A sentence with the word principle

The 22-year-old company’s basic principle is to develop new, simple products at reasonable prices by making the best use of the materials.
Actually, the same principle used to solve domestic quarrels can be applied to achieve world peace.
This kind of racialist principle was found to be philosophically invalid and extremely socially damaging 60 years ago.
Apply this principle across the board to other areas of life and you lose more than you gain.
A standard central vacuum canister works on the same principle as a conventional cleaner.
West Wiltshire District Council has agreed in principle to free up some land for the proposed redevelopment of the waterside area of Trowbridge.
It sounds a very dubious principle and inconsistent with the accusatorial trial.
His tolerance to other religions perhaps came from his many queens including his principle wife who was a Hindu.
The correctness of the principle on which we have proceeded is obvious; we have not taken the whole subtrahend from the minuend at once.
On the principle of waste not, want not, I’ve pasted some material below that was originally intended for New York Press.
In principle this meant developing countries should have the right to have access to cheap generic drugs.
Innovation, an unofficial principle of logistics, was applied successfully by Bataan quartermasters.
The principle of the cyclotron fails as particles accelerate close to the speed of light.
On the other hand, waking a dying person to inform them of their imminent demise goes against the principle of beneficence.
He described synchronicity as an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time.
The other principle the artist followed was the artistic value of the works.
However, the principle of the main theme recurring in the same key is usually adhered to.
It is a fundamental principle of recovery in tort that the injured party be compensated for the full amount of his or her loss, but no more.
On the principle that a cat may look at a king, the picture may be painted from the view-point of the humblest observer.
You need to have strong principle to be able to withstand the pressures and temptations.

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Sentences with the word Principle?



  • «apply a principle«; «practice a religion»; «use care when going down the stairs»; «use your common sense»; «practice non-violent resistance»
  • «an innocent child»; «the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty»
  • «containment of communist expansion was a central principle of United States’ foreign policy from 1947 to the 1975″
  • «to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely»
  • «a guiding principle«
  • «in principle, we agree»
  • «a man of principle«; «he will not violate his principles»
  • «the principle of the conservation of mass»; «the principle of jet propulsion»; «the right-hand rule for inductive fields»
  • «the principle of superposition is the basis of the wave theory of light»
  • «the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war»- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker

principle — перевод на русский


We know how sacred the principles of these laws are to our Führer.

Мы знаем как святы принципы этих законов для нашего Фюрера.

We need a man who understands the soldiers’ problems and at the same time who’s well-grounded in the fundamental principles of sound banking.

Нам нужен человек, который понимает проблемы солдат,.. ..и в то же время, кто хорошо бы знал.. ..основные принципы банковского дела.

Just what scientific principles do you think are unsound?

И какие же научные принципы вы считаете несостоятельными?

We fight for principles not for men.

Мы сражаемся за принципы, а не за людей

I see great principles at stake here.

Я вижу, что великие принципы сейчас находятся в опасности.

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— On principle?


But I court only the young, on principle!

Но я принципиально ухаживаю только за молодыми!

I have to respect the principles.

Я должен поступать принципиально.

I repeat, dear Vaso, that I don’t read on principle.

Повторяю, уважаемый Васо, я не читаю принципиально.

You’re opposed to these parties on principle.

Ты принципиально против подобных развлечений. — Да.

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There’s a principle involved.

Тут дело принципа.

Question of principle.

Это дело принципа.

— It’s all about the principle!

— Всё дело принципа!

It’s a matter of principle, if you wish!

В конце концов, это дело принципа!

But I think it’s the principle of the thing that matters.

Но я думаю это дело принципа.

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— And you think this is a sound principle?

И вы считаете это правило верным? Абсолютно.

And I don’t say that lightly. Pauli’s idea goes by the uninspiring title of the Exclusion Principle.

я не говорю легкомысленно говор€ о том, что иде€ ѕаули проходит под скучным названием правило запрета.

Shraeger was defending the principle of the warning shot.

Шрегер защищает правило предупредительного выстрела.

In the Stasi, we had a basic principle:

В «Штази» у нас было правило:

5It is your job to apply 5the one basic principle 5on which everything 5in our justice system turns.

Ваша задача — применить одно простое правило, на котором построено все в нашей судебной системе.

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Is that a principle of nature? We all sit around reading subway maps together.

Закон природы, по которому мы обязаны заниматься групповым чтением карт метро?

Natural selection. Now that is a principle of nature.

Естественный отбор — вот это закон природы.

The principle has now been effectively conceeded by most of them.

Закон был в сущности прнят большинством из них.

Then, they tried to use the Securities and Exchange Act applying the principle of lex specialis.

И теперь… наши оппоненты могут использовать закон «О ценных бумагах и биржах» против нас.

Raymond, do you know about the Jewish principle of the rodef?

Рэймонд, ты знаешь еврейский закон о родефе?

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But I’m betting that our principles are going to keep us alive.

Но голову даю, что наши убеждения сохранят наши жизни.

He was a civilized individual who did not insist upon agreement with his political principles as a pre-condition for conversation or friendship.

Лэски был из тех цивилизованных людей, которые не требуют, чтобы те, кто хочет вести с ними дружескую беседу, приняли их политические убеждения.

That was roman’s principle, but it can’t be ours.

Это были убеждения Романа, и они не могут стать нашими.

But I admire it, when young people stand up for their principles.

А мне нравится, когда молодые люди отстаивают свои убеждения.

Principles are like prayers. Noble, of course, but awkward at a party.

Убеждения, как и молитвы вещь замечательная, но на званом обеде неуместная.

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Dear boy the first principle of artistic survival is to parlay talent, talent, into cash.

Милый мальчик главное условие, определяющее жизнеспособность художника – это ставить свой свой талант, как в игре, против денег.

Based on principle I accept your father’s offer.

Главное, что я хотел тебе сказать, что я принимаю предложение твоего отца.

The basic principle is, I lend you money, and after an agreed upon period of time, you return it with interest.

Главное — я одалживаю тебе деньги, и после уговоренного срока ты возвращаешь их с процентом.

Principle Soprano, Royal Opera House, for seven seasons.

Главное сопрано, Королевский оперный театр, семь сезонов.

Isn’t the element of surprise a basic principle of good vampire hunting?

Разве элемент неожиданности не главное в хорошей охоте на вампиров?

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No one’s entitled to forget the principles of his upbringing.

Никому не позволено забывать основы своего воспитания.

My government will be one of laws… of traditions and moral and political principles… that reflect the Brazilian spirit.

Для нового правительства станут законом традиции, политические и моральные основы, отражающие бразильский дух.

Principles of Private Investigation, by Clovis Anderson.

«Основы частных расследований» Кловиса Андерсона.

We met in Principles of Sociology.

Мы встретились на основах социологии.

Okay, more on the Principles of Morals… and, perhaps, why Scots rule the next time we’re together.

Об основах этики, а также, почему шотландцы рулят, поговорим в следующий раз.

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Principle Dodge.

— О, директор Додж!

And… principle Dodge.

И… директор Додж.

It’s a damn principle.

Это все чертов директор.

— I want to see the Principle!

— Мне нужен директор!

Attention to all teachers, this is an special announcement from the Principle’s Office.

Внимание всем учителям. Говорит директор.

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The principles of time travel are there.

Это и есть основные принципы путешествий во времени.

The principles of time travel are there.

Это и есть основные принципы путешествий во времени

But I guess it’s all the same principles.

Но основные принципы наверняка те же.

One of the principles is solidarity.

Основной принцип — солидарность.

The guiding principle of ASP.

Основной принцип МП.

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Cuba wished to advance a flexible proposal, which reflected the principle of equitable geographical distribution and also took account of the principle of proportionality.

Куба хотела бы внести гибкое предложение, отражающее принцип справедливого географического распределения и учитывающее принцип пропорциональной представленности.

This principle is an emerging, but generally recognized principle of international law.

Этот принцип пока еще находится в стадии формирования, при этом, однако, он уже повсеместно признается как принцип международного права.

All certificates work following the same encryption principle.

В любом случае, все сертификаты работают по одному и тому же принципу шифрования.

The principle of materiality he identifies with the principle of nonexistence and actually accepts the principle of emanation.

Принцип материальности он отождествляет с принципом небытия и фактически принимает принцип эманации.

The principle of dealing with thing at the lowest level is called Subsidiarity principle.

Такой принцип, при котором решение проблемы происходит по возможности на более низком уровне, называют принципом субсидирования.

A change in accounting principle constitutes a change from one generally accepted accounting principle to another generally accepted accounting principle.

Изменение в учетном принципе является результатом перехода от одного общепринятого бух. принципа к др. принципу учета.

For example, compliance with the principle of appropriateness may come in conflict with the principle of certainty or the principle of prudence.

Например, соблюдение принципа уместности может прийти в противоречие с принципом достоверности или принципом осмотрительности.

The principle of simulation wins over the reality principle just as over the principle of pleasure.

He declared love as the formative principle of the activity of the universal spiritual principle — the principle of the highest significance.

Любовь он объявил формирующим принципом деятельности всеобщего духовного началапринципом наивысшей значимости.

The sixth principle is the principle of free decision- making.

The principle of presumption of law, when it comes to proving the sources of income or other assets is an internationally common principle.

«Принцип легальной презумпции при доказательстве источников доходов или других активов — это международный распространенный принцип.

In other words, the principle of creative individuality wins over the collective principle in this innovative phase.

Иначе говоря, принцип творческой индивидуальности одерживает верх над коллективным принципом в этой инновационной стадии.

It can be stated that the development of modern science has led from the principle of visibility to the principle of visualization.

Можно констатировать, что развитие современной науки привело от принципа наглядности к принципу визуализации.

This new principle stands in contradiction to the existing principle and therefore appears as destructive.

Новый принцип стоит в противоречии к существующему принципу, вследствие чего он кажется разрушительным.

The principle of safety of navigation came into direct and obvious contradiction with the principle of profit.

Принцип безопасности мореплавания вступил в прямое и явное противоречие с принципом извлечения прибыли.

The principle of collectivism in this interpretation is simultaneously a market principle.

Принцип коллективизма в такой трактовке является одновременно и рыночным принципом.

The principle of justice of administrative proceedings as a procedural principle should have its own specific content.

Принцип справедливости административного судопроизводства как процессуальный принцип должен иметь свое собственное конкретное содержание.

Such was this new principle — one entirely different from the major principle of the ideational system of culture.

Таков был новый принцип, совершенно отличный от основного принципа идеациональной культуры.

Moreover, the principle of structural explanation may itself be regarded in a certain sense as an extension of the principle of causality.

Более того, сам принцип структурного объяснения в определённом отношении может рассматриваться как дальнейшее развитие принципа причинности.

The survivability principle goes well with the principle of «minimal reasonable sufficiency» and is, actually, its qualitative expression.

Принцип живучести удачно сочетается с принципом «минимальной разумной достаточности» и представляет собой, по сути, его качественное выражение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат principle

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: belief, doctrine, dogma, law, rule, standard, truth. Antonym: exception. Similar words: principal, multiple, print, sprinkle, spring up, diplomat, diplomatic, recipe. Meaning: [‘prɪnsəpl]  n. 1. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct 2. a rule or standard especially of good behavior 3. a basic truth or law or assumption 4. a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system 5. rule of personal conduct 6. (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature). 

Random good picture Not show

1. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.

2. They work on a principle of heat absorption.

3. Any principle is preferable to none.

4. He doesn’t invest in the arms industry on principle.

5. The philosopher demonstrated a philosophical principle.

6. This principle was rooted in my mind.

7. Her idea is sound in principle.

8. I take this seriously. It’s a matter of principle.

9. This principle applies to all kinds of selling.

10. He refused on principle to agree to the terms of the treaty.

11. Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.

12. Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.

13. In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it’s not always possible.

14. Political correctness is the principle of avoiding language or behaviour that may offend certain groups of people.

15. The system works on the principle that heat rises.

16. It’s not just a matter of principle.

17. These questions of principle can’t mix well.

18. In any inquiry,be careful to proceed on right principle.

19. They have approved the changes in principle.

20. This principle is clear and absolutely fundamental.

21. We ought not to depart from that principle.

22. The Government appears to be applying the same principle.

22. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. They are agreed in principle but not in detail.

24. He acted out of expediency, not principle.

25. The principle behind it is very simple.

26. They have accepted the idea in principle.

27. You are traducing our principle.

28. She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.

29. Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.

30. Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.

More similar words: principal, multiple, print, sprinkle, spring up, diplomat, diplomatic, recipe, pencil, council, incident, ancient, recipient, municipal, plea, financial, anticipate, apple, plead, participate, participant, temple, couple, purple, people, complex, sample, renunciation, conciliatory, participation. 

A principle is a concept or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We are committed to achieving a traceable and transparent supply chain, and are actively working with our suppliers to achieve traceability on the palm oil we source while ensuring the palm oil used in our products is grown according to the following principles:


«The US remains Australia’s principle competitor but Brazil and other South American producers are supplying increasing volumes into some Asian markets, namely China.»


Douglas Hurd concludes: «The relationship between foreign secretary and prime minister over the two centuries has depended overwhelmingly on personalities rather than constitutional principle


We are committed to providing parents and caregivers with sound advice using the same Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles that The Total Transformation and our other parenting programs are based upon.


Ayorinde also reiterated the State Government’s commitment to continue to deploy appropriate public finance management principles to ensure adequate provision of infrastructure to all Lagosians.


In a battle between the star principles of the quantum story, there can be only one winner.


It does mean saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and sticking to your values and principles above all else.


While we believe that both groups have their merits and their drawbacks, we still think investors can find value (pardon the pun) in tracking and investing in mutual funds run by managers that adhere to the value investing principles we talk about on this site.


But let me add one thing: Why the principle of not punishing congressmen and women for lying is a good idea:


This same principle can then be used to explain how a business raises money by giving investors a piece of the company.


How much was about principles, and how much was about politics?


Life is good at our house, thanks to this book and the principles found therein.


Today, more than four centuries after Shakespeare and 65 years after Markowitz, I just can’t help but feel the need to emphasize the importance of this same basic principle.


This is a tough principle to master, as it requires that we fully put our ego aside and we accept taking the risk that we are wrong.


To have the relationship you crave, fire your marriage counselor and discover the principles of intimacy.


There’s no shortcut to mastering your habits, since it’s always going to take discipline and hard work, but there’s one principle that can guide you to a greater success rate: the idea that habits are grounded in consistency.


For centuries, generations of reformers were inspired by a simple principle.


The former AC Milan manager is a favourite to take up the job with an Italian newspaper even going on to claim that that the 50 year old accepted in principle or rather agreed terms to be Conte’s successor.


«I would want to establish the principles of democracy by calling a meeting of the party at which point maybe he will avail himself to tell us what really informed the decision.


To lose, even in principle, this sense of the child as a gift entrusted to us will not be good for children.


They individually fulfill what the «ontological principle


Buffett’s principle of «holding good investments forever,» forever changed my finances.


I want to teach you the method and principles so that when you decide to take the plunge, it shouldn’t have to last longer than 3 days.


Compliance with the law need not drive us away from these guiding principles.


«What we’ve demonstrated is that using a fractal implant should allow us, in principle, to deliver 20/80 vision,» said physics professor Richard P. Taylor, head of the UO’s Materials Science Institute.


Our core principles of flexibility, innovation, risk management, discipline and transparency are the foundation of each of the investment strategies.


More than rights, a set of guiding principles is needed to counterpose to the reigning ideals of «security», «growth» and «innovation».


This type of freedom is, I believe, one of the founding principles of our nation.


Mission: To prevent or delay the onset of alcohol and other drug use, and to eliminate or reduce the high-risk use of drugs and alcohol through the application and principles of risk reduction and building — resiliency.


«It’s a proof of principle that memories that were unavailable for recall might be recaptured and made available for recall,» he explains.


Our company has grown from its original village-level roots, but we remain grounded in three founding principles: to create sustainable, direct supply chains that protect the environment; to follow fair trade practices that support farmer livelihoods; and to only offer the highest-quality natural products to our customers.


Even so, some of the most trusted companies have failed to adhere to such principles.


The IPC does this through the principles of food sovereignty.


We’re certainly imperfect at it, but we are doing a better job of it from a principles and values standpoint.


Focusing purely on Value is a difficult strategy Sorting by multiple factors improves performance and risk-metrics However, factor selection and allocation remain challenging topics INTRODUCTION Value is likely the most common strategy for equity fund managers as the principle of buying something at


FPTP allows people to elected with less than a majority AV shatters the principle of equal voting rights.


Again, we have to consider the knowledge and ability to understand certain principles by those who wrote God’s inspired word for the reasons I mentiond above.


He then talked up the notion of «giving people complete control» over the content they share — claiming this is «the most important principle for Facebook».


In other words, it is argued that since the Kingdom did not fully «arrive» with Jesus, all the kingdom principles and values can be shoved onto a generation in the future by-and-by when Jesus return and sets all things right.


She added: «I remain committed to the principles and values that led me to help found Respect.


Information about EFA funding principles for young people with high needs aged 16 to 25, for the academic year 2015 to 2016.


I’ve spent the last 22 years of my life defending that principle and that’s the basis of my entire argument, which leads me to….


In principle, corporate tax should apply to profit: income minus the expenses incurred in generating it.


PGS initiatives around the world embrace certain principles and characteristics of a Participatory Guarantee System.


Maybe not though, according to a report in The Guardian which suggests that the reason Arsenal are keeping hold of Alexis and could see him leave for nothing next summer is also based on financial principles.


Along the same lines he also defended the principle behind Humanae Vitae with particular cogency, not as an isolated concern with sexual issues but as a vital aspect of the total vision of human nature integrated into Christ.


A great example of this is UKoptions Islamic accounts which strictly adhere to the principles of Sharia law.


«While the government found the analysis of Lord Strathclyde compelling and we are determined that the principle of the supremacy of the elected house should be upheld, we have no plans for now to introduce primary legislation,» said David Lidington, the minister who manages government business in parliament.


«Where, as here, there is a split among the circuit courts implicating core Constitutional principles and making it difficult for analysts to determine in advance the line between lawful competitive research to advise investors and potential criminal charges, the conflict should be resolved.»


Centered on four principles — transparency, responsibility, fairness, and security — the best practices outline the steps the industry should take to best serve its small business customers.



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Definition of Principle

the root of or foundation for a belief or state of being

Examples of Principle in a sentence

Democracy operates on the principle that everyone should be treated equally.


Democracy operates on the principle that everyone should be treated equally.


The principle basis of human life is oxygen.


The principle cause of animosity between Russia and the United States goes back to WWII.


The principle of charity and being kind to those less fortunate is a major part of Christianity.


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принцип, правило, закон, элемент, причина, источник, принцип устройства


- принцип, основа, закон

Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy principle — закон Архимеда
principles of war — принципы военного искусства
principles of biology [of government] — основы биологии [правления]
principle of action and reaction — закон равенства действия и противодействия
principle of universal gravitation — закон всемирного тяготения

- норма, основное правило (поведения); принцип

- принцип (работы); основа (действия, устройства)

step principle — ступенчатый принцип конструирования (ракеты)
to work on principle — работать /действовать/ по какому-л. принципу
in all these instruments the principle is the same — все эти инструменты действуют по одному и тому же принципу

- специфика действия, действующее начало лекарственного вещества
- источник, первопричина, первооснова
- хим. составная часть, элемент

Мои примеры


the basic principles of hydraulics — основные законы гидравлики  
the principle of the conservation of mass — принцип сохранения массы  
principle of continuity — принцип непрерывности  
governing principle — главный принцип  
high principle — высокие идеалы, принципы  
strict principle — строгие правила  
question of principle — принципиальный вопрос  
as a matter of principle — в принципе  
on the principle that — исходя из того, что  
principle of parity — принцип паритета  
boundedness principle — принцип ограниченности  
branch-and-bound principle — правило метода ветвей и границ  

Примеры с переводом

He’s got no principles at all!

У него вообще нет принципов!

We would all support the principle of free speech.

Мы все поддерживаем принцип свободы слова.

She couldn’t take the money. It was a matter of principle.

Она не могла взять эти деньги. Это было дело принципа.

Archimedes’ principle

закон Архимеда

He was a man of principle and risked talk.

Он был человеком принципиальным, и не боялся сплетен.

He refused to give me any more money as a matter of principle.

Он из принципа отказался давать мне ещё хоть какие-то деньги.

They have accepted the idea in principle.

В принципе, они одобрили эту идею.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Pointlessness was life’s principle, and it spread its sadness.

He called for a return to first principles (=the most important ideas) of road safety for children.

…the professor’s convoluted explanation only befogged the textbook’s presentation of this scientific principle…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

principled  — принципиальный, с твердыми устоями

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): principle
мн. ч.(plural): principles

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