A word for evil and good

What is a word for both good and evil?

: composed of both good and evil.

What’s a fancy word for evil?

SYNONYMS FOR evil 1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness.

What is the strongest word for evil?

most evil

  • destructive.
  • hateful.
  • heinous.
  • malicious.
  • ugly.
  • unpleasant.
  • vicious.
  • vile.

Is Agathokakological a real word?

adjective. Composed of both good and evil.

What is a Nemophilist?

One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.

What is Solivagant?

: rambling alone : marked by solitary wandering.

What is a Rantipole?

: a wild reckless sometimes quarrelsome person. rantipole. adjective. ”

What does Nefelibata mean?

A cloud walker. An individual who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams. They do not abide by the rules of society, art or literature.

What does Kalopsia mean?

As a combination of the Greek roots kallos, meaning beauty, and opsis, meaning sight (or opos, meaning eyes), in English kalopsia can also mean beautiful sight or with beautiful eyes.

Is Virago a bad word?

Modern use of the word virago generally takes the disparaging sense. The word virago has almost always had an association with cultural gender transgression. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men’s clothing, or receiving the tonsure.

What is the meaning of Doxa?

Doxa (Ancient Greek: δόξα; from verb δοκεῖν, dokein, ‘to appear, to seem, to think, to accept’) is a common belief or popular opinion. In classical rhetoric, doxa is contrasted with episteme (‘knowledge’).

What is an Aesthete?

: one having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art.

What does dilettante mean?

1 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler Mr.

What do you call someone who is full of love?

lover. noun. someone who is in a loving or sexual relationship with another person.

What is a lover of beauty called?

Philokalist or Philocalist literally means “lover of beauty” (Greek roots phil- + kalos).

What can I say instead of I Love You?

Try these simple but thoughtful ways to tell someone what they mean to you.

  • I’m crazy about you.
  • You’re my dream come true.
  • You take my breath away.
  • Since you’ve been around I smile a lot more than I used to.
  • There is no one I’d rather steal blankets from.
  • You’re my partner in crime.
  • You look great today and every day.

How do you describe a lovable person?

Someone lovable is very easy to love. People who are kind and generous to others are also lovable, because they deserve love in return for giving it to others. The adjective lovable comes from love, which has the Old English root lufu, “love, affection, or friendliness.”

How do you describe someone in one word?

You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

  • Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
  • Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
  • Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
  • Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
  • Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
  • Likeable — He’s easy to like.

How do you define yourself?

Defining yourself is basically the idea of knowing who you are, what you stand for, what your identity is, what rules you stand by, and so on. This could be morals you live by, what you define as integrity, how important your word is to you, what you consider to be good and bad things, your beliefs and more.

How do you introduce yourself?

  1. Stick to The Context. The essential thing to understand before introduce yourself is the context of the situation you are in.
  2. Talk about who you are and what you do.
  3. Make it relevant.
  4. Talk about your contribution.
  5. Go beyond what your title is.
  6. Dress the part.
  7. Prepare what you are going to say.
  8. Body language.

How do you describe someone?

Describing Someone’s Character and Personality polite (Please be polite to our guests.) friendly (Everyone was very friendly towards me.) honest (He was a hard-working honest man.) generous (She’s always very generous to the kids.)

How do you describe a sweet person?

If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people. He is a very kind and sweet man. I just smiled sweetly and said no. If you describe a small person or thing as sweet, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or unsophisticated way.

How do you tell a girl she’s beautiful in a cute way?

  1. Find Something Unique About Her. Identify something unique about the girl you want to compliment, and let that be how you say she is beautiful.
  2. Identify Beautiful Traits.
  3. Focus on Actions.
  4. Take Yourself Out of It.
  5. Aim to Help Her Feel Valued.

What is a slang word for beautiful?

bbw conor oberst sharina gorgeous jolynn gorgouse btfl shabba fine bella bootiful fabs ayanna hidden ville valo dime piece heina beautimous deanna ashley krizia diana stunner.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the meaning of malignity?
  2. Is evilness a real word?
  3. How do I spell evilly?
  4. What’s a word worse than evil?
  5. What’s the opposite of evil?
  6. What is opposite alive?
  7. What is opposite alone?
  8. What’s the opposite of answer?
  9. What is a one word answer called?
  10. How do you spell answer correctly?
  11. What do you call a place where people live?
  12. What do you call a place?
  13. What is another word for living together?
  14. What cohabitant means?
  15. What is the legal term for boyfriend?
  16. Which word means state of living together peacefully?
  17. What is a peaceful person called?
  18. What is another word for quiet and peaceful?

: composed of both good and evil.

What is the meaning of malignity?

1 : malignancy, malevolence. 2 : an instance of malignant or malicious behavior or nature.

Is evilness a real word?

The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.

How do I spell evilly?

Correct spelling for the English word “evilly” is [ˈiːvə͡lˌi], [ˈiːvə‍lˌi], [ˈiː_v_əl_ˌi] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What’s a word worse than evil?

OTHER WORDS FOR evil 1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

What’s the opposite of evil?

What is the opposite of evil?

virtuous benevolent
chaste wonderful
blameless godly
impeccable agreeable
lawful saintly

What is opposite alive?

inanimate, lifeless, dead, deceased, morose, dispirited, unconscious, sluggish, spiritless, dull.

What is opposite alone?

Opposite of being (alone) by oneself. accompanied. chaperoned. escorted.

What’s the opposite of answer?

What is the opposite of answer?

difference opposite
question reverse
be original

What is a one word answer called?

A sentence word (also called a oneword sentence) is a single word that forms a full sentence.

How do you spell answer correctly?

Correct spelling for the English word “answering” is [ˈansəɹɪŋ], [ˈansəɹɪŋ], [ˈa_n_s_ə_ɹ_ɪ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What do you call a place where people live?

The place where you live — whether house, hotel, or mobile home — is where you reside. The President of the United States resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in a little shack called the White House. You can also use reside to refer to the community where you make your home.

What do you call a place?

noun. the place or position where someone or something is or where something happens.

What is another word for living together?

What is another word for living together?

sharing cohabitation
living in sin shack up
civil union marriage

What cohabitant means?

intransitive verb. 1 : to live together as or as if a married couple They cohabited in a small apartment. 2a : to live together or in company buffaloes cohabiting with crossbred cows — Biol. Abstracts. b : to exist together …

What is the legal term for boyfriend?

All over the country, particularly in bright blue states like California, people are swapping the wordsboyfriend” and “girlfriend” — and even “husband” and “wife” — for the word “partner.” According to data compiled by Google Trends, the search term “my partner” has been steadily gaining traction: It’s eight times as …

Which word means state of living together peacefully?

living together peacefully. peaceful coexistence. peaceful cohabitation. peaceful existence. side by side in peace.

What is a peaceful person called?

A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. If you are a pacifist, you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting. A pacifist is a peacemaker — even its Latin origins of pax, or “peace” and facere, “to make” show it.

What is another word for quiet and peaceful?

Some common synonyms of peaceful are calm, placid, serene, and tranquil. While all these words mean “quiet and free from disturbance,” peaceful implies a state of repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

благо или во зло

добра или зла

добру или ко злу

добра или для зла

благо, так и во зло

добра, так и для зла

My one uncertainty was whether it would be for good or for evil.

Единственной неопределенностью, было знать, будет это во благо или во зло.

It was a great new force to be used for good or for evil.

Это была великая новая сила для использования во благо или во зло.

But like everything, they can be used for good or for evil.

Но, как и все, они могут быть использованы для добра или зла.

Technology can be used in a variety of ways — for good or for evil.

Ведь каждая технология может быть использована в различных целях: для добра или зла.

For good or for evil, but inevitably, in every field.

A man reads a book; he lays it aside and perhaps forgets it; but nevertheless it lies there on his table or his book-shelf and it continues to pour upon him a steady influence, whether for good or for evil.

Человек читает книгу, затем он откладывает её в сторону, и, возможно, забывает о ней, но тем не менее она лежит на его столе или книжной полке и продолжает оказывать на него постоянное влияние, будь то к добру или ко злу.

You can use your subconscious mind for creation or destruction for good or for evil.

Можно воспользоваться собственным подсознанием для созидания или разрушения, во благо или во зло.

The book of Proverbs in particular contains many warnings as to how words may be used either for good or for evil.

Книга Притчей в особенности содержит очень много предупреждений о том, как слова могут быть использованы для добра или зла.

robotics will be used, for good or for evil,

как робототехника будет использоваться, — для добра или зла,

It depends on how it is used, for good or for evil.

Whatever they do, for good or for evil, to that will they fall heir.

Что бы они ни делали, добра или зла, в которые они попадают наследник .

As the scripture says, there are many ways in which our tongue can be used for good or for evil.

Книга Притчей в особенности содержит очень много предупреждений о том, как слова могут быть использованы для добра или зла.

Love and hate creates subjective forms of beautiful or of horrid shapes, and being infused with consciousness, obtain life, and they may be sent on some errand for good or for evil.

Любовь и ненависть могут породить субъективные формы — прекрасные или ужасающие; наполненные сознанием, они обретают жизнь и становятся способны исполнять всевозможные поручения во благо или во зло.

Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir…

Все, что я делаю, во благо или во зло, что я стать наследником…

An ancient and magical amulet that has the power to stop time is passed through generations until it ends up in the hands of a young man who must choose to use its power for good or for evil.

Древний магический амулет, который может остановливать время, передается из поколения в поколение, пока не оказывается в руках молодого человека, который должен выбрать, как использовать свою власть: во имя добра или зла

Every game in the series shares the same central narrative theme: if you had superpowers, would you use them for good or for evil?

Каждая игра серии использует неизменный стержень повествования: имея суперсилы, использовали вы бы их во благо или во зло?

I suppose that I have a pretty varied acquaintance with the inner workings of the occult movement, and I have never seen anything whatever that indicated any centralised control, whether for good or for evil.

Думаю, что я довольно хорошо знакома с внутренними процессами оккультного движения,- однако я никогда не слышала ничего, что указывало бы на какое-либо централизованное управление, будь то в пользу добра или зла.

But if these unintelligent forms are infused with the principle of intelligence proceeding from man, they become intelligent and act in accordance with the dictates of the master from which they receive their will and intelligence, and who may employ them for good or for evil.

Но если эти неразумные формы наполняются интеллектуальным принципом, исходящим из человека, они становятся разумными и действуют в соответствии с указаниями их хозяина, от которого они получили волю и интеллект и который может использовать их во благо или во зло.

It is also the fact that the old instruments of political, economic, military control, which the ‘big’ West used for its own limits for the realization of their interests — for good or for evil, is another question, — stop working.

Дело еще и в том, что прежние инструменты политического, экономического, военного контроля, которые использовал «большой» Запад за собственными пределами для реализации своих интересов — во благо или во зло, другой вопрос, — перестают работать.

AI has been touted as the pathway to protection; but as with many powerful tools, it can be used for good or for evil, as AI platforms are favoured by cyber criminals too.

ИИ рекламировался как путь к защите; но, как и во многих мощных инструментах, его можно использовать во благо или во зло, поскольку киберпреступники также предпочитают платформы ИИ.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 58. Точных совпадений: 58. Затраченное время: 160 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I’m writing a story about a zombie apocalypse. There’s a word that keeps slipping my mind, but I can’t seem to describe the meaning well enough to find the word online, so I’m gonna post the passage it pertains to here.

Princess sneers down at keith. «Oh come now, you don’t find anything you see here impressive?»
«I admit,» he responds, his expressionless gaze never wavering. «what you’ve done here is incredible. But not impressive. I’m not all that impressed by evil.»
Princess doesn’t respond right away, looking Keith over thoughtfully. Finally, she laughs, causing Meredith to jump. «Evil? Oh, girls, we have ourselves a (((…..???????…….word????)), isn’t that cute?»

Princess in this context isn’t amused that Keith doesn’t like evil. She’s amused that he believes good and evil are actual things that exist, and not man made concepts. The word I’m looking for would describe someone like Keith.

Any fellow writers out there wanna give me a hand? I would greatly appreciate it.

Perhaps I’m grasping at straws, looking for a word that does not exist…but i feel it should be there.

Perhaps it would help if i knew the word for someone who believes good and evil are subjective, or don’t actually exist.

St. Macarius the Great of Egypt (390)
Saint Macarius of Alexandria
Saint Mark Eugenikos, Archbishop of Ephesus
Saint Anthony the Stylite of Martomq’ophi (Martkob),
Blessed Theodore of Novgorod the Fool-For-Christ

Commemorated on January 19

Μακάριος ὁ Αἰγύπτιος _Macarius of Egypt the Great_ Макарий Великий Египетский_0_1b9501_1dcc7766_origThey said of Abba Macarius the Egyptian that one day he went up from Scetis to the mountain of Nitria. As he approached the place he told his disciple to go on ahead. When the latter had gone on ahead, he met a priest of the pagans. The brother shouted after him saying, ‘Oh, oh, devil, where are you off to?’ The priest turned back and beat him and left him half dead. Then picking up his stick, he fled. When he had gone a little further, Abba Macarius met him running and said to him, ‘Greetings! Greetings, you weary man!’ Quite astonished, the other came up to him and said, ‘What good do you see in me, that you greet me in this way?’ The old man said to him, ‘I have seen you wearing yourself out without knowing that you are wearing yourself out in vain.’ The other said to him, ‘I have been touched by your greeting and I realize that you are on God’s side. But another wicked monk who met me insulted me and I have given him blows enough for him to die of them.’ The old man realized that he was referring to his disciple. Then the priest fell at his feet and said, ‘I will not let you go till you have made me a monk.’ When they came to the place where the brother was, they put him onto their shoulders and carried him to the church in the mountain. When the people saw the priest with Macarius they were astonished and they made him a monk. Through him many pagans became Christians. So Abba Macarius said, ‘One evil word makes even the good evil, while one good word makes even the evil good.’ (Ward, p. 137)

With meekness arid mildness Macarius directed his brethren, inspiring in them above all love for each other. He said: “If, in giving someone a reprimand, you come in irritation, then you are gratifying your passion. In this fashion, without saving others you cause harm to yourself as well.”

St Macarius gave advice to a young man who wished to become a monk: “Flee from people and you shall be saved.” That one asked: “What does it mean to flee from people?” The monk answered: “Sit in your cell and repent of your sins.”

The prayer of St Macarius saved many in perilous circumstances of life, and preserved them from harm and temptation. His benevolence was so great that they said of him: “Just as God sees the whole world, but does not chastize sinners, so also does Abba Macarius cover his neighbor’s weaknesses, which he seemed to see without seeing, and heard without hearing.”

Abba Macarius said, “If a soul still in the world does not possess in itself the sanctity of the Spirit for great faith and for prayer, and does not strive for the oneness of Divine communion, then it is unfit for the heavenly kingdom”.


Macarius was an Egyptian and one of the younger contemporaries of Anthony the Great. His father was a priest. Out of obedience to his parents, Macarius married. However, his wife died shortly thereafter and he withdrew into the wilderness where he spent sixty years in labor and struggle, both internally and externally for the Kingdom of Heaven. When they asked him: “Why is he so thin when he eats and when he does not eat?” He responded: “From the fear of God.” So much did he succeed in cleansing his mind of evil thoughts and his heart of evil desires that God bestowed upon him the abundant gift of miracle-working so that he even raised the dead from the graves. His humility amazed both men and demons. A demon once said to him: “There is only one thing in which I am unable to overpower you. It is not in fasting; for I do not eat anything. It is not in vigils; for I never sleep.” “But, what is it?” asked Macarius. “Your humility” answered the demon. Macarius often spoke to Paphnutius, his disciple: “Do not judge anyone and you will be saved.” Macarius lived to be ninety-seven years old. Nine days before his death, St. Anthony and St. Pachomius appeared to him from the other world and informed him that he would die within nine days, which happened. Also, before his death, Macarius had a vision in which a cherubim revealed to him the blessed heavenly world, commended his effort and his virtue and said to him that he was sent to take his soul into the Kingdom of Heaven. He died in the year 390 A.D.

The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič for date January 19.

Apolytikion St. Macarius the Great of Egypt in the First Tone

Thou didst prove to be a citizen of the desert, an angel in the flesh, and a wonderworker, O Makarios, our God-bearing Father. By fasting, vigil, and prayer thou didst obtain heavenly gifts, and thou healest the sick and the souls of them that have recourse to thee with faith. Glory to Him that hath given thee strength. Glory to Him that hath crowned thee. Glory to Him that worketh healings for all through thee.

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