A sentence with the word coherent

Everything’s just plonked down any old how, without any coherent alphabetical system to guide you round.
The Busytown tapes fail to establish a conceptually coherent paradigm, however, and that bothers me.
Twenty milliseconds is a natural limit for the coherent integration period.
I like to think that I am still creative, that I can still form coherent thoughts and put them into words.
He gave coherent answers to questions and his demeanour appeared to be normal.
Taken collectively, such episodes destabilize the notion of a coherent, stable self while detaching the mind’s moorings in the individual body.
In the absence of coherent arguments, the discussion quickly descended into backbiting and spats.
I’m all for experiment and economy, but a less ambitious reading might be more coherent.
There are three questions that must be asked if we are to develop a coherent legal structure that allows a market in lawsuits.
The speaker’s words mirror that disorder, the inability to sustain coherent thought, dwindling to glossolalia.
The flow was largely laminar, and the streamlines remained remarkably coherent and showed little deviation during the course of the experiment.
Such views, however, stemmed more from Mitchel’s hatred of capitalism and landlordism than from any coherent socialist ideology.
But where the document has been drafted as a coherent whole, repugnancy is extremely unlikely to occur.
Any theory put forward needed to be, or at least to claim to be, internally coherent and consistent in these respects.
The rationale for this schizoid behavior is that it’s necessary for promoting a coherent media image.
I found them both coherent, lively and strange, though not without a touch of that mannered tricksiness you so often find in physical theatre.
There is, as a consequence, some repetition and little sense that the eleven articles constitute a coherent whole.
Were they really all too jacked up on hormones to make their brain function enough to form coherent speech?
The difficulty is to ensure that the resulting position is coherent with both our physical constitution and the closure of physics.
The general impression was of a scrappy and superficial campaign, facing a coherent and single-minded Government.

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Adequate flexibility is vital for coherent, stringent and appropriately-structured reporting.

Адекватная гибкость имеет жизненно важное значение для согласованной, строгой и надлежащим образом структурированной отчетности.

This requires long-term planning, well-defined priorities and coherent policies, effective implementation and capacity-building.

Для этого требуются долгосрочное планирование, наличие четко определенных приоритетов и согласованной политики, эффективное осуществление и укрепление потенциала.

Effective dialogue could promote a coherent policy framework.

Эффективный диалог может внести вклад в формирование основ последовательной политики.

Increased demand for peacekeeping operations required clear, coherent policies for effective work.

Увеличение потребностей в операциях по поддержанию мира обусловливает необходимость в четкой и последовательной политике, позволяющей проводить эффективную работу.

From long-lasting coherent breathing, participants develop altered states of consciousness.

Длительное связное дыхание приводит участников к тому, что возникают измененные состояния сознания.

Knowhow resides in coherent teams, not individuals.

Ноу-хау заключается в связных командах, а не в отдельных личностях.

Truth is not simply what is coherent or understandable.

Истина — это не просто то, что является последовательным или понятным.

An industrialized country’s commitment to development cooperation required a coherent arms export policy.

Когда промышленно развитая страна привержена сотрудничеству в целях развития, она должна проводить последовательную политику в области экспорта вооружений.

This is achievable only if we choose coherent and well-coordinated environmental, economic and social policies.

Оно станет достижимым только в том случае, если мы изберем последовательную, хорошо скоординированную экологическую, экономическую и социальную политику.

Infrastructure networks should be coherent and interoperable, as well as financially and environmentally sustainable.

Инфраструктурные сети, которые будут построены, должны быть согласованными, функционально совместимыми, а также финансово и экологически устойчивыми.

A coherent and well-targeted information dissemination strategy throughout emergency and recovery operations would also help.

Полезно было бы также разработать последовательную и продуманную стратегию распространения информации в рамках операций по оказанию чрезвычайной помощи и восстановлению.

Everywhere we looked we saw this strangely coherent co-ordinated motion of dwarf galaxies.

Везде, где мы смотрели, мы видели это странное, согласованное и последовательное движение карликовых галактик.

Many countries still did not have coherent consumer and competition legislation.

Во многих странах все еще нет согласованного законодательства по защите интересов потребителей и поощрению конкуренции.

Efforts to address these challenges are not coherent.

Усилия, предпринимаемые с целью решения этих проблем, не являются последовательными.

These elements can be used individually or together as part of a coherent communications framework.

Эти элементы можно использовать как в отдельности, так и в совокупности в рамках последовательной работы в области коммуникации.

Collective, coherent and resolute action through international cooperation is therefore imperative.

Поэтому крайне необходимыми являются коллективные, согласованные и решительные действия, осуществляемые на основе международного сотрудничества.

A coherent capital replacement programme is therefore required.

В связи с этим требуется согласованная программа капитальной замены генераторов.

Results-based management provides a coherent framework for strategic planning by improving learning and accountability.

Управление, ориентированное на конкретные результаты, обеспечивает последовательную основу для стратегического планирования за счет подготовки кадров и подотчетности.

Operational level focus has addressed cross-cutting mission-specific issues that require timely and coherent decision-making.

На оперативном уровне в центре внимания стоят сквозные, относящиеся конкретно к миссиям вопросы, требующие своевременного и согласованного принятия решений.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат coherent

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: consistent, logical, lucid, ordered, orderly, tenacious. Similar words: coherence, inherent, adherent, inherently, different, irreverent, belligerent, indifferent. Meaning: [-ɪərənt]  adj. 1. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 2. capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner 3. sticking together. 

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1. He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.

2. The Government lacks a coherent economic policy.

3. He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.

4. They were never a coherent group.

5. Their views coalesced to form a coherent policy.

6. He’s not very coherent on the telephone.

7. The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole.

8. The President’s policy is perfectly coherent.

9. You’re not being very coherent.

10. The film lacks a coherent story.

11. He sounded coherent, but he was too ill to have any idea what he was saying.

12. Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.

13. She only became coherent again two hours after the attack.

14. A coherent strategy for getting more people back to work needs to be developed.

15. The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.

16. No coherent policy on radioactive waste disposal.

17. This makes the music less coherent, even enigmatic.

18. A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

19. Her mind devoid of any coherent thought, Hilary panicked.

20. But no coherent pattern has emerged.

21. Real skins are much less coherent than the stereotype.

22. The party’s policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.

23. The three years of the course are planned as a coherent whole.

24. He’s so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent.

25. He was so upset that he was incapable of coherent thought.

26. He tried to fit the pieces of evidence together to make a coherent whole.

27. Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.

27. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. He marvelled that a man in such intense pain could be so coherent.

29. The view of party leader coalesce to form a coherent policy.

30. She was struggling to organize her ideas into a coherent whole.

More similar words: coherence, inherent, adherent, inherently, different, irreverent, belligerent, indifferent, differentiate, deference, reference, preference, conference, difference, irreverence, serendipity, rent, parent, make a difference, rental, apparent, current, parental, parenting, apparently, parentheses, currently, recurrent, grandparent, entrepreneur. 

последовательный, связный, понятный, ясный, сцепленный, разборчивый


- связанный, сцепленный

coherent rocks — геол. сцементированные, крепкие породы
coherent smallpox — мед. сливная оспа

- логически последовательный, связный

coherent thought — последовательная /связная/ мысль
his arguments are coherent — его доводы логичны
coherent reasoning — логически последовательное доказательство /обоснование/

- понятный, ясно произносимый
- разборчивый
- спец. когерентный

Мои примеры


a filmmaker whose technical bravura overpasses his ability to tell a coherent story — кинорежиссёр, блестящее техническое мастерство которого превосходит его же умение рассказать связную историю  
a coherent argument — логически последовательный довод  
a coherent plan for action — согласованный план действий  
a coherent passage — понятный отрывок  
coherent light — когерентный свет  
coherent bundle — когерентный пучок  
coherent channel — когерентный канал  
coherent group — когерентная группа  
coherent ideal — когерентный идеал  
coherent integration — когерентное интегрирование  
coherent argument — последовательный довод; логичный довод  

Примеры с переводом

She could not think coherently.

Мысли у неё путались.

His book lacks any coherent structure.

Его книга лишена какой-либо связной структуры.

They were never a coherent group.

Они никогда не были единой группой.

They are able to function as a coherent group.

Они способны действовать в качестве единой группы.

He proposed the most coherent plan to improve the schools.

Он предложил наиболее последовательный план улучшения школ.

She was more coherent than she had been just after the accident.

Она выражалась яснее, чем сразу же после аварии.

He is without a political agenda as he is without a coherent moral sensibility.

У него нет ни политической программы, ни вразумительных нравственных ценностей.

The three years of the course are planned as a coherent whole.

Трёхлетний курс планируется как единое целое.

The chemists schematized the various reactions in a coherent fashion.

Химики последовательно схематизировали различные реакции.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He sounded coherent, but he was too ill to have any idea what he was saying.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

incoherent  — бессвязный, несвязный, непоследовательный, бестолковый, несцементированный
coherently  — последовательно, связно

Who said you have to get out there to have fun and adventure? If you are a grammar enthusiast who enjoys staying indoors, you can still have fun by learning different words in English, like the definition, meaning, and usage of «coherent.» This is not just fun; it is an excellent way to improve your language and vocabulary.

«Coherent» is an adjective that means «logical or aesthetically ordered.» You can use this word when talking about something carefully considered, and each part follows naturally or reasonably. This can apply when describing a set of ideas, plans, or arguments.

It is hard to comprehend the word from the definition above fully. Luckily, this article will discuss everything about the word «coherent.» By the time you finish reading it, you will have enough details to understand the word better. Here we go!

coherent word piece

What Is the Definition of Coherent?

«Coherent» as an adjective means «having clarity or intelligence» or «understandable.» So, you can say someone is «coherent» if you understand what they say. 

Use the word coherent to mean someone who expresses their thoughts clearly and calmly. «Coherent» people make it easy for others to understand what they are saying. If a passage you have read is coherent, you can easily read from one sentence to the next or from one paragraph to another.

Example sentences:

  • At first, she was not clear about the plan, but when she calmed down, she was more coherent.
  • Most students did well in their physical class because their teacher was coherent.
  • It was easy to write a report on the essay that we read since it was coherent.

What Is the Meaning of Coherent?

Coherent means «having the quality of holding things together» or «cohering,» especially coordinated or cohesive. If a plan is cohesive, it is detailed and precise so that you can use it to achieve your goal.

A plan can only be «coherent» if it explains the finer details, tactics, or operations. In addition, everything in the plan needs to be coordinated and complementary.

Example sentences:

  • Mary came up with a coherent plan of action on how they will deal with the intruders.
  • Most kids struggle when they start school because they have to learn new words, make conversations, and sound coherent.
  • We need to develop a coherent strategy on how we will support the people who need help in our community.

Synonyms And Antonyms Of Coherent

Improve your vocabulary by learning the various synonyms and antonyms of words. Some words that have near meaning or the opposite of «coherent» include:


  • Sensible
  • Analytical
  • Clearly
  • Positivity
  • Reasonable
  • Consequential
  • Well-grounded
  • Valid
  • Sound
  • Good


  • Illogical
  • Confused
  • Obscure
  • Unreasonable
  • Inconsequent
  • Weak
  • Invalid
  • Illegitimate
  • Disorderly
  • Unmethodical

Words That Rhyme With Coherent

Here is a look at words that rhyme with «coherent.» Learning these words can come in handy, especially when looking for rhyming words for your lyrics and poems.

  • Inherited
  • Adherent
  • Different
  • Sufficient
  • Efficient
  • Nearest
  • Deficient
  • Intermittent
  • Inefficient
  • Spirit

How to Use Coherent In a Sentence?

Note that numerous distinct features help create a sense of coherence. That is why you need to be cautious when using the words in your sentences. For example, replace the word well-planned, clear, sensible, or reasoned with «coherent» when constructing your sentence.

Is Coherent A Negative Word?

Some words are positive, and others are negative, and knowing where a word lies can help you construct words correctly with it. It is vital to take your time to learn the nature of the word. Coherent is mostly positive, although, in a few instances, it can also be negative.

Saying someone is too coherent to accept change means that this person has a certain way of doing things. However, the methods of doing things might not be right, and in that instance, «coherent» might seem negative.

What is the Meaning of Coherent Light and Identity?

«Coherent lighting position» is a fixed relationship between the phase or waves of radiation of a single frequency. For example, for two lights to be coherent, the difference between their waves needs to be constant. Coherent organization is where an organization has a dominant social identity without a subgroup of social identities.

Words From The Word Coherent

Coherently: (adverb) «done in a way that is easy to understand.»

  • Though the guest was shy, he gathered his strength and spoke coherently.
  • The students disappointed the guests with the not-so-coherently presented performance.
  • The flavors in the food fold together coherently, making the dish a masterpiece.

10 Examples of Coherent in a Sentence

Did you know that you can better understand the meaning of a word by reading various sentence examples? Below are ten sentences with the word «coherent» to help you.

  1. The editors were congratulated for bringing the piece together and making it coherent.
  2. After hearing the argument by both parties, the one clear thing was that a coherent structure would not be possible.
  3. Valuing scientific value over the scientific units is not coherent.
  4. Everything was fast produced within a coherent framework.
  5. When I get coherent data on how it works, I will present it to my boss.
  6. The remarks made by the members who attended the board meeting were not coherent.
  7. To have such a large business with no coherent government system seemed careless.
  8. It was vital to create a coherent modeling structure on how the building will function.
  9. The president’s last speech was coherent and moving; everyone who heard it liked it.
  10. I like the site for its coherent approach to language and learning.

How Do You Spell Coherent?

The correct spelling of the English word «coherent» is «C.O.H.E.R.E.N.T.» The IPA phonetic spelling of the word is «[k_əʊ_h_ˈiə_ɹ_ə_n_t}.»

Misspellings are common in this era because people do not take the time to understand the correct way to write a word. So, take the time to learn the correct way to write a word.

reading book man

How Do You Pronounce Coherent?

If you use American English, the best way to pronounce the word is «know·heeuh·ruhnt.»

Some English words have different pronunciations depending on where you originate from. An example is the word «coherent,» which has different pronunciations. Ensure you compare the pronunciation of American English with that of British and Canadian. It does not matter the type of English you speak; ensure that you use it properly.

How Many Syllables Are In Coherent?

The word «coherent» has 3 syllables: «co.her.ent.» 

Note that the stressed syllable of the word is «her.» The stressed syllable is where you put effort when pronouncing a word.

History & Etymology of Coherent

The word «coherent» is from the Latin word «cohaerentem,» meaning «together, adhere, or stick.» In the 16th century, the French borrowed the word from Latin and used it as «cohérent» and retained the meaning of sticking together.

The English Language then borrowed the word from French and used it as «coherent» to mean harmonious.» But from the 1570s, the word was redefined as sticking together or being connected. When first introduced to the English language, the meaning of the word «coherent» was «having the quality of holding things together.»

When Was Coherent First Used?

Records show that the first use of «coherent» was in 1557. 


It is possible to use the word «coherent» correctly in a sentence from the information above. Keep writing good sentences with the word and sharing. When constructing your sentences with the word «coherent,» ensure that they make sense and demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of the word. If you are the creative type, make sure you have fun with this word.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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