A sentence with the word heavily


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word heavily, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use heavily in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «heavily».

Heavily in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word heavily in a sentence.

  1. All begin to drink heavily.

  2. Fry scored heavily against him.

  3. Both ships were heavily damaged.

  4. The campaign was heavily personal.

  5. It is heavily eroded and 3 mya old.

  6. The collapse was heavily condemned.

  7. Kasimo’s faction was heavily against it.

  8. The ground was heavily wooded and rocky.

  9. He also lost his teeth and drank heavily.

  10. His work heavily influenced later poetry.

  11. Hemingway was heavily influenced by the modernists.

  12. Operation Infinite Reach was covered heavily by U.S.

  13. Jackson campaigned heavily for Van Buren in Tennessee.

  14. She too was hit heavily and stopped dead in the water.

  15. Relying heavily upon Delmer Brown’s expertise, Harry C.

  16. William arrived with his army, including 2,000 knights, but was heavily defeated.

  17. Nearly simultaneously, the heavily damaged British cruisers broke off the attack.

  18. During World War II, the city centre was heavily bombed during the Bristol Blitz.

  19. Most recently, in the 2017 game snow fell, at times heavily, throughout the game.

  20. Never heavily settled or exploited, the forest has retained most of its wildness.

  21. Ordzhonikidze was now unable to protect those from the NKTP, which was heavily targeted at this time.

  22. Pedestrians with handcarts and goods were still on the move away from the fire, heavily weighed down.

  23. Juvenile red-billed tropicbirds have more heavily barred upper parts than juveniles of other species.

  24. Like most other coastal Orange County streams, the watershed of Aliso Creek is now heavily urbanized.

  25. McCay’s drawings are in the heavily outlined Art Nouveau style familiar to the readers of his comics.

  26. This emphasised cheap torpedo boats and commerce raiding to offset expensive, heavily armoured ships.

  27. The incident proved stressful for Hendrix, and it weighed heavily on his mind while he awaited trial.

  28. The Venetians also lost 9 great galleys, the largest and most heavily armed ships in their war fleet.

  29. This was due to large discoveries of gold, especially in California, and silver was heavily exported.

  30. The later versions, both Swedish and Russian, were much larger and much more heavily armed than Oden.

  31. Surrealism heavily influenced Francis in his college years and throughout his career with the Pixies.

  32. They used infantry while a heavily armored cavalry (clibanarii) constituted the main attacking force.

  33. The Germans all play it much too heavily.» Monteux remained a member of the Geloso Quartet until 1911.

  34. At times, he relies heavily on puns to express his true thoughts while simultaneously concealing them.

  35. On his fifth lap of his practice session, he crashed heavily at the approach to the Parabolica corner.

  36. Inland, the hurricane wreaked much more widespread destruction along the more heavily populated coast of Lake Okeechobee.

  37. By the late 1950s, Ace’s output was approaching one hundred titles a year, still heavily dominated by the primary genres.

  38. It is slender and powerfully built, with a large, deeply descending rib cage, a sloping back, and a heavily muscled neck.

  39. When he returned to New York after his profitless fourth voyage, Morrell was heavily in debt and in urgent need of funds.

  40. The infantry tank, according to Guderian, was to be heavily armored to defend against enemy anti-tank guns and artillery.

  41. At this stage, the protostar and its disk are heavily obscured by the infalling envelope and are not directly observable.

  42. The bright Xanadu terrain may be a degraded heavily cratered terrain similar to that observed on the surface of Callisto.

  43. Acclaim heavily marketed Turok on the covers of video-gaming magazines and in television commercials for the Nintendo 64.

  44. Sighting the cruisers, Japanese naval torpedo bombers attacked that same evening and heavily damaged the cruiser Chicago.

  45. Anseau de Cayeux, leading the Latin army, was heavily wounded in the clashes, but Constantinople itself was not attacked.

  46. This figure has been heavily affected by upstream diversions and reservoir evaporation, especially after the completion of the Colorado River Storage Project in the 1970s.

  47. Although they were a descendant of German and Swedish designs, the Bofors mounts used by the United States Navy during World War II had been heavily «Americanized» to U.S.

  48. Winston served with the Royalist Army in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms; he was heavily fined for doing so, forcing his family to live at Ash House with his mother-in-law.

  49. Rwanda’s economy suffered heavily during the 1994 genocide, with widespread loss of life, failure to maintain infrastructure, looting, and neglect of important cash crops.

  50. The limb girdles had been heavily fragmented when the specimen arrived at the museum, but a worker named Lingard in the Geology Department managed to restore much of them.

Synonyms for heavily

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word heavily has the following synonyms: heavy, intemperately, hard and to a great extent.

General information about «heavily» example sentences

The example sentences for the word heavily that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «heavily» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «heavily».

сильно, тяжело, с трудом, медленно, тягостно


- тяжело

heavily loaded car — тяжело нагруженная машина
heavily booted feet — ноги в тяжёлых сапогах
to lean heavily upon smb. — тяжело опереться на кого-л.
to hang heavily on smb.’s arm — тяжело повиснуть на чьей-л. руке
to press heavily — сильно давить /нажимать/

- грузно, неловко

to fall heavily — тяжело рухнуть /упасть/, грузно опуститься

- тягостно, тяжело; горько

to sigh heavily — тяжело вздохнуть
to complain heavily — горько сетовать /жаловаться/
to take the news heavily — тяжело переживать известие

- арх. печально, горестно
- медленно; с трудом, тяжело

to move [to walk] heavily — с трудом /тяжело/ двигаться [ходить]
time passes heavily — медленно ползёт время
time hangs heavily on his hands — он не знает, как убить время

- сильно; интенсивно; много

Мои примеры


to drink hard / heavily — пить беспробудно, пить запоем  
heavily favoured — наделённый большим преимуществом  
to be heavily in debt — быть по уши в долгах  
to be punished heavily — понести суровое наказание  
heavily insured — застрахованный на большую сумму  
to invest heavily — делать крупный вклад  
a tree heavily laden with fruit — дерево, сгибающееся под тяжестью плодов  
to weigh heavily — иметь большое значение, говорить в пользу чего-л.  
heavily ionized — сильно ионизированный  
to heavily [badly] damage — сильно повредить, нанести сильный ущерб  

Примеры с переводом

Breakfast passed very heavily.

Завтрак прошёл очень уныло.

She was heavily pregnant.

Она была на последних месяцах беременности.

They are heavily in debt.

Они глубоко увязли в долгах.

It rained heavily yesterday afternoon.

Вчера днём шел сильный дождь.

Emily sighed heavily.

Эмили тяжело вздохнула.

His feet became heavily dusted.

Ноги его покрылись толстым слоем пыли.

This lemonade is heavily spiked.

В этом лимонаде много алкоголя.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She drank and smoked heavily for years.

The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized

He’s been drinking heavily since his wife died.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

heaviness  — тяжесть, грузность, инертность, медлительность, депрессия, подавленность

heavily — перевод на русский


The patient is being kept heavily tranquillised.

Пациента держали сильно накачанным успокоительным.

— Whoever did it was drinking heavily at the time.

— Тот, кто это сделал был сильно пьян.

Oh, by the way, I shouldn’t rely too heavily on your security.

О, кстати, я бы не полагался так сильно на твою охрану.

Several heavily damaged.

Несколько сильно повреждены.

Their warp core is heavily damaged.

Их реактор сильно повреждён.

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The sun rises and falls, heavily.

Солнце встаёт и тяжело садится.

The carriage rolled away heavily through the yielding snow.

Карета тяжело покатилась по рыхлому снегу.

The ship is heavily loaded.

Корабль тяжело нагружен.

«I have of late, but wherefore I know not, «lost all my mirth. «And indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition…

«Последнее время — а почему, я и сам не знаю – я утратил всю свою веселость, забросил все привычные занятия; и действительно на душе у меня так тяжело, что эта прекрасная храмина, земля, кажется мне пустынным мысом;

Heavily armed troops have evidently killed — hundreds of students during last night and this morning.

Прошлой ночью тяжело вооруженные армейские части — расстреляли сотни студентов.

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All the entrances to the palace are fortified and heavily guarded, Master.

Все входы во дворец укреплены и хорошо охраняются, Магистр.

It’s pretty heavily shielded.

И он очень хорошо защищен.

Now, the entrance is heavily guarded.

Вход хорошо охраняется.

They’re coming up here now and they’re heavily armed

Сейчас они идут сюда и они хорошо вооружены.

The array is heavily defended.

Массив хорошо защищается.

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I do know he always went heavily armed, and he never went to sleep without covering the floor around his bed with newspapers so that nobody could come silently into his room.

Я знаю, что он всегда носил много оружия и никогда не ложился спать, пока не постелет на пол вокруг кровати газеты, чтобы никто не мог зайти беззвучно в его комнату.

I smoke heavily.

Я много курю.

He became morose and isolated, began to drink heavily.

Он сделался мрачен и нелюдим, стал много пить.

He was very heavily sedated.

Он получал много седативных препаратов.

I’ve been heavily medicated lately and the last thing that I remember is my dad dropping me off at school.

Я принимал много лекарств в последнее время и последнее, что я помню, это, как мой отец отвез меня в школу.

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My advice to you… is to start drinking heavily.

Я тебе очень советую ,.. … начни серьезно пить.

However, SG-3’s report clearly indicated that the sarcophagus is heavily guarded, and likely retrieving it would result in significant casualties, which is why I did not order a recovery mission at the time.

Возможно, однако, в докладе SG-3 ясно сказано, что саркофаг серьёзно охраняется … и, похоже, что возвращение туда повлечёт за собой большие потери что и послужило причиной того, что я приказал свернуть на время эту миссию.

It is heavily fortified by observation balloons, cables on three sides, and Archie batteries in these six positions.

Склад серьёзно охраняется при помощи наблюдательных аэростатов. С трёх сторон натянуты тросы. Зенитные батареи расположены в этих шести точках.

The man was heavily armed.

Парень был серьёзно вооружён.

Cities like Denver and South Lake are heavily damaged but still all right.

Такие города, как Денвер и Саут Парк серьезно пострадали, но в-основном держатся.

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Heavily armed.


Heavily armed for a late night at the office, wouldn’t you say, Bough?

Вот так, очень хорошо. А вы неплохо вооружены для работы в кабинете.

As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way.

Эти люди вооружены до зубов и, преследуя свои цели, готовы истребить всех, кто осмелится им помешать.

No, no, most of my attackers were pretty heavily armed.

Нет, большинство из атакующих были неплохо вооружены.

There are at least a dozen of them, heavily armed.

Их там около дюжины, и все они вооружены

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Yes, but they are heavily guarded.

Да, но они под усиленной охраной.

It’s heavily guarded.

Он под усиленной охраной.

Both are heavily guarded.

Оба под усиленной охраной.

Well, you’re heavily guarded.

Стилински: ну, ты под усиленной охраной.

The prince’s motorcade will be heavily guarded.

Кортеж под усиленной охраной.

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— Someone asleep, breathing heavily.

— Кто-то спит, тяжело дыша.

Oh, I can’t tell you how creepy I feel… to know that there was some stranger in here… breathing heavily and pawing at my things with his hairy arms.

Даже не могу сказать, как мне жутко… от мысли о том, что здесь был чужой человек… который, тяжело дыша, копался в моих вещах волосатыми руками.

(Marian grunting, breathing heavily)

(Мэриан бормочет, тяжело дыша)

Ahh! [Breathing heavily]

ахх… [тяжело дыша]



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( breathes heavily )

(тяжело дышит)

(Breathes heavily)

(Тяжело дышит)

[Breathes heavily]

[Тяжело дышит]

How it’s all breathing heavily, steaming?

Как все дышит, парит?

Well, is she panting heavily and heaving? Yes.

Она дышит с трудом, высокая температура?

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(тяжелое дыхание)

(Breathes heavily)

(тяжелое дыхание)



[Breathing heavily]

[тяжелое дыхание]

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Sentences with the word Heavily?



  • «The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model»; «The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops»
  • «The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect»; «The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet»
  • «The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily«
  • «he drank heavily«
  • «he walked heavily up the three flights to his room»
  • «she hit her arm heavily against the wall»
  • «a heavily constructed car»; «heavily armed»
  • «he breathed heavily«
  • «he relied heavily on others’ data»
  • «his house, his business, indeed, his whole life was heavily mortgaged»
  • «an obedient soldier»; «obedient children»; «a little man obedient to his wife»; «the obedient colonies…are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened»- Edmund Burke
  • «weigh heavily on the mind»; «Something pressed on his mind»
  • «The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized»
  • «The State taxes alcohol heavily«; «Clothing is not taxed in our state»
  • «judging from the thickness of his speech he had been drinking heavily«
  • «wooded land»; «a heavily wooded tract»

  • Use the word HEAVILY in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And then one day, you too can be the proud proprietor of a very heavily mortgaged, roadside brothel and wish you were dead.

All switchbacks, heavily guarded on all three sides.

Settings like this depends heavily on the compatibility between the men and women here.

Sore from constant speech, throats breathe heavily and unevenly.

Edm├®e being unable to speak, suspicion rested heavily on Bernard whose fiery temper and stormy past caused tongues to wag.

What had been preserved was, however, a heavily damaged copy of the film that had been printed to 16mm film stock, lacking the full frame of the picture’s original aspect ratio.

Yes, if the pharmacy weren’t so heavily mortgaged — !

# And one stands in front of her house, # looks up to her windows, # and one sighs heavily and wanders up and down # in front of the window.

She fell out of public view until 1950, when, heavily sedated with sleeping pills, she was badly burned in a Hollywood bedroom fire, bringing a flurry of lurid press attention.

The food is heavily seasoned with a lot of spices and garlic.

We lost heavily at Chancellorsville.

Why do you suppose she leans on him so heavily?

He borrowed heavily from Dr. Racine… who, after the tomb was finally located… quite naturally felt he was entitled to a share of the finds.

You know committing perjury is a major sin, heavily punished.

Well, the Merry Fern’s heavily insured, just like the ship that sank last year.

If my company hangs so heavily on your hands… why did you make me leave Biarritz and come all this way? — I’m expecting a visitor.

The fog is gathering heavily in the valley, in whirls without rest.

Front right fender heavily dented.

If I were the government, I’d tax heavily those who don’t spend their incomes.

After a while, you saw rain heavily so, do it slowly

Ah, but perhaps the mouse drink too heavily of his own cocktails… and then become not afraid of the lion.

«At times this hereditary flaw weighed heavily upon him. He felt he was paying the price for the generations of his forefathers whose drinking had poisoned his blood.

Well, I’m sorry if you prefer it like that, but you’re already heavily billed as Herkimer.

The responsibility lies more heavily upon Mr. Stevens than he cares to admit.

[Breathing heavily] There.

All I want is that she shan’t pay too heavily.

You see how heavily the weight of his duties press upon the poor child?

It is the custom here for the dead to drink heavily.

Or you discover too late that they have relied too heavily on science and that this has become a monster whose final triumph is man own destruction.

I heavily drugged your mother, pronounced her dead but she is not dead.

Fortunately, the deceased was heavily insured.

heavily crossed T’s in note to Boggs… not evident in stock notations.

She’s been drinking heavily, and they are both quarreling something awful.

Outgoing ships will be detained, incoming ships heavily convoyed… at least for the next few days.

And the night will be heavy with perfume, and I’ll hear a step behind me… and somebody breathing heavily.

I do know he always went heavily armed, and he never went to sleep without covering the floor around his bed with newspapers so that nobody could come silently into his room.

Now this time you should bet heavily on eight.

It’s just Bovril rather heavily laced with sherry.

When your whole world is your papers, they weigh heavily.

Won’t cost you more than $50… that is, of course, if you don’t tip too heavily.

Patient is asleep, breathing very heavily.

She began speculating pretty heavily, and he tried to stop her, but-

They’ll be heavily armed… and bristling with large-caliber cannon.

She disposed of four heavily insured husbands.

Very unfortunate that you should lose so heavily your first time here.

It’s being heavily bombed these nights.

Excellency, this man’s vessel was patrolling an area which the navy has heavily mined.

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