A word for a poor country

In the 19th century, before the invention of Swedish socialism,

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В 19 в., до изобретения шведского социализма,

It was from Lesotho, a poor country surrounded by South Africa.

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Это была Лесото, бедная страна, окруженная территорией Южной Африки.

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Moreover, for a very poor country there would be limited resources to redistribute.

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Кроме того, для очень бедной страны возможности перераспределения ресурсов будут ограниченными.

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The Madagascar of today is a gradually decaying, very poor country with rising crime rates.

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Сегодня Мадагаскар- постепенно разлагающаяся, очень бедная страна с растущей преступностью.

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The embargo was particularly devastating for a poor country almost entirely dependent on agriculture.

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Эмбарго имеет особенно разрушительные последствия для бедной страны, практически полностью зависящей от сельского хозяйства.

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She was born to a


family, in a rural community, in a poor country.

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Она родилась в малоимущей семье в сельской общине в одной бедной стране.

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We can see… how the people of this poor country are affected, how they suffer.

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Мы увидим… как это скажется на народе нашей бедной страны, как он пострадает.

Although it has great potential and

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Несмотря на свои огромные потенциальные возможности и

природные ресурсы Камбоджа относится к числу бедных стран.

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Burundi is classified as a least developed


and a highly indebted poor country.

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Бурунди относится к числу наименее развитых


и бедных стран с крупной задолженностью.

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In this context, the immediate cancellation of poor country debt is imperative.

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В этом контексте настоятельно необходимо незамедлительно аннулировать задолженность бедных стран.

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Greece remained a very poor country throughout the 19th century.

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That practice deprived the Zambian people of much-needed revenue. As a poor country struggling to develop,

Zambia could not allow itself to be robbed of its natural resources.

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В результате такой деятельности народ Замбии лишается столь необходимых ему поступлений, и, будучи небогатой страной, стремящейся следовать по пути развития,

Замбия не может допустить разграбления своих природных ресурсов.

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Cuba, a victim of terrorism and a poor country under an embargo, remained willing to participate in efforts

to combat international terrorism.

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Будучи жертвой терроризма и бедной страной, против которой введено эмбарго, Куба по-прежнему готова принимать участие в усилиях по

борьбе с международным терроризмом.

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Like most other African States, Mali remains a poor country faced with major problems-

structural and related to our circumstances- of economic development.

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Как и большинство африканских государств, Мали по-прежнему остается бедной страной, которая столкнулась с крупными проблемами:

структурными и связанными с нашими условиями проблемами экономического развития.

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That means that a poor country is not expected immediately to ensure the same level of economic,

social and cultural benefits that a rich


can afford.

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Это означает, что не ожидается, что какая-либо бедная страна сможет незамедлительно обеспечить такой же уровень экономических,

социальных и культурных благ, какой может себе позволить богатая


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Cuba, a poor country which had been subjected to a rigid economic,

commercial and financial embargo for more than 40 years, was proud of its achievements with regard to childcare.

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Куба, бедная страна, на протяжении более 40 лет подвергаемая суровому экономическому,

торговому и финансовому эмбарго, гордится своими достижениями в области ухода за детьми.

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For a small and poor country such as the Republic of Moldova,

the greatest danger is to be ignored by the great powers.

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Для небольшой и бедной страны, такой как Республика Молдова,

самой главной угрозой является игнорирование ее крупными державами.

A poor country like India has so many newspapers,

so many magazines, which are absolutely unnecessary.

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Такая бедная страна, как Индия, имеет так много газет,

так много журналов, которые абсолютно не нужны.

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It is short-sighted for a poor country to rely entirely on EU subsidies,

the Romanian service of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle remarks.

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Для Румынии как для бедной страны полагаться исключительно на субсидии ЕС-

довольно недальновидная стратегия, полагает румынская редакция.

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However, being a poor country, it did not have the resources to tackle

every problem at once and was forced to focus on the most pressing issues.

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Однако, будучи бедной страной, она не располагает ресурсами для немедленного решения любой проблемы

и вынуждена заниматься наиболее насущными вопросами.

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In an interdependent world the improvement of living conditions in a poor country may have an impact on the creation of jobs in a developed nation.

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Во взаимозависимом мире улучшение условий жизни в бедной стране может оказать влияние на создание рабочих мест в развитой


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As for the solar development, the technology appears expansive for a poor country where the price of electricity is low.

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Что касается гелиоэнергетики, то эта технология является слишком дорогой для бедной страны, в которой стоимость электроэнергии является низкой.

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Supplying fully self-sustained troops is our goal,

but that often becomes difficult for a poor country.

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Наша цель— предоставление полностью самодостаточных контингентов,

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Due to this, Burma remains a poor country with no improvement of living standards for the majority of the population over the past decade.

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В связи с этим Мьянма остается бедной страной, не обеспечивающей улучшения уровня жизни для большинства населения за последнее десятилетие.

With no reconstruction and no development in that poor country, the new generation knows nothing but war.

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Без процессов восстановления и развития в этой бедной стране новые поколения не будут ничего знать, кроме войны.

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When trade barriers are removed, the poor country can concentrate on producing rice,

which increases the demand for low-skilled workers and, consequently, reduces the demand for highly skilled workers.

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Когда снимаются торговые барьеры, то бедная страна может сосредоточиться на производстве риса,

что повышает спрос на низкоквалифицированных рабочих и, соответственно, снижает спрос на высококвалифицированных.

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Aware as we are of our limitations as a small and poor country, we can but offer the best we have.

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Сознавая, как маленькая и бедная страна, наши ограниченные возможности, мы можем лишь предложить лучшее, что у нас есть.

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But when made the decision here to arrive,

I thought that be Brazil such dangerous and poor country, hardly to it would entrust carrying out Olympic Games.

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Но когда принимал решение сюда приехать, подумал,

что будь Бразилия такой опасной и бедной страной, вряд ли ей доверили бы проведение Олимпийских игр.

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Examples of such countries are

  • India (they have immense wealth, despite the pictures of the slums)
  • Romania (only good jobs are in criminal gangs)

Where the country has riches, but the people there don’t have viable jobs they can take.

I wouldn’t call the countries deprived, but they are something.

asked Oct 19, 2011 at 13:09

desbest's user avatar


The word I would use for a large divide is stratified.

answered Oct 19, 2011 at 13:27

Tom Au's user avatar

Tom AuTom Au

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The word kleptocratic is often applicable, though it may not be suitable to describe all economically stratified countries.

A kleptocracy is a state ruled by corrupt leaders who hoard the nation’s wealth for themselves and their cronies, keeping the masses impoverished while they lead lavish lifestyles.

answered Oct 19, 2011 at 13:39


We (here in the USA at least) would often refer to countries run by a wealthy elite for their own benifit while the masses remain in poverty as Banana Republics.

There has been some talk here lately around our growing wealth disparity that the USA itself is becoming a Banana Republic.

There is an implication in this that the elite are trying to keep things that way (or make them worse). For that reason, I’m not sure it would be entirely fair to refer to India that way. Someone more expert on that country may disagree though…

answered Oct 19, 2011 at 13:40

T.E.D.'s user avatar


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I propose calling these marginalised countries? Anyone got any better ideas?

I found a great word but it doesn’t work in the context.

A great difference.

answered Oct 19, 2011 at 13:21

desbest's user avatar


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What about capitalist? Generally not the political elite controlling wealth but the wealthy businessmen controlling the government.

answered Oct 19, 2011 at 14:13

neil's user avatar


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poor country

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

бедная страна

бедной страной

бедной стране

бедной страны

бедную страну

одной из бедных стран

бедного государства

очень маленькая страна

слабая страна

Cuba surely is a poor country.

Lesotho is a poor country; other than water, its few natural resources are insufficient even for the present population.

Лесото — бедная страна; кроме воды, его немногочисленные природные ресурсы недостаточны даже для нынешнего населения.

But we are still a poor country.

Despite economic reforms Egypt is still considered a poor country.

Но, несмотря на реформы, Египет все еще является бедной страной.

Initiation of economic growth in a poor country is a very individual process.

Запуск экономического роста в бедной стране — процесс очень индивидуальный.

But so would the appearance of a new virulent pandemic disease in a poor country with no effective health-care system.

Но такие же последствия имела бы и новая пандемия инфекционного заболевания в бедной стране, не имеющей эффективной системы здравоохранения.

We are not a poor country and do not represent much interest as a market.

Мы не являемся бедной страной и не представляем большого интереса как рынок.

Afghanistan is a poor country that will remain dependent on international aid for years to come.

Афганистан — бедная страна, которая будет зависеть от международной помощи в течение многих лет.

A desperately poor woman in a poor country gets a tiny loan — a couple hundred dollars.

Отчаянно бедная женщина в бедной стране получает крошечный кредит-пару сотен долларов.

Remember, that you are travelling in a poor country, and crimes such as assault and theft do occur.

Помните, что вы путешествуете в бедной стране, и такие преступления, как нападение и воровство, действительно совершаются.

In a poor country, people work for $50 a year.

Just a mysterious land, I had read it’s a poor country but no people looked so.

Просто таинственная земля, я читал, что это бедная страна, но люди не выглядели так.

Cambodia is still a poor country suffering from a lack of educated officials and professionals.

Камбоджа — это все еще бедная страна, испытывающая нехватку должностных лиц и специалистов, имеющих надлежащее образование.

Cambodia is a poor country with a very difficult past and its economy is struggling.

Камбоджа — бедная страна с очень сложным прошлым, экономика расшатана.

I was a middle-class kid living in a poor country.

Я была ребёнком среднего класса, живущим в бедной стране.

But that’s what’s lacking in a poor country.

That must be a poor country indeed that does not support a hare.

Это должно быть действительно бедная страна, которая не поддерживает зайца.

Without a school leaving certificate, there are barely any opportunities, particularly in a poor country.

Без школьного образования у человека в бедной стране нет вообще никаких шансов.

It is, then, a poor country, but not one without its advantages.

Поэтому это бедная страна, но не без своих преимуществ.

It would be a natural reaction in a poor country, especially after the bank fraud scandal.

И это естественно в бедной стране, тем более после скандала, вызванного банковским мошенничеством.

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Third World

(redirected from Poor country)
Also found in: Dictionary, Financial, Encyclopedia.

  • noun

Words related to Third World

underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

References in classic literature

Like Burke, of mixed English and Irish ancestry, the son of a poor country curate of the English Church in Ireland, he was born in 1728.

I am but the incumbent of a poor country parish: my aid must be of the humblest sort.

Summary: Owning a bicycle in our teenage in a poor country like Pakistan was luxury and riding it in the narrow streets of Lahore a very joyful exper…

Islamabad — According to a Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup and Gilani Pakistan, majority of Pakistanis (50%) believe that developed countries should give assistance to people of poor countries even if the government in the poor country is corrupt.

And more than half of respondents to a survey by Scotland’s aid agency said they would be happy to go without a present if a donation was made to someone in a poor country.

But the North East is not part of a poor country, although it does have a growing number of poor people living in it.

While it may seem obvious that the governments of poor countries are themselves poor, donors have largely failed to appreciate the enormity of the gap between the revenues of poor country governments and of their own governments.

It took me half a minute to answer, but I answered with a question, unusual of me: «How do you define a poor country?» She said, «I do not know».

The main IMF prescription, complains Sachs, «has been budgetary belt tightening for patients much too poor to own belts.» When an IMF program in a poor country collapses in the midst of social chaos and economic distress, the IMF simply chalks it up to the weak fortitude and ineptitude of that country’s government.

Rich country, poor country; the multinational as change agent.

In a poor country that wood would have been burned to cook supper or to provide heat, thus releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

* «You cannot expect every poor country in the world to produce lifesaving drugs.

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Third World

Third World, the technologically less advanced, or developing, nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, generally characterized as poor, having economies distorted by their dependence on the export of primary products to the developed countries in return for finished products. These nations also tend to have high rates of illiteracy, disease, and population growth and unstable governments. The term Third World was originally intended to distinguish the nonaligned nations that gained independence from colonial rule beginning after World War II from the Western nations and from those that formed the Communist Eastern bloc, and sometimes more specifically from the United States and from the Soviet Union (the first and second worlds, respectively). For the most part the term has not included China. Politically, the Third World emerged at the Bandung Conference (1955), which resulted in the establishment of the Nonaligned Movement. Numerically, the Third World dominates the United Nations, but the group is diverse culturally and increasingly economically, and its unity is only hypothetical. The oil-rich nations, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Libya, and the newly emerged industrial states, such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore, have little in common with desperately poor nations, such as Haiti, Chad, and Afghanistan.


See A. R. Kasdan, The Third World: A New Focus for Development (1973); E. Hermassi, The Third World Reassessed (1980); H. A. Reitsma and J. M. Kleinpenning, The Third World in Perspective (1985); J. Cole, Development and Underdevelopment (1987).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

Third World

countries mainly found in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, many having been colonies until the mid-20th-century, and today manifesting lower levels of INDUSTRIALIZATION and general living standards than the advanced industrial countries.

The term was first used in the early 1950s and taken up by Third World political leaders engaged in independence movements against European COLONIALISM. It signified the positive idea that politically and economically their countries would develop in ways different both from the first world, Western Europe and the US, and the second world of the USSR and the Soviet Bloc. Subsequently, the term has become associated with negative aspects of poor living standards, great social inequality, economic stagnation and political instability such that many people living in these countries now resent the use of the term. Alternatives preferred by some authors include underdeveloped, NEOCOLONIAL, less developed countries (LDCs), oppressed nations, peripheral or nonaligned countries. The recent emergence of NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZING COUNTRIES alongside countries that are stagnating or becoming poorer (sometimes referred to as the FOURTH WORLD), and the further division between socialist and non-socialist countries have highlighted the issue of whether such a blanket term is useful for referring to such a diverse range of countries. However, the term still has wide social scientific and general usage. Various attempts have been made to distinguish the Third World both qualitatively and quantitatively (see Thomas et al., 1994), and Worsley (1984) has defended its utility. See also SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT, DEPENDENCY, UNDERDEVELOPMENT, CENTRE AND PERIPHERY.

Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Third World


a term used in sociopolitical and scholarly literature to designate the developing countries.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Third World

the less economically advanced countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America collectively, esp when viewed as underdeveloped and as neutral in the East-West alignment. Also called: developing world

Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

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