A sentence with the word powerful

The appearance of print added a powerful new weapon to the arsenal of debate within the ecumene.
The film is about a professional killer who’s hired to liquidate a powerful businessman.
The threat of legal action is a powerful goad to companies that have ignored the regulations.
The essence of popular sovereignty, on the other hand, is that the democratic will of the people should prevail over the vested interests of a powerful minority.
Their mouths and gills form a powerful sucking system that sucks their prey in from a distance.
Only the Four Policemen would be allowed to possess any weapons more powerful than a rifle.
Previously they had apparently thought that we were bluffing, when we openly said that the Soviet Union possessed powerful rockets.
For much of her premiership, she was described as the most powerful woman in the world.
The Lords were far more powerful than the Commons because of the great influence of the great landowners and the prelates of the realm.
Generally, one of the more powerful local lords in each county was appointed and the office became hereditary in his family.
In 1831 Muhammad Ali of Egypt, who was the most powerful vassal of the Ottoman Empire, claimed independence.
The Royal Navy also wanted to forestall the threat of a powerful Russian navy.
At this conference Truman informed Stalin that the United States possessed a powerful new weapon.
There is also the FIA GT3 European Championship as well as the less powerful GT4 European Cup.
There are no laws about queueing, but there is a powerful moral imperative not to cheat.
The Panama Papers uncovered a link between an American oil company’s oil concessions and several powerful politicians in Angola.
Some railway authorities have mandated powerful headlights on at all times, including during daylight.
However, the Navarrese territory north of the Pyrenees remained beyond the reach of an increasingly powerful Spain.
During the 1990s, Methodism experienced a powerful wave of revival in the nation.
During most of its existence, the Byzantine Empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe.

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Antonym: powerless. Similar words: power, empower, overpower, solar power, cheerful, empowerment, wonderful, subterfuge. Meaning: [‘paʊə(r)fʊl]  adj. 1. having great power or force or potency or effect 2. strong enough to knock down or overwhelm 3. having great influence 4. (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful 5. displaying superhuman strength or power. adv. (Southern regional intensive) very. 

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1. A powerful idea commissions some of its strength to him who challenges it. 

2. Truth and love are two of the most powerful things in the world; and when they both go together they cannot easily be withstood. 

3. The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.

4. His speech was a powerful spur to action.

5. You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.

6. A powerful snow storm is moving eastward.

7. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

8. I’m strong! I’m powerful! I’m healthy.

9. Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.

10. You’re a powerful man-people will listen to you.

11. He displayed determination as well as powerful oratory.

12. The elephant grinds its food with/between its powerful molars.

13. The storm whipped up powerful waves.

14. He fast-talked his way into a powerful job.

15. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.

16. The athlete has got powerful muscles.

17. A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.

18. Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.

19. Teacher is powerful in a child’s eyes forever.

20. Silence is the most powerful cry.

21. The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

22. They shared a powerful mutual attraction.

23. Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge.

24. The headmaster is a powerful man.

25. They are bravely resisting subjugation by their more powerful neighbours.

26. The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.

27. He was one of the most powerful men in Bohemia.

28. She is most powerful and touching when she writes about the student movement in the old days.

29. In Britain and the USA in the 1970s,[Sentencedict.com] the underground was a powerful subversive force.

30. The bulk of the funds are supplied by some of America’s largest and most powerful corporations.

More similar words: power, empower, overpower, solar power, cheerful, empowerment, wonderful, subterfuge, fearful, shower, bower, tower, lower, cower, colorful, glower, flower, answer for, towering, tower over, glowering, powder, were, fewer, perform, towel, cowed, perfect, however, viewer. 

powerful — перевод на русский


Nothing is more powerful than that.

Эта красота сильнее всего.

But I’ve heard of a young rabbi who says that forgiveness is greater and love more powerful than hatred.

Но я слышала об одном раввине, который учит о прощении, и о том, что любовь сильнее ненависти.

Why did huge beasts so much more powerful than man disappeared from the face of Earth, while man a relatively puny thing, survived?

Но почему эти огромные создания, которые были гораздо сильнее человека, исчезли с лица Земли, тогда как человек, достаточно хрупкое животное, выжил?

Now he’s more powerful than ever.

Теперь он сильнее, чем когда-либо.

Alpha 60 is one hundred and fifty light years more powerful.

— И что? — Как что? Альфа-60 на сто пятьдесят световьiх лет сильнее.

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Powerful cider, ain’t it, Tom?

Мощный сидор, правда?

Well, if we’re getting answers, they have to have a transmitter as powerful as ours.

Раз мы получаем ответы, их передатчик такой же мощный, как и наш.

— It’s so powerful!

— Такой мощный!

You’re looking at the most powerful concentrate of hormone known, a hormone that retards aging.

Вы сейчас видите перед собой мощный концентрат неизвестного нам порошка, порошка, который может замедлять процесс старения.

It’s a powerful ship, we can’t fight it.

Мощный корабль, мы с ним не справимся.

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He is enormously rich, very powerful, very cruel

Он чрезвычайно богат, очень могущественный и жестокий.

It’s only the rarest and most powerful element in the universe.

Это самый редкий и самый могущественный элемент во вселенной.

O most powerful one, so let it be.

О могущественный, пусть это свершится.

It is an awesomely powerful key.

Это чрезвычайно могущественный ключ.

You don’t know how evil he is, how powerful he is.

Ты не знаешь, какое он зло, ты не знаешь, какой он могущественный.

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Who is the most powerful man there?

Кто там самый влиятельный?

A rich man, a powerful man.

Богатый, влиятельный человек.

Look, Billy, Vaughn’s a powerful chap, I know that.

Слушай, Билли, Вон влиятельный человек, я знаю это.

Instead of a rich and powerful industrialist?

А богатый и влиятельный промышленник?

You are now a powerful man, Ralph.

Ты теперь влиятельный человек, Ральф.

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The great and powerful Oz has got matters well in hand.

Великий и могучий волшебник страны Оз все знает и ведает.

I am Oz the great and powerful!

Я — волшебник, великий и могучий!

The great and powerful Oz knows why you have come.

Великий и могучий волшебник знает, зачем вы пришли.

If you were really great and powerful, you’d keep your promises.

Если вы, и правда, великий и могучий, надо держать свое слово!

I am the great and powerful Wizard of Oz.

Уходи! Я великий и могучий волшебник страны Оз.

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It really hits you. Very powerful.

Какая сила!

That would be powerful, man.

Во была бы сила!

You’re so powerful.

Ого, ну и сила!

Maybe we can get the public behind you. Public outcry against injustice is a very powerful tool.

Соберем голоса в твою поддержку, учти, общественное мнение — это большая сила.

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You must remember that the First and Second Elders are well known, only to those in powerful positions.

Помни, что первого и второго старейшину хорошо знают, только те, кто при власти.

Not the powerful Jins

У Цзинь много власти.

Because rich people… and powerful people brought in boatloads of human trash.

Потому что богачи и те, кто стоят у власти. Навезли сюда полно всякого отродья.

See, our Mr. o’bannion has a great deal of powerful American friends, and his friends are our friends, and therefore killing Mr. o’bannion…

Он — настоящий политик, у него много власти. В Америке у него друзья, некоторые — наши друзья. Политика есть политика.

But he was less powerful.

Но у него не было власти.

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Oh, very powerful Trimalchio, the clock has just struck… the 5th hour in the afternoon, exactly right now.

О, всемогущий Трималхион, только что часы пробили пятый час дня.

The powerful god Odin is here.

Всемогущий бог Один, сейчас здесь.

I am able to transmit on any frequency band you choose, Stanley the legendary all powerful space stud man

— Я могу передать сообщение на любой выбранной вами частоте, Стэнли-Легендарный, Всемогущий Космический Жеребец.

I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu.

Я всемогущий, очаровательный, несгибаемый Мушу.

He’s very powerful

А он всемогущий.

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You are like your ship, powerful and not human.

Вы как ваш корабль, властный, но бесчеловечный.

He’s a powerful man.

Он властный человек.

Powerful, dangerous.

Властный, опасный.

The father is a violent man, homophobic, with no scruples and very powerful.

Его отец человек жестокий, гомофоб, не разборчивый в средствах и очень властный.

Sometimes I forget how powerful you can be.

О, Джек, иногда я забываю, насколько властным ты можешь быть.

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Look at its rigorous design. It’s powerful, sober lines show that elegance and exceptional performance can be combined.

Его остроумный дизайн, его мощность и редкая элегантность служат доказательством того, что внешняя красота не мешает высоким технологиям.

T oday’s particle accelerators aren’t powerful enough…

Потому что, нынешние ускорители частиц имеют совершенно недостаточную мощность…

Even if we get the EMP generator online, the chances are slim we would ever get it powerful enough.

Даже если бы мы смогли восстановить электромагнитный генератор, шансы незначительны, что мы получим необходимую мощность.

It’s hundreds of times more powerful than the world’s total nuclear armament.

Их мощность в сотни раз превышает все ядерное вооружение мира.

! How is it so powerful?

Какова мощность…

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Sentences with the word Powerful?



  • «the shifting alliances within a large family»; «their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them»
  • «in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world’s most powerful and civilized city»
  • «big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively»
  • «there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars»; «the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane’s engine»
  • «he gave the ball a powerful kick»; «the team’s kicking was excellent»
  • «Boreas was pictured as bearded and powerful and winged and draped against the cold»
  • «a hefty athlete»; «a muscular boxer»; «powerful arms»
  • «he has powerful connections»
  • «Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle»
  • «a good grip on French history»; «they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities»; «he was in the grip of a powerful emotion»; «a terrible power had her in its grasp»
  • «gruff voices»; «the dog’s gruff barking»; «hoarse cries»; «makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky»- Virgil Thomson
  • «the kangaroo’s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting»- Springfield (Mass.) Union
  • «The chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean»
  • «a sidecar is a smooth drink but it has a powerful kick»
  • «the baby is mighty cute»; «he’s mighty tired»; «it is powerful humid»; «that boy is powerful big now»; «they have a right nice place»; «they rejoiced mightily»
  • «the most powerful government in western Europe»; «his powerful arms»; «a powerful bomb»; «the horse’s powerful kick»; «powerful drugs»; «a powerful argument»
  • «his powerful serves won the game»

мощный, сильный, могущественный, могучий, влиятельный, яркий, значительный


- сильный, мощный, могучий

powerful blow — сильный /мощный/ удар
powerful hand — сильная рука
powerful machine [battery] — мощная машина [батарея]

- могущественный; влиятельный

powerful country — могущественная страна

- сильнодействующий, сильный

powerful drug — сильнодействующее лекарство
powerful argument — веский /сильный, убедительный/ довод

- яркий, сильный

powerful speech — яркая /впечатляющая/ речь

- диал., разг. многочисленный, большой

powerful crop — богатый урожай
a powerful lot of money — много денег, большие деньги


- прост. сильно, очень

he was powerful tired — он сильно /шибко/ устал

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He has powerful connections.

У него есть очень влиятельные знакомые.

She has a powerful voice.

У неё очень сильный голос.

The perfume has a powerful smell.

Эти духи обладают сильным ароматом.

He ran powerful fast.

Он бежал очень быстро.

Stand back! This is a very powerful explosive!

Назад! Это очень мощная взрывчатка!

Powerful nations usually dominate over small weak countries.

Могущественные государства обычно доминируют над слабыми маленькими странами.

The dog has a powerful body.

У этой собаки мощное тело.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Unfortunately, what could have been a powerful drama fell flat.

…attributed the storms to a clash of wills between the two most powerful magi in the land…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

power  — мощность, власть, силовой, много
powerless  — бессильный, беспомощный
powerfully  — мощно, сильно, могущественно
powered  — механизированный, самоходный, ведущий

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Pretty powerful engine, but not powerful enough to overtake many of its competitors in terms of dynamics.

Довольно мощный движок, но недостаточно мощный, чтобы обогнать многих своих конкурентов в плане динамики.

It features powerful parental controls, a home network scanner, and a powerful backup tool.

Он включает мощный родительский контроль, сканер домашней сети и мощный инструмент резервного копирования.

They opposed antisocial monopolies however powerful.

Они выступали против антиобщественных монополий, как бы те ни были могущественны.

As powerful as many traditional ground cameras.

По сути, она такая же мощная, как многие традиционные наземные камеры.

A powerful yet easy-to-use open-source software CMS.

Мощное, но простое в использовании программное обеспечение CMS с открытым исходным кодом.

Zambroza is a unique and powerful blend of juices that are naturally rich in vitamin C — a powerful antioxidant.

Zambroza является уникальной и мощной смесью соков, которые богаты витамином С — мощным антиоксидантом.

Flashbacks are powerful because emotions are powerful memory generators.

Флэшбэки сильны, потому что эмоции — это мощные генераторы воспоминаний.

Due to their powerful physique and low center of gravity, they are very strong and powerful dogs.

Благодаря своему мощному телосложению и низкому центру тяжести, это очень сильные и мощные собаками.

Love is powerful, too powerful to play with.

They are a powerful force, a powerful resource for further dynamic development of the country.

Это мощная сила, мощный ресурс для дальнейшего динамичного развития страны.

The song is portrayed with powerful energy through music which is based on powerful bass drum and electronic sounds leading by 808 synth.

Песня изображается с мощной энергией через музыку, которая основана на мощном басовом барабане и электронных звуках, сопровождающих синтезатор 808.

So powerful that it needs a lot of power to stay powerful.

Настолько мощный, что ему необходимо много энергии, чтобы оставаться мощным.

Because I know powerful women, and you are an extraordinarily powerful woman.

Потому что я узнаю сильных женщин, а ты невероятно сильная женщина.

Together, these people form a powerful I mean, powerful voting block.

Все вместе эти люди образуют мощную… то есть мощный электоральный блок.

Secrets are powerful and openness is powerful, but all too often secrecy seems like the path of least resistance.

Секреты сильны и откровенность тоже сильна, но слишком часто секретность кажется путём наименьшего сопротивления.

In its raw form, it has a powerful and pungent flavor to match the truly powerful benefits of this vegetable.

В сыром виде он обладает мощным и острым ароматом, чтобы соответствовать действительно могущественным преимуществам этого овоща.

Along with many powerful individuals they represent a powerful force for good.

Наряду со многими сильными личностями они представляют собой мощную силу.

But a powerful army and a powerful navy are hard to maintain without a strong economy.

Но мощная армия и мощный морской флот невозможны без сильной экономики.

They are powerful nations and we are a very powerful nation.

It will carry a range of sensors including powerful 360 degree radar and infra-red and powerful optical cameras.

Он будет нести ряд датчиков, включая мощный радар кругового обзора и инфракрасные и мощные оптические камеры.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат powerful

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Tyler Sudley would break out, addressing the teacher, all unmindful of scholastic etiquette, a flush of pleasure rising to his swarthy cheek as he thrust back his wide black hat on his long dark hair and turned his candid gray eyes, all aglow, upon the cadaverous, ascetic preceptor, «ain’t Lee-yander a-gittin ‘on powerful, _powerful_ fas’ with his book?» ❋ Mary Noailles Murfree (1886)

In reality, my word «powerful» does not do justice to the influence of Scots-Irish culture at the ballot box. ❋ Dave «Mudcat» Saunders (2011)

Rape by the powerful is an everyday hazard in Uzbekistan, again as outlined in Murder in Samarkand page 120. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Now that’s what I call a powerful Christian sermon. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If you read enough Ayn Rand, your frontal lobes decay to the point where you confuse pleasing rationalizations for fact, and come to believe that grovelling worship of the powerful is the same as defending liberty. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Squashing the powerful is an essential media skill, a leveling device that helps keep democracy democratic. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Mphahlwa also pointed a finger at what he described as powerful ❋ Unknown (2005)

MANN: Let me ask you about something else that we just heard from the secretary of defense who described the U.S. facing what he called a powerful and terrible enemy. ❋ Unknown (2001)

JUDY WOODRUFF, CNN ANCHOR: Gore will declare America’s whole future is at stake in this election and will pledge to fight against what he calls powerful forces, powerful interests, and a culture of too much meanness and not enough meaning. ❋ Unknown (2000)

Campaigners hailed what they described as a powerful new weapon in the three-decade war against AIDS. ❋ Unknown (2011)

North Korea has threatened to use what it describes as a powerful nuclear deterrence in response to a US-South Korea joint naval maneuver. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The [TCL] [language] is very powerful ❋ Jdawg140 (2008)

«[16] Powerful Moments From This Week»
«I made a [cop] [nervous] today #powerful» ❋ Archibald Toadstool (2020)

She’s more powerful than [you are] and you [hate] her [for it]. ❋ 484839 (2010)

We gonna get powerful [drunk] [bud].
That guy in the [whitehouse] is powerful stupid bud. ❋ Rob Harris (2003)

Those Dilanger [bullets] are powerful [weak]. ❋ Chandler (2002)

The powers that be have [control] over [Tom Cruise’s] [mind]. ❋ G. Coleman (2006)

World is [the will to] power [—] and nothing [besides]! ❋ Niques (2006)

i know [i have all] the power in our relationship Power is work/time. And work is force*[displacement]. And since you never move off your fat ass, you’re not causing any displacement, which in turn, means you have no power. [sha up] nerd ❋ No_one_2000 (2005)

[Jerry]: Hey man, what’s going on?
Jack: Nothing much. I just took a power.
Jerry: Really? That’s pretty badass.
Jack: I know, dude. I know. I take a power at least [twice a day]. It just [makes sense]. It’s like my favorite thing to do. ❋ Ugan4a (2008)

‘Man the governments been [getting] me down’ ‘we [gotta] [fight the power] dude’ ❋ Jack 2112 (2006)

Examples of how to use the word “powerful” in a sentence. How to connect “powerful” with other words to make correct English sentences.

powerful (adj): having a lot of power to control people and events

Use “powerful” in a sentence

I have some powerful friends who can help you.
Fear is a powerful emotion.
He is a powerful man.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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