A sentence with the word reveal

The camera pulls back to reveal three acrobats performing on sashes against the spectacular roof of the Royal Horticultural Halls in Victoria.
The cross-linking studies reveal an absence of higher soluble molecular weight peptide-peptide associations for the S22W peptide.
Frequent trips to other jheels in the northern districts of Tamil Nadu reveal the same depressing pattern.
But I bet your eyes will water when the firms reveal their charges for the new-style pensions.
Successive tight close-ups of the star’s rugged features reveal expressions that are less tensely pensive than muddled and confused.
Seemingly every time that I saw a shirt I liked, closer examination would reveal yet another pair of accursed short sleeves.
The fossil skull’s upper and lower jaws reveal deep channels and grooves that once held nerves and blood vessels.
However, these negotiations are sensitive and to reveal more of their details would risk jeopardising their outcome.
She then intends to write a book to tie up the loose ends and reveal what happens to her characters.
American efforts to address these issues reveal both the strengths and weaknesses of our society.
In some cases oesophageal function testing may reveal a motility disorder or acid reflux unresponsive to first line drugs.
Each time the Grassquit sings, it jumps straight into the air and opens its wings to reveal white patches.
She was physically weak but these letters reveal a strong-minded, manipulative woman.
A loose cannon might reveal corporate secrets, give out the wrong message, or even open up the company to legal trouble.
He gave her a sickening smile and then his lips drew back to reveal his long sharp glistening fangs.
These totally rubberised speedbreakers do reveal their presence with their vibrant yellow and black colours.
Then we are ready for Jesus to reveal himself to us in the breaking of the bread during Communion.
The artisanal workshops of the Middle Ages and Renaissance offer countless examples of painters who declined to reveal their working methods.
He hasn’t shaved, and the yellow t-shirt he’s wearing is tied round his navel to reveal a hairy, skinny belly.
These letters reveal the eager young composer fretting anxiously over arrangements for the premiere of the work.

Show More Sentences

Synonym: bare, demonstrate, disclose, display, divulge, exhibit, expose, manifest, open, present, show. Antonym: conceal. Similar words: above all, leave alone, revolve around, for ever, revert, revenue, reverse, revelation. Meaning: [rɪ’vɪːl]  v. 1. make visible 2. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret 3. make clear and visible 4. disclose directly or through prophets. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The statistics don’t reveal of course unrecorded crime.

2. Officers could not reveal how he died.

3. Time and chance reveal all secrets.

4. The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.

5. I’m not in a position to reveal any of the details of the project at present.

6. She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.

7. He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso.

8. Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long — term unemployment is still rising.

9. Her smile broadened to reveal two rows of brown stumps.

10. Microscopic examination of a cell’s chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.

11. Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.

12. I’m not at liberty to reveal any names.

13. He refused to reveal the identity of his client.

14. The stage lights brightened to reveal a street scene.

15. I cannot reveal the identity of my source.

16. Secret files reveal an Oxford spy ring .

17. An intensive search failed to reveal any clues.

18. Her paintings reveal hidden depths .

18. Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

19. She doesn’t reveal much of her inner self.

20. It’s not considered good practice to reveal clients’ names.

21. The doctor did not reveal the truth to him.

22. I can’t reveal who told me.

23. He showed great reluctance to reveal his whereabouts.

24. His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style.

25. The door opened to reveal a cosy little room.

26. Experts reveal only as much as they care to.

27. He was afraid to reveal his innermost self.

28. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.

29. I should be glad to give you any help if you reveal your thoughts to me.

30. When we opened on the former things good record[sentencedict.com],the face will unconsciously reveal the truth’s smile.

More similar words: above all, leave alone, revolve around, for ever, revert, revenue, reverse, revelation, prevention, irreverence, serve as, give away, arrive at, have a ball, Rev., review, caveat emptor, prevail, have a good time, deal, heal, real, seal, revision, previous, really, steal, ideal, realm, revolving. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


And Kabbalah is intended to help us reveal this force.

А каббала предназначена для того, чтобы помочь нам раскрыть эту силу.

Learn more about how reveal TriGainTM technology changes everything.

Узнайте больше о том, как раскрыть TriGainTM технология меняет все.

He says negotiations are under way but won’t reveal details.

Он сообщил, что переговоры уже ведутся, но детали раскрывать не стал.

You know I can’t reveal my sources.

Ты же знаешь, что я не могу раскрывать свои источники.

We now have tools that can reveal new clinical knowledge.

Теперь у нас есть инструменты, которые могут выявить новые клинические знания».

An attacker could easily reveal information which you thought to be safe.

Злоумышленник может легко выявить информацию, которая, как вы думали, находится в безопасности.

But a deeper investigation could reveal something else.

Но, возможно, более углубленное обследование выявит и еще что-то.

Spicer did not reveal any further information about the nature of the investigation.

Спайсер, как уточняет издание, не раскрыл никакой другой информации по поводу природы этого расследования.

Recent genetic tests reveal a fourth wave.

Тем не менее, недавно проведённые генетические исследования выявили четвёртую волну.

But the large strides already made in some low-income countries reveal great potential.

Однако значительные шаги, уже предпринятые в некоторых странах с низким уровнем дохода, выявили большой потенциал.

Decisions are great tools for writers because they reveal character.

Решения — великолепный инструмент для писателей, так как они раскрывают персонажа.

You can also reveal unfair employees or even spies.

Вы так же можете выявить недобросовестных сотрудников или даже «шпионов».

They reveal him as the artist who set themselves technical challenges.

Они раскрывают его как художника, который ставил перед собой сложные технические задачи.

And what they reveal isn’t trivial.

И то, что они раскрывают, не является чем-то тривиальным.

Events in Zhou’s personal life reveal his character.

События, происходящие в личной жизни Чжоу, раскрывают его характер.

And I believe Najib Razak’s trial will reveal some.

И я считаю, что суд над Наджибом Разаком раскроет некоторые из них .

Predictive astrology can reveal our character, guide our future and reveal which are our most compatible signs.

Индийская астрология может раскрыть наш характер, вести наше будущее и раскрывать, какие наши самые совместимые знаки.

The Intentions are most important to reveal because they would help reveal the motivation for promoting this innovation.

Намерения наиболее важно раскрыть, поскольку они помогут раскрыть мотивацию для продвижения этого нововведения.

None can reveal its time except Him .

И никто не сможет объяснить мотивы его поступков, кроме него самого».

Please reveal more about this image.

Пожалуйста, нарисуйте более подробно о этом изображении.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain reveal

Results: 30826. Exact: 30826. Elapsed time: 148 ms.


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Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

When God reveal something to you, test it first or search

Jer: 33:6: Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of

reveal the true intentions of our heart

The testing of your faith will reveal why you love God

Testing of your faith can reveal attitudes

Baker directs John to one of the armchairs, unbuttons his jacket to reveal a gold tie chain, and sits in the other one, leaning forward in John’s direction

«Let’s just pretend we’ve had the conversation already, eh? I’ve threatened to reveal your kiddy fiddler porn addiction, you’ve begged me not to, blah, blah, fuckin’ blah, init?»

Firstly, could you tell us if the operation came about as a result of a tip off, and if so, could you reveal to us the source

reveal the versatility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

What she chose to reveal was invariably better than the inter-intelligence communiqués where one agency often hid detail from another in order to maintain tactical advantage

“If you’ve got a moment”, he said softly, smiling again to reveal perfect white

«I can’t reveal all the details to you

The door opened slowly, swinging on silent hinges to reveal a blackness so

He used a thick stubby finger to draw down his shirt collar and reveal the Chinese character tattooed onto his own neck

can truly reveal the Word of God to us

The cleric slowly removes his hood to reveal that he is in fact — Mohammed! Ricci gasps

logical examination of the moment might reveal the joke

Lucy took a step forward, knowing that with movement that she would reveal

from disease? Repent so that He could reveal His healing power

She had a sense that it would be safer not to reveal how much she knew

He will reveal Himself to us, and we will see

It was his oath as a technician that he would never reveal that secret, and he took that oath seriously

What can I do? How can I reveal that at the age of 29 I have never had a relationship with a man, without becoming the laughing stock of Janus? At the same time, I feel guilty because I can’t reveal in public what I am

Harry Cozen is in command and this is his greatest gambit, but alien propaganda threatens to reveal the war’s greatest secret on the very day the broadest and bloodiest battle of the conflict unfolds

Even so, he was not going to reveal any more than what was already public knowledge

I tried to engage them in conversation, desperate for them to reveal some snippet of information in an unguarded moment

I’m not allowed to tell anyone my real identity because that would reveal my secret

Why would God reveal Himself in the midst of clouds and darkness? The references to clouds reminds me of Jesus who is coming on the clouds

At first, the blackness was compact and thick; then, it seemed to be stirring slightly, as if it were a living entity inviting me to enter and reveal its secrets

She quickly ascertained that Glenelle was on this side also, there would be someone young enough to converse with if she ever dared reveal herself

Strange, she thought, as if a logical examination of the moment might reveal the joke

The creature withdrew his right hand from his jacket pocket to reveal a slender, grey-brown paw, talons gleaming like black diamonds in the moonlight

outcomes that reveal your heart’s desires and manifest a

The gaoler fiddled with his keys and unlocked the door at the end of the passage, pushing it back to reveal a short flight of steps carved out of natural rock

and reveal these shadows, this cold profile,

There is something about the nature of suffering that has the greatest capacity to reveal truth

afraid that the light will reveal his unbound nakedness

Alan watched a long stick with a shattered-off piece of trunk on the end of it came out of the brush first, and then the leaves parted to reveal Luray

Under his tuition, I cautiously hit the rock which obligingly splits in two to reveal the twin of the ammonite he discovered only moments ago

soles of my shoes, trying to reveal the hidden diamonds

Studies reveal that once it is applied on the skin, It can stay in the skin for up to seventy two hours

reveal all but the most obscure corners,

One of the few occasions I had been permitted to set foot outside the villa and I had been carefully cloaked so as not to reveal anything to anyone watching, I suppose … I’d rebelled at that, argued as only a stroppy teenager can but Wiesse had got his way in the end

White-grey clouds scud across the sky, torn here and there to reveal a chilly blue sky; white foam from the waves batters me in the face

The door grumbled ajar to reveal a doleful, puny young guy in green stripy pyjamas standing beneath a thick mass of curly black hair

He had choices, but all of them would reveal that he had escaped his sentence

She thinks she doesn’t reveal it, but he had seen some of her diagnostic panels over the years and he’d put some things together

recorded reveal that people who have “died” have

She saw thru the Scather Elders’ words, and could reveal the truth in their lies

reveal to us is vastly more significant than what we

It opened up to reveal his private Com Center

The surface will reveal everything

Reveal the faults of another in a tactful and subtle way

Mya, do you think…is it possible that he is the same one? Tam ran his fingers back over his head, but why reveal himself to us?

I didn’t wait for her to focus or another flash of lightning to reveal where I was

Back in the bedroom, she selected a bra and knickers set designed to cover rather than reveal – opaque satin

The roof opens above her head to reveal pure white star shine

Enjteen threatened to reveal secrets and their mothers were still good friends

“The drawers are for whatever you need to pack away that may be fragile,” said Titania, pulling one open to reveal a padded lining

open to reveal a puckered scar just below his ribs on the left side of

He turns to Ted and unzips his fleece to reveal straining shirt buttons barely containing the enthusiastic expanse of his belly

The three of them stood there looking at the ground as though willing it to reveal what it knew

the sheet to reveal the corpse

Harry accepted his lot and kept his attention on the tasks at hand, though always watchful for any opportunity which might present itself to reveal his greater abilities

None of them had ever dared ask for clarification or assistance, presuming that such admissions would reveal a lack of competence and a summary sacking

Mr Big leaned forward enough to reveal the tip of his nose in the light

A dream may reveal to you that you are fearful or self-conscious about something

You may see a second heaven vision that does not reflect God’s will, but it may reveal the plan of the enemy, which will show you how to pray

He did reveal his secrets to Abraham

to reveal to us who we are and our calling in God, the religious driven by the

Does it bring clarity or confusion? Keep in mind that a dream or vision that is from the second heaven will have the negative qualities, but God can still reveal something through it

Startled by the outcry, the other girl roused as well, her hairless eyelids opening to reveal a pair of confused eyes

sends us out filled with His power to reveal His glory, victory,

Holy Spirit will reveal to us the very heart of God and mind of Christ

reveal what is in

Ask God to reveal His will to

It is God’s desire to reveal His glory to the earth, and He is

may reveal lies that we have believed

seek the Father, He will reveal His plan and His deep truths to

reveal the power of God as truly the God of all creation

They will truly reveal God’s heart, not only in

arise that will reveal to us how to see as the Father sees

the Father to reveal it to you so you can begin to declare it

God would reveal what He has done in you and what He wants

reveal His love to people and people will feel His presence when

wanted to reveal to him, “I will show

God will again reveal this kind of love through the apostles, for

reveal that she truly sits with Christ in Heavenly places,

Juster reveal how it is God’s plan to bring the two together in the end

He didn’t have to search long, for the elf took it upon himself to reveal all

Her tentative knock brought the sound of footsteps and the door opened to reveal a late-middle-aged man, balding, thick glasses and tartan sweater

There might have come a time when it had to reveal itself to the inhabitants of that base

And then the fundament tore open to reveal a venereal slit that slowly spread wider and wider

The figure pulled back its hood to reveal a half-melted face — more scars than skin

How would lifting that veil reveal

He wipes the fog on a cabinet door mirror above the sink with an extended forearm, to reveal a blur of facial hair concealing a young face

The door opens to reveal a young woman, Dr

from using the information he’s about to reveal

the traffic generation technique he is about to reveal in the next video has

Another study revealed that 57 percent of women and 36 percent of men who die of injuries received the damage in a fall

It has also been revealed that an inert ingredient of the herbicide in Roundup, polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA), is acutely toxic

Some are revealed religions by some messenger of God and some are like Hindu religion where it is usually a personal matter and not dictated by any single holy book

God, that will not be revealed

There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has

A little at a time he had revealed to her the painful memories

«You’re most trusting,» doostEr said but was sure there were a lot more details to this than Tahlmute had revealed

Mirielle still hadn’t revealed what Theo was waiting to hear

just revealed to me, to root itself in my mind

He stood and revealed that he was big tall guy, but like I say, people don’t usually scare me

Word has been revealed to you

The Europol database revealed a little more about Gino Ngata, aka Sammy the Shark

» He ducked outside the shop and left Travis to mull over what he had already revealed, what he had to gain or lose by telling more

as the wolf prince, this Lord of the North Winds, revealed himself to her

black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more

which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may

the divine healing and what God has revealed to me

Closer investigation later revealed that Bugle Boy’s last worldly act was a failed effort to lift a Boston Cream donut to his mouth

The fact that one of these ladies disappeared for a while, re-appearing a year later with a baby girl in tow caused a considerable amount of rumour though the woman in question never revealed who the child’s father is

Phipps opened it all the way and revealed the loading mechanism for the turret

A brief opening revealed the mechs already spinning on their puffers and maneuvering to get what they’d come for

The immediate and all too real history of Marwan Tayeh as revealed to me in those first days was one of madness

The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school — so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

Especially this morning, she revealed to me many things about herself: She is 23 years old, very sociable and popular, with a large circle of friends! I talked to her about myself too, adding a fib or two, that I also have many friends and that I often go out to discos and clubs

I began to suspect what’s going on with her last night, when we went out together and she revealed more details about her job: As a sales manager, she controls some teams of commercial travellers

This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn’t hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security

Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he’d already revealed, this was small

However, this truth is usually revealed to the advanced disciples only; the rest of us delude ourselves with the fairy tale of self-improvement – and we never get anywhere

God sent plagues upon Egypt before He revealed Himself at Sinai

Garlic: If you are eating it, secrets will be revealed and you will have a bad row

Leak: A well hidden secret of yours will finally be revealed and this will cause negative changes in your life

Her snow white body lay naked and revealed to the world of men for the first and only time, and she found, for a moment or two, that the urgency of her other bottomless hunger abated

Onions: They signify secrets that will be revealed soon

Standing at more than six foot tall, with a broad expanse of muscled chest revealed beneath his snugly fitted black shirt, the creature epitomised vigour and action, an unstoppable force made flesh

She gaped and swooned as the wolf prince, this Lord of the North Winds, revealed himself to her

God has spoken and revealed Himself, but the people of Israel have been hardened to it

moved with it and her face was revealed

No matter how hard He tried to order creation, however, he continually discovered unwelcome shades of black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more of a personality

There is a mysterious man of sin that must be revealed

The mystery that needs to be revealed is just how much of an influence those powers truly have to rule over and manipulate humanity

At that time, it has been revealed

He is revealed in what He chooses

Revealed by candle light the gaoler and the guard stood as if watching street theatre, both of them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

The light revealed no human in the water with it however

The room revealed was about the size of Joris’s office at Abery, and similarly laid out with shelving around the walls and a table set in the middle

is revealed to those who perfect sanity

In all of the saints of old, whether Old Testament or New Testament, we read that the glory of God is revealed in both their lives and their deaths

We, too, must come to the place that we so mirror the image of Christ as revealed in us through His Spirit that we can say, “Be imitators of me

The mystery had not yet been revealed that there should be an age of the Church to fulfill a specific role and function

And when he reached his orgasm your name was revealed to him, just as your dreams predicted

Only with the bare earth revealed within that place

His delighted, almost luminous grin would have revealed all I need to know about how he feels even if he hadn’t told me

In Miss Jones’s case her family background was investigated and she was revealed to the world

The bandages on my legs came off when I removed my hosen last night – a quick inspection while I was behind the bush this morning revealed that the right one is still sore and red but that the other one is looking a lot more normal

Sandy brown shoulder length hair was tied back from his face to revealed a rugged ruddy complexion and startling blue eyes

Beautiful murals, truly astonishing, revealed themselves through the craftsmanship and the silence

Unfortunately, the mood was broken when, over a large cognac, his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to make her poor spouse’s final year or two truly comfortable

He even made a special series of videos to show on his body and as he slowly revolved under the hot studio lights, as he turned from judge to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

All that remained was to crown the only possible winner of the competition, and after the ceremony to place a laurel wreath on his head was complete, the contestant removed his fabulous suit and revealed himself to be a fine looking young man

He said no evidence has been revealed yet, although he would not be surprised to find a cache or perhaps another temple to Athena or at least a statue or fresco in the vicinity,’ she said

Whenever artefacts are revealed in this area, and they appear almost daily, we keep them underground, hidden in a safe place, because as soon as discoveries are registered, the authorities might as well run up a flag and invite the plunderers to try their luck

Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed — How to Catch A Trout

When all was finally revealed, The Seraph, as they were called, were a three-piece from the Midlands with a rare talent for creating haunting melodies and harmonies, melodies that played on in Helen’s head every minute of every day until the very second that she finally shuffled off her mortal chains

testing revealed that this emotion had become trapped

Further testing revealed that the exact emotion was

revealed that the emotions of resentment, frustration

Testing quickly revealed that an emotion of

revealed that emotions of panic, terror and fear had

This inspired perception revealed the truth about the

was too short and it had a slit in the side that revealed rather more

and her crop top revealed far too much of her very large breasts to

and she was revealed to the world

Testing revealed that this inherited hopelessness had

have a Heart-Wall, it will not be revealed

they have one, and it’s hidden, it will be revealed

his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told

Further testing revealed that the trapped emotion

to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

revealed himself to be a fine looking young man

finally revealed, The Seraph, as they were called, were a three-

Hour after hour there was revealed along these banks ever more miles of a thin line of city, backed with miles of plots

Opening the lid revealed was

Once or twice she woke thinking she heard noises, but listening tautly only revealed the usual sounds she had learned to expect from this place and, thinking nothing of it, she went back to sleep

But it revealed nothing

He fetched more pieces of pipe with other odd bits and then pulled away some boards laying on the ground, heretofore unnoticed by anyone, which revealed a trench leading over to the side of the outhouse

You didn’t want to have revealed, so publicly your own formidable skill; lest you might be cast in the same mold as those you so pity for their own lack of depth

Kaitlyn was there, trembling, though her eyes revealed her determination to remain calm

revealed questions that definitely warranted further

“A casual conversation revealed that there is someone in town who may have some knowledge of history

She, for herself, was only just recently made aware of the hints of expression and gesture which revealed to the careful eye, the heart’s own true longing

that their presence had been revealed, and, dispensing with

Will her brothers get the land and silence the love story, or will the secrets finally be revealed?

In the years since the expedition separated she still hadn’t revealed herself to Alfred, Victoria or even Glenelle

These aren’t mysteries that are meant to be hidden, but ones that are meant to be revealed

The second heaven is the spiritual realm that psychics operate in and is not God, but we might see the plan of the enemy revealed in the second heaven

revealed the culprit – a souvenir donkey that let out a

By this passage it is revealed that God is a communicator, and it is God’s nature to communicate his heart

We use terms like pastor and teacher loosely, but God’s true pastors and teachers will be revealed as those who equip the body for ministry and bring unity within the Church worldwide

As we ascended, the entire valley was revealed

All he had done was ask her not to wear revealing clothing when she went out clubbing with the girls

He ran over and quickly opened his closet, revealing piles of clothes heaped on top of each other in the middle of the floor

The old man returned Jen’s smile, revealing tobacco stained teeth

revealing a shabby hovel of a place that reeked of decay and mould

God loves making us happy, revealing Himself to us in all His mag-

Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled

revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive

’ I said, catching the revealing glance that passes swiftly between the two of them

I was seduced into revealing many things about myself and he made so bold as to suggest our going to his house “for a drink, as friends”

I betrayed every one of my civilised instincts, revealing sharply the fragility of the shallow layers of sophistication in which we wrap ourselves

“I only hope I am not the one who caused this,” he said, and then he tried to make me feel better by revealing to the class that “Yvonne is an unselfish person indeed: she was willing to translate »Self-knowledge and Metaphysics» from Greek into English free of charge, she did her best and finished it within a month!”

I knock and within moments, it slowly creaks open revealing a chubby teenager

She sat with her back against the tree, revealing a shapely if thin alabaster leg, and pulled him towards her

An irregular mass elongated and stretched itself, revealing the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a coating of thick, black, flowing cloth

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

If a wolf and a man combined can truly ever smile, then he did so now, revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive response to emotion and the kill

‘Lintze! Are you all right?’ he asked, leading me out into the anteroom, his expression revealing quite clearly what he thinks of my ill-fitting attire

’ She said, that glow in her eyes revealing all

No questions!” He was trying his best to get her up top without revealing why

revealing another beneath it

He tried to sound as light and as jovial as he could but his eyes spoke a different language, revealing a mix of concern and tiredness in the face of so many disappointments

Her great-aunt watched over her throughout the afternoon, revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from her own life story, all of which seemed to consist of too many broken hearts and broken heads, until, with the football results due in and Leonard Cohen starting to become a little bit overbearing, she turned to her young relative and asked, “Do you want to stay for dinner? There’s a DVD I want to watch and we could phone out for a curry”

The only one who really knew Lord Boras was Lord Tarak, and he was keeping his own council, revealing nothing

He did so and it opened revealing three panels

actually revealing the inner,

The diaries are more revealing

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revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from

‘What will it do to them?’ she asked, perching on the bench near where he is working, watching as he scrapes the surface off the roots, revealing a white, tasty looking root beneath – much like a parsnip

surface revealing the many colours within

He looks Stevie in the eye and brushes his jacket away from his hip, revealing the butt of the Glock in all of its cold glory

A ray of sunlight spotlighted the unmade bed, the bedding lying crumpled, the sheet pulled down in one corner, revealing the mattress: the pillow dented where his head had lain while he waited for the time to pass

‘Police are not revealing any details as yet, though it is understood that two bodies have been discovered which had been buried on the site, and a third man is dead

From directly in front of her, around to the south were the towers of the waterfront, their tops only a few hundred feet below this aerie, hiding the docks but revealing all the thousands of ships at anchor just off shore

He thinks out loud, communing with no one, with nothing that matters, revealing to the woods, the badgers and the bats a simple logic

The mist had totally cleared by now, revealing a clear,

“The thing to do is to outmaneuver him,” Belle whispered as if that advice might be overheard as her revealing his achilles heel’ “

” She smiled, momentarily revealing her youth and genuine enthusiasm

Most of them removed their coats after exiting, revealing the belts

Revealing what I thought was my trump card,

God is in the process of revealing to us what He sees in us and

The Revealing of the Sons of God

Jesus is revealing to us the secret to overcoming

She wore a deep blue dyed leather dress that was tightly fitted from her hips to her neck where it split into a sharp V, revealing a great deal of her full, round breasts and continued to plunge past her firm stomach to end just inches below her navel

He thought doing this would have helped him trick her into revealing some information he could use

moves to acts of justice, the revealing of truth, and the Gospel

Luckily, the signature of his dark power was enough – the wall before him collapsed in a pool of black sludge, revealing a clear pathway to a massive branch that seemed to span the heavens

It was not revealing, or provocative but

Do you think this is too revealing?” She spun in a circle to give me the full effect of her dress

She flashed a warm smile, revealing her perfectly white teeth

The dress had a slit up to her waist, revealing a very shapely thigh as she walked

She turned and as she walked towards Zarko she undid the last few buttons on her garment and let it fall to the floor, revealing a luscious, naked body

She smiled warmly and then softly gasped as one hand finally pulled down his hood, revealing the entirety of his rugged countenance

There is a secret that you are not revealing

Edward looked at them, seeing girls in short jeans and revealing shirts, talking to men who were old enough to be their fathers, flirting with them, playing with their hair and standing in poses that would make any man’s head spin

Slowly she slid one hand and then the other to her abdomen, revealing her two lovely breasts

If you feel ashamed of being seen in your underwear, then it indicates your hesitance in revealing your true feelings, attitudes, and other hidden habits/ideas

locations revealing everything around it

His eyes were revealing what he could already feel to be the case

What the entities are doing on the Other Side are just revealing messages and prompting us to play this game of life better

Frowning, she changed her clothing from pants and blouse to a dress, very short and very revealing

He smiled, revealing even, white teeth, and stepped past her as she closed and locked the door

As he got within a few metres the grounds illuminated by a bioluminescent band running under the solar- panelled roof, revealing the neatly trimmed garden, the blue-white light spilled over to reveal the contrasting wild undergrowth

The most important reason she claimed, albeit quite cogently, was the concern for being targeted by rival businesses, or even terrorist organizations who were ideologically opposed (she had been to and witnessed numerous corporate establishments; her mandate was to be as secretive as possible, which – although not part of her actual contract – would include not revealing her own identity)

He released the clips on one of the panels and then found that it would slide out with ease, revealing the still warm heating element within

The seats were burnt to their twisted and deformed metal frames and most of the carpet had been scorched away, revealing the metal panelling beneath, now bubbled

There were a few basic facts about the first assignment on Eludi-4; nothing revealing

As I handed the doves to him, his black beard moved, revealing the whitest teeth I had ever seen

stretched from one ear to the other, revealing needle sharp, small and curved teeth

oaken doors of his lounge swung soundlessly open, revealing the one man he had often trusted with

in front of his face, revealing it to be more of a parchment-white, gnarled claw

bat ears, elegantly forged, projection out of the side of the head without revealing the face

The mouth opened widely in a yawn, revealing efficient feline teeth and a bright pink tongue

Not that he was a leering lout; he just couldn’t help but notice the immortal woman in a different light when she wore something more revealing

He then tilted the lighter so it glinted revealing an intricately weaved pattern, lines curling and intersecting each other

There was no vocal invitation to enter; just the door quietly sliding aside, revealing a

Weak light filtering through grimy windows, revealing rows of long counters littered with salt, dented cans, and torn labels

Harold Gibbons’ office was wide open, revealing an almost empty room, the pictures on

The light glinted off brass buttons and insignia, revealing the face of the bearer

Addressing his well wishers, his boyish countenance revealing signs of age however retaining its youthful glimmer, his delivery, once flawless, however a tad slower and unsteady, I was suddenly overcome by fits of tears

Suddenly the boulder opened its mouth, revealing two giant pointy teeth

The surprise quickly turned to pain and he dropped to the floor, revealing Harry standing behind him, tapping a crowbar in the palm of his hand

The other one had collapsed, revealing its contents – an odd wooden frame, about five feet on a side, with a long tongue leaning back

Behold! They are uncovered, revealing their true form!

[The Lord answered] If your heart is convicted, then has it not also given answer to your prayer already, revealing the Spirit which dwells within you, to what sort it is?

Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society

In a revealing moment, just for a second; he caught the faint hint of despair in her tone

How could one explain about road building, and blasting, and blowing off the corner of a mountain? And finding a hole? Revealing a cave? With strange, rectangular objects inside it, obviously not natural formations?

The cut was already sealed, only a pale line revealing that there had ever been a wound

After revealing the truth about commercial dog food, Andrew tel s us in his book

Just as it had then, her red-gold hair now fell to her waist, framing a honey-hued face and wide-set green eyes, revealing her mixed blood from centuries back

” Truman had trouble getting that out without his voice or expression revealing that he had no difficulty at all calling to mind another person who stood to gain from Dearling’s murder

He then opened a cabinet of sorts, revealing a large number of what appeared to be very silly hats, the kind the Pope wears

The figure took a step forward, revealing himself to be a squat, short, fat old little fellow wearing a farmer’s overall and a pair of boots twice his normal size

The two men quickly took their clothes off revealing cycling shorts and t-shirts and cycled off as though they were on a leisurely cycle around Arthur’s Seat

His hood was down, revealing a stern but humble face

Sim was sort of revealing today

Worst of all were the lips, pulled back revealing the full awfulness of her magnificent teeth

The one soldier that still hadn’t turned to look at the man and was gazing at the harbor almost sleepily asked him, his tone of voice revealing a genuine ignorance:

characteristics that He reveals in relation to man

reveals whether you love Him more than what He can do

our mind, strengthens our faith, teaches us, reveals the Word to us so that

come absorbed in the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals to us the secrets which

reveals that “evil” and/or “wickedness” are not necessarily practices reserved only for the heathens

” His life reveals that modern man can also be classified as “evil” if they practice these deeds as well

Alexander has been pressing us importunately so that each one of us reveals their innermost secret before everybody

Eventually, the stranger reveals his true identity

The expression that flashes across Julia’s face portrays shock from my question, but it also reveals she knows exactly what I’m referring to

Time and time again Jesus reveals that He isn’t just a man

The Father originates, the Son reveals, and the Spirit executes

and reveals the dry rot that spreads within”

It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His

This article reveals one of the more modern methods in approaching this age old desire

As you explore the blockages your writing reveals, you should notice something very interesting: most often your blockages are nothing more than limiting beliefs!

quantum research reveals that these energies behave

An indiscriminate mouth reveals everything to a

A trawl of the freezer reveals a decided shortage of food

A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter

Our spirit reveals our heart to us in dreams

God reveals secrets to his friends

I will often prophesy over people in the public setting of the congregation because it reveals the gifts of God in people and honors those gifts publicly

 God reveals it to the receiver later

love that reveals that we are indeed His children

reveals His truth to all those who seek Him

I believe this verse reveals God’s heart for the

important than the other gifts, but instead it brings out the other gifts and reveals their value

God reveals His plan to restore Israel, to bring unity to the

Yet with the age of Aquarius—ego no longer holds The focus; but rather the entire social stratosphere is Born out of the unconscious: a coming of Capricorn’s Use of the perfection of science only found in the Collective unconscious reveals itself through history

I am not saying that the real world never reveals itself

In the still mind, in the depths of meditation, the Self reveals itself

In the above verses of scriptures, God reveals to us that His ultimate plan for us is for His word to reside in our mouths

This reveals to us that the every verse of scripture in the Bible is loaded with more than enough power to deal with any challenge or crises that you have to face in life

Price Report” that reveals exactly what dealers pay for each car and each option, and how much they receive in cash rebates from the

The Acapulco Plaza reveals its award-winning architecture

History reveals very clearly that the SAP was dishonoured into the instrument of terror it subsequently became

What remains unsaid oftentimes reveals more than what is spoken!

How he serves others shows the master he serves; How he serves his master reveals the master within him; And what the master suffers will his servant suffer also,

Addendum to the above: It is certain, however, that the product of one‘s (own) imagination (or its descriptive designs) retains its own internal or conscious impressions that unite Thinker and Thought in a manner that reveals or expresses the inner ‖being‖ of the Thinker

During our stay in Pilar we attended a local show that accurately reveals the soul of that beautiful city

reveals the EXACT same strategies that I use when working with animals and

With patience, it finally reveals itself

The second thing that the question “What happens when we die?” reveals is

A study within anthropology reveals that farming (agriculture) was a newer skill than shepherding (animal husbandry)

reveals that the emotion was mutual and the Lord returned his love in

The present situation with Iran reveals the inadequacy of the UN

Obama»s recent request to the military to change their “don»t ask, don»t tell policy reveals his support of the homosexual group but this appointment is still surprising

The New Testament’s Beginning, while different, reveals an interesting kind of parallel

The complexity of their rather tortured question reveals their guile as well as their limited understanding of what might come after physical death

History reveals many examples of this tragedy

time god loves to wait until the last minute before He reveals His

“Just think of a molecule that erases a person’s ability to hide or not hide his or her thoughts, so that her or his inmost and favorite ones rise to the surface and unleash behavior that reveals the person

but a man of understanding holds his peace; the talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter; where

“Of course, my mistress always reveals her moods to me

conversation that reveals the perspectives, experiences and expectations

inappropriate, or a neckline that reveals too much? If you’ve noticed,

anatomical areas from biochemistry field reveals the mysteries of the human body, and so on from qigong field reveals a variety of areas, from the view of their respective and explain the mystery, human body have in common, on the expression and point of view and terms of use have the

Prosperity of all things to the best of all of the features of the tao natural harmonious and orderly, Samhain JiXuan reveals the mystery of the tao to open convenient practice

It reveals the causes of our present experiences and the prospect for our future lives if we do not gain mastery over our habitual negativities

reveals that the newborn is a boy

Tatiana’s ultrasound reveals that they are

reveals that it is a boy

understanding: 22 He reveals the deep and secret things: he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him

for you, O king, your thoughts came into your mind on your bed, what should come to pass hereafter, and he who reveals secrets

city, and the Lord has not done it? 7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets

19 He declares the things that are past, and to come, and reveals the steps of hidden things

In chapter 1, Nathum reveals that God is a God of vengeance, and wrath, as well

above, where the Lord reveals His will for the two brothers

God also reveals here that there is no such thing as chance, or fate,

The Lord reveals that He is a God of the impossible

the most successful men reveals that they

Verse 17, Paul here reveals that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of rules and regulations

The camera reveals the same studio set I was in yesterday

A tour of the STS facilities reveals expan-

It reveals the motivation the Court is not quite willing to acknowledge openly

Watson reveals his own guilt, as well as Crick’s, in that pursuit

The most “advanced” neuroscientific position reveals a powerful leading edge of the scientific community creating an atmosphere significantly more toxic than the corruption of science we spoke of in the preceding chapter

The two trends of which Scruton writes, child-centered education and disinterest in substantive content, have been exacerbated by the “zeal of the egalitarians” who hate learning because real learning reveals differences in achievement levels

And there I saw One who had the head of days; And His head was white like wool; And with Him was another being, whose countenance had the appearance of a man; And his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels; And I asked the angel who went with me and showed me all the hidden things, concerning that Son of Man, who he was, and where he was, and why he went with the Head of Days? And he answered and said to me: This is the Son of Man, who has righteousness with whom dwells righteousness, and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden; Because the Lord of Spirits has chosen him, and whose lot has the pre-eminence before the Lord of Spirits in uprightness forever; And this Son of Man whom you have seen shall raise up the kings and the mighty from their seats, and the strong from their thrones; And shall loosen the reins of the strong, and break the teeth of the sinners; And he shall put down the kings from their thrones and kingdoms; Because they do not extol and praise Him; Nor humbly acknowledge from where the kingdom was bestowed on them; And he shall put down the countenance of the strong, and shall fill them with shame; And darkness shall be their dwelling; And worms shall be their bed, and they shall have no hope of rising from their beds, because they do not extol the name of the Lord of Spirits; And these are those who judge the stars of Heaven, and raise their hands against the Most High, and tread on the Earth and dwell on it; And all their deeds manifest unrighteousness, and their power rests on their riches; And their faith is in the gods who they have made with their hands, and they deny the name of the Lord of Spirits, and they persecute the houses of His congregations, and the faithful, who hang onto the name of the Lord of Spirits

Shelby Steele not only condemns the column as “vile,” but also reveals the uncomfortable truth about the attitude behind Dowd’s column

Yet, when the smiling façade of government compassion cracks it often reveals, not that far beneath the surface, the scowl of a lust for power

not begin; it only reveals itself as beginningless and endless,

Remember the old scary movies always involving a dark old mansion, where the bad guy pushes a button and the big bookshelf rotates and reveals a secret passageway?

” He further said, “The fact that the cosmos is comprehensible and that it follows laws, is the defining quality of a God, who reveals himself in all that exists

Spiritualism is a faith that is based on the whole truth and has a bottom line that reveals the truth

Nonetheless, a glance at its initial days as an English colony reveals perhaps a fanciful history in its development as a whole, but extraneous and outlandish on occasions

And as I peer inside, the light from my head torch reveals dozens of cats and dogs chained to the walls

It is a consensus arrived at by crystallizing the meaning based on the purpose of the music that reveals itself as the voice of Carnatic

Start by identifying relevant conversations that reveals customer sentiment about whatever the brand, product or service you’re promoting

David, a little taller than Sean, has polished gray hair and a smile that reveals the care taken in trimming his stubble beard

In front of me, he opens the box and reveals a pair of pear-shaped diamond earrings

And there I saw One who had the head of days; And His head was white like wool; And with Him was another being whose countenance had the appearance of a man; And his face was full of graciousness like one of the holy angels; And I asked the angel who went with me and showed me all the hidden things concerning that Son of Man who he was and where he was and why he went with the Head of Days? And he answered and said to me: This is the Son of Man who has righteousness with whom dwells righteousness and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden; Because the Lord of Spirits has chosen him and whose lot has the pre-eminence before the Lord of Spirits in uprightness forever; And this Son of Man whom you have seen shall raise up the kings and the mighty from their seats and the strong from their thrones; And shall loosen the reins of the strong and break the teeth of the sinners; And he shall put down the kings from their thrones and kingdoms; Because they do not extol and praise Him; Nor humbly acknowledge from where the kingdom was bestowed on them; And he shall put down the countenance of the strong and shall fill them with shame; And darkness shall be their dwelling; And worms shall be their bed and they shall have no hope of rising from their beds because they do not extol the name of the Lord of Spirits; And these are those who judge the stars of Heaven and raise their hands against the Most High and tread on the Earth and dwell on it; And all their deeds manifest unrighteousness and their power rests on their riches; And their faith is in the gods who they have made with their hands and they deny the name of the Lord of Spirits and they persecute the houses of His congregations and the faithful who hang onto the name of the Lord of Spirits

Reveals to me

” She finally reveals as a big smile comes upon his face

reveals = our future build

As they enter their room, he takes off his jacket, which reveals his broad shoulders

This is true today and reveals who controls the print media right now

And reveals a tongue that splits

Psalm 67:5-7 reveals the blessing that comes upon those who

That raises the question – if the death penalty is immoral and if life without parole is immoral, then what is the possible judicial sentence for someone who has committed these horrifying crimes? The confusion over that question reveals an even deeper confusion at the worldview level

Sentences with the word Reveal?



  • «an assurance of help when needed»; «signed a pledge never to reveal the secret»
  • «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»; «The newspaper uncovered the President’s illegal dealings»
  • «a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house’s structural flaws»; «a passing glance»; «perfunctory courtesy»; «In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory»
  • «everyone trusted him with their confidences»; «the priest could not reveal her confidences»
  • «She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated»
  • «They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss»; «They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him»
  • «he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly»; «she guessed wrong»
  • «his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature»; «she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles»
  • «God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind»

показывать, раскрывать, открывать, откровение, разоблачение, четверть



- редк. разоблачение; обнаружение; откровение
- притолока
- четверть (окна или двери)

Мои примеры


a guarded man who knew better than to reveal such delicate information — осторожный человек, которому хватило ума не раскрывать такие деликатные сведения  
to reveal a secret — раскрыть секрет  
to reveal itself — появиться, обнаружиться  
to betray / reveal a secret — выдать тайну  
to reveal truth — обнаруживать, открывать правду  
reveal a conspiracy — раскрывать заговор  
reveal develop — раскрывать; раскрыть  
reveal the intentions of the enemy — выяснять намерения противника; выяснить намерения противника  
reveal identify — назвать себя  
reveal identity — назвать себя  
reveal imperfections — вскрывать недостатки; обнаруживать изъяны  

Примеры с переводом

She revealed the secret to us.

Она раскрыла нам эту тайну.

She will not reveal the secret.

Она не раскроет эту тайну.

I’ll reveal all about her murky past.

Я расскажу всё о её тёмном прошлом.

The actress won’t reveal how old she is

Актриса не желает выдавать свой возраст.

They revealed the plans for the new building.

Они раскрыли планы строительства нового здания.

Are you at liberty to reveal any names?

Вам позволено раскрыть имена?

She would not reveal the secret.

Она бы не выдала эту тайну.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a tabloid journalist who has never scrupled to reveal the most intimate details about the lives of celebrities…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

revealed  — раскрываемый, выведенный
revealing  — показывать, раскрывать, открывать, обнаруживать, вскрывать, разоблачать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: reveal
he/she/it: reveals
ing ф. (present participle): revealing
2-я ф. (past tense): revealed
3-я ф. (past participle): revealed

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