A sentence with the word style

Sentences with the word Style?



  • «an alternative life style«
  • «an awkward prose style«; «a clumsy apology»; «his cumbersome writing style«; «if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?»
  • «a plain hair style«; «unembellished white walls»; «functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete»
  • «a bohemian life style«
  • «using their Christian names in a casual way»; «lectured in a free-and-easy style«
  • «the classic struggle between good and evil»; «I woke up with all the classic symptoms of the flu»; «she made the classic mistake of choosing style over substance»
  • «cognitive psychology»; «cognitive style«
  • «wrote her letters in a colloquial style«; «the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English»
  • «a style described as abrasive and contentious»; «a disputatious lawyer»; «a litigious and acrimonious spirit»
  • «a short and compendious book»; «a compact style is brief and pithy»; «succinct comparisons»; «a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject»
  • «the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined»
  • «writes in a limpid style«; «lucid directions»; «a luculent oration»- Robert Burton; «pellucid prose»; «a crystal clear explanation»; «a perspicuous argument»
  • «wears only the latest style«; «the last thing in swimwear»; «cutting-edge technology»; «a with-it boutique»
  • «much that was dark is now quite clear to me»; «those who do not appreciate Kafka’s work say his style is obscure»
  • «the skater’s dazzling virtuosic leaps»; «these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did…when…his fulgurant popularity was in full growth»- Janet Flanner; «adventures related…in a style both vivid and fulgurous»- Idwal Jones
  • «a derivative process»; «a highly derivative prose style«
  • «style…is more than the deliberate and designed creation»- Havelock Ellis; «games designed for all ages»; «well-designed houses»
  • «refine one’s style of writing»
  • «her drab personality»; «life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas»; «a series of dreary dinner parties»
  • «his writing conveys great energy»; «a remarkable muscularity of style«
  • «The fugue typifies Bach’s style of composition»
  • «This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue»
  • «an exotic hair style«; «protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants»; «the exotic landscape of a dead planet»
  • «Students experiment sexually»; «The composer experimented with a new style«
  • «all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper»
  • «extrinsic evidence»; «an extrinsic feature of the new building»; «that style is something extrinsic to the subject»; «looking for extrinsic aid»
  • «in his famously anecdotal style«
  • «her dignified manner»; «his rapid manner of talking»; «their nomadic mode of existence»; «in the characteristic New York style«; «a lonely way of life»; «in an abrasive fashion»
  • «that style is in favor this season»
  • «the almost self-conscious flatness of Hemingway’s style«
  • «freewheeling foolishness»; «the versatility of his poetic freewheeling style«
  • «a style of writing in which every word is functional»; «functional architecture»
  • «she likes funky clothes»; «we did it all in black and white in a very funky sixties style«
  • «We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style«
  • «the Beatles were heraldic of a new style of music»
  • «young white women dressed Hollywood style«; «Hollywood philandering»
  • «He stays home on weekends»; «after the game the children brought friends home for supper»; «I’ll be home tomorrow»; «came riding home in style«; «I hope you will come home for Christmas»; «I’ll take her home»; «don’t forget to write home»
  • «a hyperbolic style«
  • «we all have our own idiosyncratic gestures»; «Michelangelo’s highly idiosyncratic style of painting»
  • «an inimitable style«
  • «a labored style of debating»
  • «a literary style«
  • «when trying to impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style«
  • «a racy literary style«
  • «a mechanism of social control»; «mechanisms of communication»; «the mechanics of prose style«
  • «mysterious symbols»; «the mystical style of Blake»; «occult lore»; «the secret learning of the ancients»
  • «that style is out these days»
  • «a graceful but not yet fully perfected literary style«
  • «welcomed her pithy comments»; «the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams»- Hervey Allen
  • «his style of painting was a reaction against cubism»
  • «He revived this style of opera»; «He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina»
  • «slapstick style of humor»
  • «this style of shoe is in demand»
  • «a cartilaginous style«
  • «leather is the latest vogue»; «he followed current trends»; «the 1920s had a style of their own»
  • «style my hair»; «style the dress»
  • «style a manuscript»
  • «torrential applause»; «torrential abuse»; «the torrential facility and fecundity characteristic of his style«- Winthrop Sargeant
  • «readers unconcerned with style«
  • «her unconventional dress and hair style«

Examples of how to use the word “style” in a sentence. How to connect “style” with other words to make correct English sentences.

style (n): a way of doing something, especially one that is typical of a person, group of people, place, or period

Use “style” in a sentence

I like your style(= I like the way you do things).
What’s your favorite hair style?
What style of furniture do you like?
He has a unique writing style.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


But whatever happened with Herndon was doomed by his ‘wife and kids’ family style

doostEr hadn’t really signed up for this responsibility with Estwig, in fact the boy did crimp his style at times, but he couldn’t help feeling the responsibility

She called him a stuffed shirt, of being all style and no substance

Travis may have been the best tattoo artist in Ireland, if not all of Western Europe, but he didn’t come close to the skill of this man, at least not when it came to ritual Sak Yant; sacred skin art, Thai style

The kitchen is practical, the units solid but far from the latest style

In true Tonya style, they bring a basket of food and, within ten minutes of their arrival, Tonya is cajoling me into eating something

According to his publisher, I have done “a very good job, but the book has changed style

Then he turned to another disciple and proposed her correcting my translation, so that the text will return to its original style

I only explained that when a book is translated into another language, it inevitably changes style

He was the only full blooded Brazilian in this household, but he used his immense wealth to impart a bit of the style of his homeland in the timbers, the stucco and the tile

His staff was happy with the style and got into it, especially when they found there were good wages involved so there were now some creative artists turning out some really beautiful saddles using some of the exotic plumes that come from the tails of many species of local animals

Blaine was out first, stepping down as the carriage slowed and running to present his hand Earth style

They differ only in style from those of the Dos or Yakhan basins

style and maintain hair

the triumph of substance over style,

There hasn’t been much wilderness in this style for a couple centuries, it’s been soil-mined out for those mechanized farms

New Speak, assumed the position and the style

Wiesse, in true organiser style, had been somewhat vague about the practical side of locating this man

It was nice being able to travel in style with the wealthy; that made up for the camping

She was wearing a snug Yakhan style jersey, her beautiful shape was more obvious than ever

The two writers asked him if he thought the syntax was just perfect? They asked for his opinions on all manner of things, and particularly whether he thought the blending of fact, interpretation and style created the most stunning and persuasive of arguments? Then they showed him the latest section of the report, which was hot off the printer, and Sir John could do nothing but open his eyes wider and wider

Grumpy brings his clothes over to the fire; he looks as ridiculous as I do, with his blanket wrapped, sarong style round his middle

The second, emotional style of communication also

Emotional scenes just are not Karen’s style

Don’t tell me what my style is

By now she had grown accustomed to the weight of her mother’s old engagement ring on her finger and the Chinese style vase stood proudly in its new position on the fireplace mantelpiece

Over coffee the next morning great-aunt Edith inspected first the ring and then the Chinese style pot

The Shark-IV had several user panels but they controlled things like what kind of suit it wore, the color and style of hair, features, build, the sound and tone of voice it used, its manners and personality type and what hobbies it should speak of in social settings

But if it is one ceremony, they want it in style

Since he was a little boy he would always recognize his mother’s handwriting, and this was the same strong but dainty style she’d had when he was a little boy

“Well, at least I still have a sense of style”, he mumbled to

The building is a large, square, whitewashed building in the modern style – very smart

“I like you Captain Alexei,” she told him on their journey to Aura, “true, you have a vain and swaggering style, but you also have a sharp mind

“I like your style my Lady

She figured the open-fronted blouse was in style here because it saved so much cloth

for a clothing style blog, one could give consultation

what style would work best? Dry, factual statements are not my preferred style

She had less to be done here than the others because she was naturally light skinned and light skin was the style here

and style created the most stunning and persuasive of arguments?

All the style was in the adjoining hanger station

The style had a few themes from Minoan times, mainly the color schemes and the fact that there were no depictions of important men, and it was all connected into one building

Bunty appears to have given up her very economic style of writing and is now cramming in a lot more into the space provided, putting down her feelings

The forefront of style among those that could afford it was the advanced surgical procedure that separated the skull into three sections, lifted it away, and put in a net that made all your thoughts available as your user interface to the network

rucksack and together with the Chinese style vase all of Annie’s

mother’s old engagement ring on her finger and the Chinese style

ring and then the Chinese style pot

These were built during a revival of that style in the late 50’s when cast limestone blocks were popular

They would obviously still fit her today, but they were a much scantier style than Ava would ever wear among the general public, maybe even more than Tdeshi would wear in today’s styles

had been more recently constructed in a ‘lean-to’ style against the

which contrasted sharply with his previously sedate style of driving

A size ten boot smacks into the woodwork, karate style, just below the latch and the door frame splinters but holds

The design of the house is a reflection of her own – in the style of semi-detached properties the world over

Roman sat Indian style at the end of the dock with his head tilted back and

The style of construction meant that there was plenty of

One of the first things I found out about him was that he wanted to write music for children – something along the lines of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ style of thing, but he felt that he was not talented enough

Other than the style, the connectors and the quality of the woodwork, it was the same

The materials and style were impeccable thruout and the original quality showed thru some years of neglect

It was a large solid wood door with shiny gate style hinges, instead of the French doors of her time

The colonial style was such a drastic change from the others, that it made her shutter

Although it didn’t appear to be much larger than the other two, the style was extravagant for the area

Approaching the plantation style home, she said

Alan thought Luray was a wondrous creature, just the style that was so popular among the Angels

«It’s not your style, is it?» The harsh voice drew her attention

the latest style, with finely moulded mullions, architraves

They followed suite not missing a beat, in the conversation, soon all three sat Indian style, comparing the advantages of heating this way

ars nova style that he had heard being discussed when he

“I would say he’s giving us the synopsis of a couple semesters of college biology, 61 Cygni style,” Glenelle answered

“It’s less than two centuries old actually, but it’s a dwarf style from the 34th Century, when Yoonbarla was young

the bed, with Roman telling her that this particular fighting style would be an

But before he had a chance, Todd had a hold of her hand saying, «This is more my style» pulling her towards the dance floor

Of course the Newman Center couldn’t afford his pictures but he had donated about 14 or 15 little paintings of Stations of the Cross in his own beautiful painting style

Basically they were short Cliff Notes style one-page summaries of the issue involving the case, the decision and the major points of law that the judge used to make his ruling

the same style that they dress themselves

«It looks like that only its style is a bit more abstract

«What’s their music style

He was an attractive enough guy in his eldritch style and she was glad to have him move closer as they remained behind

«I don’t know, just his style I guess

the event in style

That was a centuries newer style and obviously added after this plaza became indoor

«I thought this style was dead a century ago,» she said

style will do the same

The Cathedral of Saint Trophime was similar in style

In Ionia, the style wasn’t nearly as harsh as this Doric architecture

«Klegnif and I still play some gigs as the Mountain Furies, but mostly I play more Dos style these days, it’s not as tiring, that’s one thing I can say about it

Nerissa decided to bind her hair in a very unflattering style, coiled in a severe ring round and round her head

“My hair? But I tried to fix it in the most austere style

Then again, Theoton had praised the style when she’d twined her hair into a

the middle would not be Italy, with a style totally

their nomadic style appeared during the Roman

Most are in classic style

Praise the mediocre life style, in

several beautiful buildings, built in the style

style, we have in Athens ruins of roman

buildings in Greek style, proving the

the mechanization and/or massive proliferation Of such techniques might: 1) promote a flatting of style, or 2) make Zen common sense (we here approximate the border Between the above and its inverse)”

She thought she was encouraging her daughter’s unique sense of style, but really her creations were ridiculous

With a little practice you should find a style

This could be software training or a seminar style presentation

Nerissa composed all this in the poet’s style, then the lair of Polyphemus and the music-loving brigands, too

Her taste in clothes was superb and the women always followed her style of dress and grooming

they are styled, but they are still,

Cyberia, unaccustomed as she was to seeing the metropolis in its daytime apparel, walked open-mouthed past dingy basement flat windows, down long, dark alleyways and visibly felt herself shrink before the impressive, classically styled porticos of ancient institutional temples

before the impressive, classically styled porticos of ancient

Her long golden hair pulled up and styled in twists and turns that I can’t even

The remainder of the apartment was styled in the stark and polished wood and stone of the the western outlanders who grew onions indoors far above air that those from Valindor could breath

characters are styled after certain rules, with

In the lulls of their more active ‘assistance,’ Song braided Deni’s hair, or Deni styled Song’s now growing but still short curls

As they moved out of sight the youths glanced up at the imposing structure with its round dome sat on a square Roman styled building

Her dark hair, long but styled flat in a disciplined way; navy- blue outfit a more sober version of something Deanna would wear to work

At the side was a man he immediately disliked the the look of – someone who clearly spent a lot of time at the gym and generally appeared to have a certain vanity about him, with his carefully styled hair

Ireland»—as you will find him styled in your copy of the Old Version,

I straightened the A-lined skirt of my white chiffon dress with its V-neck lace bodice and checked that the long, wide laced elvish styled sleeves had not caught onto anything and left loose threads

With her hair up and styled a certain way and that sexy dress she wore, he wondered why he hadn’t thought of her in a romantic way

Hilderich felt curiously intrigued by the improbably styled interior of the tower, though it troubled him that the atmosphere this place exuded was not akin to a place of healing

“Nestorius was a presbyter of Antioch who in 428 was made patriarch of Constantinople and was charged with teaching that there were two persons in Jesus Christ, of which one is the word of God, and the other the man Jesus, and that Mary His mother ought not to be styled mother of God (Theotokos) but mother of Christ (Christotokos)

that in modern times Cyrus would be styled an Emperor, so great were the lands

Styled on the American banks dotted around the area and with a relaxed working attitude that mirrored their ethic, his workers felt it easy to bring fresh ideas into play

The lift doors opened and he was met with a beautiful atrium styled rooftop

Hutchins, former President of the University of Chicago, happily styled the Court “the highest legislative body in the land

I took a pair of prehistoric styled heels out, they were literally that old

It was very modern styled and incredibly spacious, the embodiment of comfort and luxury

They wear long masquerade costumes; Victoria in a midnight-blue, mermaid styled dress and Megan in a revealing electric-blue, mini dress with a matching feathered mask

Decorated in a palette of cream, white, and gold, the hall oozes with Italian styled ornaments and furnishings

He stands in white trousers with a Classic Van-Bailey Blue cashmere jersey, loosely styled in a way that gives him a pristine look

and built different styled dwellings; and this would be yet

eyed black man with boyish looks, his hair styled into cornrows

An emo styled girl blurts out aggressively “I am a pagan!” As her friends smirk, waiting for our rebuttal, we tell her, “That’s ok

His light hair was carefully styled and the room he was broadcasting from, a private office, looked immaculately clean and organized

A luxurious motel styled clinic was now open with a range of services in the IVF and adoption arena

one-hundred-dollar-a-cut, styled perfection and his face nearly flawless

Her men always wore properly pressed uniforms, clean shaven and hair styled properly

They were also healthy, level-headed, well mannered, confident, self-controlled and sensibly dressed in skirts and blouses, low-heeled shoes, no makeup, and hair styled so it would need only a quick brush in the mornings

styled Italian mobster vamps, living on the fringe of society, would be too campy to stomach, but this smart, well-written vampire comedy

makeup, and have my hair styled» (Fierman 1990, p

She had her hair colored and styled and learned to use

the Echo, and a self styled «Newsman»

one piece that must have been styled by Dior and cost

He had short styled dark brown hair, cappuccino skin, strong bone structure, light intriguing eyes and a sexy smile

The skin on her face had a natural sheen like Oikumies, and her long black hair was styled in cornrows and into a loose ponytail around her neck

In an evil hour their descendants lost sight of the true nature of the church, adopted what was styled «The Half-way Covenant,» and admitted to church membership those who gave no evidence of regeneration

styled his hair a la Tony Curtis, circa 1960, and wore a

of her clothes and also her jet black hair that was styled like

All that they needed was back up and a few commando styled

I made myself calm down and tousled her hair, completely forgetting that she styled it nowadays and would’t want me to mess it up

of state or even the heads of huge mafiosi styled and well

He now promised his people greater material wealth; double the daily wage earned on the farm in exchange for absolute silence about the totemic Kokopoulos who, Kicheche, would assure all and sundry, would wreak death and destruction should the merest whisper of indiscretion come to his ears as Head Mganga, as Kandowere now styled himself

I walked up to the Grecian styled mansion with ten

haircut or have it styled

There is something to be said about a southwestern styled

Nobody helped them so much so that this self styled World Nations Forum only flattered you

touched the hand sized, tetrahedral styled key on one of the outer pyramid walls, and a diamond shaped doorway opened, slipping away as if it were quick silver sucked up by a straw

He then got off the couch and strolled toward his 1950s — styled kitchen

Carl’s off-white colonial-styled home, once again, stood proudly in the center of the block – completely surrounded with a picket fence and a three-foot high stainless steel gate which blocked the entrance to its 1950s styled front porch

“Yes,” Ellen said, studying two the different styled plates she currently held in her hands

Styled on the famous headdress

styled his hair and was good to go

makeup and had their hair styled elegantly

His hair was gelled and styled, his black shoes were neat and polished (a clever girl will always notice a man’s shoes)

She had jet black hair styled in a short cut and was wearing bright red lipstick

“The sensationalism of sexual trespass arises from a culture of child eroticization, where the youth wear adult styled provocative clothing and adults are reciprocally infantilized by the wearing of tweener fashion

The man had been wearing a khaki colored, winter overcoat, yet it was a warm clear night with not a trace of rain or even storm clouds in the sky, so why had the man been wearing a heavy coat like that? Nor had Nick been able to get a close look at the man’s face, for he’d furtively kept his face at an angled profile, with a military styled, wide brimmed, combat hat (similar to what soldiers wore in desert warfare) keeping his actual facial features hidden

Perched in elaborate saddles they were suited in full battle armor, lustrous black, and they wore polished red helms styled as the head of a Montar

She felt her hair, could tell that it was done up, styled, as if she had been to a beauty salon

You’ll be given a bath, have your hair washed and styled and your fingernails buffed and polished

Tomorrow afternoon, your hair will be styled according to the King’s wishes

I applied my makeup and styled my hair, while Astra playfully rolled about on the floor, getting under my feet

Shorter than most guys, but taller than me and Jo, with olive skin and dark hair – always perfectly styled – Ben always captured the attention of women

In such cases, the account is styled as:

• The account is styled as «The Liquidation Account of

Her hair, a mix of seaweed and blonde strands, was regally styled

life» or as styled by others comedia de costumbres, but it is

regard this approach as a spin doctor styled avoidance that

You can create headings of different levels in your text by selecting the text to be styled and clicking the drop- down menu next to “Paragraph”

Wearing a Mara Hoffman bright coral bikini with bohemian styled beading in the middle of the demi bra and sides of the bottom, a beige see-through Chanel crochet cover up, Antik Batik brown leather thong sandals, with a purple orchid lei around her neck and a matching orchid in her beachy wavy hair

Fuck the prissy little bitches in their adorable pleated skirts and perfectly styled hair

Except for one thing, this hair looked as if it was styled every week for hours on end

It was a similar shade to Derrick’s but it was styled completely differently

But for the same reason that they wished to keep the front of their buildings styled was also the reason they wanted workers with good reputations to keep them that way

She found him on the front bench of the center aisle in the middle of the amphitheater styled sanctuary

Lisa’s makeup was perfect and her hair was styled with a side fringe and looking very stylish

Missy, who is dressed in a short thin shirt and a short skirt with hair styled in two long thick braids, one braid hanging from each side of her head, walks towards the buses with a small group of children

Missy hurries to her mother and two of the triplets, 4-year old Landa and 4-year old Linda, who are also dressed in short thin shirts and short skirts with hair styled in two long thick braids, one hanging from each side of their heads

A newly-elected Pope is adored and styled «Lord God, the Pope

What woman who is carpooling children, running to soccer games, or washing loads of laundry will take the time to price vintage styled jewelery items for herself? However, she might not mind receiving the thoughtful vintage style pin on a birthday or during Valentine’s day or other significant event such as an anniversary

In his views both of teaching and training he might be styled, in modern language, a doctrinaire; after the Spartan fashion he would have his citizens cast in one mould; he does not seem to consider that some degree of freedom, ‘a little wholesome neglect,’ is necessary to strengthen and develope the character and to give play to the individual nature

be styled their purse-bearer too: there he made me feel distinctly, through

those arbitrary tastes of pleasure, which are by some styled the

as he styled them, super-human temptations, combined with the solitude

styled the Attic salt of enjoyment; and indeed, without it, the joy, great as

Then they began to pass around the dusky, piquant, Arlesian sausages, and lobsters in their dazzling red cuirasses, prawns of large size and brilliant color, the echinus with its prickly outside and dainty morsel within, the clovis, esteemed by the epicures of the South as more than rivalling the exquisite flavor of the oyster,—all the delicacies, in fact, that are cast up by the wash of waters on the sandy beach, and styled by the grateful fishermen «fruits of the sea

«Say this to him: ‘Sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in France, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army; he whom in Paris you call the Corsican ogre, who at Nevers is styled the usurper, is already saluted as Bonaparte at Lyons, and emperor at Grenoble

It also boasted of what in Languedoc is styled a garden, consisting of a small plot of ground, on the side opposite to the main entrance reserved for the reception of guests

The box taken by Albert was in the first circle; although each of the three tiers of boxes is deemed equally aristocratic, and is, for this reason, generally styled the «nobility’s boxes,» and although the box engaged for the two friends was sufficiently capacious to contain at least a dozen persons, it had cost less than would be paid at some of the French theatres for one admitting merely four occupants

Noirtier, who never cared for the opinion of his son on any subject, had always omitted to explain the affair to Villefort, so that he had all his life entertained the belief that General de Quesnel, or the Baron d’Epinay, as he was alternately styled, according as the speaker wished to identify him by his own family name, or by the title which had been conferred on him, fell the victim of assassination, and not that he was killed fairly in a duel

«The French officer in the service of Ali Pasha of Yanina alluded to three weeks since in the Impartial, who not only surrendered the castle of Yanina, but sold his benefactor to the Turks, styled himself truly at that time Fernand, as our esteemed contemporary states; but he has since added to his Christian name a title of nobility and a family name

Cavalcanti, senior, then the baroness, afterwards the «future couple,» as they are styled in the abominable phraseology of legal documents

The baron walked triumphantly through the crowd, who for the sake of gain styled him «your excellency

much believer of some of the styles or techniques of

Gingerbread was used as a structural element in some styles, hair thin was the hallmark of others

They each could be molded into a variety of styles

Hair: Reflecting on styles popular in the 60’s by Eva Githina

JayJay (as he now styles himself professionally) and Angie send their love

That obviously was as true in the Trenst basin as Zhlindu, though the styles were different

He wished she wouldn’t affect any styles from that world, much less bring the narcotics here

This is simply a data base that lists your interests, hobbies and communication styles into categories in order to

For example, the Relationship Matrix deals a ton with the communication styles of its

These are two very different styles of living and both have its rewards

‘Laxman and my batting styles are identical,’ said another boy in the park

A fat lot of support that is … he reappears clutching one of those very shiny magazines full of photos of hair styles, folded back at a certain page — he hands it to me

The styles had changed a lot since the days of Knossos, it looked more like millennium California

Zharvai is a pretty lively city, much steeper on it’s dam than the Yakhan, with a lot more styles of the northlands, grandiose Dwarven architecture, signs with sigils from Salvadoran times

There was a lively party scene with lots of after-dinner music of styles from various deeps

They would obviously still fit her today, but they were a much scantier style than Ava would ever wear among the general public, maybe even more than Tdeshi would wear in today’s styles

Maybe Jeff we can try to do this way, why not sending me your catalog with your selected styles and materials, then I’ll show to the tellers to ask their prices

But due to the changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work

Although it can be a very provocative martial art, Shootfighting is still one of the most popular martial arts styles in the world

Tai Chi is one of the oldest styles of martial arts, and one of the hardest to find

is one of the oldest martial arts styles, dating back hundreds of years

Similar to other martial arts styles, Judo has rules that ensure the safety of those competing in the competitions

normal y among the best styles of martial arts

And who better to return? Yet it did seem curious to select him for the same planet: there would normally be rivalry with different architectural styles, not that he was fixed within a certain style, contrary to most people’s perception

Scarf styles are flexible and can be worn as a shawl, head covering, head piece or an actual garment

to the factory to choose carpet colors, styles, cabinets, and so on

Art Stupefaction conceals an inherent baseness common to affected styles and manners that is often lost on the casual observer, captivated as many of them are by erratic forms for their own sake without giving considered thought to their (social) implications; radical ―art‖ forms whose intended meaning, if any, are often unclear, its premises anti-social, tasteless, adolescent, absurd, valueless and immoral

When your children divide their time between you and their mother, they have to deal with two different households, two different parental personalities, two different sets of rules, two different styles of keeping house, two toothbrushes, etc

It attempts to mask its inevitability by hiding behind youthful façades that make it appear incongruous beside younger styles and fashions

Both men’s personas, methods, and writing styles reflect much of the profession’s foibles

He marveled at sculpture in a hundred styles and types as he munched some form of small crunchy things purchased in an arcade

accepted the writing styles» and placed his given name

studying the thinking styles and behaviors of highly successful

Altering the men’s suits and other clothing that had once belonged to the Count was more difficult, but eventually Colling had a selection of clothing that would enable him to be seen as a well-dressed young American with a taste for the European styles

in comparison to some of the clubber»s flyer styles

That is why it can be noted that the various books of the Bible have distinctly different styles

” There were six other homes, whose styles varied widely

In Psalms, there are at least two styles that the writer followed, the first is to have

In both the above styles, the two parts of the verse are usually separated by a

Styles of evangelisation have been popular at different times during the past two

Styles of evangelization have been popular at different times during the

It also doesn’t help that Sarah is actually pretty even though she styles her dyed black hair long and straight with the bangs cut above her brow and has a fetish for black jeans and ugly puppy-patterned tops

In Tyler, their top loaders were always the larger new styles and their drum washers were sometimes new

women’s in different styles, reflecting the changing fashions of time

“Of the styles of casting you’ve experienced here, which do you think will be most appropriate to use with your own power?”

It went up and down under the management styles of my replacements, but posting a loss of $275,000 at the end of the six years, left him no choice but to bring me back to try to turn it around a second time

On the other hand, there is a great variety in the ways that the marble and the obsidian have been decoratively shaped and carved, and the representative styles of stonework of every nation can be found here

Through the years, I have experimented with all types and styles of this con»trap»tion

Thankfully, jackets were never really outdated and the previous decade’s styles often still looked smart years later

There is often a lack of fit with respect to individual goals and work styles that hampers team performance

Perverse Styles ‘R’ Us store

trimmed his hair as short as campus styles would permit

individual styles could be molded into one—the inimitable style that was George Potter

There are various styles

Of course the newer buildings which we designed are ultra modern, but we managed to blend the styles in together quite well

There are a number of different styles of Chinese

writing, and some styles are, in fact, more ancient

well as different styles, there are differences in

As well as the different styles, there are 2 forms

different styles and genres, but they have their own reasons, whereas you must

These absorbent underpants can be very expensive, but come in many styles and sizes

compliment each other’s fighting styles

One of the great benefits of the forex market is that it can accommodate both styles equally, without any additional cost to the retail trader

The room was furnished in styles of a hundred years ago, at least

order can be varied to fit alternate styles of thinking, different individuals, and changing circumstances

these television characters and their fancy life styles, and condemning the vast majority of

This entails learning about communication patterns, common problems between men and women, and styles of talking

to wear them, combine colors, and styles

black combat boots—a sort of mix of Anubis’s and Walt’s styles, but it

your book, its formatting and layout, the best font to use, styles of chapter

So many different styles and types of clothing were on display I felt at home in jeans, shirt and scuff sandals

There are many different styles of charters, but most have the

Look at the university’s old buildings—the old Victorian styles of that one over there, and the old Greek columns on that one

He worked well and was really satisfied with his advertising copy and the three different styles of advertisement he had come up with for the same product

Philip teased him, saying the decorating styles opposed each other and he’d be going around in circles trying to get the house like he wanted

using cascading style sheets and storing all of your styles in the one file is that it

these duplicate styles of linking, search engines may think that these two

subheadings with styles such as bold and italics

He’d also pull up one of his stories on the computer and compare the differences between the two styles

In their styles with all their backing They don’t care what goes on

the traditional distinctions between the psychological styles, if you will, of females and males in our culture and all cultures in which women mother

in convincing men that they want to or should «mother» to the crucial differences in parenting styles of mothers and fathers, are not considered in a reductionist approach

attention to her makeup and wears the fatest styles in clothing and hair, she is

Choosing the right hair styles

These hair styles should be avoided as much as possible, since applying heat on your hair often is not a good idea, when it comes to its health

Choose styles that use simpler methods like twists and wraps, so that you won’t put your hair’s health at risk

In other words, they may differ not just in their fees, but also in their styles of teaching

Moreover, there are lots of different styles that they are made out of

Danny and I had different styles when it

“You can tell this from their writing styles?”

previously, with literary styles reflecting old school

features that are not inherent in other poetry styles

maintained the same literary styles and poetic traditions

But you aren’t the only one who can switch up styles

The rounds were a minute each and were devoted to different styles of marshal arts

After styling your hair, run a sheet over the top of your head where you see flyaways

In the continuing abortion controversy, those styling themselves as „pro choice» would be much more honest were they to style themselves as „pro abortion

Each contestant had to create an original hairstyle using whatever products and accessories they wished and they had one hour in which to complete the styling

“This separation took place in the first half of the 6th century (AD 500+)…About 560, a Monophysite, Askusnages…a noted Alexandrian philosopher…conceived the idea of styling the three persons of the Deity (as) three Gods

Their excuse is that styling a woman is more fun and challenging than a man

“We three could use some hair styling as well

“I’m a model and a styling designer from one of the best organisations in the world”

A cool, very own youtube feature, in terms of styling however is the fact, that you

before styling the hair

hair products and hair styling tools that get the job

you pull hair when styling it

• Create bigger sections of your hair when styling,

hair with treatments and styling services

She had a small round face surrounded by rich brown hair that Bridget found many ways of styling

To ensure that your hair is properly conditioned, whether you are styling it often or not, you should apply a leave on conditioner on it regularly

Aside from that, you should also minimize the use of hair styling tools that give off heat

On top of that, you should also avoid any unnecessary combing, brushing, and styling

If you really need to change your looks, then go with proper styling, instead of going through certain chemical processes

up and hair styling, and a multitude of other

Did the reporter think the flying object had pulled in at the nearest alien space ship styling shop and asked for a coat of paint and a set of magnesium alloy spoke wheels? Oh yes, and a couple of white furry dice for the windscreen, please!

earth, whoever is styling the mark of the beast will be covered with awful

Hunter, as master of the house, sat at the head of the table; his mother, styling herself as Astley Manor’s own dowager empress, sat opposite him at the far end of the slightly too long table

I will to live a life of sanctuary, to live the harmless life of love, by styling my beliefs and acts into an invitation to the Open Table, so that my life makes a way for others to access the table for their health and for the table to be replenished both by my living and dying

She hoped this styling would have the added benefit of ensuring that she was taken seriously despite her young appearance

Setting mousses have created quite a revolution in hair styling in recent years; they give short styles shape and body

Men of his own age shirked instead of seeking his society, voting him — spite of his riches — conceited, self-sufficient, and purse-proud; his elders he avoided, styling them ‘stupid old buffers;’ while the children, after one shy look, knew better than to play hide-and-seek with him, or hunt for lollies in the pockets of his immaculately fitting coat

While it’s the third largest city in Australia, Brisbane tends to come up short compared to the cosmopolitan and showy city of Sydney or the culturally mature and sophisticated styling of 5 star luxury that’s

In the styling tab, you can freely adjust the options of the slider

confidence and satisfaction I imparted to a well-combed woman by the right hair styling and its skillful execution

I had a subdued taste in my styling and did not indulge in the more flamboyant hairstyles that Raymond went for

and styling my hair in the prettiest way I had ever seen

Needless to say, you needn’t supply your gift recipient with an entire lifestyle change with respect to retro style; however certain relics from the past will be appreciated—that is, if the receiver is into certain era styling

His eyes are blue, and he adds styling mousse to his gray-brown hair to keep it in place

The sobriquet of La Carconte had been bestowed on Madeleine Radelle from the fact that she had been born in a village, so called, situated between Salon and Lambesc; and as a custom existed among the inhabitants of that part of France where Caderousse lived of styling every person by some particular and distinctive appellation, her husband had bestowed on her the name of La Carconte in place of her sweet and euphonious name of Madeleine, which, in all probability, his rude gutteral language would not have enabled him to pronounce

Smith claimed of styling his remarks «irrelevant and improper,» a freedom which I should regret to believe would be justified by our Secretary’s ideas of decorum

Synonym: dash, elan, expressive style, fashion, flair, manner, mode, panache, stylus, title, trend, vogue, way. Similar words: lifestyle, nasty, gargoyle. Meaning: [staɪl]  n. 1. a particular kind (as to appearance) 2. how something is done or how it happens 3. a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period 4. distinctive and stylish elegance 5. the popular taste at a given time 6. (botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma 7. editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical display 8. a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving 9. a slender bristlelike or tubular process. v. 1. designate by an identifying term 2. make consistent with a certain fashion or style 3. make consistent with certain rules of style. 

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1. The style is the man.

2. The dinner will be served buffet style.

3. His work is imprinted with his own personal style.

4. We dined in style in the hotel restaurant.

5. Mona wrote with a beautiful simplicity of style.

6. The style is ornate and highly decorative.

7. The essence of Arsenal’s style of football was speed.

8. We banqueted the visiting president in grand style.

8. Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. The style prevails and picks up momentum.

10. His style of singing is rather unique.

11. Clarissa’s hair was swept up into a sophisticated style.

12. The letter is written in a formal style.

13. He had a dense, ponderous style.

14. Cowardice is not my style.

15. They have played an expansive style of rugby.

16. We dined in grand style.

17. You must write in a clear and lucid style.

18. The building style is plain, with very little ornament.

19. Each writer’s style differs from that of another.

20. This painting exemplifies the artist’s early style.

21. His writing style is now boring and outdated.

22. The room was furnished in austere style.

23. He is wearing a western style suit.

24. Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.

25. Does your style of writing individualize your work?

26. He writes in a formal and rather stilted style.

27. I find his style somewhat impenetrable.

28. I like your style .

29. His sportsmanship and style of play is refreshing.

30. He imprints his own personal style on his work.

  • Dictionary
  • S
  • Style
  • Sentences
  • Our children’s different needs and learning styles created many problems.
  • Bournemouth, you have to admit, has style.
  • His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions about style.
  • …six scenes in the style of a classical Greek tragedy.
  • His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip. [be VERB-ed]
  • A new style of house
  • Good or bad style
  • To live in style
  • To style hair
  • To style a man a fool
  • The Byzantine style, modern style
  • An author who lacks style
  • To live in style
  • Entitled to the style of Mayor
  • Abraham Lincoln, styled the Great Emancipator
  • The baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for their liking.
  • They do these things in a grand style.
  • To live in style.
  • To write in the style of Faulkner; a familiar style; a pompous, pedantic style.
  • His writing is all style and no substance.
  • A patronizing style of addressing others.
  • Her painting is beginning to show a personal style.
  • A firm trading under the style of Smith, Jones, & Co.
  • The pope is styled His or Your Holiness.
  • To style an evening dress; to style one’s hair.
  • Please style this manuscript.
  • The jacket he’s wearing went out of style ten years ago.

Definition of Style

a way of something happening

Examples of Style in a sentence

David started making good grades on his math tests because his teacher was using activities conducive to his learning style.


The author’s writing style of humor and drama appealed to both young and old adolescents.


Many employees quit the restaurant due to their boss’s lack of leadership and poor management style.


Ms. Pruitt’s teaching style included many activities for practice which enabled students to learn the information.


Having both a command for respect and an ability to delegate tasks, Sally’s leadership style proved successful for the company’s department.


Other words in the Neutral category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

  • Use the word STYLE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I can make a travois Comanche-style

Rembrandt, satirically pastiching the Italian style and manner of picture-making in his endeavor to demonstrate treachery and conspiracy and murder in Holland, is suggesting that Amsterdam has adopted the Italian politics of sudden assassination.

This style wouldn’t work on anyone but Yoon, right?

It wasn’t that I saw a style or a technique but I saw the generosity and the spirit and I thought to myself ‘That’s it, it’s an appetite for life’.

The impressionists have such style.

I’m confident in my voice and my style, And I’m just gonna go out there With all the energy in the world.

Adam: I’m only gonna say this to you, jeff, Because, like, you have your style,

The style director assigned to oversee our Harrods collection will be coming by tomorrow.

Um, to impress the style director and ensure Harrods is confident that Donovan Decker has what it takes?

This person has proven that they have exceptional creativity and style.

Remember. We must impress this Harrods style director at any cost.

What do you think of me, Gong Shil? What do you think of my style?

color, style, comfort, utility and convenience.

Leary’s East-Coast Millbrook community had a reverential attitude to LSD that contrasted sharply with the merry pranksters’ anarchic West-Coast style.

A stress on realism, refusal of studio sets, multi camera set-ups, not to mention the understated acting style, unusual for the time.

The fashion paper says these gloves are style in the city.

It’s time for tea, Soviet style.

I’m not a man of the old R├®gime, however I don’t hesitate to use the traditional style.

Thanks to Windermere’s cheques, Mrs. Erlynne lived in extravagant style— …not accepted by society but the subject of its gossip.

Note the perfect style of the man in the middle (Riley, USA).

In wonderful style, Vigo determines the winner.

Bashmachkin’s flat was on the third story, one little room without any pretentions to style.

It framed the style of all gangster films to come.

A love affair, quite casually, is not your style, madame.

Together in the afternoon but alone at night, that’s not your style, madame.

A love affair, quite casually, is not your style, madame, is really not your style, madame.

A love affair… — …quite casually… is not your style, madame.

But alone at night… that’s not your style, madame.

… quite casually…. is not your style, madame.

It’s really not your style, madame.

is really not your style, madame.

Oh, am I cramping your style?

And here’s the latest style magazine for you.

I tell you. we don’t want no more old-style soldiers.

We want new-style doctor-soldiers.

And when she gets some clothes, I can take her out in style.

The partially disrupted and uneven style of his other letters is, in its interpretation, a form of acting which may manifest externally as indolence or even lethargy.

Tsuchihashi-style Shochiku phone

Let me tell you: a young girl should keep up mit the style.

This dress is good for two years because it’s already two years ahead of the style

She was called the Queen of Dance [1/2 lb. excellent veal fat home-style 45] but known as the Queen of Sensual Pleasures

These housekeeping sailors are beginning to crack my style.

You need some lessons too. You know too much about hunting, etiquette, tradition… You know nothing about style, charm…

It’s true. I’ve died, gone to heaven, or maybe I’m just going to have roast chicken Southern style.

Gentlemen, I give you the holy state of matrimony, modern style.

Actually, haven’t these things been out of style for a long time?

I like to have my guests shown out in style.

Vivian is the head of our new style and Idea department.


I don’t like the flowery style of his writing.

She has a unique style of singing.

a baseball pitcher with an unusual style

She writes with more attention to style than to content.

The room was decorated in modern style.

The car is available in several different styles.

the Greek style of architecture

The range of clothing styles has become more varied.

His management style is abrasive.


She cuts and styles hair.

She’s having her hair styled tomorrow.

a book styled for a general audience

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Throughout the 1960s, Hepburn and Bardot famously sported the pretty slip-ons with their effortless outfits, catapulting the style into the mainstream.

Sophie Dweck, townandcountrymag.com, 6 Apr. 2023

The following workout strings together a bunch of trainer go-to variations into a circuit-style plank workout.

Women’s Health, 6 Apr. 2023

Nine out of 10 midcentury homes were a version of the rambling architectural style inspired by California’s early haciendas.

Jeastman, oregonlive, 5 Apr. 2023

Here’s the chic style to ask for during your next trip to the salon.

Christina Oehler, Health, 5 Apr. 2023

Stamped with a gothic-font logo, the ultra-simple handbag style is an instant streetwear classic.

Sarah Maberry, harpersbazaar.com, 5 Apr. 2023

The oxford-style could really be worn both formally and casually which gives you the flexibility to wear it for multiple occasions while traveling.

Kaitlyn Mcinnis, Travel + Leisure, 5 Apr. 2023

No matter the style, what lingered were the playful emotions in the battles.

Steven Vargas, Los Angeles Times, 5 Apr. 2023

Drew Barrymore, Meghan Markle, and Eva Longoria are just a few of the celebrities who have been rocking the style as of late.

Nicol Natale, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

Proper care before and after styling with a waver is key.

elle.com, 7 Apr. 2023

Yesterday, the Grammy-winning rapper arrived at the CMT Music Awards in a head-turning ensemble, styled by Law Roach.

Chelsey Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 4 Apr. 2023

In her hair — styled by BridalGal, who also provided makeup — Danielle wore a headpiece by Bridal Styles Boutique, while A.Jaffe for Roman Jewelers provided coordinating drop earrings.

Dave Quinn, Peoplemag, 4 Apr. 2023

The model posted a few snaps of her ‘fit from the evening, posing against a simple wood background to show off her icy blue, straight-off-the-runway look styled by Dani Michelle.

Hannah Oh, Seventeen, 31 Mar. 2023

Remember that the Texas electricity system is supposed to be free market styled with little government intervention.

Dave Lieber, Dallas News, 31 Mar. 2023

Take a cue from Loewe, where the eye-catching anthurium flowers were styled with minimal skirts.

Frances Solá-santiago, refinery29.com, 30 Mar. 2023

The bride wore a Simone Rocha dress and shoes, as styled by her mother.

Elise Taylor, Vogue, 28 Mar. 2023

The video shows Zendaya (looking amazing in a leopard-print shorts suit, probably styled by Roach) taking her front-row seat next to Emma Stone at a Louis Vuitton show.

Kathleen Walsh, Glamour, 16 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘style.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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