A sentence with the word principal

The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.
Some parents feel that the school’s principal has been too harsh in meting out discipline.
These complexes were usually located in the site core, beside a principal plaza.
Yet the wars in Wales, of which Tostig’s constituents were principal beneficiaries, needed to be paid for.
The principal gods of the ancient Greek religion were the Dodekatheon, or the Twelve Gods, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus.
In the highlands, Kaminaljuyu emerged as a principal centre in the Late Preclassic.
The Privy Council of England was one of the four principal councils of the Sovereign.
Funchal is the capital and principal city of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, located along the southern coast of the island of Madeira.
It had also failed in its principal mission of securing a commercial treaty with Calicut.
The principal apartments, particularly, hold reminders of Victoria’s dynastic links with the other European royal families.
Temperature is one of the principal quantities in the study of thermodynamics.
Due to its location in the centre of the Italian peninsula, Rome is the principal railway node for central Italy.
Radio broadcasts remain the principal means by which the Malagasy population access international, national and local news.
The two principal parties are the Progressive Liberal Party and the Free National Movement.
His principal regret was that the town was so badly damaged during the sack that it was no longer suitable as winter quarters.
While these are the principal titles and authors, there are numerous other volumes derived from the four film properties.
One of John’s principal challenges was acquiring the large sums of money needed for his proposed campaigns to reclaim Normandy.
Bristol’s principal surviving suburban railway is the Severn Beach Line to Avonmouth and Severn Beach.
The principal source of information for this earliest period is the Acts of the Apostles.
The principal mechanism for evolution is natural selection among diverse populations.

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principal — перевод на русский


Principal Boisse, this maniac is constantly provoking me.

Господин директор, этот ненормальный без конца пристает ко мне.


-Господин директор!

— Maybe the principal came back.

Может, господин директор уже вернулся?

The principal.


The principal opened the door and told me to go to bed right away… without picking up the dead leaves.

Директор открыл дверь и сказал мне прекратить собирать листья и немедленно идти в кровать. Это не мог быть он.

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Take it to the principal’s office, come on.

Отнеси это в кабинет директора.

OK, Gaudinier. Go to the principal’s office with a pink slip.

Годинье, в кабинет директора: предупреждение.

Toji Suzuhara, report to the Principal’s Office.

Судзухара Тодзи, зайдите в кабинет директора.

All right, that’s it. You just bought yourself a ticket to the principal’s office.

Ну все, ты только что заработал билет в кабинет директора.

All right, come on. Let’s go to the principal’s office. I’m

Ну, все, идем в кабинет директора.

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This man is to be questioned by the Sheriff Principal. — We have orders to take him there.

3адержанного допросит главный шериф.

Principal chief at the gangbuster unit. Stuck behind a phone waiting for a loonie’s call…

Главный комиссар криминального отдела прикован к телефону в ожидании звонка какого-то идиота.

Principal Skinner… one of my fellow children is vandalizing school property.

Главный разгильдяй… один из моих детей портит школьную собственность.

D’Ghor has manipulated your family’s holdings devalued the lands you hold and he is the principal creditor on Kozak’s outstanding gambling debts.

Д’Гор манипулировал вашими семейными фондами, обесценил ваши земли, и он — главный кредитор выдающихся игорных долгов Козака.

— Who are your principals?

— Кто у вас главный ?

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Father’s the principal.

Его отец — директор школы.

You wouldn’t want your mother or principal to see these pictures.

Ты же не хочешь, чтобы эти фотографии увидела твоя мать или директор школы.

If an old schoolteacher has to attend a church far from home… so that her principal doesn’t find out…

Но если старая учительница ездит на другой конец Гданьска в церковь, поскольку боится, что директор школы узнает об этом, то это очень нездоровая ситуация…

Principal John Wiggins.

Директор школы Джон Виггинс.

Homer, Principal Skinner is here.

Гомер, пришел директор школы.

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Vice Principal Matthews comes in here. He picks up the women’s fitness magazine and he snaps one off!

Каждый день после восьмого урока здесь запирается завуч и пялится на фотки телок в журнале по фитнессу и дрочит.

Ah, wonderful! Vice Principal Matthews!

А, замечательно завуч Метьюс.

Vice Principal!

А вот и завуч!

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The principal occupation of the Hon’ami clan is to appraise and to sharpen swords.

Основной род занятий клана Хонъами — оценивать и затачивать мечи.

-The principal city.

Основной город.

Of course it’s not a personal issue, but, the role of the commander is to solve any problem which could hinder the principal mission of the band when it’s, been broken off, of course,

Ёто не моЄ личное дело, разумеетс€. Ќо моЄ дело, как командира, Ц решить все проблемы, могущие нанести вред успеху Ќашей основной миссии, как ансамбл€.

If you don’t have it, I’ll tack it on to the principal.

В противном случае сумма просрочки добавится к основной.

The principal drawback to biomass is that it’s generally pretty inefficient.

Основной недостаток биомассы — это то, что она как правило, неэффективна.

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Well, go on, do as the principal says!

Делай, как говорит директриса.

— No, that’s the principal.

— Нет, это директриса.

The principal likes to snap a whip in here to see who’s hiding.

Директриса любит совать сюда кнут, проверить, кто здесь прячется.

The principal is insane.

Директриса сумасшедшая.

I got the call from the principal.

Мне звонила директриса.

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We fight for the principal of self-determination, that the people of South Vietnam should… be able to choose their own course.

Мы боремся за принцип самоопределения, чтобы южно-вьетнамцы могли сами выбирать для себя курс.

As Langevin and Wallon says, The first principal is justice

Как говорят Ланжевен и Валлон, первый принцип — справедливость

The second is the equality of all social occupations The third is… The third principal is to accept a well-rounded education

Второй — равенство всех социальных занятий третий… третий принцип — принять всестороннее образование

I’m using the principal of conservation of angular momentum to turn the container!

Я использую принцип сохранения момента импульса, чтобы развернуть контейнер!

The same principal applied to proximity fuses, and World War II arial bombs…

Подобный принцип применен в предохранителях и в бомбах времен Второй Мировой Войны.

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Yes, Principal… I mean… no.

Да, господин директор.

He was a widower, so the principal and I kept the kid.

Он был вдовцом. Господин директор решил оставить малыша при школе.

Their hostility, Principal, doesn’t bother me at all.

Их враждебность мне не мешает, господин директор.

I cannot tell you, Principal. I can’t.

Я не могу ответить, господин директор.

I’m sorry, Principal.

Извините, господин директор.

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I practically lived in that vice principal’s office.

Я чуть ли не жила в кабинете замдиректора.

Your vice principal.


— You’re the vice principal.

— Вы замдиректора?

I got pulled out of class and called to the vice principal’s office.

Меня вытащили из класса и вызвали в кабинет замдиректора.

Ex-Vice Principal of Queen Katherine College, University of London.

Бывшая замдиректора колледжа королевы Екатерины в Лондонском университете.

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Synonym: chief, dominant, essential, foremost, head, important, leading, main, primary, prominent. Similar words: principle, municipal, anticipate, participant, participate, participation, print, spring up. Meaning: [‘prɪnsəpl]  n. 1. the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated 2. the educator who has executive authority for a school 3. an actor who plays a principal role 4. capital as contrasted with the income derived from it 5. the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account. adj. most important element. 

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1. The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft. 

2. Independence Day is one of America’s principal legal holidays.

3. Keys are available on application to the principal.

4. Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa.

5. I must consult my principal on this matter.

6. The college principal promised to look into the matter.

7. The principal papers talked up his latest novel.

8. The principal range runs east to west.

9. Further information is available on application to the principal.

10. The principal is a very busy woman.

11. Iraq’s principal export is oil.

12. Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.

13. Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.

14. The principal castigate the student who have insult their teacher.

15. The Danube is one of the principal rivers of Europe.

16. The principal reason for my change of mind is this.

17. The principal shall be obliged to pay the wages to the employees.

18. They will continue Mr. Kabe as acting principal of the school.

19. The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.

20. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute.

21. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.

22. His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family.

23. Versailles was the principal residence of the kings of France until 1793.

24. Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist.

25. The principal put up the exam result.

26. The teacher conferred with the principal about Dick’s promotion.

26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

27. The judge examined the principal witness.

28. Sometimes he reviewed for the principal papers.

29. The principal promised to root out the troublemakers.

30. We looked around the school and talked with the principal.

More similar words: principle, municipal, anticipate, participant, participate, participation, print, spring up, sprinkle, palm, pale, palace, palatial, recipe, pencil, council, incident, ancient, Palestinian, recipient, financial, renunciation, conciliatory, price, prior, prime, prize, priest, financial crisis, comprise. 

Definition of Principal

person in the highest position in a group or organization

Examples of Principal in a sentence

The prima ballerina is the principal dancer in any ballet troupe.


The principal of the investment firm announced that the employees with the best predictions would receive a raise.


Darren was called into the office to speak to the school principal after he got into a fist fight with another student.


Many assume that the principal runs the school but his secretary is the real mastermind.


Matt Damon is the principal actor in the Bourne Identity series.


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  • Dictionary
  • P
  • Principal
  • Sentences
  • The principal reason for my change of mind is this.
  • Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School. [+ of]
  • The agreement gives bank creditors three basic options: cutting back interest payments, reducing debt principal, or lending further funds.Investors have the choice of having not just the principal, but also the dividends cumulatively being converted into shares.A principal is the amount of money originally borrowed on a loan.
  • A principal investment.

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principal versus principle

What’s the Difference Between Principal and Principle?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Principal and Principle?
  • 2 Using Principal in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Principle in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Principal vs. Principle
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Principle vs. Principal
  • 7 Article Summary

These two words are homophones, which means that they sound completely alike but have different meanings and spellings. Because of these different meanings, it is important to not confuse the two.

Principal can act as either an adjective or a noun. It means the most important or primary or the chief or head of an organization.

  • The principal reason for the war was a dispute over territory. (adjective)
  • The school principal knew the names of all her students. (noun)

Principle is a noun that means a fundamental truth or moral beliefs.

  • He’s a man of good principles. He would never steal from me!

By understanding these words each in context, you can avoid the error of confusing one for the other. Now, let’s go over a few ways you can use these words in your sentences.

Using Principal in a Sentence

When to use principal: Principal can be either an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it means foremost. As a noun, it means the person in charge.

For example:

  • Teachers always sent misbehaving students to the school principal. (noun)
  • There are many concerns, but the principal worry is that the company will go bankrupt. (adjective)

As a noun, this word most commonly occurs in the context of the head of a school. It is especially common for the head of a primary or secondary school.

As an adjective, this word is somewhat formal. Therefore, it is more common in academic writing than in informal conversation.

Using Principle in a Sentence

When to use principle: Principle is a noun that can either mean correct conduct or a general rule or law within a field.

For example,

  • The father was very angry when he learned his three-year-old daughter had stolen from the shop. He knew she didn’t understand what she had done, but he wanted her to apologize anyway because of the principle of the matter.
  • You can take this course if you want to, but you should know it is very advanced. It requires a deep understanding of the principles of mathematics and biology.

There are several idioms that use principle:

  • in principle: as a general idea
    • I agree with you in principle, but there are some details that will come up as we try to implement the plan that will cause problems.
  • on principle: in accordance with one’s values or moral beliefs
    • I’m sorry, but I cannot support fascist laws like this one on principle.
  • against one’s principles: not in accordance with one’s values or moral beliefs
    • As a vegetarian, eating meat goes against my principles.
  • as a matter of principle: relating to one’s moral beliefs
    • I’m sure your homemade beer is delicious, and I wish I could try it. However, I made a promise to my mother never to drink before I was 21 years old. Therefore, I can’t sample your beer as a matter of principle.
  • to compromise one’s principles: to go against what one believes
    • He hated having to compromise his principles to fit in with his peers at school. He didn’t like bullying the nerds, but he thought that he had to bully others or risk getting bullied himself.

Remembering Principal vs. Principle

There is one common method that many teachers recommend for remembering the meaning of principal based on its spelling. Principal ends with the letters pal, and the principal of your school is your pal (friend) who is there to help you.

Additionally, a principal at a school is the foremost authority. This can help you remember that principal also means most important.

All other meanings relate to the other word, principle.

Outside Examples

  • For building a high-performing, integrated school in a segregated school system, Harvest Collegiate principal Burch is nominated for a Hometown Heroes in Education award. –New York Daily News
  • In May, she tackled “Don Quixote’s” Kitri for the first time and made her New York debut in the title role of “Giselle” with American Ballet Theatre, where she has spent her entire career. She has been a principal dancer with the company for two years. –OC Register
  • After years poking around many of the city’s most over-the-top properties, the rapper/hip-hop magnate and his superstar wife have agreed in principle to buy a modern mansion in Bel-Air for $90 million, according to real estate sources not authorized to comment publicly on the proposed deal. –LA Times
  • On Sunday, Xi issued another call for loyalty as he instructed his amassed 12,000 troops to “unswervingly stick to the fundamental principle and system of the party’s absolute leadership over the army,” the official Xinhua News Agency reported. –USA Today

Quiz: Principle vs. Principal

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either principle or principal.

  • She wanted to fit in at the party by trying drugs, but it went against her __________________.
  • I know that freedom of speech is important. However, the ____________ of the matter is that it is cruel to use hate speech.
  • The ________________ decided to end school early after hearing of the horrible tragedy.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use principal or principle? Although these words have no difference in pronunciation, they have totally different meanings.

  • A principal is the person in charge of an organization, especially schools. The adjective principal means primary or most important.
  • Principle refers to moral judgements or the laws that theories are built on.

Interestingly, these two words both share a root related to the meaning of first. However, their meanings can never be interchanged.

In general, use principal when speaking of school hierarchies. Use principle when referring to the laws of a scientific field or philosophy.

Answers from Quiz

  • principles
  • principle
  • principal

Principal and principle are another set of homophones, which, despite sounding identical in their pronunciation, have completely different meanings.

They are among the ranks of to, too, and two, there, their, and they’re, and countless other confusing words in English. But as is the case with these other examples, once you know the difference, they are easy to tell apart.

What is the Difference Between Principal and Principle?

Today, we’ll discuss the differences between these two words and also give you a few tricks to remember the difference between principal vs. principle. After reading this post, you shouldn’t ever be confused when choosing principal or principle again.

When to Use Principal

Principal is both a noun and an adjective with a few different uses.

Difference in principal versus principleAs a noun, “principal” has a few different meanings. The most common meaning is used to refer to a person of high authority or prominence, someone who holds or plays an important role. An example of this would be a school principal.

  • Mr. Babcock is the principal of the high school.

Principal also has specialized meanings in finance and law. In finance, “principal” refers to a loan amount requiring repayment. In law, “principal” refers to a person having prime responsibility for an obligation or the main actor in the perpetration of a crime. A few examples,

  • How much have you repaid on the principal of your loan?
  • He was the principal in this crime, acting alone.

As an adjective, “principal” has the sense of “chief,” “leading” or “primary.” For example,

  • The principal cause of World War 2 was Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

In this sentence “principal” is modifying the word “cause,” saying that Hitler’s invasion of Poland the primary or chief reason for the start of World War 2.

When to Use Principle

define principal v principle grammar rulesPrinciple is only a noun and generally refers to a natural, moral, legal rule or standard. For example,

  • The principle of free speech is something that Americans take for granted.
  • You are a man of principle.

There are a few popular phrases that use the word “principle,” so while using these phrases, be sure not to accidentally use “principal.”

  • In principle, I agree with you.
  • On principle, I agree with you.
  • As a matter of principle, I must take a stand.

All three of these popular phrases use the word “principle” exclusively.

Remember the Difference

A great way to remember the differences between principle versus principal is found in the last three letters of each word.

Someone who is a “princi-P-A-L” should be looked at as your “pal.” Only people can be “pals” and principal refers to people, whereas “princi-P-L-E” refers to truths, rules, or standards. A truth or standard cannot be your “pal.”

You can also remember the mnemonic, “The principal has his principles.”

Another good mnemonic is, “The principal rule is that you stand by your principles and next to your principal.”


These two words have very different meanings, so when selecting principle or principal to include in your sentence, be sure it’s the correct choice.

Principal is a noun and adjective with specialized meanings in finance and law but most commonly used to refer to someone in a position of authority or high prominence.

Principle is only a noun and refers to a natural, moral, legal rule or standard.

You can remember the differences between these two words by remembering that princiPALs are people and they are your pals. PrinciPLEs are rules or standards and they cannot be your pal.

Affect vs. Effect: What’s the Difference?


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Principal and Principle?
  • 2 When to Use Principal
  • 3 When to Use Principle
  • 4 Remember the Difference

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