A sentence with the word rainbow

A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Can I have a slice… and also eat a gazillion rainbow sprinkles?


We named the sheds in honor of the Tortorella’s dog Bear, who has recently crossed the rainbow bridge.


I love neutral colors (black, navy, gray, khaki, white) as much as the next person, possibly even more, but one can still dress professionally across the rainbow.


I love how the rainbow moonstone in the center fades to rose quartz and then pink chalcedony.


Watch as the artists transform the Smart’s reception hall by building a forty foot rainbow out of custom kitchen cabinets and an overflowing sink that doubles as a fountain.


The colors melded together, creating light veils punctuated by smaller bits of paint, like sticks and leaves floating on a rainbow puddle of gasoline.


For lower ability levels — includes pictures of sunshine, clouds, snow, rain, storm, fog, frost, rainbow, and wind to help with understanding.


Where he could have painted monochromatic intolerance, he finds a rainbow of beautiful flaws refracting light through the cracks.


This diaper cover features color-coordinated, rainbow colored snaps to ensure you get the perfect fit on your baby every time.


There is a legend that all the ones we have lost, wait for us at the rainbow bridge.


Visually speaking the title is a trip into a hyperactive collideoscope of bright colours and rainbow trails that are matched with additive music setting the title apart of others.


Whether you’re mixing separates or accenting colorblocked pieces, the rule thumb for this trend is sticking to three colors maximum in order to avoid looking like a walking rainbow.


I personally like to print out the color templates, and I make a class set using a variety of the 7 different primary colors (you could also print out an entire class set of the bright rainbow template).


I fear the day when one of my 3 chihuahuas passes over the rainbow bridge.


I used them ONCE in a rainbow salad bowl which was incredible but I want to change it up!


Filed Under: Crafts, DIY, Kids Crafts and Activities Tagged With: coasters, homemade gift, rainbow, rubbing alcohol, Sharpie


Task at hand was to make a rainbow using pipe cleaner weaving them through holes on a dish drainer.


That’s why it’s a «rainbow salad.»


Strong ones with a rainbow of colors are perfect to wake up the eye and the mind.


Logitech’s G560 gaming speakers are outfitted with RGB light arrays illuminate the room in a rainbow of colors, and even react to the games you’re playing.


Wool shawl scarf in rainbow stripes is worn with a chambray shirt tucked in dark blue skinnies completed with fringed suede cream-brown boots:


Short bodies, huge wings, giant beaks, and rainbows of feathers make these weird and wacky birds must-sees — but since they’re all classified as vulnerable or endangered, you’d better catch these feathered friends while you can.


Given a choice among three unknowns (to them) from somewhere over the rainbow in a rare special election on April 24, 83 percent of Sawyers did not vote, according to the board of elections.


He came home and we cuddled with her and gave her a many slices of roast beef, she enjoyed, but the breathing became worst and we returned to the vet to let her go to the rainbow bridge.


I was having a cup of coffee one day when I noticed the fabulous rainbow effect of the sunlight on the coffee froth.


They come in a rainbow of unique colors, including red, blue azure, deep amber, deep purple, and emerald.


I’m a bit disappointed that this rainbow fur scarf wasn’t available at the time.


Tucker recently passed over to the rainbow bridge but we fed him this every day up to his last day.


Some vintage owners organize by era, some use rainbow merchandising (a personal fav), and some by clothing type.


The faces range from a surprised creature flushed with rainbow cheeks to a smirking pink octopus with bedroom eyes, to a stoned looking fellow with bedazzled teeth.


I now have beautiful, priceless photos of the day my rainbow baby came into our lives.


As physics students will know well, the slight differences in path length for waves superposing cause interference patterns, rather like the rainbow effect on a patch of oil on the road or the colours formed by the surface of a DVD.


We loved this inspirational blog by a women who lost 125 pounds and found out «There’s no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of weight loss.»


They really go with every color of the rainbow.


Using traditional Passover ingredients of beets, sweet potatoes and russet potatoes creates a stunning rainbow effect and lends a touch of sweetness to the potato cake.


This time around, designers ditched the standard shades of black and brown for a rainbow of hues, ranging from light pink to electric blue and everything in between.


We often find such a variety of sea life there ranging from small stuff like crabs, shrimps, pipe fish, ribbon eels, garden eels to the pelargic’s of trevally, barracuda, long jaw mackerel, rainbow runners and Eagle rays which was spotted just two days ago!!


Kits come with decorative rainbow rocks, glitter, glass gems and paint so your child can make his stone unique.


Unfortunately for the lord chancellor, neither the magistrates nor middle England really believe that dossing around a community centre painting rainbows on walls counts as a punishment that fits the crime; one day he will realise this.


I only have one rainbow baby, but in my dreams, I’d love to have another!


«We looked down at the cliff jutting into the sea, a rubber boat full of kids going under the arch, and then you started running and jumping through the grass, dodging the rabbit holes, shouting at the top of your voice, so I started chasing you, trying to catch you, and we were laughing so hard as we ran and ran, kicking up rainbow showers in the leaves.»


As opposed to beiving in a god who can create rainbows all over the world, but can’t even spread his own word, without waiting 2000 years for missionaries to do it — somewhat.


Just aim for a rainbow of colour, I say!


When in doubt, just add the whole rainbow.


As soon as it hit the table I unpacked every piece — and then did what any slightly OCD normal, possibly colour-obsessed, person would do… I created a rainbow of course.


Unfortunately, too many people imagine that their new puppy will be just like Lassie and the whole experience will be nothing but rainbows and butterflies.


Handcrafted from sterling silver, it features three interlocking bands, topped with a single glowing rainbow


Yes, we know it rains in Oregon… but after raindrops come rainbows.


The miscarriage or stillbirth is the storm and the new pregnancy is the rainbow.


(Day 9 — available NOW)— ICOs: not all rainbows and unicorns, but still worth it?


Similar words: rain, drain, rainy, train, brain, strain, rainfall, trainer. Meaning: [‘reɪnbəʊ]  n. 1. an arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun’s rays by rain 2. an illusory hope. 

1. After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

2. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.

3. All the children run out to see the rainbow.

4. The rainbow arches the heavens.

5. The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.

6. Life frustration, is the rainbow after the storm; life is suffering, there is sunshine after rain the sky looks blue.

7. Life is like a rainbow. You don’t always know what’s on the other side, but you know it’s there.

8. Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.

9. The rainbow described an arc in the sky.

10. In the rainbow, one color melts into another.

11. The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.

12. Look over there — there’s a rainbow!

13. The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.

14. A bright rainbow arched above.

15. The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.

16. The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.

17. The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981.

18. When the sun came out, a rainbow formed in the sky.

19. She did a stencil of a rainbow on her daughter’s bedroom wall.

20. At sight of the rainbow [sentencedict.com], the children were more glad than the parents.

21. Best apres ski: The obvious choice is Rainbow Lodge.

22. Rainbow may smell furniture polish, baby powder, simmering borscht.

23. Three things soon pass away; the echo of the woods, the rainbow, and woman’s beauty. 

24. When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a rainbow.

25. If you want to climb the peak, not the rainbow as a ladder.

26. Everybody wants happiness.No one wants pain.But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?

26. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. The colours of the spectrum — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet — can be seen in a rainbow.

28. Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.

29. The tropical butterfly’s wings were shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow.

30. The glass prism refracted the white light into the colours of the rainbow.

spill the colours of the rainbow from their knives,

Honeys are as multi-coloured as a rainbow

Every color of the rainbow,

«Somewhere Over the Rainbow

blooming around the heads of cherubs born aloft on rainbow wings

Sometimes, when he listens to Ken when they’re alone in the flat above Snuggle’s, he thinks that maybe he should broaden his horizons, but he knows in his heart that his crock of gold lies at the end of the lane, not at the end of the rainbow

It in turn heaved forth three smaller, roaring falls, then another thirty feet to the glassy surface of a large, rainbow colored lake

I expected the weak rainbow arc

Then a brilliant, rainbow shot forth, from the lake

Don’t get discouraged, remember after the storm comes the rainbow


sparkling with all the colours of the rainbow and

Parmu and Lurain had a lot of lanterns and they were burning rainbow oil that rapidly evolved thru very strong colors

The courtyard was filled with vibrant colors, a rainbow of foliage spreading out before them

His mouth dropped in awe as one of the larger species of birds spread its feathers, displaying a vast rainbow of colors that had previously been concealed beneath a pair of black wings

Above him the sky glowed with all the colors of the rainbow as the sun continued to pulse and flare

An oily spread of rainbow color

As I executed this he helped out and suddenly twin rainbow serpents blew my awareness up out of my astral spine and I exploded into the Clear White Void

I was 33 years old now and wanted the pot of gold at the end of the meditation rainbow

To see a rainbow in your dream represents hope, success and good fortune in the form of money, prestige, or fame

The rainbow is also seen as a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self

Alternatively, the rainbow implies that your troubles are almost over

In the western culture, the rainbow is a symbol for gay pride

To dream that you have rainbow colored hair refers to your light-hearted and carefree nature

As the rainbow of light slowed the form of a slender woman, looking about 16 years-old, could be seen within

He had the sub painted a rainbow color —

rainbow ship was bugged to the max — and

“Besides you have tracked that rainbow

used the rainbow sub in months — since

The back of the gown dripped with white sparkling diamonds, each one catching a special color of the rainbow as she walked

It was a bright pillar of sunlight not as blinding as the suns though, with a hazy rainbow of all colors on its edges, and a pulsating haze of tiny pin pricks rushing through some sort of invisible shell

To his untold surprise, once he had indeed pressed it halfway deep into the black stone, the green keystone lit up with a rainbow of colors cast from an inner light that could not have been a reflection of the pale bluish suns

What more does the rainbow ask? You

Wat Rong Khun is therefore in complete contrast to other Thai Wat’s which are sometimes all the colours of the rainbow and decorated with coloured reflecting glass

Rainbow,” but some old classical song

Everything was built in golden and white wood and everywhere grew tangled vines that bejeweled the whole building with their flowers in all the colors of the rainbow

She looked at them and smiled while she made a rainbow on her stone; the magical seven, the seven colors of the rainbow, the seven dimensions, the seven-pointed star

What was she to do with herself? She just stood there with the rainbow colored stone in her hand staring at Mevarn

I changed into an enchanting ball gown my Mom had sent me: it was in rainbow colours of sunrise that beautifully offset my skin and hair

comparing it to the rainbow colors in a puddle of oil in the parking lot

Rainbow, didn’t you say?”

«Perhaps they’re jealous because we play so much in Rainbow Valley with the Blythes

The only household which remained in blissful ignorance of the terrible thing was the manse itself; on what Faith and Una fondly believed to be Tuesday it rained again; for the next three days it rained; nobody came near the manse; the manse folk went nowhere; they might have waded through the misty Rainbow Valley up to Ingleside, but all the Blythe family, save Susan and the doctor, were away on a visit to Avonlea

To crown all, the Blythes returned home, and that evening they and the manse children and Mary Vance kept sunset tryst once more in Rainbow Valley, where the daisies were floating upon the grass like spirits of the dew and the bells on the Tree Lovers rang like fairy chimes in the scented twilight

«Mother can’t live without trees and I can’t, so what would be the use of going to heaven if there weren’t any trees?» «There are cities, too,» said the young dreamer, «splendid cities—coloured just like the sunset, with sapphire towers and rainbow domes

There was a little unfailing spring, always icy cold and crystal pure, in a certain birch-screened hollow of Rainbow Valley in the lower corner near the marsh

John Meredith, taking the cross-lots road through Rainbow Valley on his way home from some pastoral visitations around the Harbour head one evening, turned aside to drink of the little spring

Rainbow Valley was wind-haunted and star-sentinelled only where he was, but afar from the upper end came the gay notes of children’s laughter and voices

There was a cup near by, if he had only known it, a cracked, handleless blue cup secreted under the maple by the Rainbow Valley children; but he did not know it, so he stepped out to one of the birch-trees and stripped a bit of its white skin away

At first he thought a little about Rosemary, but by the time he reached Rainbow Valley he had forgotten all about her and was meditating on a point regarding German theology which Ellen had raised

He passed through Rainbow Valley and knew it not

The charm of Rainbow Valley had no potency against German theology

He went back into his study, got the book, and plunged downward into Rainbow Valley

Mary’s heart was down in the Rainbow Valley, whence came sweet, distance-softened sounds of children’s laughter, but her fingers were under Miss Cornelia’s eye

She flew to Rainbow Valley with a heart as light as her heels, and in the course of conversation told Faith Meredith all about Mrs

Mary and dear Rainbow Valley and that delicious graveyard

The glow of rose and flame had died out of the hollow, silvery sky, and the full moon was rising gloriously over Rainbow Valley

He sprang over the fence and rushed down the spruce hill to Rainbow Valley

In Rainbow Valley he encountered Mr

Elliott had sent up to the manse on an errand, came tripping down Rainbow Valley on her way to Ingleside where she was to spend the afternoon with Nan and Di as a Saturday treat

The Ingleside twins were not allowed to chew spruce gum anywhere but in the seclusion of Rainbow Valley, but Faith and Una were unrestricted by such rules of etiquette and cheerfully chewed it everywhere, at home and abroad, to the very proper horror of the Glen

John Meredith walked meditatively through the clear crispness of a winter night in Rainbow Valley

Since then he had gone often to the house on the hill, slipping through the shadowy paths of night in Rainbow Valley so astutely that Glen gossip could never be absolutely certain that he DID go to see Rosemary West

A brisk, dancing, new-sprung wind was blowing up from Rainbow Valley, resinous with the odours of fir and damp mosses

«They reflected the trees and the hills and the harbour like little fairy worlds, and when we shook them loose they floated away down to Rainbow Valley

As for their minor peccadilloes at home, they kept sharp tabs on each other and gamely underwent their selfimposed punishment—generally a voluntary absence from some gay Friday night frolic in Rainbow Valley, or a sojourn in bed on some spring evening when all young bones ached to be out and away

It had been a cold, raw, wet day of spring storm and Rainbow Valley was out of the question for girls, though the manse and the Ingleside boys were down there fishing

In fact, such rainbow notions may actually play into the hands of would-be dictators

Meanwhile, Faith’s soul was being harrowed up in Rainbow Valley

«And if YOU are not you needn’t come any more to Rainbow Valley, MISS Vance

We just wanted a few potatoes to cook over a fire in Rainbow Valley one evening to eat with our fried trout

He went home much disturbed and when the children came from Rainbow Valley that night, at a much later hour than they should have been prowling in it, he called them into his study

On an early June evening Rainbow Valley was an entirely delightful place and the children felt it to be so, as they sat in the open glade where the bells rang elfishly on the Tree Lovers, and the White Lady shook her green tresses

Everybody was glad in Rainbow Valley that evening—until Mary Vance froze their blood with the story of Henry Warren’s ghost

The old Bailey garden was almost at their very door—almost in their beloved Rainbow Valley

She and Una took their story books to Rainbow Valley and read, while Carl investigated bugs along the banks of the brook, and all three were happy until they suddenly realized that it was twilight and that the old Bailey garden was uncomfortably near by

Altogether, Rainbow Valley was not a canny place just then

As with one impulse, they swung around and made for Ingleside—but not across Rainbow Valley

Rosemary West, on her way home from a music lesson at Ingleside, turned aside to the hidden spring in Rainbow Valley

Finally, she slipped away from the manse, down through Rainbow Valley, up through the whispering woods, and out to the road that ran past the house on the hill

Rosemary asked him if he could meet her that evening at sunset by the spring in Rainbow Valley

In the colors of rainbow

And even ate around, high and low, green and turquoise, was occasionally shaking off a fresh, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow snow

Rainbow: God’s covenant with man; beast and the earth; promise that the storm is over; His throne and glory

Translating the bright white into sparkling colors of the rainbow

The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior was prohibited to come closer than thirty-two

7 As the sun shining on the temple of the Most High, and as the rainbow giving light in the bright clouds,

Verse 20 is the basis of what is sometimes called the rainbow covenant

and in recent years a Rainbow City, Alabama

On top of the white puffy clouds are slowly rotating rainbow cubes the size of 5-10 story buildings

«A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon

multi-hued rainbow wavered delicately in the air

There was a sunset and a rainbow and raindrops all over the nose cone, which was red and blue, of the plane

I turned around and saw a circular rainbow around the sun

And on the other side of the rainbow

I turned around and there was a circular rainbow behind me

A rainbow table is a precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions, usu-

Rainbow tables are a

have given them all the colours of the rainbow and have not left them

them all the colours of the rainbow and have not left them any excuse for not

April 10, 2023
All Dictionary

The native wild ducks are carefully preserved for sportsmen, in whose interests pheasants, red and fallow deer, and brown and rainbow trout have been very successfully acclimatized.

The streams are well stocked with rainbow and brook trout.

Among the fish may be mentioned the tunny, dolphin, mackerel, sardine, sea-bream, dentice and pagnell; wrasse, of exquisite rainbow hue and good for food; members of the herring family, sardines, anchovies, flying-fish, sea-pike; a few representatives of the cod family, and some flat fish; soles (very rare); Cernus which grows to large size; several species of grey and red mullet; eleven species of Triglidae, including the beautiful flying gurnard whose colours rival the angel-fish of the West Indies; and eighteen species of mackerel, all migratory.

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Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things and combine his impressions for himself, instead of sitting indoors at a little round table, while a sweet-voiced teacher suggests that he build a stone wall with his wooden blocks, or make a rainbow out of strips of coloured paper, or plant straw trees in bead flower-pots.

The rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see.

Marine rainbow is the name given to the chromatic displays formed by the sun’s rays falling on the spray drawn up by the wind playing on the surface of an agitated sea.

The association of Yahweh with storm and fire is frequent in the Old Testament; the thunder is the voice of Yahweh, the lightning his arrows, the rainbow his bow.

The mathematical discussion of Airy showed that the primary rainbow is not situated directly on the line of minimum deviation, but at a slightly greater value; this means that the true angular radius of the bow is a little less than that derived from the geometrical theory.

To their joy they found it was a white light that now greeted them, for all were weary of the colored rainbow lights which, after a time, had made their eyes ache with their constantly shifting rays.

Dean felt ill at ease in Cynthia Byrne’s bedroom, spying on her world, seeing the small rainbow of dresses hanging in her closet, sharing space with suits and shirts looking as if they were awaiting the return of Jeffrey Byrne.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This double rainbow was so beautiful.

Кроме того, двойная радуга это очень красиво.

Furthermore, the rainbow as divine means much more than simply diversity here.

Кроме того, радуга, как божественный символ, означает гораздо больше, чем просто разнообразие.

Another unusual material is rainbow paper.

Еще один необычный материал — это радужная бумага.

Lives in the same place as rainbow trout.

Обитает в тех же местах, где и радужная форель.

He said rainbow polish is the biggest thing since waterproof mascara.

Он сказал, что радужный лак — это величайшая вещь после водостойкой туши для ресниц.

The marchers held a large rainbow flag across the street.

Активисты ЛГБТ движения пронесли по улице большой радужный флаг.

We can believe it when we see the rainbow.

Мы можем видеть это всякий раз, когда мы видим формирование радуги.

You said that combo meant beautiful rainbow.

Ты сказала, что это комбо означает прекрасную радугу.

We can see this whenever we notice a rainbow forming.

Мы можем видеть это всякий раз, когда мы видим формирование радуги.

Basically every color of the rainbow plus some.

Имеют все базовые цвета радуги, а также несколько дополнительных.

Iridescent sands in rainbow sunlight cast pictures of how other planets might look.

Переливающиеся пески в радужном солнечном свете навевают картины о том, как могут выглядеть другие планеты.

The rainbow cloud disappeared minutes after filming the sky.

Радужное облако исчезло с неба через несколько минут после начала съемки.

Make a pretty rainbow with this fun science experiment.

Узнайте, как сделать радугу с помощью этого забавного научного эксперимента.

Its vivid rainbow colors result from pigmented bacteria that live in the mineral-rich waters.

Его яркая радужная окраска возникла в результате деятельности пигментных бактерий, которые живут в богатых полезными ископаемыми водах.

This is because sunlight includes all colours of the rainbow.

Это происходи потому, что солнечный свет включает в себя все цвета радуги.

You’ve probably seen a double rainbow.

Возможно, вы замечали такое явление, как двойная радуга.

Saw a double rainbow this week.

А в этом году паломники видели двойную радугу.

He goes through incarceration to get to the rainbow.

«Герой проходит через лишение свободы, чтобы добраться до радуги».

I stopped in Marana to photograph this beautiful rainbow.

Во время бури я остановился в Марене, чтобы сфотографировать эту прекрасную радугу.

Let us consider an example of rainbow, which sometimes appears in the sky after rain.

В качестве примера стоит рассмотреть радугу, которая нередко появляется после либо во время дождя.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rainbow

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Definition of Rainbow

an arch of color in the atmosphere formed by refraction of light through moisture in the air

Examples of Rainbow in a sentence

The seven colors of the rainbow can often be seen in the sky just after it rains, providing humanity with a beautiful sight.


The seven colors of the rainbow can often be seen in the sky just after it rains, providing humanity with a beautiful sight.


A rainbow looks like a long arch in the sky, but it is actually a full circle in Earth’s atmosphere, caused by light hitting moisture just right.


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  • Use the word Rainbow in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Then the Armistice, Peace and fleets of liners laden with immigrants seeking a newer rainbow in the Land of Promise.

The rainbow‘s end and the moonbeam’s kisses.

# From rain into the rainbow #

Look at that brave little rainbow

I’m in the ring, Mr. rainbow

All colors of the rainbow.

I’ll get my brush in the sunrise, the sunset and the rainbow.

You know, if this voyage were a rainbow and there was a pot of gold at the other end they couldn’t be any happier.

rainbow, take care of Joe. — Goodbye, boys.

It blew the cell door off, and it killed rainbow.

The best rainbow-trout fishing is found in Lake…

The best rainbow-trout fishing is found in Lake Taupo, New Zealand.

Now, the best rainbow-trout fishing is found in Lake Taupo, New Zealand.

Is not a storm cloud It’s a rainbow

* Somewhere, over the rainbow… * * …way up high *

* Somewhere, over the rainbow… * * …skies are blue *

* Somewhere, over the rainbow… * * …bluebirds fly *

* Birds fly over the rainbow *

* If happy little bluebirds fly… * * …beyond the rainbow *

We must be over the rainbow!

It’s rainbow in front by two lengths.

It’s rainbow, the winner.

As the storm clears, we see Iris, the goddess of the rainbow.

He is flying into the rainbow, into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us.

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There┬┤s a land that I heard of

Someday over the rainbow Way up high

Yes, and tonight I follow the rainbow.

The rainbow is wide and long, lvy.

I’ll add a smart-looking rainbow

That was rainbow Benny, wasn’t it?

Besides, I don’t think rainbow will go very far.

You know, if we only had a little more on rainbow we might get him to sing a very pretty song.

Major, Nick just had a run-in with rainbow Benny but he got away.

Some records on rainbow would help Nick.

rainbow Benny ran out just as the cyclone came in.

True enough, you’ve established a great motive for the lady but we’ve got one equally good against Stephens, Macy rainbow Benny and…

I think he’ll have some dope on rainbow.

We checked the bets indicated on that laundry list and rainbow Benny was behind every one.

I’ve been to see rainbow before.

rainbow might as well have signed a confession before he hung himself.

Mr. Fenster, you’re just in time to hear your client tell why he visited rainbow Benny last night.

 Meanings and Examples of RAINBOW


 n.  arc of colored light in sky caused by refraction of the sun’s rays by rain

Classic Sentence:

1  A deep gulf, she observed, had opened between Dora and me, and Love could only span it with its rainbow.

David Copperfield By Charles Dickens

2  But while she looked like a butterfly, clinging to a blade of grass, and just about to open its rainbow wings for fresh flight, her heart ached with a horrible despair.

Anna Karenina(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: Chapter 23

3  Deal table in the middle, plain chairs all round the walls, on one end a large shining map, marked with all the colors of a rainbow.

4  He loved the red gold of the sunstone, and the moonstone’s pearly whiteness, and the broken rainbow of the milky opal.

The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 11

5  Her black satin dress, her scarf of rich foreign lace, and her pearl ornaments, pleased me better than the rainbow radiance of the titled dame.

6  The front door was slightly ajar and she trotted, breathless, into the hall and paused for a moment under the rainbow prisms of the chandelier.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LXIII

7  On the contrary, this fact seemed at first to set off the dead husband in his young wife’s eyes, and to be the necessary cloud to the rainbow.

Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: 1 The Inevitable Movement Onward

8  Dreams sometimes danced in rainbow colours before her eyes even, but she breathed more freely when they died away, and did not regret them.

Fathers and Children By Ivan Turgenev
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVI

9  For, d’ye see, rainbows do not visit the clear air; they only irradiate vapour.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 85. The Fountain.

10  Incandescent rainbows shone above it, blue, red, and golden lights played about it; but the stream itself was white, ineffable.

11  Suddenly these two wheeled out from the mass of dancers, dived into one of the pools of the heath, and came out somewhere into an iridescent hollow, arched with rainbows.

Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: 3 How a Little Sound Produced a Great Dream

12  Shrouded in a thin drooping veil of mist, it hovered for a moment in the rainbowed air; and then fell swamping back into the deep.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 135. The Chase.—Third Day.

Example Sentence:

1  After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

2  Three things soon pass away; the echo of the woods, the rainbow, and woman’s beauty.

3  Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.

4  Life frustration, is the rainbow after the storm; life is suffering, there is sunshine after rain the sky looks blue.

5  The colours of the spectrum — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet — can be seen in a rainbow.

6  When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a rainbow.

7  A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.

8  The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism.

9  Why are rainbows in an arc shape?


- радуга

all the colours of the rainbow — все цвета радуги
primary [secondary] rainbow — метеор. первичная [вторичная] радуга

- радужный; переливчатый; многоцветный
- геол. ирризирующий

rainbow hunt, chasing the rainbow — погоня за недосягаемым

Мои примеры


beauty that is as evanescent as a rainbow — красота, столь же мимолётная, как радуга  
the story that if you follow a rainbow to its end, you’ll find a leprechaun’s pot of gold — сказка о том, что если дойти до конца радуги, то найдёшь горшочек золота, принадлежащий лепрекону  
rainbow hunt — погоня за недосягаемым  
rainbow chaser — мечтатель  
chasing the rainbow — погоня за недосягаемым  
rainbow ice cream — разноцветное мороженое  
rainbow hologram — радужная голограмма  
rainbow on slush pit — радужная плёнка нефти на поверхности бурового раствора в отстойнике  
rainbow smelt — американская корюшка; радужная песчанка; корюшка зубастая  
rainbow stripes — радужная полосатость  
rainbow test pattern — «радужная» испытательная таблица  
rainbow trout — форель радужная; радужная форель  

Примеры с переводом

Blue sky crested with rainbow.

Голубое небо, увенчанное радугой.

The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.

Радуга, казалось, заканчивалась на склоне холма.

When the sun came out, a rainbow formed in the sky.

Когда выглянуло солнце, в небе появилась радуга.

The Spring crowns her head with a haloing rainbow.

Весна увенчана короной с ореолом радуги.

…the evanescence of a rainbow detracts not a whit from its beauty…

…недолговечность радуги ничуть не отвлекает от ее красоты…

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Turner’s vision of the rainbow…was poetic

…the rainbow costumes worn by mummers at Mardi Gras…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): rainbow
мн. ч.(plural): rainbows

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