A sentence with the word distract


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word distract, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use distract in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «distract».

Distract in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word distract in a sentence.

  1. The crawling arm may distract would-be predators.

  2. Birds adopt a rodent run display to distract predators.

  3. There were things to distract us from what was really going on.

  4. Rather than distract the band, the tour invigourated their new material.

  5. This behaviour may distract the attention of predators away from the nest.

  6. Commander Worf sing part of «A British Tar» to distract a malfunctioning Lt.

  7. Regardless, she remained in the battle line to distract the British gunners.

  8. Frustrated, Lim plotted to distract the police with a series of child murders.

  9. The parents use various methods to distract predators during the breeding season.

  10. Probably it was kept relatively unadorned so as not to distract from the necklace.

  11. To distract Fauré, Saint-Saëns took him to Weimar and introduced him to Franz Liszt.

  12. The background of the painting is brownish black and does not distract from the figure.

  13. In other versions, he uses an accomplice, such as the moon-god Chandra, to distract Gautama.

  14. Throughout the act, prehistoric denizens such as a flying lizard continually distract Gertie.

  15. George Washington sent General Benjamin Lincoln into Vermont to «divide and distract the enemy».

  16. The smugglers depart to transport their goods while the women distract the local customs officers.

  17. She had concealed her illness until his return, fearing that it would distract him from his cricket.

  18. Benny Chan explains that including too many dramatic scenes may distract the audience from the plot.

  19. Superb fairywrens may utilise a ‘rodent-run’ display to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  20. As he did not want to distract the team from the playoff race, Linden asked for the ceremony to be delayed.

  21. The onscreen interface is minimal, having no health meters, maps, or compasses to distract from exploration.

  22. The variegated fairywren readily adopts a ‘rodent-run’ display to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  23. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, Cooper is «spotted» by Holden Caulfield to distract a woman he is dancing with.

  24. The Ottomans likewise tried to distract Venice by launching raids of their own on Venetian possessions in the Aegean.

  25. Smaller groups of decoys were set out to distract police attention from activities at the 16th Street Baptist Church.

  26. The tail often continues to twitch after separation which may distract the attacker and allow the salamander to escape.

  27. When held at gunpoint on the Orient Express by Red Grant, Bond uses the gold to distract Grant, leading to the villain’s undoing.

  28. The development team focused more on the game’s single-player aspects, and a LAN multiplayer mode would distract greatly from it.

  29. While Malhotra had many new ideas, Aditya wanted to keep the clothing style simple; he did not want it to distract from the story.

  30. To help distract him from his depression, Fergusson told Oppenheimer that he (Fergusson) was to marry his girlfriend Frances Keeley.

  31. Bradman had suggested Barnes do so when leading English batsman Len Hutton was playing, in an attempt to distract or intimidate him.

  32. BBC Radio Light Entertainment tended to have the effects operator hidden away behind curtains so they wouldn’t distract the audience!

  33. To distract from his grief, he campaigned for ratification of the new constitution, objecting only to its difficult amendment process.

  34. The doctor also proclaimed that only an unsound mind would dump the bodies close to his home when his plan was to distract the police.

  35. Like other species of fairywrens, splendid fairywrens may use a ‘rodent-run’ display to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  36. The consensus among critics is that the album’s production choices distract from otherwise strong songwriting by Strummer & Rhodes.

  37. Like other species of fairywrens, red-winged fairywrens may use a «rodent-run display» to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  38. Both the male and female adult red-backed fairywren may utilise the rodent-run display to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  39. Both the male and female adult white-winged fairywren may utilise a rodent-run display to distract predators from nests with young birds.

  40. The toxin released by this is distasteful and the detached tentacles continue to writhe which may also serve to distract potential predators.

  41. Working together, Kirk and Picard distract Soran long enough for Picard to lock the probe in place; it explodes on the launchpad and kills Soran.

  42. Blaine saw in this an issue that would distract from the Grant administration scandals and let the Republican party regain the high moral ground.

  43. The Wolf and Kirk go undercover to distract Boingo, as Granny sneaks into Boingo’s lair, but they are all soon found out and open conflict ensues.

  44. It is typically used when the frog has been grabbed by a predator and may serve to distract or disorient the attacker so that it releases the frog.

  45. They give a harsh call when trying to distract intruders from the vicinity of the nest or when picked up, often trying to flap or peck the handler.

  46. Meeting with Yamagata Aritomo, he suggested that starting a guerrilla war in Poland would distract Russia and asked for Japan to supply him with weapons.

  47. Pajota suggested that to distract the guards, a United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) airplane should buzz the camp to divert the guards’ eyes to the sky.

  48. He gained a reputation at the club for his comic antics on the field, such as raising his eyebrows at the approaching bowler in an attempt to distract him.

  49. You try to unravel the enigma of the island by exploring the island, but there’s no time pressure to distract you, no arbitrary punishments put in your way».

  50. This attack was a feint, intended to distract the Ottoman commanders from reinforcing their troops opposite an Allied attack at Cape Helles far to the south.

Synonyms for distract

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word distract has the following synonyms: deflect, perturb, unhinge, disquiet, trouble, cark and disorder.

General information about «distract» example sentences

The example sentences for the word distract that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «distract» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «distract».

отвлекать, развлекать, рассеивать, смущать, расстраивать, сбивать с толку


- отвлекать, уводить в сторону; рассеивать

to distract smb.’s attention /mind/ from smth. — отвлечь чьё-л. внимание от чего-л.
you are distracting me — ты мне мешаешь, ты меня отвлекаешь от дела

- раздирать душу; приводить в смятение, растерянность; расстраивать

her mind was distracted by grief — горе оглушило её, она обезумела от горя
to be distracted with pain — обезуметь от боли
I am distracted with doubts — меня мучают /раздирают/ сомнения

Мои примеры


to distract the attention — отвлекать внимание  
to distract the mind — отвлекать мысли  
to distract / divert attention — отвлекать, рассеивать внимание  
distract incoming missile — отклонить атакующую ракету  
divert / distract oneself — рассеиваться  
to distract — растянуть  
distract from — отвлекать от  

Примеры с переводом

I am distracted with doubts.

Меня мучают сомнения.

I was distracted by a loud noise.

Меня отвлёк громкий шум.

Try not to distract the other students.

Постарайтесь не отвлекать других студентов.

The students are easily distracted, especially when they’re tired.

Студенты легко становятся рассеянными, особенно когда они устали.

You sneak into his room while I distract him.

Тихонько проберись к нему в комнату, а я пока его отвлеку.

He was distracted from his studies.

Его отвлекли от исследований /от занятий/.

The local story distracted attention from news of the war overseas.

Местная история отвлекла внимание от новостей о войне за рубежом.

The thief distracted the bystanders.

Вор отвлёк внимание прохожих.

Coverage of the war was used to distract attention from other matters.

Освещение в печати военных действий было использовано для того, чтобы отвлечь внимание от других проблем.

This is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to distract attention from the issues.

Это не более чем ложный манёвр, чтобы отвлечь внимание от этих вопросов.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He had a decoy distract the guard while he jumped over the fence.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

distracted  — рассеянный, обезумевший
distraction  — отвлечение, безумие, дистракция, развлечение, рассеянность, растерянность

Формы слова

1. Try not to distract the other students.

2. She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention.

3. It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth.

4. You distract me. I’ve been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.

5. Don’t distract my attention I’m trying to study!

6. He keeps trying to distract me.

7. Several people talking at once distract a listener.

8. The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.

9. He tried to distract attention from his own illegal activities.

10. Coverage of the war was used to distract attention from other matters.

11. It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.

12. He tried everything to distract me.

13. His saga could distract and entertain, guilt-free, for years.

14. Don’t distract your father while he’s driving.

15. Don’t distract me while I’m driving!

16. Police said the message was a decoy to distract attention from the real danger area.

17. To distract myself, I was playing a little game wherein I tried to determine which apparatus I hated most.

18. Dougal tried to distract himself from what he was doing by treating the wounds as a mental puzzle.

19. But conversely, music may also distract or annoy some workers.

20. Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.

21. There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him.

22. The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.

23. The attack may merely be a ruse by the enemy to distract our forces.

24. Hotel managers refused to install cable TV and other fripperies that would distract clients from gambling.

24. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. But for once in her life, not even her beloved radio could distract her.

26. They could exchange gossip about the parish; anything to distract his mind.

27. The stern overseer would never have allowed her to distract the other children.

28. At least then there would have been the chatter of her neighbours to distract her thoughts.

29. Brisbane High was a mixed school so we had plenty to distract us from our lessons.

30. He found it addictive, stimulating, endlessly absorbing, and he allowed nothing-certainly no personal involvements — to distract him.

The gas stations and refineries that populate iconic locations are staged as architectural avatars of a planet coping with the stresses of peak-oil — even as the buildings» dazzling spectacle and retro-future aesthetic distracts from the dangers of their function.


Modern technology and craftsmanship merge inside the cabin, presented in a way that enables, rather than distracts, the driver.


That is because texting and driving distracts drivers on three different levels:


The massive scale of this film kind of distracts us from the more subtle plotting, obliterating any emotional connection with the thinly written characters.


A child with ADHD is already distracted, but this emotion of fear preoccupies his mind and further distracts him.


A Haena vacation rental distracts you from the stress of everyday life by delivering quality to your doorstep.


Dr. Curry misses (distracts) the main points of the AGW agenda setting again largely because the truth of the situation touches far too close to her own ethos.


This translation to the screen of the Booker Prize-winning novel by Ian McEwan flawlessly captures the complex and powerful play of emotions that propel the story while annotating it with a visual component that amplifies rather than distracts.


The reception of the movement has been complicated by the fact that many of the artists have become part of the canon and as a result their paintings sell at very high prices, which sort of distracts from the work itself.


A receptor senses the bark and reacts to it by releasing a spray of citronella, which both distracts and annoys dogs from barking.


While the power structures scripted political theater of the absurd distracts much of the US population, the roller-coaster ride toward a lifeless planet continues to accelerate with each passing day.


On top of money saved by multiple distracts sharing one superintendent and other administrative staff, Poloncarz pointed to financial incentives offered by the state, including a 40 percent increase in aid for the first five years of consolidation.


You want to be sure that nothing you add on distracts from what you’re already wearing.


Where driver’s ed is mandatory, you are likely to find students who are there because they have to be and not because they want to; their lack of interest and fidgeting distracts those who want to concentrate on the course.


In fact, this dynamic distracts you from the parenting you should be doing.


During the alpha we’ve had to wipe and restart a lot and that kind of distracts from the app making and makes the services less reliable.»


The social pressure on our young distracts from meaningful study, work, and developing worthwhile relationships.


While it’s a good 40 minutes longer than the animation, any additions are well-judged by director Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 and 2), and nothing new distracts from the familiar formula.


The fact that it also wants to go in-depth with any character and their little side story ends up hurting it as distracts from the overall arc that the film is trying to tell, which is Matthew’s and Tina’s search to get their daughter back.


«She hoped I would distract you from that question

Jake urged Kate to distract him, which she did and they continued down the mountain

that Tom rapidly decided that it was best if he did not distract his

She didn’t want to let that distract her from the inquiry she was pursuing either

Of course, there was furniture and boxes to be unpacked, but it didn’t distract from the giant white columns, stretching some thirty feet to the ceiling

I have found that there are three things that distract me from that Sabbath rest of living in the presence of God: sin, selfishness, and fear

When his presence is far from us we must come to that place where we cry out in the streets, “Have you seen my beloved?” We must move every obstacle that keeps us from his presence out of the way till there is nothing to distract us from him

Greed comes as I distract myself with

This wasn’t her favorite music, his either, but it was acceptable to both of them and didn’t distract them too much from each other

Bernadette, trying to distract their thoughts as they

Glenelle screamed about the trouble she was having with her android, but Alfred couldn’t let that distract him now that they had finally found the person they needed

Desa was even more impressed with Luray for trying to distract him

I picked up my mothers’ journal, because I promised Willow I would study it some more and I hoped it would distract me

My reluctance to formally get involved has been simply due to the worry that it would distract from my primary mission here

They probably were using material possessions as a psychological pacifier of sorts to help distract them from the unpleasant reality that they had created for themselves, as well as to aid them in repressing their somber feelings regarding their otherwise bleak emotional and spiritual existence

It’s him again… what is he doing here? Why is following me around? She refused to let it distract her

As you learn to develop one-pointedness, you will find that your negative thoughts have less power to disturb or distract you, and that you can maintain an overall state of calm and happiness

Let’s be honest, we don’t need all that fluff and filler to distract us from the job in hand

transitory to distract you from the greater truth that all

“I have been told that he fought very well,” the Thane said, trying to distract himself

By means of the unproductive class, the cuitivators are delivered from many cares, which would otherwise distract their attention from the cultivation of land

He’d managed to properly distract her from her crying

If you can interfere with its thinking processes you might distract it into not measuring its replies so precisely

Terese disagreed however, always insisting that the bliss of terael could distract her from the forms

To distract him may prove fatal for any one of the travellers

Sliding his back up the wall, Terry stood on shaky legs and listened as hard as he could, holding his breath so as not to distract himself

“I know it is raining out, but surely there is something you can find to do to distract yourself from whatever is eating at you

She turned with a quick movement, putting her back to the cheese, her mind seeking for something to distract Galeron with

A journalist who enjoys a First Amendment right to obtain certain information as it relates to his or her pursuit of a ―storyline‖ should properly consider the sensibilities of the individual being interviewed; that questions raised should be fair and balanced and not intended to either harass, embarrass or otherwise offend that individual and that the highest (professional) standards should be (properly) observed at all times and that that journalist should neither conceal some hidden agenda nor interpose pre-conceived biases that purposely seek to discredit, distract or place that individual in a compromising position and that answers to stated questions should never be taken out of context or pre-determined and that, (most importantly), privacy rights should be observed at all times

Many years ago, I realized that ideas that once seemed to distract me

Let‘s distract the people

They distract people from doing things that might actually make a difference

He was trying to distract me with cheerfulness and irrelevant stuff

action that would distract the crew’s attention away from me

It was unusual for Colling to have anything stronger than beer, but he tipped the whiskey back into his throat, hoping to distract himself from the unpleasant thoughts he was having

Hoping that a quick question would not distract him from his efforts, she asked

But his successes seemed to distract him to where in the end, unlike Joshua, he had experimented with the beliefs of the many wives that he had taken because of his worldly associations

I will try to catch a fish that will distract me and I´ll stop thinking about the vision

I am glad he has found something to distract him from his grief

“I figured if he got annoyed it would distract him and he would let us through

left in the corner of the table and flipped it open; anything to distract her from

Puzzling over this helped distract me only slightly from my devastation at being separated from Carlotta only a year and half after finally finding her

Without television to distract them, without Sierra’s constantly ringing phones and busy schedule, the two of them were able to hold lengthy conversations on everything and nothing, just as they had before Sierra had left England

“Are you still attracted to her?” Why couldn’t she stop her tongue? Was she just trying to distract herself from what lay ahead?

” She grabbed his hand and placed both of hers around it, Harry smiled, it managed to distract him a little

Dropping objects such as staplers, binders and tape may not produce a similar sound, but if done in rapid succession could distract others from the initial event

I sat next to her laughing too “I need you distract me, plus the fact that he’s going with Bianca you’ll probably need to bleach my brain

I guessed he was trying to distract me

Feeling a little irritated I decided to distract myself with work

I admitted that I had a personal interest in being as busy as possible: to distract myself from William

My excuse, however, is that she has started college, and I don’t want to distract her

The act of committing oneself is in itself an expression of freedom; it is doing that which you want to do, and not allowing anyone or anything to distract you from your course

“The cooks held back the scent of their wares, so as to not distract from the ceremony, and now they release all the scent they have stored

Yania looked at him, thinking, We have to distract him, but how?

My father finally relented and told me that if I managed to graduate (unlikely, he thought, because I was married, which he felt would distract me, or even cause me to drop out), he would reimburse me for the tuition I paid

His focus on education did not distract him from his focus on the many business operations he owned

Mark’s constant caresses had failed to distract her from her task

Darlington knew the CBU pellets probably wouldn’t take the gun out but they would totally distract the crew as the bomb�lets floated down crack, cracking towards them, while Jack Ward would zoom down and scrape his napalm off on the gun barrel

“What’s next?” he asked, to distract himself from it

Ralph lunges after, shouting and waving his knife, determined to distract the wolf

Here and now in the loneliness of the night, he used them to distract his thoughts from his own sleeplessness and the dangers to come

I remember how very clear Ed was about Lodge being a place to connect with All That Is—not something to distract us from It

distract me, anything, maybe another book, which would have to

He had to distract

distract their minds from what they were constantly and secretly

Not exactly annoying, it had begun to distract him

was committed to let nothing distract him, or get in his way

Corvus grabbed a stein from a nearby table and threw it at the warrior, trying to maintain his position near to the door but also distract Titus who was now sizing up Henrick like a hungry tiger

Delanichi would distract and misdirect any of the others that would try to stop them

The sociopathic Englishman was certain to cause further problems, and the bizarre Brenneman woman would serve to distract Dimarico now and then

To distract himself, he dug into his mountain of Intel

Always ready to chase after whatever dead-end Raidan threw out to distract them

Charly sighed again, but here he came to distract her

He had known that by handing Marcus the sabre, he would distract the man and gain a measure of advantage from the man’s inability to harness the sword’s magic

Bellack knew it was unlikely that his men could defeat such an ancient Su-Katii, but he only needed them to delay and distract him long enough until the crystal arrived

His thoughts of a dark future haunted him as he fidgeted, moving about, checking screens that didn’t need checking, trying in vain to distract himself

I’d found her a new daddy, but I’d continuously distract her with mention of another fun

The beacon, which she carried by its handle in her other hand, was beginning to feel heavy but she knew she couldn’t let that distract her

We now received mostly fluffy stuff, lightweight hit songs, comedies, anything to distract us from gaining useful information such as the massive surrender of our troops in Aachen

Some children, even at four, have mastered the basics: they were able to read a social situation as one where delay was beneficial, to pry their attention from focusing on the temptation at hand, and to distract themselves while maintaining the necessary perseverance toward their goal — the two marshmallows

He did manage to distract them, which gave me the

” The taste would distract him from what was about to happen

enough to distract Stacy

That guy, the General, he said he was sending something, a ‘playmate,’ to distract you over here

“Apophis wants to distract me

I asked if it was to distract from my bad acting

They try all the cheap restaurants, spend hours at the RSL, play the pokies, bowls, bingo, darts, bridge, watch daytime TV, anything to distract them from experiencing their lives

I»d suggested dressing conventionally and trying to blend in, but Brian, an addict of crime fiction, had assured us that something completely different from normal would distract attention from any unconscious mannerisms that might otherwise give us away

, your college’s logo—as the audience shouldknow where you are from your first slide): They willonly clutter your slides, distract the listener from the main point of the presentation and, in the case of fancy patterns, and possibly even reduce the readability of your text

By this time I was sweating but not enough to distract me from checking

It’s entrapment, probably illegal, and will only distract them

And when this blew up it hardly seemed fair to distract the cops on the basis of what is probably a lie

It was as if they were both trying to distract themselves from the terrible news that had hit them

I just got distracted

» She must have seen Ava looking distracted, «Sorry, I guess I haven’t really changed much in the last couple years

«The native men on the ground could easily have you distracted

But my mind was still distracted

For Ava to be this distracted when these events on the ground were unfolding, events her sister was involved in, meant there was some dire emergency to the system

«You’re distracted,» Jaseem eventually accused him, «You’re not turning into one of those who think we should never enjoy anything aren’t you? Not even here in the reward of Paradis?»

Suddenly, I’m distracted by a voice, wake up!» Immediately, the sensation of Apollo standing over me inundates my senses

He had his grounds completely trapped these days, he was not about to let himself be distracted to the point where any uppity mundane could pseudo-encapsulate him again

Alan distracted her with questions about some floating animal they were passing on the river

 Don’t be distracted about what your mind thinks will

Being distracted like that, it was then that I surprised a mystical pomegranate tree, her bold round fruit already ripening amongst long, glossy leaves and she actually tried to trip me amongst her roots, lying like stiffened serpents around her base

It says much for Berndt’s distracted state of mind that he doesn’t notice; he usually notices my every move – this whole situation with Joris has hit him hard

«You seem distracted,» he said when she refused the jug

«Me thinks you looks more distracted than that

I ended my conversation, as I was distracted by two young boys who said not to fuck with them, as I walked over to them aggressively

It had been a tense day, Thom had given his presentation, and been terribly distracted while he did

He was so distracted by that he couldn’t think of anything better than a little bread-crock of crossed stew and some rolls of fresh lon and braised red-tail

He wondered what those extra cycles were doing, but had to stop getting distracted into that

» He was really distracted by now

Imogene hadn’t been distracted for long

Thom didn’t let himself get distracted by the bruhaha that Ava’s return started, it was almost as bad as her disappearance

He wouldn’t get distracted into that

“It just took a while, I had to get a new appointment with the Adept and he had already been in a coma for days, but lets not get distracted with the presentation I was trapped in

Jorma didn’t want to get distracted into that

were naturally rather distracted by the necessity of protecting the

“You seem quite distracted,” he told her

All the time he chewed himself up over how he allowed himself to be distracted like that, like a bumpkin, by something as simple as a bigger pair of tits

” The fact that she asked pretty much confirmed that it was, he tried to look distracted

He appeared distracted, staring into the

She had been told that he had been distracted for some time

“Oh?” His back was to the cabinets, his table faced out over the view of turrets that Ava was still distracted with

It must have been while she was distracted gazing at the ship’s lanterns coming out on the lake

Instead she got distracted into looking up old cases of people who had been expelled from the Kassikan

distracted and – yes, there was no question about it – even

He was easily distracted from the reading by the wonders of the world portrayed in the book

He just needed to cling; she was distracted by the cabinet in which he’d put his clothes

Maybe it had even told Alan that she had watched them and that was why he was so distracted

Before the Innkeeper could answer they were distracted

they were distracted by a slight movement in the

was too distracted, but Henri had picked up on the use of

While the other stevedores were distracted, Edgar removed the locking cones from where the containers were to be clamped in place

distracted the others from the real cause of our misery –

She didn’t mean to be distracted by this, but instantly she found that she could look at the room around him and just like that, she had come over into his universe

While you are explaining the interpretation of the word, they are still distracted about the revelation and miss the interpretation

were too distracted by life to embrace the call

We are distracted by many things but don’t have what truly

distracted by the entrance of Pippi

» Meanwhile in virtual space Glenelle distracted him by announcing that she had a new location on Alan

Finally all he could say was, «I got distracted

«I thought Alan was a fine lad before he fell under the influence of native narcotics,» the captain said, not caring to be distracted from his belief that the natives had to have a government of some kind somewhere

«It’s important in the sense that we’ve been distracted by this thing far too long

They got distracted by the necessities of the housing office

distracted by links off the page

Liam, Ash, and Willow would attack Asmodeus with their magic, while I distracted him in my panther form

Once we had him sufficiently distracted, I would shift back into my natural form and stab Asmodeus

When a mermaid’s splash distracted him, she plaited hair over the horn

He’d seemed very distracted lately and somewhat nervous around her

Men could so easily become distracted and lose track of time

He was momentarily distracted by the arrival of a large pie, borne aloft by Mrs Pilfer, who evidently feared that the banquet was not extensive enough already

The Leader was about to dispose of all the soldiers when the sound of gunfire distracted him

The ern pulled back his axe in pain, and Barrin was no longer distracted

But something distracted him, a shape moving, floating along the lower end of the pass

Annoyance turning to the inevitable stinging pain, then distracted even from that by the wonder of what was caught in the periphery of his vision

As he sat on the lean-back chair he still didn’t look entirely comfortable, shifting about and distracted by his surroundings

He’d been so distracted he’d walked out the other day without it

Raiya was distracted from her musings by a call from the receptionist

He’s very distracted by the state of the Temples

The Corinthians were distracted from Christ toward

be distracted a moment later by the thoughts of the nature of his command and the important interests confided in him

If this had been a mystery story, the clues and foreshadowing were being laid out like pieces of a puzzle that I was too distracted to see

Before I could hand her back a sick cat in a nearby cage distracted the clerk

Hopefully that would keep his friend distracted enough to avoid falling prey to dark thoughts

‘Who gave the order for me to be here?’ Gerrid realised his anger distracted from the pain; he could tolerate it for now

Ouch! I was so distracted with all of this action that I couldn’t drive the car and it plunged into a ditch

The dogs were distracted momentarily by the sound of the telephone, but when it stopped ringing, they advanced further

‘I’m sorry doctor, if you have been distracted from your work

I know at this moment it – he will distracted by his imminent demise, and will be concentrating on each CPU node for signs of attack

The excitement of the past few weeks—from the drought to the arrival of Rufus Lickspittle to the mysterious kidnapping—had all but distracted him from his main vocation

Seeing Halon momentarily distracted, Aran-dul took the opportunity to leap into Halon’s

Distracted surgeons tore up shirts and requisitioned handkerchiefs, underclothing, anything, in lieu of bandages

The old warthog had seemed distracted the last couple days, but that could be an act

Deserving Cubans were placed in all public offices, schools were reopened, and in a few weeks the filthiest, most distracted corner of Cuba was as clean and orderly as an American city

Bloody years of infighting in which the empire’s copious enemies could strike while the soldiers were distracted choosing sides and fighting each other

Reese’s head swiveled immediately, distracted from the swords, staring at the grey stone

He hated it if I phoned his office as it always distracted his train of thought

Kay did her best for the next hour to keep her sister relaxed and distracted

If Egan came home with me I would be too distracted and knew I would never get it done

Laura slid her sword into her scabbard, pushing the escaped strands of auburn hair from her face with a distracted grimace

While Skelda was distracted with his fantasies, Brock’s anger erupted almost beyond his control, and it was this anger that now directed him

Their indifferent attitude (at times) has given force to indulgently ―tolerant‖ children, on the one hand, who have grown complacent in their (own) self-assuredness and distracted, fumbling parents who, however well-intentioned, don‘t seem to ‖get it‖

dancers distracted” she added and horribly slapped his hand away

Distracted by the noise the lynx took a moment to react before setting off after her

“Yes,” he responded, distracted by three buddies there to see him off

The therapist got distracted, and when he went in 20 minutes later, he was horrified to see that one end of the table had been left tilted up at 45 degrees

She was processing what I had just suggested and suddenly seemed a little distracted

Then, I became distracted thinking about how I could accommodate her in my small rooming house

Long story short, the dumb kid gets distracted, loses his balance and falls into this smelly, polluted, brown sludge

The occasional quick walk around the entire property – twenty-five minutes if I»m not distracted — is the only thing that keeps me sane

trees, shimmering on the water, distracted me from previous

The Snaggle was distracted, Belver made his move

Alan and Nuran started laughing loudly, distracting them

«These questions are sufficiently distracting that you haven’t guessed their true purpose

That and he didn’t like the ‘let it go’ feeling and the way everything was so distracting when he was on it

job without his constant indiscretions distracting us

The distracting warmth of Kortrax and Desa were so pleasant that they kept bringing him back to the here and now

The robe she wore covered enough to be appropriate for business, but it did so in such a way that her proximity was distracting

Her damn fault, always distracting me!

You may find white noise to be distracting at first, but in a short time, you will forget it is there, as it becomes part of your environment

‘No more than pesky mosquitoes – they’ve got under the skin a few times and been a distracting irritation, but what have they really achieved?’

But the pain had become too distracting

She stepped in between them again, distracting Alex to the point that Josh came close to hitting him

Waiting had none of the distracting qualities of plotting an escape or trying to draw information out of Hollowcrest

Saldon’s sword clattered to the floor, distracting the beast for a moment, Manna leapt forward to guard the man as he leapt to retrieve his weapon and Halon knocked and loosed off two arrows into the demon’s neck, forcing him to recoil slightly as the arrowheads pierced his skin

Her survival instincts kicked in and without thinking, she rolled to her left, distracting the beast

Maybe she couldn’t help but to have them press up against me because they were so … distracting and all

“You may find that it’s rather distracting for people when all their windows shatter at once,” he says with a small smile

The whole time I sang my presentation aria, the professor was talking in such a loud voice to his colleagues on either side that I had to force myself to project over his distracting noise

“He’s distracting the fox monster,” said Mana as she locked another door

many emails, letters and memos that have simple but yet distracting errors in them

A wide and somewhat self-satisfied grin was locked upon his countenance, and he kept distracting them from their debate by fondly reminiscing on certain moments in their evening that he found particularly memorable

It is communal healing, and the joy of shared sensation, and many other fine things, but those who become sexually aroused by it will almost certainly withdraw to a less distracting location to explore those feelings further, and be completely open about doing so

The lead guard approached, cautiously peering at Moshe and Yigal, who had moved up as Youssaf worked at distracting the Egyptians

She kept breaking into his thoughts, unbidden, distracting him

For that reason, and because of Marjie’s fibromyalgia, I did not consider it necessary to enter the Great Pyramid, which required standing in line for a very long time and being with hoards of other tourists, which would have been very distracting

Distracting the creature to the far side, the villagers swiftly erected a sturdy frame in the pen, behind which an adolescent would present himself, earning an attempted strike from the beast

Refresh rates that are too low cause annoying flicker that can be distracting to the viewer and can cause fatigue and eye strain

He thought about turning on some music but decided it’d be too distracting

And the last thing Sarah needed was a CO distracting her with needless commentary

My anger is the only thing that is distracting me however slightly from the heartache

Her eyes are like emeralds, distracting the boys from her pouty lips

I closed my mouth trying to find the way of distracting the oldster and her granddaughter, who at any moment might direct their look outward and see the unusual scene

Just as Harriet was getting ready to land another blow to my head, Crystal grabbed her hand, distracting her long enough for me to scoot away

The other children were distracting the spider while the dragon, Clara and Millie used their magic to free their friends

Other than distracting your listenerand breaking his or her concentration, it doesn’t serve any purpose

The rinse had turned out more purple than blue and instead of distracting, had drawn attention to the pinkly blotched scalp beneath

The hand that was on his ass was rather distracting

constraints and distracting imaginations

It minimizes distracting, negative thoughts and relieves stress

Recalling his visage, she turned ecstatic, but soon realizing that her own reflection was distracting her from focusing on him, she moved away from the mirror

As we mentioned earlier, the social life could be distracting you from finance

14 In all his teaching Jesus unfailingly avoided distracting details

He was indeed grateful that the Master had released him from the burdens of leadership before they fell upon these distracting times

completely on Aaliyah, her body the siren distracting me from my previous obsession

 To learn how and why engaging in distracting activities during that

b) it illustrates how powerful doing something that is both distracting and

The crowds got so large and distracting that at the age of fifteen Simian, for the first time, decided to escape them

The round exploded the man’s torso and splatted his friend, distracting him with burns long enough for a Xemingi to pop two rounds from her pistol in his head

Fundamentalists wanted to prevent social outreaches from distracting from their mission of inviting people to have personal relationships with Christ

Up to now, their plan seems to be succeeding in distracting the Japanese gunners away from his torpedo bombers and from the RP-38Ns of Captain Avery

I got better at concentrating and the distractions got more and more … ah … distracting

Ashton arrived with Hope’s chowder, distracting Alex from his

� She also had made the day of a group of off-duty sailors, nearly caused two accidents by distracting male drivers, scandalized a few old ladies and was even called a slut by a fat banker

The two men closed in from behind to grab her, believing that the knife was distracting or sapping her will to fight

Since he had always practiced defensive driving, his ability to do two things at once was not really impaired beyond that under any other distracting circumstances

Star used her brief distracting gesture to process the image of the person, so that when she looked into his face, her response would be appropriate

cope with distracting thoughts and to focus the mind

You will not be able to have a successful relationship with yourself and be aware of your thoughts if you fall into the trap that so many do nowadays of never turning the TV or radio off and so it is always in the background bombarding and distracting your senses

All in all, she reminded him of the holodeck version of Isis he had created to fulfill a particular fantasy, which made her appearance to him a little distracting and unnerving at the same time

It was definitely distracting him from his original goal of shooting at Apollo

She really didn’t like the Hades avatar, because it was too distracting being ‘male

Abandon all distracting thoughts

hopes of distracting Tammas from wherever his thoughts were

Seeing the ice crystal formation caused him to feel irritated by the distracting, blinking, red light

distracting him, but she could tell he had a visceral reaction to the thought of some people he knew

shocking and distracting everyone in the room

those deep brown eyes of hers, distracting the man with the gun

A platter of food floated by, distracting Tammas

It’s easily stopped, so if I’ve got noisy, noise in my mind, and distracting, dominating thoughts, I have to literally aggressively cast them, push them out of the way, otherwise I’m not going to hear from God

He thought the war was solely for empire and kept distracting me the whole lecture

can be handy as it will prevent outside noises from distracting you

Once they had left the house, she engaged her old friend in yet more light-hearted banter, secretly distracting his attention

Allow them to be as they are without trying to push away the sensation or distracting yourself elsewhere

«That you were just convenient and distracting

“Who is the man that has started distracting you lately, that wants to destroy your life?”

Unknown to Jane, her father had started spying on her activities through the eyes of one of his most trusted guards, to find out if any man was distracting her from her potential marriage with Prince James

“I have found out the man that has been distracting your daughter, the princess

It made him even more distracting than if he had appeared and stayed next to her

‘Irritating man, always asking me questions and distracting me

because both her mom and dad were quite adept at changing the subject and distracting her

distracting me and helping me to live better, but I’m afraid that I have had a difficult time

Instead of distracting and diverting their attention elsewhere, she only made the men even more interested in the discussion she and Kathy were having

They are, of course, unable to make anything of such efforts, but their actions are distracting to the handlers and tiresome in terms of resource utilization

The camera’s and lights were distracting, and his attorney

However, what had once been a relaxing and rewarding way to avoid the inevitable was now only a distracting irritation keeping her from Ahndray

Alex was openly watching me, which was very distracting

Should they be seen on the road the bright colours might give any witnesses something distracting to remember them buy

The reporters in his front yard had been distracting

To be over there in the middle of the distracting emptiness of London was like having the sour dust of a neglected market-place blown into one’s face

options open) but this is actually distracting for both you and them

While his shipmates found the hollering and raucous energy of the crowd distracting and healing, he felt that remaining silent in a corner while slowly nursing his drink was a better way to pay homage to the memory of his shipmate

It’s not the comic book name, the computer glitches, or the girl’s story about a wolf distracting Malson that’s really putting him on edge

His first thought was that in showing them how they could keep the silver ball in the air Fusan was teaching them to use it as a means of distracting an opponent, a Drong for instance, while they took advantage of the loss of concentration and launched an attack

He could feel every part of his body, like a nervous tingling spreading over the entire surface of the skin, itching, irritating, distracting

presence of distracting objects in the background

to enhance the information rather than distracting from it

His thoughts brought him pleasure as he ran, they were distracting and took away his sensory awareness, but he wasn’t disciplined enough to realize it

A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past

A balsamic mitigating sea breeze inspires, distracts and incites visitors to marvel once more at the pleasant outline of the city and to examine more closely one of the two majestic statues of the legendary icon Merlion

It is unusual, so unusual it distracts me from the memory of holding a gun to Caleb’s chest

The world distracts us

near the top, it distracts from the headline and the response rate is lower

It could also be that your focus on travel, religion and education distracts you on the financial level

What is also taking place on this same time line is that others are realizing that this is not a true method for determining value and it distracts us all form the true meaning and effort associated with each product

����������� �I�m sorry if this distracts you

Nothing distracts the attention of the workforce quicker than the chance of more pay

It distracts from the intensity of her emotions

This distracts the poor from any intelligent realization of the secret cunning of the rich gangsters: once called chiefs

This distracts you to the point of forgetting to escape

But then concealment by itself distracts the mind from the print and the sound

She’s dressed to kill, weapons concealed: gun strapped to her thigh, knives flush to her skin, a sexy chain of a belt that distracts the male eye as it swings at her hips, a lethal garrote

” It’s the best that I can do, but it distracts her momentarily from… him

“Ana Steele?” A woman with long, black, pre-Raphaelite hair standing by the reception desk distracts me from my introspection

That didn’t necessarily mean meditate, but do something that relaxes and distracts you; let your unconscious mind go to work, making connections from disparate parts of the brain

stays at home; she is always face to face with the grief from which nothing distracts her; she goes down to the depths of the abyss which yawns before her, measures it, and often fills it with her tears

Dad’s lecture distracts me from the doctors while they anesthetize my scalp

I, having spent two centuries in the Blood, should possess a wisdom and restraint that makes such a request unnecessary, but alas, within my heart I feed a human flame that it may never completely go out, and it is the heat of this flame which distracts me now and renders me so powerless in your presence

In reality, though, they are strong verbal communicators— it’s just that they hear every sound coming their way, and sometimes it distracts them

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