A word for doing something wrong

Table of Contents

  1. When you do something wrong what will you say?
  2. What do you do when something is wrong?
  3. What is it called when you have a bad feeling about something?
  4. When you see off somebody what you say?
  5. What should you say when you want something?
  6. How do you express really want?
  7. How do you say something to get what you want?
  8. How do you get what you want?
  9. How do you make someone give you what you want?

1 bad, evil, wicked, sinful, immoral, iniquitous, reprehensible; crooked. 2 inaccurate, incorrect, false, untrue, mistaken. 6 improper, unsuitable. 8 misdeed, immorality, wickedness, sin, vice.

When you do something wrong what will you say?

1. Saying, “I’m sorry.” The most often used phrase.

What do you do when something is wrong?

What to Do When Something Goes Wrong

  1. Step One: Acknowledge and Apologize. The first step in handling mistakes is to acknowledge the error and take responsibility for it.
  2. Step Two: Notify and Prioritize. It’s time to get to work.
  3. Step Three: Consider a Compromise.
  4. Step Four: Move On.
  5. Mistakes Aren’t the End of the World.

What is it called when you have a bad feeling about something?

foreboding Add to list Share. When you get a foreboding, you get a sense that something bad is going to happen. A foreboding is a foretelling, a sign or a glimpse, that “something wicked this way comes” — or might come.

When you see off somebody what you say?

If you see off an opponent, you defeat them. When you see someone off, you go with them to the station, airport, or port that they are leaving from, and say goodbye to them there.

What should you say when you want something?

State your position, situation,issue or case. Second: state why or with what purpose you desire said petition. End with….”therefore I respectfully request__________ for the reasons stated or situation at hand”. There is something magical or compelling about respectfully requesting something.

How do you express really want?

Ten ways of expressing wants – Advanced

  1. Coffee – just what I need.
  2. A coffee would be nice.
  3. I could do with a coffee.
  4. I’d love a cup of coffee.
  5. I’m dying for a coffee.
  6. I could kill for a cup of coffee.
  7. I feel like a cup of coffee.
  8. A coffee would go down well now.

How do you say something to get what you want?

  1. 5 Remarkably Powerful Phrases That Will Help You Get What You Want. Sometimes the wording you choose makes all the difference.
  2. What I heard you say is …
  3. Help me understand …
  4. Would you be open to the possibility …
  5. My request is …
  6. I’m not sure, but let me get back to you in …

How do you get what you want?

Add them to your arsenal, and you’ll be ready to step up and conquer.

  1. Ask. Ask and be specific.
  2. Stop apologizing. It is sometimes awkward and stressful to ask for something from a higher up.
  3. Make your gain their gain.
  4. Make yourself invaluable.
  5. Be prepared for your want to be fulfilled.
  6. Persistence.

How do you make someone give you what you want?

  1. 29 Ways to Get What You Want From Others. Larry Kim.
  2. Make It Their Idea. People are much more inclined to push for their own idea rather than someone else’s.
  3. Ask For Favors.
  4. Shoot For The Moon, Land On The Stars.
  5. Stop The Self-Sabotage.
  6. Sincere Appreciation.
  7. Questions Over Orders.
  8. Lay On The Praise Thick.


For logophiles, whether you tend toward pleonasm or perspicacious thrift. Any language is acceptable. Suggested topics are new words, expressions, neologisms, neoterisms, sniglets, odd usages, reanimated words, words you never knew existed, words you wish existed, or even words you would like expurgated from the space-time continuum.



doing something wrong — перевод на русский

Did I do something wrong this morning or has the world always been like this, and I was too wrapped up in myself to notice?

Я сделал что-то не так этим утром или мир всегда был таким, а я был слишком замкнут в себе, чтобы это замечать?

Somebody did something wrong, but who?

Кто-то сделал что-то не так? Но кто?

Well, you must have done something wrong.

Ну, наверно ты сделал что-то не так.

Did I do something wrong?

— Почему? Я сделал что-то не так?

If I do something wrong, is because God didn’t give me the grace to do what’s right.

И если я сделал что-то не так, то только потому что Господь не указал мне на мою ошибку.

Показать ещё примеры для «сделал что-то не так»…

I-I thought that being pregnant would be this magical thing, but mostly I’m so nervous of doing something wrong, of hurting the baby somehow.

Я… я думала, что беременность — это что-то такое волшебное, но я только психую, а вдруг я что-то делаю не так или, там, делаю малышу плохо.

I, of course, don’t, so I was wondering if I was doing something wrong.

Я, конечно не слышал, но подумал вдруг я что-то делаю не так?

Tobi, if you do not love me, or if I am doing something wrong, then please tell me

Тоби, если ты не любишь меня, или я что-то делаю не так…

Why do you always follow me when I do something wrong?

Почему ты всегда рядом, когда я делаю что-то не так?

Sitting round like one big fucking happy family, except you’re all looking at me like I’ve done something wrong!

Сидим тут как чертово счастливое семейство, только все вы смотрите на меня, как будто я делаю что-то не так!

Показать ещё примеры для «что-то делаю»…

Have you done something wrong?

Ты что-то натворил?

They’re insane. They think he’s done something wrong.

Они думают, что он что-то натворил.

-You’ve done something wrong?

Ты что-то натворил?

Have I done something wrong?

Я что, что-то натворил?

He did something wrong, and my wife yelled at him.

Он что-то натворил, и моя жена его наругала

Показать ещё примеры для «что-то натворил»…

! — If I’ve done something wrong, I…

— Если я сделал что-то неправильно, я…

I was afraid maybe I’d done something wrong.

Я боялся, может быть, Я бы сделал что-то неправильно.

They’re the ones who did something wrong, not us.

Они – те, кто сделал что-то неправильно, не мы.

Wh… All right. Did I do something wrong?

Я сделал что-то неправильно?

I’m always doing something wrong to one of you.

Для одного из вас я обязательно сделаю что-нибудь неправильно.

Показать ещё примеры для «сделал что-то неправильно»…

Listen, if your brother is doing something wrong, then you’re the only one who can stop him.

Если твой брат поступает неправильно, только ты можешь его остановить.

You know what those people do to you when you do something wrong?

Вы знаете, что эти люди делают с теми, кто поступает неправильно?

You can’t ask me to do something wrong.

Ты не можешь просить меня поступать неправильно.

— I feel like I’m doing something wrong.

— Мне кажется, что я поступаю неправильно.

You’re doing something wrong.

Вот сейчас ты неправильно поступаешь.

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Misconstrue is a word used to describe someone who has
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Yes, the noun ‘allegation’ is an abstract noun; a word for a claim or assertion not supported by proof or evidence that someone has done something illegal or wrong; a word for a concept.

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Yes, the word quota is an abstract noun; a word for an amount of something that someone has to do; an amount of something that someone is officially allowed to have or do; a word for a concept.

What does the Greek word pathos mean?

It is to have pityy on someone.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

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делаете что-то не так

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что-то делаете не так

что-то делаю неправильно

что-то делаем не так

Dreaming about something that is already happening in your waking life is a warning, especially if you are doing something wrong.

Видеть сон о чем-то, что уже происходит в вашей бодрствующей жизни, является предупреждением, особенно если вы делаете что-то неправильно.

If your day seems like one long endless meeting, you’re doing something wrong.

This means that you are not on the right track or doing something wrong.

If mobile isn’t key to your SEO strategy in 2017 you are doing something wrong.

Если мобильный телефон не является ключом к вашей стратегии SEO в 2017 году, вы делаете что-то не так.

I think that I’m doing something wrong.

I’m clearly doing something wrong.

I must be doing something wrong, that you can’t hear me.

Well, if it’s subtle, I’m definitely doing something wrong.

Maybe you’re doing something wrong, dude.

If your first programming language is Java or C#, then you’re doing something wrong.

If you wouldn’t like being managed the way that you manage your Virtual Assistant, you’re probably doing something wrong.

Если вам не нравится управлять так, как вы управляете своим виртуальным помощником, вы, вероятно, делаете что-то неправильно.

Maybe we are doing something wrong.

They may also blame themselves for doing something wrong.

Too easy to catch them doing something wrong.

And you genuinely think you may be doing something wrong.

Then we’d be doing something wrong.

This should suggest that we are doing something wrong.

Obviously, we are doing something wrong in this country.

I never felt that I was doing something wrong.

Pain is the signal we are doing something wrong.

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