A sentence with the word precious

I sat in my back corner all by myself ignoring the whole world and reading my precious manga.
The urban environment is ailing and, what is more, there are precious few ways in which to address its problems.
Their racket was laundering drug money through companies which traded in precious metals.
Things got worse when the boat’s watermaker packed up and Richards had to spend precious time repairing it.
The Australian gold rush of the 1850s generated a huge demand for accurate scales to weigh precious metals and guns to protect the gold bullion.
Such joyless suppression crushes that most precious thing in life, the flowering of the individual human spirit.
Worse than that, his predecessor had spent all the money, leaving him precious little room for manoeuvre.
No novelist can afford to be precious about the film adaptations of their work.
Indeed, there is precious little to suggest he is even well-disposed towards the poor.
Expeditions would scavenge the desolate landscape for precious supplies, such as fuel and water.
It is this lack that has made archeological finds scarce and precious, finds like the one Dan made.
When my mom died, I got my mama’s glasses, and they’re very, very precious to me.
Particularly in the Saxon pagan period, gold jewellery was often inset with precious or semi-precious stones such as garnet.
A babymoon is important because it allows parents the precious time to be totally present with their new baby.
The tool is easy to use and in the end, will spare you aggravation and save you precious time.
He walked the 300 metre long hall, carved from antique mahogany and adorned with precious gems and family portraits.
The walls had excellently crafted tapestries that must have been precious family heirlooms from the look of them.
I for one would like to see a NZ that values its smaller citizens as a precious taonga, as autonomous rights-holders, and a worthy investment.
For the most part, the copy editors do a magnificent job, for next to no money, and precious little thanks.
These precious records are saved on DVD and magnetic tape to ensure safe storage.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word precious, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use precious in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «precious».

Precious in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word precious in a sentence.

  1. Risking the precious transports seemed inadvisable.

  2. May God bless you forever, my great and precious companion.

  3. In recent years germanium has seen increasing use in precious metal alloys.

  4. Mexico was not the only place from which Orizaba delivered precious metals.

  5. Sorabji once called him «one of the two people on earth most precious to me».

  6. These would have been made with thin sheets of precious metal over a wooden core.

  7. Other exported goods included jade, muslin, spices, ebony, ivory and precious stones.

  8. Niobium is used as a precious metal in commemorative coins, often with silver or gold.

  9. A set of three silver coins contains .5381 troy ounces (16.74 g) of the precious metal.

  10. He demanded that its scriptures be burned, and seized its precious stores for the treasury.

  11. In a 1959 essay for the Detroit Free Press he said, «My religion is my most precious possession.

  12. First, he delivers the Orb, a hollow gold sphere decorated with precious and semi-precious stones.

  13. My most precious Master, I cannot describe the grief of my heart at not seeing you for such a long time.

  14. Business flourished in precious stones such as diamonds, lapis lazuli, onyx, topaz, carbuncles and emeralds.

  15. Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blessings—give us that precious jewel and you may take everything else.

  16. Sweet are the uses of adversityWhich, like the toad, ugly and venomous,Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

  17. His thesis was that the lie (the cover plan) was so precious that it should be flanked with an escort of truths.

  18. Non-indigenous settlers arrived soon after gold and other precious metals were discovered in the 1840s and 1850s.

  19. Circulating Eisenhower dollars contained no precious metal, though some for collectors were struck in 40% silver.

  20. They are made of precious materials; their flesh is gold, their bones are silver, and their hair is lapis lazuli.

  21. Paintings and other precious objects served an important aid in the religious life of those who could afford them.

  22. Popular shared spaces activities include hunting Notorious Monsters, fiends that rarely appear and drop precious loot.

  23. The discovery of gold and other precious metals in the watershed brought settlers to the region in the 1840s and 1850s.

  24. Marge is disappointed when John, the shop owner, reveals her precious heirloom is a cheap liquor bottle of little value.

  25. She signified the «sacrament of anointing (Chrism and Unction)» by pouring precious spikenard on Christ’s feet at his tomb.

  26. Impressed by their quality and color, Kunz pronounced them «the finest precious gemstones ever found in the United States».

  27. In mid April 2021, iridium reached a price of US$6,400 per troy ounce on Metals Daily (a precious metals commodity listing).

  28. His eyes were upturned to the gloomy skies, and his nostrils eagerly drank in the precious air that was soon to be denied them.

  29. These statues were usually less than life-size and made of the same precious materials that were said to form the gods’ bodies.

  30. Franks traded timber, furs, swords and slaves in return for silks and other fabrics, spices, and precious metals from the Arabs.

  31. Fire-fighters applied water to contain the blaze, whilst castle staff attempted to rescue the precious artworks from the castle.

  32. The precious metal composition of US coins was calculated such that gold would be fifteen times as valuable per ounce as silver.

  33. The Assaying Committee worked with the Philadelphia Mint’s assayer as he measured the precious metal content of some of the coins.

  34. The Japanese had won another tactical victory, but Kinkaid’s carriers had gained the Americans precious time to prepare and reinforce.

  35. Temples also launched expeditions into the desert to collect resources such as salt, honey, or wild game, or to mine precious minerals.

  36. Upon return, silk, raw wool, musk pods, medicinal plants, country liquor, precious stones, gold, and silverware were imported into India.

  37. The empire’s capital city was a thriving business centre that included a burgeoning market in large quantities of precious gems and gold.

  38. Reliefs from his pyramid complex show the return of a naval expedition to Lebanon, the boats laden with the trunks of precious cedar trees.

  39. These envoys were required to send tributary items of furs, precious stones, and delicacies such as Central Asian raisins to the Han court.

  40. Coins were at the time valued by their precious metal content, and the price of gold relative to silver rose soon after the guinea’s issuance.

  41. The earliest known metals—common metals such as iron, copper, and tin, and precious metals such as silver, gold, and platinum—are heavy metals.

  42. I, on the other hand, have lost my precious wife, my son Jimmie’s career ended in disgrace and my only daughter’s tragic action broke my heart.

  43. They were already expensive because of the weight of the precious metal, to which a huge amount of time by highly skilled silversmiths was added.

  44. The badges for inductees are of a similar design to the sovereign’s badge, though without precious stones, and slight differences for each grade.

  45. Coinage of precious metal was delayed; Congress required the assayer and chief coiner to each post a security bond of $10,000, a huge sum in 1793.

  46. He sold this precious fossil for the money to buy a cow in 1876, to innkeeper Johann Dörr, who again sold it to Ernst Otto Häberlein, the son of K.

  47. I counted out the wealth of that city—silver, gold, precious stones, property and goods—into the hands of my people; and they took it as their own.

  48. People began hoarding precious silver as there was progressively less of it, forcing the ratio of the value of copper to silver into a steep decline.

  49. The most essential temple statues were the cult images, which were usually made of or decorated with precious materials such as gold and lapis lazuli.

  50. Travelling both land and sea routes, these merchants traded mostly in precious stones, spices and perfumes, and other specialty items such as camphor.

Synonyms for precious

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word precious has the following synonyms: cherished, treasured, wanted, loved, cute, artful, valuable and preciously.

General information about «precious» example sentences

The example sentences for the word precious that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «precious» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «precious».

1, A word in season is most precious

2, Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. 

3, If time be of all things the most precious, wasting of time must be the greatest prodigality. 

4, Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. 

5, Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 

6, Don’t drone away the precious years of youth.

7, His children are very precious to him.

8, The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.

9, It’s foolish to idle away one’s precious time.

10, We cannot afford to waste precious time.

11, He has sent me most precious gifts.

12, Wisdom is more precious than wealth.

13, They can abstract precious medicines from ordinary substances.

14, Each life is precious.

15, Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.

16, Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?

17, Clean water is a precious commodity in many parts of the world.

18, I find it suddenly(sentencedict.com),[http://sentencedict.com/precious.html]sometimes it’d be precious happiness if nothing is changing.

19, Of the world’s most precious and are not eligible and lost.

20, The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart.

21, Precious things are very few—That must be why there’s just one for you.

22, Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time.May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today’s sorrow.

23, By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 

24, If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. 

25, The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious

26, I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love from others.

27, I lead a very busy life, so spare time is a very precious commodity to me.

28, Often by those I ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.

29, What has gone is that beautiful period;which remains is the precious friendship between us.

30, Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.

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I think these guys would do anything to save their precious city.

Думается мне, эти ребята сделают всё, что угодно, чтобы спасти свой драгоценный город.

He claims you purloined his precious Italian sofa.

Он утверждает, что вы похитили его драгоценный итальянский диван.

Too precious to just throw away.

Слишком ценный, чтобы просто уйти в отставку.

There are several ways to manage this precious resource.

Есть много способов, с помощью которых можно сохранить этот ценный ресурс.

I’ve brought your most precious things.

Я тебе принесла самое дорогое, что у тебя есть.

I’m protecting what’s precious.

Я защищаю то, что для меня дорого.

It seems extravagant to spend hours so precious in sleep.

Может показаться, что таким образом тратятся такие ценные в наше загруженное время минуты сна.

Traditionalists mainly work with rare local woods and other precious materials.

Традиционалисты, главным образом, работают с редкими местными лесами и другими драгоценными материалами.

And with failure-meaning to re-do or abandon the effort-drains precious resources.

И с отказом — значит сделать заново или отказаться от усилий — истощает ценные ресурсы.

Time really exists, but nobody knows exactly how precious seconds disappear.

Время точно существует, но никто наверняка не знает, куда утекают драгоценные секунды.

Allocating precious resources towards headquarters maintenance costs reduces the amount of funds available for academic initiatives.

Выделение ценных ресурсов на покрытие затрат, связанных с текущим ремонтом штаб-квартиры, уменьшает сумму средств, выделенных на учебные мероприятия.

People then flocked to worship this precious statue.

Со временем люди стали приходить, чтобы поклониться этой драгоценной статуе.

But what is often overlooked is the most precious.

Но то, что часто упускается из вида, является самым драгоценным.

Nothing less precious than gold seemed worthy of their attention.

Предметы менее драгоценные, чем золото, не казались им заслуживающими внимания.

Water is as precious as air.

Вода так же ценна, как и воздух.

What you do is extremely precious.

То, что вы делаете, действительно ценно.

This woman is mankind’s most precious possession.

Эта девушка — самое ценное, что есть у человечества.

Beloved father, precious memories, local character, etcetera.

Любимого отца, драгоценные воспоминания, местный герой, и так далее.

I suppose it reminds you how precious life is.

Я думаю, это напоминает нам о том, как драгоценна жизнь.

All you care about’s your precious collection.

Всё, что тебя волнует, это твоя драгоценная коллекция.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат precious

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

драгоценный, дорогой, любимый, изысканный, очень, здорово


- драгоценный

precious stones — драгоценные камни
precious metals — благородные металлы
precious time — драгоценное время
precious knowledge — ценные знания

- дорогой, любимый

precious recollections — дорогие воспоминания
my precious darling — мой любимый, мой драгоценный, мой ненаглядный
his devotion is very precious to me — я очень ценю его преданность
this ring is precious to me because of its associations — это кольцо дорого мне из-за связанных с ним воспоминаний

- манерный, изощрённый; изысканный (о языке, слоге)
- эмоц.-усил. совершенный, абсолютный

- разг. прекрасный, замечательный

her little house is just precious! — её домик так мил!


- разг. эмоц.-усил. очень, весьма, здорово

precious few — очень мало
he took precious good care of that — он очень заботился об этом
it is precious cold — здорово холодно
there is precious little hope — надежды почти нет


- любимый, дорогой

my precious — мой любимый, мой дорогой, мой драгоценный, мой ненаглядный

Мои примеры


the family’s most precious moments — самые важные моменты в жизни этой семьи  
diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones — бриллианты, сапфиры, рубины и изумруды являются драгоценными камнями  
precious stone enchased in gold — драгоценный камень, оправленный в золото  
precious / very few — очень немногие, совсем незначительное количество  
precious jewels — драгоценные камни  
precious metal — драгоценный металл  
precious stone — драгоценный камень  
precious serpentine — благородный змеевик  
buy and sell precious metals — покупать и продавать драгоценные металлы  
buy precious metals — покупать драгоценные металлы  
precious metals as a capital investment — драгоценные металлы как средство капиталовложений  
precious cargo — ценный груз  

Примеры с переводом

You’re so precious to me.

Ты так дорог мне.

Happiness is the most precious gift.

Счастье — самый драгоценный дар.

Time is a precious commodity.

Время — бесценная вещь.

I hate the precious way she speaks.

Я ненавижу её вычурную манеру говорить.

Her crown is set with precious jewels.

Её корона украшена драгоценными камнями.

You and your precious car — it’s all you are interested in!

Тебя интересуют только ты сам и твоя драгоценная машина!

There are precious few of them left.

Их осталось очень мало.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The world is, as usual, a frightening place to enter for all save the precious few impaired by inherited security.

…proud grandparents who kvell over every thing that their precious little darlings do…

They traded in gold and other precious metals (=valuable metals used especially for making jewellery).

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Use Precious in a sentence. How to use the word Precious in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Precious. Sentence for Precious.

Use Precious in a Sentence - How to use "Precious" in a sentence


Examples of precious in a sentence

  1. This does not cost anything, but your love will be the most precious gift for your beloved.
  2. However, the film omits many details about both relationships, adjusting and hiding precious data.
  3. Pliny also mentions the precious stones, of which Zoroaster had extolled the brilliance; the herbs, used by the Magians; and enumerates a number of remedies, which they applied.
  4. After all, there is nothing better than spending precious time with family and friends and making memories that will last a life time.
  5. With this extravagant behavior, as the Encomiast says, gifts of precious objects were lavished.
  6. “My love, I send you love and happy Christmas wishes for you, I pray to the Lord Jesus to bless our love with the most precious moments of joy as he descends to earth.”
  7. He teaches the art of forging weapons and weaving precious stuffs, divides men into priests, warriors, husbandmen, and artisans; discovers the art of healing, and compels the demons to build houses, and erect for him a splendid palace and a gorgeous throne adorned with gold and precious stones.
  8. They are laden with gold, silver, precious stones, and sandal-wood in abundance, the like of which was not seen afterwards; peacocks, apes, and ivory.
  9. Beautiful garments, precious stones, adorned women with four knots of hair, dancers, wine-houses, and dice are repeatedly mentioned.
  10. The victors blew their shells, called Yudishthira to the king, and obtained as booty numberless treasures in gold and silver, in precious stones, in cloths, skins, and slave-women.
  11. He must at all times carry precious stones with him, to counteract the effect of poison, and must mix antidotes with his food.

Post Views: 269

Sentences with the word Precious?



  • «a cherished friend»; «children are precious«; «a treasured heirloom»; «so good to feel wanted»
  • «an insufferably precious performance»; «a child with intolerably cute mannerisms»
  • «in villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop»
  • «sexism occurs in many workplaces»; «precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil»
  • «diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones»
  • «a valued friend»; «precious memories»
  • «there is precious little time left»

January 8, 2023July 2, 2018

  1. Good health is one of the most precious possessions of man.
  2. They are wasting the precious time of their life.
  3. Don’t waste your precious time in watching useless T.V. programs.
  4. Time is precious.
  5. Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life.
  6. You are wasting your precious time.
  7. Time is one of the most precious things in life.
  8. Cultivate the golden habit of punctuality which will save your precious time and energy.
  9. Water is a gift of nature, precious to living beings.
  10. The man who drinks not only wastes precious, hard-earned money but loses his senses.
  11. Child labour is corrupting the lives of many precious children every day.
  12. Friendship is one of the most precious things in our life.
  13. Good health is man’s most precious possession.
  14. Did you bring me here to waste my precious time?
  15. She was the most precious thing to him in the world.
  16. You are wasting your precious time.
  17. It is precious to me.
  18. Life is precious.
  19. When we own something precious, we always dread the possibility of loosing it.
  20. Ornaments are made of precious metals.
  21. Love is as precious as gold.
  22. Children are the most precious gifts of God.
  23. He has a good collection of precious stones.
  24. My wife is precious to me.
  25. Platinum is a precious metal.
  26. Every drop is precious.
  27. I have lost my precious diamond.
  28. Silver is not so precious as gold.
  29. Girls as well as boys spend much of their precious time on fashions.
  30. Gold is one of the most precious metals.
  31. Character is the most precious possession.
  32. Gold is a precious metal.
  33. Discipline is a precious asset.
  34. I thank you once again for this precious gift.
  35. Most of us waste our precious time in unnecessary and unproductive activities.
  36. Freedom of speech is the most precious gift of democracy.
  37. Time is more precious than money.
  38. Friendship is one of the most precious things in our life.
  39. Children and adolescents waste their precious time on internet.
  40. Please donate blood and save precious lives.
  41. Water is so precious that we can’t live without it.
  42. Girls as well as boys spend much of their precious time on fashion.
  43. Each minute and each second is precious.
  44. Don’t waste your precious time.
  45. Time is precious.
  46. Your gift is very precious for me.
  47. Life is too precious to lose.
  48. This is a very precious necklace.
  49. Why are you wasting our precious time?
  50. Don’t waste your precious time.
  51. Don’t waste your precious time.
  52. Gold is a precious metal.
  53. Your gift is the most precious possession that I have
  54. Silver is a precious metal.
  55. My child is precious to me.
  56. Children are the precious asset of a nation.
  57. It is the most precious possession of man.
  58. Discipline is a precious asset.
  59. He loitered about with bad boys and wasted his precious time in idle talks.
  60. It is a very precious dog.
  61. It is precious and it waits for none.
  62. I value his friendship as the most precious thing in the world.
  63. It is a precious stone.
  64. He is my precious friend.
  65. Excessive work is telling upon your precious health.
  66. I had saved a precious life.
  67. Platinum is a precious metal.
  68. Time is so precious that it cannot be wasted.
  69. My dear brother, I do not want you to waste these precious years in idle pursuits.
  70. Discipline is a precious asset.
  71. Books are the precious life-blood of authors.
  72. Gold is a precious metal.
  73. Your gift is very precious for me.
  74. All exclaim ‘Time is precious’.
  75. Health is more precious than wealth.
  76. Discipline is a precious asset.
  77. Time is more precious than money.
  78. Books are the precious life-blood of authors.
  79. Life is too precious to lose.
  80. Friendship is a precious possession of man.
  81. Friendship is a precious emotion of human beings.
  82. Nature is the most precious gift of God to man.
  83. The loss of precious human lives is irreparable.
  84. Water is so precious that we can’t live without it.
  85. Gold is a precious metal.
  86. A gem is a precious stone.
  87. I have lost my precious diamond.
  88. Gold is more precious than silver.
  89. Gold is one of the most precious metals.
  90. These precious things are very useful in practical life.
  91. Platinum is a precious metal.
  92. Friendship is one of the most precious things in our life.
  93. Thousands of precious green trees will be saved from the axe every year .
  94. Our eyes are precious and we need to keep them safe.
  95. Water is as precious as air.
  96. He is precious to us.
  97. Friendship is more precious than anything else.
  98. Don’t rip off my precious hair!
  99. There’s nothing as precious as love.
  100. Your friendship is most precious to me.
  101. It’s said that nothing is more precious than time.
  102. Gold is more precious than iron.
  103. Time is more precious than anything else.
  104. Nothing is as precious as friendship.
  105. Nothing is as precious as love.
  106. Nothing is so precious as health.
  107. Health is the most precious thing.
  108. Time is the most precious thing.
  109. My children are very precious to me.
  110. Time is so precious that it cannot be wasted.
  111. My child is precious to me.
  112. It is the most precious possession of man.
  113. Time is more precious than money.
  114. A number of precious lives are being lost every day.
  115. Girls as well as boys spend much of their precious time on fashion.
  116. It is often said that nothing is more precious than time.
  117. She cherishes the precious memories of her childhood.
  118. Our health is our most precious possession.
  119. This region produces precious minerals.
  120. Enjoy all of life’s precious moments.
  121. Milk is precious and regular use of it can bring a big difference on to your skin.
  122. This precious herb is well known for its capacity to promote energy and stamina in the body.
  123. Saffron widely known as kesar in India is the most expensive and precious spice in the world.
  124. A friend is a most precious gift to all of us.
  125. Because of lack of tree plantation, this precious natural property is eroding fast.
  126. Blood donation costs nothing to you; but someone can get a precious life.
  127. Blood donation doesn’t cost you but can be so precious to someone.
  128. Child labour is corrupting the lives of many precious children every day.
  129. Time is precious and priceless for everyone, so we never waste time.
  130. Water is most essential and precious resource, necessary for life on the planet.
  131. Water is our precious natural resource which every person needs to survive.
  132. I love my each family member because they all are precious to me.
  133. Life is a precious gift.
  134. Water is the precious substance on the earth for all living beings.
  135. Time is extremely precious and it should be spent wisely.
  136. Time is one of the most precious things we have.
  137. Friendship is one of the most precious and beautiful relationships in this world.
  138. Girls are nature’s precious gift.
  139. We should never waste our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life.
  140. We have spent precious years of our lives together.
  141. Water is the precious gift of God on the earth.
  142. Stop child labour and save precious children.
  143. A teacher is the precious gift from God to us.
  144. Thank you all for your precious time!
  145. Time is very precious than any costly thing in this world because it cannot be saved to us in anyway.
  146. Time is a precious gift from God given to us to achieve something good in life.
  147. Water is a precious natural resource that should be used judiciously.
  148. Water is a precious resource as it is not replenished infinitely by nature.
  149. Water is more precious than gold.
  150. Water is precious and we should not waste it.
  151. We must contribute towards the protection and conversation of these precious resources that nature has bestowed on us.
  152. We need to practice water conservation on urgent basis in order to make the presence of this precious resource in our life.
  153. Of course your time is precious, but is it more precious than life!
  154. Parents play an important and a precious role in every child’s life.
  155. Trees are precious gift to our life from the nature.
  156. Water is a precious gift from Mother Nature to all the living beings on earth.
  157. This is the most precious time for all of us to lay a sound foundation of our academics.
  158. Good health is considered as the precious earning of a human throughout his life.
  159. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in his life.
  160. Health is the most valuable and precious things for every individual in the life.
  161. I request you all to please be in touch with us as we cannot do our best without your precious advice.
  162. If water is wasted we lose a precious resource.
  163. If we earn a good friend in life, we earn the most precious thing.
  164. It is proved beyond doubt that time is more precious than money.
  165. It is a divine and most precious gift of the life.
  166. It is the most precious and real jewel of life.
  167. Let us make this day a most memorable and a precious day for our mothers.
  168. Life is a precious gift and we must all value it.
  169. Life is the most precious asset on this planet.
  170. Nature is a most precious gift given by the God to us to enjoy but not to harm.

Synonyms of Precious


  • She adored him.
  • Women like to be adored by men.
  • He adored him.
  • He adored his school.
  • His students adored him.


  • Who is your most beloved actor ?
  • He died leaving his beloved children behind.


  • It fulfills my long cherished desire.
  • It has been my long cherished desire to do some social service.
  • My long cherished wish was fulfilled.
  • India came one step Closer to its cherished dream of landing on Mars.
  • Pregnancy is one of the most magical and cherished times in a woman’s life.
  • She cherished his old love letters.
  • He cherished the memory of his dead wife.
  • She cherished the child as her own.
  • She cherished the memory of her dead husband.
  • They have cherished the child as their own.


  • How do you like it, darling ?
  • What a darling outfit!


  • You will pay dear for your foolishness.
  • You are as dear to me as him.
  • His dear half is ill.
  • He is very dear to me.
  • He will pay dear for his misconduct.
  • The photo was so dear that you could see every detail of the background.


  • It is my dearest wish that you should be like her.
  • He is our dearest child.
  • Your dearest youngest son has made my life a hell.
  • Happy birthday my dearest friend!


  • I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you.
  • He had loved a girl.
  • She told him that she loved him.
  • I thought he loved you.
  • He told her that he loved her.
  • He’s a singer that’s loved by everyone.
  • I am loved by my parents.
  • It never occurred to me that he loved me.
  • He was loved by everybody.




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