A sentence with the word superficial

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word superficial? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

Accordingly, harmony becomes the fundamental texture of music, and melody a more superficial constituent.
The landscape rolls by with superficial uneventfulness until the eye begins to entertain itself by finding distinctive features.
It’s too light to be a spoof, too superficial to get to the real meat of why rap culture inspires so many privileged peons.
It’s difficult to imagine him feeling at home amid the superficial glitz and gloss of the US Tour.
The television can woo the young with superficial lifestyles, the internet can unload any kind of amoral slurry into their heads.
I actually found all of the characters tremendously superficial and predictable in a lot of ways.
The superficial temporal occasionally gives rise to the maxillary above the zygomatic arch, or to a tympanic artery.
The difficulty that emerges is that there is resort to statements of the superficial in seeking to describe what are deep and complex issues.
Note the superficial scale and tendency for the individual lesions to merge into a retiform pattern.
By focusing on the superficial, they missed what is truly revolutionary about the game.
She worries that people think she is superficial, and the deeper Anne cannot withstand that.
These superficial lesions can also be treated bronchoscopically to prevent progression to invasive cancer.
The genital branch may bypass the deep inguinal ring running superficial to it in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle.
Muscle fibers insert primarily via the superficial tendon, an aponeurotic sheet composed of many long, flat tendons.
The characters themselves are little more than superficial sketches that become increasingly indistinguishable as the movie proceeds.
It is a tacit endorsement of false precision and superficial literalism in psychiatric assessment.
The south-eastern slope bears heavy loessic soil, mixed with superficial pebbles and compact loam soil.
Officials from both parties say the typical Dayton resident has grown weary of glitzy ad campaigns and superficial low blows.
We are not obliged to share the superficial view that lumpen social layers possess an inherently revolutionary character.
Dialogue is sparse, so the humour is superficial, not character-driven, and shows up as glib one-liners.

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Examples from Classical Literature

This slip created the superficial appearance of porcelain, as did tin enamel on the surface of delftware.
Ben Chayim was the disseminator of that superficial method satisfied with formul instead of thoughts.
This view has originated out of the very remarkable superficial resemblance between the Ichthyophis-larva and the amphiuma.
From the superficial resemblance of the shell to that of an Ostracod, this is known as the Cypris stage.
He is no sciolist himself, and he does not believe in merely superficial attainments in his pupils.
It also differs materially from a scleral injection, in which there is a visible dilatation of the superficial scleral vessels.
It is here that the superficial agreement of the biogenetic law with the law of von Baer comes in.
This apologue pleased the Cardinal, though, in fact, it was very superficial.
The stem is slender and carbonous and bears the carbonous fruit bodies, superficial, but sessile and globose.
The aponeurosis extends about three-fifths of the distance along the muscle and it is dorsal or superficial to all of the fibers.
The coagula were numerous, and the superficial ones, quite hard and cartilaginous.
After all superficial contrasts have been exhausted, she may still claim the patronage of the philosopher of academe.
The vessels of the conjunctiva probably are quite like superficial vessels in the skin and mucous membranes.
All superficial accumulations were swept away, and the bedrock was exposed.
Thus their colours are not original, their dissimilitude being only external and superficial.

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Prayer is not a superficial ritual for you to feel better.

Молитва — это не поверхностный ритуал для того, чтобы ты почувствовал себя лучше.

Those who have only a superficial interest will quit before three months.

Те же, кто испытывал лишь поверхностный интерес, перестанут заниматься до того, как истекут первые три месяца.

It can be carried out at superficial or deep tissues levels.

Данный метод может применяться как на поверхностном, так и на глубоком тканевых уровнях.

Everything I know about her is rather superficial.

They think that the borders that separate them are superficial.

Они считают, что границы, которые их разделяют, являются поверхностными.

When I hear young girls complaining about superficial things…

Когда я слышу, как молодые девушки жалуются на какие-то поверхностные вещи…

It says that we shouldn’t be superficial in our judgments.

Он говорит нам, что мы не должны быть поверхностны в своих суждениях.

But all simple relationships are usually superficial.

Но все простые отношения, как правило, поверхностны.

Every individual lives equally and in «superficial» harmony.

Каждый человек живёт одинаковой жизнью и пребывает в «поверхностной» гармонии.

We also know that answers are very often superficial and questions much deeper.

Мы знаем также, что ответы очень часто бывают поверхностны, а вопросы зачастую гораздо глубже.

Such complaints may not be only if the injury is superficial.

Таких жалоб может не быть только в том случае, если ранение является поверхностным.

However, his interests seem to have been superficial.

Тем не менее, его интересы, кажется, были поверхностными.

Just practicing to make the mind happy and peaceful is too superficial.

Практиковать просто для того, чтобы сделать ум счастливым и спокойным — это слишком поверхностно.

Too bad it was only superficial.

Какая жалость, что ранение оказалось лишь поверхностным.

I despise the superficial life we lead.

Я ненавижу ту поверхностную жизнь, которую мы всегда вели.

Now I know it was totally superficial.

Теперь я знаю, что все это было абсолютно поверхностным.

However, these discrepancies are only superficial and arise through misinterpretation.

Однако, эти расхождения были только поверхностными и возникали в результате неверной интерпретации.

All it gives is superficial and superfluous things.

Все, что они предоставляют, имеет поверхностный и второстепенный характер.

First impressions of faces are superficial, general and can be inaccurate.

Первые впечатления, основанные на внешнем виде человека, являются общими, поверхностными и могут не соответствовать действительности.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word superficial, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use superficial in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «superficial». In addition, we also show how different variations of superficial can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are superficiality and superficially. If you click on the variation of superficial that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Superficial in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word superficial in a sentence.

  1. Perhaps these are superficial excuses.

  2. She had received a superficial cut to her throat.

  3. Banksia paludosa also bears a superficial resemblance to B.

  4. On the German side, Tirpitz suffered only superficial damage.

  5. He contends «a layperson might dismiss these stories as superficial.

  6. The superficial reader takes it that he is very sorry she was dead ..

  7. The attack caused superficial damage and the ship remained on station.

  8. The similarity of these to the scales of bony fish is largely superficial.

  9. The writer has however had superficial understanding of the church legends.

  10. The second, a 500-pound (230 kg) bomb, exploded causing superficial damage.

  11. The press quickly criticised him for what appeared to be a superficial response.

  12. There is very superficial oversight and some drivers take advantage of this fact.

  13. Some 300 rounds were fired, of which five hit Preston, causing superficial wounds.

  14. A superficial study of the tomb revealed that it was built during Nyuserre’s reign.

  15. The Royal Opera Arcade, on the western side, survived with only superficial damage.

  16. These paired muscles consist of two major types: superficial (surface) and internal.

  17. It can’t be something superficial, it has to be something that has been lived though.

  18. Seymour argued that Cochrane’s critique was superficial or «[missed] the point entirely».

  19. The tendon injury was superficial, but the heel injury may have been a factor in his loss.

  20. These were horizontally divided into numerous tubes that could represent superficial «ribs».

  21. Most of the reviews were short and on balance favourable, although superficial and cautious.

  22. The species name reflects the superficial similarity to the rollers of the genus Eurystomus.

  23. George Donner sliced his hand open while chiseling the wood but it seemed a superficial wound.

  24. Mynors himself considered the edition superficial and felt that its publication had been premature.

  25. Her body was found with a large tear through her groin area and superficial cuts on her legs and back.

  26. The eggs have large yolks; cleavage (division) is superficial and a germinal disc develops at the pole.

  27. In his 1981 monograph of the genus Banksia, Alex George noted that despite a superficial resemblance to B.

  28. At first Harriet viewed many of the French elite with dislike, believing they were superficial and vacuous.

  29. The glyphs are most commonly composed of deep smooth cuts, though superficial hair-line cuts are also found.

  30. Linear particle accelerators generate electron beams for treatment of superficial tumors in radiation therapy.

  31. An early design with superficial similarity to the pre-dreadnought is the British Devastation class of 1871.

  32. Turret Two was trained forward with its own mechanism after the explosion, and superficial repairs were conducted.

  33. Structural damage ranged from the superficial to complete wall or roof failure, the latter being relatively uncommon.

  34. The bedrock and more recent superficial deposits are covered in part by moorland which is supported by wet, acid soil.

  35. I think, setting aside the obvious fact that we both use myth and legend, that the similarities are fairly superficial.

  36. None of the other British ships or any of the French reported anything worse than superficial damage in the engagement.

  37. He appears to have had a sympathetic, if superficial, acquaintance with minor political thinkers of French absolutism.».

  38. The Boston Herald noted superficial similarities between System Shock and Doom, but called System Shock «much more elaborate».

  39. On the top-most superficial layer, it functions as an outright parody, mimicking both the stylings of The X-Files as well as Cops.

  40. The asperity of these notes was only superficial; Buckner greeted his old friend warmly when Grant arrived to accept the surrender.

  41. In what amounted to a total American victory over the Tripolitans, Enterprise had suffered only superficial damage and no casualties.

  42. Her death in 1694 led to a superficial reconciliation between Anne and William, which occasioned a move to St James’s Palace, London.

  43. One hit was scored, which killed Oberbootsmann Kurt Kirchberg, but caused only superficial damage to the Bismarck’s armoured belt.

  44. Hitler’s rhetoric was out of touch with reality, and had only a superficial effect on listeners according to Security Service reports.

  45. Some species of the genus Lactarius are also similar: The tropical African Lactarius chromospermus has a superficial resemblance to L.

  46. The «possibly toxic» Amanita magniverrucata, in its embryonic stage, has a superficial resemblance as it also has pyramidal cap warts.

  47. Many superficial inspections were performed on the locomotive in 1980 and it was found to be in relatively sound mechanical condition.

  48. Scholars interpreted the Palmyrenes’ Greek practices differently; many see those characters as a superficial layer over a local essence.

  49. At the time, Jennings expressed apprehension that the impending competition among the three newsmen was at risk of becoming superficial.

  50. The species name amphistomi derives from a superficial resemblance to the amphistomate trematodes (flukes with stoma on opposite sides).

Superficiality in a sentence

Superficiality is a variation of superficial, below you can find example sentences for superficiality.

  1. She dreaded the long hours and the superficiality of social life in France.

  2. Mendelssohn’s biographer Todd comments, «The very popularity of the anthem in England […] later exposed it to charges of superficiality from those contemptuous of Victorian mores.».

  3. It is Rita who is the focus, and all other characters are secondary, and they are often presented «with the deft superficiality of a stage description» who pay the price for Rita’s self-involvement.

Superficially in a sentence

Superficially is a variation of superficial, below you can find example sentences for superficially.

  1. Gomphus clavatus is superficially similar.

  2. At the outset, their relationship was cordial, at least superficially.

  3. Healy described the song as superficially beautiful but also sad and ominous.

  4. Although superficially unique, Hoysala temples resemble each other structurally.

  5. There are several superficially similar European species that could be mistaken for T.

  6. These superficially similar plugs were widely used in the UK and elsewhere until the 1960s.

  7. There are several species of coral fungi that are superficially similar in appearance to R.

  8. At the story’s climax, Gawain is wounded superficially in the neck by the Green Knight’s axe.

  9. He wrote that it was different in several ways from the superficially similar scarlet macaw (A.

  10. As the generic name suggests, the short skull and beak superficially resemble those of modern parrots.

  11. This uncertain background notwithstanding, Lord and Lady Grange led a superficially uneventful domestic life.

  12. Because of the superficially similar raptorial forelegs, mantidflies may be confused with mantises, though they are unrelated.

  13. Both are presented as superficially masculine throughout the novel, but they never physically explore the attraction between them.

  14. Specimens of Pseudopotto are at least superficially similar to pottos, but according to Schwartz, they differ in a number of traits.

  15. In comparison with the protagonists of many of Le Guin’s other works, Ged is superficially a typical hero, a mage who sets out on a quest.

  16. As its name implies, Parasaurolophus was initially thought to be closely related to Saurolophus because of its superficially similar crest.

  17. Ichthyosaurs were superficially similar to dolphins and had flippers rather than legs, and most (except for early species) had dorsal fins.

  18. Immature birds resemble the adult, although they may sometimes be browner and more streaked above, looking superficially similar to meadow pipits.

  19. The second labial cusp, which is larger than the first one, is superficially divided into two smaller cusps by an indentation on its lingual side.

  20. They are superficially similar to lizards but, along with mammals and birds, reptiles are amniotes and do not require water bodies in which to breed.

Synonyms for superficial

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word superficial has the following synonyms: apparent, ostensible, seeming, dilettante, dilettantish, dilettanteish, sciolistic, facile, glib, looking, sounding, shallow, careless, frivolous, outward, boundary, bound, bounds, skin-deep, surface, trivial, insignificant and unimportant.

General information about «superficial» example sentences

The example sentences for the word superficial that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «superficial» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «superficial».

Definition of Superficial

concerned with only what is on the surface

Examples of Superficial in a sentence

The president’s concern for the homeless people was superficial and ended as soon as the media left the event.


Mark only has a superficial knowledge of American history so he is not a good choice to help you with your college research paper.


Since John chooses his dates solely on their superficial qualities, he could care less about their personalities and goals.


The wooden floor looks somewhat strange because the stain has only gone so far as the superficial grains of the board.


Even though Maggie thinks she will love Jason forever, she does not realize teenage love is often superficial and rarely lasts a lifetime.


Gloria is not spending a great deal of money on a guitar purchase because she knows her fascination with the instrument is only superficial.


Whenever Billy participates in a chat with someone he does not like, he only pretends to have a superficial interest in the conversation.


As I read the political article, I realized it was completely superficial and did not even discuss the major issues that are wrong with this country.


Although I majored in chemistry in college, I still only have a superficial knowledge of the higher-level concepts of the subject.


Because the superficial solutions do not address the root of the problem, they will only work for a short period of time.


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(1) He has got a superficial wound.

(2) Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws.

(3) A superficial injury is not serious.

(4) Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.

(5) Superficial scratches can be easily removed.

(6) The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.

(7) Beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone.

(8) The book shows a somewhat superficial understanding of the historical context.

(9) You’re too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.

(10) The documentary’s treatment/analysis of the issues was very superficial.

(11) The driver only received superficial injuries/cuts/wounds.

(12) He only suffered a few superficial flesh wounds.

(13) Women’s magazines are often perceived to be superficial.

(14) There’s a superficial likeness, but they’re really very different.

(15) He’s fun to be with,(sentencedict.com) but he’s very superficial.

(16) His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.

(17) Terry lacks depth — he’s a very superficial person.

(18) She escaped with only superficial cuts and bruises.

(19) The guests engaged in superficial chatter.

(20) The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds.

(21) He has a superficial knowledge of this subject.

(22) The other injured man had a superficial stomach wound. Sentencedict.com

(23) All the other girls seemed silly and superficial to Darlene.

(24) When you first meet her, she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.

(25) Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.

(26) Naturally, such visits can allow only the most superficial understanding of prison life.

(27) Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.

(28) Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.

(29) I thought that article was written at a very superficial level.

(30) He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.

More similar words: official, officially, artificial, beneficial, judicial, judicial review, superfluous, deficit, officious, musician, social, racial, efficient, physician, crucial, special, socially, efficiency, sufficient, politician, technician, specialty, commercial, especially, financial, specialist, specialize, social services, social contract, financial crisis. 

You have likely come across the word «superficial» several times and in different contexts. But do you know the definition, meaning, or how to use it right in a sentence? Go ahead and add a new exciting vocabulary to your English by reading this article and learning more about the word «superficial.»

The word «superficial» is a noun and adjective. It means «concerned with or only comprehending what is outwardly and clear.» Use the word when referring to someone not concerned with something genuine or actual. Or when talking about something not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually.

Did you know that learning a new word does more than improve your vocabulary? Learning new words helps stretch your working memory and increases the ability to communicate efficiently with the world. With that in mind, this article will emphasize the initial meaning of «superficial» and everything in between.

dictionary word superficial

What is the Definition of Superficial?

The word «superficial» means «affecting only the outer part of a surface or something,» or «relating to, being near, or forming the surface.»

The best way of using the word «superficial» is when talking about something or a shallow occurrence that did not have much impact. You can also use the word when talking about something obvious or apparent or not thoroughly done.

In some cases, the word superficial refers to the appearance and the surface. For example, if you only read a chapter of a book, your opinion will be superficial, unlike someone who has read it all.

Read the examples below to understand the word «superficial» better.

  • John was lucky since he only got superficial wounds after the accident, but Jane broke her leg.
  • The hurricane only caused superficial damage to the school.

In the first sentence, the word «superficial» is used to show that John’s injuries are not severe. The second example shows that despite the hurricane causing damage to the school, the damage was minor. In both these sentences, the word «superficial» shows that despite the situation being terrible, it was not severe.

Is Superficial A Negative Word?

Depending on how you use «superficial,» it can be negative. In some context, it could have a negative flavor. For instance, saying someone is «superficial» could mean «they are shallow» or «they care too little about meaningful things.»

This statement can be offensive, so it is essential to be careful when using «superficial» to talk about someone. In other forms, the word «superficial» can be an insult. However, that does not imply that the word is entirely negative. It only means that it might give a negative attitude in some context.

What Is The Meaning Of Superficial?

The word «superficial» also means «lack of originality or profundity.»

«Superficial» is used when something seems copied or does not have originality. You can use the word in cases where something is uninspired or can be predictable. Mostly in cases where a thing, situation, or person is an imitation.

The word «superficial» can also be used when abjectly submissive, where anything you do or say is subject to questioning. Such traits are seen mainly by servants or prisoners, especially those whose opinions don’t seem to matter to those around them.

Example sentences:

  • The essay that Barry wrote was superficial.
  • The workers seem very welcoming on a superficial level, but when you need a service, it can be hard to get them.

Words That Relate With Superficial

Some words are similar and related but come in different forms. When you learn the relationship between words, you will better understand their meaning. More so, you will know the best way to use the words in sentences.

If you do not take the time to learn, you are likely to get confused when using the word. The good thing is that everything is easy. Here is a look at the words that relate to «superficial.»

  1. Superficiality: «Superficiality» is a noun that means «lack of thoroughness.» Or a poor «depth of character «or» serious thought.» Example sentences below.
  • The movie touches on the issues of poverty but only superficially.
  • The discard and superficiality of the board might bring the business down.
  1. Non Superficial: Nonsuperficial is an adjective that means «not merely on the surface» or «not superficial.» The word is simply the opposite of superficial. Example sentences below.
  • We will need to get non-superficial light for the event.
  • To save your marriage, you need to be non-superficial about your feelings.
  1. Superficialism: «Superficialism» is an adjective that is used to mean «a person who never thinks of the importance of serious things.»Example sentences below.
  • When asked how he feels about hunting, the response evidenced his superficialism.
  • She always shows superficialism; that’s why she was late submitting her college application.

 How to Use Superficial In a Sentence

The best way to learn how to use the word «superficial» is by looking at its synonyms and examples in the right context. 

For many of us, the word superficial has a negative connotation. We think of shallow people or trivial matters. But there are some instances where it is an appropriate word to use in your sentences.

How can you use the word «superficial» correctly? Take a look at these examples for some ideas!

  • I can’t believe how superficial our relationship has become.
  • The company only cares about the superficial appearance of things and not what’s going on.
  • Their argument was based on some minor, superficial issue.
  • My knowledge of Japanese is very superficial. Well, it is because I have just started.

More so, let’s learn some of the words that have a similar meaning to «superficial.» Here is a list of words you can replace with «superficial» in sentences.

  • Flimsy
  • Shallow
  • Sketchy
  • One-dimensional
  • Cursory
  • Casual
  • Cosmetic
  • Uncritical
  • Empty
  • Depthless
  • Ignorant
  • General

young woman writing

10 Examples of Superficial in a Sentence

It might not seem like much work, but studying various sentences is the backbone of understanding multiple applications of words and phrases. Without sentences, then there would be complications and confusion, and that’s not what you want. Here are 10 examples of superficial sentences to guide you.

  1. The criminals gave several superficial reasons why they got into the life of crime.
  2. The workers never took the time to understand the new manager, and most accused her of being superficial.
  3. The doctor only has superficial knowledge about the condition.
  4. If you do not want to be accused of being superficial by your peers, you need to acquire fundamental skills.
  5. He accused the students of only seeing superficial things.
  6. She will acquiesce to the superficial demands for the team.
  7. The relationship did not last because both Steve and Ellen were superficial.
  8. They enjoy singing, but their performance is usually superficial.
  9. She’s extremely superficial but erudite in regard to fashion.
  10. One of the reasons that the voters did not vote for him was his superficial lack of care.
  11. Avoid investing in the stock market if the information you have is superficial.
  12. It is better to be alone with an ebullient personality than to have many superficial friends.

How Do You Spell Superficial?

The word «superficial» is spelled as su·per·fi·cial | su-pər-fi-shəl |.

Communication is now more on computers, laptops, and phones. Most of the time, people type out the information or message they want to pass across. That is why besides learning the meaning of a word, you also need to know how well to spell it. For example, learning the proper spelling of «superficial» will help people comprehend what you communicate.

How Do You Pronounce Superficial?

The word «superficial» is pronounced as soo-per-fish-ul.

Learning pronunciation is essential, and it can also help you learn English with ease. If you are interested in learning how to pronounce words well, be keen to listen when experts speak. People will understand you better if you have the correct pronunciation of words. It might not take several practices before learning the word, even if you have an accent.

How Many Syllables Are In Superficial?

The word «superficial» has four syllables. The four syllables are divided into «su-per-fi-cials.» The stressed syllable is «fi.»

Learning how to pronounce words begins with understanding the syllables and their respective sounds. That will also make it easy to communicate and guarantee confidence when talking.

History & Etymology of Superficial

The word «Superficial is derived from Latin «superficiālis,» meaning «belonging to the surface.»

The word «superficial» can also be traced to the Indo-European roots, which mean «as above or on.» During the 17th century, people used the word to refer to» someone who prioritizes irrelevant things.»

When was Superficial First Used?

It is unclear the exact time the word» superficial» was introduced to English, but the first known use was in the 15th century.


It does not take much to be a pro in English words. All you need is to take the time to learn new words like «superficial» and their meaning. Also, make sure that you exhaust the meanings of the particular word to have a comprehensive understanding and keep reading more. Now that you fully understand the meaning and etymology of the word «superficial,» it is time to practice. Happy learning!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

поверхностный, внешний, неглубокий, наносный, аллювиальный, суперфициальный


- поверхностный, неглубокий

superficial wound — неглубокое ранение

- поверхностный, несерьёзный, неосновательный

superficial book — несерьёзная /неглубокая/ книга
a man of superficial understanding — человек неглубокого ума
superficial pastimes — легкомысленные /пустые/ развлечения
superficial knowledge [learning] — поверхностные знания [-ое обучение /образование/]
superficial glance — поверхностный /беглый/ взгляд
after superficial reading he … — после того, как он бегло прочёл /просмотрел/ …

- внешний, кажущийся

superficial resemblance — кажущееся сходство
superficial reconciliation — видимость примирения

- геол. наносный, аллювиальный
- спец. двухмерный

superficial measures — меры площади
superficial foot — квадратный фут

Мои примеры


a superficial analysis of the results — поверхностный анализ результатов  
minor / superficial burn — поверхностный ожог  
superficial description — поверхностное описание  
superficial difference — поверхностное различие  
cursory / perfunctory / superficial examination — беглый осмотр  
slight / superficial infection — небольшое заражение  
minor / superficial laceration — неглубокая, небольшая рана  
superficial analogy — поверхностное сходство  
superficial analysis — поверхностный анализ  
superficial approach — несерьёзный подход  
superficial cut — лёгкий порез  

Примеры с переводом

The examination was very short and superficial.

Осмотр был очень коротким и поверхностным.

They had a superficial knowledge of the topic.

Они были лишь поверхностно знакомы с данной темой.

The storm only caused superficial damage to the building.

Шторм /буря/ причинил зданию только поверхностные повреждения.

These superficial changes don’t address the underlying problem.

Эти поверхностные изменения не решают основной проблемы.

In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory.

В своей статье он проявил очень поверхностное понимание психоаналитической теории.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Sentences with the word Superficial?



  • «a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house’s structural flaws»; «a passing glance»; «perfunctory courtesy»; «In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory»
  • «superficial similarities»; «a superficial mind»; «his thinking was superficial and fuzzy»; «superficial knowledge»; «the superficial report didn’t give the true picture»; «only superficial differences»
  • «superficial measurements»; «the superficial area of the wall»; «a superficial wound»
  • «superficial burns»; «superficial facial injuries»
  • «a few superficial editorial changes»; «only trivial objections»

Superficial is the debut studio album by American television personality Heidi Montag, digitally released on January 11, 2010 by Warner Music Group. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In scriptwriter Gaby Chiappe’s hands, their sturdy, vigorous banter never rises to the anarchic delights of the screwball comedies popular in the 1930s and 1940s, but it’s sufficiently engaging for moviegoers to invest something beyond superficial interest in their professional and personal relationship.


The state will require both of these schools to continue annual monitoring and superficial adjustments for another two years after each of these schools have been failing their kids by any objective measure for the last seven years.


They even objected to the establishment of a monarchy that would tempt people to settle for the superficial sacramentalism according to which divine mystery is represented only in the image of monarchical political power.


Nuanced repetition and permutation forces an engaged looking that conflicts with the contemporary affliction of superficial scanning.


«Couples who shy away from discord either don’t feel safe enough to talk about difficult topics with their partner, or may only have a superficial connection.»


The supinator consists of a deep head and a superficial head, though they are not always clearly distinguishable.


He looks good at Newcastle but ain’t nothing special other than being the visual beast that appeals on a superficial level to those easily impressed.


She comes off as mean, superficial, and demanding, and I’m guessing the men reading her profile think so, too.


With respect to the thermal effect, the WHO’s position is «at the frequencies used by mobile phones, most of the energy is absorbed by the skin and other superficial tissues, resulting in negligible temperature rise in the brain or any other organs of the body.»


Chocolat is a solid production of a superficial story; just don’t let the Best Picture nod fool you into thinking it’s going to be a great film.


As a curmudgeon, I get to question and challenge the silly, the shallow, the superficial, to do better.


The usual religious or spiritual response would be to candy-coat her anger with a kind of superficial peace, something that would make her feel better about herself and more presentable to the people around her because a good religious person shouldn’t be angry.


Are there any other distictions between these two terms, except the superficial locational one (Living Constitution entails the US Constitution, while Living tree doctrine Canada’s)?


Interesting when you realise Tinder is the far more superficial app — relying purely on mutual attraction to photos.


With ten members, the group creates installations and multi-media assemblage works that mimic the stock vernacular of our communal materialism, yet tweaks them just enough to reveal our superficial insecurities and convictions.


In reality the similarities are mostly superficial.


BRAVO’s The Millionaire Matchmaker 4, Tuesday January 4 — This week Patti deals with one very superficial client and another client with serious commitment issues.


On the other hand, releasing it at the target location, then trusting the collateral damage and superficial similarities to WannaCry to act as a smokescreen is a pretty good plan.


The vet will palpate the bird for evidence of superficial tumors and examine the abdominal area for evidence of increased intraabdominal pressure due to conditions such as egg-yolk peritonitis, liver enlargement or intraabdominal tumors.


In fact, the kids develop superficial relationships with staff in order to manipulate them.


I wish there was a place to find a more thorough review of the Sony PRS-T2, rather than this superficial and careless one, so I can decide whether to replace my PRS-650.


A vet who receives a cat as a patient who is suffering from an oily or greasy coat will likely recommend blood work and a urinalysis, and possibly some tests for superficial skin conditions like mites or allergies, Liff says.


Just one meaningful conversation may pay off more than 10 superficial ones.


TERRAMYCIN is a topical antibiotic, not a steroid, used for safe and effective treatment of superficial ocular infections including conjunctivitis, keratitis, pink eye, corneal ulcer, and bacterial inflammatory conditions.


Another option is to select creams that feature skin tightening devices, which will help any instances of superficial laxity.


Opening Saturday, March 15th at Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles is «Reds» a group exhibition curated by Katrina Umber bringing together a small collection of objects under the most superficial of rubrics; color.


And I have seen others try to claim a connection to superficial aspects of Arab culture and the Middle East in a kind of collecting of intellectual capital that makes me wary of new versions of orientalist tendencies.


Metz and colleagues noticed that initial attempts to play with a toy were often superficial and simple.


I realize that is superficial, and it won’t get you all the way to the altar, but it may get you noticed when you otherwise may have been overlooked.


This crystalizes the loss and to avoid the superficial loss rules you should avoid repurchasing the same security in your RRSP within 30 days; nor should you have bought the security 30 days before the sale.


As a preschool coordinator, I have not only worked on a superficial level, but have achieved exceptional success in creating, developing and implementing developmentally appropriate and age specific preschool programs.


For all the energy these performers bring to their parts, these characters don’t always feel distinctive enough to inspire much more than superficial involvement in their tribulations.


The relationships between parents, traditional public school officials and teachers are, for the most part, superficial; the latter two are disinterested in any active parental involvement outside of the traditional jobs of supervising homework and attending field trips.


Fabrication of charge to retain us in custody, during June 12th hearing the prosecutor stated that the complainant was in a coma although this was known to be false evidence (the son had visited the complainant on June 10th & 11th and stated the father was awake and all injuries were superficial)


If you are eliminating potential partners because they don’t meet some physical ideal of yours, I can almost guarantee you that you will simply never be happy with anyone, because NOBODY is going to exactly meet your ideal, and if you are superficial enough to use physical attributes as an eliminator, then your shallowness is probably obvious to your date, and they will lose interest in you.


— he believed the latter to be ultimately superficial.


You may think my interpretation of those Genesis passages are «superficial», but it says what it says.


How can religion speak to a society whose organs of communication are secular (and in which religious affairs receive relatively little coverage), a society whose values are pragmatic and short-term, where the commitment to religion is increasingly superficial, where most of the roles that religion once filled — whether setting moral standards, providing social services, or providing community — are now filled by groups and institutions in which religion doesn’t play a role?


Not that it was appropriate for a second degree tear, mind you, but for a superficial wound it’s not crazy at all.


The difficult issues facing couples in recovery can be ignored or given superficial treatment by inexperienced psychotherapists who are not familiar with the needs of these couples.


Once you interact on more than a superficial level with anyone else, the question must be asked as to whether their input was essential and sufficient for recognition as an author.


In superficial terms, Lost in Translation seems to be a film in which nothing much happens.


While it makes no secrets of its inspirations, the gameplay itself is unique and anything but superficial comparisons fall away quickly.


As mentioned above, when people think about going beyond a superficial view of marriage they often think about unresolved childhood issues.


«Coverage of content [in science courses] may be superficial and opportunities for inquiry-based experiences insufficient,» the NRC committee said after examining AP courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.


Some saw them as calling for substantial changes in practice and made corresponding adjustments in their instruction; others viewed them in a relatively superficial way, making few changes.


Digitally empowered activist groups and savvy consumers will recognize and inform consumers that unsystematic donations, non-comprehensive sponsorships and unintegrated programs are superficial window dressing.


Nobody seems to know how to present a satisfactory defense of Renoir’s silken brushwork, which is so often dismissed as glib and superficial.


As technology makes it increasingly easy to build a social network of superficial friends, focusing time and attention on cultivating close connections with a few individuals should be a priority.»


With «I, Tonya,» Robbie is handed a plum role, filled with superficial, actor-friendly trappings (the physicality of the skating, the smoking, the cursing, the makeup, the hair) and of course a fascinating and complex personality and character arc — and she gives the best performance of her career.


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