A sentence with the word plump

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word plump? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

She was also short and slightly plump, while the twins were fairly tall and Rosita was thin, but built up from training.
She was rarely photographed, but we know she was of medium height, slightly plump, with a fair complexion and crystal-clear blue eyes.
And although his body is still skinny, about half the size of plump Sofia, his belly is growing wider and fuller.
And the first season was rich and fruitful for the sons of Kahn, and their bellies grew round and plump with milk and honey.
Add the currants and, when they plump up, stir in the sugar and tomato paste.
The marinades are used to plump up the chicken before it is covered in spices and fried.
Let the couscous plump up for 15 minutes, then fork it through to separate the grains.
Given the choice of shirt colour, it was assumed that Eriksson would plump for the lucky red favoured by England these days.
Miffed and thirsty, some filed out to find solace in pricey cybercafes, while others decided to plump for the free buffet chicken wings.
I guess philosophy must do something to your libido, because most philosophers unhesitatingly plump for the Socratic option.
To her left was a plump of live ducks looking on and to her right a sack full of slaughtered, disembowelled, and plucked carcasses.
During the Tang Dynasty, people regarded plumpness as beautiful because emperors liked plump beauties.
He was just coming down for dinner when a plump woman with straw-colored hair and a big plumy hat came in.
I was all nice and toasty in a warm and fluffy bed, surrounded by half a dozen blankets and a plump pillow.
The sarcomatous component featured pleomorphic, plump spindle cells with prominent mitoses.
A short plump pirate with an eye patch over his right eye, messy hair and a tangled beard.
Mix everything together lightly but thoroughly, then form the mixture into 4 plump patties.
An old man came trotting up towards them, he was short and plump, red faced, his short gray hair was tucked under a bright red cap.
This is the size of a small swimming pool and is teeming with plump carp and goldfish.
It has deep, plum walls, floral candelabras and a narrow bench laden with plump cushions.

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Examples from Classical Literature

She was excitingly plump, round and a little jiggly, the kind of woman Alan had always gone for.
In this mouldy old house Katy waxed plump and pert and wholesome and as beautiful and freckled as a tiger lily.
American women are seldom plump enough to stand the undress uniform of a bathing costume.
Bennet Fayon, the biologist and physiologist, plump, pink-faced and balding.
In the course of the tustle one dog went plump against a saw in rapid motion, which cut him in two instanter.
They were tiny, but her hand was plump and white and might be compressible.
Sure enough, Jim cut up the musquash, and gave evidences of satisfaction at finding them so plump.
His plump figure seemed to have lost some of its rotundness and under his eyes the flesh was pouchy and sagged.
There was a chicken house and a chicken run, dotted with the shapes of plump fowls.
His feet were large, his hands plump and over-broad, but admirably cared for.
How plump and well-fed and hardy they looked, and how alert and suspicious they were!
Many who went there covered with scurf returned plump and fair, and scarce like the same people.
The lady laughed, a laugh as plump and soft and cushiony as the rest of her.
Fair, plump, and just turned of eighteen, she might have served as a model for hebe.
But this immitigable Minos cared only to examine whether they were plump enough to satisfy the Minotaur’s appetite.
Do visions of plump cabbages and brilliant dahlias flit through their molluscous minds?
When field corn is used, the good, plump cooking stage is the proper degree of ripeness for satisfactory drying.
His plump cheeks, no less than his well-filled waistcoat, showed that the Rev. Mr. Rimmon was no anchoret.
Jane was big-boned like her mother, but Susan was short and plump and merry like her father.
Running to the foot of the bay tree, he was delighted to find that he had bagged a plump turkey-hen.

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Synonym: chubby, chunky, corpulent, fat, fleshy, obese, pudgy, round, stocky, stout, tubby. Antonym: lean. Similar words: plus, plunge, glum, jump, dump, pump, column, volume. Meaning: [plʌmp]  n. the sound of a sudden heavy fall. v. 1. drop sharply 2. set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise 3. make fat or plump 4. give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number. adj. euphemisms for slightly fat. adv. straight down especially heavily or abruptly. 

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1. He’s got rather plump since I last saw him.

2. I’m going to plump for the vegetable curry.

3. The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.

4. You’re getting a bit plump you need to diet!

5. Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing.

6. The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.

7. Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair.

8. She is beginning to plump out now.

9. Let me plump up your pillows for you.

10. His plump face was wreathed in smiles.

11. She was a plump, motherly woman in her fifties.

12. A short plump woman came waddling along the pavement.

13. His plump face flushed with indignation.

14. The book landed with a plump on the floor.

14. Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

15. Which film did you plump for in the end?

16. Plump the bags down anywhere you like.

17. The baby’s nice and plump.

18. She’s not thin-if anything she’s on the plump side.

19. She had a plump, pretty face.

20. She didn’t take kindly to being called plump.

21. His cheeks are beginning to plump out / up.

22. A short plump man came waddling towards me.

23. He was a plump(Sentencedict.com), placid boy.

24. Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positively elephantine.

25. I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer.

26. She’s a large plump woman with a shock of red hair.

27. Tidy up the room and plump up the cushions to get ready for our guests.

28. They had to be youngish, plump women.

29. He’s not thin if anything he’s rather on the plump side.

30. «You need to rest,» she told her reassuringly as she moved to plump up her pillows.

More similar words: plus, plunge, glum, jump, dump, pump, column, volume, jump off, luminary, aluminum, columnist, curriculum, bumptious, sumptuous, assumption, consumption. 

пухлый, полный, толстеть, полнеть, прямо, внезапно, тяжелое падение


- полный; пухлый; округлый

plump little hands — пухленькие ручки
plump shoulders — округлые /пухлые/ плечи
plump fowl — упитанная птица

- набитый, пухлый

plump bag — (туго) набитый мешок
the book is plump with examples and citations — в книге бесконечное множество примеров и цитат

- полновесный (о монете)
- с.-х. выполненный, хорошего налива (о зерне)
- редк. изрядный, недурной

I hold not a very plump opinion of him — я о нём невысокого мнения

- прямой, решительный, безоговорочный

plump denial — а) решительный отказ; б) категорическое отрицание
to answer with a plumpno — ответить категорическим отказом

- немедленно оплаченный

paying up in full, in one plump sum — оплатив полностью, одной кругленькой суммой

- отвесный, вертикальный


- выкармливать

to plump fowls for sale — откармливать птицу на продажу

- делать толстым, пухлым (тж. plump up, plump out)

to plump (up) the pillows — взбивать подушки
the cod-liver oil has plumped his cheeks — от рыбьего жира его щёки округлились

- толстеть, полнеть; раздуваться, распухать (тж. plump up, plump out)

she had plumped out — она располнела

- набухать
- бучить (кожу)

ещё 11 вариантов


- разг. внезапно

he fell plump into the water — он бултыхнулся в воду
she found herself plump on the ground — она вдруг оказалась на земле

- прямо, без обиняков

to say smth. plump — сказать что-л. напрямик
refuse plump! — отказывайтесь и всё!
he told us plump and plain — он сказал нам прямо и ясно

- тяжело, с грохотом
- (прямо) вниз

to fall plump into the mud — упасть прямо в грязь

- эмоц.-усил. прямо

he ran plump into me — он врезался прямо в меня


- всплеск (от падения в воду); тяжёлое падение

to fall with a plump — упасть со всплеском

- звук от всплеска, тяжёлого падения; буханье, плюханье
- шотл. ливень

drenchy plumps — сильные ливни

- сл. удар, плюха
- стадо; куча; группа

Мои примеры


summer’s bounty of plump tomatoes — летнее изобилие наливных помидоров  
plump line — жирная [утолщенная] линия (на чертеже)  
to answer with a plump❝no❞ — ответить категорическим отказом  
plump for a candidate — отдать все голоса одному кандидату  
plump down $ 10 — выложить 10 долларов  
fall plump into the mud — упасть прямо в грязь  
fall with a plump — упасть со всплеском  
plump fowls for sale — откармливать птицу на продажу  
plump into — попасть  
plump out — толстеть; полнеть  
plump woman — толстушка  

Примеры с переводом

He is plump, not lean.

Он толстый, а не худой. / Он полный, а не сухощавый. / Он пухлый, а не поджарый.

The baby’s nice and plump.

Ребенок миленький и пухлый.

The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.

Медсестра была весёлая толстушка.

Neither man nor woman would dare to answer with a plump «No».

Ни мужчина, ни женщина не осмелились бы прямо сказать «нет».

Tired after her walk, she plumped down on a comfortable chair.

Устав от ходьбы, она рухнула в мягкое кресло.

She turned and plumped out the cushion behind her.

Она повернулась на бок и взбила подушку (у себя под головой).

He plumped down the money and called for drinks for everyone.

Он выложил деньги и заказал выпивку на всех.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…vines weighted down with plump, succulent grapes…

Soak the apricots and raisins until the fruit plumps up.

…there was a squirrel on the sidewalk plump in front of us…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

plumper  — голосующий только за одного
plumpness  — полнота, округлость
plumping  — состояние нажора, набухание, огромный
plumpish  — полноватый, округлый
plumply  — пухло, округло, полностью, решительно, прямо, решительно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: plump
he/she/it: plumps
ing ф. (present participle): plumping
2-я ф. (past tense): plumped
3-я ф. (past participle): plumped

срав. степ. (comparative): plumper
прев. степ. (superlative): plumpest

plump — перевод на русский


Plump as…?

Пухлый, как…

Plump as…

— Э… пухлый, как…

Ally’s looks plump.

У Элли он вроде пухлый.

Well, that’s a plump, juicy all-beef burn.

Ох, какой пухлый, сочный, мясной подкол.


Пухлый, совершенный, розовый.

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I’m sort of plump?

Ну, я такая…пухленькая.

I’ll snuff out that dragon chump, My little princess round and plump.

Я уничтожу того гнусного дракона, моя маленькая, пухленькая принцесса.

Look at that flesh, pink and plump.

Какая плоть, румяная и пухленькая.

I mean, she might be a little bit plump, but that’s just puppy fat.

Она пухленькая, но это детский жирок.

Sit Jinny on your lap or I’ll give you Poppy if you like them plump. I do!

Сядь на колени к Джинни, а хочешь — уступлю Поппи, если тебе нравятся пухленькие.

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I’m plump, juicy.

Я полный и сочный.

You seem to be quite plump yourself.

А ты-то сам довольно полный.

He was bald and plump, with a moustache.

Он был лысый и полный, с усами.

Such a nice, plump frame What’s-his-name has

Такое хорошее, полное тело Как его зовут

I’m getting plump.

Но я полнею.

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plump and downy pillow the only noise to be heard was that of a gentleman snoring

She introduced me to three plump and gauky guys as an author and an artist, then we did the round of the offices once again, I had to shake hands and smiles with all those astonished people, once again we arrested everybody’s attention

The young man seeks to escape running along Nereid street, but he is someone else now: I am the man! A plump lady with blond plaits, who resembles my grandma Alice at a young age, appears as a spirit on the sky and declares that “the world of matter is appealing to everybody”

Collagen injections plump up skin tissue, causing it to look healthier and firmer

Centre stage, overlooking the street sat a huge white ceramic lattice-work basket filled to the brim with plump ceramic fruit — china cherries, apples, pomegranates and pears

They are quite plump but, as I quickly discover, this is because they are crammed full of personal letters from women who have been through the Foundation’s doors, complete with photos of their growing children

«Whimly?» The name was a stone, plummeting from her plump lips

No older than fourteen suns, Harple had smooth pinkish flesh that was rather plump, especially at his cheeks, even though much of his excess fat had actually dissipated with his recent work load

Her plump cheeks speckled with tiny drops of orange

The youngest of them however, was half their height, plump, entirely bald and possessed a white eyed gaze that Katrina could not bear to behold

She dipped her fingers into the water, filling her palms, then raised them to her plump lips

One plump woman appeared to be a wet nurse

Quite plump when their voyage started, she wasn’t rail thin like everyone but Dzunga

blond-haired, rosy-cheeked, and very plump, at least before the famine

This rain will plump them full of juice

someone so plump with joy

of mutton, a heel of wheaten bread, a handful of plump olives, and a goatskin full of wine

sniff the head of one plump pigtailed girl, “Unspoiled,

The plump cook had always been very kind to her

It wouldn’t be a good time to interrupt, if that’s where the plump man took Berenice for

This achievement came not only as a surprise to Mr Pinscher, but also to one other, for accompanying both pie and Pilfer into the room, and gazing at the former with a lustiness almost equal to Pinscher’s, was a plump and sluggish brown and white terrier

“Did you hear about Zacharias?” A plump Rebecca asked

Want to plump your lips? Mix a dab of Vaseline with a pinch of cayenne pepper and rub the mixture over your lips

The woman was mortal and of middling years — plump faced with rounded curves, dark eyes, and a pinched nose that reminded him of a sparrow

Jean entered the tent, the light within cast by one large, square lantern standing atop the oak desk that was carved with foxes chasing plump chickens

The plump old woman who sold her the necklace seemed very pleased with the deal though he didn’t care about the cost, he just worried he might not have enough to buy her a sword and the real reason he was there

Scrabbling about at the base of a bush, Brock was eventually rewarded with a plump worm, but no sooner had he put it in his mouth than he was violently sick

” My aunt, a short, pale-looking, plump woman, came running from inside the apartment and stood alongside Staszek

She was very pleasant, approximately thirty years old, single, tall, blonde and a bit plump

The head nurse today was a plump woman who looked as if she would be nice to have as your mom

It was a little presumptuous to come into a young girl’s bath and plump himself down, unshaven, beer and a doobie in hand, and ogle her to death

Yes, he decided, graceful; like a plump angelfish without fins

As she swept past the minister a large, plump toad, which Carl had secreted under the lounge, hopped out almost under her feet

Her hair was elaborately crimped, her face was quite plump, her cheeks rosy, her white eyes shining

He carved Adam up dexterously, showing off his plump white hands and very handsome diamond ring

She had long blonde hair and plump body

Next to Dan sat Eva Brown, plump and pretty, clutching a book of sketches to her bosom as though it was a baby or a precious toy

Cook drew herself up to her full, plump height

She was shorter than her brother in stature, and slightly plump, she obviously enjoyed her beverages a lot and her exercise a lot less

I saw him appear, crouch from the dark shadows that shrouded his immortal form into the illumination cast onto my tiled floor from a moon that was desperate to become plump

Dilles and I banged a cute plump Jewish court reporter in Show Low on our periodic “road shows” when the staff heard cases in the boondocks presided over by ALJs vice the Commissioners

The plump Co at the register, demonstrating great experi�ence, palmed the green bill neatly and only pretended to punch Bubba’s rat-card

2 babies, who, otherwise, would have starved, grew plump as they

“Shouldn’t he be at home? Where it’s safe, eh?” The speaker was plump, too big for his tightly-fitting tunic and Simon could see the stains of the morning’s breakfast on his front

plump globules of water resting on the leaf

gurgling enthusiastically at the sight of the plump insects in the

Marion played Chopin reasonably well, was an interminable flirt, everybody was madly in love with her and she had wealthy relatives in the USA who sent her beautiful dresses, shoes, costume jewellery and all those accoutrements that can turn a plump, short-legged teenager into a devastatingly beautiful young woman

His thirst quenched, we continued on until he arrived at his home in the country where there, in his backyard, I saw some twenty very plump free-run chickens

Edwin was starving (he hadn’t eaten a thing since lunchtime) and so entered the fray without hesitation; but he only managed to snatch a couple of grains before he was barged aside by a plump, speckled hen

“And what do you think you’re doing?” squawked the plump speckled hen

“Thought this was a free for all, eh?’ The plump speckled hen clucked disdainfully

That old plump speckly one will do

Neither did Katya, her emerald gaze locked on Chardonnay as she angled her claw slowly towards the chicken’s plump breast

Then a whole flock of chickens came streaming into the yard, led by a plump speckled hen

There was a clucking sound, and Zach turned to see a flock of chickens running excitedly around the yard, led by a plump speckled hen

Joey, a plump kid, looked to be the leader

” Taking her coin into his plump fingers, the merchant nodded his approval

“Oh, Mabel,” she said, throwing herself into Mabel’s plump arms

He reached into his bag of bait and withdrew a plump glowworm

I am not angling for fish,” he said as he reached into his bag of bait and produced a plump worm

Tommy lightly scratched the lint pills on the arms of the housedress, listening to Gramma’s voice as she stroked his hair and twirled his curls around her plump fingers

He sat at the counter and made small talk with the waitress called Marialena who was plump and pleasant

traditional flamingo on front lawns: «The Granny Fanny is a piece of plywood cut and painted to resemble the back end of a plump, old woman

Plump pillows and a comforter

And Jean usually felt she was lucky to be in a relationship with someone like Mel, in spite of his faults, as her experience with singles groups had led her to believe that the men available to a slightly plump woman of almost fifty years mostly made Mel look perfect

“I hope that is Chica purring and not your stomach,” Birdie said, chuckling But Pedro was already drifting into sleep, and Chica was at the beginning of a dream that involved a plump mouse just inches away

A plump woman wearing a brightly colored flower print dress opened the door

The voice belonged to a short and overly plump woman with long, unkempt hair that would have liked to have fallen in ringlets but, under the grease and dirt, it had to be content with half hearted, matted dreadlocks

Then all of a sudden, a car pulled up, a plump woman popped her head out of the window

The short, plump south Indian man combed back the very few strands of hair on his head, and put on his small white Minister’s hat, buttoned up his granddad collar and looked at his reflection in the mirror

He looked up, suppressing all the memories, and saw a short, plump men waving at him from the entrance to the building

short and on the plump side but his face was quite

I was waited on by Annie herself, a pleasantly plump woman of about 40

Her plump face narrowed, followed by the drop of her mouth

When the maître d’ finally returned moments later, he was accompanied by a short and rather plump woman of about fifty with plain features, the kind of which are often characteristic of spouses of public officials

23 authentic MAC lipstick to her plump lips and was about to leave the bathroom when her Chief of Staff, Matt Suba, appeared in the doorway, his barrel chest blocking her exit

They sometimes stopped to eat plump red berries from little bushes, which popped up here and there between the trees

little more plump but there was just something about her that

muscular in comparison with the plump looks favored in her time

and began rummaging around his backside in an attempt to locate the frisky piece of wood that had lodged itself in his plump bottom

She was a Human probably in her mid forties with a plump figure and brown hair

pointed to the plump doughnut with

Hien still sucked air in in delighted shock on seeing the transformed Sarah, who had shapeshifted into a plump pink dragon with yellow spots and big luminous eyes

A smaller plump fairy stood before the crowd and began to sing in a fairy language that Katie never was able to pick up; the song was beautiful, none the less

the thought of those luscious curves and her plump ful lips made him instantly and painful y hard

I walked to one of the counters and asked the plump woman with puffy short blondish hair, who was smacking on her gum, if I could see who was in charge

It was becoming clearer by the day that the plump, bearded man from Gujarat had crafted a well-oiled election machine that was ready to roll across the banks of the Ganga

He twisted his plump cheeks, turned in his seat, and spat the water into Marna’s face

“They did not even acknowledge me!” Vilda’s plump cheeks had turned red from the cold air

The plump figure shook its head

Even from where she stood, Leesa could see plump red fruit hanging from the branches

She was so plump that holding

Her husband, a happy plump man, often visited her

exercise, was hopefully big and plump by the time Thanksgiving

Even though the girl was plump, he had to admit she

Comfortably plump pillows for a child’s head, with no bones sticking out to bruise whoever needed a hug

The women there are still big and plump

Each cactus was round, plump and extremely large, like giant green spheres

His facial features were smooth, his brows were long and fuzzy, and his plump nose

He spotted a short, plump woman with short brunette hair and intelligent brown eyes, looking around, holding her mobile in her right hand

’ I asked as she plumped down heavily on one of the stools,

In the six months since Tenedos, her breasts had plumped to a nice size, maybe not ripe melons like Chloe’s, but they were now as big and firm as

He froze midair and plumped onto his face

My medical staff plumped you up on a feeding tube until you began to come out of your coma, but you will feel better with some real food in you

Where we plumped knickers in a hole

*I apologize if I have misused the apostrophe on this occasion, I have merely plumped for the end of the word apostrophe more in hope than knowledge

The cleaner was too crafty for them and simply plumped the pillow up, smiled at her and placed it under her head before smiling again at the officers as he slowly left the scene

“What trickery is this!” he cried out, staring uncomprehendingly at a row of cushions plumped and arranged to resemble human form

There’s one with a plumped out stick figure holding a

Without being asked, she plumped down on the couch

He was staring at his hands in silence, but when I plumped down on the chair, he smiled at me

I plumped down on the couch

With limited options, the BJP plumped for actor-turned-politician Vijayakanth as the chief prop for an alliance in Tamil Nadu

» She ushered the ladies to seats, plumped cushions and pooh-poohed any suggestions of a menacing spirit ruining her social event

She would have stayed there forever had I not shut the tap, covered her in a large bath towel, lifted her and in the bedroom plumped her on the bed

And then she carried the child into the yard, plumped him into his little chair, and said: «Now cry there, Misery!»

He banged on to the invoice a five-pound bag of silver, then in a delicate and pretty movement, picked up a little ten-pound column of gold, and plumped it beside the silver

enchanting breasts, finely plumped out in flesh, but withal so round, so

Browne begged of them to sit down and eat their suppers and so did Gabriel but they said there was time enough, so that, at last, Freddy Malins stood up and, capturing Aunt Kate, plumped her down on her chair amid general laughter

He plumped him Dollard on the stool

His gouty paws plumped chords

Plumped, stopped abrupt

We showed a graphic of a brain, illuminating the regions that, to use Diane’s words, got “plumped up” as a result of meditation

’ When she heard this Sonya blushed so that tears came into her eyes and, unable to bear the looks turned upon her, ran away into the dancing hall, whirled round it at full speed with her dress puffed out like a balloon, and, flushed and smiling, plumped down on the floor

“A thousand pounds! Great Lord of mercy!” The commissionaire plumped down into a chair and stared from one to the other of us

The captain suddenly began sobbing, and plumped down on his knees before the President

This was such an unexpected and new thing to him that he plumped down on the ground quite helplessly, and quivered and whined in his delight

“Well, he plumped out that I had about a month left me; it might be a little more, he said, under favourable circumstances, but it might also be considerably less

She had barely said that when Malásha plumped her foot into the water and bespattered Akúlka’s bodice, and not only her bodice, but also her nose and eyes

” When she heard this Sónya blushed so that tears came into her eyes and, unable to bear the looks turned upon her, ran away into the dancing hall, whirled round it at full speed with her dress puffed out like a balloon, and, flushed and smiling, plumped down on the floor

A cannon ball struck the very end of the earth work by which he was standing, crumbling down the earth; a black ball flashed before his eyes and at the same instant plumped into something

The driver plumped down on the box, with difficulty roused his pair of lean nags from the trough of hay, and was setting off for Ismailovsky Bridge

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On the right is the rather plump administrative Mandarin Quan Binh.

Справа — довольно пухлый чиновник Куан Бинь.

Top The plump officer took up the list of wines and turned to the young officer.

Тор Пухлый офицер взял карту вин и обратился к молоденькому офицеру.

Before long they had an adorable, plump little son, and they worked tirelessly to provide him with a comfortable life.

Вскоре у них появился очаровательный пухленький малыш, и они стали работать не покладая рук, чтобы обеспечить ему комфортную жизнь.

The one member of her broken family who never wanted for affection was a plump little tabby.

Единственным членом ее сломанного семейства, который не требовал ее любви, была пухленькая полосатая кошечка.

He was bald and plump, with a moustache.

Он был лысый и полный, с усами.

There stood Mrs. Weasley, short, plump, and wearing an old green dressing gown.

За ней стояла миссис Уизли, невысокая, полная, одетая в старую зеленую мантию.

Pink, plump, and perfect size.

Розовая, пухлая и идеально подходит по размеру.

Basophils: plump women who carry a basket of «histamine grenades» and throw them to attack bacteria.

Базофилы: пухлые женщины, которые несут корзину с гранатами гистамина и бросают их в бактерий.

And they do it so plump little lords like you can enjoy their summer afternoons in peace and comfort.

И всё это ради того, чтобы пухлые лордики вроде вас могли спокойно и комфортно наслаждаться своими летними днями.

A blurry picture of plump lips gives the face a naughty expression.

Расплывчатый рисунок пухлых губ придает лицу несколько капризное выражение.

Ambassador to… something and his plump, lovely wife.

Посла из… откуда-то там и его пухленькой прекрасной жены.

He was a plump man with a round, cheerful face.

Он был пухлым мужчиной с круглым добродушным лицом.

Otherwise, she’s not brunette or plump.

К тому же она не брюнетка и не пухленькая.

I’ve got a nice plump hen with your name written all over it.

У меня есть хорошая пухлая курица с вашим именем на ней.

Moi has always considered moi’s self pleasantly plump.

Муа всегда считала, что муа несколько пухлая.

I guess it’s hereditary because my mom and dad I also «plump».

Наверно, это наследственно, потому как мама и папа у меня тоже «пухленькие».

Her plump lips are always very excited me.

Её пухленькие губки всегда очень возбуждали меня.

These fillers are commonly used to plump the lips, remove deep creases around the nose, mouth and between the eyebrows.

Эти наполнители обычно используются для пухлых губ, удаления глубоких складок вокруг носа, рта и между бровями.

Look for figs that have a rich, deep colour and are plump and tender, but not mushy.

Ищите инжир, который имеет богатый, глубокий цвет и является пухлым и нежным, но не мягким.

He was not very handsome, quite plump, but extremely charming.

Он был не очень красив, довольно пухлым, но чрезвычайно очарователен.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Use ‘plump’ in a sentence | ‘plump’ example sentences

1- The User Content and Conduct Policy (introduction) got a plump new paragraph.

2- Applying SPF every morning is a must, along with keeping cells plump and hydrated with moisturizer.

3- These sparrows are plump little brown or greyish birds often with black, yellow or white markings.

4- Economy While plump with opportunity, there are currently no active businesses headquartered in Isaac’s Harbour North.

5- Overview Synoptic description As with some puffbirds, the White-eared Puffbird is a round, plump bird with a short, very narrow tail.

6- Joan was described as having been a plump, plain woman, whereas her beautiful daughter, Isabella resembled her father more in physical appearance.

7- She is described as plump, muscular and hairy.

8- Summary Condor flying low at the Grand Canyon after spotting a ripe plump juicy sheep for the pickin.

9- Yellow, fiberous pulp which is aromatic, sour to subacid and bitter and contains many light-brown, plump seeds.

10- To make Breslin’s character the “plump” figure as shown in the film, she had to wear a padded suit during filming.

11- BLI factsheet SPEA: Priolo Ramos (1998) Relative to most other finches in its family it is plump, with shorter wings and a longer tail.

12- Medium heavy in weight, it dresses a nice, plump carcass as either a broiler or a roaster.

13- Her hair was dark, her complexion brilliant, her eyes black and vivacious, and her figure plump and rounded.

14- The wordless cartoon depicts a plump, balding father and his son grappling with the various everyday situations.

15- Ranging from 2.5-38 cm (1-15 inches) long, their plump, high-backed, non-streamlined body is scaleless and bare, often covered with bumpy, bifurcated spinules.

16- “All right, then,” the plump one said finally, and called for the next child in line.

17- Among companies that didn’t hire a single business-school graduate last year, but may do this year, twice as many said they would likely plump for a Master in Management candidate rather than an MBA.

18- And how about that stately, plump at the start of James Joyce’s are “real novels” within the English literary tradition.

19- Anyone looking to plump lips without the string, burn, or tingle of a traditional plumping gloss formula.

20- Below, the lobster beet salad, smoked sturgeon mosaic and veloute with potato, leek and a plump helping of Siberian caviar.

21- But it is similar to Sorrel, has little plump leaves, is mainly sold with the roots and only at the market, and is a great lifter for simple salads.

22- Experts say essential fatty acids nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, and that can help minimize wrinkles.

23- From the WebMD ArchivesWhile a slew of home tricks can fake full lips for a short while, a growing number of women (and men) now opt to plump up their puckers long-term in the doctor’s office.

24- From this point, proceed as explained in step 2. If the mushrooms are plump, firm and white, there is no reason to press the juices out.

25- Garnish with a plump whole pecan (and a shot of bourbon, if you’re so inclined) and dig in.

26- Goose down pillows will look plump and make your bed look welcoming no matter whether you lay them flat or prop them against the headboard.

27- Grilled Scallops with Mexican Corn Salad In this spicy salad, plump grilled scallops sit on top of charred corn tossed with the ingredients in elote, an irresistible Mexican co…

28- He has a look of sheer terror in his eyes, his rosy, plump cheeks glowing.

29- Here’s the breakdown: To create the perfect canvas for makeup, Tilbury used her ($100) to plump and hydrate the skin, followed up by the ($60).

30- I adore Morticia and Gomez, but I have to plump for I still love that Marilyn, with that perfect blonde flip ’do, was considered the family weirdo.

31- I call the plump shrimp in this dish scampi because they’re the largest ones in the market-sometimes labeled “large” or “jumbo,” or with a number like “16/20” (which means 16 to 20 pieces in a pound).

32- I could clearly see that when I was hydrated that the skin was plump and the pores looked diminished because the surface of the skin was engorged with water.

33- I did have some pleasantly plump ladies contact me so I deactivated the account with most of the credits remaining which goes to show you how interesting it was.

34- I had a rosy and plump in my refrigerator, marinating overnight in a freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest, red pepper flakes, fresh garlic and olive oil mix.

35- I however, am here to represent the other 85% of American women: those of us who are pleasantly plump.

36- Imagine kale, leaves dark and inviting, saut ed with chiles and garlic; summer peaches baked into a simple cobbler; fresh oysters chilling in a box of snow; plump chickens and earthy mushrooms, fricasseed with cream.

37- Injectable fillers plump up wrinkles while neuromodulators, such as Botox Cosmetic, Dysport and Xeomin, prevent the muscle contractions that lead to etched lines.

38- “It gives a nice boost, and makes sure the skin is plump yet firm and helps lighten dryness from the California air,” she adds.

39- It’s fresh-tasting, because it’s made not from dried chilies but from the plump, long red and green chilies that Sumatrans favor.

40- “It’s made of organic, plant-based hyaluronic acid as well as other botanically-derived vitamins that will plump and hydrate instantly,” she explains.

41- It’s no secret that our skin becomes visibly less elastic and plump as we get older, causing us to lose that firm-looking skin of our youth.

42- It’s plump with raisins, candied fruit and almonds.

43- It was one heck of a tasty curry, and the plump vadas, juicy from soaking up the liquid from the gravy, were delicious.

44- Lot to brush, too, as she has gotten rather plump.

45- My variation results in a plump (tall) moist cookie that tastes very hearty and rich.

46- PCA SKIN’s Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Boosting Serum is made to plump and firm skin through increased hydration on and below the surface of the skin with hyaluronic acid while increasing the skin’s own HA production.

47- plump hummingbirds are filled with sweet and good sources of fat, particularly during the late summer and early fall when hummingbirds fatten themselves up for migration.

48- plump, juicy shreds of duck in a slightly sweet sauce with a spicy kick.

49- plump without being portly.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
plumier – pluming – plummer – plummet – plummeted – plummeting – plummets – plump – plumped – plumper – plumping – plumply – plumpness – plumps – plums –

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Definition of Plump

having a full, rounded shape

Examples of Plump in a sentence

The farmer and his wife picked the plump looking chicken for their meal instead of the skinny one.


As her body became more round, the plump woman realized she needed to be on a diet.


Some of the produce looked scrawny, but there was one plump pumpkin that was round enough.




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And running his eyes over those still standing on the bank, he called a plump little woman, the wife of a Llandaff tutor, who had been walking with Mrs. Hooper. ❋ Humphry Ward (1885)

«Look,» he said, «on these fellows, that we call the plump Hollanders; behold their diligence in fishing, and our own careless negligence!» ❋ Samuel Smiles (1858)

September 10, 2009 at 9:25 pm who u be calling plump! ❋ Unknown (2009)

“O, slothful England and careless countrymen! look but on these fellows that we call the plump Hollanders! ❋ Birrell, Augustine, 1850-1933 (1905)

‘There was a time when I was called plump Reuben,’ quoth my friend, as we rode together up the winding track. ❋ Arthur Conan Doyle (1894)

At the end of another six months the men called her plump, and the women fat. ❋ Unknown (1893)

That young lassie will get described as plump some day, if she doesn’t take care. ❋ William Frend De Morgan (1878)

Nancy, Polly and Peggy — four blooming lasses of ages ranging from ten to fourteen, and bearing to each other so strong a family likeness that they may collectively be described as plump, fair, rosy, blue-eyed and brown-haired. ❋ Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth (1859)

As one friend remembers, Denny had a personality «that could fill a room», but she was beset with insecurities about her appearance — she was devastated when a music journalist referred to her as «plump» — and her career was increasingly undermined by heavy drinking and drug use. ❋ Mick Brown (2011)

America leads the world in obesity, and while you might prefer the term pleasingly plump, that extra weight is overtaxing your heart and joints, hardening your arteries and inviting diabetes. ❋ M.D. Richard W. Besdine (2011)

In plans dubbed «plump my ride» — in a play of words from the television show Pimp My Ride — BMW has recruited 800 volunteers, ranging from the slim to the obese, for a study to gauge how obesity affects mobility while driving. ❋ Andrew Hough (2011)

What preacher would use this unpreachable biblical text to call plump parishioners to repentance? ❋ Unknown (2010)

NEW YORK — A New York City Ballet dancer says a newspaper critic needn’t apologize for calling her plump in a performance of «The Nutcracker.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

New York Times ballet critic Alastair Macaulay needn’t apologize for calling her plump in a performance of «The Nutcracker.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

But when you finally land a table at the crowded Macau-style cafe, you will find that all around you everybody has ordered the same thing: the house-special crab, which is to say a plump, honestly sized crustacean dipped in thin batter, dusted with spices and fried to a glorious crackle, a pile of salty, dismembered parts sprinkled with a handful of pulverized fried garlic and just enough chile slices to set your mouth aglow. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In a recent crossword puzzle, the clue for 19 across was Zaftig, and the word ‘plump‘ was the five-letter answer. ❋ Unknown (2010)

» [oh] don’t [worry], you’re [just a little] plump ❋ Hellboy (2003)

[Nicole Richie] used to be plump before she [started] [withering away]. ❋ WannaBeCow (2006)

You plump motherfucker, [all you] can do is move your neck to [turn around] when the [fridge] gets repossesed! ❋ Bastardized Bottomburp (2003)

That [car] is [pretty] plump. ❋ Chas Michael Michaels (2007)

[omg] [that girl] is so plump. ❋ Rawrxxxxrawk (2006)

«Oh [Janelle] you are looking really [plump] [lately]» ❋ Island Boi23 (2017)

‘Have you seen Lewis’ [belly] recently? He’s definitely [beginning] to look a little [plump].’ ❋ MCLCLCNCJCOC123 (2017)

» Hey man, me and John are gonna [go plumping] tonight, [would you like to] accompany us?»
«I would LOVE to attend, I [thoroughly] enjoy plumping!» ❋ Nolan Collins (2007)

It was hog night and we went to each find a big fat fatty. We all said «[hog hard or hog home]» and told each other «[happy hogging]». John had second thoughts, but got drunk and ended up with a buffet slayer. He claimed that he had been fat bitched only because he got so drunk but we knew that he had not been plumped involuntarily. We knew that he enjoyed it and we told him that he was a hogger and a [hippo farmer] and a chunk fucker who enjoyed his tubby little war pig. ❋ PMax (2008)

Him: “[girl] [this pussy] [plump]” ❋ Pursu3d (2019)

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