A sentence with the word efficient

The use of contact-less and satellite-based tachymeters and digital levelling instruments guarantees a standardised and efficient workflow.
Arguably, of course, the greater the emissions, the more efficient the sulphur recovery process could be.
Only when your whole body is strong can you become a better and more efficient runner.
Metadata records need to be created in increasingly automated, streamlined and time efficient ways.
Chopsticks are clean and efficient and can be used by everyone from children to old people.
A well laid out internal network of main, cross roads and paths is essential for efficient movement of men and machinery.
If clear photographs can be taken, then an efficient counting system is in place.
Coronaviruses use efficient and economical mechanisms to reproduce themselves in animal cells.
In farming, as elsewhere, these forces replace people with machines, a process that increases the minimum efficient size of farm.
An efficient metro rail system will not only push the bulk of traffic underground, but also ensure that people use their vehicles sparingly.
It has created an efficient media outfit, its party organisation runs like a well-oiled machine.
High PO2 levels help produce an efficient decompression profile providing they are balanced against oxygen toxicity.
Linear amplifiers are much less efficient but pass complex transmission signals with minimum distortion, thus preserving spectral utilization.
We accept any job that comes our way not realising how efficient we are at it.
She is reliable and efficient and, in her sweet way, shows the people around her how much she cares about them.
An upgrading of fly ash to zeolitic compounds is one of the efficient way of the fly ash utilization.
Cyclodextrin can act as an efficient inhibitor of the photosensitized dimerization of thymine by para-aminobenzoic acid in aqueous solution.
Some English people feel jealous of Scotland’s better roads, free higher education and a more efficient welfare system.
Pushups, lunges and handstands are the most productive and efficient exercises for training strength, balance and coordination.
I wondered too if we will ever find a way for a more efficient transmission of knowledge.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word efficient, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use efficient in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «efficient». In addition, we also show how different variations of efficient can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are efficiently and efficient—about. If you click on the variation of efficient that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Efficient in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word efficient in a sentence.

  1. Bats have an efficient circulatory system.

  2. Somerset’s takeover of power was smooth and efficient.

  3. The new train was far more efficient than its predecessor.

  4. O’Brien was also known for his efficient start off the block.

  5. He concludes that Domitian was a ruthless but efficient autocrat.

  6. This method of respiration, while complicated, is highly efficient.

  7. Compared to ruminants, zebras have a simpler and less efficient digestive system.

  8. A variation of the process is plasma cutting, an efficient steel cutting process.

  9. Rodents have efficient digestive systems, absorbing nearly 80% of ingested energy.

  10. The 757 was intended to be more capable and more efficient than the preceding 727.

  11. Unlike linear search, binary search can be used for efficient approximate matching.

  12. This was efficient in the short run but meant that they would never assimilate into southern society.

  13. Internal administration was remodelled to suit the kingdom’s growing needs and became more efficient.

  14. However, this system was abolished back in 2013, mostly due to introduction of more efficient BG Voz.

  15. Radford sought to integrate his own efficient leadership style into the organization of these schools.

  16. RNAi is now known as precise, efficient, stable and better than antisense therapy for gene suppression.

  17. These species have lost their lignin degradation ability but are very efficient in degrading cellulose.

  18. Some evidence suggests they are efficient at using potassium, and sensitive to calcium toxicity as well.

  19. The mixture is not sufficiently enriched for efficient nuclear weapons, but can be used once as MOX fuel.

  20. The depots and airbases depended on an efficient road network, so the engineers gave this a high priority.

  21. In addition to being the fastest ship of her class, Schleswig-Holstein was the second-most fuel efficient.

  22. They likely had an avian respiratory system, which is more efficient than a mammalian and reptilian system.

  23. European cannons reached their longer, lighter, more accurate, and more efficient «classic form» around 1480.

  24. They have an efficient food storage organ and a very low metabolic rate, and a relatively inactive lifestyle.

  25. Being highly efficient predators, crocodilians tend to be top of the food chain in their watery environments.

  26. Fins and a diving mask are often used in free diving to improve vision and provide more efficient propulsion.

  27. It is exceptionally efficient at digesting its food, and disgorges only tiny pellets of fragmented bone, fur and feathers.

  28. Large animals are more efficient at digestion than small animals, because food spends more time in their digestive systems.

  29. This was very efficient in terms of shipping space, but loading and unloading was consequently slow and manpower intensive.

  30. They are an efficient use of land; roughly six sheep can be kept on the amount that would suffice for a single cow or horse.

  31. He believed the use of anti-tank weapons was an economical and efficient means to defeat enemy tanks, and would free up U.S.

  32. Their limbs would have been capable of long strides, and their short, compact feet would have made these mechanics efficient.

  33. A single, large galley is installed near the aft doors, allowing for more efficient meal service and simpler ground resupply.

  34. Its wings have a high sweep angle of 37.5° for a fast, efficient cruise speed of Mach 0.84 to 0.88, depending on the variant.

  35. However, after the Somers Affair, officers realized that the system for training officers had to change to be more efficient.

  36. Radford was noted for thinking progressively and innovatively to establish the most effective and efficient training programs.

  37. The method was originally developed as a cost efficient way to weld steel using GMAW, because this variation uses carbon dioxide, a less expensive shielding gas than argon.

  38. The Mint Bureau of 1839 had to insist on similar ways of processing gold and silver [at the four mints], even if these processes were not the most efficient or inexpensive.

  39. A certain amount of windage allows the ball to fit down the bore, though the greater the windage the less efficient the propulsion of the ball when the gunpowder is ignited.

  40. This is slower than allowing the gas to be eliminated while it is still in solution, and indicates the importance of minimising bubble phase gas for efficient decompression.

  41. He advocated a more utilitarian and less literary education system, to produce a skilled workforce that could realise Australia’s potential as an efficient industrial state.

Efficiently in a sentence

Efficiently is a variation of efficient, below you can find example sentences for efficiently.

  1. Lead salts are very efficiently absorbed by the body.

  2. The Judy1 type of Judy array handles 64-bit keys efficiently.

  3. The Euclidean algorithm may be used to find this GCD efficiently.

  4. They said, «no adventure movie is quite so efficiently entertaining».

  5. This ankle feature may have helped the animal to run more efficiently.

  6. The Mexican Navy helped people in Veracruz evacuate their homes efficiently.

  7. These enable it to extract nutrients as efficiently possible out of the soil.

  8. These contributions will be made more efficiently if made in authorizing collectively.

  9. Herds could efficiently retrace their paths to their territories after long migrations.

  10. Russia could use the money more efficiently for its expansion in Siberia or Central Asia.

  11. It mostly moves by paddling along efficiently with its webbed feet and seldom takes to the air.

  12. Barn owls are particularly dependent on their ability to fly quietly and manoeuvre efficiently.

  13. Despite lacking Ekholm’s theoretical and scientific knowledge, he handled this task efficiently.

  14. This implies that the impala has efficiently adapted to its environment since prehistoric times.

  15. These clouds reflect solar radiation more efficiently than clouds with fewer and larger droplets.

  16. To defeat more powerful monsters and gain experience points efficiently, players can join a party.

  17. These structures aid reproduction by efficiently dispersing spores or spore-containing propagules.

  18. This method is only reasonable if the transfers could be made perfectly efficiently, what is unlikely.

  19. Ulrich took drum lessons, and Hammett worked with Joe Satriani to learn how to record more efficiently.

  20. Both firearms were very heavy and usually required a crew of at least two in order to operate efficiently.

Efficient—about in a sentence

Efficient—about is a variation of efficient, below you can find example sentences for efficient—about.

  1. The capture mechanism was very efficient—about 50% of all remaining planetesimals were trapped.

Synonyms for efficient

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word efficient has the following synonyms: businesslike, cost-efficient, cost-effective, economic, economical, expeditious, prompt, timesaving, high-octane, streamlined, underspent, competent, effective, effectual and efficacious.

General information about «efficient» example sentences

The example sentences for the word efficient that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «efficient» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «efficient».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Ultrasonic homogenization is efficient in reducing hard and soft particles.

Ультразвуковая гомогенизация — это очень эффективный процесс для уменьшения мягких и твёрдых частиц.

This simple and efficient dragline is perfect for coal mining.

Этот простой в эксплуатации и эффективный драглайн идеально подходит для добычи угля открытым способом.

LED headlights may be appropriate for customers who prioritise efficient energy consumption.

Светодиодные фары будут целесообразными для тех, кто на первое место ставит рациональное потребление энергии.

Specially how cost efficient they are.

И, вообще, насколько эффективно они тратятся.

Small firms can be just as efficient as large firms.

Таким образом, маленькие компании могут быть такими же эффективными, как крупные.

Ensure efficient placement of utilities like water-supply pipes, power cables etc.

Обеспечить эффективное размещение коммунальных услуг, таких как водопроводные трубы, силовые кабели и т. д.

It looks at how efficient your body is managing sugar.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы понять, насколько эффективно ваш организм обрабатывает сахар.

Their digestive systems are so efficient that they produce no waste.

Их пищеварительная система настолько эффективна, а отходов так мало, что у них нет выделительного отверстия.

That makes the company so efficient.

Это как раз и делает работу компании такой эффективной.

More renewable energy will require smart, efficient power transmission and distribution networks.

Вместе с установками для получения возобновляемой энергии должны создаваться интеллектуальные и эффективные сети передачи и распределения энергии.

They say these will facilitate efficient and…

Он подчеркнул, что они «гораздо эффективнее и…

Eventually, we had economic laws that formed better ways for efficient co-existence.

В конце концов, у нас были экономические законы, которые сформировались лучшие способы для эффективного сосуществования.

It would make planning holidays and events incredibly efficient by comparison.

Это сделает планирование праздников и событий невероятно эффективным по сравнению с ним».

Save money by ensuring you have well managed, efficient campaigns.

Экономьте деньги, гарантируя, что у вас есть хорошо управляемые, эффективные кампании.

Digital assistants are as efficient as receptionists.

Виртуальные помощники так же эффективны, как и администраторы.

The world lacks efficient long-term monetary policies.

В мире отсутствуют эффективные монетарные политики в долгосрочной перспективе.

No one has all the answers about efficient technique.

Ни у кого нет ответов на все вопросы об эффективной технике.

That’s because farming was far less efficient.

Это потому, что сельское хозяйство было гораздо менее эффективным.

Recall from microeconomics that competitive markets result in an efficient allocation of resources.

Вспомним из теории конкурентных рынков, что производство в объеме Qu приводит к эффективному распределению ресурсов.

You could just focus on being very efficient

«Вы могли бы просто сосредоточиться на том, чтобы быть очень эффективным

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(1) He has an efficient business setup.

(2) Dolphins are incredibly graceful and efficient swimmers.

(3) With today’s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.

(4) We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.

(5) Even with efficient budgeting, most students are unable to live on £4,000 per year.

(6) Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient, falling down on only one detail.

(7) The procedure is not fully efficient: improvements could be made.

(8) The new machine is more efficient than the old one.

(9) He was efficient at his job and well-thought-of by everyone.

(10) Nowadays even efficient, lean(sentencedict.com/efficient.html), well-run industries are failing.

(11) The receptionist was briskly efficient.

(12) An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.

(13) She was efficient and reliable.

(14) We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service.

(15) I’ve left the department in Bill’s very efficient hands.

(16) We already have a perfectly efficient system—why change it?

(17) Your problem lies in lacking efficient methods.

(18) The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.

(19) Modern-day engines are so much more efficient.

(20) Their overriding concern is with efficient crime control.

(21) Cars are becoming so aerodynamically efficient.

(22) Production must become more efficient.

(23) She comes over as a very efficient businesswoman.

(24) She strikes me as a very efficient person.

(25) A quietly efficient manservant brought them coffee and brandy.

(26) Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.

(27) The service at the hotel is efficient and unobtrusive.

(28) Bicycles are a cheap and efficient form of transport.

(29) A troubleshooter is being appointed to make the prison service more efficient.

(30) The city’s transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.

More similar words: efficiency, sufficient, scientific, efficacy, official, officially, officious, ancient, scientist, office, officer, science, head office, difficult, deficit, artificial, diffident, client, lenient, patient, nutrient, enticing, transient, recipient, ingredient, orientation, identification, entertainment, sentiment, effort. 

Sentences with the word Efficient?



  • «barbarian invaders»; «barbaric practices»; «a savage people»; «fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient«-Margaret Meade; «wild tribes»
  • «a clean fuel»; «cleaner and more efficient engines»; «the tactical bomb is reasonably clean»
  • «people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons…»-G.B.Shaw; «effective personnel»; «an efficient secretary»; «the efficient cause of the revolution»
  • «an efficient production manager»; «efficient engines save gas»
  • «an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient«; «much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran»
  • «government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically»
  • «his organization of the work force was very efficient«
  • «he introduced more efficient methods of production»
  • «Gutenberg’s reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient«
  • «The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets»; «The adagio transitioned into an allegro»

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