A word for everything you need

Single word request. Looking for a less silly version of «kit and caboodle». A word for a kit that includes everything you need for a certain task.

I did look in a thesaurus, under «kit». None of the synonyms seemed to necessarily imply completeness or comprehensiveness of the kit.

asked Dec 17, 2016 at 18:51

DepressedDaniel's user avatar


I like toolkit but since it was already suggested (in comments), perhaps … apparatus.

[mass noun] The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose:
firemen wearing breathing apparatus’.
— O-D

answered Dec 19, 2016 at 0:47

k1eran's user avatar


22.4k6 gold badges50 silver badges89 bronze badges

You may also say essentials (in the proper context; check the example below).



(usually essentials)
1 A thing that is absolutely necessary:
‘we only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment’

answered Dec 19, 2016 at 6:39

alwayslearning's user avatar


27.5k6 gold badges44 silver badges99 bronze badges

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


It contains everything you need to play all your movies and music.

Это достаточный пакет, который содержит всё необходимое для воспроизведения всех ваших фильмов и музыки.

We have everything you need for cold weather.

A very good choice for travellers offering everything you need and more.

Отличная сумка для путешественников, которая позволяет взять с собой всё необходимое и даже больше.

Bring everything you need for lunch.

Almost everything you need could be found there.

Money is not everything you need when you travel.

The property provides everything you need.

You have everything you need to decide this case.

They have everything you need to know about contracts that they offer.

У них есть все, что вам нужно знать о контрактах, которые они предлагают.

Near public transportation and everything you need for learning and recreation.

This price includes everything you need for the test without any additional costs and expenses.

В эту стоимость входит все, что Вам потребуется для проведения теста, без каких-либо дополнительных затрат и расходов.

This game has everything you need about cars.

It contains everything you need animals.

Visualize yourself surrounded by everything you need.

Визуализируйте себя, окружённым тем, что сейчас вокруг вас.

It’s everything you need for fast and reliable text messaging.

You have everything you need now.

I’ll give you everything you need.

You already have everything you need.

You have everything you need right here.

You have here everything you need.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат everything you need

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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В комплект, который вы получите, входит не только солнечное зарядное устройство, но и


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HD you purchased contains everything you need to take high quality HD video.



HD входит все необходимое для съемки высококачественного видео в формате HD .



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Модель Cibus TRM для

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Все, что необходимо Вам для организации увлекательной поездки: […]

начиная от идей для тематических туров (гастрономический,


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This document includes everything you need to import the […]

GPP into another GPO (or environment for that matter).



Этот документ

будет содержать все, что вам нужно будет импортировать […]

GPP в другой объект GPO (или в окружение для этой категории).



Rooms at the ”Dawn” are divided into categories in each of the

modern rooms have everything you need for comfort and […]

a cozy holiday: the ability to connect


a personal computer, free Wi-Fi Internet access, satellite television, refrigerator, closet, modern comfortable furniture, a bed with orthopedic mattress , Euro-bathroom.



Номера отеля «Рассвет»


делятся на категории: В каждом из

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и уютного отдыха: возможность


подключения персонального компьютера, бесплатный Wi-Fi Интернет, спутниковое телевидение, холодильник, гардеробная, современная комфортная мебель, кровать с ортопедическим матрасом, евро-санузел.



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Since the introduction of the water computer in 1985


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С момента введения


таймера для полива в 1985

году, дождевателей и Micro-Drip-системы потребитель получает все, что нужно для автоматического […]



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In it I explained everything

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This book assumes minimal UNIX experience and takes the


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Для чтения этой книги требуется лишь минимальный


опыт работы с UNIX и в ней начинающий

проходит все шаги от установки до всего, что нужно знать […]

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Corsair Link kits and

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Everything you need in a handy case.



Все, что нужно, — в одном удобном чемодане.



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This Advanced Navi Station has everything you need, no matter what countries you travel in.



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процесса документооборота.



(Credit: danm12/Shutterstock)Imagine walking through a forest near dusk. It is peaceful and quiet; the setting sun paints streaks of light through tree trunks and across your path. The scene is familiar to anyone who’s ever taken a walk in the woods. Using one word, how would you describe the experience? You might defer to a string of adjectives: serenity, beauty, peace, fulfillment — words that dance around the feeling without ever precisely pinning it down. But that’s not the case in Japanese. In that language, a specific term encapsulates the feeling evoked by sunlight dancing through the trees: komorebi. It’s a tidy way of packaging calm, wonder and harmony into one word. Komorebi has no direct translation in English; it stands on its own, as do many words from other languages that lasso constellations of meaning and emotion in different ways. These words seem to hint that, due to the confines of language, there are ways to perceive the world that remain locked. How and why we put words to things is a hotly debated topic at the heart of linguistics. They allow us to communicate, of course, but to what extent do they help us think?

Connecting the Unreal to Reality

Words, at their most basic, bridge our subconscious to the physical environment. “One of the things that [language] does is allow you to put that information about anything belonging to that category into memory and retrieve it easily, and therefore also talk about it to other people,” says Eve Clark, a professor of linguistics at Stanford University.

Are they here yet? The iktsuarpok is all too real. (Credit: NATALIIA MAKAROVA/Shutterstock)

Most linguists today agree that having a word for something alters our perception of it in some way. This is a version of the «Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,» named for Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, Yale University anthropologists who argued that cognition and language are intimately entwined. The initial, or strong, version of the hypothesis holds that without a word for something our minds are essentially stymied — we cannot even think about an unnamed concept.

As words like komorebi make clear, this is intuitively wrong. The feeling the word evokes is familiar to us, even if we couldn’t find a name for it. But a word helps recall the concept in a structured way. This is the basis of the updated, or weak, version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.The weak version has gained support among linguists, as it posits that when we pin something down with language, it’s easier to think about and utilize.“There’s never been any evidence for the strong Whorfian claim,” says Edward Gibson, a professor of cognitive science at MIT. “What there is evidence for is that when you learn a language, you notice associations that you might not have noticed as you learn. For instance, color terms; you learn what blue is, or what green is, or what yellow is, and category boundaries become more salient to you than they would have without the actual terms.”By this line of thinking, language sorts experiences into discrete packets of information that contain feelings and impressions. Once we’ve packaged an experience, we can communicate it to ourselves and others. 

Listen to the author discuss this story on our «It’s Only Science» podcast. (Begins at 24:45) https://soundcloud.com/its-only-science-discover-magazine/episode-9-from-boredom-to-sporedom

How Words Help Us Think

Studies have shown that talking to ourselves during a task helps complete it. In one study, participants were given a simple task: search for an item in a large set of random images. When they said the name of the object out loud, participants were consistently better at finding the object. A similar experiment found the same results for inner speech, that is, words that participants thought to themselves.

“What it comes down to is the relationship between ideas and language and a lot of people would say, you can think in images, but mostly we think in words for those images,” says Deborah Tannen, a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University. “Words and images are inextricably intertwined – if we have a word for something, the image is easier.”

A terrible moment for a tartle. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)Try a few more untranslatable words on for size: iktsuarpok, an Inuit word for the feeling of anticipation we feel while looking out the window waiting for someone to arrive; tartle, a Scottish word that describes hesitation when introducing someone because you’ve forgotten their name; or mokita, a word from the Kivila language of Papua New Guinea, describing a truth we all know but refuse to talk about.These terms describe very specific situations and their attendant emotions, in a way that allows for easy communication between two beings that may have very different perspectives. Although we may use different shades of color, we’re all working from the same palette.

One Spectrum, Many Viewpoints

The analogy of color works well for describing how words divide the emotional spectrum. Just as we’ve taken a set of wavelengths and imposed color terms on them, words delineate where one feeling begins and another ends, although overlap is inevitable.Color has played an important role for linguists over the years, dating back to a seminal 1969 paper by Brent Berlin and Paul Kay. By analyzing how 98 different languages referred to basic colors, they claimed to have found a series of universal rules for naming colors. The languages varied in the number of colors they had words for, but they all seemed to differentiate between white and black. And, as they added more colors to their vocabulary, they did so in a predictable way, adding first red, then yellow and green, then blue and so on.

Interpretations of mokita vary. While their work has been substantially critiqued and revised, it was an attempt to determine if various cultures break up the world in the same way. If that holds for colors, the assumption goes, it might hold for more complex things like emotions and experiences. If we all tend to break up the world in the same way, then we should be able to understand each other, no matter the language we speak.We can run into trouble, however, when we try to swipe words from other cultures with very different conceptions of the world.

Can’t Put Two Into One

“My classic example is the idea of mind and body. Westerners can’t think of mind and body as a single entity because we have two different words,” says Tannen. “The very fact that we’ve said two words makes them two different things in our consciousness. We try to smush the two together, and we can, but it’s not going to be as real to us as if we had one word that meant mind and body.”The associations each word conjures are fundamentally at odds with each other, according to Tannen, and trying to put them together goes against our entire worldview. The solution may be even more fundamental than trying to reconcile opposing concepts. To fuse mind and body, argues Jeff Connor-Linton, also a professor of linguistics at Georgetown, we need to adopt an entirely different system of classification.“The issue is not that we’re trying to take two things and jam them into one word, but that word, or that set of words in the other language, has organized that overall field, that semantic cloud differently than we do,” he says.

  • all
  • business
  • lot
  • aggregate
  • all in all
  • all that
  • all things
  • complex
  • each thing
  • every little thing
  • fixins’
  • lock stock and barrel
  • many things
  • sum
  • the works
  • total
  • universe
  • whole
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole caboodle
  • whole enchilada
  • whole lot
  • whole shebang

On this page you’ll find 33 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to everything, such as: all, business, lot, aggregate, all in all, and all that.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING everything

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use everything in a sentence

So after a few minutes I remarked to him, «Everything tastes very sweet out of this spoon!»


He wanted to tell her that if she called her father, it would mean the end of everything for them, but he withheld this.


Everything is topsy-turvy in Europe according to our moral ideas, and they don’t have what we call «men» over here.


I should like it to be used for Maude; and mind, I’ll see to everything; you need not give yourself any trouble at all.


It happened that I didn’t stay around those police posts long enough to get familiar with the technical terms for everything.


Everything showed a rapid flight; even the would-be dinner of the guerrillas was found half cooked.


He told, in answer to the volumes of inquiries that everything was all right, and that the book would appear soon.


Lessard’s high-handed squelching of MacRae had thrown everything out of focus.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • all
  • all-embracing
  • all-encompassing
  • all-inclusive
  • blanket
  • broad
  • broad in content
  • complete
  • comprehensive
  • encompassing
  • everything
  • extensive
  • global
  • including all categories
  • including all members
  • panoptic
  • sweeping
  • total
  • wide
  • widespread
  • accumulation
  • aggregate
  • aggregation
  • collection
  • ensemble
  • entirety
  • everyone
  • everything
  • gross
  • group
  • integer
  • jackpot
  • lock stock and barrel
  • mass
  • quantity
  • sum
  • sum total
  • total
  • unit
  • utmost
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole enchilada
  • whole nine yards
  • whole schmear
  • whole shooting match
  • whole show
  • works
  • all
  • any one thing
  • anything at all
  • everything
  • whatever
  • absoluteness
  • aggregate
  • all
  • allness
  • collectiveness
  • collectivity
  • completeness
  • complex
  • comprehensiveness
  • ensemble
  • entireness
  • everything
  • fullness
  • gross
  • intactness
  • integrality
  • integrity
  • omneity
  • omnitude
  • oneness
  • perfection
  • plenitude
  • sum
  • sum total
  • the works
  • total
  • totality
  • undividedness
  • unity
  • universality
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole bit
  • whole enchilada
  • whole nine yards
  • affair
  • anything
  • apparatus
  • article
  • being
  • body
  • business
  • circumstance
  • commodity
  • concept
  • concern
  • configuration
  • contrivance
  • corporeality
  • creature
  • device
  • element
  • entity
  • everything
  • existence
  • existent
  • fact
  • figure
  • form
  • gadget
  • goods
  • implement
  • individual
  • information
  • instrument
  • item
  • machine
  • material
  • materiality
  • matter
  • means
  • mechanism
  • object
  • part
  • person
  • phenomenon
  • piece
  • point
  • portion
  • shape
  • situation
  • stuff
  • subject
  • substance
  • tool
  • word
  • collectivity
  • completeness
  • everything
  • sum
  • whole

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • A word for every language
  • A word for even though
  • A word for doing the wrong thing
  • A word for doing something wrong
  • A word for doing someone wrong