A sentence with the word nomad

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word nomad? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

This metaphor implies the dichotomy within the artist of his simultaneity of fixity and of a nomad.
A group of nomad families sharing a common ancestry is more likely to deal with the challenges of the desert.
As with his friend James Joyce, another Irish literary nomad, internal exile turned quickly into literal emigration.
A tantalising childhood image was of nomad tinkers who came trailing families and children, and disappeared as suddenly beyond the horizon.
It was Faouzi’s idea to stop within sight of a nomad encampment on the way home.
As she tells the story in her book nomad, she met with liberal and conservative outfits.
Today, she takes the formula from me and sucks down every last drop of liquid like a desert-thirsty nomad.
The visiting nomad passed them all onto his colleagues in the land of plenty.
This very large, very powerful bike is popular with nomad outriders regardless of its high price. Its performance seems to pay for itself.
Roland Maison is a nomad thirsty for open spaces and hungering after solid matter.
From sedentary nomad of fixed to mobile, the exhibition reflects the evolution of our lifestyles to lead us gradually into a dream world.
How do we meet the one who is explorer, nomad for all seasons, diviner, reader of dementia, the man with four eyes, as we say in my country?
At lunchtime I was led to a nomad tent down the hill in the garden, with floor-cushion sofas around low ornate tables, thick rugs and lanterns.
At night, local Gnawa musicians sometimes play, and guests can even sleep out in the nomad tents to appreciate the desert’s starry skies.
Mobile schools were to open very shortly to enable all nomad children to obtain education.
A nomad welcomes visitors for he knows that he must travel, be hospitable and enjoy hospitality.
I know you’ve always had a reputation for being a bit of a musical nomad, but wouldn’t it have been easier to record your new album in one place?
The lyrics span a wide range of topics, from metaphysical rebellion, to living as a nomad.
Groupe SILICOMP considers that at any time the nomad terminal is a part of the whole IT system.
Smart Guardian provides nomad workforces with a trusted platform to securely access corporate resources.

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Examples from Classical Literature

We were going to seek the nomad herders in the deeper recesses of the fjeld.
The negeb still supports a considerable nomad population, and their flocks and herds are numerous.
The nomad tribes had been pressed back and deprived of their best pasturage, namely the Ordos region.
For the nomad of the fire-wheel was a girl, tall and slender, barbarically arrayed in the holiday garb of a Seminole chief.
He has a hand-to-mouth, nomad existence, ending in the inevitable frozen misery of the workhouse.
There was silence in the city below them and silence in the nomad.
These people had the blood of the nomad and the volatile in their veins.
By God, he’d leave the mark of the nomad on the vicious thing!
Amurru means the Hittite country and the nomad land or, according to another tradition, Chaldea.
He backed toward the open manhole of the nomad, still grinning.
But it would be great at that to have her along in the nomad.
Ora and Detis were very quiet and preoccupied when they entered the nomad.
She was in rags, barefoot, like the poorest nomad of them all.
This was evidently no ordinary party of immigrants, but rather some nomad people who had been compelled from stress of circumstances to seek themselves a new country.
Angus Kerr picked 4-1 shot Profluent, Brian Cowan had Super Nomad and George Simpson went for Ichi Beau.
The emanations of the cosmic monster were at work on the Nomad.

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A global nomad diplomat and I hope our paths will cross again.

Дипломат — это мировой кочевник, и я надеюсь, что наши пути еще пересекутся вновь.

I’ll just wander the earth as a peaceful nomad doing good deeds.

Я буду странствовать по земле как кочевник, творя благие дела.

I like the life to be perfectly programmed here, ritualized, in total contrast with my turbulent nomad life.

Мне нравится, что существование в ней упорядочено, ритуализировано — в полном контрасте с моей турбулентной жизнью номада.

As one might expect of a people with millennia of nomad lifestyle, sitting around in one place was pretty boring.

Как и можно было предположить, для людей с тысячелетней историей жизни кочевников было бы довольно скучно сидеть на одном месте.

My virtual connections influenced me so much I owe my current digital nomad lifestyle to them.

Мои виртуальные связи повлияли на меня так сильно, что я обязан своим нынешним стилем жизни цифровых кочевников.

I would like to think of myself as a global soul, as a world citizen, a nomad and an itinerant storyteller.

Я хочу считать себя международной душой, гражданином мира, кочевником и странствующим рассказчиком.

I guess one part of me has always been a nomad, physically and spiritually.

Я думаю, что часть меня всегда была кочевником физически и духовно.

I’ve been moving around so much that I feel like a nomad.

Я так часто переезжаю, что начинаю чувствовать себя кочевником.

As a nomad, you collect and leave traces.

Как истинный кочевник я собираю и сам же оставляю следы.

The life of a digital nomad sounds romantic, but it takes structure to be productive.

Жизнь цифрового кочевника — звучит романтично, но она требует структуры, чтобы быть продуктивной.

When someone tells you that digital nomad lifestyle is all roses and wine, it’s simply not true.

Когда кто-то говорит вам, что цифровой образ жизни кочевников — сплошные розы и вино, это просто неправда.

And that really has defined my journey as a digital nomad.

«И это действительно определило мое путешествие как цифрового кочевника.

Asad fell in love with digital nomad retreats and their sense of community.

Асад влюбился в ретриты цифровых кочевников и их чувство общности.

Certain positions are particularly well-suited for those who wish to pursue a digital nomad lifestyle.

Определенные должности особенно хорошо подходят для тех, кто хочет вести цифровой образ жизни кочевников.

Adopting the digital nomad lifestyle means that you’ll probably pick up clients from different corners of the world.

Принятие цифрового образа жизни кочевников означает, что вы, вероятно, будете сотрудничать с клиентами из разных уголков мира.

The digital nomad revolution is just beginning and I’m excited to help it grow.

Революция «цифровых кочевников» только начинается, и я хочу помочь этому движению вырасти.

He saw a beautiful girl, daughter of a poor nomad, and he desired her.

Увидев красивую девушку, дочь бедного кочевника, он возжелал ее.

The digital nomad movement has become a huge trending topic on social media, and it is still growing.

Движение цифровых кочевников стало очень популярной темой в социальных сетях и продолжает расти.

Such an influential field security was to protect it from the nomad raids and testified to the long-term plans of the government.

Такая внушительная защита промысла должна была охранять его от набегов кочевников и свидетельствовала о долгосрочных планах правительства.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nomad, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nomad in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nomad».

Nomad in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nomad in a sentence.

  1. Bodley spent his seven years in the Sahara desert living with a nomad Bedouin tribe.

  2. The area occupied by a pride is called a «pride area» whereas that occupied by a nomad is a «range».

  3. Kennedy writes, «when the nomad [Türgesh] allied with the local Iranian princes, they provided what was perhaps the fiercest opposition the early Muslim armies ever encountered».

General information about «nomad» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nomad that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nomad» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nomad».

nomad — перевод на русский


They call him Nomad.

Они называют его Кочевник.

Nomad, right?


If Jones is right, two nights from now, Nomad floods the market with this, cheap, powerful TPG.

Ну,если Джонс прав, Через два дня Кочевник наводнит рынок этим Дешевым,мощным препаратом.

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I am Nomad.

Я есть Номад.

Wasn’t there a probe called Nomad launched in the early 2000s?

В начале 2000-х разве не запускали зонд под названием «Номад»?

Nomad, can you scan that?

Номад, можете просканировать?

— The usage is correct, Nomad.

— Использование верное, Номад.

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Never stopping, like nomads

Никогда не останавливаясь, как бродяга…

Nomad copies all.

Бродяга принял

Nomad, Nathan James.

Бродяга, Нейтан Джеймс.

Nice timing, Nomad.

Самое время, бродяга.

Copy that, Nomad.

Вас понял, бродяга.

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— I’m a nomad.

— Я странник.

Yes I’ll be in time, Nomad.

Да, Странник, успею.

Nomad had took.. from the Information department..

Странник забрал из депертамента информации дикаря,

Nomad, where had you been last week?

Странник, где тебя носило на прошлой неделе?

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Nomad’s back.

Номэд вернулся.

Nomad hacking into MIT is one thing, but Haley’s computer?

Номэд взломал МИТ это одно, но комп Хейли?

Dude, nomad is not here.

Чувак, Номэд здесь нет.

What the hell was nomad?

Кто, этот чёртов Номэд?

Have any clue how fast dumb, lost little kids like me, Jonah or nomad could ruin a place like this?

Вы не представляете, как быстро такие, как я, Джона или Номэд, могут разрушить ваш центр!

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Definition of Nomad

one who wanders

Examples of Nomad in a sentence

The nomad never stays in a city for more than two months.


Since retiring, my mother has become a nomad whose main goal is to see the world.


John says he will never get married because he is too much of a nomad to ever settle down.


In the spirit of a nomad, Jose moves from state to state in search of work.


The traveling salesman is a nomad who goes from town to town hoping to sell his products.


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A nomad (Greek: νομάς, nomas, plural tribe) is a member of a community of people who live in different locations, moving from one place to another in search of grasslands for their animals. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We originally visited this funky place back in 2011 and loved it so much we came back in 2015 to spend a few months living there in amongst the booming digital nomad and travel blogger community.


A self-professed digital nomad details how he feels more productive without a place to call home.


While round-the-world tickets seem like the provenance of young gap-year travelers, retirees finally seeing the world, or those lucky location independent nomads, they’re actually one of the best ways to maximize the distance you travel with points.


Certainly it is true that the Bible is chock full of examples of nomads, pilgrimages, and journeys.


Its aim is to build up an online community of nomads (it currently stands at 6,851 and counting), and the site provides them with advice, information and a way of socialising and communicating with each other on their travels.


There has recently been a lot of buzz online about the new E-residency program in Estonia, especially among internet entrepreneurs and so-called digital nomads — people…


Azawakh is an ancient sighthound breed that has lived for thousands of years with the cattle breeding nomads of the south Sahara in Africa.


Click here to see more of my favorite digital nomad resources.


Once you follow the below steps to become a digital nomad below, you should consider using manufactured spending and credit card churning to travel the world.


If you’re a digital nomad who wants to pursue your filmmaking dreams, Armando Costantino offers inspiration and advice to taking that next step.


Sagittarius is the zodiac’s global nomad, and this full moon might be the cue that we all need to break out our passports and go visit some unexplored terrain.


Ranked # 4 on the Nomad List of best cities for digital nomads, Berlin is everything you could want in a major European city.


I asked a few people — both first time travellers and experienced nomads — what is as the best advice you have ever been given, and put their answers together with mine!


You don’t have to be an experienced writer to start journaling too, find out how with these tips from a nomad.


But do you know any travel blogger and digital nomad in the Philippines who are as chill AF?


Like taking an adventure across the Indian Ocean or a global nomad that loves to mix their pieces with unique finds from all around the world.


As a digital nomad I left the 40-hour work weeks behind to explore more of the world we all live on but rarely see much of!


Jey Jetter Julia is a German digital nomad and location independent since 2011 who started blogging in 2015.


Last fall I spent a month at El Sueño Tropical as part of a retreat for digital nomads and I look back on that as…


He worked upstream from the Agadir dealer and discovered that the original finder was a nomad who worked the desolate terrain between Mauritania and southwestern Morocco.


We decided to start a travel blog to document our travels and our journey to becoming fully fledged digital nomads.


Before we became nomads, we thought of home as where we had grown up.


I’m not a digital nomad; I’m a girl who has a full-time job and loves to travel as much as possible.


If you’re planning on hosting live events, keep in mind that digital nomads tend to be scattered across the globe, which means that they are in different time zones.


It is a portable sanctuary, for they are still a pilgrim people destined to wander for some forty years as nomads in the wilderness, learning, worshiping, preparing for the day when they claim the Land of the Promise and make it their holy land forever.


Four decades later, the powerful nature and nomads of Mongolia remain important to Damba’s aesthetic and is reflected into his artwork to this day.


World nomads covers only claims regarding medical insurance and that too for more than 2K INR.


The artist as global nomad may be a cliché of the twenty-first century, but the realities of world history are such that individuals still hold allegiances to certain locales over others.


I offer the below services to freelancers, digital nomads, remote workers or professionals already engaged or employed in work they love.


Arno hopes that one day — and hopefully, soon — the globetrotting Estonian digital nomads will again play a crucial part in the local game development community.


Author: Sanne Wesselman A traveler, wanderer, digital nomad and entrepreneur.


Gday, l am an Aussie nomad, spending the warmer months in Gippsland Vic but come the cold l wander north seeking roads and towns l haven’t found before.


Most travellers I meet are fine but some of the semi-permanent nomads can be taxing to deal with.


Those digital nomads are the new Jack Kerouac’s and Hunter S. Thompson’s: traveling to wherever life takes them and meeting interesting people all over the world.


Chuck Melber has been honing his skills as a digital nomad for the last five years.


Some of these correlations are fairly predictable: Tuareg desert nomads are not likely to have 27 different words for types of snow or fishhooks.


These fulgurites, which range from a few grams up to tens of kilograms, are not easy to find, and meteorite dealers often pay nomads in the Sahara Desert to collect them during their travels.


For aspiring digital nomads with the world as their oyster, an error fare could be all the motivation they need for a change of scenery and to try out a new location.


1957 chevrolet nomad wagon rear 34 89282.


The universe is far grander than iron-age desert nomads would have imagined.


On the eastern front in 1944, rear gunner Joseph Beuys (b1921-d1986) was — according to his own personal mythology — rescued from a burning Stuka by Tatar nomads and wrapped in fat and felt.


The Nomadic Hippie 2.0 is about being a travel blogger (digital nomad) and an animal rights activist.


Stories, tips and practical advice from the road aimed at backpackers, expats, digital nomads and career breakers.


Our is to transition to becoming digital nomads on the road where we tell travel stories, share travel tips, take travel photos and shoot travel videos.


We left Ireland in 2009 to teach English in South Korea and have since become digital nomads.


Mike Elgan is a technology-obsessed journalist, author, blogger, podcaster and digital nomad.


But certain Southeast Asian nomads dive and swim without eye protection and still manage to harvest small camouflaged shells, clams, and sea cucumbers.


is a popular destination in northern Thailand, filled with hipster coffee bars, digital nomads and


Insider’s Tip: If you’re a digital nomad and rely heavily on the internet, head to expensive hotels, and higher end cafes and restaurants.


In today’s Women Who Travel Solo, Inka Piegsa-Quischotte, a born nomad, shares solo travel tips from her time living abroad in Turkey.


Half an hour earlier, on the other side of that door, I’d been a foolish romantic nomad wandering over the land, crunching dusty tracks underfoot in tune with the pace of my life

They were shepherds, with a nomad life,

Apart from the mole, with the adventurers boat was tied, there was no trace of the once bustling nomad city

I was beginning to understand the meaning of the word exile and nomad

Jethro would have had a freer life then most, being a nomad

a freer life then most, being a nomad

Sometimes, though scarcely, the nomad stops at a place for a brief interval, only to take a bit of rest, to rest his aching bones, before he sets out again in quest of that illusive truth that does not let him rest, meanwhile entertaining and amusing me

Like I said, this life as a nomad in a wasteland wasn’t too bad

The wall was unusually high; but there were many thieves in Zamboula, and a house on the edge of the desert might have to be defended against a nocturnal nomad raid

the life of a nomad; this is to

“You could say that I have been riding horses since my tender youth as a barbarian nomad 5,000 years ago, Mister Ronash

Mine was as a Semitic nomad woman named Amdira, who was born and died in the Sumerian basin 7,000 years ago

In his mind, the details of Nomad became available in three dimensions, with text

Nomad was an Earth probe that had been in an accident with an alien probe called Tan Ru

Their programs merged, and Nomad went on a killing spree, not too dissimilar from the V’Ger incident

The important detail about Nomad, though, was that it was about a meter in length, and weighed only five hundred kilograms

’ How did they know about Tan Ru, the alien probe that had had a run in with the Earth probe Nomad?

This is the Nomad

Anna was a nomad with his roots in rural Maharashtra; he often moved from one agitation to another

Nomad economy was as simple as cattle for milk and butter settled in a fertile flat land to feed animals and people among them the maze

Early man was a hunter and a nomad moving to

Like a wandering nomad he travelled on

It was only because of Denver that he stayed, he would have been happy to live as a nomad, wandering alone in a canoe down the rivers and through the forests

From humans who refused to settle down and kept on traveling, while others settled down and became targets for the nomad populations to attack

Many times we’d come upon a little nomad settlement with tents for houses and nothing but a couple animals and open land around them

Many times we’d come upon a little nomad settlement with tents for houses and nothing but a couple animals and open land around them

My house became overwhelmingly claustrophobic at that point, and I craved fresh air the way a desert nomad seeks water

“That’s a grown-up bow,” Gaétan said, “for a nomad woman, that is

And the homeless nomad wandered

Three miles beyond the village the steppe spread out and nothing was visible except the dry, monotonous, sandy, dismal plain covered with the footmarks of cattle, and here and there with tufts of withered grass, with low reeds in the flats, and rare, little-trodden footpaths, and the camps of the nomad Nogay tribe just visible far away

April 10, 2023
All Dictionary

The land and general tax — in its nature an income tax — and the jangali or cattle tax upon nomad herdsmen.

The factories consist of flour-mills, distilleries, tanneries and tobacco works; but a great many domestic trades, including carpet-weaving and the making of felt goods, saddlery and iron goods, are carried on, among both the settled inhabitants and the nomad Kirghiz.

Some nomad tribes who owned many brood mares, and yearly sold hundreds of horses, now hardly possess sufficient animals for their own requirements.

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This destroyed the prosperity of Nisibis, and the district, no longer protected against nomad tribes, became a wilderness.

And this is fulfilled when he obeys the commands of law and the true order; when he tends his cattle and fields, in contrast with the lawless and predatory nomad (Dahae); when he wars on all harmful and evil creatures, and on the devilworshippers; when he keeps free from pollution the pure creations of Ahuramazdauire foremost, but also earth and water; and, above all, when he practises the Good and True in thought, word and work.

The royal line of these is quite distinct from the true Royal Scyths, who, like most nomad conquerors, allowed their subjects, to preserve their own organizations.

The story of Cain and Abel, which appears to represent the nomad life as a curse, may be an attempt to explain the origin of an existence which in the eyes of the settled agriculturist was one of continual restlessness, whilst at the same time it endeavours to find a reason for the institution of blood-revenge on the theory that at some remote age a man (or tribe) had killed his brother (or brother tribe).

The central zone includes Hejaz (or Hijaz), Nejd and El Hasa; much of it is a dry, stony or sandy steppe, with few wells or watering-places, and only occupied by nomad tribes; but the great wadis which intersect it contain many fertile stretches of alluvial soil, where cultivation is possible and which support a considerable settled population, with several large towns and numerous villages.

A long succession of nomad Turkish tribes, pressing forward from central Asia, wandered over the rich country in search of fresh pastures for their flocks and herds.

The Kali and its smaller sizes, called Kaiicheh (in Europe, rugs), are chiefly made in Ferahan, Sultanabad (Irak), Khorasan, Kurdistan, Karadagh, Yezd, Kerman, and among the nomad tribes of southern Persia.

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