A sentence with the word range

This range can make for tough going, as do swatches of untranslated Latin and Middle English and other assumed knowledge.
A wide range of grape varieties is grown at least passably well, which has distracted from the question of what the district does best.
The work’s neon-bright surfaces range from the impeccably airbrushed to lumpy aquarium rocks drenched in paint and glued on.
We have a wide range of attractions for all ages and we are grateful to all the Friends for their help in organising the event.
Graphics programmers must have a wide range of tools to permit interactive experimentation and scientific visualization of real-world data sets.
He tried his luck with a kick from close range but his goal effort went wide of the target and it was a let off for the home side.
Holding up her skirts, Pearl ran up the steps until she was within hearing range of both men.
Her other creations include a range of nightwear for kids using brushed cotton, and formal wear for women.
In fact, I overheard a woman with a northern accent compare the range of crisps on sale with the selection at Erith.
This season’s styles range from sandals with barely a lift and lower heels, to teetering spikes that can do some serious damage.
Options range from beef, ostrich and chicken patties, to combos like boar and brie, beef and merguez, or venison and goat cheese.
The system, which can plot a route from a wide range of driver inputs, always shows the most direct route.
It now needs public support in widening the scope of the research through thoughts and opinions on a range of issues.
The pub has now expanded its real ale selection and will be serving a range of local beer over the coming months.
The bank can offer a full range of products, including trade finance, securities trading and foreign exchange.
The selected respondent should not have been within hearing range of any previous respondents.
Dynamic rearrangements in the actin cytoskeleton underlie a wide range of cell behaviours.
But Taylor was relieved when a long range free-kick from Robert thudded against a post and rebounded to safety.
Many people read nothing but newspapers, others religious tracts and books but in the end, such people cultivate a limited range of vocabulary.
The colour range favours warm and tropical colours, with the addition of blue and sea green.

Show More Sentences

Synonym: distance, extent, length, limit, reach, scope. Similar words: orange, arrange, arrangement, angel, change, exchange, in danger, changeable. Meaning: [reɪndʒ]  n. 1. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: «the range of a supersonic jet» 2. the limits within which something can be effective 3. a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze 4. a series of hills or mountains 5. a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds 6. the limits of the values a function can take 7. a variety of different things or activities 8. the limit of capability 9. a kitchen appliance used for cooking food. v. 1. change or be different within limits 2. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment 3. have a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun 4. range or extend over; occupy a certain area 5. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line 6. feed as in a meadow or pasture 7. let eat 8. assign a rank or rating to. 

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1) There is a full range of activities for children.

2) She cooked her meals on a gas range.

3) The price range is from $100 to $500.

4) The college offers a wide range of sporting activities.

5) We stock a wide range of perfumes.

6) What is the range of your gun?

7) He fired the gun from point-blank range.

8) The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.

9) A range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.

10) He shot her at point-blank range.

11) Animals range over the hills and plains.

12) The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.

13) They were fooling around on an Army firing range.

14) The principal range runs east to west.

15) Come and see our new range of furniture.

16) We sell a wide range of ales and stouts.

17) The survey covers a wide range of industry sectors.

18) Courses range from cookery to computing.

19) A wide range of colours and patterns are available.

20) We stocked a wide range of inexpensive wines.

21) This material is available in a huge range of colours.

22) A range of ointments and creams is available for the treatment of eczema.

23) Can I interest you in our new range of kitchen fittings,(sentencedict.com)[http://sentencedict.com/range.html] madam?

24) We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products.

25) Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts.

26) There will be tax increases on a wide range of goods and services .

27) The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.

28) A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.

29) Two bullets were fired into the car at point-blank range.

30) Most of the pupils’ marks were in the upper third of the range.

More similar words: orange, arrange, arrangement, angel, change, exchange, in danger, changeable, out of danger, in exchange for, unchangeable, gang, angst, angle, hang on, hang up, plunge, singer, finger, anguish, any longer, no longer, in general, challenged, passenger, triangular, brand, grand, rank, grant. 

Sentences with the word Range?



  • «The law was extended to all citizens»; «widen the range of applications»; «broaden your horizon»; «Extend your backyard»
  • «the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one»
  • «the valley was between two ranges of hills»; «the plains lay just beyond the mountain range«
  • «without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up»; «even firing at close range he missed»
  • «This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds»; «this should cover everyone in the group»
  • «Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade range«
  • «a diversity of possibilities»; «the range and variety of his work is amazing»
  • «The mountain range divides the two countries»
  • «a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds»
  • «These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas»
  • «going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands»; «intermediate stages in a process»; «intermediate stops on the route»; «an intermediate range plane»
  • «the golfer went to the driving range to practice his pivot»
  • «point-blank range«; «a point-blank shot»
  • «they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring»; «he dreamed of a home on the range«
  • «the army maintains a missile range in the desert»; «any good golf club will have a range where you can practice»
  • «he answered a range of questions»; «he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection»
  • «range of motion»; «he was beyond the reach of their fire»
  • «range the animals in the prairie»
  • «Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion»; «Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent»; «The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals»; «My students range from very bright to dull»
  • «rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock’n’roll.»

Examples of how to use the word “range” in a sentence. How to connect “range” with other words to make correct English sentences.

range (n): a set of similar things

Use “range” in a sentence

The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.
There is a full range of activities for children.
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range.
The article covered a wide range of topics.
We discussed a wide range of topics.

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Range | Range Sentence

  • We went to the front doore and range the bell.
  • All are or can be fitted with wireless, range 50 miles.
  • A relay is in series with the line and provides a large range of sensibility.
  • The outer reef is their home, their range extending far to the south.
  • Dixie May was back on her own range and she wore what clothes she pleased!
  • You boys that’s never been off the range don’t know what it is you’ve missed.

How To Use Range In A Sentence?

  • Ploughing through that within range of the enemy must have been somewhat trying.
  • The flock grazing out on the range will have gone by noon perhaps a mile from the bed-ground.
  • The danger was averted by a change in the range of the guns, and the mournful march was resumed.
  • Certainly in that wide, windmill-dotted valley, the open range was a thing of the past.
  • There lay the hills, rising range after range before him, bathed in the sunshine of early noon.
  • The center of the home range has been called the «center of activity» (Connell, 1954).
  • Hydro-biplane, with Howard T. Wright patent aeroplanes to give wide range of speed.
  • The magnetic types of visible signals have a wider range between these limits than have lamp signals.
  • But in those days what is now just obvious truth to me was altogether outside my range of comprehension….
  • When last observed the cottontail was 1,700 feet from its home range and was headed in the opposite direction.
  • It was real range coffee, that had set on the grounds over night and been boiled for an hour in the morning.
  • It may be that the range of hearing of organisms other than man lies far above the range with which human beings are familiar.
  • The condensers ordinarily used in telephone practice range in capacity from about 1/4 microfarad to 2 microfarads.
  • That, and a range war that grew out of the killing, and some kind of a business deal just about broke them.
  • In uniform habitat the home range is roughly circular and is used most near its center and least toward its periphery.
  • Such wide variations in the estimated size of home range may result from the use of different methods and from insufficient data.
  • Fires had been lighted on every side, and within the extensive range of these fires the luckless captives were corralled for the night.
  • In the daytime they had the range of a hall, and at night retired each to his own bed, never intruding into that of another.
  • He built him a home; the range of thousands of acres of land was his, and his flocks grew and flourished.
  • An atmosphere of crystalline purity discloses the highest range of the interior, a long chain of azure peaks.
  • The cottontail usually establishes its home range in the area where it was born, being semi-gregarious and tolerant of crowding.
  • Cottontails observed foraging were estimated to utilize 10 to 20 per cent of the home range area in one evening.
  • The home range is used by the cottontail in different ways, depending on the needs of the individual and the condition of the habitat.
  • The ballad-mongers took a wide range in their writings, and almost every subject seems to have called for their rhymes.
  • The door had been left open and the range stock had gone in for shelter, while the rats and mice and chipmunks had taken possession.
  • Another method, which has been used to determine the home range of birds, is to map the movements of an individual as it is observed.
  • The fact that the average Indian is not a master hand with a gun except at short range was my salvation.
  • The methods used by other investigators to calculate the home range of the cottontail have yielded estimates varying from 0.1 acre to 100 acres.
  • Within certain limits, these changes balance each other, widening the range of allowable change in the total resistance of the line.
  • Around the table sat two young men of about the ages of nineteen and twenty, and three daughters who might range from eighteen to fifteen.
  • In order to compare these methods I have calculated home range from my data by each of five different methods.
  • A fairly well-read man himself, for a sea-adventurer, he glimpsed a wide-ness of range and catholicity of taste that were beyond him.
  • That belt of ‘terai’ jungle which fringes the skirt of the whole Himalayan range has its own special charms.
  • The data obtained from live-trapping are not fully adequate because traps cannot sample, in time and space, the entire home range of an individual.

Definition of Range

(intransitive) To travel over (an area, etc); to roam, wander. [from 15th c.] | (transitive) To rove over or through. | (obsolete, intransitive) To exercise the power of something over something else; to cause to submit to, over. [16th-19th c.]

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Range in a sentence

Range sentence

sentence with Range

Range used in a sentence

Range make sentence

make sentence with Range

make sentence of Range

Range sentence in english

Definition of Range

an assortment of things that are of the same general type

Examples of Range in a sentence

A range of emotions filled the heart of the woman who had recently lost her husband and given birth to their child.


A range of gift options is available for delivery in the hospital gift shop.


Without a range of prizes to offer to the raffle winner, the charity decided to give a simple gift card.


The tray held a range of fruit, containing everything from watermelon to blueberries.


Reckless tenants left a large range of damages to the property and refused to fix any of the destruction.


Other words in the Collection category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Author S.J. Scott writes nonfiction books in the 12,000-17,000 word range mostly, and he has recouped his investment on every audiobook we’ve done for him in three months or less.


But there are virtually no markets for work in the 10,000 — 20,000 word range.


Those «long» articles tend to be in the 5,000-10,000 word range — a word-count cap that’s due, primarily, to the constraints imposed because they were first written and edited for print magazines.


Keep your personal statement within the 50 to 200 word range, or three to four sentences long.


They’ve each been whittled down to the 90,000 to 105,000 word range.


Upon investigation, I discovered that she had written 8 books, all in the 75000 word range.


Most Nanos will be in the 5,000 — 15,000 word range.


Infoproduct eBooks are extremely particular in their own right when it comes to word count, as most of these books are going to be in the 10,000 word range because they are focused more on encouraging another action — such as purchasing a service or membership.


Mainstream Fiction: Mainstream fiction novels, also termed «general fiction» and «commercial fiction,» are best received when they fall within a 70K-100K word range.


After joining the program, I released several titles in the 7,000 — 12,000 word range.


Keep your ad copy in the 250 to 400 word range or so, longer if necessary, but not longer because you feel compelled to get every last idea on the page.


I am not sure about the correct usage of “range”

Should I say:

1) Usually a PCB dissipates power with a range of 5 watt to 30 watt.

2) Usually a PCB dissipates power ranges from 5 watt to 30 watt.

3) Usually a PCB dissipates power ranges between 5 watt to 30 watt.

cordially, let me know which sentence is correct and why.


Your example 1) could be used, but either “in” or “within” might fit better:

Usually, a PCB dissipates power within a range of 5 to 30 watts.

It’s not clear whether examples 2) and 3) are using “ranges” as a noun or a verb. If it’s a noun, “power ranges” aren’t what is dissipated, so the examples don’t work. If “ranges” is intended as a verb, it doesn’t fit into the sentence. However, you can use it as a verb, as in this example:

Usually, PCB power dissipation ranges between 5 and 30 watts. or
Usually, PCB power dissipation ranges from 5 to 30 watts.

You could avoid “range” completely:

Usually, a PCB dissipates between 5 and 30 watts of power. or
Usually, the power dissipation of a PCB lies between 5 and 30 watts.

Note that “watt” should be plural, and it doesn’t need to be repeated.
(The only exceptions to the plural would be the exact value of “1 watt” or an expression like “less/greater than one watt”.)

Source : Link , Question Author : Noran Hany , Answer Author : Jack O’Flaherty

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