Need synonyms for even though? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Contexts ▼
Despite the fact that
In spite of the given clause
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Despite the fact that
despite the fact
despite the fact that
in spite of the fact that
allowing that
as much as
even when
notwithstanding the fact that
even if
even supposing
granted that
granting the fact that
much as
notwithstanding that
for all that
except for the fact that
except that
despite the possibility that
despite being
if it were not for the fact that
on the other hand
just the same
all the same
despite that
be that as it may
besides the fact that
but still
in spite of being
just because
still and all
at any rate
even so
in spite of that
at the same time
after all that
excepting the fact that
saving for the fact that
were it not for the fact that
excepting that
but then
then again
in contrast
by contrast
on the contrary
“It says too little about responsibilities, even though rights and responsibilities are reciprocal.”
In spite of the given clause
regardless of
in spite of
even with
for all
in contempt of
in defiance of
in the face of
undeterred by
without being affected by
heedless of
in the teeth of
even after
irrespective of
no matter
setting aside
aside from
indifferent to
without regard to
not considering
without reference to
unmindful of
leaving aside
irregardless of
no matter what
taking no notice of
unconcerned about
without considering
without heed of
paying no attention to
apart from
after all
negligent of
careless of
without consideration of
careless about
in despite of
without attention to
to counterbalance
for all that
In spite of what preceded
even so
all the same
despite everything
despite that
still and all
at the same time
for all that
having said that
in spite of everything
that said
after all
after everything
at any rate
in any event
in spite of that
in spite of this
just the same
and yet
be that as it may
but still
come what may
despite this
but despite that
but for all that
but in spite of that
in any case
with that being said
not the less
all things considered
then again
at all events
be it as it may
despite the fact that
in spite of what preceded
when all is said and done
either way
at any cost
no matter what
whatever the cost
rain or shine
whatever happens
no matter what happens
on the other hand
come rain or shine
on the flip side
on the flip-side
that being said
this being said
with this in mind
any which way
in one way or another
under any circumstances
whatever the case
be it what it would
at least
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What is the opposite of even though?
Sentences with the word even though
Words that rhyme with even though
Translations for even though
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Nearby Words
event loop
event manager
event moderator
event planner
even the score for
even the score
even then
event handlers
event handler
eventful past
Find Synonyms
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- still
- though
- yet
- nonetheless
- notwithstanding
- withal
- after all
- although
- but
- even so
- howbeit
- not the less
- regardless
- still and all
- admitting
- even if
- notwithstanding
- admitting
- albeit
- despite
- despite the fact
- even if
- even supposing
- granting
- granting all this
- in spite of
- much as
- notwithstanding
- still
- supposing
- though
- when
- whereas
- while
- yet
- although
- even if
- yet
- despite the fact
- notwithstanding
- albeit
- despite
- although
- though
- in spite of
- regardless of
- against
- although
- even with
- in contempt of
- in defiance of
- in the face of
- notwithstanding
- undeterred by
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you’ll find 60 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to even though, such as: still, though, yet, nonetheless, notwithstanding, and withal.
How to use even though in a sentence
Do not heed the Governor-Generalʼs decree, calling you to arms, even though it cost you your lives.
I can perceive none, even though the steamships should still proceed to Liverpool as heretofore.
Since that hour there was no possible means of communicating with Lucknow, even though he had reached Allahabad safely.
It is not usual to find gonococci when many other bacteria are present, even though the pus is primarily of gonorrheal origin.
I shall make it my business to accomplish that fact even though, at present, he thinks a country blacksmith beneath his notice.
Such a «bee» as that was had never before buzzed on that mountain, even though this was by no means the first one known there.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- admitting
- even if
- even though
- notwithstanding
- against
- although
- even though
- even with
- in contempt of
- in defiance of
- in spite of
- in the face of
- notwithstanding
- regardless of
- undeterred by
- after all
- although
- but
- even so
- even though
- howbeit
- nonetheless
- not the less
- notwithstanding
- regardless
- still
- still and all
- though
- withal
- yet
- anyway
- despite
- even so
- even though
- howbeit
- in spite of
- nevertheless
- nonetheless
- notwithstanding
- regardless
- though
- withal
- yet
- albeit
- although
- despite
- despite the fact
- even if
- even though
- notwithstanding
- yet
- although
- even though
- though
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for even though?
nevertheless | however |
nonetheless | notwithstanding |
still | yet |
even so | regardless |
though | but |
Simply so What is another way to say though? Synonyms of though
- even so,
- howbeit,
- however,
- nevertheless,
- nonetheless,
- notwithstanding,
- still,
- still and all,
Is even though grammatically correct? No, they are not interchangeable. If you want to use even though, the meaning changes. Even though means despite the fact that and is a more emphatic version of though and although. Even if means whether or not and has to do with the conditions that may apply.
also How do you use albeit? How to Use Albeit?
- He was a welcome addition to the team, albeit a late one.
- We decided to buy the car, albeit the price made us hesitate.
- We decided to buy the car, although the price made us hesitate.
How do you use though although even though?
Although, even though, in spite of and despite are all used to link two contrasting ideas or show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can all be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival. We enjoyed the festival, despite the rain.
What is an example of even though? I was always afraid of him, even though he was kind to me. She says she still loves him even though he treats her badly. She wasn’t embarrassed, even though she made a mistake. She wore a coat, even though it was a very hot day.
How can I use even though in a sentence?
Even-though sentence example
- The phone woke me up, even though it wasn’t very loud. …
- You never believed anything I said even though I never lied to you. …
- She doesn’t want to give up, even though she knows she doesn’t have a legal right. …
- They could do their own cooking, even though it wouldn’t be as nice.
What do you mean by alibi? 1 : the explanation given by a person accused of a crime that he or she was somewhere else when the crime was committed. 2 : an excuse intended to avoid blame She made up an alibi for why she was late. alibi. noun.
What does the word barren?
Definition of barren
(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : not reproducing: such as. a : incapable of producing offspring —used especially of females or matings barren women. b : not yet or not recently pregnant.
How do you you use a semicolon? Use a semicolon to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). Make sure when you use the semicolon that the connection between the two independent clauses is clear without the coordinating conjunction.
Is even though formal or informal?
As conjunctions, “although” , “though” and “even though” are interchangeable because these three conjuctions have the same meaning, but the most powerful expression ( most emphatic and formal ) is “Even though”. The weakest expression ( least emphatic and informal ) is “Though”.
What is difference between inspite and despite? In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things. … Despite is a little more formal than in spite of.
How do you teach despite and inspite of?
Because the words despite and in spite of are prepositions, not subordinating conjunctions.
If you use ‘the fact that’, then you can attach a clause after despite or in spite of:
- Despite I was sick , I took the test. …
- Despite the fact that I was sick, I took the test.
What is meaning of even so?
Definition of even so
: in spite of that : nevertheless.
How do you properly use however? To use “however,” use it at the beginning of a contrasting statement, followed by a comma. For example, you could say, “I liked my lunch. However, it was too expensive.” You can also use “however” in the middle of a sentence to contrast two things. For example, you could say, “I can’t make it.
What does fully exonerated mean? to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate: He was exonerated from the accusation of cheating. to relieve, as from an obligation, duty, or task.
What is an alibi defense?
Definition. n. A defense to a criminal charge alleging that the accused was somewhere other than at the scene of the crime at the time it occurred. v. To provide an alibi for someone.
What does it mean to be Barron? : a man who is a member of a low rank of British nobility. : a man who is a member of various ranks of nobility in other countries. : a man who has a lot of power or influence in a particular industry.
What’s the meaning of latching?
: to open or loosen (something, such as a door) by lifting a latch. See the full definition for unlatch in the English Language Learners Dictionary. unlatch.
What is an unproductive? Definition of unproductive
: not effective in bringing something about : not yielding results, benefits, or profits : not productive unproductive meetings unproductive strategies unproductive workers.
How do you use em dash in a sentence?
The em dash can be used in place of a colon when you want to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence. The dash is less formal than the colon. After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict—guilty. The white sand, the warm water, the sparkling sun—this is what brought them to Fiji.
What is comma splice? A comma splice occurs when you use a comma to join two complete sentences without placing an appropriate joining word between them. The comma just isn’t strong enough to do the job of making one grammatical sentence out of two. Learn to recognize what comma splices look like, and be sure to avoid them in your essays.
What is the floating comma called?
This final comma, known as an Oxford or serial comma, is useful in a complex series of elements or phrases but is often considered unnecessary in a simple series such as in the example above. It usually comes down to a style choice by the writer.
Is even though and although the same? Although and even though are conjunctions. They have the same meaning. Even though is a little stronger than although.
What is the meaning of even through?
Definition of even though
—used as a stronger way to say “though” or “although” She stayed with him even though he often mistreated her. I’m going even though it may rain.
What is another word for even though?
58 synonyms found
[ ˈiːvən ðˌə͡ʊ], [ ˈiːvən ðˌəʊ], [ ˈiː_v_ə_n ð_ˌəʊ]
Table of Contents
• nevertheless (adverb)
- still,
- nonetheless,
- but,
- regardless,
- still and all.
• Other relevant words: (adverb)
- however.
• however (adverb)
- nevertheless.
• Other relevant words: (adverb)
- on the other hand,
- Howbeit,
- at any rate,
- yet,
- not the less,
- even so,
- after all,
- withal.
• albeit (conjunction)
- Admitting.
• Other relevant words: (conjunction)
- Albeit,
- granted,
- though,
- even supposing,
- much as,
- despite the fact,
- even if.
• though (conjunction)
- If,
- Allowing,
- Whereas,
- when.
• despite (preposition)
- even with,
- undeterred by,
- Against,
- in contempt of,
- in face of,
- in the face of,
- notwithstanding,
- in defiance of.
• Other relevant words: (preposition)
- no matter,
- despite.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- indeed,
- yea,
- in point of fact,
- actually,
- already,
- nay,
- although,
- in fact,
- as a matter of fact,
- so much as,
- fact.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- granting that,
- subordinating conjunction,
- Supposing,
- in spite of,
- notwithstanding that,
- disregarding,
- conceding that,
- while,
- allowing that,
- admitting that.
How to use «Even though» in context?
Although I am not always happy, I try to be positive. I know that things will get better and that the future will be better. Although the present isn’t always perfect, it’s manageable and I know that it will get better. even though I’m not always happy, I try to stay optimistic and look at the good in life.
even though — хотя бы / даром что / даже если / даже несмотря на
he went even though we wanted him — он уехал, хотя он нам и был нужен
they agreed even though I warned them — они согласились, даром что /хотя/ я их предупреждал
even though he were here he wouldn’t help us — даже если бы он был здесь, он бы не помог нам
even though they tried hard, they did not succeed — несмотря на свои старания, они ничего не добились
the bonds are strong even though they are invisible — пусть эти узы невидимы, они тем не менее сильны
a chemist who has devoted his career to teaching, even though he could have made a lot more money in an industrial job — химик, который посвятил свою карьеру преподавательской работе, хотя он мог бы получить гораздо больше денег, работая на производстве
Автоматический перевод
хотя, несмотря, даже не смотря, даже при том, несмотря на то, даже когда
Перевод по словам
even — даже, ровно, точно, выровнять, четный, ровный, вечер, склон дня
though — хотя, однако, несмотря на, если бы, однако, все же
We decided to play on even though it was snowing.
Мы решили продолжать игру, несмотря на то, что начался снег.
She married him even though her parents disapproved.
Она вышла за него замуж, хотя её родители были против.
I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.
Я до сих пор помню, хотя это было так давно.
I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.
Я поверил, хотя его рассказ звучал неправдоподобно.
We must not despond even though we live in trying times.
Мы не должны унывать, хотя и живём в непростые времена.
Even though he’s 24 now, he’s still like a little child.
Ему уже двадцать четыре, но он всё еще как маленький.
Even though they didn’t win, the team made a good effort.
Хотя команде и не удалось победить, но они очень старались.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed
‘Rain’ and ‘reign’ are pronounced the same even though they are spelt differently.
They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.
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