A sentence with the word childish

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word childish? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

His character is appropriately cold and callous part of the time, but also sappily emotional and childish part of the time.
A radical change of attitudes to ageing finds many of us determined to cling to childish things for as long as we jolly well like.
That childish hope that the world is a good place, I retain, and I think that is childlike.
I have a kind of childish way about me, I suppose, and that helps the film.
When choosing a young tree, however, be sure to put a tactful check on childish enthusiasm.
There was a certain puerile joy in her, a childish excitement shone in her eyes.
It’s not often that a circus like this comes to town, exceeding any childish expectations.
Even at 35 you still get that same sense of childish excitement when you notice that it has been snowing overnight.
This whole project sounds like the most puerile, childish and willfully obnoxious cinematic venture in years.
It is only to the bystander that the participants just look stupid and childish.
He immediately snapped out of his reverie, feeling quite stupid and childish.
If this all sounds a bit silly, over-the-top, or childish, none of it seemed out of place.
To do otherwise would be as childish and immature as my behaviour in the first place.
When we see our politicians acting in such a puerile and childish manner is it any wonder the country is awash with apathy and cynicism?
I also banned her IP, because if she’s going to be childish, she can do it someplace else.
He told me a story of his childhood and I laughed drunkenly at its childish stupidity.
Thirdly, there is no need to engage in childish name calling or immature ranting.
She took a deep breath and mentally berated herself for being so silly and childish.
John said he thought it was childish and silly, and that they had to be taken seriously now.
These issues to me are far more important than childish name calling and are really what we should be spending our time reforming.

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Examples from Classical Literature

She saw the childish fingers unlace the helmet, unbind the gorget, unbelt the sword, and lay aside the armor.
He is evidently childish, and breaks now and then into an anile laugh at the thought, no doubt, of some dead old pot-house jest.
We surmised that he found encouragement in this house, and had beforetime listened to thy childish and unreasoning folly.
But a ridiculous and childish fable of the belly and the rest of the members.
But here she was, chaffing the colonel and chattering childish jargon to Anne.
On a chaise longue in this ivory and rose sanctum, reposed a big, beautiful doll, preserved from childish days.
I have often heard Pericles speak of his childish obstinacy and perseverance.
A girl of Frederica’s age must be childish indeed, if such things do not strike her.
But just then my childish pride was grievously piqued by Philip’s criticism.
The coprolagnia here, however, had its source in a childish impression of admiration for the nates.
It is not strange when we consider his adherence all his life to so childish a technical programme as divisionism.
It all came of the dress coat, and of his childish vanity in his white wristbands.
As a matter of fact, in their family every ebullition of feeling was regarded as childish.
At least the possibilities of stun-guns were envisioned in their childish games.
It is childish to go in search of the geographic location of this homeland.
We sat looking out of the black windows of the omnibus with much of that childish delight which a shadowgraph theatre gives.
She is only twenty, very clever at any headwork, but curiously childish about anything real.
I was to make a parable of my childish experience with the Skye terrier, assuming that life was organised to do me good.
They will have smiled at his childish tempers, applauded his snakelike cunning, and laughed outright at his heathen superstitions.
She chattered with the childish artlessness that at times veiled her sophistication.

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childish — перевод на русский


The whole thing is perfectly childish.

Какие-то детские глупости.

It’s just some childish thing, I suppose.

Это всего лишь детские дела, я полагаю.

Oh, Mary, of all the impossible, childish fiddle-faddle.

— Это всего лишь детские выдумки.

And you have not put away childish things.

И никак не выбросите из головы детские мысли.

Childish fancies.

Детские капризы.

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=It’s just so childish.= =I give him this weird look to stop but he doesn’t understand.=

=Это так по-детски.= но он не понимает.=

And just as childish as you were before when you called me a liar.

И как же по-детски это звучало, называя меняя лжецом.

Now you’re being very childish.

Вы ведете себя по-детски.

Don’t be childish:

Но, Лиззи! Не рассуждай так по-детски!

I’m not being childish!

— Это вовсе не по-детски!

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Don’t be childish.

Не будь ребёнком.

It must seem so childish.

Я, наверное, кажусь вам ребенком.

Tony, please, let’s not be childish about this.

Тони, брось. Не будь таким ребенком.

Don’t be childish!

Не будьте ребенком!

Don’t be childish!

Не будь ребенком!

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But that’s childish, unworthy of you.

Это ребячество, недостойное тебя.

Isn’t that a little childish for a detective lieutenant?

Разве это не ребячество для детектива лейтенанта?

Well it tis. It’s childish and a bore.

— Это ребячество и скука.

It’s so childish, and it never solves anything.

Это такое ребячество, и так никогда ничего не добьешься.

But it is time now to put away childish things… and take on adult responsibilities.

Но пришло время отбросить ребячество и принять ответственность взрослого человека.

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You are irresponsible, self-centered, completely childish.

Потому что ты безответственный, эгоистичный, …абсолютно инфантильный.

You are irresponsible, completely childish…

Потому что ты безответственный, абсолютно инфантильный.

Why are you being so childish?

Почему ты такой инфантильный?

Well, I am the most childish person in Asia.

Ну, я самый инфантильный человек в Азии.

Who do you think is the most childish one among them all.

Кто из них самый инфантильный?

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It isn’t just a childish fancy.

Это не просто ребяческие причуды.

It’s time to leave childish pursuits behind.

Пора оставить позади ребяческие погони.

Now I’m not going to because my attitude is so dark and shady and childish.

Больше не собираюсь, потому что мои манеры такие темные, холодные и ребяческие.

— I didn’t say childish.

Я не говорила ребяческие.

Don’t trust their childish innocence.

Никогда нельзя доверять их ребяческой невинности.

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-That’s childish.

— Это глупо.

It’s childish and offensive.

Это — глупо и оскорбительно.

One: the assumption I would believe you’d rather destroy the city, than let it fall to us, is childish.

Во-первых, что я поверю, будто вы предпочтете уничтожить город, но не отдать его нам — просто глупо.

I suppose it would be childish of me to hope they don’t find anything.

Глупо надеяться, что там ничего не найдут, да?

It’s childish.

Это глупо.

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How childish are you gonna get before you stop it?

Как долго еще ты будешь ребячиться.

I don’t wanna be childish. I’d settle for a few years.

Я не хочу ребячиться, я решила повзрослеть.

Come, an end to this childish nonsense!

Перестаньте ребячиться.

They can be so childish sometimes.

Они иногда могут ребячиться.

I’m not that childish

Я не стала бы так ребячиться.

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That was childish, man.

Это несерьёзно.

Mother, you’re being childish.

— Мама, это несерьезно!

Very childish.

Совсем несерьезно.

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— This is childish.

Детский сад!

This petty feud between us is simply childish.

Эта глупая вражда между нами – просто детский сад!

Doesn’t anyone else feel a bit childish?

— Вам не кажется, что это детский сад?

— Okay, I don’t know, but it sounds kind of childish.

Ну, я даже не знаю, прямо какой-то детский сад.

It’s childish.

Детский сад.

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«Child of Light» is a game about childhood, but it is not childish.


Okay, it sounds pretty childish, but I loved that room.


The phrase «childish limited 2000 year old concept» was just a general phrase to describe the way many atheists use «the man in the clouds» and other ancient mytholgical parable like tales, to refute the non-existence of a God, rather than refuting the continuing effort to understand the Ultimate reality of the Universe that most devloped mystics of all religions strive for (the Truth).


Do you think a grown up would be insecure enough to worry about seemingly childish content in a game?


Stop allowing the blowhard down the hall to substitute his childish behavior for sound business practices.


Here as elsewhere in the novel, Chabon reminds you that people thought of comic books as the disreputable trade of men with arrested talents and crude taste, who profited off childish minds at a dime a throw.


Guys just stop this stupid annoying childish idiocy….


With uninspiring but still spirited performances from the cast of mostly TV players (as well as pop star Rihanna, who should stick to her strengths), it is clichéd and childish, yet delivers the desired spectacle.


Above example could be really childish and improbable scenario but just a random scenario to learn about growth vs dividend options.


He’s childish in multiple ways, including — and most especially — by way of his other defining trait: He draws.


Michael Clarke Duncan is an absolute comedic genius, and brings a playful and somewhat childish menace to Cleon Salmon and his nuanced naivety.


I describe my self as childish when I am with my friends, when it am with some one new I tend to be serious.


Finally, some fighting talk coming out of West Ham instead of just childish bickering.


I don’t think so (heck, I run one of the most childish sites on this cozy community known as the internet), and neither do the characters in this movie.


There is a scene between Wallace and Ally where we learn the backstory of his podcast and change of character since «becoming famous» (some of which is eerily similar to Smith’s own career trajection) that is marred by Smith’s inability to not add in childish humour about Wallace ejaculating on Ally because she won’t let him climax.


He defaces the collaged items by painting a tan square over most of the group portrait and adding a series of gestural marks — some elongated or scribbled like childish finger painting, others smeared horizontally with an overloaded brush — and allows the excess paint to drip downward like the trace of uncontrollable passion, an expressive device that he shares with Norman Bluhm.


Once again, though, we must ask ourselves how we know when our visions are simply projections of childish wishing, rather than images more truly revelatory of mystery.


The play on the met office reply is a poor one, little more than petty point scoring, these little exchanges are no more than worthless comentary, I doubt the MSM will pick it up because it is childish and not particularly digestible to the public at large.


The issue with iPad and ePub is that, for reasons of their own (either a desire to control the market, or another aspect of their childish spat with Adobe), Apple’s version of ePub is not quite the same as everyone else.


I don’t have time for that kind of childish behaviour.


It is churlish and childish of many on this site to attempt to undermine and ridicule the current Labour front bench.


But what began as a childish dream will become an all-too-real nightmare when the Titans return and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction… This free sampler features the first chapter of Attack on Titan!


If Gove is pacing the ramparts in search of narcissism and emptiness, he need look no further than his own childish, prejudiced ejaculations, unfettered by reasoned argument or any hint of real engagement in the matter before him.


One, the rather childish assumption that increasing temperature will result in more atmospheric water vapor concentration and increased greenhouse effect.


Many parents often express disappointment in what they perceive as their children’s overly childish behavior.


Traditional fighters tend to have more adult aesthetics, and Nintendo has a reputation for being childish among hardcore gamers.


Steve, I see your silly, childish naming or Rasmus Benestad as «Mr I.I.D.» and I just think «jese, this man’s really a grandfather???».


Apart from LG’s dodgy custom ROM, the only bad thing is the childish design with those overly rounded corners.


Dat’s parents initially dismissed what he was doing as a childish, impetuous act and requested he focus on his studies.


For instance, this book influenced how I discipline my tinies, as well as my committment to draw closer to the tinies when I want most to pull away in response to their childish behaviour.


Perhaps it is childish that men care so much what their friends think, but the truth is, if you sing «Snuggle Wumps, can you come here?»


Why on earth would someone want to wilfully be in an altered state of mind, to be impaired, to be out-of-control, to be in a state of irresponsibility, whereby as Freud described it, the super ego has left the room and the inward-looking childish ego is all that remains?


I think what usually happens to these people when they are confronted with a convincing truth that challenges their present way of thinking is that they revert to a childish coping mechanism of regressing into a more secure but less mature belief system.


Now, Akira Toriyama’s art style is cartoonish, and in Japan that doesn’t alienate anyone; it’s not seen as childish.


They even get to tag the author’s books — all of them, including books the reviewer has never read — on shelves with ugly, childish names that suggest that the author is a misbehaving crybaby who hates free speech and deserves to have felonies committed against him.


I think that Americans are eager for a serious American energy policy that could both erode the economics of this pipeline and marginalize the «drill baby drill» crowd as childish and irresponsible.


The only thing that Mourhino gave Chelsea this season is boring football and a return to the days of the club being universally despised by neutrals due to his many childish statements and generally uncouth behaviour.


Everyone’s childish, art is either conceptual or video-projected, everyone’s drunk, there are way too many MFAs, and the market corrupts.


Aside from demonstrating you have no argument but would rather waste your time with childish insults, what is your point?


I had to make a very childish public apology.


Part of the reason we created the government school monopoly in the 19th century was bigotry and a childish fear of religious diversity.


Between DVD’s and games nowadays I feel pretty let down compared to the childish joy I got from the goodies in the days of the cartridge.


Hoping for something like this is a childish idea.


Story is average just felt half baked and childish.


And all the time presuming the consensus forming, Popper’s intersubjectivity, a major of tenet of Post Modern Science (PMS) was a valid replacement for Modern Science, as it has been practiced since Bacon introduced Cause & Effect to replace Aristotle’s childish induction.


I too left an organized religion for nearly 30 years and found that it was necessary for me to grow up and leave childish or perfectionistic ideas behind.


Medunno if Fuller is stupid or childish or just a classic denialism pathology or perhaps payed by the fossil fools.


The humor in The Pink Panther is often stupid and childish, but if you are a fun of that kind of comedy, you’ll find something to like here.


It is a welcoming table for newcomers of the genre, telling a childish ghost story with a good magical atmosphere conveyed through both visuals and audio.


Instead of remaining in a childish mindset, choose maturity.


Sentences with the word Childish?



  • «an assumed name»; «an assumed cheerfulness»; «a fictitious address»; «fictive sympathy»; «a pretended interest»; «a put-on childish voice»; «sham modesty»
  • «childish tantrums»; «infantile behavior»
  • «Her childish behavior really get to me»; «His lying really gets me»
  • «this is a harmlessly childish game»
  • «I have outgrown these clothes»; «She outgrew her childish habits»
  • «it’s time for you to put away childish things»

Random good picture Not show

1. Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.

2. It is childish of you to say that.

3. The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.

4. It’s time you gave over such childish behaviour.

5. I could hardly read her childish scrawl.

6. I wish politicians would stop this childish name-calling.

7. She derided my effort as childish.

8. My painting looks childish beside yours.

9. She’s just being childish and immature.

10. A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.

11. I’ve had enough of her childish stunts.

12. We’re all growing tired of his childish antics.

13. I’ve had enough of your childish pranks.

14. We danced around with childish delight.

15. It may be childish but I have a horror of worms.

16. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.

17. Don’t be so childish.

18. How very childish of her to refuse to speak to me!

19. The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.

20. It’s time you put a stop to this childish behaviour.

21. When a girl grows up[Sentencedict.com ], she puts childish habits on the shelf.

22. He had thought her too childish, too unspoiled.

23. I feel childish, unloved, banished, beyond the pale.

24. Her pregnancy made her look even younger, more childish.

25. Yet the stakes involved were not childish.

26. I’d like you to explain your childish behaviour.

27. You know how childish he can be.

28. You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question.

29. He wasn’t enjoying the occasion so he thought he’d spoil it for everyone else — it was very childish of him.

30. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.

More similar words: child, children, grandchild, only child, building, rebuilding, chill, building materials, chilled, dish, dish out, dishonor, dishonest, outlandish, fiendish, dishearten, disharmony, distinguish, distinguished, hold in, holding, soldier, holding out, scalding, mild, wild, shareholding, build, build up, builder. 

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