A word for knowing everything

Pantomath. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A pantomath is a person who wants to know and knows everything. The word itself is not to be found in common online English dictionaries, the OED, dictionaries of obscure words, or dictionaries of neologisms.

What is Omnibenevolent God?

Omnibenevolence. The term omnibenevolence refers to the idea that God is an all-loving being. The idea of an all-loving God can be found in many different parts of the Bible: But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15.

#word #knowing #AnswersToAll

I’m new to this awesome site! There is a popular saying that, in a conversation, one is sarcastically telling someone they know everything about another that begins with I know «your rank, serial number and ?» I cant remember what the third descriptive word is. Can you help? It comes from the military.

asked Aug 27, 2015 at 18:38

LisaBri's user avatar


I believe you are looking for «Name, rank and serial number»

See convention III of the Geneva Conventions

About Convention III: One of the treaties created during the 1949 Convention, this defined what a Prisoner of War was, and accorded them
proper and humane treatment as specified by the first Convention.
Specifically, it required POWs to give only their name, rank, and
serial number to their captors. Nations party to the Convention may
not use torture to extract information from POWs.

samuelesque's user avatar

answered Aug 27, 2015 at 18:42

MRS30's user avatar


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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

знать все

знание всего

все знаю

знания всего

знания обо всем

все знать

зная всего

зная, что все

знать ничего

зная ничего

Knowing everything isn’t necessary, but knowing people who can fill in the gaps in your knowledge is.

Поскольку вы не можете знать все на свете, очень важно найти людей, которые бы заполнили пробелы в ваших знаниях.

The reason is that omniscience means knowing everything.

Смысл его состоит в том, что знать — значит знать все.

Knowing everything about the crypto world doesn’t mean you should dive into the deep end.

Знание всего о крипто мире не означает, что вы должны погрузиться в глубокий конец.

I like not knowing everything about my husband.

Мне нравится, что я не все знаю про свою супругу.

I’m far from perfect and a long way from knowing everything.

Я далека от совершенства и далеко не всё знаю.

Knowing everything there is to know about the customer is not enough.

Знать все, что возможно, о клиенте, уже недостаточно.

Knowing everything about lice, it is easy enough to develop and apply measures for their destruction.

Зная все о вшах, достаточно легко разработать и применить меры по их уничтожению.

Knowing everything about anisocytosis — what it is, and understanding its causes, you can avoid the development of many dangerous diseases.

Зная все про анизоцитоз — что это такое, и понимая его причины, можно избежать развития многих опасных болезней.

Knowing everything that goes into fire hoses and fire hose materials isn’t always easy because there’s a lot to understand.

Знать все, что входит в пожарные шланги и материалы для пожарного шланга, не всегда легко, потому что многое можно понять.

Knowing everything… There is no way of explaining it, simply take my word for it: it is great, we won’t be bored there for sure.

Знать всё… это не пересказать никак, просто поверьте на слово: это великолепно, скучать мы там уж точно не будем.

Knowing everything about everyone.

Simmonds insists on knowing everything about Ross.

Ведь, по идее, Винсент должен знать все о вампирах.

I have enough to do with knowing everything about our opponents.

Я имею достаточно информации, чтобы знать всё о наших противниках.

I tell him, being smart doesn’t mean knowing everything.

Its job is becoming knowing everything about everybody, everywhere.

Его работа становится зная все обо всех, везде.

Ajay once told me that the idea of a man knowing everything about something… is folly.

Эйджей однажды сказал мне, что желание человека знать все о чем-то… это глупость.

Remember that knowing everything before going on a trip is impossible.

Помните, что знать все перед поездкой невозможно.

No one is born knowing everything there is to know about love.

Никто не рождается, зная все о любви.

Entitled to knowing everything about everyone.

Каждый имеет право знать все про каждого.

Children aren’t born knowing everything and, sometimes, they are wrong.

Дети не рождаются, зная все о мире, и иногда они ошибаются.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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anther word for lasting forever is paremnet

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It helps you by knowing a little bit more of the word

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omni means all. science means knowing. omniscient means «knowing
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PYST 1: SSC CGL — General Awareness (Held On : 20 April 2022 Shift 2)

25 Questions
50 Marks
10 Mins

The correct answer is option 3.

Wince means make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress.

Perturb means make (someone) anxious or unsettled.

Omniscient means knowing everything.

For eg; Because he is omniscient, we cannot hide anything from him.

It is clear from the example that omniscient is the appropriate word.

Beleaguer means put in a very difficult situation.

So, options 1,2 and 4 are incorrect.

Last updated on Apr 3, 2023

SSC CGL New notification is out on 3rd April, 2023. The Staff Selection Commission released the notification for 7500 expected vacancies. SSC CGL Exam 2023 will be conducted from 14th July 2023 to 27th July 2023. The last date to apply is 3rd May 2023. The application correction window will be active from 7th May to 8th May, 2023. The SSC CGL Eligibility is a bachelor’s degree in the concerned discipline. This year, SSC completely changed the exam pattern. To prepare based on the same practice with our SSC CGL Mock Tests. Candidates should also use the SSC CGL previous year’s papers for a good revision.

Ace your Vocabulary preparations for One Word Substitution with us and master English for your exams. Learn today!

It’s never nice when you have to deal with someone who thinks they know everything. They often think they’re smarter than you, which can be a really grating thing to deal with. This article will explore some of the best words you can use to refer to people like this.

Best Words for Someone Who Thinks They Know Everything

The preferred words are “know-it-all,” “smart aleck,” and “smarty pants.” All of these words work to show that someone thinks they know a lot sarcastically. They often want to act as if they know better than people, even when those people realize that they are just faking it.


“Know-it-all” is one of the most common words you can use to refer to someone who thinks they know everything. It’s a very common informal synonym that native speakers use negatively toward other people.

It’s an insulting word that works when you’re trying to show that you don’t care what someone knows. It’s often used when someone thinks they know more than you, even if they don’t have the information to prove it.

The definition of “know-it-all,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who thinks that they know much more than other people.”

  • Jessie is such a know-it-all. Nobody wants to hang out with us anymore because she always acts like she knows everything.
  • You don’t have to be such a know-it-all. You can just let other people say things without trying to tell them whether they’re right.
  • I’ve always thought of him as a bit of a know-it-all. I’ve never liked the way he’s spoken to his friends about stuff like that.

Smart Aleck

“Smart aleck” is an idiomatic expression you can use to refer to someone who thinks they know a lot. It works when you’re referring to someone who tries to appear smart, even when it’s clear that that isn’t the case with the other people around them.

The definition of “smart aleck,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who tries to appear smart or who answers questions in a funny way that annoys other people.”

  • He’s a smart aleck, and he’s very annoying about these kinds of things. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what he has to say.
  • Don’t listen to that smart aleck. He’ll always try to say something that makes him sound cleverer than he actually is.
  • We all know she’s a smart aleck, so we should all tell her how we feel. We need to air our grievances before it’s too late.

Smarty Pants

“Smarty pants” is another colloquial phrase you can use to insult someone for thinking they’re intelligent. If they’ve come out with a flippant comment that makes them sound like they know better than you, it’s appropriate to say “smarty pants.”

“Smarty pants” is a very mild insult. It’s not directly supposed to upset the person you’re talking to, but it’s supposed to remind them that they don’t know everything.

The definition of “smarty pants,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who wants to appear to be clever.”

  • Stop being such a smarty pants! Nobody is impressed by your comments! We already know most of those things too.
  • I’m a smarty pants through and through. I won’t apologize for being smarter than everyone! I know I’m able to think better than most.
  • He’s a smarty pants, and many of us don’t want to see him again. He’s too much to bear. We just want him to leave.


“Self-righteous” is a decent synonym you can use in this context. It shows that someone thinks their knowledge or ideas are better than other people’s. They will refuse to give other people’s ideas the light of day because of how much better a self-righteous person thinks theirs are.

The definition of “self-righteous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “believing that your ideas and behavior are morally better than those of other people.”

  • Would you please stop being so self-righteous all the time? There’s so much more to life than trying to bring other people down.
  • You’re very self-righteous. What makes you think that you know any more about this type of stuff than I do?
  • I’m not saying you’re self-righteous, but you’re certainly close to that. I don’t really know how to talk to you anymore.


“Big-headed” relates to someone feeling more important or more intelligent than those around them. While they might not have a physically “big head,” the term is used to show that someone is very conceited and arrogant.

The definition of “big-headed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are.”

  • She’s big-headed in all the bad ways. I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with her that I’ve actually enjoyed.
  • Without sounding too big-headed, I do know what we need to do next. If you will all listen to me, I can get us out of this.
  • They’re both too big-headed for their own good. They’re only going to end up getting themselves into more trouble than it’s worth.


“Overconfident” works well when you know that someone is acting one way but they can’t back it up. If someone is acting like they are smarter than you, they might be overconfident because they’re lacking in other areas and feel like they need to make up for those deficits.

The definition of “overconfident,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or showing too much confidence.”

  • You come across as overconfident, and that’s not a good thing. I think it’s quite clear that you’re not ready to take on the challenge.
  • You’re overconfident, and it’s going to be your downfall. You’re clearly not as smart as most of the other men around here.
  • Aren’t you being a little overconfident? Surely, there’s more to this than you realize. You need to open your eyes a little wider!


“Hubris” is a great noun you can use to relate to this context. You can use it when someone is too proud and acts in a way that makes them seem more important than other people. This pride can be closely linked to the superior knowledge that someone thinks they have.

The definition of “hubris,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a way of talking or behaving that is too proud.”

  • Your own hubris is going to be your downfall. I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I can tell you that it’s going to be big.
  • I’m sure I’ve told you to bring your hubris back a little bit. It’s too intense, and people are going to start hating you for it.
  • It was his hubris that brought him down in the end. We all knew that he couldn’t handle being the least intelligent person in the room.


“Braggart” relates to someone who likes to boast about themselves. This can relate to any character trait, so it’s not uncommon to hear someone brag about how much smarter they are than other people.

The definition of “braggart,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who proudly talks a lot about himself or herself and his or her achievements or possessions.”

  • Sandra is a braggart. She’s always flailing her arms around, trying to tell everyone just how wonderfully smart she is. It’s annoying.
  • You’re a bit too much of a braggart for my liking. You need to take it down a notch or two. Nobody cares about what you know.
  • I know you’re a braggart for the sake of it. I’m not going to sink to your level, though. I’m going to rise above it.


“Blowhard” is a great way to show that someone thinks they’re important. They will often try to talk about themselves and the things they know. Other people usually zone them out or ignore them, but blowhards tend to have some of the loudest voices in a room.

The definition of “blowhard,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to talk about how important they are.”

  • Oh, there goes the blowhard! He’s always talking about how superior he is. It’s about time that we put him in his place.
  • I get that you’re a blowhard by nature, but you really need to bring it down a peg or two. It’s getting too much to bear.
  • She’s a bit of a blowhard. I don’t think there’s anything we can do to bring her back to reality, though.


“Sanctimonious” is a bit more specific than some of the others. It relates to someone feeling superior in knowledge based on their moral or religious beliefs. If other people don’t agree with their beliefs, sanctimonious people consider them to be stupid.

The definition of “sanctimonious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing that you believe you are morally better, or more religious.”

  • You’re so sanctimonious. It’s no wonder that all of your friends have decided to stop talking to you. I can hardly listen to you.
  • Stop being sanctimonious. It’s not a good look, and you’re turning everyone away from you. Start being more inclusive.
  • I’m sanctimonious. I get that, and I’m really trying to work on it. I’ve been told it a few times before, to be honest.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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