A sentence with the word narrative

He elicited and compared details and wrote up his findings almost immediately in a highly readable, anecdotal narrative style.
Grand amours and boon companionship are conspicuously absent from his narrative.
In fact, the narrative is full of loose ends and red herrings, and the episodic writing frequently loses momentum.
It was the beginning of a firm friendship, and we collaborated in a book that reprinted the narrative that Orr had written to go with his images.
The weird narrative developments are beginning to feel less like clues and more like red herrings.
This is partially redeemed by seeing battle-hardened characters acquire new powers, and by the suitably far-fetched narrative sequences.
Within America itself, strong female characters emerge from and repudiate the caricatures of womanhood that populate the narrative.
Third, I would argue once more that redaction and narrative criticisms are the friend rather than the foe of historical verification.
Born to Buy would have benefited from more narrative, anecdotal sugar in the form of compelling characters to make the medicine go down.
A work that had been subjected to any kind of redaction would surely show more signs of narrative coherence.
His narrative technique links texts that are otherwise quite different in subject matter, thereby creating a sense of amplification.
What’s more, the narrative has pace and is injected with witty dialogue and humour.
I have tried to introduce personal anecdotal narrative into the book because I became very involved in my investigation into the naturopath.
Already the jaundice of cynicism and the jaded bitterness of innocence lost cast their hue over my narrative.
The issue of representativeness was of little significance because of my predominantly qualitative and narrative research approach.
His aim, he explains in a program interview, is to reconnect music to emotions through narrative.
The entire composition is unified by an extensive, wintry landscape containing distant narrative details.
The two tropes are geology and archaeology integrated into an anecdotal, memorialising narrative form that demands admiration for its adroitness.
The narrative halts for a paragraph to depict the dreary marsh landscape on a late winter afternoon.
Click here to view a movie and narrative by Don Pettit describing some of the airglow he has seen.

Show More Sentences


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word narrative, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use narrative in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «narrative». In addition, we also show how different variations of narrative can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are narrative’s, narratively, narratives and narrative’s. If you click on the variation of narrative that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Narrative in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word narrative in a sentence.

  1. The narrative is in two parts.

  2. In the narrative discourse, Sneferu (r.

  3. Hutton later wrote a narrative of the events:.

  4. Stone compare the narrative to the Icarus myth.

  5. The direct narrative approach divided reviewers.

  6. Reviewers praised the narrative of Minerva’s Den.

  7. Holroyd describes this as «a rambling narrative ..

  8. Some felt the narrative suffered from pacing issues.

  9. The narrative ends with praise for Rama’s compassion.

  10. The narrative was originally structured thematically.

  11. The narrative of Fun Home is non-linear and recursive.

  12. A few historians have supported versions of its narrative.

  13. The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter is considered the oldest extant Japanese narrative.

  14. Additional interviews with major figures are added to drive the film’s narrative.

  15. However, historians including Walter Goffart place little trust in this narrative.

  16. Her biographers either ignore Malinovsky’s claim, or weave it into their narrative.

  17. The republished narrative is unchanged from the original published in Sea of Cortez.

  18. This is also the case for African American autobiography, which has its roots in the slave narrative.

  19. This is also the case for African-American autobiography, which has its roots in the slave narrative.

  20. Lead scenario writer Daisuke Watanabe thought about how the narrative could be continued in a sequel.

  21. Its narrative, humor, combat, progression-systems, soundtrack, and open world-design received praise.

  22. This was attributed to the strong narrative between episodes, in contrast to Telltale’s previous work.

  23. The changes, which Hodder described as «subtle», mainly affect the dialogue rather than the narrative.

  24. He is invested with the narrative authority to understand and explain the fantastic events depicted.».

  25. Her narrative thus, by proxy, influences both men’s character development as they delve into the case.

  26. Wollstonecraft’s Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is a deeply personal travel narrative.

  27. Moffat had experimented with non-linear narrative in Press Gang, such as the episode «Monday-Tuesday».

  28. Matsuno at the time described his wish for the narrative to emulate «a sense of swashbuckling heroism».

  29. The acting style is as emotionally over-the-top as the narrative and visual style of The Cabinet of Dr.

  30. Reinhold Forster’s agreements with Sandwich made it impossible for him to publish a separate narrative.

  31. An update to the game enabled players to save their in-game data at any point in the in-game narrative.

  32. The narrative structure of Ray’s films are represented by musical forms such as sonata, fugue and rondo.

  33. One-half of the «generic hybridity» of Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is the epistolary travel narrative.

  34. In Confessions of the Fox, a 2018 novel by Jordy Rosenberg, the Sheppard story was recontextualized as a queer narrative.

  35. Producer Nathan Burlow said the narrative and atmosphere of the 2007 game BioShock influenced Arkham Asylum’s design.

  36. Diary of a Camper was the first demo to contain a narrative with text-based dialogue, instead of merely showing gameplay.

  37. Applause broke out during «The Sound of Silence», when the narrative voice refers to a large crowd of people in the dark:.

  38. While the novel takes place during a series of battles, The Red Badge of Courage is not a traditional Civil War narrative.

  39. They were greeted by a royal feast and a progression of narrative pageants, complete with a depiction of the Fall of Troy.

  40. The novel provides a more inclusive historical narrative to challenge the one which usually relates only masculine events.

  41. The game features no text or dialogue, forming a narrative arc primarily through visual representation and emotional cues.

  42. This timeline extends the duration of the pagan reaction from less than a year, in Bede’s narrative, to about eight years.

  43. Mlynárik points out that riots also took place in August 1946 in the northern and eastern parts of Slovakia, where Hungarians did not live, belying the official narrative.

  44. Oskar Seyffert considered that the poem to have been “the most remarkable production in the domain of narrative epic poetry between the time of Ennius and that of Vergil”.

  45. McElroy criticized the game narrative as a series of excuses to encounter villains that were «one-dimensional punching [bags]», and that the character dialogue was clichéd.

  46. In a 2005 BBC review, the well-rounded characters and simple narrative of the film were commended, but the comical cameos of Asrani and Jagdeep were considered unnecessary.

  47. Feminist scholar Maria Lauret states that the «formation of female cultural identity» is woven into the book’s narrative, setting Maya up as «a role model for Black women».

Narrative’s in a sentence

Narrative’s is a variation of narrative, below you can find example sentences for narrative’s.

  1. They refined the shooting and driving mechanics and tightened the narrative’s pacing and scope.

  2. Haley influenced the narrative’s direction and tone while remaining faithful to his subject’s syntax and diction.

  3. IGN felt the changes were part of its intrigue, praising the narrative’s political elements and comedic tone compared to the first game.

  4. For Barrueto, «this narrative’s goal is to prove that Latin American societies, though they are aware of the blueprint of Modernity, are unable to act accordingly.».

  5. IGN’s Moriarty felt that the crafting system assisted the combat, and that the latter contributed to the narrative’s emotional value, adding that enemies feel «human».

  6. To prevent players of BioShock 2 from feeling Minerva’s Den’s gameplay was repetitive, 2K Marine tried to present a different experience within the narrative’s constraints.

  7. True Detective was intended to be a novel, but once the project took definite form, Pizzolatto thought the narrative’s shifts in time and perspective made it more suitable for television.

  8. While Haley’s skills as writer have significant influence on the narrative’s shape, Stone writes, they require a «subject possessed of a powerful memory and imagination» to produce a workable narrative.

Narratively in a sentence

Narratively is a variation of narrative, below you can find example sentences for narratively.

  1. Visually and narratively, the original panel was the climactic element of a dynamic page composition.

Narratives in a sentence

Narratives is a variation of narrative, below you can find example sentences for narratives.

  1. Three mainstream narratives emerged after the shooting.

  2. Swift’s confessional narratives received critical praise.

  3. In all narratives, Ahalya and Indra are cursed by Gautama.

  4. These narratives condemned Huizong and his officials for their moral failures.

  5. There are other accounts, including two anonymous narratives published in 1842.

  6. Each capital is different, and some contain small figures illustrating narratives.

  7. Autobiographical narratives self-censor, reorder event chronology, and alter names.

  8. He sprinkles them throughout the narratives, repeating points made in conversation.

  9. It appeared as a major motivator in the 289 personal narratives included in the report.

  10. The two narratives, the subjective and the objective viewpoints, complement each other.

  11. He described it as a blank canvas on which he and later others could create narratives.

  12. Blyton had an interest in biblical narratives, and retold Old and New Testament stories.

  13. Their early bicycle tour narratives were better received than their mountaineering books.

  14. Others praise tight, perceptive and convincing narratives and excellent characterisation.

  15. Historians criticized the use of slave narratives that were seen as unreliable and biased.

  16. Along with further narratives in various media, franchise tie-ins include video games and toys.

  17. The «hidden footing» contains reliefs, 160 of which are narratives describing the real Kāmadhātu.

  18. Each season of The Wire consists of 10 to 13 episodes that form several multi-layered narratives.

  19. Critics had mixed reviews for All Souls, when compared to other horror and science-fiction narratives.

  20. The main theme of such narratives is her deliverance by Rama, which is seen as proof of his compassion.

Narrative’s in a sentence

Narrative’s is a variation of narrative, below you can find example sentences for narrative’s.

  1. Rediff.com stated that despite being «the narrative’s most conventional character,» the film «greatly relies on [her] for warmth and virtue» and Mehul S.

Synonyms for narrative

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word narrative has the following synonyms: communicative, communicatory, narration, story and tale.

General information about «narrative» example sentences

The example sentences for the word narrative that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «narrative» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «narrative».

Random good picture Not show

1. His trip through the world made an interesting narrative.

2. Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder.

3. He was a writer of great narrative power.

4. The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity.

5. Narrative makes up most of the book.

6. The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.

7. Neither author was very strong on narrative.

8. It’s a moving narrative of wartime adventure.

9. It’s difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.

10. In narrative, the reporting verb is in the past tense.

11. At several points in the narrative the two stories cross.

12. The author deliberately breaks the narrative continuity in order to confound the reader’s expectations.

13. He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.

14. She wants to fable up this narrative into a fiction.

15. The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.

16. The narrative is inert and sloppy(sentencedict.com), as if the author had been writing half-asleep.

16. Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

17. A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes.

18. The author interrupts her narrative to tell us that the idea for the book had not been well received.

19. The author abandons the conventions of linear narrative and normal chronology.

20. The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem.

21. The novel refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of 19th century realism.

22. She took up the narrative where John had left off.

23. The narrative in this book plays second fiddle to the excellent photographs.

24. The writing alternates between theoretical, analytic and narrative.

25. They have that elusive quality called narrative momentum.

26. Behind the madcap narrative is a deeper purpose.

27. The book is written in the style of first-person narrative.

28. The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative.

29. The book is not one word too long and its narrative pace is unflagging.

30. Hall skilfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative.

More similar words: cooperative, administrative, native, relative, innovative, relatively, initiative, legislative, alternative, conservative, representative, array, narrow, arrange, or rather, arrangement, embarrassed, arrive at, active, motive, actively, incentive, deceptive, cognitive, supportive, sensitive, objective, detective, executive, ratio. 

Sentences with the word Narrative?



  • «that engrossed look or rapt delight»; «enwrapped in dreams»; «so intent on this fantastic…narrative that she hardly stirred»- Walter de la Mare; «rapt with wonder»; «wrapped in thought»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «his narrative was interesting»; «Disney’s stories entertain adults as well as children»
  • «narrative poetry»
  • «suspense is the very stuff of narrative«
  • «there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time»; «there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history»

Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1. His trip through the world made an interesting Narrative.

2. Sloan began his Narrative with the day of the murder.

3. He was a writer of great Narrative power.

4. The novel fails to achieve Narrative continuity.

5. Narrative makes up most of the book.

6. The novel contains more Narrative than dialogue.

7. Neither author was very strong on Narrative.

8. It’s a moving Narrative of wartime adventure.

9. It’s difficult to construct a Narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.

10. In Narrative, the reporting verb is in the past tense.

11. At several points in the Narrative the two stories cross.

12. The author deliberately breaks the Narrative continuity in order to confound the reader’s expectations.

13. He laces his Narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.

14. She wants to fable up this Narrative into a fiction.

15. The story shows a strong Narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.


Tips to remember how to use «Narrative» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Narrative».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Narrative», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Narrative» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


Halfway through my narrative, the door opens and a woman comes in with a tray of coffee

His lack of respect for God impacted others for bad — Look at the narrative

It is controversial, but it just seems to fit with the biblical narrative

A smile touching my lips, I gaze at him, his head bowed as he continues his narrative

The old man stopped his narrative, frowning

narrative, but Tom wondered if this was more to do with Fred’s

’ Grant agreed when he had finished his narrative

narrative), of her introduction to the Beauchamp

many more times in the course of my narrative

Now that we’ve arrived to this point in the narrative where I

Is feeling anxiety with time caused or released By the full narrative glimpse?

However, at this point in the narrative, it will suffice to say

I am aware of myself without thinking about the story or narrative of myself

Our attention is used to focusing automatically on the thoughts and perceptions that arise in our minds, and automatically attends to our ongoing story or narrative

It is important to have times when you disengage from this narrative

It is a story or narrative, with scenery, players, plot lines, winners, losers, happiness, and sorrow, all set in motion, and kept in motion by our minds

And as I write this narrative

Its adherents are those Christians and Jews, who believe that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative as a basis for their beliefs

Had it really occurred to him that Raiya was truly in love with Roidon? Torbin had told himself – created the logical narrative – that it was merely infatuation with a young-looking man who possessed an undeniable charisma

Sicarius’s face remained unreadable throughout her narrative

Whether the narrative is true or not, it has now become accepted history, and anyone who deviates from it is deemed mad

Especially when politicians are behind the writing of it, as they massage the narrative in order to look good for they are not ones to admit to their many mistakes… unless circumstances force them to, and then they hide behind their “spin doctors

What would happen if you did not have the correct knowledge of the past because the past has been falsely rewritten—a narrative that now says that your husband (or wife) likes their eggs fried in peanut butter (how horrible)? You will be blind-sided, because that is now what you believe! Your perception was now wrong

Note that the above narrative doesn’t convey all the complicated logistics of finding mechanics, driving here and there, following each other on the highway, and cell-phone negotiations

Here is a strong narrative of that

As Hermann came to the end of his narrative, Colling realized that he did not know the man’s last name, and on asking, discovered that it was Breitmann

Within this narrative, I also hope to convince you that the name of a Mesopotamian “God-Most-High” known as EL, as revealed through discoveries in archaeology is the same as that implied in the name of the high priest of Salem in the biblical story of Abraham, M-EL-chizedek (see also ch

A new reading of the time line of history would make the explosion of Thera and the Exodus, as described in the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Old Testament, concurrent events, justifying a new, realistic, first-person narrative of the Exodus

Therefore they made a free interpretation of the narrative and end in this confusing idea of solid skies and fixed stars in the firmament, beyond the abode of God and the angels that would be a theme rather focused on the philosophical

When Elam concluded his narrative the priest was silent for a moment, as if he was clarifying his thoughts, and then said:

It is a lot of information to receive in one day and also if it was given to the observer in seven sessions, we could consider that the narrative was told in seven days

Maybe that was the case because God probably desired to generate the need to divide the narrative by days, because there is a reason for the seven days -from a religious point of view- which we will discuss below

Cecile began the narrative, using all her training to keep her voice steady

(There’s more history not relevant to this narrative

Whenever we choose to engage in someone else’s narrative about being a victim, we enable them to avoid looking honestly at themselves, which is the first step in healing their own karma

First, there is the literal sense of a narrative – taking a passage at face value

Maggie removed the little one from her lap, stood, and joined Nicolas in front of the fire where she waited self-consciously as Nicolas picked up the narrative

Admittedly, I’d heard the narrative many times before regarding who’d stolen the

To better understand and enjoy the city more, it would be fitting to know its historical background before starting the chronological narrative of the visit

THE BOOK OF RUTH (A narrative from the Helenistic Era, from the written histories of the Judges, written in the Helenistic Era

Halfway into the narrative we read the following verse: “Cain said to Abel, his brother

expansion of meaning given to Torah explains how the text can be complete when it is on the surface seemingly only historical narrative and legalistic detail

Your anger, intensity, and focus on this narrative

that supported the narrative that you had committed to and invested

Overlord Senchak continued the narrative as the Illusion played on for another five seconds

Narrative,( Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity, 2006),22

of this narrative is apparent in the Babel narrative

But the general narrative still understandable, so she began to read once more

Dimarico’s narrative was that his party were losers in a war far to the west of Britain, stranded on the English shore

This isn’t a narrative in the conventional sense

I hope not to be boring you with this long letter full of gibberish; but as boredom is the faithful companion of the narrative and in order to kill time, I decided to continue my idyllic narrations

Sometimes one or the other dominates through the story but both are essential for a satisfying narrative

narrative will be pretty close to the truth, only a few minor details will have to be

The incident with the traffic policeman didn’t involve 110mph or cocaine in the new narrative, although for some reason he did remember, and mentioned, the curious jolt before the explosion

Steve took up the narrative

There are many narrative stories in the synaxaria about saints who were hosts to wild beasts in the cel s or caves of their ascetic endeavors (St

4 (In this narrative of the personal work of Jesus with his fellow mortals on this tour of the Mediterranean, we shall, in accordance with our permission, freely translate his words into modern phraseology current on Urantia at the time of this presentation

For five months Elizabeth kept secret Gabriel’s visitation; and when she told her husband, Zacharias, he was greatly troubled and fully believed her narrative only after he had an unusual dream about six weeks before the birth of John

These informal notes of Andrew’s were subsequently edited, amended, altered, and added to until they made up a fairly consecutive narrative of the Master’s life on earth

He was one of the apostles who made extensive notes on the sayings of Jesus, and these notes were used as the basis of Isador’s subsequent narrative of the sayings and doings of Jesus, which has become known as the Gospel according to Matthew

And it is this narrative routine that makes the genuine readers skeptical about the novels in general

He only partially convinced John Mark, which explains why Mark left a portion of the story out of his narrative

Luke, the physician, who made careful search into these matters, concluded that the episode was a vision of Peter’s and therefore refused to give place to this story in the preparation of his narrative

If the story of Jonah should not be a fact, even if Jonah had never lived, still would the profound truth of this narrative, the love of God for Nineveh and the so-called heathen, be none the less precious in the eyes of all those who love their fellow men

Nathaniel and Thomas jointly presented their views of the divine nature of the Master, and the following narrative is a condensed, rearranged, and restated presentation of their teaching:

35) has pointed out, «the shell has the narrative of its individual growth pickled within its geometric form as well as the story of its evolution

6 And now we may relate an interesting and instructive fact: Although this narrative unfolds as an apparently natural and normal event in human affairs, it has some very interesting side lights

In this narrative we will amplify the address by adding numerous statements made by Jesus on previous occasions and by including some remarks made only to the apostles during the evening discussions of this same day

3 How cruel and unreasoning to compel innocent children to suffer for the sins of their progenitors, misdeeds of which they are wholly ignorant, and for which they could in no way be responsible! And to do such wicked deeds in the name of one who taught his disciples to love even their enemies! It has become necessary, in this recital of the life of Jesus, to portray the manner in which certain of his fellow Jews rejected him and conspired to bring about his ignominious death; but we would warn all who read this narrative that the presentation of such a historical recital in no way justifies the unjust hatred, nor condones the unfair attitude of mind, which so many professed Christians have maintained toward individual Jews for many centuries

happened, Rose started and stopped several times before she could put her thoughts together in a coherent narrative

and Frederick Turner, combined it with Narrative Poetry to create

of subject matter and promotes the creation of longer narrative

By the end of Rebecca’s narrative Saul was ready to sink under his chair

After Shane regained his composure he continued his narrative of events

Wren picked up the narrative

«For narrative purposes, I have hesitated to go in-depth when describing Stallman’s full

For narrative purposes, I have hesitated to go in-depth

And it is up to you to fill the void in the marketplace via reputation with the narrative that you want to be known for

Michael continues his narrative

technically it’s a narrative or transliteration at best


b/ Narrative: by giving sense to the world through stories

White and Epston, founders of the social-constructive narrative

The narrative approach to coaching investigates the stories that

The coach has four main aims when implementing the narrative

of the narrative approach

Sir Stanley resumed his narrative: ‘That some interloper had secretly landed at the cove, had stealthily made his way across the island, sneaked into Third’s study, through the french windows, which he almost invariably left unlocked during the 55

Nevertheless, as you can tell from my short narrative, he was so interesting a person that I didn’t want to miss any of his 115

the narrative the act hadn’t been committed yet

I had a tough time with the narrative

Her memoir is a captivating narrative that will stand in history as testament to the power of women, faith and the spirit of our great country

It became it’s own inspiration and by weight of time, it has now become a quite unwieldy narrative

I riffled, frustrated, through the blank pages of the last book, where the narrative stopped, almost in mid sentence it seemed, and looked up

repeat too much of that narrative, but emphasize the danger of bombs

to Jerusalem is an insightful narrative about the Middle East

“They believe,” Terence resumed his narrative, “that Banks is working with one or more people in the fields to tilt the balance of power there in favour of the Nazis

This narrative about the end days insinuates that there

account in John which becomes a narrative on

” He looked to his wife for permission to continue with his narrative, but with no objections he said, “I thought Faye was a very lovely young woman—

повествование, рассказ, повесть, повествовательный


- рассказ, повесть
- изложение (фактов, событий); повествование

a narrative of plain facts — простое изложение фактов
personal narrative — рассказ о себе самом

- иск. сюжетно-тематическая картина


- повествовательный

narrative poem — повествовательная /эпическая/ поэма
narrative literature — художественная проза, романы и рассказы
narrative infinitive — грам. исторический /описательный, повествовательный/ инфинитив
a writer of great narrative power — писатель, талантливо выстраивающий сюжет

- иск. сюжетно-тематический (о картине)

Мои примеры


a dull narrative with stock characters — скучное повествование с шаблонными персонажами  
insights buried in the flesh of the narrative — озарения, скрытые в глубине повествования  
narrative description — нарративное описание  
winding narrative — бессвязный рассказ  
narrative form — форма отчета  
narrative matrix — таблица описаний (раздел конфигуратора)  
narrative traffic — документальный трафик  
evangelical narrative — Евангельское повествование  
narrative grammar — нарративная грамматика  
writer of great narrative power — писатель, талантливо выстроивший сюжет  
season the narrative with some humorous sallies — пересыпать рассказ остроумными репликами  

Примеры с переводом

Suspense is the very stuff of narrative.

Неизвестность является самой важной частью повествования.

The film had a simple narrative structure.

Структура повествования фильма была проста.

The narrative moves backward and forward in time.

Повествование движется назад и вперёд во времени.

He is writing a detailed narrative of his life on the island.

Он пишет подробный рассказ о своей жизни на острове.

A few suspicious words here and there outcropped in the narrative.

В рассказе то и дело проскакивали подозрительные словечки.

Too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures.

Слишком часто повествование прерывалось длинными описаниями.

The lad had uttered many wicked things, which I pretermitted in my narrative.

Парень произнёс много гадостей, которые я пропустил в моем рассказе.

People have questioned the accuracy of his narrative.

Люди усомнились в точности его рассказа.

The very completeness with which he has done his work leadens his narrative.

Всеобъемлемость, с которой он подошёл к своей работе, утяжеляет её изложение.

In fact, the film comprises a number of episodes from various books in the series consequently producing one extended narrative.

На самом деле, этот фильм включает в себя несколько эпизодов из различных книг данной серии, в результате чего получается один длинный рассказ.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

At several points in the narrative the two stories cross.

…the author deliberately disjoints his narrative in favor of a more impressionistic account of the war…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): narrative
мн. ч.(plural): narratives

Definition of Narrative

a tale that is written or spoken

Examples of Narrative in a sentence

The narrative is a fairytale that tells the story of a poor orphan who becomes a princess.


Since my mother is dying, she has decided to write a narrative of her life.


Kurt’s narrative of his hilarious outing had everyone amused.


When I looked at the narrative painting, I realized it depicted the horrors of slavery.


The annual Christmas pageant is always based on a narrative of Jesus’ origin.


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