A sentence with the word stair


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word stair, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use stair in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «stair».

Stair in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word stair in a sentence.

  1. At The Tower House, the stair is consigned to the conical tower.

  2. A fourth smaller-diameter shaft accommodated an emergency spiral stair.

  3. The windows of the stair turret represent «the Storming of the Castle of Love».

  4. A well-known figure is the corbel of the dragon-slaying monk in the chapter house stair.

  5. The upper floor, reached by a stair from the cloister, was the dormitory for the lay brothers.

  6. The decorative stair rails had been enclosed, and some stairways and corridors had been closed off completely.

  7. The pyramid substructures were accessed from a stair of 36 steps, starting at ground level east of the chapel.

  8. On the ground floor, several rooms have been rearranged, though the rotunda and stair halls are in their original layout.

  9. The image of a winding stair has also been tied to scenes in Dante’s journey from Purgatory to Paradise in the Divine Comedy.

  10. The stair halls are located behind archways just outside the rotunda; they contain marble floors and plaster walls and ceilings.

  11. Up the close and doon the stair,But and ben’ wi’ Burke and Hare.Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief,Knox the boy that buys the beef.

  12. The station was provided with four Otis electric lifts paired in two 23-foot (7.0 m) diameter shafts and a spiral stair in a smaller shaft.

  13. Shortly after takeoff, Cooper handed a note to Florence Schaffner, the flight attendant situated nearest to him in a jump seat attached to the aft stair door.

  14. Beyond this is a two-storey stair hall, with a staircase and ceiling, both by James Adam, and an elaborately carved wooden door, dated 1618, with its original key and lock.

Synonyms for stair

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word stair has the following synonyms: step.

General information about «stair» example sentences

The example sentences for the word stair that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «stair» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «stair».

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1. Clutch stair armrest, move carefully step by step.

2. He heard soft footsteps coming up the stair.

3. The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.

4. She flew on winged feet up the narrow stair.

5. The top stair is broken.

6. Terry was sitting on the bottom stair.

7. Lucy sat down on the bottom stair.

8. His office is down the stair.

9. He sat waiting on the bottom stair.

10. The third stair creaked as I stepped on it.

11. The child was sitting on the bottom stair.

12. Hark! I hear a step on the stair!

13. The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.

14. The carpet was held in place by brass stair rods.

15. He climbed the wooden stair and knocked on his grandfather’s door.

16. The second stair creaks when you step on it.

17. Quick footsteps on a stone stair startled me awake.

18. Liz stepped over the bottom stair, which always creaked.

19. She sank back again on to the stair.

20. Stair climbers are relative newcomers to the exercise scene.

21. I heard footsteps coming up the stair.

22. They looked up the spiral stair.

23. I shift myself a stair higher, so that I can reach up and stroke my son’s head.

24. The flight of three stairs with a mahogany look finish and brass stair rods is proving a winner with customers.

25. They improved walking speed, stair climbing, balance and spontaneous daily activity.

26. The house had a panelled hall and a fine oak stair.

27. Then she turned and flew on winged feet up the narrow stair to take refuge in her garret room.

28. With shared relief they edged their way back and then at last down the circular stair.

29. There is a fine oak carved overmantel and an old door opens on to the curved stone stair to the first floor.

30. In a lull, she drifted up to see to the babies,[Sentencedict.com] but misjudged mounting the stair.

More similar words: upstairs, sustain, sustainable, air, pair, hair, by air, chair, affair, impair, repair, unfair, fairly, obtain, retail, detail, retain, in the air, airport, airline, a pair of, contain, captain, curtain, certain, aircraft, airplane, chairman, fair play, retailer. 

ступенька, ступень


- ступень, ступенька
- обыкн. pl ступеньки, лестница

flight of stairs — лестничный марш
winding [escape] stair — винтовая [пожарная] лестница
at the foot of the stairs — на нижней площадке (лестничной клетки)
to go down [up] stairs — спускаться [подниматься] по лестнице

- редк. лестница, лестничный марш
- pl. мор. трап, сходни
- pl. причал (на Темзе)

above stairs — в жилых комнатах; в хозяйских комнатах, «наверху»
below stairs — а) в кухне и в помещении для прислуги; б) среди слуг; the discord was noticed below stairs

Мои примеры


stair landing / platform — лестничная площадка  
to proportion a stair — выбирать размеры лестницы  
stair rod — прут для укрепления ковров на лестнице  
stair enclosure — лестничная клетка  
winding stair — винтовая лестница  
stair step — ступень лестницы  
secret stair — потайная лестница  
stair pad — лестничная дорожка; ковровая дорожка  
stair platform — лестничная площадка  
stair shaft — лестничная шахта  

Примеры с переводом

She ran down the stairs.

Она cбежала вниз по ступенькам.

The stairs lead to the roof.

Эта лестница ведёт на крышу.

The stairs are steep.

Эта лестница крутая.

He tripped on the bottom stair and almost fell.

Он споткнулся о нижнюю ступеньку и чуть не упал.

He waited at the foot of the stairs.

Он ждал у подножия лестницы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She slipped and fell down the stairs.

We had to climb another flight of stairs to get to the roof.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

stairs  — лестница, ступеньки, трап, сходни

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): stair
мн. ч.(plural): stairs

teasing without touching across stair rods,

along the broad corridors and up the sweeping stair case of the grand

Treading carefully on the left and right edges of the stair treads, he goes up two floors

The band had already started to play, down stair in the sitting room

and sat it on the stair

Would his lighter give enough light to let him see the stair? According to the charts, this abandoned stairway went up twenty three floors before it became unsafe

From the hiding-place I heard the footsteps upon the stair, with the opening and the closing of the bedroom door

He wanted to slump into a cushion but realized they were still standing on the stair landing just inside his door

Hills climbed like stair steps into the heavens

No obvious doors marked the chipped sides of the brick buildings, though a narrow metal stair on one wall rose in switchbacks to the roof

It seemed as if every eye were on her as she made her way step by step up the narrow stair to the top level

Sharon was very hesitant, and it took a long time, but she finally climbed one stair

So I exited the room and followed the colonnade out to the stair landing with Dorian as a silent escort at my side

Mai Bell had chosen to explore the upper floor because she weighed far less than her husband, which made it less likely that she would set any stair treads creaking

This article, which has not been revised in any way, is cited in a footnote to the section on Property Law in the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland (Edinburgh 1987 onwards)

At every decision point I chose whichever road seemed to slant upwards most, thinking that the stair which we had descended would be high enough for my death

Just before the stair case, I looked at the clock in haste as I picked up my pace, hoping that my footsteps were out of Mr

This morning it was coming down in stair rods, then the sun was out like a blast furnace in the sky and then rain again

the third story from the stair case

And there is my small family of ‘Fan-tail zebra’ birds (oriental magpie-robins) who just love to play and shower when I water the garden but are notably absent when it rains, as only it can in the tropics; like stair rods

but sometimes, ascending the stair,

As soon as my foot touches the first stair, I wonder what on earth I intend to do

I also see the body of a guard, his arm dangling over the edge of a stair, and standing over him, a factionless man with an eye patch

take refuge at the peak of the castle’s monolithic tower, climbing every stair to the top and standing high above the land

Separated on the bottom floor they take turns entering the stair way

suggesting each marble stair proved a difficult obstacle to his frail

She was leaning against the stair banister and her arms were crossed

“Let’s go,” I whispered as I ascended the last stair and moved into the hall

I threw a cross-body block into Jeannine, knocking her into Michael and back into the stair well

Ninety-nine stair steps take the visitor to the pompous, extravagant and attractive temple

Their cab pulled under the hotel and a long curved stair rolled out

tripped over the last stair when she saw what had been built under

” Randel Stair, his financial vice president, said, “I learned very early on that while he was willing to listen to anything you wanted to comment on or propose, you’d better have your homework done

He abandons his contemplation of the renewed castle stone and turns on his heel towards the stair

Perhaps I’ll hear a light foot on the stair

But here he was at the stair bottom with Frankie in his arms, trailing a blanket on the floor

She continued, «I figured we’d leave the stair door open with your room in use—I usually don’t because it wastes more heat

I saw a stair case first, and next to it a door that probably led to a closet

On the way to the garden, I took the bold face Salome that was sitting on the porch stair savoring an angular sideburn

grating on the stair steps

I began climbing the stair accompanied by the sound of my footsteps

The stair was wood-made and the same as the wooden boat was black, damp and rotten, and could give up at any time

His casual glance as he passed me on the stair contained the elements of a

At the top of the stair, just outside the lobby door a microphone was hurriedly set up and tested, the muffled sound of the loudspeakers reached the crowd through the rain

All the movement at the entrance of the hotel ended, the TV cameras turned on their lights, the uniformed guards stood at the bottom of the stair, beside the cars

Behind him the horde was yelling with such intensified horror and rage, that he knew he had killed some notable man there on the stair, probably the king of that fantastic city

All the chambers he had traversed since mounting the stair had been empty

How far they went she had no idea, before they mounted a long stair and came upon a stone door, fastened with a golden bolt

‘That’s where the queen’s guard should have been, but they were drawn up at the foot of the palace stair, as puzzled as we, though they had come fully armed, in spite of the queen’s order

Salome mounted a wide marble stair that led to the flat, canopied, marble-battlemented roof

Salome shrugged her shoulders and descended the stair

They had emerged into a wide, arched corridor at a point near where a stone stair descended into the darkness

Valerius lifted her like a child, and with the torch-bearer hurrying before them, they left the dungeon and went up a slimy stone stair

His flying feet spurned the marble as he darted up the broad stair and through the pillared portico

He paddled to the carven stair as one familiar with his environs, and moored the boat to a projection of the rock

In an hour, if nothing suspicious occurs, we’ll row up to the foot of the stair and await him there

I had rather catch him descending the stair, where we can feather him with arrows from a safe distance

He wheeled back through the jungle, down the carven stair and across the blue waters to the distant camp at the mouth of the Zaporoska

A narrow stone stair ascended the wall near him; down this he went

Houses shouldered so closely to the wall that half-way down the stair he found himself within arm’s length of a window, and halted to peer in

Silence hung over the house, but outside he heard a sound which his keen ears recognized as something ascending the stair on the wall from which he had entered the building

Nearer at hand the tapestry hung in such a way as to suggest an opening behind it, and lifting it cautiously he discovered a narrow stair leading up

Had he been followed through the tunnel? He went up the stair hastily, dropping the tapestry in place behind him

A shattering stroke of his scimitar hewed the lock asunder, and as he sprang through to the stair that loomed beyond it, he saw the head and shoulders of Khosatral crash through the other door

Conan raced up the stair, carrying the big girl over one shoulder as easily as if she had been a child

Where he was going he had no idea, but the stair ended at the door of a round, domed chamber

Khosatral was coming up the stair behind them, silently as a wind of death, and as swiftly

Khosatral was not on the stair, but far below he heard the clang of a metal door

Swiftly they descended the stair, crossed the chamber, descended the next stair, and came into the great dim hall with its mysterious hangings

He led her to the southwestern wall, and without difficulty found a stone stair that mounted the rampart

There was but one way of escape from the island—the stair on the western cliffs

He laughed and strode with her in his arms toward the stair

Followed by the bewildered guardsmen, the governor raced for the stair

He led the girl through a door that opened on a winding stair

They stood among the rocky teeth that serrated the precipice brink, and from that spot a path wound up a gentle slope to a broad stair, consisting of half a dozen steps, a hundred feet across, cut out of a green jade-like substance

A hundred feet from the door began the broad jade-green steps of a stair that tapered toward the top like the side of a pyramid

What lay beyond that stair he could not tell

But now the muscular arm was brushed aside like straw and the Irakzai moved toward the stair, treading jerkily and mechanically

Another figure stood at the head of the stair

With a roar and a curse Conan charged the stair

Conan charged after it, up the left-hand stair, uncertain as to just what he had seen whip up those steps, but in a berserk mood that drowned the nausea and horror whispering at the back of his consciousness

One of these towers was built in, or projected into the court in which he found himself, and a broad stair led up to it, along the side of the wall

At the head of the stair he found himself on a walled ledge, or balcony, he was not sure which

He went swiftly down the stair, crossed the court and passed through an arch into the court the blacks had just quitted

They were in the court from which he had watched the torture of the boy, and he led her hastily up the stair that mounted the southern wall, and forced her into a crouching position behind the balustrade of the balcony; it was poor concealment, but the best they could do

Taking Sancha’s hand, Conan glided down the stair, stooping so that his head would not be visible above the wall

At the foot of the stair lay the swords of the Zingarans

Softly as phantoms they descended the stair and came to the mouth of a corridor black as night

Down the corridor they sped, while the swift patter of flying feet drew closer and closer, and then suddenly Techotl panted: «Here is the stair! After me, quick! Oh, quick!»

She felt herself half dragged, half lifted up the winding stair, while Conan released her and turned on the steps, his ears and instincts telling him their foes were hard at their backs

Conan lashed down with his great sword and felt the blade shear through something that might have been flesh and bone, and cut deep into the stair beneath

But Conan renewed his terror by asking: «What was that thing that I fought on the stair

«That was a shrewd cut I dealt it on the stair

Each tier was named; indeed, the people of Xuchotl had a name for each chamber, hall and stair in the city, as people of more normal cities designate streets and quarters

«That one»—pointing to a copper-bound door opposite that which opened into the corridor—»leads to a corridor which runs to a stair that descends into the catacombs

«It’s the thing I slashed on the stair,» grunted Conan

He pressed upon a gold ornament in the wall, and a panel swung inward, disclosing an ivory stair leading upward

«This stair is built within the wall,» said Olmec

Definition of Stair

one single step in a flight of stairs

Examples of Stair in a sentence

If you miss a stair going downstairs you will probably trip and fall.


The safest way to go up a flight of stairs is one stair at a time.


Some people like to skip the last stair when they are going down a set of them.


It’s better to trip on a stair going upstairs than downstairs.


It’s called a staircase because each individual step is a stair.


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Examples of how to use the word “stair” in a sentence. How to connect “stair” with other words to make correct English sentences.

stair (n): a set of steps that lead from one level of a building to another

Use “stair” in a sentence

She slipped and fell while walking down the stairs.
Please wait at the bottom of the stairs.
The children ran up the stairs.
In case of fire, do not use elevator, use stairs.
Watch your step. The stairs are very steep.

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Use ‘stair’ in a sentence | ‘stair’ example sentences

1- It explained why the stairs had been vibrating.

2- The second man has climbed the stairs .

3- To clean the great & little stairs .

4- Open tread hardwood stair to upper level.

5- The steep stairs still show years of wear.

6- These stairs were initially populated by slum dwellings.

7- Angry feet slapped against the stone stairs .

8- It has a huge party room down stairs .

9- The bars down stairs were great too and had excellent meals!

10- The side door and stair plans included.

11- At half past twelve I stole softly down stairs .

12- There were 22 stairs in the theater.

13- This cozy bedroom retreat uses the space under the stairs beautifully.

14- A small octagonal stair tower was built on the southern side.

15- He began to climb the stairs slowly.

16- I went down stairs to make coffee.

17- Change content regularly to keep stair users from becoming bored.

18- Tower and rare stair turret were added in 10th century.

19- I walk down the steep flight of stairs .

20- The access here is by an old stone stair .

21- Be careful on stairs or steep slopes.

22- To clean all the rooms below stairs .

23- He grabbed an apple before jogging down the stairs .

24- The endless stair ran right up through it.

25- He continues to walk slowly down the stairs .

26- Go down some stairs to reach close quarter locker rooms.

27- They heard his heavy footsteps descending the stairs .

28- I needed carpet pulled up in 3 rooms plus stairs .

29- The outdoor stairs were rusty and the trash was overflowing.

30- No free weights and one stair climber.

31- I will put more about stairs here soon.

32- An entrance hall opened to the stair hall.

33- Three flights of stairs occupy a rectangular space.

34- A wheelchair user is less disabled in an environment without stairs .

35- Access was gained via a flight of external wooden stairs .

36- The girl frowned but came down the stairs .

37- John followed but fell down the stairs .

38- He followed and fell down the stairs becoming paralyzed.

39- It has interior corridors and access stairs to different levels.

40- I fell down a full flight of stairs . I tripped on the top stair and fell all the way to the bottom.

41- Find someone who has stained his/her clothing with coffee before.

42- stairAn emergency stair to the intermediate interchange level is located midway along it.

43- There’s also a bowl with a -foot-deep (0 m) end and a 8 stair with rail.

44- Finding Lupe’s stranded family in the parking lot, she loads them onto the stair-car and heads out.

45- There are several landings on the stair, of which all open seemingly at random onto a place and time.

46- Where building codes allow, there may not even be handrails. ; Landing or Platform : A landing is the area of a floor near the top or bottom step of a stair.

47- Summary Example picture of work by Julian stair.

48- Inside, oak stair treads become pine as the stairway turns the corner.

49- A “quarter-turn” stair deposits the person facing 90 degrees from the starting orientation.

50- In 1993 and 1994 stair and his ministry were partners in a failed ship-based pirate radio project.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
staidest – staidness – stain – stained – staining – stainless – stains – stair – staircase – staircases – stairs – stairway – stairways – stairwell – stairwells –

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April 10, 2023
All Dictionary

Mar, Queensberry, Stair (of Glencoe) and Argyll (Red John of the Battles) were the leading statesmen of the Unionist party; being opposed by Hamilton, Atholl and Lockhart of Carnwath as Jacobites; by Fletcher of Saltoun as an independent patriot; by popular sentiment, by mob violence, and by many of the preachers, though not by the General Assembly.

The parishioners, violently excited at the time about the law of patronage, received him with open hostility; and tradition asserts that his uncle defended him on the pulpit stair with a drawn sword.

The epidermis in the stair and the surface layer of the root soon becomes differentiated froit the underlying tissue.

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The door to this stair (called the door of mercy — Bab el-Rahma) was plated with silver by the caliph Motawakkil.

The massively moulded ormolu stair balustrade of Northumberland House, now at 49 Prince’s Gate; the candelabra at Windsor and Buckingham Palace, produced in Birmingham by the firm of Messenger; the cast-iron railings with javelin heads and lictors’ fasces, the tripods, Corinthian column standard lamps and candelabra, boat-shaped oil lamps and tent-shaped lustres with classic mountings, are examples of the metal-work of a style which, outside the eccentric Brighton Pavilion and excursions into Gothic and Elizabethan, was universally accepted in the United Kingdom from the days of the Regency until after the accession of Victoria.

Jim, who was in advance, saw the last stair before him and stuck his head above the rocky sides of the stairway.

From their platform a stair descended into the house, and the children and the Wizard explored it after lighting a lantern to show them the way.

Adjoining the southern chamber is the inside stair conducting to the top of the broch; of this stair some twenty steps remain.

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