conservative and narrow­minded if they are lacking of experiences on exploring new environment of living. The more they are afraid of changes, the more they refuse to try new things. All in all, I strongly suggest people to move from their original places to travel to different places, to experience new and amazing things, especially when they are young. You may never regret for leaving your hometown since you have gained so much from it.

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

English Writing Practice: Topic 31 – Sample 1

Even though I have lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood, in the same city my entire life, I know I would be happy living in a variety of places. Moving would expose me to new people, new weather, and new housing.

Even if I were to move to another part of my city, I would encounter new people. Each neighborhood has a distinct personality. When I move to that neighborhood, I would meet the shopkeepers and residents that shape that personality. I may even adopt part of their manner as my own so I could be recognized as part of that community.

If I want to encounter different weather patterns, I would have to move beyond my city. Where I live now, it is the same temperature all year. I would like to go to a place where there are four seasons so I can experience really cold temperatures. I would like to walk in the snow and perhaps go skiing. I could learn winter sports if I lived in the north.

Now, of course, I live with my parents in their home. It is a one story house built around a courtyard where our family spends a lot of time. If I were to move, I would like to live in an apartment on a very high floor so I could see all around me. I could also meet my neighbors in the elevator and we could get together for coffee in my apartment.

The more I move the more I would experience change. I would meet new people in every place I lived; I could move to sample countries with four seasons or even a continent like Antarctica which only has two. Wherever I lived, I would experience living in housing particular to that area. I would then be a citizen of the world, wouldn’t I? Could you call me a foreigner if I called every place my home?

English Writing Practice: Topic 31 – Sample 2

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move many times throughout their lives in order to looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. As far as I am concerned, the latter is more enjoyable than the former. The reasons for this view go as follows:

In the first place, some people have found a better job far away where they live currently. In this kind of situation, do you move for the better career or do you still live in the old place where you are already familiar with everything nearby. Absolutely, I will choose moving not only because it gives me a good career but also because moving is very exciting.

In the second place, moving is very exciting. Fining a new house, buying the new furniture, all of these are wonderful thing. For example, if I move, I want find a single house instead of the town house, which I live now, because a single house can possess more grass, which my son love very much. Moreover, I want choose a big kitchen that all my family can sit a big dinner table and have dinner together.

In the third place, living in a place in all my live looks like too boring for me. Moving to different place, I can enjoy different community and different climate. For example, I can enjoy the mild temperature in the south America, and also I do not miss the beautiful snow in the northern.

From what I have discussed above, moving is exciting not only because it gives me a new job opportunities but also because it can let me enjoy the beach of south and the snow in the north. Therefore, I prefer moving in search of another place instead of staying in one place.

English Writing Practice: Topic 31 – Sample 3

Some people hold the opinion that living in one place is superior to moving in search another place. Others, however, contradict it.Personally, I would like to vote for moving to another place. There are no less than three advantages in it as rendered below:

First and foremost, moving to another place may contribute to one’s development.People always choose a better place than their present ones to be their destination. That way, they can learn some new knowledge, communicate with new friends and find some more chances. Those who change their majors may learn even more. There will be a new world open to them.So,moving to another place is really good for us.

There is another factor that deserves some words here. Changing their characters or habits may be one of lots of reasons for some people’s moving. For instance, if you do not like your present statue, you should try to move to a new place which you have not been to. Certainly, your mood and attitude will change with the new circumstance.

In addition, if you like to make friends, moving to a new place will be fit for you.When you come to a new place,you will communicate with some new friends,and you can help each other. So, changing a place will make you more sociable.

It is undeniable that staying in one place has its own merits. You can do your work step by step.You will spend lots of time with your old friends,and you can feel comfortable in the place with which you are very familiar.

Nonetheless, I still prefer moving to another place constantly. Because I can make new friends,look for some chances and become more experienced.I love changes

IELTS Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 157 — Staying in one place or moving in search of another place

Last Updated: Tuesday, 05 September 2017 16:56
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 31857

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place?

Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:
It seems like the world is becoming smaller and smaller almost by the minutes. When I was a child I could not imagine to meet someone from another part of the planet. However, now I have a few friends from Africa, I can meet many Chinese people on the streets, have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, buy some delicious cookies at a cafe run by the French. It is really wonderful and amazing to see people from all over the world, communicate and work with them. I agree with those people who move a number of times throughout their lives. However, I believe that people who spend their entire lives in one place have many advantages too. First of all, I will focus on the reasons why I support the idea of moving and then I will move on to analysing the opportunities that people have staying at one place.

Personally, I think that the first and most obvious reason to move from one place to another is to see the world. Of cause, this can be obtained by travelling. Nevertheless, travelling does not give the opportunity to immerse into traditions, customs and just the way of life of the country. It is like seeing beautiful looking boots on a show-window and does not try them on to see if they are comfortable.

The second reason for moving is the opportunity to gain new experience and knowledge. One can meet new people and new friends, extend one’s range of interests. Also, one can find a better job, life conditions and even climate. For example, my husband like the warm and sunny weather. So his dream is to live here in Texas a half of the year and move to Australia for another half of the year to catch warm months. One more example, my aunt does not feel good in sultry and humid weather. So she had to move several times to find a place where she feels comfortable.

From the other side, this way of life has some disadvantages. For instance, it is difficult to make a good career if one is constantly moving. Of cause, it does not concern celebrities on their tours. Also, it is not good for children because they will have to change their schools a few times. Staying in one place has a plenty of advantages too. I must confess that I am closer to the people who do not move much. I prefer to have a permanent home with my old and favourite things, have a dog and a beautiful view from the window.

In conclusion, I think that every person is always looking for something better than he already has. So, if people live in one place through their entire lives it means that they are looking for something else.

( Approximately 466 words)

(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.You should be able to pick up the main points from this essay and organise in your own style)

Пословицы и поговорки – это отражение народной мысли, установок, моральных ценностей. Обычно они имеют аналоги в других языках, поскольку воспроизводят “простые истины”, свойственные любому человеку каждой нации. Пословица может иметь другие образы, но будет доносить тот же смысл:

Английские пословицы      Русские эквиваленты английских пословиц
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.      В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
The early bird catches the worm.      Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подает.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.      У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

Но есть высказывания, которые вообще не имеют эквивалента в русском языке. Такие пословицы в наибольшей степени отражают отличия менталитета, поэтому составляют для нас особый интерес.

Английские пословицы, не имеющие русских аналогов

Кстати, сегодня мы узнаем не только смысл этих английских пословиц, но и связанные с ними занимательные истории.

Обрати внимание: если вдруг ты не согласен с описанным примером и точно знаешь русский аналог, то обязательно пиши об этом в комментариях – подискутируем! 🙂

Уникальное наследие: пословицы на английском языке с переводом

1. If you can’t be good, be careful.

Дословный перевод: Если не можешь быть хорошим, будь осторожен.

Если ты собираешься делать безнравственные вещи, убедись, что они не опасны для тебя или общества. Когда ты планируешь сделать что-то аморальное, удостоверься, что об этом никто не узнает.

Первое упоминание именно этой формулировки датируется 1903-м годом, но смысл выражения намного старше и берет свое начало из латинской пословицы “Si non caste, tamen caute” (если не целомудренно, то по крайней мере осторожно).

2. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Дословный перевод: Один доброволец стоит двадцати принужденных.

Значение пословицы по сути прямое: даже маленькая группа людей может быть полезнее, если у нее есть энтузиазм, стремление и т.д. Зародилась эта пословица в начале 18-го века.

В то время Королевский флот имел группу матросов, вооруженных дубинками, чья цель была “насобирать” моряков на флот. Они могли делать это, рассказывая о небывалых преимуществах службы, или же просто силой (все же вооружены дубинками они были неспроста).

Английская пословица: A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Такое стечение обстоятельств не делало принужденного хорошим моряком. Отсюда и “вытекло” это умозаключение.

Заметь, что в этой пословице можно менять соотношение цифр:

100 volunteers are worth 200 press’d men.

One volunteer is worth two pressed men

и т.д.

3. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship.

Дословный перевод: Страдание за друга удваивает дружбу.

Значение этой шотландской пословицы понятно без особых объяснений. Казалось бы, в русском языке есть довольно похожая пословица “друг познается в беде”. При этом очень интересен сам смысл “страдания за друга”. Если в русском варианте говорится о том, чтобы не отвернуться от друга и помочь ему в трудной ситуации, то здесь именно страдать вместе с ним, тем самым усиливая дружбу.

Еще одна интересная с точки зрения образов английская пословица о дружбе: Friends are made in wine and proven in tears (дружба рождается в вине, а проверяется в слезах).

Также читайте: Какой он — живой английский язык?

4. A woman’s work is never done.

Дословный перевод: Женский труд никогда не заканчивается.

Ну вот и о нашей нелегкой женской доле английские пословицы позаботились 🙂 Выражение пошло от старинного двустишия:

Man may work from sun to sun,
But woman’s work is never done.

Получается, значение пословицы в том, что женские дела (в отличие от мужских) длятся бесконечно. Видно это из примера:

“A woman’s work is never done!”, said Leila. She added: “As soon as I finish washing the breakfast dishes, it’s time to start preparing lunch. Then I have to go shopping and when the kids are back home I have to help them with their homework.”

(“Женский труд никогда не заканчивается!”, – Сказала Лейла. Она добавила: “Как только я заканчиваю мыть посуду после завтрака, приходит время готовить обед. Потом я должна идти по магазинам и, когда дети возвращаются домой, я должна помогать им с домашним заданием”.)

Пословица на английском: A woman’s work is never done.

5. Comparisons are odious / odorous.

Дословный перевод: Сравнения отвратительны / воняют.

Люди должны оцениваться по их собственным заслугам, не стоит кого-либо или что-либо сравнивать между собой.

Два варианта пословица имеет не просто так. Первый вариант (Comparisons are odious) очень древний, и впервые он был запечатлен еще в 1440 году. А вот измененный вариант (Comparisons are odorous) был “создан” Шекспиром и использован им в пьесе “Много шума из ничего”.

6. Money talks.

Дословный перевод: Деньги говорят (сами за себя).

Значение – деньги решают все. Происхождение выражения является предметом споров среди лингвистов. Одни считают, что пословица зародилась в Америке 19-го века, другие – что в средневековой Англии.

Кстати, пословица использована в названии песни австралийской рок-группы AC/DC.

7. Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself.

Дословный перевод: Не держи собаку, если лаешь сам.

Значение этой английском пословицы: не работай за своего подчиненного. Высказывание очень древнее: первое упоминание зафиксировано еще в 1583 году.

По поводу отсутствия аналога: в разных источниках дана разная информация. Кто-то согласен с тем, что аналогов в русском языке нет, другие в качестве эквивалента предлагают пословицу:

За то собаку кормят, что она лает.

Однако, в Большом словаре русских пословиц такой пословицы о собаке нет вообще. Возможно, то что предлагают нам в качестве альтернативы, это адаптированный перевод именно английской пословицы (такое бывает).

8. Every man has his price.

Дословный перевод: У каждого есть своя цена.

Согласно этой пословице, подкупить можно любого, главное предложить достаточную цену. Наблюдение впервые зафиксировано в 1734 году, но, скорее всего, имеет и более давнюю историю.

Также читайте: История Англии: список лучших документальных фильмов

9. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Дословный перевод: Подражание – самая искренняя форма лести.

Значение пословицы прямое. Эта формулировка восходит к началу 19-го века. Но сама мысль еще древнее и встречалась в текстах 18-го века, например, в 1714 году у журналиста Юстаса Баджелла:

Imitation is a kind of artless Flattery (Имитация является своего рода бесхитростной лестью).

10. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Дословный перевод: Лучше зажечь свечу, чем проклинать темноту.

Вопрос об аналоге снова спорен: в некоторых источниках, где даны английские пословицы с переводом на русский, эквивалентом называют:

Лучше пойти и плюнуть, чем плюнуть и не пойти.

Хочу с этим поспорить. Значение русской пословицы: лучше сделать, чем жалеть, что не сделал. Смысл английской – лучше исправить положение, чем жаловаться на него. Лично мне смысловая составляющая про жалобы кажется первостепенной, поэтому приравнивать эти пословицы я бы не стала.

11. Stupid is as stupid does

Дословный перевод: Глуп тот, кто глупо поступает.

На самом деле это не совсем “народная пословица”, а фраза, которой Форест Гамп отбивался от назойливых вопросов о своем интеллекте:

Фраза ушла в народ 🙂 Прародитель этого выражения – пословица “Handsome is as handsome does” (красив тот, кто красиво поступает), уже имеющая аналог в русском языке: “Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож”.

Также читайте: Игра престолов с Lingualeo, или Hear me roar

12. You can’t make bricks without straw

Дословный перевод: Нельзя сделать кирпич без соломы.

Опять же в некоторых источниках в качестве аналога указывается русское “без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда”. При этом английская пословица говорит не о трудолюбии, а о невозможности выполнить задачу без необходимых материалов.

“It’s no good trying to build a website if you don’t know any html, you can’t make bricks without straw.” (Не пытайся создать веб-сайт, если ты не знаешь HTML: ты не можешь делать кирпичи без соломы).

Согласно википедии выражение берет начало из библейского сюжета, когда Фараон в наказание запрещает давать израильтянам солому, но приказывает делать то же количество кирпичей, как и раньше.

Где искать пословицы и поговорки на английском языке по темам?

Возможно, это не все высказывания, не имеющие русских аналогов, ведь английских пословиц (и их значений) огромное множество. Кстати, ты вполне можешь поискать их самостоятельно в нашей Библиотеке материалов по запросу “proverb”, чтобы насытить свою английскую речь чудесными выражениями. Успехов! 🙂

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