A word for blank expression

As she turned to leave, the flower retailer immediately replaced his
smile with …

I want to say he replaced his smile with his ‘idle face’ or his face without expression, but neither of those sound good.

The face that you pull when you’re not pulling a face. Not a defined expression. Kinda like I’ve noticed I’m doing right now as I type (though this fact’s no help to answerers).

asked Oct 16, 2013 at 20:37

Dan Hanly's user avatar


The most common phrase would be ‘blank’, thus:

As she turned to leave, the flower seller immediately replaced his smile with a blank expression.

(No one says ‘retailer’ outside of industry magazines).

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 20:42

ElendilTheTall's user avatar


I like @ElendilTheTall’s answer, but here are a few alternatives.

If you’re trying to emphasize the transition from smiling to neutral, you could say something like

As she turned to leave, the smile faded from the florist’s face.

If the smile was put on or phony, you could say

As she turned to leave, the florist immediately dropped his smile.

If you’re trying to emphasize the new, inscrutable expression, one option is poker face, «an expression on your face that does not show your thoughts or feelings».

As she turned to leave, the florist immediately switched on his best poker face.

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answered Oct 16, 2013 at 23:41

Dean's user avatar


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I have used a few times expressionless:

He had an expressionless face, what was he really thinking.

Lacking expression:

Their faces remained expressionless as they listened to the bad news.

Community's user avatar

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 21:23

Arthor's user avatar


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instead of ‘flower seller’, I’d say florist—which is a flower seller.

blank expression can also be a staid expression

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 20:47

Helping out's user avatar

I would go for bland expression:

3 : showing no emotion, concern, etc.
▪ a bland expression/face ▪

Alternatives are stony expression and poker face. The latter, however, implies someone actively trying to block expression from their face, not necessarily the true absence of emotion.

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 21:15

terdon's user avatar


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You could use ‘deadpan demeanour’, but it does imply that the lack of expression is deliberate. Otherwise ‘expressionless’ is perhaps the best word.

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 21:30

WS2's user avatar


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My suggestion is the word inscrutable, although I realize an inscrutable expression could be characterized as mysterious, impenetrable, hard to read. Still, it’s a good word if the person who is looking at the florist sees the expression but does not know how to interpret it.

What complicates things is that you give no reason why the flower seller lost his smile. What did the customer(?) do or say to make the smile disappear. Furthermore, why—if that is the case—is it significant for plot development?

answered Oct 16, 2013 at 21:43

rhetorician's user avatar


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Impassive, If you want to say it in a formal way.

answered Mar 15, 2019 at 18:39

Nicole's user avatar

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Poker face would be the right noun, but I would say,

…the florist dropped his smile


…a vacant expression replaced the florist’s smile

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

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answered Oct 17, 2013 at 5:31

Jesvin Jose's user avatar

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1) Poker-Face
2) Stoic
3) Straight face
4) Blank

answered Oct 17, 2013 at 11:38

VocabMonk's user avatar


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answered Apr 17, 2015 at 5:28

Dave's user avatar


How do you make a blank expression?

Relax your eyes and mouth. A blank face is a look people use to keep others at a distance. You can see this face displayed in almost any crowded elevator. It’s like a do not disturb sign for your face. Take a moment to consciously relax the muscles in your face.

What’s another word for blank expression?

Find another word for expressionless. In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for expressionless, like: stolid, poker-faced, inscrutable, stony, unfathomable, vacant, enigmatic, wooden, impassive, dull and vacuous.

What does a blank face look like?

1. A neutral, relaxed, seemingly “expressionless” face. 2. The face in repose, with the eyes open and the lips closed.

What do you call a person who is expressionless?

enigmatic. (also enigmatical), impenetrable, inscrutable, mysterious.

What causes a person to be apathetic?

Apathy can be a symptom of mental health problems, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease. It often lasts a long time. You may lack the desire to do anything that involves thinking or your emotions. The term comes from the Greek word “pathos,” which means passion or emotion.

What word means to hide your feelings?


What is it called when you show your feelings?

externalize. verb. formal to express feelings and thoughts.

Why do people hide their weirdness?

And the more we try to hide the little quirks we possess, the more we prevent ourselves from hatching into the person we were born to be. Being normal is just a facade we use to disguise ourselves for reasons like wanting to fit in, to avoid being the center of attention, or simply to stay out of trouble.

How do I stop hiding my true self?

Overcome your anxiety and stop hiding your true self

  1. Make the decision. You first have to decide you want to drop your “avoidance mask.” You must be committed to taking this action even though it’s painful.
  2. Focus on self-awareness.
  3. Be visible.
  4. Face what you’ve been avoiding.

Why is my partner so secretive with his phone?

However, if your partner has done it a lot of times, then he’s definitely hiding something from you. Maybe he’s expecting a text message that he doesn’t want you to see or he’s afraid that someone (read ‘the other woman’) might call him and that you might see it.

Why is my boyfriend so secretive with his phone?

If your boyfriend is overprotective with his phone, he’s probably hiding something from you, and most likely, it’s because he’s engaging in inappropriate communication with other women. If your boyfriend has nothing – or no one, for that matter – to hide, there’s no reason he should be secretive with his phone.

What hidden apps do cheaters use?

We will introduce you to the most popular secret apps that people most often use to cheat on their partners.

  • Viber. Source: radioberane.me.
  • Signal. Source: medium.com.
  • Telegram. Source: poynter.org.
  • Ashley Madison. Source: mydatingadviser.com.
  • Snapchat. Source: businessinsider.com.

How do I find hidden apps on my husbands phone?

  1. Locate the file manager and open it.
  2. Go to all files’, open the menu, and got to settings.
  3. In the settings, locate Show hidden files’
  4. Select this option and you should be able to find everything that is hidden.

How can I see my boyfriends text messages without him knowing for free?

2.1 Minspy for Android Minspy’s Android spy app is a message interception app specially designed for Android phones. It can give you all the data that your boyfriend is hiding in his Android phone, without his knowledge.

What is the best app to catch a cheating spouse?

Spyine Spyine

How can I track my husband’s cell phone without him knowing and for free?

Part 1: Can I Track My Husband’s Phone without Him Knowing? You can track your husband’s phone location by using a phone spy app. These programs, once installed, bring monitoring data to you via the internet. You can track your husband’s phone remotely, without being near him.

How do you find out what my husband is doing on his phone?

mSpy. mSpy app is a monitoring toole for all devices. The app can also lets you easily track your husband’s suspicious activities. With the app, you can simply get details about his location, receive and read all his text, Snapchat, WhatApp, Facebook, and Skype messages.

  • 1
    бессмысленное выражение лица

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бессмысленное выражение лица

  • 2



    : human to stare with a blank expression (at




    , or randomly)

    X зевает по сторонам — X gawks (gapes) at




    , all over the place



    X stands around (sits there


    ) gaping (gawking).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-603

  • 3
    зевать по сторонам


    to stare with a blank expression (at




    , or randomly):

    X зевает по сторонам X gawks < gapes> at s.o. <at sth., all over the place etc>;

    X stands around <sits there etc> gaping (gawking).

    ♦…На седьмом году правления Фердыщенку смутил бес… Начал требовать, чтоб обыватели по сторонам не зевали, а смотрели в оба… (Салты ков-Щедрин 1)…. In the seventh year of his administration Ferdyshchenko was troubled by a demon….He began to demand that the townsfolk not stand around gaping but keep their eyes peeled… (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > зевать по сторонам

  • 4

    1) General subject: drift off , escape, scape, go out

    3) Information technology: go blank

    5) Idiomatic expression: space out

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > отключаться

  • 5
    пустой взгляд

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пустой взгляд

  • 6

    1) General subject: achromatic, achromatous, achroous, albuminose, albuminous, anonymous, bald, bleak, colorless, colour free, colour-free, colourless, emasculate, featureless, gutless, hueless, milk and water, milk-and-water, platitudinous, sapless, tintless, uncoloured, vanilla, wan, washy, watery, waxen, white, without colour, etiolated

    6) Engineering: blank , clear

    12) Graphic expression: unhued

    15) Makarov: clear , colourless , emasculate , slushy, watery

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бесцветный

  • 7

    1) General subject: deliver, entrust, give, give in , give over, hand, hand in , hand over, hand in, surrender, bestow

    3) Mathematics: award, present

    4) Law: invest , present, serve

    6) Diplomatic term: serve

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вручать

  • 8
    заполнить время

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > заполнить время

  • 9
    не смочь вспомнить что-то на момент

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не смочь вспомнить что-то на момент

  • 10
    отсутствующий взгляд

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > отсутствующий взгляд

  • 11

    1) General subject: aim, ambition, butt, concern , consummation, design, destination , end, function, goal, home base, idea, intent, intention, kitty , mark, mission, object, objective, purport, purpose, target , teleo, terminus, use, effect, view, name of the game, focus

    2) Naval: aiming

    4) Poetical language: bourne

    5) Military: aimpoint, blank, bull, circuit, opponent, terminal, threat , track

    10) Australian slang: dart

    13) Psychology: aim , goal object, goal situation

    16) Official expression: cause

    24) Makarov: designation, destination point, drift, plan, point, service, spirit, target , target point, tendency, terminus (pl. termini)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > цель

  • 12




    usu. subj





    a way of considering or judging a phenomenon, person, thing


    point of view

    vantage point

    с точки зрения чьей, кого-чего = from 8.оЛ point of view

    from the viewpoint (standpoint, vantage point, perspective) of




    in the light of


    in the eyes of

    s.o. sth.

    стоять на точке зрения чьей, кого-чего (стать на точку зрения чью, кого-чего) side with

    s.o. sth.

    be on the side of

    s.o. sth.

    отстаивать свою точку зрения = stick to one’s guns

    stand firm

    точка зрения большинства (меньшинства) — the majority (minority) view.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-176

  • 13
    точка зрения




    usu. sing


    usu. subj



    ; fixed




    a way of considering or judging a phenomenon, person, thing



    || с точки зрения чьей, кого-чего from s.o.‘s point of view;

    from the viewpoint (standpoint, vantage point, perspective) of s.o. < sth.>;

    in the light of sth.;

    in the eyes of s.o. < sth.>;

    || стоять на точке зрения чьей, кого-чего <стать на точку зрения чью, кого-чего> side with s.o. < sth.>;

    be on the side of s.o. < sth.>;

    ♦ Картина слишком пессимистическая, сказал Социолог. Смотря с какой точки зрения, сказал Шизофреник (Зиновьев 1). «That’s far too pessimistic a picture,» said Sociologist. «From what point of view?» asked Schizophrenic (1a).

    ♦ Лёва мягко уговаривает Бланка переменить его точку зрения на Есенина (Битов 2). Lyova mildly coaxes Blank to change his viewpoint on Esenin (2a).

    ♦ Власть, с точки зрения опыта, есть только зависимость, существующая между выражением воли лица и исполнением этой воли другими людьми (Толстой 7). Power, from the standpoint of experience, is merely the relation that exists between the expression of someone’s will and the execution of that will by others (7a).

    ♦…Закон поэзии — быть выше своего гнева и воспринимать сущее с точки зрения вечности (Солженицын 2) — The laws of poetry command us to rise above our anger and try to see the present in the light of eternity (2a).

    ♦ Так сочинение давно умершего английского классика стало вдруг злободневным и совершенно непроходимым с точки зрения советской цензуры (Войнович 1). And so, a classic by a long-dead English writer had suddenly become topical and absolutely unpassable in the eyes of Soviet censorship (1a).

    ♦…Иногда за ужином разыгрывались схоластические диспуты. Например, так: что более ценно — воля или разум? Рита стояла на точке зрения Фомы Аквинского — за примат разума (Трифонов 5) Sometimes Scholastic disputes would break out at the supper table. Thus, for example: which was more important-will or reason? Rita was on the side of Thomas Aquinas — for the primacy of reason… (5a).

    ♦ «Мы добились главного: завтра правление будет докладывать точку зрения большинства» (Войнович 1). «…We got the main thing: tomorrow the board will report the majority view» (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > точка зрения

  • 14


    1. (

    ) find* (

    ); () discover (


    находить удовольствие в чём-л. — find* / take pleasure in smth.

    найти нефть, рудную жилу — strike* oil, an ore vein

    2. () consider (

    ), find* (



    1. come* (over, upon); come* (across); () cover (


    нашла коса на камень — it’s a case of diamond cut diamond; he’s met his match this time



    1. (


    ) cover a distance by walking

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > находить

  • 15


    — находи́ть,


    — найти́; (



    находи́ть удово́льствие в чём-л — find / take pleasure in smth

    находи́ть утеше́ние — find comfort

    находи́ть подде́ржку — find support

    найти́ в себе́ доста́точно сил — be able to muster sufficient strength

    ничего́ не найти́ — find nothing; draw a blank идиом. разг.

    он ника́к не мог найти́ причи́ну э́того — he never managed to discover the cause of it

    найти́ нефть [ру́дную жи́лу] — strike oil [an ore vein]

    2) consider , find

    до́ктор нахо́дит его́ положе́ние безнадёжным — the doctor considers his case hopeless

    его́ нахо́дят у́мным — he is considered (to be) clever

    находи́ть вино́вным — find guilty


    находи́ть (себе́) выраже́ние (в ) — find expression (in); manifest itself (in)

    найти́ себя́ — find oneself, find one’s calling

    не нахожу́ [не могу́ найти́] слов — words fail me; I can’t tell you (how, what, +

    найти́ в себе́ си́лы (+ ) — bring oneself


    — находи́ть,


    — найти́; (на



    1) come (over, upon); come (across); cover

    2) come (over, upon); переводится выражениями be seized (with), have an attack (of)

    на него́ нашла́ тоска́ — he had an attack [a fit] of depression

    что э́то на тебя́ нашло́? — what has come over you?, what’s got брит. / gotten амер. into you?



    come, gather, arrive

    нашло́ мно́го наро́ду — there is a crowd [a large gathering] of people


    нашла́ коса́ на ка́мень погов. — ≈ it’s a case of diamond cut diamond; he’s met his match this time



    1) ) cover a distance by walking

    2) ) get ; walk to the point of getting

    находи́ть мозо́ли на нога́х — get corns from walking

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > находить

См. также в других словарях:

  • Blank expression — A blank expression is a facial expression characterized by the neutral position of facial features and implies a lack of strong emotion. It may be caused by a lack of emotion, boredom, slight confusion (such as when someone refers to something… …   Wikipedia

  • blank — blank1 S3 [blæŋk] adj [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: blanc; BLANCH] 1.) without any writing, print, or recorded sound ▪ Leave the last page blank . ▪ a blank cassette 2.) a blank face or look shows no emotion, understanding, or interest… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blank — blankness, n. /blangk/, adj., blanker, blankest, n., v. adj. 1. (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks; not written or printed on: a blank sheet of paper. 2. not filled in, as a printed form: a blank check. 3. unrelieved or unbroken… …   Universalium

  • blank — 01. Do you have a [blank] cassette I can use? I want to make a mix tape of dance music. 02. Fill in the [blanks] in the following sentences with the correct word from the list above. 03. He turned to a [blank] page in his notebook, and began to… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • expression — ex|pres|sion W2S2 [ıkˈspreʃən] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(strong feelings/thoughts)¦ 2¦(on somebody s face)¦ 3¦(word/phrase)¦ 4¦(music/acting)¦ 5¦(mathematics)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(STRONG FEELINGS/THOUGHTS)¦ [U and C] something you say, write, or do that shows what… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Blank — Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white or pale …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blank bar — Blank Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blank cartridge — Blank Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blank deed — Blank Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blank door — Blank Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blank indorsement — Blank Blank, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F. blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white, G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98. See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of a white… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

A blank expression is a facial expression characterized by neutral positioning of the facial features, implying a lack of strong emotion. It may be caused by a lack of emotion, depression, boredom or slight confusion, such as when someone refers to something which the listener does not understand. A deliberately-induced blank expression meant to conceal one’s emotions is also known as a poker face, referring to the common practice of maintaining one’s composure when playing the card game poker.

The term poker face was used outside the game of poker by American sportswriters in the 1920s to describe a competitor who appeared unaffected by stressful situations (an important skill when playing poker for money, to avoid giving an opponent any tells about one’s hand). It is similarly used with reference to marketers and salespeople during business negotiations. (Wikipedia)

Sentences with «blank expression» (usage examples):

  • Is there power in the invulnerability of the blank expression? (creativeboom.com)
  • Was at a store picking some fine Belgian ale today for the holidays and a woman couldn’t stop staring at my «gapingvoid hates cats» shirt with a blank expression. (gapingvoid.com)
  • Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler and Alek Skarlatos are obviously fine young men, but it’s often painful watching the movie and wading through their blank expressions, flat line delivery and emotional vacancy. (thefilmyap.com)
  • (see

See also:

  • Phrases with BLANK EXPRESSION
  • Sentences with BLANK EXPRESSION (usage examples)
  • Synonyms for BLANK EXPRESSION (related words and expressions)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

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пустым выражением лица

пустое выражение

отсутствующим выражением лица

Joe sat across a steel table and greeted me with this blank expression.

Standing beside my bed, she looked down at me with a blank expression.

Even though she’d raised her head because another person was talking loudly, she still had a blank expression on her face.

Несмотря на то, что она подняла голову, потому что другой человек громко разговаривал, у нее все еще было пустое выражение лица.

They will only stare with a blank expression, meanwhile formulating a response in their mind.

Они будут только смотреть на вас с пустым выражением лица и одновременно формулировать в уме ответную реплику.

Rainer’s daughter, I prompted, when she stared at me with a blank expression.

Дочь Рейнера, — подсказала я, когда увидела, что она смотрит на меня с пустым выражением лица.

He stared at me with a blank expression.

So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go.

The young man looked at me with a funny blank expression.

They look exhausted, have a blank expression on their face; and may show short temper and agitation.

Они выглядят истощенными, с пустым выражением на лице; и могут проявлять вспыльчивость и агитки.

Warhol is facing the camera with his typical blank expression.

There’s no fanfare and no excitement, just a man staring with a blank expression at his computer monitor.

Там нет фанфары и волнения, просто человек смотрит с пустым выражением на монитор своего компьютера.

«no» I said with a blank expression on my face.

Often, «Nancy’s face wears the blank expression of one lost in thought,» making her appear passive.

Часто «Нэнси имеет пустое выражение лица, потерянное, задумчивое», вынуждая её проявлять пассивность.

Who just stands there with a blank expression when a friend has just been attacked?

Pearce said he saw one gunman clearly — a calm youth, without any mask, and a blank expression on his face.

Он рассказал, что видел одного боевика очень четко — спокойный юноша, без маски и без эмоций на лице.

Researchers found people with genuine smiles, rather than simply looking cheerful or having a blank expression, were even more likely to be seen as healthy and glowing.

В ходе исследования было установлено, что люди с подлинными улыбками, а не просто выглядящие веселыми, с большей вероятностью воспринимаются как здоровые и сияющие.

I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life as powerlessly as I lived each present day and eventually I didn’t try to respond or react, but stared at the world with a blank expression.

Я понимал, что проведу остаток своих дней таким же бессильным, каким прожил нынешний день, и со временем перестал пытаться реагировать или отвечать, глядя на мир без всякого выражения.

He had a blank expression and mumbled that he wanted us to leave that house because he was becoming dizzy.

У него было смущенное выражение и он пробормотал, что хочет, чтобы мы покинули этот дом, потому что ему становится дурно.

Remember when we were kids, and Joe would come home from work with that blank expression on his face?

Помнишь, когда мы были маленькими, Джо возвращался с работы с совершенно пустым лицом?

Two members of staff had to hold her down as her body rose up on the bed with that same, blank expression.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 27. Точных совпадений: 27. Затраченное время: 50 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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