A sentence with the word scene

His heroic actions typified the courage of all the firefighters at the scene.
He played Rosencrantz in a selected scene from Tom Stoppard’s play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.
If you listen very closely, you can hear her beef flaps slap together everytime she walks into a scene.
He is known for MCing in grime music, and is also associated with the grindie scene which combines influences from grime, with indie rock.
She returned to the international scene to play the Federation Cup event in Australia, where she partnered Virginia Wade on the British team.
Hatton was a heavy underdog for this fight and the victory announced his entry to the upper echelons of the world boxing scene.
Gress, a stalwart on New York’s downtown scene, is one reliable groovemeister and one of the most creative improvisers around.
The 14 Hour Technicolor Dream, organised by the International Times, demonstrated the importance of the quickly developing Underground scene.
Since 1996 he has been a regular broadcaster with Phoenix FM and an expert in the progressive rock genres of Zeuhl, RIO and the Canterbury scene.
It was in the 1960s that Danish architects such as Arne Jacobsen entered the world scene with their highly successful Functionalist architecture.
Boats shuttled to and fro, and the hawkings and peddlings of all sorts of wares helped to create an amazing scene of activity and prosperity.
However, in filming this scene proved too difficult to do, and instead the film opens with a close-up of Keaton’s hawklike eye.
Find a safe place where you can heal up before returning to the scene of combat.
Ceri Richards was very engaged in the Welsh art scene as a teacher in Cardiff and even after moving to London.
Today Poland has a very active music scene, with the jazz and metal genres being particularly popular among the contemporary populace.
The airfield was not captured until a month later as the area became the scene of fierce fighting.
The food stylists this day had spent inordinate amounts of time preparing the hero product for a close-up scene.
The Swinging London fashion scene has featured in films, and was spoofed in the Austin Powers comedy series.
The literary scene is often defined bicoastally, with the emphasis on the east.
In 1953, it was the scene of a serious maritime disaster, the sinking of the ferry Princess Victoria.

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Sentences with the word Scene?



  • «This scene acts well»
  • «the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene«; «poignant grief cannot endure forever»; «his gratitude was simple and touching»
  • «she tried again»; «they rehearsed the scene again»
  • «a country life of arcadian contentment»; «a pleasant bucolic scene«; «charming in its pastoral setting»; «rustic tranquility»
  • «it was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers»; «his guilt was established beyond a shadow of a doubt»
  • «for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen’s hotel»; «his `Hamlet’ lacks the brilliance that one expects»; «it is the university that gives the scene its stately splendor»; «an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art»; «advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products»
  • «the deathbed scene is the climax of the play»
  • «the closing stages of the election»; «the closing weeks of the year»; «the closing scene of the film»; «closing remarks»
  • «he had a fit»; «she threw a tantrum»; «he made a scene«
  • «The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime»
  • «the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt»
  • «cut from one scene to another»
  • «cut a movie scene«
  • «something demonic in him—something that could be cruel»; «fires lit up a diabolic scene«; «diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils»; «a fiendish despot»; «hellish torture»; «infernal instruments of war»; «satanic cruelty»; «unholy grimaces»
  • «This scene depicts country life»; «the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting»
  • «doomed to unhappiness»; «fated to be the scene of Kennedy’s assassination»
  • «She claims to never dream»; «He dreamt a strange scene«
  • «This sad scene ended the movie»
  • «the glory of his envisioned future»; «the snow-covered Alps pictured in her imagination»; «the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life»
  • «a placid everyday scene«; «it was a routine day»; «there’s nothing quite like a real…train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute»- Anita Diamant
  • «an exterior scene«; «exterior grade plywood»; «exterior paints»
  • «The scene begins to fade»; «The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk»
  • «familiar ordinary objects found in every home»; «a familiar everyday scene«; «a familiar excuse»; «a day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences»
  • «take a scene«; «shoot a movie»
  • «an interior scene«; «interior decoration»; «an interior bathroom without windows»
  • «a literal depiction of the scene before him»
  • «Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene«
  • «the memorable opening bars of Beethoven’s Fifth»; «the play’s opening scene«
  • «I photographed the scene of the accident»; «She snapped a picture of the President»
  • «the political picture is favorable»; «the religious scene in England has changed in the last century»
  • «the 1963 playbook leaves out the whole first scene«
  • «we had a pleasant evening together»; «a pleasant scene«; «pleasant sensations»
  • «before every scene he ran down his checklist of props»
  • «Please retake that scene«
  • «the police returned to the scene of the crime»
  • «their parting was a sad scene«
  • «She surprised the couple»; «He surprised an interesting scene«
  • «Just think—you could be rich one day!»; «Think what a scene it must have been!»
  • «The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene«
  • «a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface»
  • «a scene of unusual beauty»; «a man of unusual ability»; «cruel and unusual punishment»; «an unusual meteorite»
  • «the scene had the swirling vagueness of a painting by Turner»

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Officers arriving at the scene found several people injured.

Сотрудникам полиции, которые прибыли на место происшествия, удалось установить, что несколько человек получили травмы.

Everyone spectating this scene was stupefied.

Люди, которые наблюдали за всей этой сценой, были поражены.

This has to be done scene by scene.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы сделать это прямо через сцену.

The universal scene uses this scene as an extension of its functionality to make available the properties this system scene provides.

Универсальная сцена использует системные сцены как расширение своей функциональности — чтобы иметь возможность предоставлять свойства данной системной сцены.

My favourite scene in this movie was the Restaurant scene.

Единственное, что выглядит достойно в этом фильме это сцены в ресторане.

The scene component, otherwise known as a system scene, is responsible for handling resources that are pertinent to the existing scene.

Компонент «сцена», или системная сцена, отвечает за управление ресурсами, которые относятся к текущей сцене.

During this time I deconstructed many novels, analysing them scene by scene.

Я просмотрел эти фильмы несколько раз, проанализировав их сцену за сценой.

This scene is incredibly fantastic; you will find yourself coming back to this remarkable scene.

Эта сцена невероятно фантастична; вы обнаружите, что возвращаетесь к этой замечательной сцене.

There is a scene optimizer with 20 scene types.

Существует оптимизатор сцены с 20 типами сцен.

In such applications, nodes in a scene graph (generally) represent entities or objects in the scene.

В таких приложениях узлы графа сцены (обычно) представляют сущности или объекты на сцене.

We have to finish this scene today and do scene 31.

Мы должны сегодня закончить эту сцену и перейти к сцене 31.

Characters metamorphose into one another from scene to scene.

Герои мультфильма превращаются один в другого от сцены к сцене.

Okay, next scene up, scene 167…

Так, переходим к следующей сцене, Сцена 167…

Bubbles filing up the screen is also a nautical technique used to transition from scene to scene.

Пузыри, открывающие сцену, также являются навигационной техникой, используемой для перехода от сцены к сцене.

That was a scene we had done a lot because it was the audition scene.

Это была сцена, которую мы действительно сыграли много раз, потому что именно этот момент был выбран для прослушивания.

Jot down every scene and what happens in that scene.

В ней расписаны все сцены и то, что в них происходит.

The parts made it felt like you were moving from scene to scene.

Нет, вся книга сделана как будто бы тебя ведут от сцены к сцене.

From the starting scene to the end scene.

Most films are made up of cuts from scene to scene.

Как правило, большинство фильмов снимается от сцены к сцене просто из экономии.

I visualize one scene, and from that scene I know the whole book.

Выстраивается этот один кадр, и тогда я уже понимаю всю сцену.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат scene

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: act, explosion, flare-up, landscape, lookout, outburst, picture, setting, sight, storm, view, vista. Similar words: scent, descend, scenario, adolescent, acquiescence, gene, energy, genetic. Meaning: [sɪːn]  n. 1. the place where some action occurs 2. an incident (real or imaginary) 3. the visual percept of a region 4. a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film 5. a situation treated as an observable object 6. a subdivision of an act of a play 7. a display of bad temper 8. graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept 9. the context and environment in which something is set 10. the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale. 

Random good picture Not show

1 PC Michael Potter attended the scene.

2 I can hardly imagine such a scene.

3 Her scene ended up on the cutting room floor.

4 The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.

5 The whole place was a scene of feverish activity.

6 The first scene was performed in mime.

7 The scene of the novel is set in Scotland.

8 The scene was embedded in his memory.

9 The minister appeared in the scene.

10 Every available doctor was called to the scene.

11 Juliet dies in Act IV,(www.Sentencedict.com) Scene iii.

12 Firefighters were on the scene immediately.

13 He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.

14 Rarely have I seen such a scene.

15 The scene is still vivid in my memory.

16 Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.

17 Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.

18 The artist drew the scene from memory.

19 Britain’s unsettled political scene also worries some investors.

20 Words can hardly describe the beauty of the scene.

21 The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.

22 The scene was set for the final showdown.

23 They have added a new scene at the beginning.

24 No words can describe the scene.

25 The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.

26 I could clearly imagine the scene in the office.

27 The censor demanded that the scene be written out.

28 The picture represents a hunting scene.

29 I could visualize the scene in the office.

30 First of all, let’s set the scene.

More similar words: scent, descend, scenario, adolescent, acquiescence, gene, energy, genetic, beneath, benefit, Cent., listener, generate, generous, awareness, in general, per cent, accent, decent, center, recent, central, license, century, benefit from, incentive, recently, entrepreneur, percentage, centurion. 

«The police with other security agencies on joint patrol went to the scene, dispersed and cleared the road peacefully without any clash.


Take a look at every successful actor, athlete, or celebrity with noteworthy style, and whether they talk about it or not — there is most likely a stylist behind the scenes helping them discover and express their personal style.


A great dating site for singles new to the online dating scene, or anyone just looking for a simple way to find and connect singles online.


Erie County Legislator Lynne M. Dixon held a press conference on Monday, October 24, 2011 conjointly with Department of Senior Services Commissioner Brenda Ward to discuss two proposed programs that would provide first responders with critical information at the scene of an emergency that could help save a life.


Based on its ability to integrate information, it would consciously perceive a scene.


Sexual Interest Some people think BDSM is all about sex, usually those new to the scene.


According to a report in the New York Times, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi had been working behind the scenes for weeks, looking to took advantage of a golden opportunity.


Butternut squash is like the crowned prince of the fall vegetable scene.


The emotional scenes came as his wife Samantha Cameron vowed never speak to the Goves again following a bitter day of political backstabbing.


I was trying to think of how to break in [to the business], but there was no indie scene or at least I wasn’t aware of it.


Before I let you guys in on my summer bucket list, I figured we should catch up what’s been happening behind the scene‘s in my world.


This may tick boxes for the religious American viewer, but for me it was an unnecessary adjunct to a film that had already drawn me in, prompted reflection and had me gripped right until the closing scenes.


While soft pretzels and buns aren’t new to the foodie scene, the unique shape of this item makes it ideal for a non-traditional breakfast sandwich.


Jeff, I would like your take on the Canadian financial scene.


While others taking the tour startled or screamed at the strange noises, creepy music and eerie scenes featuring actors dressed as murderers, monsters and ghosts, SM smiled and laughed.


The dinner scene is probably one of the funniest moments in sitcom history.


And our website can help you to meet women in New Orleans and get into the dating scene.


The other is the former governor’s ex-Budget Director/State Operations Director Paul Francis, who has been advising the AG on policy matters behind the scenes.


A spectator who follows the sport might have been aware that Harvard’s good freestyler, Bruce Hunter, stood a chance in both short events, but for some reason, after a fair showing in the 50, he disappeared from the scene.


In the evening, the scenes change from day to night with a sunset at 10 p.m..


The Permanent Secretary in the Ogun State Ministry of Urban and Physical Planning, Mrs. Yetunde Dina, who visited the scene of the incident, said the state government would investigate what caused the collapse.


Focus on image and looking a certain way so guys will want you can lead to a very unhealthy life (lots of biographies have been written about the behind the scenes horror of eating disorders and drug addictions).


If you’re not familiar with the step-hem style that’s been taking over the denim scene as of late, it’s basically like the mullet of the jean world.


Li’s been on the scene a bit longer, but he’s still just one year Sharma’s senior at age 22.


I’m not really into the club scene, but do like going to live music venues.


It’s unlikely that the pursuit of victories, championships, varsity letters, college scholarships and even pro contracts will fade from the youth sports scene anytime soon.


Cause a chic scene down the Magnificent Mile in this navy-blue frock — a ModCloth exclusive!


Sure, there are always exceptions to this but our scene as a whole is based more around the food we grew up with — macaroni and cheese, pierogi, burgers, chili, and sloppy joes.


Be sure to follow along behind the scenes on Snapchat [afoxe01] and check back tomorrow for the fun details.


And however full your life is now, it’ll be even better once you’re tuned into this social scene.


In the field of forest governance, many international agreements and varied stakeholders have come into play amidst the emerging scene of climate change mitigation.


Now, you might be able to avoid that whole scene with Green Science CBD Oil.


This is my last denim week look but I do have a little YouTube video to come from behind the scenes on our shoots.


Find No Strings Sex in the Normanton area: Normanton s sex scene is really hot, with consenting adult of all ages having a great time.


Global warming often conjures scenes of sweaty, scorching summer days, but daytime temperatures aren’t the only thing expected to rise in a warming world.


If you’re tired of the drama, stress and boredom that comes along with serious relationships and you want to enjoy the Manchester Sex scene, then there are plenty of people out there for your.


Last we heard, humans were still doing a lot of the work behind the scenes, but Facebook will probably give us some sort of update on that, too.


Imagine some scene where Roman armies fall upon a little country, sure in time to be crushed under the heel of the conqueror.


Durham has a thriving healthcare and research scene, and it’s making waves as an attractive option for professionals.


Several locations close to the scene were evacuated and Vauxhall and Waterloo train stations were closed.


I like the rock scene seeing live bands im also a big animal lover and dont like…


Even the Christian bible and nativity scene are made by mostly non believers.


Over the past 3 years we’ve been quietly behind the scenes building the technology that makes iAcquire’s services impossible to compete with.


«It was a goner before we got to the scene


Upon realizing it was a cop on the bike, Mann fled the scene.


The lanky forward burst into the scene with a wonderful exhibition of skill and finishing at the Emirates Cup last pre-season.


Trying new approaches at Shaping Youth to see what sticks (e.g. recycling «cosmetic cases» w/all those compartments for food separation, camping/sailing gear… SO hard to get something to pass muster with the peer pressure/teen scene!


In this multi-media event, Nicky tells the story of the NYC dance music scene from Stonewall to Studio 54.


Then, when I decided I had healed enough to get back onto the dating scene, I made a pact with myself to never be as vulnerable as I’d been with my ex.


Don’t be one of the thousands of people missing out on this fruitful dating scene, let us help you form the relationship of your dreams today!


сцена, происшествие, эпизод, место происшествия, картина, место действия, пейзаж


- место действия (в пьесе, романе и т. п.)

the scene is laid in France — действие происходит во Франции
the scene changes from London to Paris — место действия переносится из Лондона в Париж

- место (события, происшествия и т. п.)

the scene of operations — театр военных действий
the scene of a (famous) battle — поле (знаменитого) сражения
the scene of the disaster — место, где произошла катастрофа
on the scene of the crime — на месте преступления
the police were soon on the scene — вскоре на месте (происшествия) появились полицейские
to revisit the scenes of one’s youth — вновь посетить места, где прошла юность

- театр. сцена; картина; явление

the famous quarrel scene — знаменитая сцена ссоры
the duel scene in Hamlet — сцена дуэли в «Гамлете»
Macbeth, Act II, scene IX — «Макбет», акт II, явление 9
the characters in this scene — действующие лица в этой сцене
an act of four scenes — акт в четырёх картинах
the scene between Romeo and Juliet — диалог Ромео и Джульетты

- эпизод (в романе)

humorous scene — смешной эпизод

- кино сцена кинофильма (несколько кадров, объединённых единством места и времени); монтажный кадр

crowd scene — массовая сцена, массовка

ещё 14 вариантов

Мои примеры


the closing scene of the film — заключительная сцена фильма  
cut from one scene to another — перейти от одной сцены к другой  
a scene of confusion — неловкий момент  
the scene of the crime — место преступления  
to play a scene — играть, проигрывать сцену  
to rehearse a scene — репетировать сцену  
beautiful scene — красивый вид  
disgraceful / gruesome scene — отвратительное, ужасное зрелище  
distressing scene — печальная, тревожная картина  
familiar scene — знакомый пейзаж  
awkward / painful scene — неловкая сцена  
affecting scene — трогательная сцена  

Примеры с переводом

Police are now at the scene.

Полиция сейчас на месте (преступления).

It is not his scene.

Это не то, что ему нравится. / У него другие интересы.

Please retake that scene.

Пожалуйста, пересними ту сцену.

I photographed the scene of the accident

Я сфотографировал место происшествия.

The first act has three scenes

В первом акте три сцены.

This scene acts well.

Эта сцена хорошо подходит для театра.

The police revisited the crime scene.

Полиция повторно посетила место преступления.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’m not into the club scene at all.

His work dominated the art scene last year.

She describes the scene in breathless prose.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

scenic  — живописный, сценический, театральный, декоративный, сценичный, жанровый
scenical  — сценичный, сценический, театральный, живописный, декоративный, жанровый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): scene
мн. ч.(plural): scenes

Examples of how to use the word “scene” in a sentence. How to connect “scene” with other words to make correct English sentences.

scene (n): a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuousperiod of time

Use “scene” in a sentence

It’s like a scene from a movie.
What a beautiful scene!
They cut out all the sex scenes.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



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