A word for decide not to do

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

решить не делать

решили не иметь

принять решение не делать

решаем не делать

You may decide not to do what was prepared for you and I will give that task to another.

Вы можете решить не делать то, что было подготовлено для вас, и Я передам это задание другому.

Realizing we can negotiate a reconciliation in terms acceptable to us, or even decide not to do that part at all, frees us up to forgive as widely as we like.

Понимание того, что мы можем договориться о примирении на условиях приемлемых для нас, или даже решить не делать этого вообще, освобождает нас и даёт возможность прощать насколько нам хочется.

Of those polled, 45 percent said they found something in an online search that made them decide not to do business while 56 percent found something that solidified their decision to do business with them.

45% сказали, что нашли в интернете что-то, из-за чего решили не иметь дело с этим человеком, а 56% нашли что-то, что укрепило их решение вести бизнес именно с этим человеком.

45% have agreed that their online search about the company has helped them decide not to do business with that person or company, whereas, 56% have found something online that solidified their decision to get in touch and do business with that person or company.

45% сказали, что нашли в интернете что-то, из-за чего решили не иметь дело с этим человеком, а 56% нашли что-то, что укрепило их решение вести бизнес именно с этим человеком.

If all the ultrasound scores are normal, your practitioner may decide not to do the nonstress test.

Если все результаты ваших УЗИ нормальные, то ваш доктор может принять решение не делать нестрессовый тест.

For this purpose, they can take one more card (or decide not to do it).

What made you decide not to do it?

You first think about doing something and then do it (or decide not to do it).

Сначала вы думаете о том, чтобы что-то сделать, а затем сделать это (или решите не делать этого).

Should you decide not to do a fresh install, you need to partition and label the new disk with either/stand/sysinstall, or fdisk(8) and disklabel(8).

Если вы решили не делать новой установки, то вам нужно разбить на разделы и разметить новый диск с помощью/stand/sysinstall или fdisk(8) и disklabel(8).

G7 summits usually end with the host nation issuing a final communique, but Canada may decide not to do so, preferring instead to release a statement by Trudeau summarizing the talks, said the sources.

Саммиты G7 обычно заканчиваются выпуском принимающим государством окончательного коммюнике, но Канада может решить не делать этого, предпочитая вместо этого выпустить заявление Трюдо, подводящее итоги переговоров, заявили источники.

It is also important to require any collective management organisations that offer or grant multi-territorial licences to agree to represent the repertoire of any collective management organisations that decide not to do so directly.

Важно также обязать организации по коллективному управлению, предлагающие или выдающие мультитерриториальные лицензии, давать согласие на представление репертуара любых организаций по коллективному управлению, которые решили не делать этого непосредственно.

In fact, success is often based more on what you decide not to do than on what you do.

И вообще, успех в большей степени основывается на том, что вы решили не делать, чем на том, что вы делаете.

You do not have to submit any personal data to the company, so if you decide not to do so, it may be that we will not be able to provide you with goods and/ or services.

Вам не нужно отправлять какие-либо личные данные в компанию, поэтому, если вы решите не делать этого, возможно, мы не сможем предоставить вам товары и/ или услуги.

You do not have to submit any personal data to ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS, so if you decide not to do so, it may be that we will not be able to sell you products and/ or services.

Вам не нужно отправлять какие-либо личные данные в компанию, поэтому, если вы решите не делать этого, возможно, мы не сможем предоставить вам товары и/ или услуги.

What makes Steve’s methodology different from everyone else’s is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do — but the things that you decide not to do.

Что еще отличает методологию Стива от всех остальных так это то, что он всегда считал, что наиболее важные решения вы принимаете не в отношении того, что делать, а в отношении того, что вы решили не делать.

What makes Steve’s methodology different from everyone else’s is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do, but the things you decide not to do.

Методику Стива от прочих отличает то, что он считал самым важным не то, что ты делаешь, а то что ты решил не делать.

What makes Steve’s methodology different from everyone else’s is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do, but the things you decide not to do.

Методологию Стива Джобса отличает от других то, что, по его мнению, в принятии решений наиболее важными из принятых решений являются не те, что ты решил делать, а те, что ты решил не делать.

the most important decisions you make are not the things you do — but the things that you decide not to do — Steve Jobs.

Наиболее важные решения — это не то, что вы делаете, но то, что вы решили не делать. — Стив Джобс Автор

45% of people have found something in a Google search that made them decide NOT to do business with someone.

45% людей нашли в поиске Google, что они решили не иметь дела с кем-либо.

This goes back to Steve’s philosophy that the most important decisions are the things you decide NOT to do, not what you decide to do.

Это восходит к философии Стива, которая гласит, что наиболее важные решения это то, что вы решили НЕ делать, а не то, что вы решили делать.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 56. Точных совпадений: 56. Затраченное время: 203 мс


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Я рада, что ты решил не присоединяться к программе шаттлов, Тай.

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Оно просто сделает меня слабой и испытывающей постоянную тошноту, поэтому я решила не делать этого.

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The Commission decided not to do that but


look at MFN clauses as a separate topic.

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Anyway, this year we decided not to do a bouncy house, but we


have an amazing band.

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В этом году мы решили обойтись без надувного домика, но у нас выступит прекрасная группа.

That was one of the very things he had decided not to do when so recently isolated in the hills.

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Это относилось к тем самым вещам, которые он лишь недавно- во время своего уединения в горах- решил не делать.

The youth admitted




blow up the Mosque but

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Молодой человек сознался в том, что он намеревался взорвать мечеть, однако заявил,

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The plane was spotted, the information was forwarded‘upwards’,

but the head of the state decided not to do anything against the trespassers;

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Самолет был замечен, информация пошла» наверх»,

но руководитель страны решил ничего не делать с нарушителями;

Consequently, she had had a possibility


present this

information during the proceedings on her initial asylum application but decided not to do it.

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Следовательно, она имела возможность представить эту информацию в ходе

процедуры рассмотрения ее первоначального ходатайства об убежище, но решила этого не делать.

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and chose exactly what is super sexy and I really like it.

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Я решил не делать ничего, что было бы практично для снежного дня,

и выбрал именно то, что супер секси, и мне это очень нравится.

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If a cancer patient decides not to do anything at all, he will live longer and feel better

than if he undergoes treatment by radiation, chemotherapy or surgery.

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Если больной раком решит вообще ничего не делать, то он будет жить дольше и чувствовать себя лучше,

чем, если он подвергнет себя лечению радиацией, химиотерапией или хирургией….

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Norway considered ratifying the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and

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Норвегия рассматривала вопрос относительно ратификации Международной конвенции о защите прав всех трудящихся- мигрантов и членов их

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As for inclusive growth, it was suggested that the Framework Agreement should be renamed into the Agreement on Sustainable, Balanced

and Inclusive Growth. Nevertheless, after negotiations with various partners, it was decided not to do this.

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Но что касается инклюзивного роста, было предложение переименовать Рамочное соглашение в соглашение по устойчивому, сбалансированному, инклюзивному росту,

But if He, however, decides not to do it for whatever reason, don’t seek financial prosperity.

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Однако если по каким то причинам Он не делает этого, то


стремись к материальному процветанию.

The police can


not to do this only after prior consultation with the public prosecution service,

and only where the latter deems that no discrimination punishable under criminal law has taken place.

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Полиция вправе не выполнять это требование лишь после предварительных консультаций с органами прокуратуры и лишь в том случае,

если прокуратура придет к выводу, что в конкретном деле отсутствуют проявления дискриминации, наказуемые в соответствии с нормами уголовного законодательства.

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I came up with this question when I received an email from a committee with a sentence ‘We have decided not to publish it’, which seems really strange to me because the grammar I learned in English classes is ‘decide not to do something’ and ‘decide to not do’ was told incorrect.

I searched for answers to this problem online, but did not find a clear as well as persuasive answer. In terms of grammar, is ‘decide not to do’ correct ? If it is incorrect, is there a reason why people say ‘decide not to do’ even in official letters ?

asked Aug 31, 2014 at 19:12

booksee's user avatar


Each of decide not to do, decide to not do, and not decide to do is correct. But the last one means something different from the other two.

  • If you have decided not to do X then you have decided. (And presumably you will not do X.) And deciding not to do X is the same as deciding to not do X.

  • If you have not decided to do X then you have not made a decision about doing X.

answered Aug 31, 2014 at 19:55

Drew's user avatar


15k9 gold badges36 silver badges61 bronze badges


No, I am pretty sure that they are both perfectly acceptable, and in actual fact the way that you say sounds strange is normal for me — I guess it is differences in tuition.

answered Aug 31, 2014 at 19:16

Tim's user avatar


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In everyday speech, you are very likely to come across both expressions “Decide not to” and “decide to not”. It can be a problem to decide which of them is correct. Therefore, in this article, we will examine both expressions and offer explanations on how they can be used. 

Both “decide not to” and “decide to not” are correct and are interchangeable. There used to be a rule against placing another adverb between “to” and a verb. For example, it used to be wrong to say “decide not to”. However, this rule is outdated and no longer applies to modern speech. 

decide not to or decide to not

“Decide Not To” and “Decide To Not” are both expressions you are likely to come across in everyday conversations. They both have the same meaning. You use them when you mean to say that you will refuse to do something or have refused to do something. 

Depending on which of the expressions you have been exposed to, the other might seem absurd when you hear it. 

Generally, it is better to go with the expression that sounds more natural to you. For some people, it is “decide not to”. For others, it is “decide to not”. 

Nonetheless, it is important to note that the old rule against placing an adverb between a verb and an infinitive verb does not apply any longer. 

Decide Not To

The expression “decide not to” means to choose not to do something. It is used when you want to say that you have resolved to stop doing an action or refuse to start that action at all. It is grammatically correct, and can be used either formally or informally. 

Here are some examples of how to use “decide not to” in a sentence: 

  1. I think we can all agree that deciding not to go to the carnival last month was a terrible idea. We missed out on so much fun!
  2. After considering all that has happened these past few days, I have decided not to participate in the upcoming inter-faculty debate competition. 
  3. Is it possible to cancel my subscription? I have decided not to proceed with the previous arrangement.
  4. Is there any particular reason why you have decided not to pursue a degree in business management? 
  5. I decided not to tell you about the accident because you would have panicked and blown it out of proportion.
  6. I decided not to continue going for my appointments with the therapist despite the excellent references I got for her services. I did not enjoy the sessions we had. 
  7. Even if you decide not to go through with the plan, I will be here to support you. 

Decide To Not

The expression “decide to not” means that you have chosen to not do something. It is used when you want to talk about an action that you have resolved to neglect. Most people use it particularly when they wish to lay emphasis on their refusal to do a particular act. 

“Decide to not” is grammatically correct and used mostly in informal conversation.

Here are some examples of how to use “decide to not” in a sentence:

  1. If you think deciding to not talk to any of your siblings will automatically resolve all your issues, then you are wrong. 
  2. I have decided to not participate in the next class we have on this topic. I find it rather boring. 
  3. I have decided to not proceed with the surgery. Please cancel my appointment. 
  4. Shawn decided to not pursue the matter after Rob made it clear that it was a sensitive issue for him. 
  5. I’m glad I decided to not tell you about the car until I had confirmed when it would ship. You would have only been disappointed.
  6. I decided to not continue making excuses for my wife’s behavior and instead, told her to face her fears. 
  7. You can’t just decide to not go for your sister’s wedding without first trying to discuss your issues with her. 

Which Is Used The Most?

According to Google Ngram Viewer graph, the expression “decide not to” is used more often than the expression “decide to not”. The graph shows that “decide not to” has enjoyed wider acceptance by the majority of English Language speakers.

decide not to or decide to not usage

The reason for this is probably the old rule that prohibits placing another word between “to” and its infinitive verb. This must have made “decide to not” to be grammatically incorrect for a very long period of time. The expression is now being more widely accepted as this rule becomes obsolete. 

Another reason could be the fact that “decide not to” sounds more natural than “decide to not”. This makes the former more widely accepted than the latter. 

Is It “I Decided Not To Answer” Or “I Decided To Not Answer”?

Both expressions are correct and can be used interchangeably. You might decide to say “I decided not to answer” when speaking, to mean you chose not to answer. “I decided to not answer” also means the same, but can be used when you want to place emphasis on “not answer”.

Generally, you can use both expressions interchangeably in sentences. They are both grammatically correct. 

Observe the following sentences:

  1. I heard the phone ringing but I decided not to answer it.
  2. I heard the phone ringing but I decided to not answer it.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • #1

Hello. Please, let me know if it’s possible to change «decided not to’ to «didn’t decide to» in the following phrase:

In spite of the weather they didn’t decide to cancel the match.
It looks like it doesn’t make sense saying «In spite of the weather they didn’t decide to cancel the match», does it?
But it makes sense saying for example «I’m glad they didn’t decide to cancel the match». The meaning is different, of course.

The problem is that it all looked very clear at the beginning, but the more I was thinking about it, the more complicated it became))

And the question is: are the two phrases interchangeable? My opinion primarily was that they are: decided not to cancel = the decision was made not to cancel, didn’t decide to cancel = they didn’t make any decision/ the decision was not made with the same result — the match is going to take place.

But I feel a bit confused now whether they have the same meaning or not:).

  • #3

panjandrum said:

It is hard to imagine a context for this sentence in the real world.

Thank you for your answer. Does it mean that the phrase «I’m glad they didn’t decide to cancel the match» doesn’t sound common? Would you say «I’m glad they decided not to cancel the match» instead?

What about these ones from the Corpus?
We had talked with them but we didn’t decide to do anything together, » he said.
I didn’t decide to get out of London for the Olympics for no good reason.

And I have another thought: can «didn’t decide to» mean something close to «to nerve oneself to do something» (to be brave enough to do something).
Like in the sentence from the Corpus: I’ve missed your posts too. So glad you didn’t decide to go to Sydney, Rayya.

  • #5

It’s clear now. Thank you very much!

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