A sentence with the word exist

Synonym: be, live, occur, prevail, stand. Similar words: existing, preexist, taxi stand, axis, exit, Mexican, flexible, dyslexia. Meaning: [ɪg’zɪst]  v. 1. have an existence, be extant 2. support oneself. 

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1 The emotional differences exist, at least, between the genders. 

2 Among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist

3 Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow does not exist, don’t worry; today is here, use it. 

4 If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. 

5 Does life exist on other planets?

6 Do you believe fairies exist?

7 Such people do not exist.

8 You can’t exist by hope alone.

9 I don’t think ghosts exist.

10 They seem to exist on a different spiritual plane.

11 Problems also exist in agriculture.

12 He doesn’t even know I exist.

13 A hive cannot exist without a queen.

14 He does not even know I exist.

15 If they did[sentencedict.com],[www.Sentencedict.com] and life-long in exist.

16 Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.

17 Do these creatures really exist?

18 That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.

19 Bonds do not exist for those to whom naught is dear or not dear.

20 You can’t exist by hope alone, you have to have some properly thought-out plan.

21 It is the final proof of God’s omnipltence that he need not exist in order to save us. 

22 Don’t part withyour illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. 

23 She is not even in his world but in her world he is the only one.Fair does not exist in this world.

24 It’s in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.

25 The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist.

26 Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.

27 There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. Denis Waitley 

28 The addict often reads disapproval into people’s reactions to him even where it does not exist.

29 I just couldn’t live in a world where you don’t exist.

30 He thought that if he couldn’t see something, it didn’t exist.

More similar words: existing, preexist, taxi stand, axis, exit, Mexican, flexible, dyslexia, complexity, flexibility, fist, list, mist, gist, wrist, deist, heist, hoist, waist, twist, persist, atheist, pistol, history, assist, resist, whistle, artist, subsist, racist. 

существовать, быть, находиться, жить, иметься, просуществовать


- быть, существовать

Does life exist on Mars? — Есть ли жизнь на Марсе?
there exists a number of books on the subject — по этому вопросу имеется ряд книг

- жить, существовать

we cannot exist without air — без воздуха жить нельзя
to exist on a salary — жить на зарплату
he is able to exist on very little — он может прожить на самые скромные средства
how do they exist in such conditions? — как они живут /существуют/ в таких условиях?

- иметься, встречаться, находиться

lime exists in many soils — известь встречается во многих почвах
fats exist in milk — молоко содержит жиры

Мои примеры


a swindle that involved selling a lot of land that really didn’t exist — мошенничество, связанное с продажей большого количества земли, которой на самом деле не существовало  
the enormous volcanoes known to exist on Mars — огромные вулканы, которые, как известно, существуют на Марсе  
to cease to exist — прекратить существование  
to exist on bread and water — жить на хлебе и воде  
cease to exist — прекращать существование  
a case exist for revision of tariffs — есть соображения в пользу пересмотра пошлин  
type of climate ice which glaciers can exist — тип климата, при котором могут существовать ледники  
does not exist — не существует  
exist copiously in — присутствовать в большом количестве в  
exist in the plasma state — существовать в состоянии плазмы; существовать в виде плазмы  
exist on a salary — жить на зарплату  
exist vegetably without interests or friends — жить растительной жизнью, без интересов, без друзей; жить без интересов  

Примеры с переводом

Does life exist on Mars?

Есть ли жизнь на Марсе?

We cannot exist without oxygen.

Мы не можем существовать без кислорода.

Strange ideas existed in his mind.

Ему в голову приходили странные мысли.

Unfortunately, violence still exists in our life.

К сожалению, в нашей жизни всё ещё существует насилие.

We exist only as we energize.

Мы существуем только тогда, когда активно действуем.

Do fairies really exist?

Существуют ли феи на самом деле?

Did unicorns ever exist?

Существовали ли когда-нибудь единороги?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…noted that the paparazzi are vultures who could not exist without the connivance of the tabloid-buying public…

…a strict sect that believes that fellowship with gentiles should exist only for the purposes of conversion…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

existence  — существование, наличие, бытие, жизнь, существо, житие, все существующее
existent  — существующий, наличный, происходящий
existing  — существующий, имеющийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: exist
he/she/it: exists
ing ф. (present participle): existing
2-я ф. (past tense): existed
3-я ф. (past participle): existed

Time, in the physical sense, doesn’t actually exist

For peace, joy and love to exist, we should control violence

It’s the only possible way for hope to exist

I never knew such a perfect housemate could ever exist

When she was there she certainly never imagined she would even exist now

seemed to exist in another lifetime

The concept of ‘time’ also ceases to exist for you

“After all, these problems exist all over the world

They just exist in varying degrees”

everything that can exist, does

pain, fear, grief… exist here on the earth

do not exist as though they did

which could not exist, this principle still works for us today

chemical chain might have a lifetime of a second, or it might exist in an unbroken

elders realizing the conflicts that do exist among the brethren

The fact that congregations of the Lord’s church DID exist without elders for some time

I had a duty to exist because I felt sure that by surviving I would find companionship

In the primordial soup of creation a chemical chain might have a lifetime of a second, or it might exist in an unbroken sequence that lasted for millennia, but for Smith that moment of absolute happiness in the melody of life was nothing but a blink of an eye

To discover that the Yeti people actually exist was sufficiently stunning to this poor Earthman and the realisation that they have a sophisticated culture still seems fantastical

«I still wish it didn’t exist

these antioxidants exist bountifully in the human body and the plant

He knew of the theory that they might exist, in spite of the fact that he was only a technician

There are other procedures that exist due to the diligence of scientists

can only exist if the probability of the ball

I had some fast food not long before and a beyond rotten smell that didn’t exist was making me sick

‘A certain amount – thieves exist here as well as anywhere – but we are not living on top of each other as appears to be the case on Earth

differences with their generational inhabitants exist as well

This was a space that couldn’t quite exist in three-d reality

people who believe that wolves only exist in children’s stories

But he could turn and step away from Ava and leave her holding that yellowed and wrinkled piece of paper that shouldn’t exist

The point is, significant reasons exist for me not to indulge in

«Are you trying to tell me that your people exist as simulates in the dark matter?»

All walls that exist in the physical world

” A cause does not exist

This OS needs you to have a reason to exist, its goal as an OS is to maximize the number of users

or giving energy to something that does not real y exist — a non-‐truthful,

During most of our time spent within the circle, we exist somewhere

has a foundation to exist

a cause for concern for the well-‐worn neural pathways that exist

“There is no doubt that mortal souls still exist on Earth’s surface but they are definitely in a post-technological state

per se did not exist at that time – indeed, it was these events that

exist in the Other World

She wouldn’t exist without that body

expected to see did not exist

Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy

“I’d rather lose my pouch to a pirate than my flesh to a theirops and slave traders exist only in religious legends, historical fantasy movies from Kyeb or Borlunth and dusty old history texts in the catacombs of university libraries

He had probably never imagined that such a problem could exist

Just because she hadn’t heard of it didn’t mean it didn’t exist, there were lots of secret labs as the Energy Age ended

It certainly wasn’t the people she had encountered on the way thru, but if a colony of ephemeral savages could exist, why not a remnant of the Energy Age? If he was from such a society, it was quite possible he might not have the instincts of modern civilization

Knowing full well that the entities would have to undergo massive changes, bodiless, they couldn’t exist in our gravity

My mind could not bear to exist in reality, to

She claims to actually exist only as electrical currents inside the crystals of that starship

The ghosts live like Gods in imaginary worlds that exist only as sensations in the mind somehow

Later trips were to confirm that it certainly did exist – you

«And how could she overcome the Instinct?» Klowa asked, not understanding how such a thing could exist

I say leave the protection of our homeland to the Death Guard, it is why they exist

She bolted onward as though they did not exist

I exist but to serve another, come with me and he will make his desires known

‘They still exist in some of the remoter villages and

«There does exist a vast world beyond the outlands, Master Ross

market, which does not exist there

The man had almost ceased to exist, lost to the world in a foolish quest

Everything near him had evaporated, vanished as though it did not exist and even though he stood at its outskirt it took all his power to survive it, barely

Alone in the tower, Tetloan said, «Hey, if you do exist imp

Her fingers of light probed his form, passing into and through him as though he did not even exist

Then she closed her hand and the flame ceased to exist

Officially they did not even exist, it was unlikely any student ever met them, even the managers of their factories never officially met them

The fact that mind could exist outside of biology was something they had a hard time with, even in theory, but mainly for its sociological and philosophical aspects

is interesting, that a philosophy as it does not exist, but

a mater of fact, it does not exist, because the moral

See real life as a dream where others exist only for the duration of your dreams

You saw him, even touched him in your dream but, according to him, he did not exist in the form you describe

exist, betting in this way their indulgence

Had the Creator not wanted this option to exist, it would not have been made available to us

Humans have the capacity to discover, adopt and adapt what actually does exist in their universe

All building blocks destined to form a physical of metaphysical creation already exist

life could exist both in small and large infinite

But lie will exist for ever,

They cannot prescribe a medication that will solve all your problems within two days because it simply doesn’t exist

does not exist, so he wanted to say that

such society could not exist too

convinced cannot exist but outside the

is a proof; they could not exist without buyers

chances still exist for Greece to receive help

the day, had all ceased to exist

That’s ugly stuff, but it’s best not to ignore those screw ups as if they didn’t exist (although I wish they didn’t), painting myself a gratifying but distorted rosy picture of my own glorious history

«You think gangs didn’t exist back when I was young? We had all sorts of them roaming the streets, and the police weren’t that much more effective than they are now

Everything else ceased to exist; it was just the two of them

The Hebrews, on the other hand, believed that when they died they actually ceased to exist except in God’s memory

Without love we could not exist

There is no physical markers between us and our dna, there is only a gap that exist in the non physical real of knowledge

Some believe that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, that the entirety of God can inhabit a fingertip, and the universe can exist in a dewdrop

Organized religions provide answers, speaking of unity and meaning where none exist in the world

How does a man exist without parents and friends, we wonder

Mindfulness means being aware of the moment in which you exist

I cannot convince you God and Jesus exist and I will never try

I find that I can still exist without my story

I can still exist without having to think of the past or future

We both forgot about everything except the game, and time did not exist for us

That is: to the singular creative and nurturing force behind all that exist in this ‘galaxy’—the One

Cockroaches have existed since the Paleozoic era that is

The world existed only

» The smile dropped from his face like it had never existed

‘After Jack died, I was lost … saw myself as half of something which no longer existed

You had no idea she existed before last week

Without this knowledge it would be questionable if the trade even existed here at all

existed in imperfect partnership with the king of horsepower

go? It seemed to Lucy as if the whole world existed within this short, dank

selves, none of which could ever have existed in a true void

Joshua realized that Israel could not prosper when sin existed in the camp

That cabal has ruled this entire planet for twenty four hundred years, twice as much area as Earth, for as long as any great civilization has ever existed

My feelings towards this strange new world in which I existed, and more especially for the young man holding my life in his hands, troubled me greatly, adding volume to the already flooded sea of confusion upon which I bobbed along

» He gave her a moment to push outward with the limbs that currently existed only in her mind

I felt like a wraith, like the ghost of a man, a creature of no substance, and although the sound and the rage existed only within me, it was this fevered frenzy that kept me sane

And why would God, if he really existed, want to exact punishment on what is, in the end, nothing but a configuration of electrical currents?

We existed in a world of intermittent but minor-scale violence accompanied by weird and unexpected instances of compassion

We existed in a world of words and imagined intellectual propositions, spending hours talking through the possibilities for the citizens of this benighted planet

He was a little queasy about these computer programs claiming to be people for they had not existed outside Asia till he arrived at 61 Cygni, even though they were of Earth

I … we … I only discovered that James existed fairly recently

Could she out run him? Where was there to go? It seemed to Lucy as if the whole world existed within this short, dank passageway

‘What did he do?’ JJ asked, hungry for information about this aspect of himself that he never knew existed

A starship she could understand, they were common enough in fiction and some unsubstantiated reports said they actually existed back in the Energy Age

To love silence, Smith realised, meant that as the creator He had become aware of self and place and time, and of the difference between places and times and selves, none of which could ever have existed in a true void

This is your culture, you have been living it for longer than the nation of my ancestors has existed

The nations recognize this well enough that they have tried to exterminate that people for as long as Israel has existed as a nation

I can understand ephemerals, I lived among them back when they still existed here

What did this have to do with how the world turned? Why did it matter? Is that what yaag gave her, the ability to not have every imperfection in the world her personal problem with the whole population lined up wanting to know why this imperfection still existed? Why is it her problem? Because she was the daughter of the wizard?

Where once a stout Edwardian family had warmed themselves by the great living room fire and eaten roast meats on Sundays in the capacious dining room, there now existed within these walls a selection of small private worlds inhabited by transparent people who warmed themselves next to two-bar electric fires, who shared bathrooms and cooked tinned meals on single ring electric cookers

It was impossible no matter how much I wanted it and knew it existed for me

field existed, such as it was, as a result of the wartime demolition

There was usually a list of important souls who were only on backup, and a count of all the civilians who existed on backup only

He knew he had no way to tell if this piece of paper ever actually existed, or is it a digitally constructed image of this piece of paper

I believe that we have always existed, and that more

Instead, we existed as

Instead Yellelle kept turning on smaller paths, going up and down hills and winding thru wild hillsides on paths that barely existed

“It would have been better to be mortal in this place and time,” Ava said, “but this place and time never existed

Sundays in the capacious dining room, there now existed within

governance that existed in the world of Lyndesfarne

How you see that star right this instant is how it existed over

other letter of the alphabet were just symbols in place of what really existed

fu masters existed only in the movies

That plea was nowhere on paper, it has existed only in words in the air at that time

and for all if any Templar treasure existed here in Troyes

«How you found this place existed

to points (where they still existed at all)

They had no idea that the diagnostic channel existed, it had been de-activated long before their crystal had been rescued from the ruins of Dempala

relationship that existed between his employer and his

The air cleared as if the sand storm had never existed, but the layer of red dirt on all surfaces insisted that it had

Like Gem, the automatons existed for one purpose – to kill

existed amongst the populace

People today can’t imagine the cruelty and hopelessness that existed in those times

«It is said that before there was the Plague and the Rift there existed but one race, one world

imagined existed – many of the peaks glistening with

Quite the contrary, if they existed they would have been infected with the Instinct for centuries

Now, as far as we can deduce, we are dealing with a raw energy that has traveled around ten million trillion leagues and started its trip countless millions of years before we even existed as a culture, we then take this energy, convert through arcane means and release it

These beings controlled the Hunger, existed by their own will, and — according to those who had lived to see them — they fought with a skill that was beyond even that of the elves, leaving many of those ageless beings to rot upon the Red Wall

Look at the pigmy society that existed alongside them

But what else didn’t he know? He had been at the High Tower for only a brief period, having been quickly relocated by Nicola herself before Lord LeCynic even knew he existed

Just that he existed at all

He existed only to satisfy his hunger for life

Perhaps it had never existed at all, and in the constructs of this nightmare it had only been a symbol of hope

existed thanks to the church

This means that, when the meeting occurs, our eyes see a picture that existed in the past

than the existed ones

Leave it to S’ilindsa to find an exit where none existed

To you, the reader, it has never existed

the romanticists say, by now if there existed one

No trace or vestige of the expense of the latter would remain, and the effects of ten or twenty years’ profusion would be as completely annihilated as if they had never existed

teddy bear that she didn’t know that existed

No bond on earth was as strong as the bond that existed between them

I saw a side of my father then that I didn’t know existed

8 billion years ago, just before the Big Bang, all the physical matter of the universe existed in a single point

To Zarko no one else existed at that moment

They asked him whether the cosmos was eternal, whether it was finite or infinite, whether the soul and the body were the same or separate, and whether a Buddha existed after death

I didn’t think they really existed

A few people on the actual base knew that a restricted entry zone existed and that it contained Hanger Forty Two

Apparently the universe no longer existed as one

The prospect existed that his race would be the only one to survive this, alone, with only the information of a once rich galaxy

element that exists in your body existed at the genesis of

The Kingdom of Aeresan has existed since the Wars, though to varying degrees of strength and size

It is possible, indeed, that no more than ten pounds worth of this value may ever have existed at any one moment of time

But if the ten pounds worth of corn and other necessaries which were consumed by the artificer, had been consumed by a soldier, or by a menial servant, the value of that part of the annual produce which existed at the end of the six months, would have been ten pounds less than it actually is in consequence of the labour of the artificer

‘He disappeared from his place in our continuum,’ Zardino explained, ‘but still existed in the present having lived what seems to be an identical life

As far as he knew there existed no sensors that could detect it, other than B’tari tech

I know it had existed for five or so years before we all left, but now it has real power and this is the closest Earth has probably ever been to being truly united

I had no idea such luxuries existed

Then they’d probably deny it ever existed

Two weeks, and the people of Earth seemed oblivious to their fate, unable to comprehend what it meant to be wiped out from time, to no longer exist, to never – essentially – have existed at all

You would also have to determine accurately what the meteorological conditions and strength of the magnetic field that existed before this time was, about 4,500 years ago

Finally Scott was convinced that wherever he now existed was real for him

Here was the rub: every event that he had experienced, every memory could not exist in the future beyond the date of his destination; a curious duality of something that had been erased and yet for him evidentially never existed

programming hadn’t existed, so he would

” I might as well have talked to myself for all the notice she took it was like Beth had said it was as though Charlie never existed

it was built in the nineteenth century, skyscrapers and aircraft hadn’t existed

If we consider this water body to have existed between the Crust of the Earth and the Earth’s mantle or somewhere within the mantle, the verses above would apply perfectly and would accurately describe its existence and location

Do we however have evidence of this today? If we accept that there once was a large body of water trapped somewhere under the Earth’s crust or inside the mantle, would we have some way of proving that it ever existed?

Hail, weather storms and other negative environmental impacts would also not have existed before this time

38 If we now have a strong magnetic field, generated by mechanics within the Earth that are different to what we have today — considering that through extrapolating back in time, we arrive at a stronger magnetic field, using the mechanics inside the Earth after the Flood, and also keeping in mind that the core would probably have had more mobility within the Earth (provided by the additional water lubrication from the fountains of the deep, before the Flood) what would be the outcome? If this layer of water existed homogenously between the crust and the mantle, it may have prevented contact between the inner and outer layers of rock and aid in the mobility of the core inside the Earth – just as one would have with a present day ball-bearing for example

We know that while the subterranean water layer existed, the Earth’s magnetic field was strong enough to counteract the gravitational pull that was exerted on the water, suspended above the atmosphere

Advertising can take place on or off the Internet using newsletters, e-mail automation techniques, or by following leads that are provided by your existing customers

At the same time, it is quite possible that we work with the new elements in such situations and strike new relationships, find new vocations and even change our existing view of life and its purpose

was confirming the existing situation

simply existing removed the possibility of nothing, but equally none of the

Those willing to serve (that is at least two or more where are no existing elders) should then be put before the congregation for further consideration (since not all members may have suggested the same man/men)

Despite the warmth of my feelings for The Kid I started to become emotionally numb, existing only when the wavelength of light changed or my nerves pinched my soul under Smiler’s latest onslaught

There really was another human soul existing within the close-bounded universe of my island home

So how do we avoid sublimating the word of God into the existing framework of our values and interests and not accommodate it to that?

He, She or It has by simply existing removed the possibility of nothing, but equally none of the fundamental questions about beginning are answered by this God’s existence

We can equip a hospital, or rebuild an existing one, if necessary, for you

If that was the case, she would have come to the body with an existing identity, that was really the way she was acting

That accomplished, he climbed the ladder and crept up on the roof where he had stacked corrugated metal panels, which so matched the existing roof as to have been perfectly camouflaged laying as they were

“What you see before you, if you pretend the numbers we used to construct it aren’t there, is the one fragment left to us, which was in the depths of time, condensed into the symbol of all things existing

have one group working out in the open and your existing

It was the last week of August, he had trenched, laid pipe, fitted and made connections, run a drain to the existing out house, installed two pumps and a few fixtures, and was ready to test the system

To see life continue, and nurtured towards goodness, that was both men’s sole reason for existing

All existing systems are copies of a multitude of similar ones over all Universe

be assigned to anyone that keeps the rules existing in

Video is a great way to build a long-lasting relationship with your existing and

harness their huge amount of existing traffic

Existing customers are good affiliate candidates because they’re already

Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship

that we are opening up beyond existing pathways which are based on avoidance

Carius could tell by the distance in her wide eyes that her dream had been a rare kind of nightmare — the kind that drew from existing horrors

So, with the tears of the existing First Water

Use 45 to 50 pages of existing content together with a $5 eBook cover from Fiverr

The existing theories of concrete strength are divided into three groups: phenomenological, statistical and structural

cope with the existing reality, while the envisioneer is

The same would have happened to the existing beings called the human race, not too long ago

have certain confirmation that there is an existing market for your products

And, since the very act of existing within

is very alike existing in a state of grace

existing in a constant state of thanksgiving

And wha t have we achieved other than a few modifications to those existing designs?’ Josh questioned, as he stared out through the shuttle’s window

Sure, he knew there was temporal fracturing: pockets of time existing in a kind of uncertainty state, bits of the future and past breaking through, much like general quantum uncertainty but on a macro scale

Though the value of what the artificer produces, therefore, should not, at any one moment of time, be supposed greater than the value he consumes, yet, at every moment of time, the actually existing value of goods in the market is, in consequence of what he produces, greater than it otherwise would be

Torbin imagined them existing as a quantum system in its state of uncertainty: their existence would not bear scrutiny or objective observation, at least by the currently known means

They were simply existing

A species existing 250 light years away could have been transmitting radio signals for the last 249 years and they would not have reached your world as yet

Some adherents hold that this view is supported by existing evidence in the natural world

Moving up to higher levels of design, one also finds that the Bible contains additional design criteria within the already existing structural design

The process I used to hide the code in a sentence is aimed at achieving one design goal (to create an ELS), and does not at all comply to any underlying numeric design or higher levels of design that may also exist in the sentence, as we find existing in the Bible

Once inside the base, Raiya and Roidon were left with Zardino, who no longer trusted his own existing security measures

existing wooden deck, then you are quite familiar with how the constant need for repair,

decided to replace their existing wooden decks with vinyl

easy accomplishment under the conditions existing by the end of

The man who runs Belsen, Vince Brennan, wanted to spend their budget on improving living standards for the existing inmates – providing medical supplies, clean bedding, decent sized cells

the promotional items at every existing Robo? It was a new idea,

I also need to run this by an existing client of mine for any conflict of interest

He would stop simply existing and start living

‘It seems, though, we’ll need basic materials rather than fusing together existing technology

That is not even existing

It asked me for my existing phone number, and the area code I live in

I didn’t have an existing number

I told her that I had called the number and that they had asked for an existing number,

The Red Cross, however, soon opened a relief depot, and finally many were housed in the coffee storehouses on the hillside, the residue existing as they might in the woods

The solution to this unfortunate dilemma requires (the) reestablishing of and ―enforcement‖ of Immigration Quotas designed to preserve existing racial and ethnic balances (for the time being) while allowing recent arrivals an opportunity to properly assimilate into their new environment

spiritual and intuitive limitations, ―understanding‖ what seems ―apparent‖ however mistaking its essential elements that remain hidden from (us) although existing within (us)………

Marginalized communities existing on the (economic) ―fringe,‖ normally consisting of recent emigrants, although many such groups often include native born Americans, who, for a variety of reasons, have been unable to elevate themselves above the ―poverty‖ line, are oftentimes perceived or treated unfairly, as if their present social or economic standing were entirely owing to questionable value structures predisposing many to under achieve

The sixties injected narrow and intolerant viewpoints, uninformed ideologies that sought shatter core-values and social customs by discrediting traditional conventions, unlike preceding generations that sought to establish their own unique identity within the conventional framework of existing social and cultural traditions

…joined together for purposes of price-fixing, unlawful trade practices and restraint of trade…acquiring an unfair (―competitive‖) advantage over its market rivals…resulting in artificially higher prices than the consumer could (otherwise) afford to pay for (certain) products and services…not so a highly successful company that has carefully positioned itself in the open market…(properly) planning, researching, developing, designing, manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing its products and services at a lower cost than its competitors while passing the savings along to its customers…these companies, having legally complied with existing laws and regulations, should not be penalized for their achievements…coerced into sharing their formulae for success with their (underachieving) competitors as the courts oftentimes mandate…

There has been a disturbing tendency in recent years to categorically broaden (read: create more poor people) descriptive statistics designed to either support or reject existing assumptions relating to poverty rates that are oftentimes overstated, unreliable, unsupported by fact and likely to provide biased conclusions about poverty, its definition, extent, causes and prognosis for the future

An individual may be aware of having achieved some contingent level of (material) competence in whatever manner, although an awareness of such competence oftentimes implies a presumption of knowledge based on reasonable evidence or what is otherwise assumed to be conditional knowledge because of the (existing) possibility of (potential) misunderstanding(s) or other faulty premise(s) that would otherwise call its absolute certainty into question

God remains, of course, the ―Primary Mover‖ or ―First Cause‖ of the material universe; that is to say, God is/was not an initial event, that assumes pre-existing causal factors, but a ―Being‖ rather, existing outside the boundaries of external causes

I understand that this is a difficult proposition from an American perspective indifferent, perhaps, to the hundreds of millions of people existing on this planet who either live or have lived in virtual bondage

These tactics is not an indication of weakness or because they did not know any better but simply the best for the existing conditions

A Perfect Being cannot ―cause‖ its own creation inasmuch as (the) subsequent effects of Creation imply an (existing) potential for movement or change and/or possessing a set of predicates or determinants otherwise lacking in a Perfect Being that is ―entirely without limit or incapable of any infallibility, whatsoever

without regard to any one individual or group of individuals are not rightly considered criminal unless such actions otherwise ignore existing international covenants (established among nations during times of peace), governing acceptable rules of military

Existing political tensions transcending the boundaries of American Society have steadily undermined America‘s fragile alliance with Europe in recent years

Whatever has been eternally pre-ordained has (already) been revealed by Divine Wisdom inasmuch as anything existing in time

eternal, some (future) event, perhaps, already exists, not (will) exist; that is to say, it exists in time as a pre-determined fact or in a manner that is understood within the capacious boundaries of timeless time as already existing

Dickens was in every respect a man of conventional manners and tastes who sought to reform existing (societal) arrangements without (needlessly) upsetting the social fabric

Perhaps it would be best leaving well enough alone rather than trying to revive memories that presently lie above and beyond the (present) timeline continuum; that is to say, existing somewhere beyond ―themselves,‖ in time

With so much animosity existing in the world today, what can any of us hope for when (extreme) ―religious‖ types, professed followers of God‘s teachings, conduct themselves in such an uncharitable manner!

Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society

How to obtain that Justice is a tactical merry go round of Acts and Laws taken from all existing Law and thus the confusion in classification

Why not simply enforce existing gun laws (already) on the books rather than proposing newer ones whose questionable impact on reducing gun related crimes are likely to produce diminishing results? Such political grandstanding, I suppose, plays well among certain audiences given to theoretical assumptions to critical questions that otherwise require practical solutions

I‘m not certain, however, that adding new laws to re-enforce an over-whelming body of existing laws would necessarily achieve this desired result

Anyhow, while searching the registry for all documents pertaining to the property, he made another discovery that was even worse: not only was the sale not registered, but the son-of-a-bitch hadn’t even researched to discover that there was an existing mortgage

existing with the aid of the feeding tube

The strategy was to use fictitious numbers most of the time, then pretend to be an existing squadron when appropriate

Also you can experiment with the existing resistances which will change the sounds of piano

“It’s a strange one, with controversial implications, and a hyper-sensitive dependence on existing conditions

adapt existing games in such a way that everyone that

Still the damage to the existing environment would have been similar, even if it had occurred over a longer time frame

their existing limitations are and more importantly, learn the

“What do you suppose will happen if they are successful in restricting job growth in Boulder, to go along with the existing residential restrictions?” Charles asked

So, over a thirty-year period the foregone interest of giving up existing assets to pay for those appliances is much greater than the benefits of saved mortgage interest

1,600 BC: between the Middle and New Kingdom dynasties), as was indicated by the many, rapid successions of pharaonic leadership, each of which was of extremely short duration, still would have made the effort to defend its existing foreign possessions

The computer then drops algorithms that do poorly and adds potential competitors, rapidly calibrating and extending existing models

We cannot begin to predict where people at even a small cocktail party will be located in five minutes, or who Dave will be hitting on! The existing models of social science, and I’m talking mostly about economics which is nearest to a ‘real science’ in terms of our methodology and approach, are very simplistic and fraught with large error terms

complained about “dozens of other proposed and existing regulations including the agency»s plans to

More so, I have received official letters in the last few weeks suggesting a likely Proceeding for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in line with existing Laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of 13

Paleontology (the science of the forms of life existing in former geological periods, as represented by fossil animals and plants) is another

the difficulties faced by the industry when trying to improve existing refineries or when trying to build

“Othman, third Caliph of the Moslems, had done away in 651–652 with all existing copies of the Koran except that of Abu Bekr [Bakr?], which itself was shortly afterward destroyed by Marwan, Governor of Medina

I am told that such a web-site already exists to help you with this –it’s cal ed something like

The more raw food fiction that exists, the more chance of a break out success, and so I still work

He exists! And He is Love

«Why don’t we talk about where we are instead of this, why don’t we discuss the philosophy of this civilization, a civilization that exists without violence and coercion

«She thought she did, she might even believe it still, if she still exists

—> (Sadness) Now I know that love exists, I have the

ment, and take with her the love that still exists and may meet

What mattered from here on in was just the present, moment upon moment, where life exists or simply ceases to be

In the self-centered world that exists today, the prevalent attitude is one of coarseness, arrogance, and self-will

Realize that the problem exists with the congregation and the faithful members be

powerful that exists all around you

addiction, unaware that it even exists

It sits where the Lita joins the Lhar, the actual center is on the North side of the combined river, but an active waterfront exists on all shores of the three rivers and the two main islands in the river junction

‘Music exists to say things words cannot say

“Yes, that record exists, a second soul in Alan’s universe on the 20th

«Sir, I think the possibility exists that this agent that arrived by Thom’s condensate transported Alan to the distant site in his universe,» Glayet said

«The possibility exists that it could have been ordered to intercept us

«We don’t know, but the possibility exists and we have had a spy on board,» Kelvin said

His universe is the universe as it would be seen by some one standing in place of Gordon’s Lamp as it exists today

basic level, everything that exists is made of the same

Jason made him also maintain a virtual model of the study planet as it actually exists, it had been his sentence to put as much time into that as he did into his imaginary one based on it

reality, because part of your body actually exists within

that exists within each of us

originates and exists only by virtue of a force which

Abundant evidence exists to prove that the human

process of division, and everything that exists in the

harder than any metal that actually exists on earth?

as real as anything else that exists in the world

kind of metal, stronger than any metal that exists on

She believes in the Goddess of Life, she believes the year 2384 exists, but she calls it 5713 and calls this 1680

wall that literally exists around your heart

us exists with or without us

The souls in that heaven are not supposed to be able to tell that the material world exists

The more love you have within, the less fear exists

“The ‘we’ that will investigate Tdeshi still exists, it’s just the ‘we’ who share a bed that has changed

The office next door used to be a dry store for the kitchen and although the conversion work was carried out some years ago, the old access hatch between the two rooms still exists

The rest of nature exists in the present, they may have a sense of the impending, and a memory of the recent, but for the purpose of their lives it is immaterial

‘To find this Templar — if he exists

If it even exists, she thought to herself, as her hopes sunk

I find it sad that such a concept as lying exists

exists and proclaiming the reality that God says can be

An article about a warplane does not mean the warplane exists

It’s possible that it exists, but even if it is here, it hasn’t done anything hostile yet

«Oh yeah, I’m pretty confident something exists

exists and, maybe, sometime it will come on the earth

difference still exists, but Marx and Lenin did not

philosophy even exists and build something that seemed

Did life emerge from man or woman or both? Did it begin with a thought or desire? Did it come from the ovule or the spermatozoid? Everything that exists is made out of an assemblage of infinitesimal particles, some of them called quarks

They can only observe what exists at the moment of their observation

One says that theft is as old as the world exists

expenses due to the fact that he simply exists;

Quit the negative side of existence and transport yourself to the brighter area of a universe that exists at exactly the same place and moment where you are

Only the new reality exists, the preceding one is wholly obliterated

processed by the universe and exists — even if the existence is currently in

for the floor, which exists in abundance, so that

Think: Heaven exists in the form of simple minded clichés

know that God exists and certainly has the power to raise the dead (after all, they

“There exists a God in the heavens who is the Revealer of Secrets and he has made known to you, O King Nebuchadnezzar, what is to occur in the final part of the days

As for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than in any others alive that this secret is revealed to me, except the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king himself and that the thoughts of his heart he may know

The dream may also be a true reflection of actual pain that exists somewhere in your body

It was said that no official information exists about the organization in almost every aspect, including its leadership, member count, headquarters location and recruitment process

Learning That Unconditional Happiness Exists

The most important single thing you can do to find lasting happiness is to learn and understand that it exists

”[40] You have to learn that unconditional happiness exists, and you need to learn how to permit it to come into your life

I will say, however, that once you come to know in your heart that it exists, you will have taken the biggest step on your path to happiness

It should deeply concern you, that the necessity exists for this

The motion of anything only exists in relation to something else, and therefore motion itself is relative rather than absolute

personal, intimate, inner place of stillness is actually the same emptiness that exists in the

Emptiness is the sources of things were love and compassion exists

which, in one form or another, exists in all religions

You fool, there is no way of proving that God exists

” He says that order exists when an individual attends to realistic goals, and when his/her skills meet the requirements for those goals

The underlying belief of yoga is that a naturally joyous Self exists within you

The ego exists in a world of scarcity, where whatever you have is never enough

It exists in direct experience


has come before or exists in this present moment

the present exists, except that you imagine that it will

vibratory output exists within the universe

Fortunately, since the idea of success already exists

Yet, Earth still exists

explain how even the so-called real world exists entirely

What you actually see is the image that exists in and

as anything else that exists

Nothing you observe in the external world exists

None of it exists

Only that which you imagine exists in this

There exists a magical power in the feeling of gratitude

Nothing exists in isolation

not mean that it exists separately from the whole

The Law of Polarity: everything exists in pairs of

Whatever exists already in your life can be transformed

state of energy has not actually disappeared; it still exists

element that exists in your body existed at the genesis of

instead of thinking about how much inequity there exists

That system which represents the produce of land as the sole source of the revenue and wealth of every country, has so far as I know, never been adopted by any nation, and it at present exists only in the speculations of a few men of great learning and ingenuity in France

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. As a minimum of 40 minutes, except for short subject awards, and it must,


    ,either on a 35 mm or 70 mm film print or in 24 frame/s or 48 frame/s
  2. Acid-base reactions but the free hydrogen nucleus, a proton, does not,


    ,alone in water, it


    s as the hydronium ion,H3O+. Brønsted-Lowry acids
  3. Laos (67%–98 %) and Mongolia (50 %). Large Buddhist populations also,


    ,in Singapore (42.5 %),Taiwan (35.1%–93 %),South Korea (23.2 %)
  4. School, compared to just one in five 40 years ago. Though small communities,


    ,in other countries, such as the Been Israel in India. In the Philippines and
  5. Be predicated to an object that


    s at some period of time, then it does not,


    , In addition, Aristotle disagreed with Plato about the location of universals.
  6. A subset of the real numbers that is not Lebesgue measurable can be proven to,


    ,using the axiom of choice, but it is consistent that no such set is definable.
  7. Or prototypes, and that the remainder of things only resemble them, and,


    , as their copies. ) Criticism of Hegel Schopenhauer expressed his dislike for
  8. That in beads the vowel sound is implied by phonology, and where vowel marks,


    ,for the system, such as Nikki for Hebrew and Arafat for Arabic, their use is
  9. Sachs, China will have the largest economy in the world. Several trade blocs,


    , with the most developed being the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Asia
  10. Significant, but impossible to be estimated. » Traditional African» religions,


    ,only residual, in the main confined to some remote rural areas. In a study
  11. Instance human white blood cells, which consume pathogens. Many protists also,


    ,as individual amoebic cells, or take such a form at some point in their
  12. Or theatrically, as well as online. Both hand-drawn and computer-animated anime,


    , It is used in television series, films,video, video games, commercials,and
  13. Showed that Brownian movement can be construed as firm evidence that molecules,


    , His research in 1903 and 1904 was mainly concerned with the effect of finite
  14. The formal paradigm of nouns and verbs. The following levels of pronunciation,


    ,: Full pronunciation with Paula This is the most formal level
  15. To construct, in an explicit and canonical manner, anything that is proven to,


    , This foundation rejects the full axiom of choice because it asserts the
  16. Different atomic mass, are known as isotopes. Most naturally occurring elements,


    ,as a mixture of isotopes, and the average atomic mass of this mixture
  17. For the player characters. Non-player character groups of adventurers can also,


    , and can be an interesting encounter for the players. List of adventurers
  18. The word Ocala in the Spanish language and Ocala in the Portuguese language,


    ,today, borrowed from Arabic (Arabic: إن شاء الله). This word literally means
  19. Star Observers and http://cbastro.org Center for Backyard Astrophysics,


    ,to help coordinate these contributions. Amateur astronomers often contribute
  20. H2O (l) H3O+ (a) + OH (a) In pure water the majority of molecules,


    ,as H2O,but a few molecules are constantly dissociating and
  21. Of microsporogenesis: successive and simultaneous (although intermediates,


    ,). In successive microsporogenesis, walls are laid down separating the daughter
  22. Where all universal forms subsist, Aristotle maintained that universals,


    ,within each thing on which each universal is predicated. So, according to
  23. Very rare). * A language may spell some words with pronounced letters that,


    ,for historical or other reasons. For example, the spelling of the Thai word for
  24. Of different kinds of sports. In association football, long partnerships,


    ,between Audi and various clubs like Manchester United, FC Bayern Munich, Real
  25. But some have named it Arabic Chat Alphabet. Other systems of transliteration,


    , such as using dots or capitalization to represent the» emphatic »
  26. Classification can be based on their treatment of tone, though names do not yet,


    ,to distinguish the various types. Some alphabets disregard tone entirely
  27. The world of that film,» Cause and effect is the only law. Freedom does not,


    , » And Prince claims that its events» are inscribed in a cycle of time that
  28. Blueprint or plan that one has before making or causing a human made object to,


    , *The efficient cause is» the primary source «, or that from which the change
  29. Time and so gave rise to the myth of the Anaconda of Ceylon. Various theories,


    ,regarding the origin of the name itself. One suggests that it was derived from
  30. Middle Eastern studies, and religious studies courses. Arabic language schools,


    ,to assist students in learning Arabic outside the academic world. Many
  31. Model animation refers to stop-motion animation created to interact with and,


    ,as a part of a live-action world. Intercutting, matte effects, and split
  32. Art itself, nor art in relationship to the whole, nor even the right of art to,


    , » Relativism was accepted as an unavoidable truth, which led to the period of
  33. MSA has borrowed or coined many terms for concepts that did not,


    ,in Quranic times (and in fact continues to evolve). Some words have been
  34. The axiom of choice produces these intangibles (objects that are proven to,


    ,by a nonconstructive proof, but cannot be explicitly constructed),which may
  35. Party, stated that» without Ayn Rand, the libertarian movement would not,


    , » In his history of the libertarian movement, journalist Brian Doherty
  36. As the guiding moral principle. She said the individual should «,


    ,for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others
  37. Away and started to look» across the tracks» only in late 1960s. Now there,


    ,many works focusing on peoples and topics very close to the author’s» home «.
  38. Rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can,


    ,without the others. Aristotle’s conception of the city is organic, and he is
  39. From and more conservative than all the spoken varieties, and the two,


    ,in a state known as diglossia, used side-by-side for different societal
  40. To Sterner, rights were spooks in the mind, and he held that society does not,


    ,but» the individuals are its reality «. Sterner advocated self-assertion and
  41. Shorter as atomic number increases, though an» island of stability» may,


    ,for undiscovered isotopes with certain numbers of protons and neutrons. Anatomy
  42. Up of Anthropologists from around the globe. Hundreds of other organizations,


    ,in the various subfields of anthropology, sometimes divided up by nation or
  43. The sole deity, God » (, ho thees monks). Cognates of the name» Allah «,


    ,in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic. Biblical Hebrew
  44. Computable by an algorithm: For a given function multiple algorithms may,


    , This will be true, even without expanding the available instruction set
  45. Media used often influence the form. For example, the form of a sculpture must,


    ,in space in three dimensions, and respond to gravity. The constraints and
  46. Surreys, Sivananda notes that karma is insentient and short-lived, and ceases to,


    ,as soon as a deed is executed. Hence, karma cannot bestow the fruits of actions
  47. Is revealed: it is a code of stagnation. The goal of this code is to not,


    , to not move forward, to become a zero. Haggard struggles to remain unaware
  48. Similia, ad strum similitude consistency. (Plato teaches that the Ideas,


    ,in nature, so to speak, as patterns or prototypes, and that the remainder of
  49. Atlantic Ocean appears to be the second youngest of the five oceans. It did not,


    ,prior to 130 million years ago, when the continents that formed from the
  50. Reasons, many eventually becoming American citizens. No reliable statistics,


    ,for the number of casualties among other groups, including Loyalists, British

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • exist [ɪgˈzɪst] гл

    1. существовать, быть, иметься, находиться, просуществовать, уже существовать

      (already exist, be, have, survive)

      • existing system – существующая система
      • exist today – быть сегодня
      • exist almost – просуществовать почти
    2. жить


    3. возникать


    4. присутствовать


    5. наблюдаться, иметь место, бытовать


    6. действовать


      • existing international law – действующее международное право
    7. сложиться


    8. наличествовать

  • exist [ɪgˈzɪst] прил

    1. сущий

существовать exist, be, live, subsist, prevail, obtain
быть be, exist, fare, play
находиться be, locate, reside, lie, exist, be found
жить live, dwell, stay, reside, exist, inhabit
иметься exist
просуществовать exist
влачить существование exist, linger, drag out a miserable existence

Предложения со словом «exist»

Sitting in front of a mirror, you ask yourself, Do I exist ?

Сидя перед зеркалом, вы спрашиваете себя: «Существую ли я?

Does such a technology exist ?

Существует ли такой метод?

Just over a year ago, for the third time in my life, I ceased to exist .

Чуть больше года назад третий раз в жизни я перестал существовать .

Uh, sure, that’d be great, but I’m afraid that brand of left-wing politics you’ve got in Amsterdam — it doesn’t exist in the States.

Конечно, это было бы замечательно, но, боюсь, такого левого направления, который есть здесь, в Амстердаме, нет в Америке».

And another poll found that as much as 37 percent of British workers have a job that they think doesn’t even need to exist .

А после другого соцопроса стало понятно, что 37 % трудящихся Британии занимают должность, которой, по их мнению, и быть — то не должно.

I am 51 years old, like I told you, and mind-numbing acronyms notwithstanding, I just want to tell you if there has been a momentous time for humanity to exist , it is now, because the present you is brave.

Мне 51 год, как я уже говорил, и, несмотря на непонятные акронимы, я хочу вам сказать, что лучший момент в жизни человечества наступил, потому что настоящие вы — смелые.

A single individual is enough for hope to exist , and that individual can be you.

Для существования надежды достаточно одного человека, и этим человеком можешь стать ты.

We should never forget that women are at the center of a sustainable world, and we do not exist without them.

Мы не должны забывать, что женщины находятся в центре устойчивого мира, и мы не можем существовать без них.

If you look it up in the dictionary, something virtual is something that seems to exist but is not real.

Если посмотреть в словаре, то виртуальное — это нечто, существующее неявно, нечто нереальное.

Back to the days when we were told not only that we don’t deserve to be heard but that we do not have a right to exist .

Я вернулась в те дни, когда нам говорили, что мы не только не заслуживаем быть услышанными, но что у нас нет права на существование .

Now, I’m not sure if I would use any of these words as I go about my day, but I’m really glad they exist .

Я не уверен, пригодятся ли мне эти слова в повседневной жизни, но я рад, что они существуют .

But the only reason they exist is because I made them up.

Но они есть лишь потому, что я cам их выдумал.

It’s not by pretending that death doesn’t exist that we keep the people, especially the little people that we love, safe.

Мы не притворяемся, что смерть не существует , чтобы уберечь тех, кого любим, особенно малышей, от смерти.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: for there to exist such inefficiencies in an African country, there must be corruption.

Я знаю, о чём вы думаете: если в африканской стране существует такая неэффективность, там должна быть коррупция.

If you look from a biological perspective, obviously none of the nations that exist today existed 5,000 years ago.

Если посмотреть на это с точки зрения биологии, станет очевидно, что ни одна из существующих сегодня наций не существовала 5 000 лет назад.

They basically exist here.

Они, по сути, существуют лишь вот тут.

Still worse, when it comes to some forms of cancer, such as ovarian, liver or pancreatic cancer, good screening methods simply don’t exist , meaning that often people wait until physical symptoms surface, which are themselves already indicators of late-stage progression.

Что ещё хуже, для некоторых форм рака, таких как рак яичников, печени или поджелудочной железы, хороших методов скрининга просто не существует , то есть часто люди ждут, пока не проявятся физические симптомы, которые служат показателями уже поздних стадий заболевания.

We refuse to even acknowledge that women who have sex with women or women who don’t want children even exist .

Мы не хотим даже признавать существование женщин, которые занимаются сексом с женщинами или не хотят иметь детей.

She is pushing back against society’s insistence that she exist simply for men’s pleasure or for reproduction.

Она сопротивляется убеждению общества в том, что она создана лишь для удовлетворения мужчин и размножения.

So you might think, well, does this make the planet cease to exist ?

Здесь можно задуматься: приведёт ли это к гибели планеты?

The Federal Highway Administration, for example, didn’t exist before there were highways.

Федеральное управление шоссейных дорог появилось не раньше самих магистралей.

First thing: we want to be the only political party in the world whose main aim was to no longer need to exist .

Первая: мы хотим быть единственной политической партией в мире, чья главная цель — перестать быть нужной.

By revealing the cryptographic proof that these details exist and are signed off on.

Встроенный криптографический протокол гарантирует существование этих данных и их правдивость.

The great philosopher Aristotle said if something doesn’t exist , there’s no word for it, and if there’s no word for something, that something doesn’t exist .

Великий философ Аристотель сказал: Если что — то не существует , это нельзя назвать, а если что — то нельзя назвать, то оно и не существует .

But what about countries where democracy doesn’t exist .

Но как это происходит в тех странах, где нет демократии?

It doesn’t really exist in that part of the world, and I feel it’s really the right of everybody to know how these things work.

Но в этой части мира его фактически нет, и я чувствую, что это право каждого человека — знать, как всё это работает.

From this I conclude that the vacuum does exist .

Из этого я заключаю, что вакуум действительно существует .

There certainly exist features common to all Americans in spite of their personal differences.

Действительно существуют черты, общие для всех американцев независимо от их персональных различий.

But a certain stereotype does exist .

Но все же существует ведь некий стереотип.

But the equations actually showed God did not exist .

Но уравнения фактически показывали, что Бог не существует .

There also exist some political organizations like Students’ Coordinative Committee of Non- Violent Action and Students for Democratic Society.

Существует также несколько политических организаций , таких как Студенческий координационный комитет ненасильственных действий и Студенты за демократическое общество.

It really means that the God particle doesn’t exist .

Это будет означать, что божественной частицы не существует .

Does such a thing really exist in this country?

Действительно ли что — то подобное существует в этой стране?

Three forms of life exist together in every human being.

Человеческое существо состоит из трех жизненных форм

And, of course, no nation can exist without humour.

И, конечно же, ни одна нация не может существовать без юмора.

There exist some very unusual traditions in Great Britain.

В Великобритании существует несколько очень необычных традиций.

You can`t exist without development but it is possible to succeed in different spheres.

Без развития никуда, но развиваться можно в разных областях.

They say that the woman’s friendship doesn’t exist .

Говорят, что женской дружбы не существует .

Analyzing all the facts we can definitely say that professional sport doesn`t have the right to exist on such level as it is nowdays.

Анализируя все факты, мы можем точно сказать, что на том уровне, на котором он сейчас, профессиональный спорт не имеет право на существование .

Although treatments for both AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus’ progression in a human patient, there is no known cure.

Лечение для СПИД и ВИЧ существует , но оно только замедляет течение болезни, вылечить же болезнь оно не может.

Thus we see how many different kinds of sports exist and can please us.

Итак, мы видим, как много разных видов спорта существует , и какое удовольствие они могут нам доставить.

There exist two main groups of newspapers: qualities and populars.

Существуют две основные группы газет: газеты для серьезного чтения и бульварная пресса.

There also exist about 122 domestic and foreign news bureaus in the USA.

В США также существует около 122 отечественных и зарубежных корпункты.

The limits and frontiers of the previous period have stopped to exist .

Пределы и границы предыдущего периода остановились, чтобы существовать .

It is so pleasant to know that somebody needs you and loves you only for the fact that you exist .

Так приятно знать, что ты кому — то нужен, и кто — то любит тебя только за то, что ты есть.

The universe is now so small and so hot that only the naked fundamental particles of the Standard Model exist .

Вселенная настолько мала и горяча, что существуют только отдельные фундаментальные частицы Стандартной модели.

The fact that we exist is so totally random the idea that any human life is important is absurd.

Факт того, что мы существуем настолько случайно, делает абсурдной идею, что любая человеческая жизнь важна.

If a word doesn’t exist in a language, does that imply the feeling or concept doesn’t exist ?

Если в языке отсутствует некое слово, означает ли это, что отсутствует соответствующее чувство или идея?

Individuals might be bred to sacrifice themselves, but the race as a whole can never decide to cease to exist .

Отдельные особи могут жертвовать собой, но раса в целом никогда не решится прекратить свое существование .

On Earth, the temperature and atmospheric pressure are just right to allow oceans of liquid water to exist on the surface of the planet.

Температура и давление атмосферы Земли делают возможным существование огромных океанов, омывающих её поверхность.

A few made it away in the confusion, but for all practical purpose the unit had ceased to exist .

Некоторым удалось скрыться в общей свалке, но с практической точки зрения подразделение прекратило существование .

Static empirical knowledge does not exist , rather it is the insight of the emergence of all systems we must recognize.

Неизменных эмпирических знаний нет, есть только понимание появления всего, что мы должны постигнуть.

Same-gender attraction doesn’t exist in our pre-earth life, And it doesn’t exist in the celestial kingdom.

Тяга к своему полу отсутствует в жизни до земной, и её нет в небесном царстве.

They exist only in relation to the orders they have to obey, the duties they have to perform.

Они живут только приказами, которым должны повиноваться, и обязанностями, которые должны выполнять.

The scientists’ probes had reported faithfully right up to the moment they encountered the interface of the terminus itself, at which point they had simply ceased to exist .

Научные зонды добросовестно передавали информацию до момента входа в терминал, после чего просто переставали существовать .

The fact that male stripper shoes don’t already exist is unbelievable to me.

Тот факт, что мужская обувь для стриптизеров ещё не существует кажется мне невероятным.

How would proud Hephaestus react, Drizzt wondered, when the dragon tried to counter a spell that didn’t even exist ?

Как поступит гордец Гефестус, когда не сможет противостоять заклинанию, которого никогда не существовало ?

The great curse for the immortal is that time ceases to exist .

Величайшее проклятие для бессмертного заключается в том, что время прекращает своё существование .

It’s like we cease to exist outside of those fucking walls.

Как мы прекратим свое существование за пределами этих пизданутых стен.


Люди из сериала Геи во всём блеске действительно существуют .

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