A sentence with the word old fashioned

Synonym: antique, demode, ex, old-hat, outmoded, passe, passee. Similar words: fashion, cash in, cash in on, relationship, championship, grandfather, one day, fast. Meaning: [ˈəuldˈfæʃənd]  adj. out of fashion old fashioned. n. a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices. 

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1. You’re just an old-fashioned gal, aren’t you, honey!

2. She wears really old-fashioned clothes!

3. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.

4. He had old-fashioned ideas and was easily shocked.

5. Wearing a hat is regarded as rather old-fashioned nowadays.

6. Many households have dispensed with their old-fashioned vinyl turntable.

7. Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship.

8. At the farm there was an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.

9. She scorned their views as old-fashioned.

10. He has always clung onto old-fashioned ideas.

11. An old-fashioned signpost pointed the way to the restaurant.

12. Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry.

13. The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical.

14. Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common.

15. The old-fashioned expression ‘in the family way’ means ‘pregnant’.

15. Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

16. Give me good old-fashioned rock ‘n’ roll any day!

17. She challenged him on his old-fashioned views.

18. In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned.

19. My aunt is very old-fashioned.

20. She was a precious, old-fashioned lady in her 90’s.

21. Brian’s old-fashioned cuisine was unmatched for flavour.

22. It took muscle to work in an old-fashioned kitchen.

23. She has 12 varieties of old-fashioned roses.

24. The old-fashioned type of plastic lacked transparency.

25. An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling.

26. She’s somewhat old-fashioned in her attitudes.

27. Call me old-fashioned, but I like handwritten letters.

28. My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage.

29. She’s a bit old-fashioned in her outlook.

30. When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.

More similar words: fashion, cash in, cash in on, relationship, championship, grandfather, one day, fast, grained, combined, ash, fascinating, all of a sudden, trash, crash, a share, wash up, flash, washed out, shit, shift, T-shirt, fishing, ownership, membership, leadership, partnership, citizenship, scholarship, notion. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


If this sounds like old-fashioned dialectical materialism, that’s because it is.

Если это выглядит как старомодный диалектический материализм, то лишь потому, что это он и есть.

You ridiculous old-fashioned, jug-eared, lopsided little Caesar.

О тебе — нелепый, старомодный, лопоухий, кривобокий «маленький цезарь»…

Such things are nothing but exaggerations of the kind often used in old-fashioned storytelling.

Эти рассказы — не что иное, как преувеличение вроде того, что часто используется в старинных легендах.

Numerous old-fashioned estates were homes for owners of metallurgical factories.

Многочисленные старинные усадьбы Екатеринбурга когда-то принадлежали предпринимателям, владельцам металлургических заводов.

So yes, I maybe a bit old-fashioned.

Да, возможно, я несколько старомоден (улыбается).

Take notes on everything-maybe even in an old-fashioned notebook.

Делайте заметки обо всем — возможно, даже в старомодной записной книжке.

He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now.

По его мнению, играть в настольные игры в наше время старомодно.

Even her dirty tricks are old-fashioned.

I’m more old-fashioned in my approach.

Я более старомоден в своем подходе, я не запираю себя в коробках.

It was very old-fashioned when I took over.

Когда я начал практику, тут все было очень старомодно.

And he thinks I’m old-fashioned.

These fellows are just old-fashioned agrarian reformers.

Эти парни всего лишь старомодные аграрные реформаторы (59).

Awesomely powerful computers tackling ever more important tasks with awkward, old-fashioned interfaces.

Компьютеров, мощность которых приводит в трепет и которые решают все более важные задачи посредством неуклюжих, старомодных интерфейсов.

You can even use old-fashioned cleaners like white vinegar and baking soda.

Вы даже можете использовать старомодные чистящие средства, такие как белый уксус и пищевую соду.

Sometimes nothing beats good, old-fashioned police work.

Иногда, ничто не сравнится с доброй, старомодной полицейской работой.

Cottages are small old-fashioned houses often found in the countryside.

Коттеджи — это небольшие старомодные дома, часто встречающиеся в сельской местности.

I guess I’m very old-fashioned.

Stone exteriors also work best when installed with old-fashioned techniques.

Камень экстерьера также применять лучше всего, когда установлен со старомодными методами.

In some ways like an old-fashioned pantomime, only modern.

В некотором смысле, это как старомодная пантомима, только современная».

Designers like me are a bit old-fashioned.

Модельеры, такие как я, сами по себе немного старомодны.

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старинный, старомодный, устарелый


- старомодный, вышедший из моды

old-fashioned style — старомодный /немодный/ фасон
old-fashioned dress — немодное платье

- устарелый, вышедший из употребления
- старомодный, придерживающийся старых идеалов, обычаев и т. п.

old-fashioned man [servant] — старомодный /старого закала/ человек [слуга]

- преим. диал. взрослый не по летам, подражающий манерам взрослых (о ребёнке)

old-fashioned look — а) насмешливый взгляд; б) осуждающий взгляд
to give smb. an old-fashioned look — взглянуть на кого-л. критически


- коктейль из виски, горького пива, сахара и лимонной корочки
- широкий стакан для коктейля

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Her clothes are so old-fashioned!

Она одевается так старомодно!

The idea seems rather old-fashioned now.

Эта мысль сейчас кажется довольно старомодной.

An old-fashioned bonnet succours the ears.

Старомодная шляпа закрывает уши.

In old-fashioned schools, the desks were screwed to the floor.

Раньше в школах парты привинчивались к полу.

The chairman has always clung onto old-fashioned ideas.

Председатель всегда цеплялся за устаревшие идеи.

A frock was at once old-fashioned and tremendously contemporary.

Платье было одновременно старомодным и очень современным.

He’s very old-fashioned when it comes to music.

Что касается музыки, у него очень старомодные вкусы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It took muscle to work in an old-fashioned kitchen.

He sang a few old-fashioned melodies.

She wears really old-fashioned clothes!

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old fashioned — перевод на русский

-It’s old fashioned.

Это старомодно.

How delightfully old fashioned.

Как это восхитительно старомодно.

It’s just a little old fashioned.

Выглядит старомодно.

That’s very old fashioned thinking.

Это старомодно.

That’s a nice strap, kind of old fashioned and modern all at the same time.

Милая верёвочка, выглядит старомодно и современно одновременно.

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Let’s try the old fashioned way

Попробуем старый добрый способ.

See, the old fashioned way’s not so bad after all!

Видишь, старый добрый способ вполне неплох, в конце концов.

And as they learned after 9/11, nothing works better in the home of the brave than some good old fashioned fear.

И как они поняли после 9/11, в обители смелых ничего не работает так хорошо, как старый добрый страх.

I notice that, but I meant there’s a simple prince crazy and there’s a good old fashioned plain traditonal physcho crazy.

Я заметил, но я имел в виду, что есть сумасшествие из-за принца… а есть старый добрый традиционный психоз.

Tim, you’re going to feel a tiny prick, followed by a good old fashioned donkey kick to the nuts.

Тим, сейчас будет укольчик, а затем старый добрый удар по яйцам.

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I’m afraid you’ll have to find what you need the old fashioned way.

Боюсь, что искать все вам придется по старинке.

Does this stuff implode, explode… Spice up an old fashioned?

Эту штука взрывается, подрывается… работает по старинке?

The old fashioned way.

По старинке.

I’m gonna do this the old fashioned way… with two swords and maximum effort.

Сделаю это по старинке — два меча и максимум усилий.

And I think they do things the old fashioned way.

Кажется, они делают это по старинке.

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No, no I don’t Then you’re old fashioned.

Значит, ты — старый тип…

The old fashioned way — with my eyes.

Старым путем, своими глазами.

Who could say no to a good old fashioned treasure hunt?

Кто бы смог отказаться от старой доброй охотой за сокровищами! Минуточку!

Every time I look, they’re like old fashioned bitches straight out of book.

Видение не пропало Они, словно картинка из старого журнала

Jenkins, the incubator is malfunctioning and I’m betting nothing works as well as good old fashioned body heat.

Дженкинс, инкубатор неисправен и я готова поспорить, что ничто не заменит старое доброе тепловое излучение тела.

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Examples of how to use the word “old-fashioned” in a sentence. How to connect “old-fashioned” with other words to make correct English sentences.

old-fashioned (adj): not modern; belonging to or typical of a time in the past

Use “old-fashioned” in a sentence

Her mother is very old-fashioned about marriage.
She likes old-fashioned clothes.
It’s an old-fashioned house.

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How to use old fashioned in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «old fashioned» and check conjugation/comparative form for «old fashioned«. Mastering all the usages of «old fashioned» from sentence examples published by news publications.

He projected nobility and — an oldfashioned word for an oldfashioned talent — virility.
It’s an oldfashioned notion of experiencing art, but MoMA is an oldfashioned place.
We talked about amending the Constitution, the oldfashioned way, there&aposs two oldfashioned ways, really?
I went for their oldfashioned style, feeling it was fitting for this rather oldfashioned event.
The Old Fashioned was delicious and to-the-point, as well-made Old Fashioned cocktails often tend to be.
My Old Fashioned is basically the same Old Fashioned as it was made more than 100 years ago in Louisville, Kentucky.
«Bubby’s is pretty oldfashioned in that it’s busy and you’re working in something of an oldfashioned way,» he says.
He made his fortune the oldfashioned way, by going into the family business, in the oldfashioned industry of real estate.
Is «The Yid» an oldfashioned caper like «Ocean’s Eleven» or is it a Quentin Tarantino pastiche of such an oldfashioned caper?
And creators may be willing to sign on in the hope of reaching the oldfashioned mass audience with these oldfashioned titles.
The thing about the oldfashioned way, you’re still opening the oldfashioned way to a ton of people that could never experience it.
«In some ways, she’s oldfashioned English in an era where being oldfashioned and English is no longer acceptable,» one political scientist said.
If the «live studio audience» mention above didn’t tip you off, Carmichael is a very oldfashioned show, as oldfashioned as television itself.
You don’t want to rely completely on that because sometimes those wonderful oldfashioned doctors had oldfashioned ideas that have been contradicted by research data.
It’s simple enough to use and makes sense for students who like to take notes the oldfashioned way (without losing them the oldfashioned way).
Schumacher Chiang Mai Dragon Double OldFashioned Glasses, $79.95Enjoy an Old Fashioned in style with these artistic glasses created in collaboration with American design house Schumacher.  
It’s an oldfashioned musical, at least if you think of «Evita» and «Les Miserables,» the blockbusters that ruled Broadway three decades ago, as oldfashioned.
Oldfashioned in a fun way (unlike Rules Don’t Apply, which is oldfashioned in an old way), Allied is the kind of passionate, intelligent film that rewards patience.
The oldfashioned idea that a president, once reaching office, should at least pretend to be the leader of all the people these days seems so, well, oldfashioned.
This is literally the sales pitch on YouTube TV’s website, and it’s appealing to anyone who likes to watch TV the old fashioned way, without all the old fashioned annoyances.
«Popists» felt that oldfashioned «rockist» critics only liked oldfashioned rock bands, and didn’t appreciate pop performers, whom the popist writers, to their minds, had a special insight into.
After years of work by Rutgers plant specialists, this oldfashioned tomato with oldfashioned taste has returned as the Rutgers 2250, named in honor of the university’s 250th anniversary.
Old Fashioned Carry-On Cocktail Kit, $24, available at Uncommon GoodsThis kit fits right in their carry-on bag and has all of the fixings for two Old Fashioned cocktails.
SL: Yet, watching it now, you don’t feel like it’s oldfashioned, or you feel like the technology is oldfashioned but the emotions are real and the story, you can follow.
«In some ways, she’s oldfashioned English in an era where being oldfashioned and English is no longer acceptable,» said Philip Cowley, a political scientist at Queen Mary University of London.
«The reason that people get married sometimes can be oldfashioned, but I think the reason we got married isn’t oldfashioned — I actually think it’s kind of New Age,» Cyrus, 26, said.
This perspective is usually called «symbolic A.I.» — because its definition of cognition is based on symbolic logic — or, disparagingly, «good oldfashioned A.I.» There are two main problems with the oldfashioned approach.
Or if you’re the kind of millennial who is into old fashioned things, you can try bullet journaling, which involves keeping track of your finances the old fashioned way, with pen and paper.
John Kasich is old fashioned, thanks to his midwestern roots.
But the template of their lives is largely old fashioned.
Sometimes you have to do things the old fashioned way.
It has an old fashioned science fair quality to it.
«With Poloz, he’s a bit more old fashioned,» said Demers.
I had to get in the old fashioned way pic.twitter.
Many still come from good, old fashioned poor decision making.
Nothing spurs communication research like an old fashioned media panic.
For now you’ll have to diet the old fashioned way.
Sure, but after that, I’m switching to an Old Fashioned.  
Strain, over new ice, into an old fashioned glass. 3.
Superficially, his sturdily built, naturalistic plays are soothingly old fashioned.
I walked away from the counter with a Raspberry Glazed Old Fashioned, the Chocolate Feather Boa, the Maple Glazed Old Fashioned, the Maple Bar, the Bavarian Crème Bismark Filled, and the Lemon Glazed Blueberry Cake.
That’s right: oldfashioned car rental companies are suddenly in vogue.
Mejia, 26, apparently had an oldfashioned approach to drug cheating.
But otherwise, just do the police work the oldfashioned way.
But, all you really want is a good old fashioned coffee.
The blueberry oldfashioned tastes like the greatest pop tart ever.
«He was very oldfashioned in many ways,» Victoria tells PEOPLE.
And for that, they turn to a good oldfashioned razor.
Nest will sell you some good old fashioned Nest Cams too.
But digital money can still be stolen the oldfashioned way.
He voted for Justices Sotormayor and Kagen on old fashioned principles.
Well, really, he was just a good oldfashioned scammer, allegedly.
On one hand, the genre feels oldfashioned, if not unfashionable.
What ever happened to good old fashioned chocolate cookie and monoglycerides?
But contractors try to sell information in an oldfashioned way.
Drink I’m 100 percent a rye oldfashioned kind of person.
But there would be nothing oldfashioned about Mr Rainey’s wheels.
A good oldfashioned face to face should not be overlooked.
Apparently, the teen just wanted some good old fashioned hacker glory.
It’s a rare, impressive, oldfashioned achievement, and it suits them.
Guerriero’s Ristorante is an oldfashioned Italian place on South Street.
Many prefer good, oldfashioned favorites like Bella, Charlie and Bear.
Next week, it’s back to a good, oldfashioned January chill.
Shake for 15 seconds, and strain into an old fashioned glass.
I celebrate all the romance — I’m quite oldfashioned that way.
The oldfashioned password gets little respect from hackers these days.
Its first digital breakers will also incorporate an oldfashioned fuse.
He gets a double chili cheese burger and an Old Fashioned.
So, it is time for some good old fashioned Riverdale fun.
Third, internet mass data is very different from oldfashioned information.
Instead, what Disney world is doing is oldfashioned price discrimination.
«We’re actually criticised for being too old fashioned,» Tony chips in.
It’s so oldfashioned, and so uninspired and actually really cowardly.
The old fashioned silver kettle will always be on, brewing away.
I don’t even watch TV. I am kind of old fashioned.
Oldfashioned phones have been fading away from most living rooms.
Recommended for good, oldfashioned comic fun and the religious twist.
She’d rather prove herself the oldfashioned way, with good work.
To be clear, I’m not some oldfashioned RINO fantasizing here.
Out of Time: 143 and the End of OldFashioned Britain.
And then sometimes it’s just all about good oldfashioned rubbernecking.
It is chemically the sister of guncotton, the oldfashioned explosive.
There’s nothing like a good oldfashioned scare, whatever the format.
«Our formats are to me a little old fashioned,» he said.
Rocking chairs may seem old fashioned, but they are extremely comfortable.
Perhaps it’s just an oldfashioned attempt to change the subject.
So in this season of transitions, consider the oldfashioned letter.
She is reminiscent of an oldfashioned airplane safety manual person.
What fans got instead was a good oldfashioned pitchers’ duel.
To maintain momentum, I swung by Dash for an oldfashioned.
But sometimes a No. 250 record happens the old fashioned way.
He was also an oldfashioned patriot, and Reagan liked him.
Franken is an oldfashioned economic liberal with socially progressive sensibilities.
Let’s allow good, oldfashioned scientific competition with China to proceed.
It’s serious in an oldfashioned sense: sincere, thoughtful, and heartbreaking.
In such cases, consider being oldfashioned and paying in cash.
It’s a durable, if oldfashioned bridge between leaders and citizens.
But it tastes pretty decent, like a markedly sweet Old Fashioned.
OLDFASHIONED TIN LUNCH BOX You’re at Walmart; it’s at Walmart.
I made a Facebook page for Marilyn’s OldFashioned Tea Cakes.
We draw it up by hand, in the oldfashioned way.
Apple and other Android phone makers look almost comically oldfashioned.
The «Prelude to Performance» program opted for an oldfashioned staging.
Racers using crutches complain about gear they consider woefully oldfashioned.
I sipped my old fashioned outside in balmy 80-degree weather.
The Old Fashioned is a classic, strong cocktail for whiskey drinkers.
Purple is my favorite color and I like oldfashioned names.
Some chefs stand by the simplicity of an oldfashioned doughnut.
He made his money the old fashioned way — he earned it.
They’ve proposed DNA, holograms, oldfashioned magnetic tape and other ideas.
On a similar note, ‘Do you make a good old fashioned?’
They come to be seen as stuffy, oldfashioned or obsolete.
«Sometimes it’s best to fight the oldfashioned way,» he said.
«We’re going to fix this the oldfashioned way,» he said.
This is already oldfashioned to people who are from 2018.
We’re feeling some good old fashioned jump roping in the cards.
The oldfashioned circus is going the way of sideshows, right?
But Tencent is also charging into the oldfashioned shopping business.
Really understand, to use a terribly oldfashioned word, the pedagogy.
But I mean the oldfashioned kind, without keggers with Squee.
This approach is actually «something very oldfashioned,» Dr. Krammer said.
«He is such a romantic, oldfashioned figure,» Mr. Permuth said.
The cowboys, bred the oldfashioned way, can barely keep up.
Both. Another wanted an OldFashioned, which meant nothing to me.
Use oldfashioned compasses and pencils to help track potential hazards.
The scenes resembled a sweeping tableau of an oldfashioned battleground.
Forget the formal and oldfashioned statements from summit meetings past.
Testing messages online can even work for oldfashioned print advertising.
WHAT IT IS An oldfashioned made with brandy, of course.
Jean Todt concedes that he is oldfashioned in some respects.
It seemed like an oldfashioned dating app, a manual Tinder.
«It’s oldfashioned without being cloyingly personal and intrusive,» Behr says.
Don’t you miss just a good oldfashioned cup of coffee?
» Most alarmingly, she calls for «a good oldfashioned dinosaur cull.
And yet, looking at them now, they don’t seem old fashioned.
Inconvenient facts and the oldfashioned smell test dispute that conclusion.
«Imagine an oldfashioned program to identify a dog,» he said.
Shake off that winter hibernation with a good oldfashioned stretch.
I just love making a pure oldfashioned connection to Christ.
CreditCredit Stuart Copperman was, to all appearances, an oldfashioned pediatrician.
There are still some good, oldfashioned rock bands out there.
The oldfashioned language added to the formality of the moment.
Gradually, public records requests and oldfashioned snooping uncovered a trail.
Round out the section with a good oldfashioned SWOT analysis.
Nowadays, folkparks can seem oldfashioned, and there aren’t many left.
Nowadays, folkparks can seem oldfashioned, and there aren’t many left.
It’s a very, very oldfashioned way of looking at beauty.
But I just ordered the oldfashioned way: at the counter.
I thought engagement rings were sort of oldfashioned and boring.
The chain is also known for its oldfashioned sweet tea.
For now, though, oldfashioned wax paper might do the trick.
One is patriotic, idealistic, embracing oldfashioned beliefs in this nation.
The goal of unmasking the whistleblower is good oldfashioned retaliation.
A Southern California native went looking for an oldfashioned Christmas.
That art school had been so oldfashioned in its ways.
Moreover, some of the oldfashioned tools are having a makeover.
«I’m desperately oldfashioned,» she said, «and I like the pandemonium.»
Republican until 1996, and still harbors some good-old fashioned conservatism
Creating our marine monuments was the result of oldfashioned teamwork.
So I still like to do that, that’s pretty oldfashioned.
This story is so oldfashioned and so stale to us.
They captured the sentiment of an oldfashioned love by playing with oldfashioned recording techniques that make this track feel especially warm, like it’s coming right off a turntable — even if you are streaming it.
» — Nicole Gallucci, Culture Writer The Buttermilk Old Fashioned, Blue Star Donuts, Portland, Oregon and Southern California «The Old Fashioned cake doughnuts are juuuust crunchy enough on the outside, juuuuust doughy enough on the inside – a perfect combo.
A. This may sound old fashioned, but it is all about teamwork.
Radio transmitters that were inserted into snakes captured using oldfashioned methods.
Of course, one can also always help out the oldfashioned way.
And we’re all clearly suckers for a good, old fashioned, relatable drama.
They triumph in their perhaps oldfashioned belief that loudness is fun.
Not specifically superheroes, just good oldfashioned, strong, smart, and courageous heroes.
An oldfashioned scale, filled with magnums, is hung from the ceiling.
The hamburgers may be oldfashioned, but the mobile app is not.
To drink, I have a Negroni and he has an Old Fashioned.
The primaries, on the other hand, are good old fashioned American voting.
Sip it on the rocks, or try it in an OldFashioned.
For that, you might just need to rely on oldfashioned willpower.
It’s a portrayal of oldfashioned masculinity as a profoundly solitary experience.
The power it consumes would run a few oldfashioned light bulbs.
Miss America Nina Davuluri is ready to disrupt oldfashioned beauty standards.
An oldfashioned arm bar would destroy one of these joint handily.
Instead you’ll control it with your voice, gestures, and oldfashioned buttons.
This is, of course, the most oldfashioned way of doing things.
White tethered himself to these various aliases through good, old fashioned plagiarism.
And that they bring out the oldfashioned movie star in Cruise.
It’s an old fashioned remedy, but it seemed to do the trick.
«It’s kind of an old fashioned business in that way,» she explains.
The animals are drawing carriages the oldfashioned way, Metro UK reports.
THE TRADE disputes President Donald Trump relishes have an oldfashioned feel.
Call me old fashioned, but I like my phones in one piece.
Yet this energy platform will still need oldfashioned time and experience.
«It’s quite an oldfashioned shape but I love it,» said Linton.
Because of this, some people have taken to good old fashioned clickbait.
Still, there is something to be said for the oldfashioned way.
Most of his Republican rivals are campaigning the oldfashioned way. Gov.
The fighting in Syria is presented as an oldfashioned proxy war.
And really, it requires a bit of good-oldfashioned human curation.
The Happytime Murders also falls short on good oldfashioned movie smarts.
Again, it’s really problematic that we have no … I’m very oldfashioned.
There was an oldfashioned black telephone sitting on a side table.
And from there, it comes down to good oldfashioned detective work.
The physical, exacting nature of the work requires good, old fashioned patience.
At first I tried it with a very oldfashioned light bulb.
It’s taken time, but oldfashioned sexual cliché is slowly being eroded.
ASSESSMENTS Essentially another word for tests, but not necessarily oldfashioned tests.
She came from the proper «stock,» to use that oldfashioned expression.
Most people will continue to get their DUIs the oldfashioned way.
My secret is using a wand instead of an oldfashioned curler.
It’s all about the unbridled force of good oldfashioned girl power.
It’s like the oldfashioned telephone party line for the digital age.
Nothin’ says we’re a couple again like some good oldfashioned tongue.
Hope: He used that old fashioned term for them—you know, scat.
«His thinking seems a mite oldfashioned to me,» Marilla tells Anne.
Kids these days are a lot more oldfashioned than you’d think.
He burned with an oldfashioned patriotism—and a desire for justice.
Apparently, a good oldfashioned radio hack can still wreak havoc too.
«It was just one of those oldfashioned Ravens games,» Flacco said.
I think one is an oldfashioned, and one is something else.
Dianne Feinstein is outperforming many half her age, with oldfashioned civility.
Sackler recently told W that she finds the word «philanthropy» oldfashioned.
When it comes to reality dating shows, I’m an oldfashioned girl.
Laura looked like an oldfashioned movie star: wide-eyed and ethereal.
Young people and oldfashioned, unapologetic liberals are not excited with Clinton.
Sometimes, though, you just have to get tickets the oldfashioned way.
Tesla posted a surprise profit the oldfashioned way: by cutting costs.
But Usher’s deeper charm is a more oldfashioned sense of yearning.
Why not rely upon good oldfashioned union representation for these companies?
«At my school, we used oldfashioned pen and paper,» Atjil said.
Do children in a keyboard world need to learn oldfashioned handwriting?
The newspaper does hew to some oldfashioned ways of doing things.
MAPLE FROSTED OLD FASHIONED — This one was a bugger to pick up.
Dr. Selzer’s lofty, oldfashioned style infused short stories, essays and memoir.
Farrow & Ball, expensive and oldfashioned, seemed destined to dwindle into oblivion.
Clara represents values that look, in the current climate, decidedly oldfashioned.
Maybe I&aposm oldfashioned, but we look at the unit economics.
The couple met through a combination of modern and oldfashioned connections.
«That is what we do: that oldfashioned personal service,» Porter said.
We need to go back to the oldfashioned way of flirting.
My husband looked amazing and made me a flask of old fashioned.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a good old fashioned Soccer Twitter Fight.
It’s something about oldfashioned musicals that I love to escape into.
I keep all the things I save in an oldfashioned way.
Scherer, however, uses an oldfashioned spreadsheet, which helps her categorize expenses.
And, I like either an Old Fashioned or a vodka martini — yum.
Though sometimes the best method is the oldfashioned way, he’s found.
Making money will also happen the old fashioned way, according to Setrakian.
Elsewhere, the Old Fashioned was Taffer’s choice for the most underrated cocktail.
When’s the last time you had a good old fashioned ass beating?
«Even though lack of freedom is an old fashioned notion about marriage.»
Chocolates with a message What’s better than an oldfashioned love note?
Stowe’s Main Street features oldfashioned country stores from the mid-1800s.
However, I got a good old fashioned milk tea with tapioca pearls.
They decided to get pregnant the oldfashioned way, with no success.
But viral journalism, like oldfashioned journalism, requires consumer awareness and skepticism.
It refers to a gesture that seems so charming and oldfashioned.
But also, it’s pretty oldfashioned up on the Hill in general.
It’s an oldfashioned thing to do, for the guy to order.
Its corporate culture is a little like an oldfashioned engineering firm.
They have the oldfashioned ways of thinking and the old beliefs.
From a nearby room sounded the clacking of an oldfashioned typewriter.
Perhaps through novelty, or plain oldfashioned bafflement, they were selling well.
«Grift» and «grifter» are oldfashioned words, but ever more useful ones.
Since its February 6 release, Old Fashioned has brought in about $258,000.
That’s why it doesn’t matter that Old Fashioned is often very boring.
Mr. Beneche likes the auto industry, too, but the oldfashioned one.
The cherry, in particular, is a nice addition to your oldfashioned.
He also makes albums for an oldfashioned reason: to win prizes.
And this time Congress will have done it the oldfashioned way.
In Utah County, by contrast, residents still voted the oldfashioned way.
Her affection for empire makes Jan Morris a curiously oldfashioned writer.
«In Austria, we have strong, but oldfashioned industries,» Mr. Dobretsberger said.
It’s an oldfashioned way of thinking, locked in the 19th century.
Often it would be a quiet story — a bit oldfashioned, even.
By contrast, Ziming’s courtship of Mrs Yu is chaste and oldfashioned.
TIRED: Nothing beats learning how to cook the good oldfashioned way.
Here, you can buy a la carte songs the oldfashioned way.
To her, oldfashioned saving is the key to buying a house.
They are worn to job interviews or to impress oldfashioned clients.
We don’t need rare innovations so much as oldfashioned political tools.
Caucuses in particular have been derided as oldfashioned, opaque or inaccessible.
In a fifth, a woman stood wearing an oldfashioned national costume.
We’re teaching some of this shit the old fashioned way this year!
Think of gene editing as oldfashioned crossbreeding, but without its clumsiness.
Oldfashioned war, as the saying goes, is diplomacy by other means.
«Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.»
I think they have an oldfashioned view of who Redditors are.
First he campaigned as an oldfashioned Socialist, with threats against finance.
Much of his skill can seem small-bore, oldfashioned in retelling.
Currently chilling and watching a good oldfashioned movie with a friend.
These are lies; good oldfashioned lies, baldfaced and flat-out lies.
Schweppes’ Bitter Lemon (and other delicious but ascetic or oldfashioned flavours).
It certainly doesn’t pay to be an oldfashioned stock picker anymore.
Well, maybe not, but I do miss the oldfashioned scolding reviews.
Stylistically oldfashioned, it feels as familiar and earnest as a pew.
Call me oldfashioned, but I like using the city metro services.
But Ms. Toledo had one nonnegotiable requirement: an oldfashioned front porch.
For that, we need some good oldfashioned modern-day reality creation.
I tried a latté and a half-dozen doughnuts including the Raspberry Glazed Old Fashioned, the Chocolate Feather Boa, the Maple Glazed Old Fashioned, the Maple Bar, the Bavarian Crème Bismark Filled, and the Lemon Glazed Blueberry Cake.
«The reason that people get married sometimes can be oldfashioned, but I think the reason we got married isn’t oldfashioned — I actually think it’s kind of New Age,» Cyrus told Vanity Fair for their March cover story.
«I see Rex Tillerson as being an old fashioned American diplomat and old fashioned American diplomacy in the Middle East is all about stability,» said F. Gregory Gause, chairman of the International Affairs Department at Texas A&M University.
I got to NBC the good oldfashioned way: Blood, sweat and tears.
» She adds: «There are some states that have oldfashioned views about consent.
Trammell: The oldfashioned rn versus n line endings will cause havoc.
It seems almost quaint and oldfashioned now that we’d find it questionable.
He taught me Kung Fu, but I boxed in the oldfashioned way.
If you like an oldfashioned story, they’ve got Miracle on 34th Street.
There is nothing more quintessentially British than a good old fashioned fried breakfast.
First, think of an oldfashioned pension plan as a defined benefit plan.
Or could your day just use a good oldfashioned dose of shirtlessness?
Or you might just have to wait it out the oldfashioned way.
It’s Friday, so why not watch some good oldfashioned drone-powered graffiti?
Sporting oldfashioned mechanical hands, the W7 is LG’s first-ever hybrid watch.
Is there anyplace where the tech news is radiant with oldfashioned optimism?
That’s not some oldfashioned way of doing things that no longer works.
In similar fashion, dogged, oldfashioned questions from a journalist can draw blood.
Dora Lin suggests I replace my «oldfashioned» backpack with a leather bag.
But Brazil shows no signs of an oldfashioned balance-of-payments crisis.
Sometimes, you just want to watch a good oldfashioned long-destined smackdown.
But at least it was just a good old fashioned attempt at borking.
While some prefer edibles and vaping, nothing can beat the oldfashioned joint.
Kit Harington and Rose Leslie have confirmed their engagement the oldfashioned way.
At the moment this «atomisation» process works like an oldfashioned shot tower.
Its restaurants don’t accept cash, but they still take good oldfashioned plastic.
The door, the brass doorknob, the copper lock plate, the oldfashioned keyhole.
The theme is oldfashioned travel: a storied time before suitcases had wheels.
Paul also showed off his cocktail smoker by making a Oaxaca Old Fashioned.
Or try a ginger gimlet and a smoked old fashioned with local whiskey.
«I knew it from the first old fashioned, we were cursed» («Getaway Car»)
Of course, to most millennials, hiring a matchmaker seems oldfashioned and unnecessary.
It’s a marriage of old fashioned jingle-jangle with sequins and short skirts.
The by-election was also a triumph of oldfashioned shoe-leather politics.
My S.O. has finals this week and requested good old fashioned brain food.
Rachel’s voyeurism is quite oldfashioned: She’s actually watching people in real life.
And if I have this baby the oldfashioned way, that’s cool too.
«Yeah, it’s old fashioned and maybe we’re dinosaurs in that regard,» Werckman says.
The second mode of transportation is a good oldfashioned pedal-assist bicycle.
There has been some suggestion that the answer is oldfashioned workplace sabotage.
Cremation, direct or otherwise, is not the only rival to oldfashioned burial.
They can be modified, replaced or just good oldfashioned repealed by lawmakers.
I think we need to get back to good oldfashioned grassroots campaigning.
And then of course you could add in an oldfashioned rate cut.
A lack of funds means some patients summon nurses with oldfashioned handbells.
The truth, however, is that Trump is still just plain oldfashioned greedy.
Oldfashioned undertakers are hard put to find their place in such antics.
After all, even vampires love a good old fashioned act of heroic sacrifice.
Yee-haw, looks like we’ve got ourselves a good oldfashioned math battle.
I get a drink called The Great Depression and then an Old Fashioned.
Does this oldfashioned division of roles still fit into our current society?
But Morris is hoping he’ll have an edge with his oldfashioned approach.
An interesting read, but maybe too socially oldfashioned for the discerning reader.
Well that would be with the assistance of good, oldfashioned ad blockers.
Or maybe it’s just plain oldfashioned FOMO that’s making her jet abroad.
Step away from Instagram and reclaim the old fashioned family dinner time conversation.
But it looks like good oldfashioned Match may have cracked the code.
Another problem: Oldfashioned Midwestern humility, as Michigan Governor Rick Snyder puts it.
We’re told neither drugs nor alcohol were involved … just an «old fashioned crash.»
«And if I have this baby the oldfashioned way, that’s cool too.»  
But in the end, Puzder was sunk by good oldfashioned political baggage.
Such hostility is probably due, at least in part, to oldfashioned sexism.
Which, of course, is really just oldfashioned white supremacism in skimpy camouflage.
If they do, an oldfashioned branch of architecture might enjoy a revival.
«It always made me laugh because it was so oldfashioned,» she said.
Both enjoy performing with a spontaneity which their oldfashioned teachers would abhor.
Even oldfashioned metal bashing and welding is going high-tech (see article).
He’s promiscuity steeped in chauvinism and misogyny: more oldfashioned, and more comforting.
For years, Mr. Trump sent his letters the oldfashioned way, by mail.
«Ghost» (Watch on Netflix) Want to Make Your OldFashioned Family Members Uncomfortable?
It feels good to watch the world get saved, the oldfashioned way.
A combination of some oldfashioned research and taking advantage of today’s technology.
Digital fingerprinting failed to identify an unconscious patient; an oldfashioned inkpad worked.
He earned it the oldfashioned way, by being obnoxious, insulting and offensive.
But it did so the oldfashioned way, powered by pure fan passion.
Principles, no doubt, may come to be seen as oldfashioned or undoable.
But keep in mind that corruption is more than oldfashioned political graft.
Nothing says breakfast in the South like an oldfashioned biscuit breakfast sandwich.
What’s made these reductions possible is good, oldfashioned American innovation and ingenuity.
«We loved the idea of an oldfashioned morning wedding,» Ms. Palm said.
The Silverado gets extra points for having a good oldfashioned column shifter!
Given all that, is simply releasing an album a little, well, oldfashioned?
The app has a slightly oldfashioned interface but plenty of useful features.
RASPBERRY GLAZED OLD FASHIONED — First on my plate was this crinkly pink belle.
They were people famous for the oldfashioned reason: They had actual accomplishments.
First, you can do it the oldfashioned way and press the buttons.
Oldfashioned doctoring and newfangled technology collide; bureaucracy is slashed from the picture.
«I rigged up the TV with an oldfashioned aerial,» Assange told me.
Just an oldfashioned country dump in the stands… Security: You got it.
This app is also a little oldfashioned in design, but it’s free.
In other words: We’ve got an oldfashioned false flag on our hands.
Most millennials don’t have the self-discipline to floss the old fashioned way.
Well they are attacking a very oldfashioned market with a scalable model.
They never intended national security to be used to hide oldfashioned politics.
«Wild palombe brings a rustic, oldfashioned moment to the table,» Rose notes.
It has that oldfashioned feel, but everything is still up-to-date.
But at least it was just a good oldfashioned attempt at Borking.
Many of the nine justices revel in their low-tech, oldfashioned ways.
Some American companies say their Chinese rivals get secrets the oldfashioned way.
And it is: There is plenty of oldfashioned pork in this bill.
Hammons is the most oldfashioned artist of all: he is a moralist.
And he really wanted to do it sort of … The oldfashioned way.
It feels oldfashioned and weirdly paternalistic that he’s so insistent about paying.
It was a real oldfashioned phone call, her first to me ever.
«Hausa ta wiya,» Ibrahim said, miming the earpiece of an oldfashioned translator.
Genetic fingerprinting is set to become as routine as the oldfashioned kind.
They could just install an oldfashioned listening device somewhere on the premises.
«So the idea of two men getting married feels nice and oldfashioned
Oldfashioned forms of communication still make sense for most of life’s milestones.
A highlight of the cocktail list is a craft-your-own oldfashioned.
He projected oldfashioned family values, yet his own family was sometimes dysfunctional.
The best wooden toysThere’s something wonderfully oldfashioned and nostalgic about wooden toys.
Google Maps has mostly replaced the GPS gadgets and oldfashioned bicycle maps.
Biden won by winning, a pleasingly straightforward and oldfashioned way of winning.
Basic, oldfashioned macroeconomics didn’t fail in the crisis – it worked extremely well.
Perhaps being read an oldfashioned bedtime story as an adult did it.
Maybe what you really need is a good oldfashioned, true-believing populist.
The book has virtually no contractions, and the language is insistently oldfashioned.
But sometimes you just want to kick back in an oldfashioned deli.
Some American parents may be troubled by Cao’s oldfashioned views about girls.
They attempt to stop his business the oldfashioned way: robbing him blind.
He seems to be, like his presidential candidate brother, an oldfashioned moderate.
These music-streaming ads are not very different than oldfashioned radio ads.
«I learned conducting the oldfashioned way, like Karajan, Kleiber, Mahler,» he said.
He’s a narcissist, but we see that, actually, he’s an oldfashioned narcissist.
Mr. Setliff described them as not overly contemporary but not oldfashioned, either.
But, even if they’re a bit oldfashioned, the phone calls remain king.
«Just use good old fashioned bar soap and scalding hot water,» he said.
«Oldfashioned» were the first words that Dr. Nguyen used to describe it.
Today only a handful of oldfashioned telephone booths are left in Manhattan.
That is uncomfortably reminiscent of an oldfashioned shakedown, and it is shameful.
I found this guy in England who makes pancheons, oldfashioned bread bowls.
E11EVEN Miami’s just a good oldfashioned disco with trapeze artists and whatnot.
Here are some tips for increasing your Android’s volume the oldfashioned way.
Do you prefer premium, bun length, all natural, oldfashioned, uncured and skinless?
OLDFASHIONED, PREMIUM, SIGNATURE AND CLASSIC These are marketing, not meaningful, terms. cooking
This is not just about curbing oldfashioned espionage, but a broader challenge.
In other naval exercises, even oldfashioned diesel-electric submarines have beaten carriers.
Good oldfashioned rifles and wire-cutters can wreak havoc on electricity infrastructure.
The show Devlin worked on involved oldfashioned conjuring tricks and Surrealist tableaux.
«The good oldfashioned drugs work very well for strength,» Dr. Rabin said.
Until Mr. Right appears, I suggest an oldfashioned remedy: the breakup film.
It’s just for the aesthetic, and it goes with the oldfashioned idea.
But when Dr. Ilyas himself needs surgery, he is still rather oldfashioned.
Call me oldfashioned, but I didn’t receive even one get well card.
So you had to do some good oldfashioned shoe-leather reporting. Yes.
And there’s an oldfashioned option: buying a little woodlot of one’s own.
The highest levels were detected in two samples of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats.
The best dietary source for vitamin D is oldfashioned cod liver oil.
«This isn’t anything other than a good oldfashioned N.I.H. trial,» he said.
This is one of Bacharach’s more playful tendencies: good oldfashioned plot twists.
She remembers her grandmother bathing with an oldfashioned sponge and fragrant soap.
Service was oldfashioned and deferential, and swing music drifted from hidden speakers.
«He was kind of an oldfashioned patron of the arts,» she said.
Inside, there’s an oldfashioned French lift, though it’s no longer in use.
Damn,»oldfashioned fascism» via tech company innovation sure fits Manson’s theme here.
It’s old fashioned and I’m trying to make that more interesting or cool.
«You know, when a president of the United States asks you to do something, I come — I don’t think it’s an oldfashioned school at all, I don’t think it’s oldfashioned or anything,» Mattis told reporters in early September.
In other words, the content of Old Fashioned is at odds with its form: It’s difficult to see the sex in Fifty Shades as a cheap knock-off of godly sex, when Old Fashioned is itself a cheap knock-off.
«People were used to babies coming out the old fashioned way,» says Dr Greely.
That’s when our conversation went from text to a good oldfashioned phone call.
You’ll start off making them the old fashioned way: one clip for one click.
In the process, it disrupted oldfashioned media companies like newspapers and record labels.
The west door of the church also sported a good old fashioned wine fountain.
«I think there’s a stigma that trees are seen as oldfashioned,» he said.
WILLIAMS: Mary Catherine (ph) scores every game the oldfashioned way on her scorecard.
Why aren’t more VCs using AngelList instead of raising funds the oldfashioned way?
Until then, I’ll stick to finding recipes, shopping, and cooking the oldfashioned way.
That’s not changed, and it’s a very oldfashioned journalistic ideal, in a way.
There are also communities created for the purpose, structured as traditional, oldfashioned forums.
It’s an oldfashioned Hollywood drama about a young woman finding her own voice.
He should get there the old fashioned way, and he should get those votes.
Do something super New Age-y or as oldfashioned as drinking warm milk.
We grab chicken thighs, broccoli, old fashioned oats, brown sugar, and heavy whipping cream.
The cocktail in question is a special version of Trader Vic’s Rum Old Fashioned.
If only policymaking were just a matter of applying good oldfashioned common sense.
We also saw ample opportunity with good oldfashioned movie adaptations of our books.
It mostly wins over audiences through its love of oldfashioned, character-based storytelling.
Your generation is probably going to be like, ‘Ugh, marriage is so oldfashioned.
Oldfashioned wooing, she says, giving her approval to even a love song mixtape.
Have some good oldfashioned American fun, and don’t be too woke about it.
Serena opens up a bunch of oldfashioned handmade presents from the other Wives.
If you’re into that sweet, sincere, oldfashioned vein of Americana, you’ll love this.
When it comes to hacking, Donald Trump has a solution: «Oldfashioned» snail mail.
However, if you’re still on an oldfashioned copper line, you’re out of luck.
«This case was just your own oldfashioned, determined, dogged police work,» he says.
What happens when you mix science, the supernatural, and some good old fashioned sass?
It may be oldfashioned, but I find dedicated MP3 players wonderful little devices.
By day, the town was largely empty, even in the oldfashioned central plaza.
Wienerschnitzel:On Father’s Day, dads can get a free Old Fashioned Sundae at participating locations.
But buying and selling bonds, especially corporate bonds, is still an oldfashioned business.
But in acquiring The Ringer, Spotify is also getting an oldfashioned editorial operation.
Each of these is applying good oldfashioned document management in a hybrid context.
Either way, it’s probably nothing that a good old fashioned dance battle couldn’t fix.
A treat for the author’s many fans and a masterclass in oldfashioned storytelling.
Nightflyers breaks up the space-horror tension with good oldfashioned soap opera fare.
Good oldfashioned travel agents, who talk online with customers via a conversational interface.
Dawson reached out and handed the surprised star an old fashioned, his favorite drink.
Note that this is not an oldfashioned «investment», it’s much better than that.
He hopes to put that right chiefly by using oldfashioned means—cutting costs.
The show is still an oldfashioned three-camera sitcom, with live audience laughter.
One sample of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats tested positive for a whopping 1,100 ppm.
In the meantime, some farms will stick to the oldfashioned way of communicating.
That tradition, however, may be reverting to something more oldfashioned: Staying at home.
These are not ministries, exactly, and what they do is not oldfashioned evangelism.
It took a few tries, but eventually she succeeded with good oldfashioned electrolysis.
It wouldn’t be a real TechCrunch event without a good, oldfashioned startup pitch.
For that, we have old fashioned mail and an IBM Selectric typewriter to thank.
This spin on the Old Fashioned is a price I’m more used to, $11.
One glaring deterrent, carps one Sand Hill Road VC, was good oldfashioned fear.
Hatred of Poetry is an oldfashioned book, one whose chatty manner hides its
Oldfashioned tenets of the news business fade away in this fog of disinformation.
Maybe you should first try to look up your heritage the oldfashioned way.
When I look at a Samsung phone or Apple phone, they feel oldfashioned.
He could even redesign oldfashioned building blocks so that they wouldn’t topple over.
Gibson stages these early scenes as if he’s filming an oldfashioned romantic drama.
Aside from the political jokes, Styles made some good oldfashioned dad jokes, too.
And nowhere is this more the case than in good oldfashioned fried chicken.
Maybe this is just the 2017 version of oldfashioned middle-school note-passing.
Until then, we still have to hack our brains using more oldfashioned tactics.
The problem is that regular, oldfashioned yogurt, like Yoplait, has been brutally commoditized.
They’re just good oldfashioned, good-hearted Mormons trying to build the middle ground.
Each party holds an oldfashioned convention in February of the presidential election year.
«I look at us as one of those oldfashioned showbiz couples,» says Offerman.
But I wondered: Is this channel-based model any different from oldfashioned TV?
Is it luck or the product of good oldfashioned Muay Thai ring craft?
On another, it is at its heart an oldfashioned purge of his enemies.
Mr Manchester would like eventually to travel to space himself the oldfashioned way.
Others, like California, ban resales only on the event grounds, the oldfashioned way.
It wouldn’t be a real TechCrunch event without a good, old fashioned startup pitch.
Yellowstone. They will make a living the oldfashioned way, with long hours and
I had simply booked the hotel the old fashioned way — through a travel agent.
He was often referred to as oldfashioned, and his clothes were identifiably Germanic.
Among the room’s updated appliances is an oldfashioned-looking cast-iron AGA stove.
Yes, we have real emoji, but sometimes a good, oldfashioned shruggie is best.
He pours money and ­resources into the endeavor, not to mention oldfashioned dogma.
«The ad is really showing a very oldfashioned» image of China, she said.
«These are a different type of silicone from the old fashioned ones,» he says.
The announcement included the recipe for her wedding cake, an oldfashioned lemon poundcake.
You exact your revenge the oldfashioned way, by writing this coolly observant book.
He tried to be trustworthy, had oldfashioned values and possessed a good heart.
Caramel Apple Crisp This dish gets its crisp from some oldfashioned oats. 8.
Especially right now, what’s not to love about a good, oldfashioned meet cute?
It’s very oldfashioned and classic Viennese in style, which I found utterly charming.
It will make you grateful that you live in an oldfashioned dumb house.
On Wall Street you can please the party with some good oldfashioned nepotism.
The answer is straightforward: It’s deterrence theory based on oldfashioned crime and punishment.
The mapping team responded with a mix of technology and oldfashioned pavement pounding.
At the same time, Mr. Pryce offers a stirring example of oldfashioned gumption.
Biden stumbled over his talking points and came off as far too oldfashioned.
At heart, Mr. Kaine, 22009, is an oldfashioned liberal, dyed in the wool.
We were ready to kick some ass,  oldfashioned American style, and we did.
There is an agreeably oldfashioned forthrightness to the way Solomon crafts those characters.
It was a lot of persistence and oldfashioned journalism, knocking on people’s doors.
It almost seems oldfashioned, such sentiments, and yet it’s only been a year.
An oldfashioned Catholic martyrdom may be possible in a multicultural, late-modern society.
He likes oldfashioned concepts: integrity, self-control, character, dignity, loyalty, rootedness, obligation, tradition.
Most of the comedy on display would appear oldfashioned to US comedy fans.
And «Bosch» returns to Amazon for a second season of oldfashioned California noir.
Their trove of inventive takes on an analog timepiece is anything but old fashioned.
There’s an oldfashioned quality about Saturday Night Live that is kind of nice.
Strain over fresh ice in an old fashioned glass and garnish with orange discs.
Sure, you can go the oldfashioned route, making ads and clicks and such.
But it seems clear that ordinary, oldfashioned goodness has gone out of fashion.
C Street’s oldfashioned saloons make pedestrians feel like they’re in the Old West.
First up, we tried the Urban Meadows oldfashioned pumpkin pie from Key Food.
I printed out an oldfashioned itinerary I crossed off as I went along.
It seemed at first like an oldfashioned, only-in-New York murder mystery.
Another tactic Castro used to quash rebellion was a good oldfashioned gun grab.
Hugh was devastated, while my only thought was: What’s with the oldfashioned names?
«The oldfashioned notion of autonomy didn’t make sense any more,» Dr. Terrell said.
Many fixtures seem yawningly oldfashioned, she noted, while others are too futuristically modern.
Today, hackers combine the high-tech sophistication of cybercrime with oldfashioned insider trading.
Board games, card games, long walks, bike rides, all that old fashioned stuff works.
The oldfashioned grisliness of Gordon and Lola’s murder museum is something to see.
Its architecture was considered oldfashioned, it was largely neglected, and it was vandalized.
Given that the position is pretty oldfashioned, why do we still have it?
His fruit trees look like upright, oldfashioned clothes irons, decorated with dangling growths.
What fascinates me about Chris Dorland’s new work is how oldfashioned it feels.
Fatebe is filming the receding set of stairs with an oldfashioned movie camera.
I worry I’m getting old and becoming more oldfashioned than I ever was.
It persuades people that because something is oldfashioned and familiar, it’s also benign.
Is Jackson right to despise Ally’s solo career, or is he just oldfashioned?
The «Spectacular» jumbles the sacred and the secular, the oldfashioned and the newfangled.
Our reporting found evidence of dubious accounting practices, hypocrisy and oldfashioned favor-trading.
It’s oldfashioned, it’s the language I grew up with, from the 18th century.
The Churncraft butter churn is at once sleek yet oldfashioned, heavy and effective.
She also dismissed accusations that such oldfashioned circuses are cruel to the animals.
But the main way is the oldfashioned way—through cops and correctional officers.
«Perhaps I’m oldfashioned, but I think it should be marked,» Ms. Fisher said.
«Good oldfashioned soap and water are good enough for hand hygiene,» Juthani said.
It’s an oldfashioned faith in expansiveness that is both risky and increasingly rare.
This is distinctively oldfashioned, gentle storytelling that children will enjoy hearing read aloud.
Nothing intimidated him — except the swooshing sound of our hotel’s oldfashioned revolving doors.
Stained glass might seem an oldfashioned medium for a sought-after contemporary artist.
But after three months, he found another job, one in an oldfashioned office.
» Mattis noted in his book, «I’m old fashioned: I don’t write about sitting presidents.
Or replace refined grains, like instant oatmeal, for whole grains like old fashioned oats.
In flouncy oldfashioned uniforms, they cavort and submit, though some eye the exit.
Gamble Jones takes time to get to know each client — the oldfashioned way.
Nearby is a bathroom with a paneled wainscot and an oldfashioned soaking tub.
It requires skill, a degree of salesmanship, negotiation and some good oldfashioned luck.
There were rich mahogany wall fittings, chandeliers, oldfashioned rugs, and plush leather sofas.
The oldfashioned way to deal with an amendment is to vote on it.
It’s an old fashioned idea — planning for the worst and hoping for the best.
This choreography was intricate and sophisticated, at once oldfashioned and up-to-date.
In comparison, the national superpower approach practiced by the United States looks oldfashioned.
And the Silverado gets extra points for having a good oldfashioned column shifter!
You can also do this the oldfashioned way, at any of three restaurants.
Mix in some eggs and potatoes and you got good oldfashioned conk juice.
No magical formula, just good oldfashioned enforcement of the laws passed by Congress.
Like most N.C.A.A. tournament pools, it brought friends together for good oldfashioned fun.
Blacksmithing was oldfashioned and hardly anyone actually made a living at it anymore.
It’s an oldfashioned apocalypse, down to the video’s low-res strobing moiré patterns.
A Shop-Vac is nothing but raw power, measured in good oldfashioned horsepower.
She designed a shopping experience that harkens back to an oldfashioned hardware store.
Not everyone interviewed, however, had a romantic take on the oldfashioned beach communities.
Also: corporate warfare, tech pre-eminence, cultural impact and good oldfashioned show biz.
They may need a nap, some food, or just a good, oldfashioned burp.
Cherish news reporting As for good oldfashioned journalism — let’s protect and cherish it.
Not to be outdone, good oldfashioned cannabis is enjoying a beauty moment, too.
Recipe: OldFashioned Scalloped Corn Follow NYT Food on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.
Its oldfashioned desktop and desktop programs are available on actual laptops called MacBooks.
I had an old fashioned outfit I wore, with a hat and an umbrella.
Why does everyone else have oldfashioned mixed arrangements that are so Dorchester hotel?
«Widows» and «Ocean’s 8» put a spurious sisterly spin on oldfashioned American greed.
The sisters step quickly into and out of an old oldfashioned elevator car.
This is classic, oldfashioned glamour, and it’s perfectly suited to her sparkling presence.
But Dr. Duffin and his wife were pioneers last summer, using oldfashioned serendipity.
They are always, unabashedly themselves, unashamed of coming off as square, corny, oldfashioned.
But for most people, most of the time, oldfashioned lightbulbs work just fine.
She built her brand the oldfashioned way: Great content, blogger, TV show, books.
Good oldfashioned reporting, enough people seem to be willing to pay for it.
Vaporizing is widely considered healthier and easier on the lungs than oldfashioned decarboxylation.
«If you look at the needs for that transaction, it’s old fashioned,» he said.
Although the app is inherently technology-focused, the interface and controls seem slightly oldfashioned.
Much of this technical wizardry is powered hydraulically, thanks to some oldfashioned grunt work.
Instead, you control the dinosaur with a physical remote, like an oldfashioned RC car.
Parliament is run like an oldfashioned gentleman’s club, and so on and so forth.
» Continues the 34-year-old 90210 alum, «We like the idea of oldfashioned names.
What better way to celebrate these new familial bonds than some good old fashioned trolling?
We are certainly not ones to shy away from a good oldfashioned ghost sighting.
If you make an Old Fashioned as a slushie, what are you going to achieve?
An oldfashioned popcorn pressure cooker explodes at a street market in Changbai County, China.
We’ll just assume Hatch is oldfashioned and wanted to give everyone a history lesson. 
Mr Trudeau has dealt with these discontents with a dose of oldfashioned redistributive liberalism.
Maybe you stick to good old fashioned pencil and paper for your home decor plotting.
It was just some good, oldfashioned mom-shaming, an insidious problem that’s disturbingly common.
For now, AI systems will be clumsy, but likely superior to oldfashioned market research.
It turns out many individuals are reaching that level of wealth the oldfashioned way.
On an oldfashioned credit card, the data that’s sent to the register is static.
The most basic method for organizing Google Photos is the good oldfashioned photo album.
Which means fewer and fewer people are building ads the oldfashioned way with Flash.
Place the mint and sugar into a julep cup (or oldfashioned glass) and muddle.
So GoGoGrandparent works the old fashioned way: by dialing a phone and requesting a ride.
But oldfashioned door-knocking may never have been more important than it is today.
Oldfashioned thermostats, it seems, are being retrofitted so that they can be centrally controlled.
In that comparison, 3DFS is just using «analog» metaphorically, to mean oldfashioned and slow.
The oldfashioned public universities are becoming ever more promiscuous in their pursuit of income.
» In fact, he says, «this is good, oldfashioned running the ball up the middle.
We tried for years to get pregnant the old fashioned way and it didn’t work.
He doesn’t want to get people together, the oldfashioned way, where you get Congress.
Even as these networks and new relationships develop, oldfashioned twinning has not died out.
Call me oldfashioned, but I prefer sending handwritten cards over digital ones any day.
Wyoming’s Luke Bell plays oldfashioned country music with touches of honky tonk and swing.
There’s also some good oldfashioned action-movie treachery, since a frozen lake is involved.
Video games were once seen as a brain-rotting distraction from good, oldfashioned sports.
«Publishing companies are incredibly oldfashioned and slow on changing their business models,» Hernandez says.
Hookit is to social and digital media what Nielsen ratings are to oldfashioned television.
Although Potter’s art in her well-known tales feels old fashioned, it doesn’t feel dated.
For the moment, the government is retaining oldfashioned eye-level pedestrian lights as well.
If you’ve got cable, satellite, or a good oldfashioned TV antenna, you’re already set.
You’ll have to pay your friend back for that Frappuccino the old fashioned way: cash.
A crew of friends meets up every Monday to play good oldfashioned pickup kickball.
I drink my caramel iced coffee and eat my donut — old fashioned is the best.
While these predictive technologies are excitingly new, the concerns underlying them remain frustratingly oldfashioned.
THE FOREIGN-EXCHANGE (FX) market is as opaque and oldfashioned as it is enormous.
I mean, what could compare to a good, oldfashioned sibling rivalry on the field?
Call me oldfashioned, but I prefer my mirrors to be made out of mirrors.
You know, when families huddled around an oldfashioned radio and used phones with cords.
But it also has a 23MP rear-facing camera for good old fashioned 2D photography.
She was known for being traditional and ‘oldfashioned,’ as one friend described her online.
Go for a stroll and find yourself engrossed in some good old fashioned table tennis.
Or, just don’t buy these and buy products the oldfashioned way—at the store.
Political support for an oldfashioned, Trump-style trade war is thin on the ground.
At the salad bar MIXT, cashiers took credit card payments using oldfashioned paper imprints.
But even oldfashioned tapioca boba pearls can be tricky for the body to digest.
Hosting an oldfashioned game night is a welcome break from everyone’s tech-dependent lives.
It’s a little old fashioned to have a woman’s personal life [looked at like that].
But first, they have to handle some «dead man’s fat» and good oldfashioned lifeguarding.
I felt its nutty flavors would be interesting for a black tea-based Old Fashioned.
Memorial Day kicks off summer, and what’s more summery than a good old fashioned cookout?
Walking a city, counting heads seems a rather crude, oldfashioned method of collecting data.
In short, reports of the demise of oldfashioned sexual morality have been greatly exaggerated.
The dress is a little oldfashioned for me, but older people just love it.
It’s like an Old Fashioned that got a seriously minty, summery kick in the ass.
Trust Apple to be courageous enough to strip away all the oldfashioned USB ports.
You have to load up the store and pick everything separately the oldfashioned way.
Asking friends to set you up sounds ridiculously oldfashioned in the age of Tinder.
Instead of leaving behind a digital legacy, they’re giving back the oldfashioned way: cash.
But old fashioned cigarettes don’t explode in your pocket or blow up in your face.
» The SCS games have «72 virgins» … «a good oldfashioned bitch slapping» and «blowjob vomit.
The Shakes blend jazz with garage punk, oldfashioned rock ‘n’ roll and neo-soul.
But call me oldfashioned, call me a purist; I believe Election Day is sacred.
No firmware updates to worry about, no privacy concerns—just a good oldfashioned refrigerator.
I might also suggest the rather conservative idea of good oldfashioned intrinsic musical quality.
Podcasting, allied as it was with radio, had an oldfashioned air from the beginning.
Obviously the best way to get caught up is a good old fashioned re-watch.
Apparently a good oldfashioned consumer boycott just isn’t visually dramatic enough for some people.
She has said that, growing up, she was «guilty of possessing certain oldfashioned stereotypes».
EW: You have images of actors wearing oldfashioned clothes and furniture on the beach.
Good-oldfashioned voice phone calls may soon become the favored, secure communication platform again.
«Retail is oldfashioned,» said Mr. Gustin, who used to work at technology software companies.
This time around, the celebs seemed content for just oldfashioned conversation during commercial breaks.
This is oldfashioned moviemaking, focusing on craft and composition instead of relentless, efficient pacing.
«Sterling is an oldfashioned gentleman, and Lawrence is really an anarchist,» Mr. Morgan said.
Somehow, you suspect, his situation will be resolved by good oldfashioned American know-how.
I chose a model kit for him, an imported one of an oldfashioned train.
If your recipient still collects recipes the oldfashioned way, this is an awesome gift.
The bar’s take on an OldFashioned was fantastic, but pricey, at $18 per cocktail.
Then the Luigi Bormioli Strauss Double Old Fashioned Glass is the perfect gift for them.
There seems something luxurious and oldfashioned about booking a first-class, scenic train trip.
I thought Face ID was slow and inaccurate compared to oldfashioned fingerprint sensors, too.
I had babies at age 35, 39, and 46 — — all conceived the oldfashioned way!
Their customers find them through other means: word of mouth or oldfashioned news coverage.
A «knuckle sandwich» is an oldfashioned way of saying a punch in the face.
You have to go through the old fashioned way of Bluetooth pairing, which is fine.
Clinton is grinding it out the oldfashioned way Clinton is no slouch at fundraising.
Tables come stocked with four kinds of syrup: strawberry, blueberry, butter pecan, and old fashioned.
Restaurants range from the elegant La Zingara Ristorante to the oldfashioned Sycamore Drive-In.
Pour into an Old Fashioned glass over a single 1 ½-square-inch ice cube. 3.
We are sort of like an oldfashioned production company, we are a small guy.
Landlines, oldfashioned alarm clocks, and single-use plastics will be replaced by modern inventions.
It is all part of a focus on the customer that is positively old fashioned.
Effective approaches to combatting misleading advertisements must combine technology with oldfashioned human investigative skills.
We employed oldfashioned «smokestack chasing» to recruit Samsung, Facebook, Under Armour and Hanger Orthopedic.
Everyone loves a good old fashioned comeback story: Michael Jordan coming back to the NBA.
How does somewhere with a comforting, oldfashioned vibe like Algerian Coffee Stores keep up?
This is not to say that Pruitt isn’t deregulating the oldfashioned way as well.
OhMiBod has been paving new paths for good oldfashioned cybersex for a while now.
But he should get there the old fashioned way and he should get those votes.
Growth can come the oldfashioned way, by establishing a market position and expanding it.
It looked like the stage was set for an oldfashioned drug company marketing war.
«It’s a novel you keep reading for oldfashioned reasons,» our reviewer, John Irving, said.
I would prefer meeting someone in the old fashioned way by just letting it happen.
The Nintendo Hoop seems to combine exercise with good old fashioned Nintendo party game fun.
Then again, this is less a book about Yemen than the oldfashioned American dream.
Ms. Dahl attributes this backlash to «oldfashioned men» with resentments against immigrants and feminists.
The vehicle is powered by a good oldfashioned three-cylinder, 55-horsepower gas engine.
Because blitz torte has that delightful, oldfashioned charm that never goes out of style.
My poet friends don’t read him, probably considering him too oldfashioned to bother with.
«People will think in oldfashioned ways, resisting any alteration of their views,» he said.
And by that I mean the boring, oldfashioned kind, without any keggers with Squee.
In this coldly pixelated age, oldfashioned writing implements make a small but meaningful comeback.
With Rapid DNA machines, genetic fingerprinting could become as routine as the oldfashioned kind.
But upon taking power, she seemed perhaps a bit too oldfashioned for her country.
It was the chivalry and romance — the oldfashioned values — that grabbed her, she said.
Ideally, there could be oldfashioned deal making across the aisle to advance both agendas.
The downtown has brick sidewalks, oldfashioned street lamps and an art-house movie theater.
A good old fashioned double-crusted apple pie is just as all-American as pumpkin.
Something about the oldfashioned state has caused this particular type of whodunit to mushroom.
As a result, Old Fashioned, rife with cliché, feels forced and unnatural at every turn.
But why does Old Fashioned place greatness and goodness in opposition the way it does?
«Some say this is an oldfashioned way of doing things,» he said in Ottumwa.
Dramaturgy is, at best, threadbare; oldfashioned exoticism and sexism are par for the course.
«It conjures up this oldfashioned image where you think of a cottage,» he said.
«The Eight Mountains» is an oldfashioned novel in the best sense of the word.
But like most genealogical quests, mine started the oldfashioned way, through talking to relatives.
Mr. Isaac and Ms. Laurent have the innate, casual glamour of oldfashioned movie stars.
PARELES Power chords punctuated by a thumping cowbell: It’s oldfashioned, but it still works.
And though this touring production was oldfashioned and basic, it looked colorful and exotic.
He checked for oldfashioned «for rent» signs, thinking he might find a hidden gem.
Aeroqual’s particulate monitor, one of the most advanced, looks like an enormous oldfashioned cellphone.
You are looking at really oldfashioned technologies that are working in concert with CGI.
Again, it’s not the worst greeting in the world, but it’s a little oldfashioned.
It’s why Mr. Vaccarello’s tailoring has power, but his silly pasties just seem — oldfashioned.
We prefer to keep eye contact and place orders the oldfashioned way, by hand.
PAAK AND THE FREE NATIONALS Oldfashioned muscle, not electronics, generated the beat for Anderson .
This month an oldfashioned socialist, Jeremy Corbyn, scored an unexpectedly strong showing in Britain.
Under Jaap van Zweden, war horses by Sibelius and Berlioz brought some oldfashioned pleasures.
From my point of view that’s an old fashioned vision of fashion and haute couture.
From my point of view that’s an old fashioned vision of fashion and haute couture.
Women who will be more than happy to reproduce the oldfashioned way, sans spores.
Mr. Steyer’s dominance extends to an oldfashioned messaging system as well: the postal system.
Though it has been updated consistently, portions of it can seem a tad oldfashioned.
Customers will still be able to order food the oldfashioned way, at the counter.
Dolly Parton in 2019 contains a unique mixture of the oldfashioned and newfangled celebrity.
«It’s oldfashioned fun,» said the group’s president and founder, Christina Norris, 42, of Harlem.
They’re good science, in a mixture of modern chemistry and good oldfashioned natural history.
Her home, a former five-car garage, has the look of an oldfashioned schoolroom.
While newer McDonald’s have ordering kiosks, this one’s technology was a little more oldfashioned.
We compared an internet-connected toaster oven and an oldfashioned one side by side.
Will they actually aid our ailments any better than good oldfashioned human-made drugs?
The contrast between Moore’s radical poetry and her oldfashioned demeanor was always a surprise.
The oldfashioned phrase is «price gouging,» and we shouldn’t be a part of it.
Burke hammers the tension between his oldfashioned, charmingly naïve hero and the unfolding bedlam.
We vote for getting nutrients and hydration the oldfashioned way: healthy foods and water.
Twitter in his hands is an oldfashioned mainline to voters, with a key twist.
It’s just good, oldfashioned editing with an app that has revolutionized iPhone photography: VSCO.
It made all the froth and familiar fantasia seem oldfashioned, and close to irrelevant.
Until you’ve adjusted to the new time zone, opt for good oldfashioned water instead.
Near the cash register are palm-size pies wrapped in plastic, with oldfashioned crusts.
I know you’re not supposed to have this kind of oldfashioned hierarchy of books.
After that came the old fashioned, with 35 percent, followed by beer at 27 percent.
It’s very repetitive, and I used a lot of oldfashioned terms, like ‘da bomb.
Dr. Higueros, at close range, was young, but friendly in an oldfashioned, courtly way.
Where they need direction, he left them without GPS, or even an oldfashioned map.
The oldfashioned term «jet set,» with its connotations of glamorous indolence, doesn’t quite fit.
He had never felt such strong symptoms when he smoked oldfashioned cigarettes, he said.
The result is something that is gloopy and oldfashioned, but also filled with cynicism.
Parents and grandparents may be especially susceptible to this giant board book’s oldfashioned charms.
Whether to do data entry, or respond to your child’s needs the old fashioned way.
Florida Man fought Hurricane Florence with the help of some good old fashioned crowd funding.
She makes plans with friends the oldfashioned way: on a landline or in person.
For one thing, some very good sportswriters have already done it the oldfashioned way.
Consider Valentine’s Day as a moment for returning to oldfashioned letter writing and sending.
Romo’s habitat — network television — is oldfashioned, but that’s not what distinguishes and recommends him.
A. Son,» compared Lawry’s oldfashioned banquet-hall environment to «an American dim sum parlor.
Children traveled across the expanses of wilderness in oldfashioned stagecoaches and on pack mules.
An oldfashioned river boat allowed guests to take in views of all the sites.
This is why I’ve enjoyed learning about my family through good oldfashioned genealogy research.
Bots and trolls, phishing and fake news — plus of course oldfashioned spin and lies.
Buffett’s desk reflects his attachment to the past and doing things the oldfashioned way.
These guys aren’t smashing up threshing machines though: they’re armed with massive old fashioned synthesizers.
Demoiselle is an oldfashioned term for a young woman or girl of noble descent.
It’s the good oldfashioned family drama that we’ve come to expect from the Kardashians.
The captain suggested a good-oldfashioned system reboot which did the trick just in time.
Unfortunately I think you still have to rely on oldfashioned campaigning—particularly face-to-face.
«Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!»
The lyrics point to underlying pessimism, but there’s some good old fashioned love in there, too.
Important biological discoveries have arrived with the same oldfashioned fanfare for the last three centuries.
«I’m oldfashioned in that I actually do make maps and stare at them,» Lee said.
The main reaction, screamed via Gchat, Facebook Chat, and even old fashioned «talking,» was: Now what?
Oldfashioned values, including sensitivity, kindness, and fragility, they dismissed in favour of ruthlessness, candour, strength.
We get another round — I get a tequila-based cocktail, and he gets an old fashioned.
For the occasion, she wore a stunning white Yanina Couture gown that epitomized oldfashioned glamour.
Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!
We like Instagram and Twitter — we’re oldfashioned when it comes to the social-media world.
As for oldfashioned cops-and-robbers, high-speed chases are becoming obsolete too, says Levin.
Many doctors still rely on oldfashioned antibiotics to kill bacteria or prevent further disease development.
Pay up front, then unlock items the oldfashioned way: by playing more of the game.
This one came to us the oldfashioned way: From a government official, via TV news.
What is a new form of warfare and what is just oldfashioned murder for hire?
As much as it’s an oldfashioned play for timelessness, it’s also very on the nose.
For that, you have to use the oldfashioned method of pinging sonar from a ship.
It’s got a fingerprint sensor, an iris scanner, oldfashioned PINs, and now, a face scanner.
Like a banker funding his wife’s interior designer whims… but think that’s rare and oldfashioned.
An oldfashioned kingWhen King Bhumibol was born, in 1927, Thai kings still wielded unfettered authority.
Oldfashioned redistribution would also seek to right the damage already done with taxing and spending.
When it’s time to get carving, nothing quite beats a good oldfashioned serrated paring knife.
But it’s spoken of less, and in certain circles it’s thought of as very oldfashioned.
When it comes to conducting secure elections, keeping things oldfashioned is often the best bet.
I’m learning how to make a kickass Old Fashioned, and this whiskey should do the trick.
Like BMW, China’s oldfashioned carmakers also have their sights set on the car-hailing market.
The best way to get a clear shot was still to use an oldfashioned tripod.
I didn’t go to college, so I got my debt the oldfashioned way: buying dolphins.
And writing an old fashioned letter to the editor won’t cut it; we all know why.
Good old fashioned plates, platters, and bowls seems to be doing just fine supporting edible goods.
The film features an oldfashioned Hollywood love story between Stone and frequent collaborator Ryan Gosling.
Out came the music, seemingly warmed up and smoothed out by the unit’s oldfashioned tubes.
«Meeting payroll,» to invoke a now oldfashioned phrase, is nothing less than a heroic act.
«There’s nothing magical about it: It’s just the oldfashioned putting in the work,» he said.
This time they needed to access my brain in the oldfashioned way — through my skull.
Good oldfashioned talking heads documentary, spiced up here and there with some fancy computer graphics.
The first round consisted of people tweeting out the «oldfashioned» ways they got into college.
It’s not available to stream yet, which means Swift nabbed these accomplishments the oldfashioned way.
» Later, as Allred spoke, Zervos interrupted, saying, «What happened to a good old fashioned, ‘I’m sorry?
The company has focused on bringing technology to the surprisingly oldfashioned world of podcast advertising.
I’m not a doughnut eater,» Spelling said, adding that she prefers an «old fashioned buttermilk doughnut.
It’s a rollicking oldfashioned warm weather entertainment juiced with the most cutting cutting-edge effects.
Though often described as conservative, it is in some ways an oldfashioned social democratic outfit.
His mom also posted images of the pup the oldfashioned away — on flyers around town.
I’m not going to change who I am, just because of old fashioned attitudes toward women.
Poundland sells rival passport covers in oldfashioned blue (for Leavers) and EU maroon (for Remainers).
«This is an oldfashioned kind of laundry — you don’t have them anymore,» Mr. Huang said.
That comes back to designers holding pens, whether its electric or oldfashioned pen and paper.
Like with oldfashioned horse cavalry a century ago, you either adapt or you get annihilated.
A lot of oldfashioned industry muscle has gone into this redefinition of teen pop stardom.
It has the good old fashioned flat sound Bose is known for, but lacks impressive bass.
It’s just a beautiful little love song to our wives and good oldfashioned country song.
Education has been centralised with an oldfashioned syllabus that emphasises rote-learning over analytical skills.
» Brower thinks the Trumps «have a different view of marriage, very old fashioned in some ways.
As a result, they revert to oldfashioned working capital loans to cover their liquidity needs.
You can also opt to just pair them the oldfashioned way in your bluetooth settings.
This rollercoaster’s wood makeup may have you thinking it’s oldfashioned and outdated — not the case.
The researchers aren’t the only ones interested in more oldfashioned ways to interact with electronics.
The singer also plays herself as an adorable server in an oldfashioned ice cream shop.
It accesses banking information, in many if not most cases, via good old fashioned screen scraping.
Terrorists are confounded by oldfashioned, dogged police work and push-back by people on planes.
But forget all that for a second, is good old fashioned cheating still alive and well?
Ah, yes, it couldn’t be a story about terrible dates without some good oldfashioned mansplaining.
Meanwhile, Cruz’s campaign had been making inroads in Iowa in the oldfashioned way for months.
Some things are good just the way they are: simple, oldfashioned, and just damn good.
You should seek out the answers to your own questions, often through good, oldfashioned research.
Presidents should look and act like men do in some oldfashioned macho kind of way.
To catch cheaters, Cohen’s firm relies on oldfashioned detective work, in combination with modern technology.
A huge asteroid with an oldfashioned name is passing by Earth today, but don’t worry.
«We’re just oldfashioned Catholics, playing what used to be known as ‘Vatican Roulette,'» he said.
Women’s rights group, Fawcett Society, said the implication that only mothers can sew was oldfashioned.
There comes a time in everyone’s life where they just want some good oldfashioned vengeance.
It’s been a bit since we got an oldfashioned division-leader versus division-leader matchup.
An oldfashioned pay slip is deemed irrelevant when the information on the computer is different.
In the cases of G. and F., I prescribed some old fashioned refocusing on one’s self.
You can always try to find love the oldfashioned way: by sliding into those DMs. 
Even elementary-school kids are taking the day off for some good, oldfashioned civic action.
But does sexting, specifically, pose a greater danger to hypersexual people than good old fashioned infidelity?
Emmys and Golden Globes are lovely, but Hulu measures its success the old fashioned way: numbers.
The Qwerkywriter S is a USB keyboard that looks and feels like an oldfashioned typewriter.
What better excuse to stop the endless Instagram scrolling then a good oldfashioned instant camera?
The minimal props include antique lanterns, and the performers sometimes sing into oldfashioned-looking microphones.
Visit INSIDER’s homepage for more storiesNothing compares to a good, oldfashioned scoop of ice cream.
It took maybe a week,» she said, adding that Bowie «courted her the oldfashioned way.
As it turns out, the way I write is very oldfashioned and kind of unfashionable.
People outside of Congress had a more oldfashioned idea for how to respond to Delta.
Yet buried within the jargon are oldfashioned values that the most conservative fogey could embrace.
He, too, traces it to Trump, who he says has rekindled «oldfashioned bigotry» in America.
The new owners saved the oldfashioned sign and an upright piano from the previous location.
Eventually the standoff between the two men ends behind closed doors with some oldfashioned politicking.
While the SMEG Two-Slice Toaster may look oldfashioned, it is a thoroughly modern machine.
The entrance to the office speakeasy is covered with oldfashioned rotary phones in various colors.
It’s about learning resilience — good oldfashioned picking yourself up, brushing yourself off and trying again.
But we must remain aware of the old fashioned sexism that threatens to derail these advances.
Mr. Hanson came to the movies the oldfashioned auteurist way: He wrote about them first.
Booker, by contrast, is like an oldfashioned orator out of the 1960s civil rights movement.
Deforestation, pollution, climate change, and old fashioned human carelessness are wreaking havoc on the world’s forests.
Yelp users have raved about Rocket Fizz’s colorful selection of oldfashioned sodas and retro candies.
Despite not reading books regularly, President Trump gets his news the oldfashioned way: print media.
Mulloy took issue with tennis officialdom when he felt it was too political or oldfashioned.
There she was, wearing an oldfashioned padded blue coat, the kind common in the fifties.
Cousineau is a puffed-up, safari-jacket-wearing guru, but he has an oldfashioned courtliness.
If gun control stands a chance, it will come the oldfashioned way — a power grab.
Mr. Silva of Libreria Books said «an oldfashioned space» is clearly appealing to book lovers.
Compared with the iconoclasm of Rei Kawakubo , or of Alexander McQueen, Lagerfeld’s work was oldfashioned.
His voice had an oldfashioned quality to it, like a boy’s in a radio serial.
Celebrate back-to-school season with some good, oldfashioned homework — courtesy of Amazon Prime Video.
Heading into 2017, the eulogy for good oldfashioned stock pickers had been all but written.
We’re living in a world where a TV show called Modern Family often seems oldfashioned.
Twelve canvases hung together depict the crucifixion of a man on an oldfashioned iron bed.
And oldfashioned business fundamentals will balance out the disruption frenzy of the past five years.
Even in the gadget-filled 1980s, there was a very clear oldfashioned focus to it.
Samson is, after all, famously oldfashioned and heartfelt, so a postcard interview made perfect sense.
The oldfashioned dress is intended to break stereotypes of what people who protest look like.
The 39-year-old actress met her now-husband the new oldfashioned way, on Tinder!
The app looks more oldfashioned than SingTrue, but it offers a wide range of lessons.
But in his telling, their on-again, off-again relationship was like an oldfashioned romance.
In fact, Borwein warns that it’s not even equally effective as an oldfashioned hand washing.
The cinnamon oldfashioned doughnut from Do-Rite in Chicago, Illinois, is this pastry chef’s favorite.
An originally offbeat presence in contemporary downtown theater, he also conveys an oldfashioned literary elegance.
More innocent and oldfashioned charms await in Sydney Taylor’s «All-of-a-Kind Family» books.
She makes plans with friends the oldfashioned way: on a land line or in person.
The art is oldfashioned and painterly, with cozy, saturated watercolor images of animals wearing clothes.
They were there for an accelerated lesson in the newfangled employment potential of oldfashioned craftsmanship.
And buying 67,000 largely undeveloped acres is a bit of oldfashioned, real estate risk-taking.
The HIIDE looked like an oldfashioned bulky digital camera, and could be taken on patrol.
As the rigidity of Victorian culture relaxed, hair jewelry began to seem oldfashioned and backward.
At Tivoli, an oldfashioned amusement park, there was a kiosk to return reusable coffee cups.
This is where thinking about navigating your career with an oldfashioned map can be helpful.
On its surface, this carefully arranged play feels as conventional and oldfashioned as Charlotte herself.
Back then, «America First» sounded like oldfashioned isolationism, or maybe even some sort of mercantilism.
That building still had an oldfashioned manual elevator too, and an operator to run it.
And of course, there’s always the chance that good oldfashioned economic improvement could help too.
You get the feeling that Old Fashioned owes its entire existence to Fifty Shades of Grey.
«‘Society’ has a sort of oldfashioned sense of elitism — it feels more closed,» she said.
Is a wedding proposal too old fashioned or simply too far in the future to imagine?
Whether or not everyone’s speaking to that, or just good oldfashioned storytelling, I don’t know.
I do it the oldfashioned way: I write out cards with the descriptions and weights.
Checks and tartans — men’s wear mainstays during the colder months — can sometimes read as oldfashioned.
So difficult a moral question should command humility, or at least a little oldfashioned tolerance.
This is the laziest oldfashioned I know, and I drink it with immense, indolent pleasure.
I want to do things the old fashioned way Print out this form and mail it.
In every case, however, oldfashioned landlines are ideal, since they can be used without power.
Maybe I’m oldfashioned, but I thought that when our country comes under attack we retaliate.
Let’s eschew identity politics in general in favor of oldfashioned concepts of citizenship and universalism.
I couldn’t bring myself to order a $475 oldfashioned stirred from bourbon bottled in 1969.
Mr. Jones’s strong, even hyperbolic, Royal Opera production tries diligently to bridge oldfashioned and progressive.
But bridging the divide between civilian and military families still requires a good oldfashioned introduction.
She said she planned to do it the old fashioned way, by calling in her results.
Payton talks himself into thinking he earned this spot the oldfashioned way, not bought it.
Mr. Gordon has a virtuosity that’s unforced yet polished; there’s nobility, but it isn’t oldfashioned.
Boockvar is looking to one particular asset class that could provide some safety: oldfashioned cash.
Schumer said «old fashioned capitalism has broken down,» favoring special interest groups and corporations over consumers.
Or maybe you would want to stage a good oldfashioned march at a strategic location.
The other exemplified the oldfashioned American ideal: soft, pinkish, mild and shiny with rendered fat.
In an era of digital crimes, some thieves are still doing it the oldfashioned way.
Salerno typified a more oldfashioned gangster ethic that frowned on flamboyance that might attract attention.
Perhaps it’s time to consider all options along with creativity and oldfashioned deal-making skill.

The picturesque and cosy cottage at Shottery, where Shakespeare used to do his courting, will serve very well as a sample of the humblest sort of oldfashioned New England farmhouse.

Where the oldfashioned practice of having the dessert on the polished table, without any cloth, is still adhered to, the butler should rub off any marks made by the hot dishes before arranging the dessert.

«AFTER YOU,« SAID THE FRENCHMAN Lieutenant de Lupel of the French army is said to have endeared himself to his command by a most unusual exhibition of what they are pleased to term «oldfashioned French gallantry.

Anyway, there was a guileless and bright face underneath the flapping hat and her voice was as sweet as Helen‘s even it there was such an oldfashioned tone about it.

A round table had been rolled up between them upon which the shaded, bronze lamp was burning, gas not having yet been introduced into oldfashioned Maple Street.

The carriage, which was oldfashioned in build, and set high upon its narrow wheels, was empty.

Thus I found myself, tired and hot, in a black veiling of car smoke, as I stood wearily on a street corner of an oldfashioned town, waiting for a car.

He said to me You have all the oldfashioned principles, good and bad I acknowledge I have.

For the hungry to get to, that old cookie jar. Let the house be a mansion, I care not at all! Let the finest of pictures be hung on each wall, Let the carpets be made of the richest velour, And the chairs only those which great wealth can procure, I‘d still want to keep for the joy of my flock That homey, oldfashioned, wellfilled cookie crock.

The or so seems to indicate that Osricke regrets having used the oldfashioned word, which he immediately changes for carriages.]

The oldfashioned black treacle is almost obsolete now, and is replaced commercially by golden syrup, many brands of which are very pale and of little flavour.

Men would have it that on dark winter nights Blackbeard might be seen with an oldfashioned lanthorn digging for treasure in the graveyard; and those who professed to know said he was the tallest of men, with full black beard, coppery face, and such evil eyes, that any who once met their gaze must die within a year.

She seemed to be discovering new qualities in this father whom she had considered to be too oldfashioned for his time.

Andy was glad to get it, oldfashioned as it was, and he thanked them warmly.

If it had been planned to make this an oldfashioned discursive novel, say of the Victor Hugo variety, the second chapter would expend itself upon a philosophical discussion of Fat and a sensational showing of how and why the presence or absence of adipose tissue, at certain important crises, had altered the destinies of the whole race.

Our local coiffeur only stocks the oldfashioned peroxide.

The execution of such political schemes would certainly clash with many oldfashioned notions and vested rights of the traditional European policy.

As if she had not heard her lady‘s remark, the maid went on: «I‘d go off to sleep, and then suddenly, I‘d awake and hear this peculiar rustle, ma’am, like a dress swishing alongan oldfashioned, rich, soft silk, such as ladies wore in the old days, when I was a child.

He represented «the Revolution»not only the oldfashioned, the political, revolution, but the modern, the social and economic revolution.

But I am oldfashioned enough to prefer drillbook evolutions on the barracksquare, I confess.

And it‘s a little strange still to us oldfashioned people for all this valley, even what used to be the river bed before they irrigated, to be under wheatas it is this yeartwentyfive feet high.

Born in 1801, the son of a poor country pastor in Saxony, he lived from 1817 to 1887, when he died, seventy years therefore, at Leipzig, a typical gelehrter of the oldfashioned german stripe.

I was not able to see very plainly the way the light fell, but the contrivance looked to me like one of those oldfashioned, twowheeled carryalls, with a low top over it, and drawn by a horse not much bigger than a pony.

« The Caravansary was but a few doors from the Fulhams; an oldfashioned, hospitable affair, with high ceilings, white marble mantels, and narrow windows.

After the success of Little Women, she carried the OldFashioned Girl and her friends forward several years, and ended the story with two happy marriages.

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