A sentence with the word running

Sentences with the word Running?



  • «abort the mission»; «abort the process running on my computer»
  • «aerobic dance»; «running is very aerobic»
  • «the clock is almost an hour slow»; «my watch is running behind»
  • «breathless at thought of what I had done»; «breathless from running«; «followed the match with breathless interest»
  • «clicking on the icon calls up the program»; «the author’s description of the banquet called up delicious aromas»; «running into an old friend summoned up memories of her childhood»
  • «Who’s running for treasurer this year?»
  • «We are running down a few tips»
  • «cleat running shoes for better traction»
  • «She played nervously with her wedding ring»; «Don’t fiddle with the screws»; «He played with the idea of running for the Senate»
  • «he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind»
  • «running downhill, he gained a lot of speed»
  • «how fast can he get here?»; «ran as fast as he could»; «needs medical help fast»; «fast-running rivers»; «fast-breaking news»; «fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters»
  • «I spent the morning running errands»
  • «cows in India are running loose»
  • «in running (or working) order»; «a functional set of brakes»
  • «`I will be running‘ is an example of the future progressive»
  • «The money had gone after a few days»; «Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest»
  • «dashing harum-scarum all over the place»; «running pell-mell up the stairs»
  • «Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland»; «The dogs are running deer»; «The Duke hunted in these woods»
  • «the car engine was running at idle»
  • «indecisive boundaries running through mountains»
  • «meanwhile the socialists are running the government»
  • «Her nylons were running«
  • «cost of lumber per running foot»
  • «for uniform color and texture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction»
  • «ale on tap»; «hot and cold running water on tap»
  • «She is running a relief operation in the Sudan»
  • «they organized a rescue operation»; «the biggest police operation in French history»; «running a restaurant is quite an operation»; «consolidate the companies various operations»
  • «the computer is outputting the data from the job I’m running«
  • «the notion of an office running without paper is absurd»
  • «`I had been running‘ is an example of the past progressive»
  • «he came running pit-a-pat down the hall»
  • «running and leaping like a herd of pursued antelopes»
  • «he is running the Marathon this year»; «let’s race and see who gets there first»
  • «the defensive line braced to stop the run»; «the coach put great emphasis on running«
  • «who are these people running around in the building?»; «She runs around telling everyone of her troubles»; «let the dogs run free»
  • «The car is still running—turn it off!»
  • «Industry is running away with us all»
  • «We watched children were running by»
  • «as mountain stream with freely running water»; «hovels without running water»
  • «a running joke among us»
  • «the team’s running plays worked better than its pass plays»
  • «running plays worked better than pass plays»; «took a running jump»; «a running start»
  • «a running engine»
  • «he has responsibility for the running of two companies at the same time»
  • «the car remained stationary with the engine running«
  • «running at full stretch»; «by no stretch of the imagination»; «beyond any stretch of his understanding»
  • «he was such a strider that she couldn’t keep up without running«
  • «an unadjusted figure of 8.5 percent»; «the unadjusted clock is running fast»
  • «verbal adjectives like `running‘ in `hot and cold running water'»
  • «a wet candidate running on a wet platform»; «a wet county»

Examples of how to use the word “running” in a sentence. How to connect “running” with other words to make correct English sentences.

running (n): the activity of going somewhere quickly on foot, as a sport or for pleasure

Use “running” in a sentence

The engine is running smoothly now.
Most of our buses are running at 20 minute intervals.
Do you like running?
I bought a pair of running shoes yesterday.
The engine is running smoothly.

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Definition of Running

the action of moving quickly, usually fast on foot

Examples of Running in a sentence

The marathon sprinter spends all of his evenings running in preparation for his next big race.


After robbing the store, the thief took off on foot and hid in an alleyway when he tired from running.


The children love running in the backyard, so they are always up for a game of tag or a good foot race.




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  • Use the word Running in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But to my knowledge, that would make them the longest continuously running Apple reseller in the United States.

She’s running around like a meshuggener thing.

It was a one-inch mound of flesh With a scar running down it like a sideways grimace On an eyeless face

The president chose his running mate using the only yardstick that means anything:

Other than «Let’s beat Bush by running another mopey stiff with a horse face,» that was the worst plan I’ve ever heard!

Always searching for that high is addictive, all that serotonin, oxytosin, phenylethylamine running through the brain.

He had a police radio in his car and he’d go running to the police station, he’d photograph all these dead Mafia people and so on. And he had this big 4×5 camera and a big cigar and a big, big mouth.

Then it was a matter of running through the six combinations until I got the right one.

That footprint on the running board was compressor oil.

If I transform, when I change back, I won’t be wearing my plumber suit, and we’re running out of oxygen fast.

After 40 years of independence, there is no area in Nigeria where you have light constantly, water running constantly.

I have the force of music, running like a wild fountain in my head.

Us running into each other like this.

He’s too busy running around being Big Shot Politician to hang out with his old buddy Josh.

This week, I’m running a police state.

All this time I’ve been vilifying Fitz, but at least he’s been running around trying to make you proud.

No, I just thought now that you’re back, you might want to hit the ground running.

I just… I feel a little silly saying this, but for a second there I thought that I was in the running for India’s job.

I’d like to take myself out of the running.

I’m running a background check.

You called, told me you needed me and I came running.

Let’s get some blood running through it then, please.

That’s just the fluid running in.

Your new lair is up and running.

Look, Austin, we’re running out of time.

A man. I just saw a man running from the Caldwell house.

Uh, I just saw a man, a strange man, running from a house on, uh… on Fairfax Drive.

He saw him running from the Caldwell house.

The man running from the house, the fact that Janice was there alone, I…

Egon asks his mother for help while running from the police.


Lia is running to the priests…

In a dream I saw the earth running with Hectors blood …

But I’m not running away, no…

Are you running away from someone?»

It’s running wild — the streets are in an uproar!

Have you seen a man running by here?

Just as in ancient Greece, running is still the first and most important step in becoming a good athlete.

Long-distance running to reduce weight.

«An innocent little girl, running to a priest… she is not for you!»

The tobacco is running out.

Sheriff Layne Hunter, running the mushroom town with a high hand;

The real criminals are running wild under your nose And you only have eyes for me.

Synonym: be given, black market, bleed, break away, bunk, campaign, carry, consort, course, die hard, discharge, draw, endure, escape, execute, extend, feed, flow, fly the coop, foot race, footrace, function, go, guide, head for the hills, hightail it, hunt, hunt down, incline, ladder, lam, lead, lean, melt, melt down, move, operate, outpouring, pass, persist, play, ply, political campaign, prevail, race, range, ravel, rill, rivulet, run away, run for, runnel, running, running game, running play, scarper, scat, streak, streamlet, take to the woods, tally, tend, test, track down, trial, turn tail, unravel, work. Similar words: run out, run off, trunk, run down, on the run, runner, run out of, run over. Meaning: [rʌn]  n. 1. a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely 2. the act of testing something 3. a race run on foot 4. an unbroken series of events 5. (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team 6. a regular trip 7. the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace 8. the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation 9. unrestricted freedom to use 10. the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.) 11. a small stream 12. a race between candidates for elective office 13. a row of unravelled stitches 14. the pouring forth of a fluid 15. an unbroken chronological sequence 16. a short trip. v. 1. move fast by using one’s feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time 2. flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run 3. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point 4. direct or control; projects, businesses, etc. 5. have a particular form 6. move along, of liquids 7. perform as expected when applied 8. change or be different within limits 9. run, stand, or compete for an office or a position 10. cause to emit recorded sounds 11. move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way 12. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined 13. carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine 14. be operating, running or functioning 15. change from one state to another 16. cause to perform 17. be affected by; be subjected to 18. continue to exist 19. occur persistently 20. include as the content; broadcast or publicize 21. carry out 22. guide or pass over something 23. cause something to pass or lead somewhere 24. make without a miss 25. deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor 26. cause an animal to move fast 27. be diffused 28. sail before the wind 29. cover by running; run a certain distance 30. extend or continue for a certain period of time 31. set animals loose to graze 32. keep company 33. run with the ball; in such sports as football 34. travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means 35. travel a route regularly 36. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals) 37. compete in a race 38. progress by being changed 39. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating 40. come unraveled or undone as if by snagging 41. become undone. 

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1. The last drop makes the cup run over. 

2. Don’t try to run before you can walk. 

3. Do not run too fast after gain. 

4. Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 

5. When the well is full, it will run over. 

6. Learn to walk before you run

7. The course of true love never did run smooth. 

8. Though the fox run, the chicken hath wings. 

9. All rivers run into the sea. 

10. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 

11. You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 

12. One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 

12. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and build good sentences.

13. Hold (or Run) with the hare and run (or hunt) with the hounds. 

14. Still waters run deep.

15. If you run after two heares, you will catch neither. 

16. It’s earier to run down the hill than go up. 

17. They have run out of ideas.

18. His first instinct was to run away from danger.

19. The south side of town is pretty run down.

20. Don’t hide. Run! You’ll make it to tomorrow.

21. You stupid bugger! You could have run me over!

22. In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.

23. He overcame a strong temptation to run away.

24. Tell your children not to run across the street.

25. Would you run in and bring my ball?

26. When he makes a lunge at you, run.

27. I can’t make this machine run properly.

28. A politician is a man who undertands government, and it takes a poiltician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who’s been dead ten or fifeen years. 

29. Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds. 

30. We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over ; so in a serics of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over. 

More similar words: run out, run off, trunk, run down, on the run, runner, run out of, run over, run into, truncated, run through, in the long run. 

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∙ 10y ago

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Jacob jumped out of the car and left it running.

Samuel could be seen running from the park when it started to rain.

The candidate is running for office.

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