A sentence with the word lazy

Come on, you lazy mongrels.
Вперед ленивые дворняжки.

They’re just too lazy.
Они слишком ленивы.

Get up, you lazy bastard!
А ну, вылазь, ленивый ублюдок!

Lazy Susan, how do you feel?
Как себя чувствуешь, Ленивая Сюзан?

But a big fat, lazy slob.
Жирная, ленивая неряха.

He is as lazy as ever.
Он всё так же ленив.

We could do the lazy Susan.
Мы могли бы сделать ленивую Сьюзан.

They erased lazy Susan’s memory.
Они стёрли память Ленивой Сюзан.

And the young Squaw is lazy.
И молодая скво ленивая.

Go on, you lazy landlubbers there!
Быстрее, ленивые сухопутные крысы, шевелитесь!

Loose the cannons, you lazy bilge rats.
Отвяжите пушки, ленивые тюремные крысы.

Still in bed, the lazy little tyke.
Еще в постели, ленивый маленькая Тайка.

And the attackers are not so lazy.
А организаторы кибератак не так ленивы.

They think you are a fat, lazy slob.
Они считают тебя жирным, ленивым тупицей.

John had been lazy before he met you.
Джон был ленивым до того, как встретил тебя.

The Gravedigger’s head on a lazy Susan?
Мы прикрепим голову Могильщика на Ленивую Сюзан?

They are lazy. I can’t understand such people.
Они ленивые. Я не понимаю таких людей.

He was not just under-briefed, but also lazy:
Он был не только неосведомлённым человеком, но и ленивым:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Быстрая серая лиса перепрыгивает прямо через ленивую собаку.

Would their peace of mind render them lazy layabouts?
Станут ли они из-за этого спокойствия духа ленивыми бездельниками?


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lazy — перевод на русский


Don’t think I am lazy because I stay in bed.

Не думай, что я ленивый, потому что остаюсь в постели.

Lazy fool!

Ленивый дурень!

You lazy loafer.

Ты, маленький ленивый…

A discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class.

Это же сброд, недовольный и ленивый сброд, а не бережливые работяги.

Lazy idiot.

Ленивый идиот.

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You’re just lazy.

Ты просто лентяй.

This ignorant and lazy man is my secretary.

мой секретарь — невежда и лентяй.

Wake up, lazy!

Очнись, лентяй!

Hey, lazy bones!

Эй, лентяй!

You’re lazy.

Вы — лентяй.

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The biggest story in two years, and you’re too lazy to go out.

Такое громкое дело, а вам лень работать.

With that figure, if you weren’t so darn lazy…

С такой фигурой, если бы не твоя чертова лень…

You’re so tired, so terribly tired. So lazy, and you want to go to sleep.

Вы так устали, такая ужасная усталость, такая лень, и вы хотите спать.

The worst thing with me is I’m so lazy.

Наихудшая моя черта — лень.

They are too lazy to crawl out of tent and turn the radio on.

Лень, наверное, из палатки вылезти, антенну вытянуть.

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Don’t be lazy

Кончай лениться.

I ain’t scared to be lazy.

Я не боюсь лениться.

I thought you hated being lazy.

Я думала, ты ненавидишь лениться.

Being too lazy to change the sheets is not a principle.

Лениться сменить белье, это не принцип.

But then slowly you get lazy.

Но потом ты начинаешь лениться.

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Wake up, lazy bones, you’re a punk hostess.

Поднимайся, лентяйка, ты никудышная хозяйка.

No one ever say that Daniella, she lazy, she needs help.

Никто не сказать про Даниэлла, что она лентяйка и нуждаться в помощь.

She’s bossy and lazy whenever you’re not around.

А она ведет себя, как командирша и лентяйка, когда тебя нет рядом.

Get it yourself, you lazy tart!

Возьми сама, лентяйка.

You’re so lazy.

Ты такая лентяйка.

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They may think I’m lazy.

Не подумайте, что я обленился..

You grew lazy in the 2nd year.

Но на второй год обленился.

I guess I’ve gotten lazy.

Думаю, я обленился.

Are you lazy?

Совсем обленился?

This year Dr. Kelso had gotten a little lazy.

В этом году Др. Келсо слегка обленился.

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— Someone as lazy as you.

Бездельник. Вроде тебя.

You think a lazy slug like you deserves… the same as people who work for our nation?

Ты думаешь, такой бездельник как ты заслуживает то же, что и люди, работающие на благо нашего народа? !

«Get a job, you lazy git,» that sort of thing.

«Иди работать, бездельник» и все в этом духе.

«You go, you lazy parasite. I’m having my nails done. »

«Сам иди смотри, бездельник, я только что покрасила ногти!»

-You bring it, lazy bum.

— Сам неси, бездельник.

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— I felt like it, but I’m too lazy.

— Я хотел, но слишком разленился.

I’ve just been a bit lazy, you know?

Я слегка разленился, понимаете?

Alex cycled a lot in Paris, but he’s become so lazy since we moved.

В Париже Алекс тоже гонял. А тут разленился.

I just… I don’t know. I guess I got lazy.

Не знаю, может, я разленился.

She’s says we have become fat, lazy and dull.

Она говорит, что мы потолстели, разленились и отупели.

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They never came up here. They’re too lazy?

Эти ленивцы сюда не приходят — слишком высоко.

We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs.

Эй, ленивцы, нам нужно вытащить вас из этих кресел.

That shit is lazy.

Их делают ленивцы. Да.

Come on, lazy bones!

Давайте, ленивцы!

«We’re not even bloody moving! How lazy are you!»

«Мы еще ни хрена не прошли, чертов ленивец!»

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I got lazy, man, you know.

Поленился, приятель.

So he spilled pesticide on the pants and was too lazy to clean up.

Он разлил пестицид на штаны и поленился почистить их.

Looks like our perp got lazy. Dumping the body so close?

Похоже, наш подозреваемый поленился, и бросил тело слишком близко.

Yesterday’s lazy cures today’s crazy.

Ну надо же! Вчера поленился — сегодня наварился

Well, that’s someone being fucking lazy in preparation.

Это значит, что кто-то поленился при готовке.

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You actually want to go for the Bhrigu Lake trek (take for example) on your four days trip to Manali but your LAZY FRIEND tells you, Boss… I came here to relax.

Вы действительно хотите отправиться в путешествие по озеру Бригу (например) четырехдневная поездка в Манали но твой ленивый друг говорит тебе: «Босс…

He also tweeted at the same time, «GREEDY AND LAZY… A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE.»

В это же время он отправил твит: «Жадный и ленивый — лучшая формула для краха карьеры».

If you are LAZY and un-motivated this is NOT for you!

Если вы ленивы и немотивированные, то, к сожалению, это не для Вас.

He also tweeted at the same time, «GREEDY AND LAZY… A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE.»

и добавил: «Жадный и ленивый — верная формула карьерного провала».

People have become very LAZY.

We are lazy when we aren’t motivated.

Мы становимся ленивыми и пассивными, когда у нас нет мотивации.

Philip was lazy and irresponsible, and he detested arguments.

Филип был ленив и безответственен, и он терпеть не мог аргументов.

People were also executed for being lazy.

Люди также были казнены за то, что они ленивы.

Acronyms are for lazy people who are going nowhere.

Акронимы предназначены для ленивых людей, которые ни к чему не стремятся.

And you think I’m lazy.

А ты думаешь, что это я ленивый.

Maybe I was too lazy to think for myself.

Может быть, я был слишком ленив, чтобы изменить свою жизнь…

Or lazy… or there was someone better.

Или, может быть, он ленивый… или другой парень был лучше…

Which implies that anyone overweight is simply lazy or greedy.

Из чего следует что все у кого избыточный вес просто ленивые или прожорливые.

You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful.

Ты забыл про «страшный, ленивый и дерзкий».

You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.

Ты забыл, что он уродливый, неуважительный и ленивый.

But he was too lazy to realize his potential.

Вот только он был слишком ленив, чтобы реализовать свой потенциал.

They’re too lazy to do more.

Они чувствуют себя слишком ленивыми, чтобы делать что-либо еще.

Made for lazy or too busy parents.

Они предназначены для более ленивых или слишком занятых людей.

I am too lazy to do anything…

З. — Я слишком ленив, чтобы делать…

I’m just too lazy to study it.

Я просто был слишком ленив, чтобы как следует учиться.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат LAZY

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Lazy?



  • «we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon»
  • «a lazy bum»
  • «he was naturally lazy«
  • «He called me a bastard»; «She called her children lazy and ungrateful»
  • «The new boss cleaned out the lazy workers»
  • «How are we going to deal with this problem?»; «The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students»
  • «faineant kings under whose rule the country languished»; «an indolent hanger-on»; «too lazy to wash the dishes»; «shiftless idle youth»; «slothful employees»; «the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy»
  • «a sorry horse»; «a sorry excuse»; «a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick»; «the car was a no-good piece of junk»
  • «up a lazy river»; «lazy white clouds»; «at a lazy pace»
  • «I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European»
  • «The lazy student promised to reform»; «the habitual cheater finally saw the light»
  • «a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers»
  • «they spent a lazy summer at the shore»
  • «her lazy teasing smile»


- ленивый

lazy person — ленивый человек; бездельник; лентяйка
a lazy river — лениво текущая река
to spend a lazy afternoon — провести лень в ничегонеделании
he is lazy about getting up — он ленив /ленится/ вставать

- располагающий к лени (о погоде, обстановке и т. п.)

Мои примеры


bone-lazy fellow — бездельник; лоботряс; лодырь  
lazy bugger — крайне медлительный человек; бездельник; лентяй  
a lazy dog — лентяй  
lazy eyes — затуманенное зрение; амблиопия  
lazy flame — слабый факел  
lazy chain — цепь с крюком  
lazy man’s load — огромная охапка (которую трудно донести, но легко рассыпать)  

Примеры с переводом

Basically, I’m just lazy.

По правде говоря, мне просто лень.

She was too lazy to wash the dishes.

Ей было лень мыть посуду.

That lazy boy needs shaking up.

Этого лентяя нужно расшевелить.

It is easy to relapse into lazy habits.

Очень легко привыкнуть к лени.

With children as lazy as these, you have to beat the facts in.

Когда вы имеете дело с такими лентяями, вам приходится буквально вколачивать в них знания.

We beguiled our journey with lazy talk.

За нашей неспешной беседой путешествие прошло незаметно.

You have to beat the facts into these lazy children.

Вам приходится буквально вколачивать знания в этих лентяев.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We spent lazy days relaxing on the beach.

…despite what his athletic leanings might suggest, he was actually a very lazy kid…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): lazier
прев. степ. (superlative): laziest


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lazy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lazy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lazy».

Lazy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lazy in a sentence.

  1. I was too lazy to be a painter ..

  2. In 2016, the pool was replaced by a lazy river.

  3. He’s fat and bald and stupid and lazy and angry and an alcoholic.

  4. It was also said that staff were lax and lazy and the palace was dirty.

  5. Gilmour later commented: «I’m certainly guilty at times of being lazy ..

  6. For the 2013 season the park added a lazy river and an expanded beach area.

  7. Homer makes Bart complete the quiz because he is too lazy to do it himself.

  8. Brooks Atkinson of The New York Times termed it «a pleasant, lazy romance ..

  9. In one, a kangaroo cuts it off to punish the koala for being lazy and greedy.

  10. Chamberlain thought Runciman, a member of the Liberal National Party, to be lazy.

  11. She was lazy at practising, but when the spirit moved her she would play by the hour.».

  12. Generally, critics were disappointed by the unaltered rerelease, which they found lazy.

  13. Chris Pratt played Andy Dwyer, Ann’s well-intentioned but lazy and simple-minded boyfriend.

  14. I’m certainly guilty at times of being lazy, and moments have arrived when Roger might say, «Well, what have you got?

  15. One such was The Ayah and Lady (1813) in which the ayah or maid is «portrayed as sly, selfish, lazy, and untrustworthy.

  16. According to Gale, «for a full decade before his appointment in 1897 as ambassador to England, Hay was lazy and uncertain.».

  17. According to Tom McCarthy, Hergé depicted the Congolese as «good at heart but backwards and lazy, in need of European mastery».

  18. Mercury complains that the older gods are lazy and leave all their duties to him, while he gets no credit for all his drudgery.

  19. Historian Andrew Lambert described Battenberg as a sea-going admiral as «more cerebral than the average, although somewhat lazy.

  20. His idea would have been that the queen had been kidnapped by agents on Earth, and the lazy King sends the Prince to rescue her.

  21. Johansson has been called «ScarJo» by the media and fans, and dislikes being called this, finding it lazy, flippant and insulting.

  22. Their toil is extremely wearisome, yet what they gain from it is negligible, while manifold interest returns to these lazy idlers.

  23. He was also known for his lazy attitude, such as refusing to run out ground balls, which many said kept him from achieving greatness.

  24. Facts are lazy and facts are late.»—is influenced by old school rap, specifically Kurtis Blow’s «The Breaks» given to Byrne by Frantz.

  25. He has a pronounced distaste for most aspects of modern life, and has of late become somewhat lazy, given to drinking more than he should.

  26. He initially intended for men to come from the Netherlands and work the land; he considered those already settled in the Indies to be lazy.

  27. He organizes Civil War veterans to keep the peace when the Bread-winners, a group of lazy and malcontented workers, call a violent general strike.

  28. According to Late of the Pier, comparisons to Klaxons and new rave are the results of lazy journalism, especially for a scene the band has never been in.

  29. Less complimentary was the BBC’s Hugh Montgomery, who described it as «a franchise extension as lazy and vacuous as anything dreamt up on the big-screen».

  30. X-Play editor Dana Vinson similarly disliked the controls, also describing the act of releasing GameCube titles for the Wii with motion controls as being lazy.

  31. According to Love, she never wanted to be a singer, but rather aspired to be a skilled guitarist: «I’m such a lazy bastard though that I never did that», she said.

  32. Polygon credited Oxenfree for not relying on lazy or clichéd speech, and GameSpot highlighted the interplay between characters that deepened as the game progressed.

  33. When Lepidus grew old and lazy, and Anthony’s self-indulgence got the better of him, the only possible cure for the distracted country had been government by one man.

  34. The fourth dog Oscar was inclined to be lazy but «in the crisis the massive Oscar just lowered his great head and pulled as he never did when things were going well ..

  35. And for reasons I don’t understand, I was pretty lazy.» Jennings then briefly attended Carleton University, where he says he «lasted about 10 minutes» before dropping out.

  36. Individual tickets with access to the lazy river are available for guests of all ages during Sunday games, while it is reserved for adults 21 years and older on Thursdays.

  37. Leslie, Tom and uninterested intern April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza) visit Ann and meet Andy, a lazy and demanding musician whom she is forced to wait on and support financially.

  38. African Americans are the targets of much racism, being depicted as unintelligent, lazy, and superstitious, «bumpkin rescuers» at best and «secretive and conspiratorial villains» at worst.

  39. However, Ersberg, one of the maids, told her niece that the servants sometimes had good reason to be cross with Olga because the eldest grand duchess could be spoiled, capricious, and lazy.

  40. Homer embodies many American working class stereotypes: he is obese, immature, outspoken, aggressive, balding, lazy, ignorant, unprofessional, and addicted to beer, junk food and watching television.

  41. Hinson considered sequels to be generally lazy and reliant on the success of the previous film, but felt that Ghostbusters II looked better and was confident enough to experiment with the source material.

Synonyms for lazy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word lazy has the following synonyms: faineant, indolent, otiose, slothful, work-shy, idle and slow.

General information about «lazy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lazy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lazy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lazy».

Lazy (Japanese: レイジー, Hepburn: Reijī, stylized as LAZY) is a Japanese rock band founded in 1973 by young classmates Hironobu Kageyama, Hiroyuki Tanaka and Akira Takasaki. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Hope is a familiar figure in potty-mouthed comedies: the slacker whose quest to be selfish and lazy is undone in the end by her own deeply buried sense of compassion.


I want to share with all of you my favorite styles to wear from summertime events to casual lazy weekends.


The lack of depth on top of the lazy presentation ultimately makes the game feel a bit cheap.


The automatic shifts smoothly but its shift mapping in Drive is programmed for fuel efficiency, and it feels lazy in town, requiring a heavy foot on the throttle when passing before it downshifts.


Just ask me and i will make your more deep fantasy Um does it matter and karstic-if you two weren’t so lazy u’d look at the pics his friend took-and u would clearly see the milk jug held up.


Black is lazy and easy — but mysterious.


Without having any knowledge about the company for which you’re applying, you risk looking lazy (not exactly a characteristic sought out by employers).


However, the Novel continues to be lazy as an e-reader and is still bugged with slow page turns in the Reader and Library apps.


I’ve never come across so many lazy gamers and critics in any one industry.


That sweatshirt is way too cute!?!?! Haha, I love wearing a sweatshirt and shorts out when I’m just too lazy to dress up!


I’ve never seen anyone waiting simply because they are lazy or think it’s better for their kid not to even try, but I do know a lot of babies who aren’t interested well past 6 months, despite being offered — usually breastfed babies; in fact I’ve never really heard about this happening with formula fed babies, though I assume it’s possible.


Purists might groan at that, but it’s a lazy and delicious shortcut that’s stuck with me (plus Trader Joe’s has the best tortilla chips).


The idea of time as the fourth dimension came from Hermann Minkowski, one of Einstein’s professors, who once called him a «lazy dog.»


As I sit here waiting for my Stitch Fix to arrive, yes I am still doing that, but haven’t photographed the last 10 or so boxes because I got lazy, I try to decide whether that or this kale and tuna salad…


Don’t be lazy, Microsoft is kicking your ass with their free games right now.


A rating number would give cities and their citizens an idea as to if they are improving year to year or have just retained their spot because the lazy cities below them haven’t cared to improved.


I work my ass off all day and am really lazy when not at work because my brain needs to just mellow out and not be used for hours afterwards.


And then, Dr. Bawumia entered the platform to address questions on the debt being accumulated over the past few months when not-too-long-ago in opposition, they basterdised borrowing and classified it as a lazy man’s approach to dealing with issues.


This movie achieves a special kind of lazy, because it never even commits to the cheap laughs.


Even though this sauce comes from this area of Spain most of the spaniards that aren’t from there (and don’t speak this language) use to misspell and mispronounce the name of the sauce by saying something like «Alioli» just because they’re too lazy to try to pronounce it right.


I have been cooking for so long that sometimes I get bored and lazy, but your recipes keep me inspired, and makes my family happy.


Why do you think women are too dumb and lazy to learn how to breastfeed?


During summer vacation I like to take advantage of the chance to be in lazy mode as much as possible.


19A lazy person’s way is blocked with briers, but the path of the upright is an open highway.


putting faith in it is the developer’s job, they got ta make it so it will sell well, it’s their JOB, it is not ur job to encourage them, or anything really, if they have crappy games then fine go and bankrupt u lazy *** u know what i mean.


Want to go to fashion week but you a) don’t live in New York and don’t work in fashion or b) do live in New York and work in fashion but are lazy and hate the cold?


This recipe is the one I often make when I am logger heads with time or just plain lazy and need an easy, quick fix meal.


Without nerding out too hard, lazy butt muscles cause the surrounding muscles to pick up their slack.


Only one point is intended in both parables; God is not to be compared to the lazy friend or the unjust judge.


Some people judge those who swear by suggesting they are less intelligent and resort to lazy language when they swear.


For beach lovers, a lazy day in Los Arenales is highly recommended.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been too lazy to be creative with a look, so I’ll pick a solid colored dress or even a monochromatic look..


You know those days where you are craving something sweet but are just too lazy to make anything or drive to the store, so you rummage through the pantry to find something that will satisfy your fixation, only to find stale raisins and graham crackers?


I can see an Alberta and a Canada that is a wonderful, advanced society for everyone to live comfortable lives, not just the corrupt elites, but the majority of our countrymen are simply too lazy, passive, and ignorant to think for themselves and stand up to the fear and lies those bastards like Kenney spew.


There’s a difference between a laid-back pace and a lazy movie, and Johnny Depp and The Rum Diary spends the film’s running time alternating between both.


In the end, I think I personally like the lazy soft version better (no surprise — it is easier!)


High Protein Yogurt Pancakes Pancakes are pretty much a go-to for most families on a lazy weekend morning.


You’re unlikely to run out of nuts to eat this winter, but perhaps you could tap into the same impulse to get yourself moving again after a lazy summer.


I had so much fun hanging with family Thursday and Friday, and then being a little bit lazy this past weekend.


I have not been writing much about The Smith Manoeuvre Strategy for the past months because I was simply too lazy to make some modifications to my investment portfolio.


I agree, so don’t get lazy on me and buy boneless chicken breasts.


Sitting inside on a long lazy winter afternoon with the sun streaming through a pint of fizzy industrial lager, striving to get the perception level down until the shite that the guy next to you was telling you seemed profound.


Guided tours range from a lazy paddle along the North Kohala Coast to more adventurous tours on the South Kona coast, where sea caves and secluded beaches prevail.


I tend to be more of a crumble kind of girl — I am too lazy to make a real crust.


The nearby town of Portimao makes for a great day of browsing local and international stores as well as lazy walks down by the harbour.


I say, «this recipe» because I started to follow it but made it the lazy man’s way.


Very, VERY, VERY interesting… I’m more than a layperson, I’m a dispassionate, tired (read lazy) American.


This is a lot of work compared to other online dating sites but don’t get lazy on the eHarmony questions.


1500 cals seems like a TDEE for an extremely lazy person (but i could be wrong)


Because I started to get lazy about using it, and noticed a deterioration in my skin as a result.



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He is a lazy fellow and does not get up before 9 A.M.

A man who is lazy can achieve nothing in life.

Don’t be lazy.

I am very lazy.

Drug-addicts are lazy and lethargic people.

I am feeling very tired and lazy.

He is a very lazy person.

I have no time to be lazy.

He is a lazy and careless person.

Poor vision is usually the only symptom of lazy eye.

Squint is the most common cause of lazy eye.

My daughter is very intelligent, but she is extremely lazy.

Don’t be lazy at workplace.

If you are lazy, all your talents will prove to be a great waste.

Lazy eye is partial loss of vision.

He is lazy and good for nothing.

Sunday is supposed to be a lazy day.

Due to his lazy attitude, he may get scolding in school.

My elder brother is very lazy.

I am lazy.

I was too lazy to meet them there.

Do not waste words on that lazy fellow.

He is too lazy to wash his face.

They are too lazy to do anything.

He is so lazy that he can’t succeed.

You are a lazy fellow.

How lazy I have been !

He is too lazy to reply letters.

He is too lazy for a sportsman.

Such boys as are lazy shirk work.

He fixed me with a lazy look.

He is so lazy that he can’t succeed.

He is a lazy fellow.

What a lazy boy you are !

She is so lazy that she cannot succeed.

He is a lazy boy.

He is lazy to the backbone.

He is very lazy in replying to the letters I write to him.

He is so lazy that he cannot succeed.

Be up and doing in life lazy people cannot succeed in their mission.

Everyone of these students is lazy.

I was very lazy.

You’re just lazy, in my opinion.

He is too lazy.

I am not lazy.

Being lazy, he failed.

If you are lazy, you cannot succeed.

You are getting lazy and neglecting your studies.

I have never seen such a lazy boy as you are.

How lazy you are!

The boys who were lazy were punished.

He is a lazy boy.

A lazy man injures no one but himself.

I do not like lazy students.

He does not help lazy people.

What a lazy girl you are !

He is too lazy to succeed.

He is so lazy that he can’t succeed.

He is a lazy fellow.

She was too lazy to go.

She was so lazy that she could not go.

He is too lazy to finish his work in time.

He is too lazy to keep pace with you.

He is so lazy that he cannot keep pace with you.

He is so lazy that he cannot succeed.

What a lazy boy you are !

He is lazy but she is hardworking.

You are a lazy fellow.

He is too lazy to work hard.

He was a lazy fellow.

She is too lazy to work.

you are a lazy boy.

What a lazy boy you are !

He is too lazy to succeed.

I’m too lazy to do any work.

She is too lazy to write us a letter.

What a lazy girl you are!

She is so lazy that she cannot succeed.

He is too lazy to succeed.

She was lazy to the backbone.

He is a lazy fellow.

He is very lazy in replying to the letters I write to him.

How do I stop being lazy and procrastinating?

Do you do housework in a lazy way.

These lazy conditions are termed as fatigue.

We know you can get lazy at the end of the day.

I’m too lazy to do my homework.

Stop being lazy and find something to do.

He is a lazy fellow.

He had been lazy before he met you.

His son is lazy and good for nothing.

He is very hard on lazy people.

He’s too lazy to apply himself to anything.

I regret having been lazy in my school days.

A lazy man is a burden even to the ground.

He is lazy by nature.

He is lazy in his study.

How lazy those boys are!

You are bound to regret it in the future if you are so lazy now.

All the workers who are lazy must be fired.

Don’t be lazy.

I am too lazy to work.

That was very lazy of you.

He was too lazy to get up at first.

I was a bit lazy to do so.

He was too lazy to even go for walks.

Your dog is lazy.

It is the best product for all your lazy ones.

Consuming junk food will only make you feel lazy and weak.

The enzymes that can slow down the body’s metabolism make you lazy causing fatigue.

No you can’t be lazy when it comes to your skin no matter what your skin type is.

The medical term of lazy eye is known as Ambliopia.

Are you feeling lazy to go to work?

When one is lazy one cannot be disciplined.

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