A sentence with the word occurred

The book describes the changes that have occurred in the landscape over many millennia.
The great deflation of the northern economy occurred with the rupturing of the Mackenzie Valley pipe dream.
The coach’s latest blowup occurred when one of his players arrived late.
When problems occurred during the launch, it was necessary to abort.
In 1889 a severe passenger train wreck occurred near Dijon, when a 2-4-2 engine derailed while going full speed downhill.
The old analogy likening the human mind to an imperfect mirror, which modifies the images it reflects, occurred more than once to Odo.
Whale visits into Gulf of Mexico have been infrequent, but occurred in the gulf historically.
The decline of a dynasty or culture could also mean the extinction of its capital city, as occurred at Babylon and Cahokia.
Shifts of international power have most notably occurred through major conflicts.
An abrupt cold spell in Northern Europe known as the Younger Dryas, which occurred between 10,900 BC and 9700 BC, may have depopulated Ireland.
By the late 14th century, the renewal occurred regardless of whether either kingdom was involved in a conflict with England.
As in England the republic was deemed constitutionally never to have occurred.
Near the beginning of the nineteenth century, various governments acted to ban the trade, although illegal smuggling still occurred.
The most significant disturbances occurred at Bristol, where rioters controlled the city for three days.
In 1847 a small political crisis occurred which removed Bentinck from the leadership and highlighted Disraeli’s differences with his own party.
One controversial appointment had occurred shortly before the 1868 election.
Thereupon mutinies occurred in 54 French divisions and 20,000 men deserted.
This occurred at around the same time as the fall of communism in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland.
These dummies led the Germans to believe that an additional airborne landing had occurred.
The first detonation, codenamed Operation Hurricane, occurred on 3 October 1952, in a shallow bay on Trimouille Island.

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occurred — перевод на русский

A miracle has occurred.

Чуда не произошло.

I was standing in the kitchen. Then it occurred to me.

Я был на кухне, когда это произошло.

Has it ever occurred to you that it might get blown up into something big for tom, too— that it might affect him for the rest of his life and make him unsure and doubting— tom’s father put him in this house

Если что-то подобное однажды произошло с тобой, это может тебя просто разрушить, и для Тома это может быть чересчур… Это может травмировать его на всю оставшуюся жизнь, и сделает его неуверенным в себе и сомневающимся относительно… Отец Тома отправил его сюда, в этот дом, в надежде, что я кое-что смогу для него сделать.

The accident occurred after it had left!

Всё произошло, когда она уже уехала!

At what time of day did that occur?

В какое время дня это произошло?

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«Has it ever occurred to you that death may be simpler than life,

«Вам никогда не приходило в голову, что смерть может быть проще, чем жизнь,

It’s occurred to me.

Мне это приходило в голову.


Вам никогда не приходило в голову, что они могут ранить других?

My dear sister has it ever occurred to you that Gigi…?

Моя дорогая сестра, Тебе когда-нибудь приходило в голову, что Жижи?

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Katey needs you?

Тебе никогда не приходило в голову, что Кети нуждается в тебе?

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— I’m so glad it occurred to you.

Я рада, что вам это пришло в голову.

It occurred to me that the girls in the town… and the soldiers around the towns would make an excellent subject for my editorial!

Тут мне пришло в голову… ведь девочки ещё в городе… и солдаты окружили город, это будет превосходный материал для моей статьи!

Lt just occurred to me I could’ve used a sandwich myself.

Мне пришло в голову, что я тоже могла бы съесть сэндвич.

If you hadn’t told me, it would never have occurred to me.

— Если бы вы не сказали, мне бы никогда не пришло в голову.

-Didn’t it occur to you to call a doctor?

Вам не пришло в голову вызвать врача?

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And you’re aware that a captain is responsible for everything that occurs on his ship.

Капитан несет ответственность за все, что происходит на корабле.

What there does occur?

Что там происходит?

The 300 year cycle in which reincarnation occurs.

300-летний цикл, в котором происходит реинкарнация.

In the flooding that occurs every’ five or ten years

Наводнение, которое происходит каждые пять лет

Everything that occurs between you… becomes a sacrament, don’t you see?

Всё, что происходит между вами — священно. Разве ты не понимаешь?

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A strange event just occurred, sixty kilometres from Paris…

В 60-ти километрах от Парижа только что случилось необычное происшествие…

Everything that has occurred here has been caused to happen by them.

Все, что случилось, было делом их рук.

In the course of my travels, it occurred to me that I should find more truth in the reasonings of each individual in reference to his own affairs than in those conducted by a man of letters in his study.

В ходе моих поездок, случилось так, что я мог встретить больше истины в рассуждениях каждого, касательно его собственных дел, чем в кабинетных умозрениях образованного человека.

Instead, the opposite occurred.

Вместо этого, случилось прямо противоположное.

With the old man it wouldn’t have occurred…

Со стариком такого бы не случилось…

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The time didn’t occur to me.

Не подумал о времени.

It occurred to me… that maybe you killed them.

Да я вот подумал… может, это ты их убил.

Ah, It just occured to me

— Надо же, а я об этом не подумал.

It never occurred to me.

Я не подумал… — Что такое?

And, didn’t it occur to you that she also needed a kind word, and reassurance — especially that night, as you say?

А ты не подумал, что Доротея тоже нуждалась в утешении, в добром слове, особенно после той ночи? И может больше, чем ты?

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Did it ever occur to you that I might ask to be your husband?

— Никогда не думали, что я могу предложить выйти за меня?

And it never occurred to you that Superintendant Delomieux aspired to become head of Special Branch?

Вы не думали, что комиссару Деломье не терпится стать начальником разведки?

It didn’t occur that Daniel knows a lot about locks.

Думали, в камере Даниель будет играть в шары. — Где это произошло?

— Hasn’t it occurred to you… that I’m having a tough time keeping my hands off you?

Что? Вы ни разу не думали, легко ли мне дается моя постоянная сдержанность?

Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?

Вы когда-нибудь думали, что ему просто могла понравиться девушка?

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Or hadn’t that occurred to you?

С вами такого не случалось?

It never occurred to me.

Такого со мной не случалось.

Until the former mayor said plainly, over the tables at the Angel, that in times before, these things did not occur.

Пока бывший мэр не сказал запросто, за столом в Анджело, что в прежние времена, такого не случалось.

It just never occurred to baboons that they could shorten that time to five minutes if they used a stick.

С бабуинами никогда не случалось такого, чтобы они сократили это время до пяти минут, используя палку.

-Yes, it has occurred.

— Да, иногда случалось.

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Silly, it never occurred to me!

Мне и в голову это не приходило!

I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you that when you moved into our house my whole world didn’t revolve around you.

Не думаю, что тебе приходило в голову, что когда ты переехал в наш дом, мой мир не вокруг тебя вращался.

Has it occurred to you, by any chance, that we might have deliberately walked into an ambush?

Приходило ли вам в голову мысль, что мы сознательно идем в засаду? Ммм?

Has it occurred to you that there’s a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you’ve already made up your mind about?

Вам не приходило в голову, что есть некоторая неэффективность в том, что вы постоянно обращаетесь по вопросам, с ответами на которые определились?

The fact your staying might comfort me when I’m feeling a bit lonely, the fact we might go beyond convention and make real contact, even if we were never to meet again — none of this would ever occur to you.

А вам не приходило в голову, что мне хочется, чтобы вы побыли рядом со мной потому, что мне одиноко, потому, что хочется поговорить с достойным человеком, даже если мы больше не увидимся.

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«This incident, verified by two witnesses, «occurred within half an hour after the kidnapping,

Двое граждан стали свидетелями этого события произошедшего через 1.5 часа после похищения.

Nobody was injured in the explosion which occurred around noon in the boiler room of the public school.

В результате взрыва произошедшего около двух часов дня в котельной средней школы никто не пострадал.

We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.

Мы обнаружили свидетельство катастрофического изменения климата произошедшего 10,000 лет назад.

There was much speculation as to what occurred on that unseasonably cold August night, but the most common thing I hear is, «Morgan Freeman, you’ve been in more than 75 feature-length films.

ћного копий было сломано по поводу произошедшего той необычайно холодной августовской ночью, но чаще всего у мен€ спрашивают «ћорган ‘римен, ты сн€лс€ в более чем 75 фильмах.

— Then you know what occurred.

Тогда вы в курсе произошедшего.

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Примеры с переводом

Nothing occurred that seemed important.

Вроде бы ничего важного не произошло.

The accident occurred at a busy intersection.

Авария произошла на оживленном перекрестке.

The royal party was on a shoot when the incident occurred.

Вечеринка была в самом разгаре, когда произошел инцидент.

The explosion occurred at 5.30 a.m.

Взрыв произошел в пять-тридцать утра.

The incident occurred much earlier in the game.

Этот инцидент произошёл в игре гораздо раньше.

Seismic social changes have occurred.

Произошли кардинальные перемены в обществе.

His research documents how the crisis occurred.

В его исследовании задокументирован процесс возникновения данного кризиса.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mass extinctions of prehistoric animals are known to have occurred.

When problems occurred during the launch, it was necessary to abort.

…potential jurors were to be drawn from the vicinage in which the crime occurred…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

occur  — происходить, встречаться, иметь место, случаться, являться, попадаться, бывать

descriptive for you as the principal events occurred when I was

Whenever the lawn is under stress, several things have occurred: 1:

» he trailed off, something had occurred to him

The crime occurred less than 10 hours ago so it was unusual that things should have been wrapped up so quickly

Not that such thoughts occurred to Stu as he sauntered

It occurred to her that with her new brain, as she referred to it, she might be able to track her mother down somehow

That occurred to me

It occurred to me that even if I could summon the strength to stand then the act of urinating in complete darkness would probably be a mistake

It occurred to me as I focused on the grainy film flickering in my head that their faces were already starting to fade

Not that such thoughts occurred to Stu as he sauntered through those final dusty yards towards the taverna

had occurred to both Fred and Joe that it may not be as

Berndt appears for lunch and the three of us pretend that nothing has occurred, spending a pleasant afternoon taking it in turns to play the board game Berndt taught me on the barge … as then, he thrashes both Joris and I mercilessly

She alone knew what he was feeling; she alone knew what had occurred up above

It was Queenie, thru Jake, who began to tell Michael what had occurred

Then some kind of calamity occurred; some catastrophe that engulfed the entire world

The other women riders, hearing what had occurred, came over and spoke to her relating their own experiences

Queenie was heard chuckling loudly when this occurred

It occurred to her there and then that if they couldn’t get to the crawling thing behind her, they would probably take just as much delight in wreaking havoc upon the body of one of the genteel classes

It occurred to Ted that there might be something in this, as he had spent many years experimenting with grafts, cross-pollinations and rootstocks

In fact I was shocked because she was so naked and it never occurred to me that underneath those clothes she might be naked but now that I could see, I was almost shocked

’ That had not occurred to me before, ‘I like that idea

Nightmares? Dear God! He had them too … it just never occurred to me

occurred to one of my patients a number of years ago

One of the most dramatic examples of this occurred

knows when the trapped emotion occurred, what the

that had occurred in the lives of women that were

each other, trying to make sense of what had occurred

First Matai felt sorry for the young man, he had lost the Queen and Lord Boras was not pleased with his report as to how it occurred

Finding out when it occurred often helps in

and see if the trapped emotion occurred before the

occurred at age 17, it could actually have been at age

Let’s say an emotional event that occurred a month

24 years old for when this trapped emotion occurred,

If you were to ask if this trapped emotion occurred

occurred, your subject will probably know what event

emotion occurred can result in a more profound

occurred during your high school years

figure out what the situation was, when it occurred,

Whether or not you actually remember what occurred

originally occurred to one of his ancestors in the 1700s,

that actually occurred prior to conception, and I am

unexpected occurred for a reason

Something occurred the way it did for a

” Rayne put her hand on Kai’s arm, “I will speak with him about what has occurred; he will be ready for anything Matai might try

It occurred to Ted that there might be something in this, as he

I built a small auxiliary store in the slab that the entanglement instrumentation was in and my soul was using the verons in that store when the entanglement occurred

She calmed him and explained in detail what had occurred the

All negative experience you have ever had has occurred because you

Ava had her alarm set for any news from Tung, no matter what time of the day it occurred

During the first four months, the phenomena occurred

“That’s a thought which had occurred to me,” he said

I knew the misdirected jealousy, and everything that had occurred between us, because I am aware

‘I wouldn’t say it keeps me awake at night, but, yes, the possibility that we might have problems has occurred to me

at the hill where the attack had occurred, walked

It slowly occurred to Tom that, in the entire three hour walk,

’ She said abruptly as the truth of this statement occurred to her

The next indicator of the rising tide of ill will toward the Livingsons, which if it had been at all anticipated they did not need to wait long to encounter, occurred on the first evening after the arrival of the Lodges’ inaugural guests

Grinly was baffled at what had just occurred

It occurred to Tom that the Watcher he had just seen had been

Some of those who merely held grudges due to business competitions, now welcomed the celebrity of the little Mercantile and talked about ‘how much better business has been this year with the Livingson folks’ store just down the street and all’ whether a real uptick had occurred or not

The first of these visits occurred on a rather blustery day towards

feature, which occurred to Tom rather slowly, was that, although

Now, it could also have occurred differently

A different thought then occurred to him

occurred to him that there was no part of the village which was

It occurred to Tom that the approach of the dragons had spooked

During the long, pillow tossing watches of the night, between imagined conversations during which Andy persuaded the Sergeant by sheer dint of his charismatic personality that there had been nothing going on, the unwelcome thought had occurred to Andy that the Sergeant was being exceptionally curious about what Andy had been doing since he left Tracey

This idea had simply not occurred to Tom but, once it had been

was looking over some of your work, and it occurred to me that you haven’t

We have two independent witnesses that this is how it occurred, sir

It occurred to Tom that there was something magical going on here –

This aspect has not occurred to him

“No, you tell me where the incidents occurred

Chloe, stifled a laugh, it hadn’t occurred to her that they were anything but her new friends, so inured to Harry’s arrival these many years

thought had occurred to him

And this occurred in their household as well; tragedy struck

An interesting example of this occurred almost as soon as Jameson had been moved into the house

Within a day or two it could not be determined that anything so misfortunate had occurred

medicine was exchanged, it’s more likely to have occurred

As he was doing that it occurred to him that they could not see thru these trees

again and something occurred to me

It hadn’t occurred to him that his plans would, of necessity, be presented by him personally

It occurred to her that he wasn’t asking them, with the same tone as Jim

It must have occurred after we left,’ said

occurred in the same minute

have occurred all at once betrays evidence of celestial

occurred to me at that moment—it might have been a mistake coming here

As a result of the sale, he possessed unlimited funds; without which, his rise to power in Shattered Rock would not have occurred quite so swiftly and peacefully

Accordingly, I dug up a piece of ground as well as I could with my wooden spade, and dividing it into two parts, I sowed my grain; but as I was sowing, it casually occurred to my thoughts that I would not sow it all at first, because I did not know when was the proper time for it, so I sowed about two-thirds of the seed, leaving about a handful of each

English, and the same would have occurred even if we’d

It was then that the miracle occurred

There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!’ (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before see a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge

As I looked around, it occurred to me that the

next morning when the miracle occurred

«Oh no, I was there when it all occurred

After all that had occurred, entering Compostella was an

it appears to me some travesty of justice has occurred, or could occur or maybe…

Cize when the opposite had occurred

There was a third event which occurred in the course of the same period, and which, though it could not occasion any scarcity of corn, nor, perhaps, any augmentation in the real quantity of silver which was usually paid for it, must necessarily have occasioned some augmetation in the nominal sum

  • Use the word occurred in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This occurred just as Gabrielle Solis was conferring with her new divorce lawyer, and describing in vivid detail her husband’s affair with their maid, who also happened to be their surrogate.

According to Gong Shil… she said that we need to break this thing if any problem occurred.

I want it made clear that this death occurred on the trauma service.

But in the light of these new developments, it occurred to me maybe he had an accomplice.

A prodigious fact has just occurred this morning in the office of the Clerk of the Court of the prison of Jante, at the time when the hangman was about to prepare the murderer Gurn sentenced to death, that is some minutes before key execution.

And then as I concentrated it occurred to me that this was supposed to be an experiment.

This is what I thought and this is what has occurred.

Incidents — never occurred-yet always happening.

«My husband wanted to give away all his possessions, and distribute his assets to the poor, and that brought many conflicts with his brother … until, one night, a complete breakup occurred

The screenplay to this motion picture was inspired by actual events that occurred during a twenty year period in the life of the great mountains.

I am very sorry about the tragedy that occurred last night.

The fight, which had occurred between Russian and Polish officers, would be the spark that, again, would inflame Poland, resigned to endure the yoke of the oppressor

Just then, a commotion occurred in the street.

Something very strange has occurred and only you can explain it.

I’m not merely curious, Mr. Spade, but it occurred to me that the two, shall we say accidents, might have something to do with a certain ornament that I am trying to recover, not for myself but for the rightful owner.

A sorry and unprecedented case of insubordination has occurred

It just occurred to me…

Doctor, has it ever occurred to you that Wells is free to do as he pleases?

It never occurred to us that you could be shell-shocked, wandered away, lost your memory.

Has it occurred to you that he might be right?

Damn the time it occurred to me!

When you came through the door of that house, That was the first thing that occurred to me to think.

«occurred within half an hour after the kidnapping,

Neither did I. It just occurred to me down there in the water.

It just occurred to me, I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast.

Your family is greatly disturbed over what has occurred.

A terrible mistake has occurred.

«Has it ever occurred to you that death may be simpler than life, «and infinitely more kind?»

It never occurred to you to say «Please, Mister, I’m in trouble.

It suddenly occurred to me I won’t be seeing you anymore.

We have to apologize to listeners… for the delay which has occurred in the broadcast… of the concert from the Albert Hall.

The darkest thoughts occurred to them.

Has it ever occurred to you that there are women in the world about to become mothers?

It occurred to me that on my recommendation she might engage you… as director of the show.

Mosley, something terribly unfortunate has occurred.

Well, you see, certain events occurred which made me feel that the place was not quite suitable for a young person like my wife.

It occurred to me, gentlemen that you might like to know what is to become of you.

1 understand the injury which caused her present condition occurred several years ago,.

A circumstance occurred the night before which should have aroused my suspicions.

Only it occurred to me that the man who laid the air track to Rio when the whole world said it couldn’t be done, and did a lot of other things that nobody else would tackle, well, that man would hardly be the one to wait for a piece of paper

It never occurred to me to go out again into the world, as many novices did.

What you saw tonight actually occurred a few thousand million years ago.

It never occurred to you to consult me, did it?

Therefore, there was between us a certain je ne sais quoi that neither enjoyed separately but occurred only when our wills were joined.

In the last three weeks, two murders have occurred in our city.

Has it never occurred to you that the sale of my books might jump enormously if it were known that I’m fairly young and modern and halfway respectable?

The story of this drama occurred at the year Jingkang of Song Dynasty

I caution everyone, I shall clear this courtroom if there is any demonstration such as occurred yesterday.


Definition of Occurred

happened; took place

Examples of Occurred in a sentence

Several earthquakes have occurred near the mountain, causing shaking and a landslide.


An accident occurred at the corner of 4th street, but no police officers have arrived on the scene yet.


A change in the weather occurred at noon, with sunshine shifting to rain and then to thunderstorms.




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There are many words in the English language that are challenging to spell. Occurred (or is it occured?) is one of them.

The double C in both spellings only adds to the confusion. So should you spell it occured or occurred? And what does the word mean anyway?

Below, we’ll answer these questions and give examples of the word used in a sentence. First, what does it mean?

What does occurred mean? 

Occur is a verb that means to happen, to take place, or to come into existence. It can also mean to present or offer (itself) or to come to mind. The word occurred is simply the past tense or past participle of the word occur.

To give you a better understanding of what the word occurred means, here are some synonyms for occurred

Synonyms of occurred include: 

→ materialize

→ befall

→ transpire

→ arrive

→ appear

→ unfold

→ emerge

Sometimes occurred is the perfect word for your sentence and you shouldn’t use a substitute. Be sure to judge synonyms on a case-by-case basis.

Now that you know the meaning of the word, let’s dig into the different spellings and which one you should use in your writing.

If you’re looking for antonyms of occur, try using one of these words:

Is the correct spelling occured or occurred?

Occurred is derived from Latin occurrere

And it’s one of the most commonly misspelled words in the English dictionary — for good reason!

You’ve probably seen the past tense of occur spelled two different ways: occurred and occured. You may have seen it misspelled as ocurred as well. Do you know which of these spellings is correct and which ones are common misspellings?

It’s okay if you don’t know the answer. Spelling a word correctly gets tricky when double letters are involved. Why? Because it’s difficult to remember which words need a double letter and which words don’t. The Rs in this word tend to stump writers. Do you need a second R or not?

It’s even more difficult when you look at the verb by itself. Occur only has one R in the entire word. Occurred is the past tense of the word occur, so should it also have just one R? How do you know if the word needs to be spelled as occurred with two Rs or occured with one R?

Here’s a neat little trick to help you remember the correct spelling for the past tense of occur: there are two double letters when you spell it the right way. Meaning, there are two Cs in the correct word as well as two Rs. If you only have one double letter, such as in the spelling occured, then you’ve spelled it incorrectly.

Correct: occurred Incorrect: occured

The double consonants in this word happen because of an English grammar rule. This rule states that the final letter needs to be doubled when a word of two or more syllables places stress on the last syllable. In this case, occur fits the grammar rule so you must spell it with two Rs.

Using occurred in a sentence

Here are a few examples of the correct spelling of occurred in a sentence.

  • It occurred to him that if he wants to learn Spanish, he should create a habit to assign a new word of the day every day.  
  • They claim the house is haunted, but I stayed the entire night and nothing out of the ordinary occurred. I think it was all a big joke.
  • Has it ever occurred to you that I am not interested in the same hobbies? I enjoy different activities than you do.
  • The impromptu meeting occurred yesterday after lunch when the students decided to gather on campus.
  • I don’t know if a similar situation has occurred in this class. I’m still new to this school.
  • When it occurred to me that I needed to buy the tickets in advance, it was already too late. The venue sold out weeks ago and I missed out.

You should be able to confidently spell occurred without spell checker software now. Just remember the trick: when spelled correctly, occurred should have two double letters. If you can’t remember the spelling trick, bookmark this guide.

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Synonym: come about, happen, take place, transpire. Similar words: occupy, occupation, accurate, accuracy, accurately, soccer, accuse, occasional. Meaning: [ə’kɜr /ə’kɜː]  v. 1. come to pass 2. come to one’s mind; suggest itself 3. to be found to exist. 

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1. Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage. 

2. Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 

3. When did the accident occur?

4. A third of accidental deaths occur in the home.

5. I hope this won’t occur again.

6. When exactly did the incident occur?

7. Rainforests occur around the equator.

8. I don’t want such a thing to occur again.

9. Many bodily changes occur during adolescence.

10. Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.

11. These chemical changes occur quite naturally.

12. The thought did occur to me.

13. Adaptations in plants occur over thousands of years.

14. Miracles sometimes occur(sentencedict.com), but one has to work terribly hard for them.

15. Cases of child cruelty occur more often than they are observed.

16. The highest spring tides of the year occur after the equinoxes in March and September.

17. If headaches only occur at night,[Sentencedict.com ] lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.

18. Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.

19. About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.

20. Such plants don’t occur here.

21. An explosion will probably occur at any minute.

22. These problems occur in all families.

23. No one has suggested how this might occur.

24. It is uncertain how likely this is to occur.

25. Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 

26. Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.

27. If the primary infection is not treated further outbreaks may occur.

28. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

29. The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.

30. She’s written a program to find words which frequently occur together.

More similar words: occupy, occupation, accurate, accuracy, accurately, soccer, accuse, occasional, on occasion, the accused, curve, occasionally, accusation, curious, current, curtain, currency, security, currently, curriculum, blackcurrant. 

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