A sentence with the word hook


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word hook, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use hook in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «hook».

Hook in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word hook in a sentence.

  1. His best shots were the cut, pull and hook.

  2. The song opens with the hook, «Na, na, na, c’mon».

  3. One of his most highly regarded shots was the hook.

  4. The hook features Stefani repeatedly singing «Shine!

  5. On 65, Cyril Washbrook attempted a hook from Bill Johnston.

  6. The melody returns to the main groove during the repeated hook.

  7. Woodpecker Symphony)» lifts a recurring melodic hook from «Fire».

  8. The new alignment makes a sharp hook west along the former Route 5.

  9. Curators are also not interested in crafts such as latch hook rug kits.

  10. In 1953, it was confirmed that hook echoes were associated with tornadoes.

  11. Two minutes into the sixth round, Alvarez floored Gomez with a right hook.

  12. Morris was unbeaten on 77, having hit two hook shots from Hollies for four.

  13. It is followed by the main pre-chorus, then the hook is repeated four times.

  14. Washbrook then attempted another hook from Johnston towards deep square leg.

  15. In later years, Cardus described the shot: «To see MacLaren hook a fast ball ..

  16. Headley played the hook very effectively and hit many short deliveries for runs.

  17. Certain characters armed with guns can use a grappling hook in predesignated areas.

  18. The hook has a thin blade with a curved tip and root thickened with broadened base.

  19. He stated, «After that, trust me, when a gale came up we dropped the hook [anchor].

  20. The resting configuration of the fingers is curved, creating a suspensory hook grip.

  21. The legs terminate in a hooked claw which allows them to hook on and climb surfaces.

  22. The heavy-set beak is tipped with a slight hook, and is longer than the bird’s head.

  23. While Brody lays down a chum line, Quint waits for an opportunity to hook the shark.

  24. Music journalists praised the sampling of the «Mama-say, mama-sa, ma-ma-ko-ssa» hook.

  25. Miller removed Washbrook for one, caught behind by Tallon from a top-edged hook shot.

  26. With the score at 1/10, Bill Edrich attempted to hook a short ball from Bill Johnston.

  27. Robertson-Glasgow believed his square cut, late cut, and hook were exceptionally good.

  28. He eliminated the hook shot entirely from his repertoire and rarely played the cut shot.

  29. Lindwall bounced Washbrook again and this time the England opener went for the hook shot.

  30. He missed an attempted hook shot and was hit in the shoulder by another Lindwall bouncer.

  31. Many music journalists praised the sampling of the «Mama-say, mama-sa, ma-ma-ko-ssa» hook.

  32. Time magazine’s Claire Suddath characterized it as a lively hip hop track with a pop hook.

  33. The hook normally used for winch-launching is instead attached to the middle of the bungee.

  34. Scissores who succeeded in this probably dropped the hook weapon and fought with just a sword.

  35. Lindwall then bounced Washbrook again and this time the England opener went for the hook shot.

  36. Its robust wedge-shaped bill is bluish-white bordered with black, with a small hook at the tip.

  37. The short, slender bill measures 1.64–1.93 cm (around 0.75 in), and is tipped with a small hook.

  38. The song details female groupies who attended the parties to hook up with the male band members.

  39. The bill is pale blue-grey with a dark grey tip, its upper mandible elongated to a slender hook.

  40. The bill is large, strong, and sharp-edged, with the upper mandible terminating in a large hook.

  41. Santiago later commented on Montgomery’s influence: «And that’s when I said, ‘Ah, that’s a hook.

  42. A few uncontrolled hook shots flew in the air, and one of these barely evaded Loxton at fine leg.

  43. Fishing is forbidden except with hook and line, and the sale of fish so taken is also disallowed.

  44. The head of an albatross being caught with a hook is used as the emblem of the Cape Horners, i.e.

  45. On the advice of Simpson, he ceased playing the hook shot as it was often leading to his dismissal.

  46. Brown raps on the verses while Kelis, a frequent collaborator with the Neptunes, performs the hook.

  47. The first row has six hooks measuring between 0.16 and 0.23 mm from the tip of the hook to the root.

  48. Hutton was troubled by his injury; his wrists no longer rotated fully and he abandoned the hook shot.

  49. In England’s second innings, Lindwall bounced Washbrook and the England opener went for the hook shot.

  50. He played a variety of strokes, but he favoured the on drive and particularly the pull and hook shots.

Synonyms for hook

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word hook has the following synonyms: bait, come-on, lure, sweetener, claw, crotchet, draw, hooking, hook shot, addict, crochet, hook up, overcharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, ro, pilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, sneak, filch, nobble, lif, snare, snitch, thieve, cop, knock off, glom, solicit and accost.

General information about «hook» example sentences

The example sentences for the word hook that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «hook» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «hook».

Synonym: bind, catch, clasp, clip, crook, fasten, hanger, latch, snap, snare, trap, wire. Similar words: shoot, school, choose, shoot up, shooting, at school, in school, likelihood. Meaning: [hʊk]  n. 1. a catch for locking a door 2. a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook 3. anything that serves as an enticement 4. a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something 5. a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something 6. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer 7. a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent 8. a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket. v. 1. fasten with a hook 2. rip off; ask an unreasonable price 3. make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle 4. hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left 5. take by theft 6. make off with belongings of others 7. hit with a hook 8. catch with a hook 9. to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug) 10. secure with the foot 11. entice and trap 12. approach with an offer of sexual favors. 

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(1) Hang your towel on a hook.

(2) Hang your hat on the hook.

(3) Hang your coat up on the hook.

(4) Hang your towel on that hook.

(5) You can hook up the dress at the back.

(6) I hung my coat on a hook.

(7) The bait hides the hook.

(8) He baited his hook with pie.

(9) Hang your clothes on the hook.

(10) Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door.

(11) He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

(12) Tom hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

(13) He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn’t be disturbed.

(14) Who’s who of the hook, and who is who of redemption.

(15) The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks(Sentencedict), and dropped back to the ground.

(16) Can we hook up to the electricity supply at the campsite?

(17) He downed the champion with a left hook.

(18) My raincoat was caught up on the hook.

(19) Bait your hook with a worm.

(20) We’ll have to screw a hook into the wall.

(21) It fastens with a hook and eye.

(22) She told him to sling his hook.

(23) She hung her coat on a hook.

(24) Hang your coat on that hook.

(25) He smote his match to the ground with a left hook.

(26) One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.

(27) She took a deep breath and lifted the receiver off its hook.

(28) With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to start her journey to Paris by sailing to the Hook of Holland.

(29) As the fish snaps at the bait, it gets caught on the hook.

(30) She took off her overcoat and hanged it on the hook.

More similar words: shoot, school, choose, shoot up, shooting, at school, in school, likelihood, look, book, after school, neighborhood, look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, book for, look at, cookie, notebook, look into, overlook, look over, look down on, textbook, look back, look after, look through. 

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Former child star literally getting the hook.

Бывшая школьная звезда в буквальном смысле попалась на крючок.

Incredibly sharp hook perfect for a soft bait rigging.

Невероятно острый крючок, который идеально подходит для оснащения мягких приманок.

It has a hook that fits any car cool.

Она имеет крюк, который подходит для любого автомобиля вентилятор. очень круто.

A good metal hook is supplied, as is a dummy load with the Liebherr name on it.

Также прилагается хороший металлический крюк плюс бутафорский груз с надписью Liebherr на нём.

In Windows, a hook is intercepting system messages using the special Win32API mechanism.

В среде Windows хук означает перехват системных сообщений при помощи программного механизма Win32Api.

Now, right-hand hook, go under, hook again.

Теперь давай правый хук, пригибаешься и снова хук.

Hold the hook like a pencil.

Крючок следует держать в руке, как карандаш.

So we should not let Russia off that hook.

Поэтому мы не можем позволить России соскочить с такого крючка».

At that point, taxpayers are on the hook.

Как следствие, налогоплательщики оказались на крючке.

The covers usually feature «pick holes», into which a hook handle tool is inserted to lift them.

На крышках обычно имеются «отверстия для отбора», в которые вставлен инструмент для рукоятки крюка, чтобы поднять их.

If you have a sharp object to use as a hook, a shoelace can make a decent fishing line.

Если у вас есть острый предмет, чтобы использовать его в качестве крючка, то шнурки могут стать рыболовной леской.

Authoritarianism works as a blackmail state, looking for the hook on which to hang you.

Авторитаризм использует шантаж и активно ищет крючок, которым вас можно было бы подцепить.

Hence the name, equating the character of the terrain hooks — six with an iron hook, which snag the catch.

Отсюда и название, уподобляющее характер рельефа местности багру — шесту с железным крюком, которым цепляют улов.

Federal loans leave the taxpayer on the hook in cases where the loan is not repaid.

Федеральные кредиты оставляют налогоплательщиков на крючке в тех случаях, когда кредит не погашен.

You can create a clasp by taping a plastic curtain hook and a metal picture frame support to the open side.

Вы можете создать закрытие, приклеив пластиковый крючок для штор и металлический держатель рамки для фотографий на открытой стороне.

The metal hook of suspension clamp allows installation on the pole by using stainless steel band and pigtail hook or brackets.

Металлический крюк подвесного зажима позволяет устанавливать его на опору с помощью ленты из нержавеющей стали и крючка или кронштейнов.

The shape of this hook pen drive adapts the un-usual hook design which caters the fashionable need for shape of pen drives from customers.

Форма эта ручка привода крюк адаптируется необычным дизайном крюк, который обслуживает модных необходимость форму пера диски с клиентами.

The crane hook can also interface with a wide variety of connectors, allowing people to move different kinds of loads without changing the hook attachment.

Крюк крана может также взаимодействовать с широким спектром разъемов, что позволяет людям перемещать различные виды предметов без изменения крюка крепления.

Here comes a innovative hook pen drive which combines convenience an creativity hook pen drive and has been loved by customers since its debut into the market of pen drive.

А вот инновационная ручка привода крючок, который сочетает в себе удобство пера творчества крюк диск и был любимым клиентам с момента своего дебюта на рынок флэш-накопитель.

A single hook can be fastened inside the bowl of the spoon, or a three-pronged (treble) hook can be attached to one end through a small hole.

Один крючок может быть закреплен внутри чаши ложки, или трехсторонний крюк (высокочастотный) может быть прикреплен к одному концу через небольшое отверстие.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат hook

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

крюк, крючок, хук, ловушка, скоба, зацепка, подцепить, завербовать, поймать


- крюк; крючок

hook and eye — а) крючок (застёжка); б) дверной крючок и петля (запор);
crochet hook — вязальный крючок
telephone /switch/ hook — рычажный переключатель (телефонного аппарата)
I hung my coat on a hook — я повесил пальто на крючок

- рыболовный крючок
- ловушка, приманка, западня

to swallow the hook, to be caught /to get/ on the hook — попасться на крючок

- багор; острога
- секач, секатор, кривой нож (тж. pruning hook)

ещё 14 вариантов


- изгибаться крючком, перегибаться

the beak hooks strongly downward — клюв сильно загибается книзу

- редк. сгибать в виде крюка

I hooked my arm in his — я взял его под руку

- застёгивать на крючок или на крючки

to hook (up) a dress — застегнуть платье (на крючки)

- застёгиваться на крючок или на крючки

the dress hooks (up) at the back — платье застёгивается (на крючки) сзади

- зацеплять, прицеплять; сцеплять; надевать, навешивать на крюк

the trolley was hooked on to the engine — вагонетка была прицеплена к локомотиву
the mirror was hooked to the wall — зеркало висело на крюке, вбитом в стену
my trousers got hooked on the barbed wire — я зацепился брюками за колючую проволоку
they hooked themselves on to us — они ходили за нами по пятам

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


a length of chain — длина цепочки  
hook up the houses to the gas supply line — присоединить дома к линии подачи газа  
meat hook — крюк для мяса  
to sew on hook — плести кружево  
to leave the phone off the hook — не повесить телефонную трубку  
to deliver a hook — ударять, наносить удар  
to hook the end of the rope on the branch of the tree — прицепить конец верёвки к ветке дерева  
to hook a shelf to the wall — вешать полку на стену  
to hook the money and hide it — украсть деньги и спрятать их  
to hook up / set up a microphone — установить микрофон  
to hook up / install a telephone — установить телефон  
boat hook — багор, отпорный крюк  

Примеры с переводом

He hooked a large fish.

Он поймал крупную рыбу.

The dress hooks in the back.

Это платье застёгивается сзади.

My sweater was hooked on a branch.

Мой свитер зацепился за ветку.

She hung her coat on a hook.

Она повесила пальто на крючок.

I hooked the door shut.

Я закрыл дверь на (дверной) крючок.

My coat was caught up on the hook.

Моё пальто висело на крюке.

He tried to hook a well-off widow.

Он пытался подцепить какую-нибудь состоятельную вдову.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door.

He hooked his thumb through a loop of his pants.

Just hook the bucket onto the rope and lower it down.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hook in — заполучить, заставить согласиться на, удирать, смыться
hook out — выведать
hook up — подключать, свет, соединение

Возможные однокоренные слова

hooked  — крючковатый, кривой, с крючками, связанный крючком, употребляющий наркотики
hooker  — небольшое рыболовное судно, старая разваливающаяся лодка, мелкий воришка
unhook  — отцепить, снять с крючка, расстегнуть крючки
hooking  — проституция, задержка соперника клюшкой

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hook
he/she/it: hooks
ing ф. (present participle): hooking
2-я ф. (past tense): hooked
3-я ф. (past participle): hooked

ед. ч.(singular): hook
мн. ч.(plural): hooks

Sentences with the word Hook?



  • «applied physics»; «applied psychology»; «technical problems in medicine, engineering, economics and other applied disciplines»- Sidney hook
  • «a hook-and-ladder company»
  • «You must take the receiver off the hook before you dial»
  • «hook a fish»
  • «hook the ball»
  • «hook up the houses to the gas supply line»; «hook up the components of the new sound system»
  • «a length of chain, item a hook«-Philip Guedalla
  • «a sectarian mind»; «the negations of sectarian ideology»- Sidney hook; «sectarian squabbles in psychology»

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