A sentence with the word public

Sentences with the word Public?



  • «alcohol abuse»; «the abuse of public funds»
  • «our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection»; «a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice»
  • «his long commitment to public service»; «they felt no loyalty to a losing team»
  • «English public schools are anachronistic»
  • «he had a special antenna for public relations»
  • «an entreaty to stop the fighting»; «an appeal for help»; «an appeal to the public to keep calm»
  • «base and unpatriotic motives»; «a base, degrading way of life»; «cheating is dishonorable»; «they considered colonialism immoral»; «unethical practices in handling public funds»
  • «a basic fact»; «the basic ingredients»; «basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities»
  • «Don’t bawl in public
  • «they held a public hearing on the bill»
  • «free public education is the birthright of every American child»
  • «The wetnurse suckled the infant»; «You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places»
  • «a callous indifference to suffering»; «cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion»
  • «a pollster conducts public opinion polls»; «a headcounter counts heads»
  • «care had aged him»; «they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction»
  • «a certified public accountant»
  • «The trend was reversed»; «the tides turned against him»; «public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern»
  • «corporations have a stranglehold on the media»; «the president applied a chokehold to labor disputes that inconvenienced the public«
  • «public confidence in the economy»
  • «public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty»
  • «his gums were dead from the novocain»; «she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth»; «a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities»
  • «they achieved his debarment from holding public office»
  • «The politician defied public opinion»; «The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear»; «The bridge held»
  • «experience often determines ability»; «mold public opinion»
  • «he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends»; «there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy»
  • «television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion»; «the dominant partner in the marriage»
  • «a double (or dual) role for an actor»; «the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence»- R.W.Emerson; «every episode has its double and treble meaning»-Frederick Harrison
  • «Where do today’s public schools fail?»; «The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably»
  • «he was suffering from museum fatigue»; «after watching TV with her husband she had a bad case of football fatigue»; «the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue»; «political fatigue»
  • «The public buildings were festooned for the holiday»
  • «a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens»
  • «the general public«; «general assistance»; «a general rule»; «in general terms»; «comprehensible to the general reader»
  • «governmental policy»; «public confidence and governmental morale»
  • «in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment»
  • «the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes»- Edith Wharton; «reckless squandering of public funds»
  • «a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty»
  • «an informed public«; «informed opinion»; «the informed customer»
  • «the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone»; «politicians never discuss the real issues»
  • «to an eye like mine, a lidless watcher of the public weal»- Alfred Tennyson
  • «He manipulated public opinion in his favor»
  • «multiple birth»; «multiple ownership»; «made multiple copies of the speech»; «his multiple achievements in public life»; «her multiple personalities»; «a pineapple is a multiple fruit»
  • «nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them»
  • «he asked for a poll of public opinion»
  • «today isn’t any other day»- the White Queen; «the construction of highways and other public works»; «he asked for other employment»; «any other person would tell the truth»; «his other books are still in storage»; «then we looked at the other house»; «hearing was good in his other ear»; «the other sex»; «she lived on the other side of the street from me»; «went in the other direction»
  • «the public address system in the hospital was used for paging»
  • «in public he wore a painted smile»
  • «This speech didn’t play well with the American public«; «His remarks played to the suspicions of the committee»
  • «he is a hero in the eyes of the public«
  • «the public brought pressure to bear on the government»
  • «a private place»; «private discussions»; «private lessons»; «a private club»; «a private secretary»; «private property»; «the former President is now a private citizen»; «public figures struggle to maintain a private life»
  • «he proposed an elaborate program of public works»; «working mothers rely on the day care program»
  • «the public good»; «public libraries»; «public funds»; «public parks»; «a public scandal»; «public gardens»; «performers and members of royal families are public figures»
  • «community leaders»; «community interests»; «the public welfare»
  • «the reading public«
  • «such a proposal deserves thorough public discussion»
  • «the public sector»
  • «lived in subsidized public housing»
  • «the policy found little public support»; «his faith was all the support he needed»; «the team enjoyed the support of their fans»
  • «a technical problem»; «highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public«; «a technical report»; «producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country»; «technical training»; «technical language»
  • «a theatrical pose»; «one of the most theatrical figures in public life»
  • «atomic formulas and all compounds thence constructible»- W.V.Quine; «a natural conclusion follows thence»; «public interest and a policy deriving therefrom»; «typhus fever results therefrom»
  • «trustworthy public servants»
  • «ill-advised efforts»; «it would be ill-advised to accept the offer»; «took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations»
  • «the uninformed public«
  • «an apparantly insolvable problem»; «public finance…had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved»- C.L.Jones
  • «deceiving the unsuspecting public«
  • «Women must not unveil themselves in public in some religious societies»
  • «the law gives little protection to whistleblowers who feel the public has a right to know what is going on»; «the whistleblower was fired for exposing the conditions in mental hospitals»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I no longer use the word «public«.

The word «public» can also mean a lot of things.

He wondered whether the word «public» should be retained.

This definition is broader than that of the word «public servant», which is also frequently used in Aruban criminal legislation.

Это определение шире, чем выражение «государственный служащий», которое также часто используется в уголовном законодательстве Арубы.

What does the word «public» mean today anyway?

First, there were several proposals to qualify the word «public» with phrases such as «publicly available», or «official».

Во-первых, было высказано несколько предложений заменить слово «открытый» такими словами, как «открыто доступной» или «официальной».

I’m sure, most of you’ve noticed the word «Public» under the network name in Windows 10 many times.

Я уверен, что большинство из вас заметили слово «Public» под именем сети в Windows 10.

You see, if you omit the letter «L» from the word «public» it won’t be picked up by spell check.

Если вы опустите букву «l» в слове «public» — общественный, оно не будет помечено при проверке правописания.

Why do I feel as though that is a flagrant misuse of the word «public«?

The draft law proposes that the refusal from disclosure only require support from 95% of the shareholders and removal of the word «public» from the corporate name.

В соответствии с новой редакцией закона, для отказа от раскрытия информации достаточно набрать поддержку 95% акционеров и убрать слово «публичное» из названия общества.

There is an exact definition of the word «public» that you will not find in the dictionary but it’s the one used in the area of public relations.

Существует специальное определение слова «публика», которое нельзя найти в обычном словаре, но которое используется в области связей с общественностью.

In subparagraph (b), insert the word «public» before the word «security» and delete the phrase «of the new development agenda».

В подпункте (Ь) перед словом «безопасности» вставить слово «общественной» и исключить слова «новой повестки дня в области развития».

The participants in the Working Group discussed the meaning of the word «public» as it appears in the protocol.

Участники Рабочей группы обсудили значение слова «общественность» в том смысле, в котором оно используется в протоколе.

The word «public» is troublesome because it is supra-political.

«Народ» — термин неудобный, он слишком полисемантичен.

Mr. Bouzid suggested that the word «public» should be inserted before the word «bodies» in the final sentence of the paragraph.

Г-н Бузид предлагает вставить слово «государственные» перед словом «органы» в последнем предложении пункта.

The simplest option would be to replace the word «private» with the word «public» in rule 70, paragraph 1, but if the choice was between the two options put forward, his preference would be for the second.

Проще всего было бы заменить слово «закрытый» словом «открытый» в пункте 1 правила 70, но поскольку надо выбирать из представленных двух вариантов, то он отдает предпочтение второму из них.

By now, the word «public» has been omitted from before the authority or official position and corruption means misuse of one’s power or official position for personal gain, regardless of the sector where that person is active in.

На сегодняшний день слово «общественный» перед властью или позицией убрано, и коррупция означает использование своей власти или позиции в личных целях, независимо от того, в каком секторе действует соответствующее лицо.

Associations for the word «public space» have changed radically in the last century, and our project aims to show what public space in Estonia was and is.

Ассоциации с выражением «общественное пространство» существенно поменялись за последние десятилетия, и наш проект покажет, чем когда-то было общественное пространство в Эстонии, и чем является теперь.

In light of the terminology, including the word «public» of article 151 of the Penal Code, referred to in paragraph 56 of the report, he was of the mind that acts of incitement to racial hatred were stopped only when they were performed publicly.

В свете терминологии, в том числе слова «публично«, статьи 151 Уголовного кодекса, упомянутой в пункте 56 доклада, г-н Ютсис полагает, что акты подстрекательства к расовой ненависти пресекаются только, когда они совершаются публично.

Mr. BANTON, supported by Mr. de GOUTTES, proposed the insertion, in the first sentence, of the word «public» between the words «other» and «places».

Г-н БАНТОН, которого поддерживает г-н де Гуттес, предлагает вставить слово «общественные» между словами «иные» и «места».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 123895. Точных совпадений: 24. Затраченное время: 937 мс


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Examples of how to use the word “public” in a sentence. How to connect “public” with other words to make correct English sentences.

public (adj, n): relating to or involving people in general, rather than being limited to a particulargroup of people; all ordinary people

Use “public” in a sentence

Is the exhibit open to the public?
This swimming pool is open to the public.
We are here to provide a service for the public.
They were seen kissing in public.
Public speaking is the number one fear of the majority of people.
The palace is now open to the public.
She is a brilliant public speaker.
He threatened to make it public.

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of, relating to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: public funds; a public nuisance.

done, made, acting, etc., for the community as a whole: public prosecution.

open to all persons: a public meeting.

of, relating to, or being in the service of a community or nation, especially as a government officer: a public official.

maintained at the public expense and under public control: a public library; a public road.

generally known: The fact became public.

familiar to the public; prominent: public figures.

open to the view of all; existing or conducted in public: a public dispute.

pertaining or devoted to the welfare or well-being of the community: public spirit.

of or relating to all humankind; universal.


the people constituting a community, state, or nation.

a particular group of people with a common interest, aim, etc.: the book-buying public.



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Idioms about public

    go public,

    1. to issue stock for sale to the general public.
    2. to present private or previously concealed information, news, etc., to the public; make matters open to public view: The senator threatened to go public with his congressional-reform plan.

    in public, not in private; in a situation open to public view or access; publicly: It was the first time that she had sung in public.

    make public, to cause to become known generally, as through the news media: Her resignation was made public this morning.

Origin of public

1400–50; <Latin pūblicus (earlier pōblicus, pōplicus, akin to populuspeople); replacing late Middle English publique<Middle French <Latin, as above


non·pub·lic, adjectivequasi-public, adjectivequa·si-pub·lic·ly, adverbun·pub·lic, adjective

un·pub·lic·ly, adverb


pubic, public

Words nearby public

pubic, pubic louse, pubic symphysis, pubis, publ., public, public access, public-access television, public accountant, public-address system, public administration

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does public mean?

Public is the people who make up a community, state, or nation, as in When a government raises taxes, the public has a right to know. A single person in this context is a member of the public.

Related to that, public is used to describe many things connected to the public, such as something related to it (public funds), providing a benefit to it (public school), or providing a service (public official).

Public can also describe something that is open or available to everyone, such as a public event or public information.

And public can describe something or someone known by the public. A celebrity is someone well known by very many people, so they are sometimes called public figures.

Example: Schools funded by the public are generally open to all students in the area.

Where does public come from?

The first records of the term public come from around the 1400s. It comes from the Latin publicus, meaning “people.”

Did you know … ?

How is public used in real life?

Public is a common word used in many contexts, often to describe something related to a population or community.

My favorite parts of the central branch of the Boston Public Library during my youth were the map room and the microfiche room.

RIP to the latter.

— Samantha Powell (@sdpowell1) July 6, 2022

The internet as we know it was developed by taxpayer-funded research, using taxpayer-funded grants in taxpayer-funded labs.

Our tax dollars built the internet.

It should be a public good for all, not another price-gouging profit machine for Comcast, AT&T and Verizon.

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) December 6, 2019

This is why I think doctoral degrees in public policy are more valuable, because one can focus on policy analysis without fussing over these Beautiful Maths (not that I’m biased on that question or anything)

— Michael Rodríguez (@MRodDC) July 6, 2022

Try using public!

Is public used correctly in the following sentence?

“Bernice didn’t want anyone to know she changed jobs, so she kept that information public.”

Words related to public

civic, civil, communal, governmental, mutual, national, popular, social, universal, urban, overt, audience, community, country, electorate, everyone, nation, people, populace, population

How to use public in a sentence

  • Today, the solution that she built moves into public beta and will compete at TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield with other startups for $100,000 and the Disrupt Cup.

  • The filings have been at the center of a legal fight between the impeached president and Democrats, who have demanded that he make the contents available to the American public.

  • During the most recent fiscal year, which ended in June, it rose again, to 314, according to the Cook County public guardian’s office.

  • No Silicon Valley startup has gone public yet this year, but that bleak stretch is about to end.

  • In 2015, the Obama-Biden administration orchestrated Mission Innovation, a compact among 20 countries to double public funding for energy RD&D over five years.

  • When cities started adding chlorine to their water supplies, in the early 1900s, it set off public outcry.

  • Not to be left behind, progressives in neighboring Wisconsin clamored to join the cutting edge of public health.

  • Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.

  • Great American leaders have long contributed profound thoughts of tremendous consequence to the public discourse.

  • Saved from the public gallows, Weeks was virtually exiled from the city, and wound up in Mississippi, where he raised a family.

  • As such it is now presented to the public for whatever meed of praise or censure it is found to deserve.

  • Five of the number had studied with Liszt before, and the young men are artists already before the public.

  • Many of these have been seen in the Corcoran Art Gallery and in other public exhibitions.

  • It was close upon twelve o’clock, and the «Rooms» had been open to the public for two hours.

  • It will be a busy session; and I want to see if I can’t become a useful public man.

British Dictionary definitions for public


of, relating to, or concerning the people as a whole

open or accessible to allpublic gardens

performed or made openly or in the view of allpublic proclamation

(prenominal) well-known or familiar to people in generala public figure

(usually prenominal) maintained at the expense of, serving, or for the use of a communitya public library

open, acknowledged, or notoriousa public scandal

go public

  1. (of a private company) to issue shares for subscription by the public
  2. to reveal publicly hitherto confidential information


the community or people in general

a part or section of the community grouped because of a common interest, activity, etcthe racing public

Word Origin for public

C15: from Latin pūblicus, changed from pōplicus of the people, from populus people

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with public

see go public; in public; in the public eye; John Doe (Q. Public); wash one’s dirty linen in public.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What’s the adverb for public? Here’s the word you’re looking for.





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1, She publicly denounced the government’s handling of the crisis.

2, She publicly condemned the opposition leader.

3, The list will be announced publicly.

4, He was publicly flogged and humiliated.

5, Lowe was publicly humiliated by his colleagues.

6, He was publicly denounced as a traitor.

7, Littman refused to discuss the case publicly.

8, There’s a popular supposition that we’re publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.

9, The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.

10, The president took the extraordinary step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour!

11, He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.

12, He acknowledged publicly that he might have made a mistake.

13, He later publicly apologized for his comments.

14, He was publicly disgraced and sent into exile.

15, He never spoke publicly about the affair.

16, This information is not publicly available.

17, He’d been publicly labeled a child molester.

18, She rapped the Minister publicly for his indiscreet remarks.

19, They publicly declared their love for each other.

20, He publicly reproached his son for his behavior.

21, He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.

22, The union has publicly backed off that demand.

23, Our disgraced teacher was publicly rehabilitated by school authorities.

24, The play was first publicly performed in 1872.

25, The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

26, The minister refused to comment publicly on these claims.

27, They publicly disavowed any connection with terrorist groups.

28, Some residents were frightened to talk publicly.

29, The question of security needs to be debated publicly.

30, They showed a remarkable degree of moderation in not quarrelling publicly on television.

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