A sentence with the word insisted

Colonial Yucatec ritual practice also insisted on ceremonies of nomination and ordering.
During a routine business trip, security personnel insisted on completely unpacking and repacking all of his carry-on bags.
Back in South Africa, Van der Merwe insisted Delta replace the vehicle or repair the damage.
Normally they would have refused, but Mac insisted that they all have zabaglione.
While universalists insisted that Masonry was not a religion, they did view it as a great aid to religion.
Bachelor life also presented various pitfalls such as having to contend with laundries that insisted on ironing his socks.
He excoriates those who have insisted somewhat anachronistically that Calvin was not a systematic theologian.
On the night of the shooting, Jaw had been badgering her about her past relationships and insisted on seeing copies of recent e-mails.
He insisted that the people were determined to resist intimidation and vote buying.
In face of such gloating by the political right, several newspapers have insisted that the whole affair is a storm in a teacup.
They insisted, against much opposition from conservative railwaymen, that what the inter-city link needed was new standard-gauge dedicated track.
As for Chris, she was delighted with her new bag and lunch box, which she insisted on carrying even though they were heavier than her.
Sir Charles Bunbury called on her, and insisted on walking out with her, and became rather particular, but our heroine was inflexible.
Ort-Mabry, the spokeswoman for Ringling, insisted that the ankus is a time-tested and appropriate training tool.
As a lad in Clifton in York, others recalled how he had insisted everyone wore white for scratch cricket matches.
But today, it was even more of a drag, for my mother insisted on all of us questioning Serena to death.
Mr Leslie insisted yesterday’s announcement was nothing to do with the forthcoming regional assembly referendums.
A 2-year-old Phil, a natural right-hander, insisted on swinging a golf club left-handed so that he could mirror his dad.
Charles insisted that as God’s direct representative on earth he was ultimately not answerable to any elected chamber devised by men.
She had to talk to him about Edur before the wine went to his head and he insisted upon retiring to bed early.

Show More Sentences

“Left to himself, he probably would have come barefoot, and insisted you do the same

“Would you hurry up!” Ackers insisted through the ear piece

In counseling the close relatives and friends; one is usually spontaneous in giving as well as accepting the advice and to some extent can be insisted upon

The one contractual proviso I insisted on was that we never did

Once things were sorted, Stephen insisted that I moved in with him

«Actually, it was me who insisted on calling this in to Europol and to you in particular

She insisted that she wanted to see you … I tried to talk her out of it, but …’

Ditton was terribly worried about Liz – said that he really needed her to go down to the station with him but that if she wasn’t up to it, he would understand, but she insisted that she was fit

Emma and Liz insisted on clearing away all the dishes before they left so there is nothing to be done in here bar a small amount of tidying up

Burn insisted on charging the capacitors in flight

Seth didn’t protest, he just insisted, to me anyway, that my whole life solely depended on Julia’s well-being

The connoisseurs insisted they could taste the difference in the meat so there was a steep price trade-off for genetically modified karga, but still left a huge advantage for the karga

On hearing this, Iain had insisted that Kara stay inside

hardly improved and she had insisted to get back to her

Despite the fact Kara knew he was anxious to return to his new wife in Banswell, Berndt insisted on staying at Abery, dogging her every footstep as she battled to come to terms with the fact of JJ’s presence in the house

One of the tasks on her to-do list while in London was to visit the warehouse where the things had been stored and decide if there was anything she wanted to keep for herself – something Berndt insisted she do

’ Kara replied with a smile, casting a glance at the heap of her belongings … her bulging bag and the basket carrying flowers and produce that Issa had insisted she take with her

That was the one building I insisted that we leave the electricity on

However, Fred had insisted on still having the

I stand in my cabin … something comfortable he said … I suppose my pyjamas qualify … and no-one could accuse me of trying to be seductive in those … they must be the most impressive passion-killers I have ever seen! Maybe that is what Gilla had in mind when she insisted they were what I needed

She had also insisted on a screen divider for the two teachers

’ He said insisted gently

Two young men came to investigate and even through my apologies they insisted I join their little group for a drink to celebrate the finishing touches to their new sandwich and wine bar

He explained that he was keeping a record of everything that was taking place; he insisted on accuracy in everything

The dragons are powerful, but come on, not even they could… there is just no way this could be happening; no way at all,” she insisted

Lady Beth started to knit a baby sweater, and the rest of the women insisted she teach them how

Collin insisted the White and Jake flame Lady Maya to the next world

The shepherds insisted I share their raki making me a little unsteady but glad to be with this whole gang of howling musicians

She insisted that she would be fine

Jake insisted that she be brought here to be properly instructed in the care of her egg

She won’t tell me what it’s about, just insisted that we go to Dragons Hill

Kate insisted that you see him first

Ever since then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables for banquets and special occasions through old Ted’s niece, and all the while the unsuspecting Ted had been convinced that his niece was strangely obsessed by fresh fruit and vegetables

They insisted he come alone as they had a matter of extreme importance to discuss with him

We should always win,’ Ish insisted

He was also offered a promotion to the position of Head of Light Entertainment with the BBC, which would have been fabulous had someone on the board of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract forcing him to keep a whole twenty percent of the schedule for factual content

She hasn’t been dependent on me financially for some years – she earns more than I do anyway – and when she pulled the plug on our marriage she insisted on being financially independent, seeing it as some sort of compensation for me if I didn’t have to maintain her

He knew that she insisted he be very careful to make sure nothing could get from his condensate read-out chambers to any of the buses in her systems without going thru the filters she put on

You know I had that bad dose of ‘flu recently? Well, it was stupid of me, but one day when I was running a pretty high temperature, I stubbornly insisted on climbing on the porch roof to fix a slate which had come out of position

Both she and her step-father insisted on turning up the volume on the radio whenever the song was playing, and even shared Lucy’s MP3 player so that they could keep listening when all other services fell silent

these, but the publisher insisted we keep a few copies ‘Ok, so it has happened

But he insisted a detail should accompany her and carry any provisions she needed

After dinner, the kids went off to do their own thing and Gary insisted on helping with the washing up, saying that he was fully domesticated and proceeding to demonstrate that very effectively

fainted away at the end of that dreadful day, she insisted that Karen

“And she insisted you be by her side while on board the Sword?” Alexei nodded, “…hmm, she sees you as her protector?”

Myra insisted that she needed to return to her people and bring about an end to this senseless war

distinguished medical researcher at Yale, insisted that

friend insisted that Lovell should put a pair of magnets

Dane Tevid insisted that the finest room at the Inn be given to Tarak and Lady Rayne that night

Tyu had insisted on helping him accomplish this after he shared his plan with her

‘Do you remember how she insisted on going up to the woods and dancing ‘sky clad’ to celebrate midsummer? When it was pointed out to her that this was more appropriate for the spring or autumn equinoxes, she said it would be too cold then

Still not convinced Kai insisted on having a warrior in the house at all times, (in close proximity to Mistress Sera)

then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and

Then she insisted on offering him a plea deal

of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract

Both she and her step-father insisted on

Grinly insisted on reporting the

He insisted that they’d already followed this blind alley and now it was his turn

By the time they got up that Nightday, Ava insisted the dark was too cold for the run back to the central city

“Well, come on then,” Arnie insisted, “Grab your stuff and I’ll

“What about the Ice Box Cabinet?” insisted Belle

The driver, a jobs-worth type, insisted that Tom could not ride in

She had insisted on naming the child after her husband whether it were a girl or boy, so: Jameson

The girls had made all their gifts, well nearly all, and insisted upon directing the holiday’s main event

insisted, “What were they trying to achieve?”

Titania and Hipolyta were dressed up for the send off, they had insisted that since he wore nice new clothes, they definitely would be wearing their best dresses

I mentioned that by happy coincidence ‘I knew that angler’ and they at once insisted upon meeting you, most likely to get a better look at that rod and reel you were employing

“As you can see, Kaitlyn was quite convincing when she insisted that she pursue public performance

I forget which church it was we were in, but I later heard that the vicar insisted that this tune was used at one of his Christmas services — our influence is far reaching indeed!

He had insisted that she ride his mare, and he would lead Achilles just to keep him from further injuring his leg

He imagined something like a hologram recording the soul, but the ghost insisted she experienced that half century and spent a lot of time doing research in her field, learning more about it as a ghost than she could have as flesh

“What is the point of all that?” they insisted

Jean had insisted on

“I meant it as a compliment,” Andrew insisted, “let’s face it, you are more, er, conversationally assertive than most of us

» Emma finally replies, when the silence insisted she speak

«Anything» He insisted, piling his mouth full of food

There was but one who insisted to press their intentions even to the extreme of knife-point, but he instantly surrendered his cause and forfeited their case at my gentle but firm insistent refusal

Two small ridges later, his thighs insisted he stop for lunch

you know why I insisted on your wife leaving the room

After pointing them out to Mike, he pointed out a few more, and insisted it couldn’t be a fire, not with four points of origin

The host offered Roman one, but he insisted on water

» he insisted «The house out back

It’s going to be a waste of time-” She insisted, but Alex wasn’t so sure

Hipolyta insisted they take Kaitlyn on an overnight across the lake, and having received Mr

«Where you going» She insisted taking hold of the cold metal knob

» He insisted driving right past the Big House

» She insisted, as they pulled to a stop at the main road

» He insisted starting the truck

«Stop that!» She insisted, feeling a bit insecure

» Jim insisted with a chuckle

All the men, that insisted on living her life for her, where in Salt Lake, two hundred and fifty miles away

» he insisted, but he obviously could her face

«See,» he insisted, brushing her hair back across her shoulders, «It wasn’t that they were super-bodies, you were just splitting up your energies

One of the provisos she had insisted upon in her contract of transfer was that Jameson would no longer be a member of her former restaurant’s staff, which naturally left him with the only avenue available for the pursuit of his chosen vocation—the head chef for the new establishment

Emma recalled, how her Grandmother had always insisted, that was a true sign of a real woman

Perhaps, she’d been playing games with his head, but why had he insisted, she was the one who needed to be watched over

One insisted she should be with him

» Todd insisted, «Are you telling me –” he looked to Emma, «that what Emma said really is the story?» He obviously hadn’t heard it either

«But considering she’s had to put this together by herself, without her Grandmother to tell her, she’s done very well» Emma looked to Jim, had he known the story all along? Was it what, he was referring to when he’d insisted he couldn’t tell her? «He couldn’t tell you Emma

» He insisted pushing her back down

Mike insisted that he was right.

Майк настоял на том, что он был прав.

His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs.

Его друзья утверждали, что он не имел дел с наркотиками.

Throughout the trial, the prisoner insisted on his lack of guilt.

В течение всего судебного процесса подсудимый настаивал на своей невиновности.

They insisted importunately upon their demand.

Они упрямо настаивали на удовлетворении своего требования.

He insisted on the stringency of the received orders.

Он настаивал на серьёзности полученных приказов.

He insisted these photographs were not art but obscenity.

Он утверждал, что эти фотографии — никакое не искусство, а чистая порнография.

Their churches, their clubs, their pulpits, their press have boomed him and insisted he was the leader of his race.

Их церкви, клубы, проповедники, пресса создали вокруг него шумиху и настаивали на том, что он является предводителем их расы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

The usher insisted on reseating us

He insisted on avoiding a cowardly retreat.

…one unsympathetic homeowner insisted that all homeless people are crazies…

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How to use insisted in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «insisted» and check conjugation/comparative form for «insisted«. Mastering all the usages of «insisted» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«They insisted and insisted,» Mr. Juárez said of the detectives.
Well, for years, stylists insisted on bringing me sample [sizes]. Insisted!
Jonze insisted that the question wasn’t personal, and Gyllenhaal insisted that it was.
But Kohm insisted in the Facebook case, the FTC would have been «grandstanding» if it insisted on interviewing Zuckerberg, he said.
Saudi Arabia insisted that it would increase production and flood the market, and Russia insisted that it would increase production, too.
» Trump insisted there were «fine people» on both sides of the protest and just this week insisted he answered the question «perfectly.
Israeli and American officials insisted that in the closed talks in Jerusalem the president had insisted that he is serious about making peace.
At the very least, if he insisted upon taking the shot, and insisted upon making the shot, he shouldn’t have saluted with such enthusiasm.
Officials insisted that they were not «micromanaging» the new one-week review of Kavanaugh’s background and insisted that Republican senators were dictating the inquiry’s scope.
Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has insisted Trump «didn’t do anything wrong,» but Cohen’s lawyer has repeatedly insisted that Trump had advance knowledge of McDougal’s story.
«The issues the U.S. side insisted on during the talks were the same cancerous ones that the past U.S. administrations had insisted on,» the ministry said.
Of course, being the crazy person I’d become, I insisted on confirmation, and Kellan insisted on denial, and I’d fall into a hole of exasperation and despair.
Conway later insisted that Flowers, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers, was not formally invited, while running mate Mike Pence insisted that Trump was just «mocking» the Clinton campaign.
On Friday, he insisted that the strike killing Soleimani was designed to prevent, not provoke, war and again insisted he&aposs not seeking the overthrow of the Iranian government.
» — Louisa, 31 «Insisted she eat pickles just before.
» — Jasmine, 228 «Refrigerator shrimp he insisted wasn’t shrimp.
» Mattis also insisted that the move «right now . . .
» — Drew, 28 «He insisted I pet his cat.
» — Sam, 26 «Insisted on hanging Morrissey posters everywhere.
» After a «furious debate» over what to include in the statement, Trump insisted it say the meeting had been about adoption, and Trump Jr. insisted it include the word «primarily.
Spicer insisted that the increase in border security funding would help the White House lay the groundwork for an eventual border wall and once again insisted the wall would be built.
» Trump has insisted he meant «ears and, or nose.
» In the debate, Trump insisted: «I never said that.
» The comedian insisted, «This conversation needs to happen more.
WIMBLEDON, England — Garbiñe Muguruza insisted that nothing had changed.
«He still wants to do it — absolutely,» Giuliani insisted.
» Fox insisted that Trump is «not welcome to Mexico.
» He insisted he would not call the shots. «Honestly.
«They’ve had many Schrute babies — they’re everywhere,» she insisted.
I would do things like… I insisted we record «Basement Scene» in an actual basement, and I insisted that a 14-year-old boy—one of the engineer’s sons—engineer it entirely.
HanA**holeSolo, as the user is known, apologized profusely, insisted that he loves «people of all races, creeds and origins,» and insisted that the video wasn’t intended to incite violence against the media.
Two aides to Mr. Trump, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the meeting, insisted Mr. Trump never used the word «loser» and that Mr. Trump never threatened to harm Mr. Flake’s electoral chances.
But Reeves insisted they could build something big — and lasting.
When he resigned, he insisted he always acted with integrity.
«She insisted I go off to college,» he told CNN.
Trump’s team insisted he was canceling in order to campaign.
The former teacher insisted the shocking relationship was always consensual.
Cruz, however, insisted this was all much ado about nothing.
He insisted on being nice when being kind was enough.
«Oh, I just had one,» I replied, though he insisted.
Officials have insisted the dam itself is not at risk.
Airport officials and police have insisted the facility is safe.
Lopez insisted that the final product is not yet ready.
He insisted on Twitter he was «very serious» about it.
My grandfather, however, insisted that this time, we all go.
Facebook has repeatedly insisted that it’s not a media company.
Fostering civility and consensus, he insisted, is the Delaware way.
He insisted that made him the safest guy in Australia.
My life, they insisted, hinged on never touching chocolate cake.
Wenig insisted there is room for more than just Amazon.
» But Paltrow insisted she «wasn’t that good at it anyway.
Democratic lawmakers also insisted that Mexico must protect labor rights.
Antonio Sabato Jr. insisted President Obama is totally a Muslim.
Energy companies have insisted that’s not their problem — until now.
But he insisted they had the authority to search it.
They insisted that she was violating the school dress code.
North Korea would not make the same mistake, he insisted.
She insisted she needed to speak with Miss Cleo, specifically.
Bennett insisted he had no plans to relocate the team.
Mrs May insisted that the change was merely a clarification.
The Mexican government has insisted it will not do so.
Also, Megyn Kelly insisted in 2013 that Santa is white.
Popes in the 11th and 12th centuries insisted on abstinence.
Rodríguez Calderón, known as «El Bronco,» insisted that he was.
His most loyal defenders insisted that Taylor’s testimony changed nothing.
He had no ideas or philosophy to impart, he insisted.
«But I was not trying to intimidate him,» Wahlberg insisted.
Worse, Mr Fillon insisted on his own reputation for probity.
» Publicly, Kasich’s campaign also insisted he would stick around. «Sen.
«I’ve always had a good relationship with Tom,» Belichick insisted.
Mr. Carson was guilty, his rival insisted, of being innocent.
NIF has insisted it is using «eligible» staff like managers.
They also insisted that the consultations retain a national character.
«This economy is rigged,» insisted Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.
Instead, he insisted, they’ll be mainly for pedestrians and cyclists.
REPUBLICANS HAVE long insisted that elections are plagued by fraud.
«Think of it more like comScore than Instagram» Wilson insisted.
«Every top ranked PS2125 user uses it,» one redditor insisted.
He insisted the police were not involved in the deaths.
Denise’s defense, however, insisted that the state had no case.
Mr Kuczynski insisted that the pardon was for «humanitarian reasons».
Her fiancé insisted that she has nothing to worry about.
Mrs May insisted she had «full faith» in Sir Kim.
Still, the franchise hasn’t been the same since, Kaufman insisted.
That box has no basis in law, the Pentagon insisted.
He insisted there was no need to relive the past.
«Catalonia is a European issue,» Mr Puigdemont insisted this week.
Afterward, Bell and the Pentagon insisted that he was misquoted.
West insisted he had asked for and gotten her approval.
«She wasn’t allowed to have any,» house mom Morgan insisted.
Trump insisted to The Hill he knows nothing about Carroll.
He has long insisted that the vote would be rigged.
«Because he wants to eat you!» my grim mind insisted.
Vladimir Lenin insisted on its independence from other secret services.
«Our bombing is on the regime’s military areas,» he insisted.
«The shoe itself will be kept very classic,» she insisted.
Still, she insisted her greatest joy has been her family.
Nonetheless, Marcus insisted Libra was designed to insulate financial data.
Saudi Arabia previously insisted on a need to reduce production.
But the government insisted that a zollar could fetch $1.
To promote The Gap, I insisted on interviewing the journalists.
Supporters of the proposal insisted they sought an honest analysis.
Then: «I’m sitting here as his campaign manager!» she insisted.
«Oh my god but he was so nice,» she insisted.
He insisted that it would be useful in the future.
It was not meant as a threat, the chancellor insisted.
After that, he insisted we deploy Satyr across our site.
«I am not mentally ill,» William insisted through gritted teeth.
Still, Penn insisted he does not fear for his life.
I insisted nothing was going on, and he believed me.
And while that may seem small, Jacobson insisted it wasn’t.
«If we did, it’s part of the game,» he insisted.
She insisted that all the windows and curtains be closed.
But he insisted there was no economic crisis right now.
«Voldemort was nowhere near as bad,» she insisted in December.
Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, has insisted otherwise.
Johnson had previously insisted such moves would not be necessary.
«I don’t want it to appear easy,» Mr. Chaplin insisted.
The justices «don’t work as Republicans or Democrats», he insisted.
«I’m not a professional chef,» Colu insisted with a laugh.
But Rose insisted that nobody sold sex in her place.
«I think you would rock because you’re formidable,» Downey insisted.
Trump, via his lawyer Marc Kasowitz, insisted that never happened.
Johnson has insisted Britain will leave the EU on Oct.
» He insisted again, «I had nothing to do with it!
Or does it happen smoothly, as Schrödinger insisted it must?
Toy Association’s Pasierb insisted that playtime is not wasted time.
» But, Potdevin insisted, «We’ve taken drastic steps to fix it.
Trump has insisted that Mexico will pay for the wall.
But America insisted on repayment of its loans in full.
«I just want to forget it ever happened,» I insisted.
Spicer insisted the United States could accomplish more with less.
Jensen insisted the fund was still growing through its investments.
On Tuesday, he insisted he had not committed any crime.
Gulf countries have insisted that their demands are non- negotiable.
The name is vital to the app’s success, he insisted.
All three insisted they had not engaged in any wrongdoing.
A few gay bars insisted on maintaining the status quo.
But Hatch insisted the GOP senators are in the loop.
He also insisted the Republican National Committee was not hacked.
He denied being drunk and insisted he never threatened anyone.
On set, Zendaya insisted on doing the trapeze work herself.
But he insisted that both categories will continue to expand.
But Stone has insisted that there was an innocent explanation.
At the Vatican, though, Trump insisted his mind was open.
Sessions’ aides have insisted he did not speak to Kislyak.
However, he insisted that Hogan is not a private individual.
Alberta and Ottawa have insisted the project will go forward.
«René always insisted the show must go on,» she said.
«She doesn’t have to be afraid of me,» Khloé insisted.
» Still, Abu Jihad insisted that Tobat was «a good person.
» Pompeo insisted that his visit to North Korea was «productive.
But Sands insisted there is still more to be done.
But Abbott insisted the roundtables were not political window dressing.
«They all insisted and so I agreed,» she said quietly.
Trump has insisted numerous times that his hair is real.
He’s insisted that torture «absolutely works,» even though it doesn’t.
She insisted that NATO remained a cornerstone of German security.
Mexican officials have insisted they will not fund the structure.
The companies have insisted that such issues are not intentional.
Kubrick insisted that Ms. Corri appear naked for multiple takes.
He also insisted this automation will be unbiased and fair.
Donald Trump’s campaign has insisted the speech was not plagiarized.
On Wednesday, he insisted he had nothing to apologize for.
Wim insisted that he had only Cor’s interests in mind.
The Changzhou government has insisted the school’s environment is normal.
Zarif insisted that such ultimatums only would rattle Iranian sensitivities.
Street Journal insisted that the «consensus» among bankers and executives
The U.S. negotiators instead insisted that the missile be destroyed.
But on Tuesday he insisted that he was coming clean.
The accused insisted that whatever sex had occurred was consensual.
«I have a lot of support from senators,» he insisted.
He insisted that he and Ms. Bakker were just friends.
She said the rabbi insisted on spiritually cleaning her home.
But he insisted he was not paying attention to that.
She insisted that she learned many lessons in the process.
«He and the President had a great relationship,» Miller insisted.
But to their delight, he insisted on showing up anyway.
Not surprisingly, he insisted that Wilk email him the details.
Meadows, though, insisted there was «bipartisan» interest in that proposal.
However, Zhou insisted that they not stop and march on.
But he insisted that moral and political stakes were higher.
Aetna insisted it wasn’t the true villain of the tale.
» Spicer on Friday insisted the tweet was «not a threat.
«The conflict is not between capital and labor,» he insisted.
Fallon insisted he saw the makings of a EU army.
He also insisted that he himself, is not a racist.
Zuckerberg insisted the company has changed in his post Friday.
But the men insisted on driving him to the airport.
Nadler has insisted he wants Mueller’s testimony to be public.
Mr. Rauner insisted he supports increased access to the polls.
He has insisted that he has never broken financial laws.
The charity will continue business as usual, Buckingham Palace insisted.
Fox still insisted to me that he was drawing boundaries
Obama but insisted that the language was not copied verbatim.
«By the way, that’s a treasonous act,» the president insisted.
«Mitt’s a good man,» Trump insisted to reporters on Monday.
«We have the votes for health care,» Trump insisted Wednesday.
The White House has insisted the $85033 million wasn’t ransom.
Huawei has always insisted it follows regulations wherever it operates.
«He’s doing great,» Spicer, Trump’s spokesman, insisted late Friday afternoon.
But Plaisted insisted on the virtues of these »iron dogs.
And, she insisted, Haiti’s institutions were up to the task.
Trump later insisted his position on Syria had not changed.
Ms. Paim insisted that you not get creative with moqueca.
» Ms. O’Donnell insisted that it was «Life in our 20s.
Hunter has insisted that he will stay in the race.
Running, one orthopedist insisted, is highly injurious on the body.
Bruguera constantly insisted that unrest is essential to forward progression.
The sandwich artist insisted that she hadn’t spit in it.
Hedges insisted Prohibition wasn’t a complete failure despite its repeal.
That would include Northern Ireland, as the bloc has insisted.
Afterward, Trump and his aides insisted he supported the provision.
He insisted he was not giving up on Syria, however.
Ms. Kelly insisted she had been scared into following orders.
While Trump insisted there were no dissenting views, Alaska Sen.
Instead, he insisted that Sondland’s testimony was «fantastic» for him.
Aides insisted that Mr. Trump never considered dumping Judge Kavanaugh.
«I’m going to keep the method a secret,» he insisted.
But Mr. Alberts insisted on going, and he succeeded there.
I insisted to be myself and go after my choices.
«It couldn’t be seen on the map,» Mr. Putin insisted.
WASHINGTON — It was really just a mix-up, he insisted.
I insisted he go, because Halladay would have wanted that.
Trump insisted that China is to blame for the pandemic.
The conductor, however, insisted they hadn’t paid the right fare.
His father insisted that he go to medical school instead.
«I’m no puppet,» he insisted to The Guardian this week.
I protested that I was a medic, but he insisted.
Through it all, the protestors insisted they would not leave.
The posts, he insisted, were nothing more than online braggadocio.
Huawei has repeatedly insisted Beijing has no influence over it.
Mr. Ghosn and Mr. Kelly have insisted they are innocent.
» Still, he insisted: «I never fought against the new government.
Huawei has insisted Beijing has no influence over the company.
But he insisted that she not tell anyone, she said.
He insisted that Mr. Shanahan’s background had been thoroughly checked.
«No, no, no, it’s not rabbits, it hares!» she insisted.
Democrats also insisted on their own priorities beyond homeland security.
The patient insisted that he was not worrying about anything.
Chinese officials insisted that the ports would not be militarized.
When we broke up, he insisted I repay the money.
Mr. Johnson, 55, insisted he would not relinquish his duties.
Still, «we are not doing law enforcement,» Mr. Mattis insisted.
Mr. Cuomo insisted that it was a sound business deal.
Republicans, for their part, insisted that the contest was over.
The report insisted that the protesters were overwhelmingly unarmed civilians.
Trump insisted to reporters the asylum plan would be legal.
The rapper insisted she gets paid equally — now, at least.
He insisted to lawyers he would never go to jail.
Mr. Mueller’s report insisted obstruction laws do apply to presidents.
SROTD mods insisted to Vox that the subreddit was neutral.
But before doing that, he insisted on his own innocence.
This time, Google insisted that there would no additional extensions.
«I’m not here to burn the place down,» he insisted.
The East Wing insisted the jacket had no underlying message.
Facing trial, Benjamin Paddock insisted that he was not crazy.
Mr. Khaas insisted he did not have a death wish.
» But he insisted that time would be after «full denuclearization.
Richard Shelby (R) of Alabama insisted he was washing his.
He insisted that we savor every last morsel of it.
Bernie Sanders insisted Wednesday that he’s staying in the race.
But the president also insisted he remains in good health.
This was an academic, not an athletic, scandal, they insisted.
Mr. Conrad, in several interviews in French media, insisted otherwise.
«Men have no objection to women as creators,» Hartigan insisted.
Still, Mnuchin insisted on Friday that taxpayers would be compensated.
Mr. Tsipras’s government insisted it wanted to maintain friendly relations.
His family insisted he had been recovering and was poisoned.
«Oh no you don’t,» Eli insisted to both of us.
The Navy has insisted that the ship remains operationally capable.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has insisted there’s no further danger.
«You’re not supposed to eat the date food,» Tahzjuan insisted.
Geddert has insisted he had «zero knowledge» of Nassar’s crimes.
The president has insisted that China itself pays the tariffs.
Slaveholders insisted that the ordinance applied only to incoming residents.
Still, Mnuchin insisted on Friday that taxpayers would be compensated.
«The wolves are at the front door,» insisted one speaker.
Aramco officials insisted that the I.P.O. would still happen someday.
Mr. Phillips insisted that he had done no such thing.
Welch insisted that all of GE’s divisions be market leaders.
Mickelson insisted he had not acted in haste or irritation.
Löw insisted all would be well once things got serious.
«We remain that shining city on the hill,» he insisted.
He could have insisted that it defend his original order.
» Despite the onstage drama, Ryan insisted the event was «fun.
Instead, he insisted the math of SpinLaunch engineers was solid.
The prime minister has insisted that the request was reasonable.
Mr. Carney has insisted he is leaving on Jan. 31.
They all insisted that there was no quid pro quo.
She insisted that he tell the doctors about his vaping.
Still I insisted that my pet was alive in there.
«We are a company run by a band,» he insisted.
But Warren insisted he had, essentially accusing Sanders of lying.
I would have insisted on that right from the start.
But the Chinese Embassy insisted that its offer be dismissed.
She insisted that he take a nap before the fireworks.
Still, the sources insisted that Trump could change his mind.
He learned English and insisted his children do the same.
The accused have insisted that there was only consensual sex.
» Mr. Castorina insisted that the lawsuit was «not about immigration.
» The new rule, he insisted, «is going to starve pigeons.
His manager insisted he rest up before the last race.
«It will be $10 to $20 per test,» Katz insisted.
Rice has insisted she had legitimate reasons for doing so.
But he insisted he knew which lines not to cross.
«A country’s more than an economy,» Steve Bannon has insisted.
A spokesman insisted that Manafort is innocent of the charges.
It had insisted that adultery should remain a criminal offense.
The red seams are not lower, as some also insisted.
What if he had insisted on going through with it?
But, she insisted, foreign wrestlers had not hurt the sport.
The brother insisted on smoking wherever and whenever he wanted.
«My moral compass is strong,» she insisted at one point.
D’Arnaud insisted he was not nervous handling two new positions.
Bloomberg insisted he’d like to debate if the rules allowed.
Yet he insisted he would make the same decision today.
Mr. Bevin insisted there was no impropriety in any pardons.
But, that, he insisted, would be the end of it.
But she insisted that Trump’s behavior warranted such an action.
Giuliani has insisted he knows nothing about any illegal donations.
They insisted they had taken photographs of the proton aurora.
But she insisted it was where she had to be.
As Virginia solicitor general Toby Heytens insisted that Miller v.
He insisted his wife’s career does not impact his courtroom.
Warren insisted Sanders made the remark; Sanders denied doing so.
However, Quek insisted the founders are not chasing such titles.
President Trump insisted that the elimination of Soleimani was justified.
Mr. Baccio insisted on working from his home near Washington.
Here are four ways the billionaire insisted on saving money.
Still, Burrow insisted that Georgia had disguised its blitzes well.
He insisted the quality of the local squirrels was excellent.
She’d insisted: no staying at home with the howling baby.
«Run away from me, baby,» he insisted, over and over.
Bacon insisted that the night still went well for him.
But Europe «has the capacity to defend itself», he insisted.
Devin Booker insisted that his opponent stay for another game.
My parents insisted we respond in English in the household.
Ironically, the court insisted its choice simplified the jurisdictional calculus.
As Mr Lévy quixotically insisted, Britain is better than Brexit. ■
Ginsburg insisted on her regular workout music, which is opera.
But Ms. Jackson, then 18, insisted she didn’t do it.
She insisted the actor playing her husband was Lutz Ebersdorf.
However, many experts insisted that the material was clearly unclassified.
Health department officials insisted they are complying with Democrats’ requests.
Flavio Bolsonaro has insisted he is innocent of any crimes.
She insisted that they take a gap year before college.
Proponents insisted it was the localities that usurped state authority.
«Count on me to sign on to that,» he insisted.
Instead, he insisted, he undertook those actions at Volker’s request.
The money, not the politics, was the point, he insisted.
It started because he insisted that we pay it forward.
He had previously insisted he was innocent of the charges.
Vince Lombardi insisted on running the power sweep to perfection.
But Musk insisted on Thursday that community concern is misplaced.
Clinton’s emails; his spokesman later insisted that was a joke.
That, Froome insisted, takes nothing away from his overall triumph.
Despite the odds, he insisted that they would be spared.
Mourinho, though, insisted that he took it as a compliment.
Reid insisted that it was the right thing to do.
He also insisted the Pentagon wasn’t responsive to his questions.
I insisted that I couldn’t accept so extravagant a gift.
Administration officials insisted they were serious about pursuing an agreement.
Trump has insisted there was no collusion by his campaign.
Ted Kennedy insisted that Biden become his regular gym buddy.
He insisted that the Supreme Court’s decisions in D.C. v.
Gewirtz insisted that the move was not because of infighting.
My mother insisted that my daughter needed to be circumcised.
Reid insisted that it be coupled with the tax extenders.
Some big tech companies, notably Apple, have insisted that encryption is an important part of their product design, and Apple CEO Tim Cook has insisted they will resist any outside efforts to change that.
Mr. Obama insisted that in private conversations, Republican bluster was tempered.
It’s all about the «lunacy» of the Republican race, he insisted.
Mr. Earley insisted that he was already trying to do so.
The opposition grasped the chance and insisted on a snap vote.
He insisted that his attorney, Yale Galanter, was ineffective as counsel.
«We’ve never hidden the fact that we’re a couple,» she insisted.
But his lawyer insisted that there had been a mix-up.
Encrypted devices like the iPhone are here to stay, he insisted.
But Coach Bill O&aposBrien insisted he back up Tom Savage.
He liked the British, whom, he insisted, were welcoming and grateful.
Avenatti insisted at the time Daniels and Crain were still together.
She insisted that I have them turned over to a publisher.
» She insisted she’s «not the expert at geopolitics on this issue.
Saudi Arabia has insisted that Khashoggi left safely on Oct. 2.
Her friends insisted this diet was perfect, so science be damned.
But Howard insisted he’s still got another trick up his sleeve.
«He needs a chance at redemption,» Kerr insisted with a grin.
Tears welling in her eyes, she insisted on telling her story.
Yet sources close to Chyna insisted that they weren’t broken up.
» She continued, «I told him ‘no, no no,’ but he insisted.
Military officials have insisted that the rules of engagement remain unchanged.
Still, public officials eventually «insisted» on meeting with Kenneth in January.
Trump has insisted the border wall is necessary for border security.
«There wasn’t some other way to do this, Kara,» Musk insisted.
They have insisted the government be fully open before negotiations occur.
«They execute well and make it tough on you,» McCollum insisted.
The White House has insisted that the raid was a success.
Still, some would have insisted Ted Cruz’s father did the shooting.
He smiled broadly and insisted that we take a photo together.
Police insisted on Wednesday they had strong cases against the suspects.
O’Donnell insisted Regan’s murder was not the first for the Cochrans.
The official insisted special operations have no new authorities to operate.
We had our close friends who just insisted we do that.
LONDON — Serena Williams insisted she was not focused on No. 22.
Monsanto has long insisted that its product does not cause cancer.
Loyd had an eye patch and repeatedly insisted on representing himself.
Remember how Ross Gellar insisted that Jurassic Park could never happen?
He insisted that he was carrying out an «order from God».
Many politicians have condemned them formally but insisted they were irrevocable.
Her skin tone, Barr insisted, is the same as her own.
But her fiancé insisted that she be included as a bridesmaid.
However, he insisted that addiction was not a problem for him.
» On Wednesday Trump insisted that Turkey’s attack was a «bad idea.
Apples and oranges, we insisted whenever such direct comparisons were made.
Meanwhile, Republicans insisted that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overstepped its authority.
«There is no greater promoter of integration than football», he insisted.
Bowen-Wright’s attorney, Heath Hyde, insisted her son had medical problems.
Castro insisted there had been no change in strategy on Tuesday.
Our guide insisted on going, suggesting the risk must be exaggerated.
«Nobody has more respect for women than I do,» he insisted.
«I could have a very good relationship with Russia,» he insisted.
But the nurses insisted I couldn’t have it on the ward.
Lenin and his party insisted that they were journalists heading home.
Asked if he ate fruits and vegetables, deGrom insisted he did.
«But they’re buying into the fantasized aspect of it,» Vanna insisted.
Eventually, a trickle of group members insisted looters be left alone.
Although it didn’t file suit, Apple insisted that jailbreaking was illegal.
But Mr Moro had insisted that he would never enter politics.
China insisted that the rig was still in its territorial waters.
The exercise, officials coyly insisted, was «not directed against any country».
«I never insisted on the Olympics,» he told the city council.
Chapman insisted that she didn’t know about any of Weinstein’s misdeeds.
Nevertheless, he recalled, Kelly insisted that he needed a rectal exam.
Tomlinson, however, has emphatically and repeatedly insisted that he is straight.
Some have insisted that going back is a victory over terrorism.
But the stepbrother has insisted the diamond was his to sell.
Although Washington initially declined his salary, he relented after Congress insisted.
Yeah, they also insisted on changing the artwork, which confused me.
Although Washington initially declined his salary, he relented after Congress insisted.
For his part, Kasich insisted he would remain in the race.
Wen insisted, however, that the organization isn’t backing away from politics.
Pence insisted that this is about more than a campaign promise.
«Amanda Carpenter, you are named in this,» the pro-Trumper insisted.
She quit, Davis told me, because she insisted on being herself.
He also insisted it wasn’t a date and clearly he lied.
They have insisted this is the last deal they can make.
On Wednesday, he insisted — again — that Obama’s birth certificate was fake.
Comey insisted that «no reasonable prosecutor» would bring such a case.
But instead, she alleges he insisted she have sex with him.
However, the school has insisted that no one covered up assaults.
Marini insisted Weinstein deserved a no-nonsense punishment for his actions.
The prime minister insisted on moving more quickly, according to Ulimwengu.
«René always insisted the show must go on,» the singer said.
» She and her editor insisted their website is «just asking questions.
But some in Scott’s family insisted he didn’t have a weapon.
Webb, 64, usually works alone but his wife insisted on coming.
Beijing has insisted it be treated like any other WTO member.
Hoffman insisted that he never thinks about outcomes in binary ways.
AFRICOM insisted that Somalia’s government maintained control over their respective forces.
Despite this, in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump insisted otherwise.
But he insisted he did in fact write the letter himself.
«There is no doubt that people will respond less,» she insisted.
During the debate, Juppe insisted on his attachment to France’s diversity.
The policeman insisted he could not stay without a LegCo pass.
Spicer insisted that there wasn’t going to be an arms race.
» However, a West source insisted «Taylor Swift is playing the victim.
Mazu, he insisted, also urged him to seek peace with China.
However, her attorney has insisted everything is fine with the Giudices.
He insisted that the police were not involved in the deaths.
Both the Angels and Ohtani insisted that his elbow was fine.
In the comments section, Chalipo insisted he’d learned from the experience.
Bush had always insisted that he knew nothing of this operation.
This artist, who insisted that it wasn’t what it looked like!
She suggested he take a taxi, however, Hufnagel again allegedly insisted.
«It was definitely the timing; it being post-divorce,» Brundson insisted.
The government has repeatedly insisted that it would pay its debts.
Still, she insisted, the class gives participants a distinct corporeal awareness.
» Neeson aid he agreed but insisted «I didn’t think about that.
«You guys are best friends outside of fashion, too,» she insisted.
But the central bank insisted that it was not easing policy.
All insisted it was the best way to attract the birds.
«But I was not trying to intimidate him,» the star insisted.
Sherry Pierce insisted she was paid for doing legitimate political work.
However, France and Germany insisted that the decision was mainly symbolic.
They insisted their eight-year skating partnership will link them forever.
But he also insisted that Israel could not be secure without
In an 1875 letter, she insisted that her aversion to the
The Syrian regime has long insisted it’s not targeting innocent people.
«I do not feel as if I’m being exploited,» he insisted.
They insisted that the government should fully pay off those debts.
«They just haven’t told us what’s wrong with it,» insisted Limp.
» He insisted that he «will not go to pre-2011 Syria.
Marie had insisted on cracking the nuts for the yummy desserts.
She’d say, ‘Oh, he’s a surgeon, he’s busy,’ but we insisted.
But while he insisted that we should renew that prohibition, he
Though they were profligate, Ryan insisted his plans were fiscally sound.
Regardless, Mielekamp insisted that Bolt joining the team is not guaranteed.
For her part, Innes’s mother insisted the photo was being mischaracterized.
«You couldn’t do what we’re doing without this facility,» Pecknold insisted.
Graham insisted to police that he felt powerless to say no.
Paris has insisted its bid plan could only work for 2024.
Instead, he insisted, he was using a faux Taser phone app.
» That customer, Ramon Santiago, «walked up and insisted she take his.
MORE wiretapped Trump Tower before the election, as Trump has insisted.
»   As fans continued to criticize Teigen, she insisted: «I didn’t. Say.
Jonathan Conricus insisted Israel only targeted Hamas military targets in Gaza.
But Schildkrout insisted the deterioration of the marketplace also hurt drivers.
» When Trump insisted that it was, O’Brien said, «Donald, it’s not.
One sketch insisted Trump voters, not merely Trump himself, were racist.
Law enforcement authorities insisted that it was a one-off request.
But he insisted that he did not regret sending the Oct.
On Friday, he insisted the U.S. was committed to Europe’s security.
The White House has insisted that he was in the dark.
Veronica Jadue, the company’s spokeswoman in Chile, insisted Uber was legal.
He finally insisted: ‘Give me your phone, I am doing it.
But she insisted it was an economic project first and foremost.
I was pretty embarrassed, but she insisted, so I agreed reluctantly.
On Instagram, Mathews insisted he wasn’t giving up on his marriage.
» Williams also insisted Carson will back the GOP primary winner. «Dr.
Aramco has insisted on its independence over the past few days.
He also insisted that no one would be forced to move.
He insisted that domestic metals production was vital to national security.
«It really means nothing,» Durant insisted afterward of his impressive numbers.
«On the contrary, they are more in than ever,» she insisted.
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has always insisted he’s all about winning.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, insisted it wasn’t a power play.
Some insisted that Democrats are using it just to stonewall Trump.
Menendez has, from the start, insisted that he is totally innocent.
But he insisted that military action wouldn’t be his first choice.
The Trump administration has insisted it won’t fall into that trap.
Liberals insisted he was operating with flagrant disregard for the law.
Mr. Kim insisted that his country could denuclearize only ​in phases.
«Up here is a dance party in the moment,» she insisted.
And on Wednesday, Cohn insisted, «I’m staying» at the White House.
Ms. Mills insisted during nearly seven hours of testimony that Mrs.
Cerreti insisted; this witness could take down the entire Rosarno ‘Ndrangheta.
Mrs Merkel has insisted, quite contentiously, that «Islam belongs in Germany».
He insisted he didn’t know the woman would be in attendance.
After the game, Stephenson insisted that he intended no such offense.
The players insisted there was nothing to see in their celebrations.
Rustin insisted on paying lavishly for an unusually high-quality setup.
» Mr. Trump insisted again: «It was not me on the phone.
But his nephew insisted that was «a lie,» the AP reported.
Stone has insisted he played no role in colluding with Russians.
» However, it also insisted he did not have a «combat mission.
Trump, however, insisted that the pact did not go far enough.
He also insisted that corruption in politics is a bipartisan issue.
Although Boone refused at first, his son says the man insisted.
Bolton, though, has insisted Trump’s announcement is not a negotiating ploy.
Psychiatrists, they insisted, have a responsibility to serve society at large.
The Pentagon has insisted that no such changes have been made.
» Mr. Trump insisted the system is «crooked» and created by «hacks.
Mr. McMullen, the soccer referee, insisted he would do just that.
And he insisted in various ways that Brexit must mean Brexit.
Syndergaard, perhaps cynically, insisted his pitch behind Utley was an accident.
» Thoreau, Schulz insisted, «is not the stuff of a democratic hero.
Dowd eventually insisted that he, not Trump, had written the tweet.
Starwood insisted no information was stolen from its 54 compromised hotels.
Tax hikes on the rich, they insisted, would stall the economy.
For much of his life Mr. Stanton insisted on donating anonymously.
Mr. Obama insisted he did not take Mr. Duterte’s words personally.
House Republican leaders insisted their objection was solely a procedural one.
«There will be money coming back from the E.U.,» she insisted.
«He is more than capable,» the Browns insisted in their statement.
«No regrets,» General Manager Brian Cashman insisted before batting practice Tuesday.
«I haven’t changed a thing,» Colon insisted, although clearly he has.
Stone insisted he has no qualms with Credico cooperating with Mueller.
However, she insisted that they do not stop and march on.
Finally, Comey has insisted he didn’t condone leaking inside the FBI.
For years, McCorvey insisted that her pregnancy was caused by rape.
Trump’s team has insisted the President cannot be subpoenaed or indicted.
«We have a great relationship with the White House,» Shapiro insisted.
But playing there was not a big deal, Mr. Simon insisted.
I insisted on a cellphone, a buddy system and regular texts.
The central bank has insisted it will not surprise the markets.
«And so she insisted to all that she had not decided.»
Trump has insisted that nothing about the business discussions was improper.
But the officers insisted on checking on Mr. Chamberlain in person.
Holding the donkey’s bridle, he insisted that I ride the animal.
Still, he insisted that the expansion was vital to Britain’s prosperity.
«The evidentiary weight is literally zero,» insisted Assange, disputing those findings.
The Syrian government insisted that the strike was not a mistake.
»  «All the signs,» Blakeman insisted, «point to America doing well economically.
She and her coach, Lance Brauman, both insisted it was not.
» He’d never insisted «on the narrative that Russia didn’t do it.
Trump angrily insisted his influence was the reason for their release.
He insisted that no money was being given to support terrorism.
«We did not come as thieves in the night,» he insisted.
» He insisted the matter with Flynn was «not a legal issue.
Strickland insisted that the city followed state law throughout the process.
Trump has repeatedly insisted on full denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
He also insisted that he would win the Trump University case.
But Grenell has since insisted that his remarks have been misinterpreted.
Pelosi insisted that her decision was over safety and security concerns.
But McFarland was determined:  McFarland insisted that he get the place.
The White House insisted there was nothing suspicious about the meetings.
Authorities had insisted they would evacuate people gradually and without violence.
One former co-worker insisted I try out GoRuck’s shooter series.
I insisted on taking yellow cabs whenever I had the choice.
Assange has insisted he didn’t get the hacked material from Russia.
On the contrary, he insisted he would expand the Republican coalition.
Rogers insisted that the larger effect would be on voting behavior.
He was unrelenting, and insisted on cadging autographs after the game.
«The only similarity is, I’m willing to self-fund,» he insisted.
But, she insisted, her husband would not be working the door.
» Kelly insisted that Hill «got political» when she «didn’t have to.
Marsch insisted, however, that his side would regain its form quickly.
OSMRE, for its part, insisted that these worries were (mostly) overblown.
I insisted it would be the first one that people saw.
Only a developing country could help another developing country, Yu insisted.
They also insisted that Article 50, once triggered, will be «irreversible».
» Unsurprisingly, Sanders has vehemently insisted that he «does not support vigilantes.
Hathaway said «yes,» but also insisted that it was completely unintentional.
In the introduction video, Apple insisted on the water resistant feature.
Doctors insisted that D’Onta Foreman Jr., born prematurely, would pull through.
» On the contrary, he insisted: «We don’t want to destroy democracy.
Gillum has insisted that he’s not a target of that probe.
The Clinton campaign insisted on Monday the race will remain tight.
He insisted that his client was telling agents everything he knew.
He insisted on viewing Trump as a short-term tactical problem.
McCarthy insisted the EPA is working to respond to the issue.
What is wrong with you, there were seven, Jamal Perry insisted.
Roberts insisted it was because the Red Sox liked the matchup.
But White House aides insisted that the president’s outburst fortified Republicans.
But Taliban officials have insisted on speaking with the Americans first.
Kaval insisted that the A’s would privately finance their new stadium.
Ricco insisted Cespedes and the Mets were on the same page.
Trump administration officials have insisted that Afghan government officials be included.
He, too, insisted on using only his first name, fearing reprisal.
We insisted that we were only working for peace, not politics.
When he insisted, she said she relented to a neck rub.
Alien genes cannot move from one species to another, they insisted.
But the man insisted his daughters be kept in the dark.
In November, Mr. Sisi insisted he would not seek any changes.
When we sang, even as kids, Dad always insisted on harmony.
She’s always insisted that it is important to ‘be of use.
Bush often insisted that she stayed out of her husband’s concerns.
» Trump also insisted that he has «made a lot of sacrifices.
These two views of love eschewed violence yet insisted on militancy.
But Johnson in Dublin insisted this was not an acceptable consequence.
She insisted we do it and we eventually listened to her.
North Korea insisted, as it has before, on moving in phases.
Mr. Mauldin insisted he was only trying to deliver hard truths.
UEFA immediately insisted it was just part of a consultation process.
Mr. Trump insisted on a full dismantlement of its nuclear program.
He insisted it was just as sturdy now following the operation.
Nadal insisted that the double-duty had not intensified his effort.
Harris insisted to me that Almena meant this as a joke.
What prosecutors have called lies, Mr. Trump has insisted is truth.
When we climbed out, they insisted on putting on our skis.
He insisted that he had been completely misrepresented in the media.
Though polyglots themselves, they insisted that their son speak only Hebrew.
But Pakistani officials insisted that new coal power plants be built.
Sexually, he insisted, it mitigated his attraction to real-life children.
When she insisted, some of the men refused to do so.
But her husband insisted she stay home when he wasn’t around.
Mr. Ren insisted that his company had not spied for China.
But Mr. Mnuchin insisted on Thursday that was not the case.
He insisted on wrapping them before I went on my way.
A Turkish official insisted the agreement was by no means dead.
«I want to keep the government open,» Mr. Manchin insisted repeatedly.
It’s not a business, he insisted, but something that happens organically.
He said that Frazier had insisted that he make that move.
While at Cannes, he insisted on meeting with me in person.
He insisted that each cheerleader decide for herself whether to kneel.
Johnson insisted on a new nominating commission with a different structure.
Some insisted a missile had ridden through town in a parade.
The government insisted that suppliers were not impacted by the virus…
Mr. Tashi had insisted on doing all interviews on the record.
In true Trumpian fashion, Mr. Grenell insisted he had been misinterpreted.
The agency insisted it could still «fully» operate under such circumstances.
Canada had insisted on keeping this provision, known as Chapter 19.
One declined to try, and the other insisted it wasn’t possible.
«I’m disappointed,» said McAdoo, who insisted his team had not quit.
Tether and Bitfinex have insisted that the two operations are separate.
For months, government officials and former gymnasts have insisted as much.
» You hovered over a taco bowl and insisted, «I love Hispanics!
» His wife, Melita, insisted: «Race has nothing to do with it.
Saudi officials initially insisted that Khashoggi left the compound on Oct.
«No, I know, but still — I don’t care,» Kardashian West insisted.
Trump insisted on a special Sunday morning session to discuss it.
However, on Friday Trump insisted the tariffs will continue as planned.
They insisted that Steyer is not involved with running Farallon Capital.
» A different sound emerged: «It insisted on becoming a string quartet.
The military has insisted that its intervention was not a coup.
James insisted later it was a jab at Jackson, not Ntilikina.
«I see it as sort of a positive problem,» she insisted.
But she insisted that he did not deserve all his suspensions.
But the days of magical thinking are over, Mr. Kurz insisted.
Wang had to confess to being a spy, his interrogators insisted.
«I am not lackey to anybody,» Mr. Moyane insisted on television.
Valentino Garavani, too, has long insisted on the magnetism of color.
After lunch, she insisted that I take half the macarons home.
He insisted he was never more than friends with Norman Scott.
Their left has insisted on President Trump’s removal since his arrival.
«You can’t undermine the accuracy of the actual enumeration,» Letter insisted.
«This is not a celebrity vanity project,» Ms. Woolard, 5003, insisted.
Kaepernick’s representatives say he has never insisted on being a starter.
She was a writer who insisted on more veils, more masks.
Mr. Trump has insisted that the withdrawal is not a betrayal.
The workers insisted on anonymity for fear of retaliation by management.
He insisted that she report the next morning to the track.
Mom insisted that she and my dad would figure something out.
NASA officials have insisted the spacesuits would be ready by 2024.
Rich Hill, the veteran starter, insisted Kershaw should not blame himself.
But never before had the police insisted on occupying his home.
«We will stop at nothing,» Nehls insisted at the press conference.
Sweden’s foreign minister insisted that the country does not pay ransoms.
The company insisted it was the victim of internal score-settling.
Once you get personal, he insisted, the deals can’t get done.
Trump insisted in a Tuesday tweet that the embassy was safe.
In my first lesson, she insisted I get on the road.
Trump insisted in a tweet Tuesday that the embassy was safe.
Sullivan insisted the team was taking the same approach with Crosby.
Elizabeth protested, but when he insisted, she turned away and smiled.
«There is no allegation of crime against the president,» Graham insisted.
He insisted that he could not control how his followers communicated.
For weeks afterward, Mr. Trump insisted that his accusation was correct.
But Caraway overheard Tanksley and insisted she’d never made that allegation.
But the host insisted they’ve seen names but don’t have verification.
Marsch insisted, however, that the club’s trademark style would not change.
Her parents agreed but insisted that she be home by midnight.
She insisted that I know how before I began elementary school.
Of course, my waiter insisted on topping off my welcome mimosa.
«But her father always insisted she climb, climb, climb,» Marcovallo said.
Trump insisted the report shows «bias» against him and his supporters.
«It was President Obama that allowed it to happen,» Trump insisted.
He insisted he would not revisit either issue if he won.
Gillum has insisted that he’s not a target of the probe.
He insisted Thursday that the vote would not be delayed further.
«I insisted that Zia’s face be on the cover,» she said.
Mr. Trump has insisted on the North’s complete and verifiable denuclearization.
He has also repeatedly insisted that evolution is just a theory.
But he insisted the defeat had not altered his retirement plans.
Speaking to Stephanopoulos, O’Brien insisted that the reports were fake news.
They insisted that disability was an opportunity for creativity and resistance.
She insisted that as far as she knew, none had been.
Most of them insisted on anonymity for reasons of diplomatic sensitivity.
Administration officials have publicly insisted that they take the issue seriously.
Nadler insisted he was within his rights, which I don’t question.
The White House insisted Mr. Tillerson was not sending any message.
Bright and fiercely independent, he insisted on doing home repairs himself.
He insisted those actions were atypical and vowed to become better.
In Hanoi, Mr. Kim insisted on moving in phases toward denuclearization.
But Michael insisted that he never wanted to join the gang.
But critics insisted she prove that she had renounced Taiwanese citizenship.
Washington, however, insisted that North Korea first dismantle its nuclear program.
Weinstein insisted that what had happened was «normal,» according to Sokola.
The man insisted that he remain anonymous, especially to the press.
Giuliani first insisted there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute the case.
Ms. Giordano insisted that their relationship was platonic, and not romantic.
Mr. Temer insisted on Saturday that he was innocent of wrongdoing.
After learning she was homeless, he insisted she stay with him.
He insisted he had no choice; the German officers were watching.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has insisted these provisions are essential.
He insisted that he was neither a Salafi nor an Islamist.
Johnson has repeatedly insisted that he will not allow another vote.
Other politicians also insisted they were innocent and discredited the testimonies.
So far, however, the movements have insisted that they are leaderless.
The average preacher might have insisted his daughter stay in gospel.
The company has insisted that its relationship to animals is ethical.
He insisted he was not armed, according to the Miami Herald.
Sears insisted the sales agreement required ESL to assume those payments.
«I insisted it was a Christmas gift,» Liu told BuzzFeed News.
And he insisted they did not make any request of Ryan.
She insisted she would not be running for president in 2020.
The president’s advisers insisted his decision was guided by strategic considerations.
Graham has insisted that he would call Hunter Biden and Rep.
Mr. Sisi has insisted that his forces are winning the fight.
In his Sunday night statement, Netanyahu insisted he’d done nothing wrong.
» And he insisted: «The rule of law has been systematically violated.
On Thursday, Shah insisted that Trump had total confidence in Kelly.
Until the announcement, the agency had insisted the planes were safe.
Brad Sherman insisted there were already grounds to impeach the President.
The actor has insisted he told the truth about the attack.
Ms. Story insisted that the group pay for a maid service.
Nauert insisted that the administration was «fully engaged» with the crisis.
Many politicians have condemned them but long insisted they were irrevocable.
Scaramucci insisted Priebus leaked the story and vowed to fire everyone.
But the municipality insisted on gaining the copyright, Mr. Donis said.
Still, Blumenthal insisted a much more comprehensive look is still needed.
His doctors insisted he try the orthotic before resorting to surgery.
But the European Union insisted that the backstop cannot be scrapped.
Publicly, the state insisted all this was nothing to worry about.
The official also insisted on anonymity to describe the private conversation.
On Saturday, Breton insisted on the urgency of the task ahead.
The Italians offered to pay, then the Egyptians insisted they would.
The only upgrade he insisted on, he said, was better transit.
Border and military officials insisted the caravan was a serious threat.
Ms. Merrill also insisted she was not trying to encourage censorship.
Theaters have typically insisted on a 90-day period of exclusivity.
Through it all, Dozier insisted he was prepared for his fate.
Congressional Republicans insisted their tax cuts would help them win elections.
«It forces you to not be in your head,» Aniello insisted.
Two senior White House officials insisted that no such apparatus exists.
Proponents of the Green New Deal insisted that Democrats were unified.
«Manafort has nothing to do with our campaign,» the president insisted.
Despite her illness, she insisted on doing the one upstairs herself.
The bloc has steadfastly insisted that the agreement reached with Mrs.
But Trump insisted that the ball is in the Democrats’ court.
«This needs to be done,» the complaint says Mr. Murray insisted.
Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook was investigating but couldn’t say for sure.
Iranian officials have insisted that the actions were a defensive move.
The United States particularly insisted on plugging the «bearer shares» loophole.
They have insisted that they’re only investing in a publishing company.
In a newsletter, Tweed insisted they were «optimistic» about the future.
Peterson has insisted he thought the gunshots were coming from outside.
Mr. Shah also insisted that Mr. Trump remained behind Mr. Kelly.
It is a stark reversal from 22008 to 2016, when congressional Republicans insisted upon spending cuts and the Obama administration insisted on raising taxes (or, more precisely, allowing some of the Bush administration’s tax cuts to expire).
Nor is it that she insisted she didn’t want such a job.
But Athar Abbas Solangi, Ghanghro’s lawyer, insisted his client is not guilty.
«These are unintended consequences that we’ve got to think through, » Gutierrez insisted.
When the «industrial» part became impossible, they insisted on yet more collectivization.
At the time, officials insisted they repaint the home a solid color.
«I never had that blame feeling in my heart, no,» he insisted.
Unlike his Portuguese counterparts Mr Iglesias has insisted on a formal coalition.
But he insisted he doesn’t harbor any resentment to the Muslim population.
Salman still insisted she had no idea what her husband was plotting.
That’s why he’s being called anti-Semitic and a racist, he insisted.
Trump has insisted that he would simply like better relations with Moscow.
Nicks told Newsweek the psychiatrist insisted Klonopin would keep her off cocaine.
«I know they know what they’re saying is not accurate,» he insisted.
But State Department spokesman John Kirby insisted there would be no reprisals.
Cavuto insisted Captain America’s patriotism has been toned down for foreign appeal.
Throughout his life Trump has insisted he is richer than people acknowledge.
Hadn’t Kasdan himself insisted on hiring the pair a few years back?
For months, I insisted that I wasn’t going to see Rogue One.
My brother and I were inseparable, he always insisted I be included.
Instead, Trump insisted that both he and Christie would have the meatloaf.
Mortensen had insisted on being naked; he had done his tattoo research.
President Trump has also consistently insisted on a substantial military build-up.
Like many others, he insisted Trump was grossly unqualified for the job.
«Look, I like being around her as much as possible,» he insisted.
Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted the attack cannot change Germans’ way of life.
Trump insisted that some of the prosecutors believe the lawsuit was mishandled.
And of course that agency insisted on tracking him down, as well.
He claims that he tried to change her mind, but she insisted.
But, Scarcelli insisted, the link to poverty is fairly cut-and-dried.
But the widow «insisted,» and now the felines are rolling in dough.
When I mentioned socialism, they all insisted I’d be better off volunteering.
For this reason, the U.S. government insisted that Yanez died in Mexico.
» On Fox News, Sean Hannity insisted that she had a «credibility problem.
While Mueller testified he never grabbed Swift, she insisted she was groped.
Still, his son, Sam Magableh, insisted that they had done nothing wrong.
Chlorpyrifos is manufactured by DowDuPont, which has insisted the pesticide is safe.
Both men insisted that Smollett would have been found guilty in court.
He insisted «there was no gray area» in what he had done.
He insisted the gun Corbett was accused of possessing did not function.
Instead, the letter states, staff has insisted Ramirez «provide her evidence,» first.
The company has insisted any deal keep manufacturing in the United States.
And Trump insisted he did not know either of the two men.
But they have generally insisted that the government must lead that effort.
Amid all this tension, though, Kovacic and Cioffi insisted they were friends.
The officer insisted that CBP had the authority to search the phone.
Her lawyer insisted she did this only to cooperate with the police.
The president insisted, however, they are necessary to revive America’s steel industry.
«You’re not going to get comfortable until you get uncomfortable,» Myers insisted.
The same boy who insisted I was beautiful saw my flawed body.
McCullough has always insisted he is innocent of Maria’s abduction and murder.
» In March, Breitbart editor Alex Marlow insisted «we’re not a hate site.
He also insisted the FBI’s recommendation was not tinged by political considerations.
But Stubb insisted that wouldn’t be the case for his home country.
Putin insisted that Russia will hold the sailors until they face trial.
Mr Madrazo insisted he had never intended to run the whole race.
The U.S. has insisted the company and its equipment are pervasively unsafe.
That eye-popping sum «is not a made up number,» Rickards insisted.
By sunrise, the supposed bidder insisted it had made no such offer.
LSE Chief Executive Xavier Rolet recently insisted that «the deal is set».
GSMA had insisted the event was still on as of early Wednesday.
And they didn’t kiss, like he insisted — instead, Hannah quietly rejected him.
They insisted Mr Lei was going to the airport, not a brothel.
» Mr. Tolimir insisted that he had been conducting operations against «terrorist groups.
He insisted that the money had been distributed properly to deserving victims.
Democracy was the true totalitarianism because it insisted undemocratic systems were illegitimate.
At the same time the secrecy the administration insisted on was extreme.
They largely insisted that more attention is only disrespectful to grieving families.
Mr Kavanaugh has insisted that judges must always put party politics aside.
Clooney even insisted on taking a photo with the latter shop’s owners.
Obama insisted she had, in fact, told her mom she’d be appearing.
But he insisted Obamacare remains a top accomplishment of the president’s tenure.
Bolton also insisted sanctions must stay in place against the hermit regime.
He insisted U.K. banks were well-funded, as their share prices tanked.
«Normal churches are not like this,» Ames insisted to PEOPLE in 2016.
He insisted on being allowed to sit, and chat with the host.
For addicts, «any kind of reaching a goal is success,» Vincent insisted.
Against advice, Dad insisted on driving, and the entire trip was perilous.
Mr Trump’s doctor said the president insisted on taking the cognitive test.
But he insisted that a cloud still hung over Bishop Bell’s reputation.
But Trump has insisted he will be himself for better or worse.
I hated the maudlin, cloying promos that insisted we would feel something.
The actress, however, insisted that it was just a quote she liked.
Despite the strategic shift, Trump insisted he will stay on the attack.
He claimed that he tried to change her mind, but she insisted.
He further insisted that he did not work for any intelligence agency.
She insisted the Miss America pageant has made that goal more attainable.
Bailey insisted in the episode that she didn’t know Moore was coming.
But Hori insisted his zoo knew best how to care for her.
Barnier insisted that a latest cut-off would be agreed this week.
Officials at CTC headquarters led by Jose Rodriguez insisted the procedures continue.
For years, Casey Anthony has insisted she doesn’t want any more children.
The company has long insisted that drivers are independent contractors, not employees.
Douglas insisted that he did not «blackball» Braudy in the entertainment industry.
He insisted that the faith’s founder would «definitely help those poor Muslims».
He insisted that we use a fictitious name to tell his story.
As usual Mrs May insisted that nothing had changed as a result.
He and government officials have repeatedly insisted the central bank is independent.
According to the report, Hufnagel insisted they go to a bar instead.
She insisted on organic seeds and fabrics, lessening workers’ risk of cancer.
Earlier this year, Baldwin insisted that she and Bieber aren’t an item.
He says he tried leaving but she insisted he move the luggage.
«I tried to get aggressive, tried to force the action,» Lillard insisted.
Rick Scott has insisted on staying in the race until the end.
Germany has long insisted that Athens needs to focus on reforms instead.
Nonetheless, commanders insisted that UNICEF was «training selected persons for clandestine activities».
For a while, she insisted that a friend sleep over every night.
He insisted until right before he was executed that he was innocent.
» But Miller insisted had only consumed «one glass of wine that day.
Both officers have insisted the sex was consensual, according to the source.
Both sides have insisted mutual security must not suffer due to Brexit.
Some fans have insisted that Bowie meant ‘Lazarus’ as a parting bow.
At the time, Sheen insisted he was drug-free after undergoing rehabilitation.
» Puigdemont insisted that the matter «is no longer a Spanish domestic affair.
He was skeptical, but she insisted that he give it a shot.
Chamberlin insisted in the note that the decision did not come lightly.
Johnson has insisted that he will not seek a delay beyond Oct.
The next morning, Anthony Scaramucci insisted that wasn’t what he was saying.
He insisted, but finally we both got out and opened the boot.
Trump on Thursday, however insisted he doesn’t have plans to fire Mueller.
A win for small businesses and a long-disrespected Congress, most insisted.
Richmond, on the other hand, insisted that the encounter had been consensual.
Spicer insisted Trump would respect and understand the role of the press.
But he has repeatedly insisted that independence is not up for discussion.
He was known as a modest, humble man who insisted on privacy.
Trump’s own White House staff insisted that life was proceeding as planned.
Museum professionals «must be guided by high standards of morals,» Sachs insisted.
But he also insisted his officers are not engaged in widespread discrimination.
«I do not recall ever feeling pressure to do so,» he insisted.
However, Guaido insisted he would to return to Caracas over the weekend.
The authorities insisted that prisoner protocol, dour guards and all, was nonnegotiable.
«We’re absolutely okay with the team’s performance,» Jurgen Klinsmann insisted last night.
Hill insisted there was no fight, but simply an ill-fated prank.
» Eric allegedly said Leida «insisted on calling the cops so I did.
Pierson, on CNN Wednesday night, insisted this incident couldn’t have taken place.
Pressed several times, Trump insisted he didn’t know anything about white supremacists.
The White House insisted the negotiation did not go poorly for Trump.
Husted, however, insisted that there had been no change in the law.
Mr Xi has long insisted that all Taiwanese leaders endorse the consensus.
Officials insisted Monday that there was «nothing wrong» with the initial policy.
But days later, Vonn insisted there was nothing romantic about the date.
«Look, I don’t like tweeting,» Trump insisted during a Fox News interview.
Still, friends of the pair insisted they never stopped loving each other.
The White House insisted late Tuesday that they are withholding no documents.
Morocco’s king late last year insisted only the autonomy plan was acceptable.
Durant insisted the Warriors won’t let down as they head to Cleveland.
You should have insisted on a cap, or else a priced round.
«I think the Susan Rice thing is a massive story,» Trump insisted.
Nunes insisted that the surveillance, weirdly enough, was not related to Russia.
It enraged a woman working there who insisted I pay for them.
The French president insisted that those who have not will be deported.
Only a strong show of force, the officials insisted, would restore peace.
Because of injuries, insisted the Saudi media; because of racism, brayed Israel’s.
Until now, Di Maio has insisted that he be the next premier.
Walking into the Oval Office will «sober» America’s bigliest plutocrat, he insisted.
«They were all saying I did,» Trump insisted, gesturing at the press.
The President insisted that his punt to Congress was the right move.
O’Rourke, however, has insisted that those conversations are not at his direction.
But Anthony insisted that he could still be a productive N.B.A. player.
He insisted «there was no gray area» in what he had done.
In another he insisted the big convention center named after longtime Sen.
«I am not a teacher of officers by any means,» she insisted.
DHS insisted Friday that it was not to blame for Caal’s death.
She even insisted during the trial that he was the real victim.
The Russian billionaire insisted the operation neither involve nor harm his homeland.
«The belt is just an accessory — it doesn’t do anything,» one insisted.
» On Friday, Trump insisted that the GDP growth was «very, very sustainable.
Monica was taken aback and insisted she didn’t really feel that way.
But Moishe insisted on probing, seeking, enquiring for deeper and deeper truths.
He insisted I try a weight that I thought was too much.
He insisted legitimate sites like Google and Facebook would not be affected.
Yet he insisted, he did not mind parting words, repeating, asking back.
Democrats insisted that the bill would bring much needed funds to teachers.
Fairfax has denied the allegations and insisted the entire encounter was consensual.
European leaders insisted on a longer delay this time, and set Oct.
Gowdy defended the FBI and insisted that it had used proper techniques.
Mr. Silver had insisted, over and over, that he would be vindicated.
Reid insisted Tuesday that Democrats have momentum in the fight over Garland.
Those decisions will highlight the need to confirm Judge Garland, they insisted.
Bruce Rogow, Stone’s attorney, though, insisted there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
Trump has insisted that a new Iran deal should restrict Iran’s missiles.
On Wednesday, Trump insisted he was confident in the Senate majority leader.
The so-called kickbacks, he insisted, were referral fees and perfectly legal.
The coalition representatives have insisted that any transitional government exclude Mr. Assad.
  • Use the word insisted in a sentences

Sentence Examples

One of my actresses insisted on trying the thumbscrew when we shot these pictures.

Edith insisted … that the procedure … should follow English law … since the criminal … was one of the Queen’s subjects.

«You insisted on driving, Don so I know you’ll insist on fixing it We’re going to the show.»

Uh, formerly I lived at the Grand Hotel: But she insisted that I move to the Palace:

Liverwright insisted on adding touches of sickly eroticism.

But Universal’s president, Carl Laemmle, insisted that the part be played by silent superstar Lon Chaney, whose fame for grotesque characterisations would provide box-office insurance for the risky property.

David insisted that he had never even bothered to see Dracula, but I’m not sure I really believed him.

You also insisted on that submarine job.

You see, he happened along as I was going through the customs and insisted upon taking care of it for me.

He insisted on getting up.

I gotta go to work. I insisted that Jeffrey get some sleep.

I insisted that she write this letter immediately.

Had no business ever putting that camp so near where the town got its water supply… but Mr. Banning insisted on it… and, of course, he has his way all the time.


Polly, this sweet big brother of Brad’s… has insisted upon paying for your hat.

I wouldn’t have brought you, but you know how Denham insisted.

Mr. Ahearn, these gentlemen insisted on seeing you.

Whitehall insisted on having it to himself.

Why don’t you dictate to that stenographer you insisted on bringing along?

Williams insisted on that himself.

I’m sorry to disturb you so, but… the professor has insisted time and again, that …

The lady really insisted.

But my daughter insisted on seeing many places.

He insisted I say nothing.

I only told you because the priest insisted when Honor├® was dying.

When that priest Elz├®ar heard Dad’s confession, he insisted I be told the truth.

Later, after I had examined the girl and traced Zaleska here… she still insisted— she said she’d force me.

We got to talking about you, and he insisted on seeing you.

Now I will explain why I insisted the Medical Examiner and his assistants wear insulated gloves when they touch the body.

All right, here it comes. Mr. Sunflower Dairy has insisted… that I bet the 50,000 back on the champ… and I had to take it.

They insisted on following me.

Just the other morning, I read in the paper about Mr. Cedar’s own son… how he got drunk and insisted on driving a taxicab while the driver sat inside.

Madame Ashenden has insisted on that.

She insisted that we should choose handsome boys.

I was packing, and she insisted on helping me.


Hugo, I mean, Dr. Hackenbush, always insisted on treating me in my home.

I told you that my name was Lodge, but you insisted upon calling me Horse.

And you insisted upon coming down. You said you’d feel safer with the snakes, remember?

He insisted upon my living in the style to which he was accustomed.

My nephew insisted on it.

They insisted it was forged but it was real all the while.

«insisted upon returning there at once.

And when he insisted, you pinched me all the time we were dancing and told me how gawky I was.

He insisted upon buying it.

If only we hadn’t missed the train at Budapest. If you hadn’t insisted standing while they sang their national anthem…

But you insisted on being one.

Rebecca dropped in for a call, and I insisted that she stay.

I just ran into Mr. Wagner and he insisted I come in and have a drink.

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