A sentence with the word song

Sentences with the word Song?



  • «he played the song ad nauseam»
  • «We cannot air this X-rated song«
  • «that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career»; «that new Broadway show is a real smasher»; «the party went with a bang»
  • «the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song«
  • «a bathetic novel»; «maudlin expressions of sympathy»; «mushy effusiveness»; «a schmaltzy song«; «sentimental soap operas»; «slushy poetry»
  • «a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age»
  • «Her voice booms out the words of the song«
  • «break into a yodel»; «break into a song«; «break into tears»
  • «they made a cover of a Beatles’ song«
  • «Schubert’s song cycles»
  • «The band debuts a new song or two each month»
  • «the morphological relation between `sing’ and `singer’ and `song‘ is derivational»
  • «often drugs and crime are not dissociable»; «the siamese twins were not considered separable»; «a song…never conceived of as severable from the melody»
  • «a firm ally»; «loyal supporters»; «the true-hearted soldier…of Tippecanoe»- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; «fast friends»
  • «Zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely»
  • «How does this song go again?»
  • «his compositions always started with the lyrics»; «he wrote both words and music»; «the song uses colloquial language»
  • «lifelessly he performed the song«
  • «the liquid song of a robin»
  • «the melodious song of a meadowlark»
  • «high, pale, pure and lovely song«
  • «the last note of the song rang out plaintively»
  • «pretty girl»; «pretty song«; «pretty room»
  • «pure air and water»; «pure gold»; «pure primary colors»; «the violin’s pure and lovely song«; «pure tones»; «pure oxygen»
  • «That song put me in awful good humor»; «put your ideas in writing»
  • «when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy»
  • «Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren’s fatal song«
  • «she sneered at her little sister’s efforts to play the song on the piano»
  • «the song of bullets was in the air»; «the song of the wind»; «the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead»
  • «he bought it for a song«
  • «with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates»
  • «the sweet song of the lark»; «the sweet face of a child»
  • «This song takes off from a famous aria»

Examples of how to use the word “song” in a sentence. How to connect “song” with other words to make correct English sentences.

song (n): a usually short piece of music with words that are sung

Use “song” in a sentence

This song is relaxing. I like it.
This song has a slow rhythm.
Can you sing this song?
It’s my favorite song.
When I hear that song, I remember my younger days.
Can you sing this song?
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember that song’s title.
I’ve heard the French version of this song.
Whenever I hear that song, I remember my youth.

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Synonym: Song, Song dynasty, Sung, Sung dynasty, birdcall, birdsong, call, strain, vocal. Similar words: persona non grata, son, person, pass on, season, reason, treason, prisoner. Meaning: [sɔŋ /sɒŋ]  n. 1. a short musical composition with words 2. a distinctive or characteristic sound 3. the act of singing 4. the characteristic sound produced by a bird 5. a very small sum 6. the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy. 

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1. A bird may be known by its song

2. It’s the singer not the song

3. No song(sentencedict.com), no supper.

4. One who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long. 

5. Great sadness emanated from her song.

6. Will you sing us a song?

7. That song was a hit last year.

8. Do you know that song?

9. The singers began to harmonize the new song.

10. The new song caught on really quickly.

11. How about a song, John?

12. We raised our voices in song.

13. I’d like to request a song.

14. Each song has its own individuality.

15. How long will the recording of the song take?

16. Do you know the words to this song?

17. Everyone gathered around to hear the song.

18. Someone walked by, singing a tuneless song.

19. The song can’t fail to be a hit .

20. Will you favor us with a song?

21. They topped off the performance with a song.

22. I love the young like a song.

23. Take a sad song and make it better.

24. The girl sang quite a long song.

25. I orchestrated the Song of the Volga Boatmen.

26. She taught us the words of a French song.

27. No, I’ve never heard of that song.

28. The song has become popular.

29. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. 

30. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. 

More similar words: persona non grata, son, person, pass on, season, reason, treason, prisoner, personal, in person, focus on, long, long., in season, resonate, personnel, personally, seasonal, resonant, along, wrong, among, reasoning, comparison, impersonal, personable, strong, long for, get along, prolong. 

There is a song that says,

Danilas, the goddess of song, saw Punka pacing about restlessly

Ricci cuts his song short and comes quietly over to the bed

MAJEED, the bus driver, listens to his I-POD, occasionally loudly sings a verse of whatever Arabic song he happens to be listening to at the moment

We hear the opening licks of the ZZ TOP song, «La Grange

«And the whales solve it with song, my dear,» he answered Glenelle

«In song is harmony

Somewhere a Carpenters song begins to play:

universe contained any concept as simple as song, you would have heard Smith sing

lows in the song of Smith’s stars

harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit

Cells coalesced as notes in the song

Bird song called MacKenzie back to the hungry frailty that

The question has been asked, «What is your authority for a song book?» The song book is an expedient

Elden and Song entered the

“¿And where is your love?” asked Song

Son told his life story to Elden and Song from his childhood to the ambush

night, Song seduced and killed the king of War and we killed his other two

Elden and Son left Song in the candle lit temple while they went outside to

When they returned to the temple, Song bandaged Sons’ new wounds,

Song closed her eyes and began to hum a note

When Son hummed, Song changed her note to a note

Song continued to weave her basket

Song told him

That night Son told Elden and Song that he was ready to bury the sword

Song called out as Son

Elden and Song woke to see the sunrise

When the sun rose Song felt her

Song began to breathe heavily

Song could be heard from the other end of the temple, calling out for

Elden yelled out in pain and as he yelled he could hear song screaming

As Son approached the temple he could hear song cry out in pain

” said Song through gasps of pain

Song lay on the cot with her baby in her arms and smiled

king of War is more thirsty for blood than the king you and Song killed

On the wall, half way along and to her right a security light shone weakly from behind its cage, singing a song of light as plaintive as the lark held captive beneath a towering sky

He took the infant and placed her in the basket Song had

Son returned to the temple and buried Elden and Song together under the

We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky

From here the volume was loud enough that it was possible to enjoy the song, but it wouldn’t prevent them speaking to each other

Except, of course, for the unbending equation, for the balancing highs and lows in the song of Smith’s stars

That part of his ethereal mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit between God and the third rock out from an insignificant little star

Some of these rogue thoughts leaked into the here and now, drifting all the way out to Smith’s now forgotten song of the Earth

Cells coalesced as notes in the song combined, water formed as notes tumbled over cosmic cliff edges, and proverbial butterfly wings fluttered in their thousands over the future-distant space of Beijing

Amphibians croaked a tenor’s song of night

The song was Good and Smith, even though he heard none of the individual songs sung by the flora and fauna of this long forgotten refrain at the edge of all things, found contentment in the straightforward knowledge that the song continued, a fulfilment sufficient for Him to think the work of creation a noble thing

He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs

He was singing the same song and they had a wonderful romp

Hear the music Before the song is over

greeted her with a marvelous song

The band started to play your favourite song

comes the silent song bird

He had survived the party, but mainly because so many other things had happened that day, the whole town had found out about his origins and Desa had scared him nearly to death with a song that made him believe she had been controlling his mind with RNAcid for generations

If the song in heaven is “holy, holy, holy,” then the song in Hell must be: The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved

a boy’-become-man’s song on the road to Ypres?

This is not a love song, nor is it a ballad,

This is not a love song

whose eyes danced in the torch song sway of red and white

and wills the last chords of the song

Mighty was the song from that volcano, a massive, thunderous drone, chords actually changing too fast for some ears to pick from the static, each cycle of the wave was a different note, in the chords chirping above

that greets a man’s song on the road to Ypres?

I found myself remembering my holidays from boarding school and how Uncle Pantelis would rattle on, telling tales, pointing things out and singing some moody love song or other, mixing Greek and English in the same sentence

as I drown in your song, with the softly

These are the lyrics of a song Pantelis wrote and wanted to record but never did

Tenner for a song?”

A song drifted in from somewhere behind them, probably a tape player in a nearby house

‘ Then in a faint whispering voice he began to sing Tipperary, the old love song from the First World War and although I could hardly hear his words, his sadness was almost overwhelming

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

The music is a tradition and there is a song

So she belted out the song with everything she had

As the song ended she stood and turned around — to a crowd of people

Before another song began, I weaved through the throng, aware that all eyes were on me and so moved cautiously to avoid any undue sacrilege

With an elaborate display of inconvenience, tutting and huffing and blowing, his mates shuffled about making a song and dance about trying to make a space for him to sit amongst them

He often thought about singing another song and had, as a result, kept himself in tip top condition, but as the years passed he found himself thinking more and more about settling down, and so it was that he decided to marry

In fact, the article generated so much publicity that the young man found himself appearing on television and on radio shows throughout the country and his old but much cherished song was dusted off and given another airing by disk jockeys on every radio station that played popular music

This Song is for You

The DJ introduced a new song by an unknown singer, a song that was, he said, all set to take the clubs and the charts by storm

However, as soon as the DJ shut up and the haunting melody of the new song began to drift through Lucy’s headphones she knew that this was something different

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

In the Roach house the new wonder song inspired a strange mixture of emotions and reactions

If he had heard the song while at work or in the car, it simply hadn’t registered

She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox

This song, a song that he had never heard before but seemed to know instinctively, filled him with warmth and life, and quite to the barman’s shock and pleasant surprise, Ken ordered his last pint with a smile

For Ken and Lucy the wall to wall air play of the song was a great boon, providing them with many moments of peace and calm in their otherwise tormented lives

For Ken the song let him know in his soul that Alan loved him and that they would meet up soon enough, while for Lucy the lyrics and the bass hooks seemed to tell her that the singer knew she was innocent and that she had not killed her step-brother

Both she and her step-father insisted on turning up the volume on the radio whenever the song was playing, and even shared Lucy’s MP3 player so that they could keep listening when all other services fell silent

This obsession with the song caused huge rows in the Roach household

Then, and despite his own wish to hear the song again, he asked Lucy to try and keep the house as quiet as the grave for the rest of day so that her mother could recover from her nerves

She was so convinced that she would win the chance to meet the boy who sang her song that when the news reader eventually introduced the story towards the end of the early evening bulletin Lucy nearly fainted

They both assumed that the song was being played on the television when they heard the now familiar first few notes settle on top of the thick walls of late afternoon air that folded around them like hot summer blankets

‘Music?’ she said, her face pretty as a song

To what was obviously a bawdy drinking song, Patass lead her off to the spare room, and she had to be lead because when she got out of that tub she found that she had no legs

from crying every time she hears a certain song, a song

The spirit hears it with that song, sees it in

He requested the hunting song, and upon hearing it’s opening melody Rayne recognized it

Here is an enigma: this song emerged from the depths of my mind repeating

had, in fact, once sung a song so popular that he never found a

MY song, for

singing another song and had, as a result, kept himself in tip top

Use ‘song’ in a sentence | ‘song’ example sentences

101- My sister sang an English song at the party.

102- They went along the street singing the song.

103- That song always puts me in a romantic mood.

104- Find someone who has composed a song.

105- compostI have never heard Roy sing a song in public.

106- CNThe children were walking along, singing a song.

107- We all felt embarrassed to sing a song in public.

108- His poor song was laughed at by all the students.

109- Have you heard the rap version of that song by Puff Daddy?The large audience clapped at the end of the song.

110- We’ll sing that song, omitting the last two verses.

111- She sang a song, the title of which I did not know.

112- It is doubtful whether her song will become popular.

113- I only know the first couple of verses from the song.

114- I broke a string on my guitar in the middle of the song.

115- The announcer cued the adverts to come on after the song.

116- I know the tune to that song, but I don’t know the words.

117- She sang the song with tears running down her cheeks.

118- EldadApart from the chorus, I don’t know the words of this song.

119- In this song, Eric Clapton sings vocals for the first time.

120- A bird is known by its song and a man by his way of talking.

121- I love the distortion on the guitar in that song, it sounds so cool!Find someone who knows the title of an English song.

122- tolerateI can’t sing that song because some of the notes are too high.

123- When Ellen appears on stage, that’s your cue to begin the song.

124- She didn’t know the words to the song, so she just hummed along.

125- Thousands of song birds die each year, preyed upon by the domestic cat.

126- There’s an old song that goes, “The morning fog may chill the air, I don’t care!”The rhythm is light, and the tempo fast that song is liked by young people.

127- The next song is an instrumental featuring the talents of guitarist Pat Metheny.

128- With a nod of his head, the guitarist cued the band to bring an end to the song.

129- What is that song called that Mr. Tsuji was singing in the TV show?

130- orcristWhy do so many songs finish by fading away? Can’t anybody write an ending to a song anymore?John Lennon and Paul McCartney each contributed about half of the verses in the song.

131- Every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of song too.

132- Whenever I make boiled eggs, I time them by the length of the Beatles’ song “Hey Jude.

133- “The audience began screaming with excitement as the first notes of the song were played.

134- We are pleased to inform you that your song has been chosen for our best-of-the-city CD.

135- Singer Ritchie Havens does a very nice version of the Beatles’ song “Here Comes the Sun.

136- “The band was joined on stage for their last song by a few selected members of the audience.

137- Ex-Beatle George Harrison wrote the song “All Those Years Ago” as a tribute to John Lennon.

138- Do you know the name of this song? I recognize the tune but can’t remember what it’s called.

139- In the old song, the lyric goes, “I’ll send you all my love in a letter, sealed with a kiss.

140- “Many different musicians have performed their own renditions of the Beatles’ song “Yesterday.

141- “My daughter phoned the radio station to make a request last night, but her song was never played.

142- The song “Day in the Life” by the Beatles climaxes with an incredible orchestral explosion of sound.

143- The song was written by an obscure blues singer in the 1920s, and didn’t become a hit until the 1980s.

144- Elton John sang a new version of his song “Candle in the Wind” as a funeral tribute to Princess Diana.

145- In the French movie “Diva” there is a beautiful opera song performed by a woman named Wilhemina Fernandez.

146- Elton John sang a special version of his song “Candle in the Wind” as a funeral tribute to Princess Diana.

147- The musicians were sitting around the console, making the final changes to the mixing of their newest song.

148- The voodoo religion of Haiti is a celebration of their African roots, and is expressed through dance and song.

149- There is an Icelandic proverb which states that every story has two sides, and every song has twelve versions.

150- More than 2,500 cover versions of the Beatles’ “Yesterday” exist, making it the most recorded song in history.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
son – sonar – sonars – sonata – sonatas – sonatina – sonatinas – song – songbird – songbirds – songbook – songbooks – songfest – songfests – songs –

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  • Use the word Song in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You know, the song of the thrush is thrice beautiful… amid the discordant call of the crow.

If you overate too much tonight… I got a great song the paesans would understand… «Agita.»

So beautiful his face, so graceful his dance… as he swang to the song, he smiled…

song… noct… the piano nocturne?

It is my first cracket song writing so..

When I was stressed and exhausted, she’d always sing me a song while having me on her lap.

What’s wrong, song Eun-chae? Oh it’s nothing…

It’s a short break and I heard Yoon’s song. I wanted to see him.

Isn’t this song Eunchae’s cell phone?

It wasn’t the right song for your voices.

For this battle, I chose a song. It wasn’t originally a duet, but it’s an elton john song.

For the last live-show spot on team adam. Casey: Right now I’m going through the song in my head

You know, how far you can push it, And this song will help me figure out

This is kind of a straight-across type song

And to be honest with you, this wasn’t your guys’ fault, But it wasn’t the right song for your voices, I thought.

The song that you guys will be singing together —

I felt that the two of you Would be a good challenge for each other in fair grounds Because I chose a song that’s a little more pop-driven,

I can’t believe. Cherie Not too long ago, you sent a song to me, And I wanted to record it.

You co-wrote a number-one song for reba? Yes, I’m just meeting her.

You really did make the song your own. And, lily, you know, you surprised me all these days.

The song I have put aside for you is…

Oh, yeah. I believe that you can sing this song wholeheartedly.

He performed blake shelton’s song «hillbilly bone»… dyou can’t help but hollerin’ d Audience: «yee haw!»

This is a love song, you know, But the relationship — it has to be a little volatile. And so that should come out in your vocal approach.

You know my song «forget you»? You know the little end part where I say «why?» [ monica laughs ]

Reenact this song as love lost.

So that I have no secrets when I am writing a song.

We’re paying by the song here.

The song that he played for you as a baby!

Based on play «Karadjordje» by Milos Cvetic, epic song «Start of the uprising» and history books.

Sir Norris is familiar with the end of this song.

To make it clear, the hero of the song is Henry Norris!

Through her hundred veils the wind sings a song of marriage.

Singing from the air, a mocking song from the depths of hell!

Her lips asked for mercy, incoherently they stammered the old song of fearful resistance.

The sparkling dance of her laughing eyes was joined by the inebriate song of her lips:


Tokutaro’s song floated over to the second floor of Bizenya’s house.

A song full of bittersweet memories.

Mochizuki seems to like their song.

There’s something about that song.

The samurai wants to hear your song.

Was it you who sang that song?

Sentences with song. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use song in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for song.

  • Hear my song! (8)
  • Sold for a song! (8)
  • Ye who would be known in song! (10)
  • A chop and a song. (10)
  • The song comes nearer. (8)
  • It has good taste in song. (10)
  • Compare the Aria and the Song. (3)
  • Finck.—Songs and Song Writers. (3)
  • And now I will sing another song. (4)
  • Ever are they the theme for song. (10)
  • Song of praise she does not permit. (10)
  • Give a sketch of Franz as a song writer. (3)
  • Who are eminent among modern song writers? (3)
  • Another song, however, was soon begged for. (4)
  • The cup is bitter, and his song is mournful. (10)
  • The song I mean to sing is not written or printed. (10)
  • I remember the song you like, and I want to sing it. (10)
  • She went to the music-rack and gave the song unasked. (10)
  • At his pleasures he is anti-hymnic, repellent to song. (10)
  • From what I gathered he went off in a song about them. (10)
  • He commenced humming the song of complacent resignation. (10)
  • He commenced humming the song of complacent resignation. (22)
  • The song of the nightingales was a full unceasing throb. (10)
  • The cicadas sang their piercing August song among the shrubs. (13)
  • Promise of the star, Outpour of the lark; Beam and song divine. (10)
  • As in a charmed circle of palpitating song, he succumbed to languor. (10)
  • She was not the first nor the second who had been taken with the song. (2)
  • Tell about the great song movement outside the church, minstrels, etc. (3)
  • Delicious as mountain air, the wind sang; it had a song of many voices. (10)
  • Yet she had sung beautifully; and what more wonderful song in the world? (8)
  • By fits, like welling rocks, the song Spouts of a blushful Spring in flow. (10)
  • The song trembled with a silver ring to the remotest corners of the house. (22)
  • In one she saw the portrait of that Queen of Song whom she had heard at Besworth. (10)
  • The song might fairly be called a New England survival of Elizabethan fairy lore. (14)
  • For a long time he listened to that song without noticing that not a nut was falling. (8)
  • One fellow walked a little before the rest, and sang a loud, audacious marching song. (2)
  • And the little tree lifted up its voice and answered him with the song of a blackbird. (8)
  • Sometimes they sacrificed the song to the sermon, though not always, nor nearly always. (9)
  • Morning had broken, clear and sparkling after the long rain, and full of scent and song. (8)
  • The air was full of scent from wet leaves, alive with the song of birds thanking the sky. (8)
  • Laura Tinley was punished by being requested to lead off with a favourite song in a buzz. (10)
  • The old Hindoo literature shows clearly the high regard in which the art of song was held. (3)
  • The song had been massive in monotones, almost Gregorian in its severity up to this point. (10)
  • He was accused of singing to himself, and a song was vigorously demanded of him by the ladies. (10)
  • He sang a song at the top of his voice, there in the woods, that he had learned from the gardeners. (5)
  • Sing from the South-west, bring her back the truants, Nightingale and swallow, song and dipping wing. (10)
  • Poem: Song In The Songless They have no song, the sedges dry, And still they sing. (10)
  • The melancholy severity of that song of death changed to a song of prophetic triumph. (10)
  • Whenever his voice ceased, there was the song of the larks, and very faint, the distant mutter of the guns. (8)
  • With the scent of sap, and the song of birds, and the bursting of the blossoms, it would have been unbearable! (8)
  • Then followed silence, dead as ever, till the song of a blackbird, not properly awake, adventured into the hush. (8)
  • They recollected the look; she had given the portrait of Mr. Stuart Rem in the act of repudiating secular song. (10)
  • This was the song George heard, trembling and dying to the chords of the fine piano that was a little out of tune. (8)
  • It was a song of flourishes: one of those be-flowered arias in which the notes flicker and leap like young flames. (10)
  • The song of the springtime earth rose ever upward, calming and healing the man, who at last had caught its message. (13)
  • Winton got up in the discomfort of these sudden confidences; a blackbird, startled by the movement, ceased his song. (8)
  • It spread through Italy with almost like rapidity, bearing in its wake an unparalleled development of the art of song. (3)
  • Count Orso says, and marches forth, after receiving the compliment of a choric song in honour of his paternal government. (10)
  • Loved of Earth of old they were, Loving did interpret her; And the sterner worship bars None whom Song has made her stars. (10)
  • It befel That he called up the warrior host Of the Song pouring hydromel In thunder, the wide-winged Song. (10)
  • Close to home, the first little eddy of wind stirred, and the song of dripping twigs began; an owl hooted, honey-soft, in the fog. (8)
  • As those words of swan song died away he swayed and trembled, and suddenly disappeared below the sight-line, as if he had sat down. (8)
  • And ever when the song was heard, From trees that shade the grassy plot Warbled another glossy bird, Whose mate not long ago was shot. (10)
  • He has now gone to that sphere where all good tars are promised pleasant weather in the song, and perhaps his thoughts fly somewhat higher. (2)
  • The Chopin polonaise in A flat, that song of revolution, which had always seemed so unattainable, went as if her fingers were being worked for her. (8)
  • Sir John was loud in his admiration at the end of every song, and as loud in his conversation with the others while every song lasted. (4)
  • Now, Shibli Bagarag failed not to perform two prostrations to Allah, and raised the song of gratitude for his preservation when he found himself in safety. (10)

Also see sentences for: air, ballad, chant, hymn, lay, lyric, melody.

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