A word for in this day and age

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The phrase in this day and age means at the present time.

It is a tautology, that is to say, the words day and age are synonymous, day having here the sense of a period of time.

The earliest instance that I have found is from Leisure Moments.—No. III., by ‘Ytus’, about the need for farmers to occupy their leisure moments in the study of agricultural papers and books, published in The Genesee Farmer and Gardener’s Journal (Rochester, New York) of Saturday 24th March 1832:

In this day and age, no one who is blessed with health and a common share of that indispensable article, good sense, can have an excuse for ignorance, and that hyena monster with her numerous retinue scattering desolation over the earth, ought not to find a resting place in our land.

The second-earliest instance that I have found is from an article about the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, published in the Carlisle Herald and General Advertiser (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) of Wednesday 20th January 1836:

It is too much, in this day and age, to hear Chief Magistrates, distinguished Senators and Legislative bodies attempt to advocate and justify slavery on the principles of ethical science and the christian [sic] religion! This we say is too much in this day and age. Such nonsense, such absurdity is not excusable in school boys, but it shows how, what are called great men, can talk and argue when influenced by prejudice and interest.

This Day and Age (1933) is the title of a film directed by Cecil Blount DeMille (1881-1959); the following review by Hubbard Keavy was published in the Tampa Morning Tribune (Tampa, Florida) of Sunday 30th July 1933:

Boys Rout Gangsters In New Picture

Hollywood, July 29.—(Associated Press.)—One hears that gangster pictures are “washed up,” but along comes “This Day and Age” to disprove the statement. Cecil B. DeMille has put a new twist on a subject that Hollywood had just about run into the ground with sameness.
DeMille has entered two new fields, gangsterdom and the younger generation, which gives some hint of the story. Gangsters are pictured as cruel tyrants, in true movie fashion, but the juvenile element is given a clean bill of health, something new for “flaming youth” in motion picture circles.
The picture, obviously, is not offered with serious intent, but as someone’s fanciful idea of what might be done about the gangster menace.
The shock of the picture is the surprise twist, with all of the gangland activity subordinated to the running story of how a group of high school boys, filling governmental posts for a day during “boys’ week” observance, begin a fight that ultimately upsets the works for a whole gang of hoodlums.
The slight love interest introduces pleasing Judith Allen¹ (Mrs. Gus Sonnenberg) as the high school flapper who keeps the gangster’s bodyguard occupied while her boy friends engineer their coup.
Charles Bickford² is the gang lieutenant and Richard Cromwell³ the guiding spirit in the cleanup campaign, Eddie Nugent, Ben Alexander, Harry Green, Bradley Page and a host of others contribute to the realism by good performances.

¹ Judith Allen (1911-96)
² Charles Ambrose Bickford (1891-1967)
³ Richard Cromwell (born LeRoy Melvin Radabaugh – 1910-60)
Edward Nugent (1904-95)
Nicholas Benton ‘Ben’ Alexander (1911-69)
Harry Green (1892-1958)
Bradley Page (1901-85)

The following advertisement for Burton tailoring was published in the Lancashire Evening Post (Preston, Lancashire) of Thursday 18th October 1956:

in this day and age’ - advertisement for Burton tailoring - Lancashire Evening Post (Preston, Lancashire) - 18 October 1956

In this day and age . . .
“Now there’s a spot of glamour for you, dear,” she says. “Must have been hard work keeping up with the Joneses in those days!”
He chuckles. “Me for the age I live in,” he replies, “I’m all for keeping up appearances, but I like things simple and straightforward” . . .
Yes, there’s the man of to-day talking. Probably it was just those reasons that brought him to Burton’s for the coat he’s wearing himself.

By Robby

If you are new here please read this first.

Improve Spoken English

Today we’re going to look at the following English idiomatic expression: “In this day and age”. It’s very relevant when discussing various issues in connection with modern times such as technology or any other aspect of our lives that has seen rapid improvement.

To see what exactly I mean by that however, you should definitely watch the video above because I’ve included a lot of examples in it on how to use this English phrase.

In this day and age recording videos is easier than ever, and also publishing them on YouTube is very straightforward. It can be literally done with a push of a button, and it would be foolish of me not to take advantage of it!

But if you’ve been reading this article, you surely noticed I already provided an example of the phrase “in this day and age” – the previous paragraph actually begins with this idiomatic expression.

So, make sure to incorporate this expression into your daily English conversations (it can be either done with other people or by a way of self-practice if you’re not meeting any other English speakers) so that it stays with you instead of being forgotten within a matter of hours.

Learn it, memorize it, and by the way – if you hate memorization, you should definitely watch this video I made yesterday:

It addresses concerns you may be having related to memorization of new English vocabulary and phraseology, and it’s of particular importance to you if you hate it because it’s really boring. It doesn’t have to be boring if it’s done properly, and you’re lucky that in this day and age we have all the technology for people like me to spread new ideas of more natural and engaging English fluency improvement methods!

Thanks for watching & reading,

Robby 🙂

English Idiomatic Expressions

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

in this day and age

In the current time in history; in the present. The phrase is often used to describe how something has changed and how it happens now. In this day and age, it’s not uncommon to go your whole commute without speaking to a single person.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in this day and age

Fig. now; in these modern times. Bill: Ted flunked out of school. Mother: Imagine that! Especially in this day and age. Bill: Taxes keep going up and up. Bob: What do you expect in this day and age?

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

in this day and age

Now, in the present, as in In this day and age divorce is a very common occurrence. This phrase is redundant, since this day and this age both mean «now». [Early 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

in this day and age

COMMON People use in this day and age to talk about things that happen in modern times. Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist. I asked him whether in this day and age it was really worth talking about national character.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

in this day and age

at the present time.

2003 Film Inside Out The idea of girls becoming a commodity, to be traded as slaves, seems totally alien in this day and age.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in ˈthis day and age

at the present time; nowadays: It’s surprising, in this day and age, to discover that there are still many homes which do not have telephones.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in this day and age

Now, as opposed to the past or future. This expression, often preceded by not, is one of those verbal redundancies that grate on the ear. It has been used since the early twentieth century. “She knew that in this day and age a nun could be a scientist” (Time, 1941).

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • eggs is eggs
  • (as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
  • (one’s) best foot forward
  • best foot forward
  • kicking and screaming
  • How long is a piece of string?
  • from my cold, dead hands
  • Heinz 57 (variety)
  • Heinz 57 variety
  • 57

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

в наше время

в наши дни

в этот день и возраст

в этот день и век

в этот день и возраста

в этот день и в возрасте

в современном мире

в наш век

In this day and age, carrying a concealed weapon has become a priority.

Поэтому в наше время скрытое ношение оружие уже стало необходимостью.

In this day and age having a pencil seems extraordinary.

Использовать карандаш в наше время кажется странным.

In this day and age parents have no chance to know who their children are talking to.

Но в наши дни родители не имеют возможности узнать, с кем разговаривают их дети.

In this day and age or any other.

In this day and age, stress management training is part of survival in a modern workplace.

В этот день и возраст, обучение управлению стрессом является частью выживания на современном рабочем месте.

In this day and age, I doubt if many would do it.

In this day and age, small business security cameras are a necessary evil we cannot do without.

В наше время камеры безопасности малого бизнеса — необходимое зло, без которого мы не можем обойтись.

In this day and age we have passwords for everything in life.

В наше время мы имеем классификации на все случаи жизни.

In this day and age, these toys can cause serious issues, including scaring other kids and their parents.

В этот день и возраст, эти игрушки могут вызвать серьезные проблемы, в том числе пугая других детей и их родителей.

In this day and age, mobility is an essential tool in order to foster constructive dialogue exchange in a multicultural environment.

В наше время мобильность является важным инструментом для содействия конструктивному диалогу в многокультурной среде.

In this day and age of instant communication and electronic payments, the site only processes payouts on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays.

В наше время мгновенного общения и электронных платежей сайт обрабатывает выплаты только по понедельникам, средам и пятницам.

In this day and age, robotics has been gaining a lot of traction in various industries where consistency and perfection matter.

В наши дни робототехника приобретает много сил в различных отраслях, где важны согласованность и совершенство.

In this day and age, living under unjustly imposed restrictions defies all reason.

В наше время жизнь в условиях неправомерно введенных ограничений — это нечто выходящее за грани разумного.

In this day and age, technology is always changing for the better.

В наше время технологии постоянно изменяются в лучшую сторону.

In this day and age, our vehicles are a necessity.

In this day and age, nearly all of us are specialists in one thing or another.

В наше время почти каждый человек является специалистом в той или иной области.

In this day and age, anyone can be a social media expert.

В наши дни, каждый может быть социальным медиа-консультантом.

In this day and age, people need to be proud of themselves.

In this day and age, the diverse array of products on supermarket shelves is often taken for granted.

В наше время разнообразие продуктов на полках супермаркетов зачастую воспринимается как должное.

In this day and age, it is hard to deny the influence of technology in our lives.

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Idiom: in this day and age

  • at this time in history (compared to the past)
  • in the present moment.

Simply so What is the meaning of this day? : at the present time in history : nowadays.

Is it this age or this age? In general we don’t use in, but do use at with age. Your sentence doesn’t work but these do: At the age of 18, Cher was still Cherilyn Sarkisian. It’s perfectly normal to be a virgin at age 18.

also What does the phrase of age mean? Definition of of age

: having existed for a specified period of time The student was 20 years of age.

What is a synonym for currently?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for currently, like: presently, now, at-present, , currrently, previously, curently, even (or just) (or right) now, time, already and actually.

What is a better word for Which? In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for which, like: that, and which, and-that, whichever, what, who, whatever, thus, therefore, for-which and whereby.

What is the difference between currently and presently?

Presently may mean “immediately” or “soon,” and in modern usage it has come to mean “now”; careful writers choose a more precise term. Currently means “now” and causes no problems.

What is another word for modern day? What is another word for modern-day?

current modern
contemporary recent
new today’s
present-day latter-day
latest newfangled

What is ibuprofen synonym?

It is a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Also called Advil and Motrin.

What’s another way to say on the other hand? What is another word for on the other hand?

or alternatively
alternately conversely
otherwise instead
or rather as an alternative
as a substitute as another option

Which means synonym and antonym?

Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word. Choosing the right synonym refines your writing. Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

When should I use currently? These words are often used to describe an action that is occurring now, at this moment in time. The word presently has come to be used more frequently to describe an action that is just about to happen rather than one that is happening at this moment.

How do you use presently?

You use presently to indicate that something happened a short time after the time or event that you have just mentioned. He was shown to a small office. Presently, a young woman in a white coat came in.

How do you use currently?

Use “currently” in a sentence | “currently” sentence examples

  1. She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne du Maurier’s “Rebecca”.
  2. He is currently on/taking medication for his heart.
  3. The hotel is currently under construction.
  4. They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts.

What does modern-day mean? Definition of modern-day

: existing today problems facing most modern-day families modern-day China —often used to indicate that someone or something of the present is similar to someone or something of the past The two lovers are a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.

How do you use modern-day in a sentence? 1. She’s a modern-day Joan of Arc. 2. Modern-day engines are so much more efficient.

What is a modern-day society?

Modern society, or modernity, is defined as people living together in the current time. An example of modern society is the current political, sociological, scientific and artistic climate.

What is the other name of paracetamol? Other names

Generic name Brand names
Paracetamol Dymadon® , Lemsip®, Panadol®, Panamax®, Tylenol®
Paracetamol and codeine Panadeine Forte®, Panamax Co®
Paracetamol, codeine and doxylamine Mersyndol® and Mersyndol Forte®, Panalgesic®

Dec 2, 2021

Is paracetamol a pain killer?

About paracetamol for adults

Paracetamol is a common painkiller used to treat aches and pain. It can also be used to reduce a high temperature. It’s available combined with other painkillers and anti-sickness medicines. It’s also an ingredient in a wide range of cold and flu remedies.

What’s another name for Tylenol? You may know acetaminophen as the brand-name drug Tylenol. A common brand name for ibuprofen is Advil.

What does In contrast mean?

Definition of by/in contrast

: when compared to another : when looked at or thought about in relation to similar objects or people to set off dissimilar qualities She had a big personality, which made her husband seem dull by contrast.

What does on the flipside mean? Meaning of flip side in English

the opposite, less good, or less popular side of something: We’re now starting to see the flip side of the government’s economic policy.

What is the meaning of compound word motherland?

1 : mother country sense 1. 2 : a country regarded as a place of origin (as of an idea or a movement)

What is a fancy word for means? verb. 1’the flashing lights mean that the road is blocked’ signify, convey, denote, designate, indicate, connote, show, express, spell out, stand for, represent, symbolize, imply, purport, suggest, allude to, intimate, hint at, insinuate, drive at, refer to. informal get at. literary betoken.

What is another word for mean or rude?

1 uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless.

What is it called when something has meaning?

Originally Answered: What’s it called when you use a word to mean something else? Commonly known as a metaphor. Sometimes, in certain contexts, you might talk of an allegory- which are defined as stories, poems or pictures that ‘reveal hidden meanings’.

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