A sentence with the word dictation

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word dictation? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

His legal career was cut short, however, when a white secretary refused to take dictation from a man of his colour.
Today I gave my students the sentence dictation part of their spelling test, and then I had them diagram it for their language quiz.
My first day on the job, I walked into the doctor’s office to place some dictation on his desk and spied a photo on his bookshelf.
Within the states, branch members similarly will not accept dictation from local executives or Management Committees.
Gone are the days when we used to take dictation from the boss and get back with a typewritten fair copy.
The scriptor takes dictation and speaks his own interpolations out loud as he goes.
My scribe, Braintree, was in the bed-chamber, quietly awaiting the dictation of this week’s Publisher’s Message.
Next time I do a running dictation I’m going to use Paradise Lost as the text.
When I’m writing, I feel like I’m taking dictation from my characters, but I also know that there’s a lot of me in the story.
On the 4th Defendant’s request the referral letter was dated 12 April, the day of dictation.
Some authorities maintain that they were written by Moses himself at God’s dictation.
It is also possible to create different dictation macros with associated text that can be inserted into a document.
While it’s all good fun, just talking to the computer, particularly if it chooses to do my bidding, dictation is a learned skill.
I felt the dictation software was working well enough to attempt to write the review with it.
He sat in the dictation room off of the pediatric intensive care unit dictating the final procedure note.
Mr Wordsall said that he typed a draft of this letter on 19 December 1998, at Mr Birkett’s dictation, on his computer at Groby Road.
For dictation and voice recording, flash memory meant an end to problems associated with tape media.
Therefore, a simple dictation becomes a time-limiting step, with additional need for corrections.
This raises the suspicion that such work resulted from a process of dictation and transcription.
A humorous example of this arose when I tried a new dictation program for my computer.

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Examples from Classical Literature

He opened his eyes at my nefariously obtained knowledge, and still more when I produced the paper written from his dictation.
I wrote from his dictation as follows, but it does not seem that the object of inquiry is among them.
The guidance of this expert he will follow, and do what he has to do at his dictation.
It was written in a clerkly hand, and was, for the first part, clearly a dictation.
To Bowring we also owe the deontology, which professes to represent Bentham’s dictation.
This is a convenient arrangement in using the phonograph for correspondence or dictation.
When the dictation had ended that day, I mentioned his dramatic gift.
It may have been written at Henry Dunbar’s dictation, and under coercion.
Then I will write out the charm from your dictation, he said.
I will no longer submit to dictation nor control at your hands.
He would stop any time in the midst of dictation to enjoy them.
In the dictation I gave him the Council of Trent happened to occur.
This was in view of the parnellite rebellion against priestly dictation.
After giving these and other commands he returned to his tent, and the dispositions for the battle were written down from his dictation.
The Supreme Council at first demurred, and then desisted from dictation.
I gave her a short dictation, which she took down in longhand.
Perkins makes us do with our dictation exercises, and sent it back to him.
In addition to dictation play-back in DSS, DSS Pro, and Wave format, dictations can be recorded and processed quite simply in DSS and DSS Pro Standard format.

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dictation — перевод на русский


It’s time for dictation.


That practice dictation was at sixty words a minute.

Этот диктант был шестьдесят слов в минуту

You make it sound like I’m giving dictation.

Ты словно диктант диктуешь.

The last one I caught him with was so dumb… she thought dictation was some kind of S and M trip.

Последняя, с которой я его поймала, была такой глупой, она думала, что диктант — это нечто вроде садомазохизма.

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Carlos theJackal, taking dictation?

Карлосом? Печатая под диктовку?

Listen, I gotta tell you, it’s— It’s like I’m just standing by: I’m just taking dictation:

Слушай, я должен тебе сказать, Это походит на то… как будто я нахожусь в постоянной готовности, я просто записываю под диктовку.

I’m taking dictation.

Я пишу под диктовку.

And he’s going to make your horse take dictation.

И он заставит ваших лошадей написать это под диктовку.

He took down dictation when creation was being formed.

Он описывал под диктовку сотворение мира.

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Can you take dictation?

А писать под диктовку?

But, pray, Ernest, I delight in taking down from dictation.

Но прошу вас, Эрнест, я очень люблю писать под диктовку.

But can you find somebody to take his dictation?

Но… сможете ли вы найти такого человека, который смог бы писать под диктовку?

You seem to have gotten the hang of that dictation.

А ты быстро учишься писать под диктовку.

We got the question in advance. You will just Sit in front of the proctor and take my dictation

мы получили его заранее тебе нужно только сидеть перед испектором и писать под диктовку через блютус.

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Take my dictation.

Я диктую, ты записываешь.

I make many mistakes during dictation.

Я делаю так много ошибок, когда диктую.

As if he were just taking dictation.

…как будто ему просто диктовали.

I’m not one of those available Annies who sits on your lap while you give dictation.

Я не одна из твоих девочек, которые сидят у тебя на коленках, пока ты им что-то диктуешь.

Sounded more to me like she was taking dictation.

Больше похоже на то, что она диктовала.

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Typically, this dictation, and then talk to Czech.

Как правило, это диктант, а потом беседа на чешском языке.

Everyone can try their hand at writing a dictation in…

Любой желающий сможет написать диктант в…

Obviously, voice dictation will work best in a quiet room and very poorly on a noisy street.

Очевидно, что голосовая диктовка будет работать лучше всего в тихой комнате и очень плохо на шумной улице.

Parameter must be of the form grammar:dictation#topic.

Параметр должен иметь формат грамматика:диктовка раздел.

Okay, I was minding my own business, doing dictation.

Так, я анализировал свою работу, записывал на диктофон.

Regardless of what was signed under Moscow’s dictation.

Вне зависимости от того, что было подписано под московскую диктовку.

If not, please re-visit Kuan Yin’s dictation from yesterday.

Если нет, то, пожалуйста, обратитесь вновь ко вчерашней диктовке Гуань Инь.

They also consider that this device is possible for dictation or instructions not only as voice phone.

Они также считают, что это устройство можно для диктовки или указаний, не только как голосовой телефон.

But world politics is now unfolding under his dictation.

Но мировая политика сейчас разворачивается под его диктовку.

However, they still require slow, very punctual dictation — otherwise words become jumbled or erroneous.

Однако они по-прежнему требуют медленной, очень пунктуальной диктовки — иначе слова становятся путаными или ошибочными.

He was acting more as a secretary taking dictation.

Он действовал больше как секретарь, принимающий диктовку.

Participants were asked to complete ten tasks for the dictation text.

Участникам предлагалось к выполнению десять заданий по тексту диктанта.

Not necessarily in the form of a spoken dictation like you hear now.

Не обязательно в виде диктовки как вы слышите сейчас.

Yet I have never felt depleted of energy after taking a dictation.

Но я никогда не чувствовал себя опустошённым энергетически после принятия диктовки.

This has traditionally been called «a dictation» or a message.

Традиционно это называет «диктовкой» или посланием.

In most cases, I have no conscious awareness of what a master will say during a dictation.

В большинстве случаев я не имею сознательного представления о том, что владыка скажет в течение диктовки.

Preferably, write about the entire experience, like a dictation.

Желательно, писать про весь опыт, как диктант.

Thus indeed, my purpose is fulfilled and without any further fanfare, I seal this release and this dictation.

Итак, воистину, моя цель достигнута, и без какой-либо дальнейшей помпезности я опечатываю это высвобождение и эту диктовку.

A dictation always has a message that can be grasped by the linear, intellectual mind.

Диктовка всегда несет послание, которое может быть усвоено линейным, интеллектуальным умом.

Why are they not listening to me giving this dictation?

Но почему они не слушают меня, когда я даю эту диктовку?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dictation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dictation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dictation».

Dictation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dictation in a sentence.

  1. The dying man tells Anna to take dictation from the prince, and instructs the boy to give orders as if he were King.

  2. For five years, from 1928, he worked with Delius, taking down his new compositions from dictation, and helping him revise earlier works.

  3. This does not, says Fenby, indicate that the dictation process was calm and leisurely; the mood was usually frenzied and nerve-wracking.

  4. She provided him a cabin for his own use as well as helped him with his writing through organization, dictation, editing and encouragement.

  5. The English-Tahitian landowner Alexander Salmon took down Ure’s dictation, which he later translated into English, for the following tablets:.

  6. Ganesha’s association with mental agility and learning is one reason he is shown as scribe for Vyāsa’s dictation of the Mahabharata in this interpolation.

  7. This requirement was a reflection of the League’s belief in the sovereignty of its component nations; the League sought a solution by consent, not by dictation.

  8. However, the foundation document stipulated that every boy had to be able read, write from dictation and perform sums in the «first four simple rules of Arithmetic, with the multiplication table».

Synonyms for dictation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dictation has the following synonyms: command, bid, bidding and .

General information about «dictation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dictation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dictation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dictation».

1. The new secretary takes dictation very well.

2. We had a dictation today.

3. There were no secretaries available to take dictation .

4. The teacher gave us a French dictation.

5. We did a French dictation in class.

6. She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.

7. I wrote some letters at his dictation.

8. We have a dictation every English class.

9. Her secretary is very good at taking dictation.

10. The teacher gave them a dictation.

11. We had some very difficult words in our dictation.

12. Our French dictation lasted half an hour.

13. I find it difficult to write letters from dictation.

14. We’ll have dictation today.

15. As a secretary, I often have to take dictation.

16. Mere dictation to a typist in the normal course of business is not evidence of excessive publication.

17. Picture dictation and giving routes from maps are well-known examples of such activities.

18. The basic programs also offer games, dictation exercises and drills.

19. And although many people claim that dictation is best suited for Perry Mason reruns, dictation does have some benefits.

20. The upper-intermediate level features passages for dictation and reading aloud, modelled on the cassettes.

21. No time to waste: a 1920s typist takes dictation as the train speeds to the next business meeting.

22. Grammar, reading, dictation, and conversation. l want to learn a minimum of twenty-five words a day.

22. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom.

24. Texts will be supplied in the normal format for dictation by dictators appointed by the Local Examinations Secretary.

25. The popular image of a secretary is one who types and takes dictation.

26. And there were no assistants or secretaries to take dictation or run off copies for me.

27. My last boss used to fumble under my skirt when I took dictation.

28. The layout and print is easy on the eye and the revision passages for dictation becomes increasingly difficult as the book progresses.

29. Finally, you can present the text orally as a partial dictation, with students filling in missing words as they listen.

30. The examination will consist of 6 assignments — 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.

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