A sentence with the word jealous

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word jealous? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

And though she was happy her friend was leading such a blissful marriage with Matthew, she couldn’t help but be a little jealous.
Over three quarters reported that their dating partners did something to make them jealous.
We stopped sleeping together, but when Hanna got a new boyfriend I was jealous for the first time ever.
Also, she had been asked to join study groups, but the husband was jealous, and forbade her from meeting with other students.
It means that he cares enough about you and your relationship that he is getting jealous and protective of you.
Mr Dallas said Edmunds was possessive and jealous of Miss Lawrance and took the view that if he could not have her then no one else would.
In Hebrews we also meet the strong protests of the jealous God, who is intolerant of rivals with a holy intolerance.
The religious justification derives from the ban on graven images, common to the jealous God of the Old Testament and to Allah.
Milton had become too rational and believed in a fiery jealous God rather than the forgiving Holy Spirit.
Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of the jealous person and the jealousy may or may not have foundation.
He remembered watching her passionate kiss with Nicholas and felt a jealous rage well up inside.
His adoration, like a jealous lover’s, is only rhetorically distinguishable from contempt.
He’s jealous and insecure, wants to hear from her everyday, whines and moans when she calls, pummelling her with classic passive aggression.
While I am glad these folk had something readably interesting to share, I’m not just a little jealous!
Seventy five percent of our time together she was hysterically jealous, the other twenty five percent she was whoring.
Not long ago so many plants sprouted from a single packet of seed that willowherb itself might have been jealous.
It is quite as rebarbative and as jealous of its prerogatives as Parliament and nothing like so easy to summon.
Early studies found male alcoholics to be overwhelmingly pathologically jealous.
You are a superstar DJ, thank you, and are still larging it so often your eyes fall out, you jealous little git.
But he had always been a sentimental kid at heart, and was probably just jealous because I wasn’t lavishing him with attention for a change.

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Examples from Classical Literature

The Tejano, in this case, took the law into his own hands, and severely chastised the jealous pelado.
A man with ankylosis of the ego, who is jealous of the stenographer for sufficient reasons.
Duryodhana of the Kauravas was jealous of all the Pandavas, and especially of Arjuna.
She was also jealous because she didn’t reek of musk like that boulevard work-horse.
If he asks, I shall contrive to find some colorable pretext, probably that you were jealous of me!
I am jealous of their honour and concerned for the dignity and comeliness of their service.
His condemners were English, and were jealous, of course, and wrong no doubt.
She was jealous of her reputation with the old and cool-headed lords about her.
It was determined to get possession of Salonika, and was madly jealous of Greece.
He is very jealous of divo Pan, and if he hears you praising him, will do something to you.
But jealous seekers after self-aggrandizement plotted against his rule and even attempted his life.
Brown was no doubt jealous of his rival, but Addison’s generous heart formed a very different estimate of D’Urfey’s talent.
It is hardly strange that Callirhoe concealed this masterpiece of epistolography from her jealous husband, Chaereas.
He understood the jealous nature, that if given the slightest ground would precipitate an esclandre.
But the Incorruptible, ever envious and jealous, would not allow him to exult too soon.
The folklorist is not unnaturally jealous of what, in some degree, looks like Folk-Lore.
If you are jealous, I can forgive it a little bit, but it is low down to call a woman a fortune hunter.
But Freddie loved Mozart, loved his music so madly that it was my turn to become jealous.
Why, they’d make the very angels jealous, and get pulling off their haloes and kicking them over the edge of heaven.
She knew that Coupeau was jealous enough to attack Lantier with his shears.

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1 The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. William Penn 

2 I was jealous of Mary’s new bicycle.

3 Why are you so jealous of his success?

4 There is no reason to be jealous of me.

5 Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me.

6 Nick’s starting to get possessive and jealous.

7 Me, jealous? Don’t be daft .

8 He’s rude to her friends and obsessively jealous.

9 Ignore her?she’s only trying to make you jealous.

10 He’s only talking to her to make you jealous.

11 He is jealous of their success.

12 He was jealous of Tom/of Tom’s success.

13 Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he went off with her best friend.

14 I’ll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.

15 An honorable Chinese citizen should be jealous of his own rights.

16 Sarah is Jane’s friend but she is jealous if Jane plays with other girls.

17 She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.

18 Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful, it is not arrogant or rude.

19 He had always been very jealous of his brother’s good looks.

20 He gets really jealous if his girlfriend strikes up a friendship with another man.

21 Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.

22 She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.

23 Don’t be jealous that people have done better than you. All you need to do is to keep breaking your own record every day,[www.Sentencedict.com] for success is a fight between you and yourself.

24 You’re not making me jealous. You’re making me wonder what I saw you in the first place.

25 I could almost imagine you were jealous.

26 My husband is irrationally jealous over my past loves.

27 He is jealous of his wife’s love.

28 There’s nothing for you to feel jealous about.

29 I’d be ashamed to admit feeling jealous.

30 Children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives.

More similar words: deal out, aloud, come along, leave alone, a good deal of, blouse, perilous, libelous, querulous, nebulous, credulous, analogous, incredulous, frivolous, malodorous, meticulous, scrupulous, ridiculous, fantabulous, jeans, alone, salon, along, flour, loud, all out, flout, clout, a lot of, let alone. 

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Maybe because I’m not jealous.

Может, это потому, что я не ревнивый.

You’re delusional and jealous, self-destructive.

Ты — сумасшедший, ревнивый и склонен к саморазрушению.

Secondly and maybe even more importantly, are the jealous neighbors.

Во-вторых, и, возможно, даже более важно, являются завистливыми соседями.

You know how petty and jealous she can get.

Ты же знаешь, какой мелочной и завистливой она может быть.

Love is neither jealous nor boastful.

Эта любовь не будет ревнивой или не прощающей.

She even came by my office acting like a jealous psycho.

Она даже пришла ко мне на работу и вела себя, как ревнивая психопатка.

Many men are terrorised by jealous women.

К сожалению, многие женщины страдают от своих ревнивых мужчин.

Once she will approve, she can easily become jealous.

После того как вы начнете устраивать ее, она легко может стать ревнивой.

Neighbours said he was abusive and jealous.

Соотечественники говорят, что был он не в меру вспыльчив и ревнив.

Now I know he is jealous.

Теперь же, я вижу, что он ревнивый.

Often described as cold, jealous, secretive, and serious.

Их часто описывают как людей холодных, ревнивых, скрытных и всегда серьезных.

I think we’re all a little jealous.

Ну, наверное, мы все в какой-то мере немного ревнивы.

Fortunately her husband isn’t jealous.

К счастью, муж ее не был ревнив

Do the whole jealous, latin ex-husband thing you do.

Сделайте целое, ревнивое, латинское, вещь бывшего мужа, которую Вы делаете.

In September 2017 Virgo will be too jealous and suspicious.

В августе-октябре 2019 года вы, возможно, станете чересчур ревнивыми и подозрительными.

Recognize that jealous thoughts are not the same thing as a REALITY.

Признайте, что ревнивые мысли — это не то же самое, что РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ.

Relationships end because of jealous conflicts and people kill other people because they are jealous.

Отношения заканчиваются из-за ревнивых конфликтов, и люди убивают других людей, потому что они ревнивы.

She could be slightly jealous, but she hates jealous guy.

My decency makes you jealous, I think.

Гордыня плоха тем, что она вызывает зависть, я думаю, так.

So jealous that you met him.

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He was a jealous snake.
Он был ревнивым гаденышем.

Be jealous, not with each other, but on your marriage.
Не ревнуйте друг друга, но ревностно храните свой брак.

My girlfriend is very jealous.
Моя подруга очень ревнива.

While I know your inner tween would love for me to have flown off in a fit of uncontrollable jealous rage and killed Daniel Douglas, that did not happen!
Хотя я знаю, что глубоко внутри ты хотел бы, чтобы я впал в состояние неконтролируемой ревностной ярости и убил Дениэла Дугласа, этого не случилось!

She’s a lying, jealous bitch.
Она солгала, ревнивая стерва.

I was acting like a jealous freak.
Я вел себя как ревнивый фрик.

I mean, she turned into a whiny, jealous mess.
В смысле, она превратилась в одну сплошную ноющую и ревнивую неприятность.

So, another jealous lover maybe, but that just puts us back at square one.
Значит, другая ревнивая любовница возможно, но это возвращает нас обратно к началу.

Now, remember, he’s insanely jealous, so no leering at me with your bug eyes.
Запомни, он ужасно ревнив, так что не пялься на меня своими глазищами.

I mean, if I can decide to be resentful and jealous, I Can damn well decide to be happy.
Если я могу решить быть обиженным и ревнивым, я могу решить и быть счастливым, черт возьми.

I see a jealous old machinist who can’t stand the fact that his son’s more successful than he is!
Я вижу ревнивого старого механика, который не может смириться с тем, что сын успешнее его!

He’s jealous of me because I’m cleverer than he is, and ever so much more handsome, don’t you think?
Он такой ревнивый потому, что я умнее его и гораздо привлекательнее, ты не находишь?

It was Marx who wrote, “Money is the jealous God of Israel,” and that Hebrew was “the muse of stock exchange quotations.”
Это был Маркс, который писал: “Деньги – ревнивый Бог Израиля”, и что Иврит был “музой биржевых котировок”.

Putin is too jealous of power to delegate. Because he wants to make all decisions, he replaced a strong prime minister and chief of staff with two men unable to make decisions.
Например, слишком ревниво оберегая собственную власть, чтобы делегировать ее, и стремясь принимать все решения самостоятельно, Путин заменил сильного премьер-министра и главу аппарата двумя неэффективными чиновниками.

Infected men can become jealous, distrusting of others, disrespectful of established rules, and less risk-averse; as a result, they are almost three times more likely to be involved in a car accident.
Инфицированные мужчины становятся ревнивыми, перестают доверять другим, теряют уважение к установленным правилам и страх перед рисками. В результате, вероятность того, что заражённый мужчина попадёт в автомобильную аварию, возрастает почти в три раза.

It is this narrow, black-and-white view of humanity that has perpetuated a cycle of violence in Cambodia, where raging mobs beat to death robbery suspects and young mistresses suffer acid attacks by jealous wives.
Это узкий, черно-белый взгляд человечества, который навсегда оставил след насилия в Камбодже, когда яростная толпа забивает до смерти подозреваемых в воровстве, а ревнивые жены расправляются с молодыми любовницами, обливая их кислотой.

For example, it would be difficult for women to find jobs far away from home or to work at night, since the husbands are jealous and do not trust them or they perceive that it is traditionally inappropriate.
Например, женщинам трудно найти работу вдалеке от дома или работать ночью, поскольку их мужья ревнивы и не доверяют им или по традиции считают, что такое поведение было бы неприемлемым.

Whatever you choose to call it, I think it’s fair to say there’s more than one man out there who could have been jealous enough to commit the crime of passion that sadly ended Desiree Oaks’ life.
Как бы вы это не называли, справедливо отметить, что существует несколько мужчин, которые могли быть достаточно ревнивыми для совершения преступления в порыве страсти, что, к сожалению, стоило Дезире Окс жизни.

Even if it means that man’s millions of years of struggle up from the sea, the slime, to fight to breathe air, to stand erect, to think, to conquer nature, to be stopped cold by a doting father and a jealous suitor?
Ты хочешь, чтобы миллионы лет человеческой эволюции, с тех пор как человек вышел из моря, научился дышать воздухом, стоять прямо, думать, завоевал природу, теперь были остановлены любящим отцом и ревнивым поклонником?

I do not feel jealous of you.
Не завидую я тебе.

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jealous — перевод на русский


Yeah, but we just thought you were jealous, ’cause you guys always used to compete over who was the leader of the group.

Да, но мы думали, ты просто ревнуешь, потому что вы постоянно грызлись за место лидера группы.

Yeah, I thought you were just saying that ’cause you were jealous. BARRY:

Да, но я полагала ты сказал это, потому что ревнуешь.

— Not jealous, are you?

— Ты же не ревнуешь?

You’re not jealous of his business.

Ты не ревнуешь его к делам.

You’re not jealous, you’re nagging.

Ты не ревнуешь, ты канючишь.

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— I do believe you’re even jealous of him.

— Полагаю, ты завидуешь ему.

Am I making you jealous, Qinawi?

Ты завидуешь?

— You’re jealous.


Hey, you’re not jealous are you?

Эй, а ты не завидуешь?

I have a feeling that you I am a little jealous.

У меня такое ощущение, что ты мне немного завидуешь.

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And he’s a very jealous man.

И он очень ревнивый.

So jealous.

— …такой ревнивый…

And above all, a jealous fool who had set his trap to catch a shadow.

В особенности — ревнивый глупец, решивший словить тень.

He’s jealous of me because I’m cleverer than he is, and ever so much more handsome, don’t you think?

Он такой ревнивый потому, что я умнее его и гораздо привлекательнее, ты не находишь?

He’s jealous.

Он ревнивый.

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I’m too old to be jealous.

Я слишком стара для ревности.

I’m not jealous!

Я не из ревности.

It won’t hurt him to be a little jealous.

Капелька ревности ему не повредит.

You can take my word for it. There’s no reason to be jealous.

Могу вас заверить, что у вас нет повода для ревности.

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I’m jealous.

Мне завидно!

You’re just jealous.

— Да тебе просто завидно!

I’ve been so happy for you, but I have to confess I’ve been jealous, too.

Я был так рад за тебя. Но я обязан признаться, мне было завидно, тоже.

— Are you jealous?

— Тебе завидно?

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I get jealous over you.

Я тебя приревновал.

You are jealous.

Похоже он приревновал.

— Foy gets jealous.

— Фой приревновал.

Lucille could see that her son was concerned, even jealous.

Люсиль увидела, что её сын забеспокоился и даже приревновал.

I would be jealous, I have never fucked a priest.

А то я бы приревновал. Я никогда не трахался со священником.

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He said his physical problems were due to the gods being jealous.

Он говорил, что это боги из зависти наслали на него увечье.

Make all the other salesmen jealous?

Все остальные торговцы обалдели от зависти?

Nothing like starting the day off jealous of a dead guy.

Нет ничего лучше, чем начинать день с зависти мертвецу.

I knew how jealous you were, but to go to such insane lengths to top me, you have lain waste to your apartment with this eyesore.

При всей твоей зависти я не думал, что ты пойдешь на такое безумство, чтобы превзойти меня этот кошмар — просто надругательство над интерьером.

— This is not about me being jealous of you.

— Дело не в моей зависти.

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He’s a jealous toy, that’s all, ’cause he can’t do a burner.

Он — завистливый той (toy), вот и всё. Он не может сделать нормальный кусок.

I’m getting late word that you’re a petty, jealous, closet case.

Я оставляю за собой последней слово – ты мелкий, завистливый, латентный педик.

Well, until next time… this is Eric’s jealous friend Hyde saying, «I wish I was Eric Forman.»

Ну что ж, до новой встречи… как говорит завистливый друг Эрика Хайд, «Хотел бы я быть Эриком Форманом.»

Not until he stops acting like a jealous asshole.

Нет, пока он не перестанет вести себя как завистливый засранец.

Stop, please you jealous, perverted prince!

Прошу, не надо… завистливый, похотливый принц!

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«You’re just jealous!»

«Ты просто ревнивец!»

Is not this man jealous?

И это не ревнивец?

You’re jealous. You may kill him.

Вы же ревнивец, еще убьете его.

I’m almost naked, let me dress . I know how jealous you are !

Я почти голая, подождите, пока я оденусь Я знаю, какой ты ревнивец!

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She was asking about you earlier, Rick, in a way that made me extremely jealous.

Она уже о тебе спрашивала, Рик, да так, что я заревновал!

Or are you just using him to get me jealous?

Или используешь его, чтобы я заревновал?

— He might be a Iittle jealous.

— Возможно он заревновал.

I’d be pretty jealous right now if Chino wasn’t gay.

Я бы заревновал не будь он педиком.

No wonder Nathan’s jealous.

Не удивительно, что Нэйтан заревновал.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word jealous, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use jealous in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «jealous».

Jealous in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word jealous in a sentence.

  1. It’s sort of jealous of me, I’m jealous of the bird.

  2. Ellet, became enamored of Poe and jealous of Osgood.

  3. Mullin is jealous, mocks her; he is fired from his job.

  4. He became jealous of Lloyd’s successful life in the spotlight.

  5. Jupiter had impregnated Stimula, causing Juno to become jealous.

  6. Allen chooses to wed Victor, and Woodruff storms off in a jealous rage.

  7. The king’s second wife, Ino, was jealous and wished to kill his children.

  8. Kathleen Mead is shown being jealous of Caitlin’s success after high school.

  9. Dannemann became jealous, giving Wilson a cold stare during the brief meeting.

  10. Gordon became very possessive towards Keeler, jealous of her other social contacts.

  11. The jealous tension among the men builds—Jake, Mike, Robert, and Romero each want Brett.

  12. Sarah had always been jealous of Anne’s affection for Abigail Masham after she learned of it.

  13. Tintin gains the admiration of the natives, making the Babaorum witch-doctor Muganga jealous.

  14. Wayne was a classic prodigy whose extraordinary skills made him the target of jealous parents.

  15. Before long he became jealous and suspicious and threatened to commit suicide lest she left him.

  16. Joesoef), is jealous of all the attention that Tati is receiving, which leaves her no time for him.

  17. Lennon was jealous by nature and eventually grew possessive, often terrifying Powell with his anger.

  18. Elizabeth was extremely jealous of his affections, even when she no longer meant to marry him herself.

  19. Sumption describes the French administration as «fall[ing] apart in jealous acrimony and recrimination».

  20. In the second story, Apollo, being jealous of Orion’s love for Artemis, arranged for Artemis to kill him.

  21. Both lived in the wilderness, shape-shifted into animals, took mortal lovers, and were dangerously jealous.

  22. The younger Rachel was in an unhappy marriage with Captain Lewis Robards; he was subject to fits of jealous rage.

  23. Here, Ahalya and Indra fall in love and continue their affair, despite being punished by Ahalya’s jealous husband.

  24. Dacre often played in a reckless way of which Hammond disapproved; Hammond, in turn, may have been jealous of him.

  25. Sleeny is busy repairing Farnham’s outbuildings, and is made jealous by interactions between the captain and Maud.

  26. It was also common for wives to be jealous and conniving towards concubines that their wealthy husbands brought home.

  27. In this storyline, Chavo Guerrero became jealous of the attention Mysterio garnered as a result of recording the song.

  28. Furiae is revealed to love Caim romantically, which led to Inuart becoming jealous and vulnerable to Manah’s influence.

  29. He writes that the concept of a jealous God is not found in Islam, but is in the Bible, citing Exodus 20:5 and Exodus 34:14.

  30. Meredith Grey’s best friend is Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh); Yang becomes jealous of the friendship between Meredith Grey and Harris.

  31. He was jealous of her friendship with her Catholic private secretary, David Rizzio, who was rumoured to be the father of her child.

  32. The Narrator is comfortable being personally connected to Tyler, but becomes jealous when Tyler becomes sexually involved with Marla.

  33. Louise, who had a jealous nature, had grown accustomed to treating Beatrice with pity on account of the queen’s constant need for her.

  34. Paul Williams writes that its caustic attitude is «moderated slightly when one realizes that jealous pique is the underlying emotion».

  35. His father distrusted or was jealous of George’s popularity, which contributed to the development of a poor relationship between them.

  36. Maxentius was jealous of Constantine’s power, and on October 28, 306, he persuaded a cohort of imperial guardsmen to declare him Augustus.

  37. Steiger’s character is a rancher, a «sneering baddie», who becomes jealous when his former mistress becomes attracted to Ford’s character.

  38. Ruby and Claude Montgomery are a very insecure and jealous couple, who must help when Claude’s Uncle Hazel is jailed for attempted murder.

  39. In a Ndebele tale, the hippo originally had long, beautiful hair, but was set on fire by a jealous hare and had to jump into a nearby pool.

  40. The modern historian Jonathan Sumption describes the French national administration as «fall[ing] apart in jealous acrimony and recrimination».

  41. Ellet, had become enamored of Poe and jealous of Osgood and suggested the relationship between Poe and Osgood was more than an innocent flirtation.

  42. The relationship is discovered by the jealous Bahar, a dancer of a higher rank, who wants the prince to love her so that she may one day become queen.

  43. When Lisa was born, Bart was at first jealous of the attention she received, but he soon warmed to her when he discovered that «Bart» was her first word.

  44. Mary Shelley hoped that the easy manners of the other young men would rub off on her awkward son, but instead they became petty and jealous of each other.

  45. Again Kan Ekʼ welcomed them in a friendly manner, but this time the Maya priesthood were hostile and jealous of the missionaries’ influence upon the king.

  46. Willis defended Catharine, who maintained her innocence, in the Home Journal and suggested that Forrest was merely jealous of her intellectual superiority.

  47. Sellers soon showed signs of insecurity and paranoia; he would become highly anxious and jealous, for example, when Ekland starred opposite attractive men.

  48. Evan was recorded discussing his intention to pursue charges, which Jackson used to argue that he was the victim of a jealous father trying to extort money.

  49. A powerful wizard who went insane and destroyed his homeland after being tortured by a jealous king, Ballos was sealed deep within the island by his sister.

  50. A lot of the Japanese executives were maybe a little jealous, and I think some of that played into the decisions that were made.» By contrast, author Steven L.

Synonyms for jealous

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word jealous has the following synonyms: covetous, envious, desirous, wishful, green-eyed, overjealous and distrustful.

General information about «jealous» example sentences

The example sentences for the word jealous that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «jealous» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «jealous».

Sentences with the word Jealous?



  • «he was never covetous before he met her»; «jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions»; «envious of their art collection»
  • «she was madly in love»; «deadly dull»; «deadly earnest»; «deucedly clever»; «insanely jealous«
  • «the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife’s conversations»
  • «a jealous lover»
  • «more vindictive than jealous love»- Shakespeare; «punishments…essentially vindictive in their nature»- M.R.Cohen

We should not feel jealous of others.

Are you jealous of his wealth?

People are feeling jealous of each others.

Why do we become jealous?

He is often jealous of others and thinks that others are also jealous of him.

He shuffled off from his jealous friends.

He is very jealous of you.

I am not jealous of success of anybody.

Are you jealous of anyone?

Why are you feeling jealous of him?

I’m so jealous of your job.

Let’s make him jealous.

He’d never been jealous in his life before.

I feel jealous if someone hugs you.

Certain things and situations can make him jealous at a point.

Every man would love to make his woman jealous at times.

Many reasons can make get friend jealous of you.

It is easy to make him jealous.

Men do not want to marry women who are extremely jealous.

Ignoring him is a good way to make him jealous.

We should not be jealous of others.

He is jealous of his friend’s success in the examination.

She is jealous of them.

He is not liked by anybody because of his jealous nature.

He is jealous by nature.

I feel jealous of her tremendous success.

You are jealous of me

A jealous person can never be happy.

He is rude to her friends and obsessively jealous.

Do not be jealous of others.

He is jealous of his brother.

He is jealous of my progress.

She is jealous of my achievements.

I am disagreeable with jealous peopIe.

I am not jealous of you.

She is very jealous of her sister

They feel jealous of others.

A jealous person has no peace of mind.

Why are you always so jealous of other people?

He does not feel jealous of anyone.

They feel jealous of those people who have no work to do.

He was said to be jealous of her.

I’m jealous that you have a good boss.

He is jealous of his friend’s success.

She is very jealous of her sister.

They feel jealous of others.

He is jealous by nature.

I am not jealous of your wealth.

Everyone is jealous of him.

She is jealous of her sister’s beauty.

He was jealous of him.

They are jealous of my success.

He is jealous of my progress.

Do not be jealous of others.

We should not feel jealous of other’s wealth.

We should not be jealous of others.

She’s jealous of them.

We forget that being jealous will not harm anyone but our own self.

Why am I jealous over this issue?

Everybody was jealous of my success.

You must not be jealous of others’ success.

He is jealous of her talent.

She is totally jealous of your youth.

He is jealous of his colleague’s success.

They are jealous of our success.

He was jealous of his wife.

He was jealous of their happiness.

He was jealous of my success.

I am jealous of your intelligence.

The truth is I was jealous of you.

She’s really jealous of me.

He was often jealous of his brother.

She’s jealous and mean.

You’re just jealous because I’m having a good time and you’re not.

Her friends are jealous of her.

No one was jealous of her.

This made him jealous and a bit angry.

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