A sentence with the word basket


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word basket, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use basket in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «basket».

Basket in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word basket in a sentence.

  1. The TAM 2C also received a new turret storage basket.

  2. The women urge him to hide in the laundry basket, which he does.

  3. He stepped into the basket, and it moved towards the opposite shore.

  4. Sabrina packs a holdall, including the contents of the laundry basket.

  5. Odom was searching for a tall, physical player to play near the basket.

  6. The duo earned a reputation for their exceptional defense close to the basket.

  7. They hit a snag when the basket kept getting stuck halfway and could not move ahead.

  8. Both stellate and basket cells form GABAergic synapses onto Purkinje cell dendrites.

  9. Woven baskets and bowls are especially common, notably the basket style of the agaseke.

  10. He later adopted it as his own signature, often displaying it as he drove to the basket.

  11. Instead of reading the proclamation, he tore it up and threw it in a waste paper basket.

  12. The highly flammable hydrogen meant that cooking could not be done in the basket itself.

  13. The Somerset Levels is now the only area in the UK where basket willow is grown commercially.

  14. Ray knocks out Kim and sees the canvas in a laundry basket, which is sent up a laundry chute.

  15. Often the male collects and retains the egg mass, forming a sort of basket with the hind feet.

  16. The helmets are constructed on a basket type construction which gives a light and strong frame.

  17. I tried to ignore but his gaze held my eyes when he told me the truth about the basket of lies».

  18. Common names for this species include basket flower, glandflower, jugflower and stick-in-the-jug.

  19. Pulling back the basket, Ellet decided to assure the watching crowd that the system was workable.

  20. Inscriptions mention guilds of weavers, oilmen, artisans, basket and mat makers and fruit sellers.

  21. The saint is portrayed standing on a simple base, together with an angel holding a basket of bread.

  22. Cavaradossi gives Angelotti his basket of food and Angelotti hurriedly returns to his hiding place.

  23. The cable was suspended between two wooden towers 40 feet (12 m) tall, and attached to an iron basket.

  24. The molecular layer also contains two types of inhibitory interneuron: stellate cells and basket cells.

  25. Ballard’s Leonard Taylor scored on a put-back basket at the buzzer to tie the score at 65 and force overtime.

  26. West then hit one basket after the other and cut the lead to one, and Chamberlain asked to return to the game.

  27. On March 13, 1848, the system was completed, and the team planned to test it by pulling the empty basket across.

  28. A few minutes later, Carter, assisted by Chaplin, scored a basket from the paint, and was fouled in the process.

  29. Andrée expected a sedentary voyage in a balloon basket, and strength and survival skills were far down on his list.

  30. The sleeping berths for the crew were fitted at the floor of the basket, along with some of the stores and provisions.

  31. Scarpia orders a search, and the empty food basket and a fan bearing the Attavanti coat of arms are found in the chapel.

  32. The subphylum includes the two classes of Asteroidea, the starfish, and Ophiuroidea, the brittle stars and basket stars.

  33. During the concerts, she performed the song while standing in a golden balloon basket that floated above across the crowd.

  34. Mistress Quickly announces Falstaff’s arrival, and Mistress Ford has a large laundry basket and a screen placed in readiness.

  35. A cista, a type of basket in which ritual objects were stored in several Greek mystery cults, was also used in the cult of Isis.

  36. This outermost layer of the cerebellar cortex also contains two types of inhibitory interneuron: stellate cells and basket cells.

  37. As well as the starfish, the echinoderms include sea urchins, sand dollars, brittle and basket stars, sea cucumbers and crinoids.

  38. This constellation has also been associated with harvest-time as it could represent a woman carrying a basket of food on her head.

  39. People in the professions of sailing, hunting, weaving, cobblery, basket making and fishing belonged to specific castes or subcastes.

  40. After two convincing Game 1 and 2 wins for the Spurs, the Pistons double teamed Duncan and forced him to play further from the basket.

  41. Participants knew that one basket contained 60 percent black and 40 percent red balls; the other, 40 percent black and 60 percent red.

  42. Thibault commended her ability to take contact while driving to the basket, comparing her to then-teammate Lindsay Whalen in that regard.

  43. Fragments of willow basket were found near the Glastonbury Lake Village, and it was used in the construction of several Iron Age causeways.

  44. Other crafts include basket weaving, beadworking, brass and bronze working, calabash carving and painting, embroidery, and leather working.

  45. The experimenters looked at what happened when balls of alternating color were drawn in turn, a sequence that does not favor either basket.

  46. Common usage frequently finds these names being also applied to ophiuroids, which are correctly referred to as brittle stars or basket stars.

  47. Alice orders her servants to throw the laundry basket through the window into the River Thames, where Falstaff endures the jeers of the crowd.

  48. This skill also allowed the other Celtics to play their men aggressively: if they were beaten, they knew that Russell was guarding the basket.

  49. For snow and firn, where the core material may be at risk of falling out of the bottom of the core barrel, a basket catcher is a better choice.

  50. Fragments of willow basket were found near the Glastonbury Lake Village, and it was also used in the construction of several Iron Age causeways.

Synonyms for basket

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word basket has the following synonyms: basketball hoop, hoop, basketful, field goal and handbasket.

General information about «basket» example sentences

The example sentences for the word basket that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «basket» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «basket».

basket — перевод на русский


I refolded it and placed it… in Madam Morlot’s sewing basket… without being seen by a soul.

Я свернул её и положил в корзину для шитья мадам Марлё не будучи замеченный никем.

Only I dumped it into the wastepaper basket just three seconds later.

Но через 3 секунды я выбросил её в мусорную корзину.

Bring your basket along here.

Так. Давай сюда корзину.

And when you do… I want you to be able to put the whole thing in the wastepaper basket… and forget about it in 10 seconds.

И когда это случится, я хочу, чтобы ты нашла в себе силы выбросить это в мусорную корзину и забыть обо всём за 10 секунд.

He said she put him in a wash basket and carried him home.

Якобы, она положила его в корзину и отнесла домой.

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Throw that basket in the river and drown him. No!

Брось корзинку в реку, а собаку утопи.

Just put one pecan and one almond in each basket. You can fill them up with the cheap ones.

И положи по одному ореху и миндалю в каждую корзинку, а потом уже наполняй всем остальным.

What will you give me for a basket of kisses?

Что ты мне дашь за корзинку поцелуев?

I’ll give you a basket of hugs.

Я дам тебе корзинку объятий.

— lf I give you a basket of kisses…

— Если я дам тебе корзинку поцелуев…

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So, um, Chip, Chip, uh, Baskets?

Так… Чип. Чип Баскетс?

Nah, you’re Baskets the clown now, belly.

Это моё… Не. Теперь ты Клоун Баскетс, дружище.

You’re Baskets.

Ты — Баскетс.

Baskets clown.

Клоун Баскетс.

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I wish I could go back to before I ever knew you could make a basket. Maybe none of this would’ve ever happened.

Как хочу вернуть время, когда я не знал, что ты умеешь играть в баскетбол.

I thought it was something to do with hands, like for baskets or something…

Я думала, мы тут будем руками работать, баскетбол и все такое…

You think Shaq was hittin’ baskets when he was your age? — Yeah.

Думаешь Шак играл в баскетбол, когда был в твоём возрасте?

You shouldn’t have spent all night shooting baskets.

Не надо было играть всю ночь в баскетбол.

…to start to play the game of basket…

… начать играть в баскетбол…

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I don’t know how to shoot a basket ball, and my handwriting is barely legible. But I don’t miss.

Я не умею забрасывать мяч в кольцо, и мой почерк едва ли различим, но я не промахиваюсь.

You made 2 out of 10 baskets.

Ты попал в кольцо 2 раза из 10.

Just slam dunked another basket, lol.

Просто замочи еще одно кольцо, лол.

There’s no board to play them on, or basket to throw them into.

Им не играют на доске, его не бросают в кольцо.

Whoo! Basket.

Мяч в кольце.

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Корзиночка для выздоравливающего!

A basket with the leaves…

Корзиночка из красивых листьев…

See it’s got a basket on the front for candy corn Oreos!

Смотри, тут есть корзиночка для «Орио» со вкусом ирисок.

I don’t know. It depends on what you got left in your picnic basket.

Зависит от того, что осталось в твоей корзиночке.

Now think about that last little puppy in that basket out of all those puppies. And now… he’s catching fire too.

А теперь подумайте о том последнем щеночке в корзиночке, самом последнем, а теперь… и он загорается тоже!

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— and a basket case…

— [ Элисон ] и Безнадёжный случай… — [ Клэр ] Принцесса…

But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain and an athlete and a basket case;

Но мы выяснили… что каждый из нас Умник… и Атлет… и Безнадежный Случай…

And a basket case.

«И Безнадежный случай…»

I’d eulogize him myself if I thought I could hold myself together but as you can see, I am a basket case.

Я б восхвалял его сам,если б думал, что смогу держать себя в руках. но как ты можешь видеть, Я безнадежный случай.

Basket case.

Безнадежный случай.

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Your mom thinks I’m a basket case.

(колокольчики звенят) Твоя мама думает,что я инвалид

So you’re saying he’s a basket case.

Итак. ты говоришь, что он инвалид.

So a century ago, you betrayed Klaus, the most dangerous vampire in history, and the only one that can save you is the girl that you had locked up in my attic, but she’s a basket case.

Так век назад, ты предал Клауса, самого опасного вампира в истории, и только одно это может спасти тебя Эта девушка, что ты запер в моем чердаке, но она инвалид.

I’m sorry I’m such a basket case.

Простите, я прямо как инвалид.

You’re turning into a total basket case.

Ты превращаешься практически в инвалида.

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There’s a waste basket beside the desk.

У стола было мусорное ведро.

It’s not my basket.

— Это не моё ведро.

It is so handy dating a brain, especially when I’m about to win a pitcher full of beer and a basket of buffalo wings.

Это так удобно встречаться с мегамозгом, особенно тогда, когда я собираюсь выиграть кувшин полный пива. и ведро крылышек буффало. Спасибо, миледи!

Horse has a basket on it.

У лошади ведро.

Green basket.

Зеленое ведро.

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Who would get me a gift basket?

Кто-то прислал мне подарок.

Oh, I see you got my gift basket.

Я вижу ты получила мой подарок.

Well, then I’ve got a gift basket for you this time.

Что ж, на этот раз у меня для тебя подарок.

From the hotel gift basket.

Это подарок отеля.

And we are going to re-claim our gift basket!

И потребуем назад нашу корзину с подарками!

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Отправить комментарий

корзина, корзинка, наружные места, бросать в корзину


- корзина, корзинка

clothes basket — бельевая корзина
waste-paper basket — мусорная корзина
work basket — рабочая корзинка (для рукоделия)
basket of apples [fish] — корзина яблок [рыбы]

- корзина (аэростата); гондола (воздушного шара)
- ист. наружные места в дилижансе
- эфес
- кольцо лыжной палки
- собрание, коллекция, совокупность, набор предметов
- тех. решётчатый кузов, короб
- тех. ковш (землечерпалки или многоковшового экскаватора)
- тех. сетка (всасывающей трубы)
- корзина
- попадание (мячом в корзину)
- текст. рогожка (переплетение; тж. basket weave)
- эвф. вм. bastard
- полит., дип. «корзина», группа вопросов, подлежащих обсуждению в совокупности
- эк. набор, «корзина» потребительских товаров (тж. market basket, basket of goods)

the pick of the basket — самое лучшее из всего, что есть
to be left in the basket — остаться за бортом
to give smb. the basket — отказать сватающемуся
he can’t carry a tune in the basket — ≅ ему медведь на ухо наступил


- складывать в корзины
- бросать в корзину для мусора, выкидывать

Мои примеры


a basket of warm, crusty bread — корзина тёплого, хрустящего хлеба  
kittens cuddling in a basket — котята, которые жмутся друг к другу в корзине  
shopping basket — корзина для покупок  
litter basket — мусорная корзина  
basket of berries — корзина ягод  
to shoot at the basket — забросить мяч в корзину  
to miss the basket — не забросить мяч в корзину  
to have / put all one’s eggs in one basket — рисковать всем, поставить всё на карту  
cutlery basket — лоток для хранения ножей  
diagonal basket — паркет в шашку по диагонали  
eel basket — верша для ловли угрей  
eel-basket — верша для ловли угрей  

Примеры с переводом

I set the basket against the door.

Я поставил корзину рядом с дверью.

She wove a basket for us.

Она сплела нам корзину.

He piled bread and milk into his basket.

Он положил в свою корзинку хлеб и молоко.

He balled up the letter and threw it into the wastepaper basket.

Он смял письмо и бросил его в мусорную корзину.

I retrieved my paper from the waste paper basket.

Я вынул свой лист из мусорной корзины для бумаг.

There’s a pile of dirty laundry in the laundry basket.

В корзине (для белья) — куча грязного белья.

She perched the baby in a basket.

Малыша она примостила в какую-то корзину.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His shot missed the basket completely.

They brought their lunch in a picnic basket.

There’s a pile of dirty laundry in the laundry basket.[del]

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): basket
мн. ч.(plural): baskets

Synonym: basketball hoop, basketful, field goal, handbasket, hoop. Similar words: basketball, base, basic, based on, basically, database, basement, ambassador. Meaning: [‘bɑːskɪt]  n. 1. a container that is usually woven and has handles 2. the quantity contained in a basket 3. horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball 4. a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop. 

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1 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

2 I consigned her letter to the waste basket.

3 There are sixty oranges in the basket.

4 She raced up with a basket of apples.

5 Many bananas in the basket were stove in.

6 She consigned his letter to the waste basket.

7 Do not pull all your eggs in one basket.

8 The baby cats nestled together in the basket.

9 The player dropped the ball through the basket.

10 He slung it into the wastepaper basket.

11 She steeped reeds for basket weaving.

12 How many bananas are in the basket?

13 The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.

14 The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.

15 She was cycling along with her bicycle basket full of shopping.

16 He spurned away the basket he uesd just now.

17 He’d put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.

18 He piled bread and milk into his basket.

19 The cat lay curled in its basket.

20 There’s a lot of laundry in the basket.

21 Dan tore the page out, crumpled it,[www.Sentencedict.com] and threw it in the wastepaper basket.

22 The fruit — picker in the tree passed the fruit to the man who stood at the foot with a basket.

23 He retrieved the important letter from the waste paper basket.

24 By the end of the course I was a complete basket case.

25 After reading the letter, he threw it in the waste — paper basket.

26 The fruit-picker up the tree passed the fruit down to his partner who stood at the foot with a basket.

27 I have picked out the bad tomatoes from the basket.

28 The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket.

29 The bananas have got all squashed up in the basket.

30 He ripped the letters up and threw them in the wastepaper basket.

More similar words: basketball, base, basic, based on, basically, database, basement, ambassador, bucket, take to, market, rocket, jacket, blanket, take time, take turns, take the road, marketing, supermarket, take the lead, marketplace, take the place of. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The basket constitutes your purchase order.

Таким образом, корзина является списком ваших покупок.

The small basket includes all basic foods.

Малая корзина включает в себя все продовольственные товары первой необходимости.

Like a little basket to put all your crazy in.

Это как маленькая корзинка, для того чтобы сложить в неё все твои заморочки.

Everything you need is in the basket.

Все, что тебе нужно, в этой корзине.

Iron hoops and a hammock-style basket were introduced in 1893.

Железные обручи и корзина в стиле гамака были введены в 1893 году.

The selected goods and services are called the consumer basket.

Берутся в учет те продукты и услуги, которые составляют так называемую потребительскую корзину.

Bring your own picnic basket with food/ drink.

Вы можете взять с собой корзину для пикника с едой и напитками.

Traditional systems measured POS sales, market basket and potentially conversion rates.

Традиционные системы измеряли продажи по выручке кассового аппарата, рыночной корзине и потенциальным коэффициентам конверсии.

Your chosen products goes to basket.

Товары, которые Вы выбрали, окажутся в корзине.

This program employs 2,500 basket weavers form across Rwanda.

В этой программе, осуществляемой по всей территории Руанды, участвуют 2500 изготовителей корзин.

The organic Preparation H in that basket.

Вот это натуральное средство от геморроя у тебя в корзинке.

Another traditional gift is a basket with Belarusian foodstuffs.

Также Президент преподнёс уже традиционный подарок — корзину с белорусскими продуктами.

Upon his departure, they presented him with a choice of a large basket or a small basket as a present.

Перед уходом, гостю предложили в качестве подарка на выбор большую корзину или маленькую корзинку.

The only thing I like about this basket is the basket.

Why buy a stink-normal basket, if you can also make your own basket of solid felt wool.

Зачем покупать обычную корзину, если вы также можете создать свою собственную корзину из войлочной шерсти.

Market basket is the basic basket of goods and services, which is calculated for the minimum consumption of an adult throughout the month.

Потребительская корзина — это базовый набор товаров и услуг, который рассчитывается для минимального потребления взрослым человеком на протяжении месяца.

That is, we take a basket of goods and services and ask what the basket would cost in each country.

То есть мы берем корзины товаров и услуг и осведомляемся, сколько такая корзина будет стоить в каждой стране.

Rapid cloning and configuration in the cloud is a definite plus, but folding everything into one basket means a high degree of confidence in the reliability of this basket.

Быстрое клонирование и конфигурирование в облаке является несомненным плюсом, но складывание всего в одну корзину означает высокую степень доверия к надежности данной корзины.

Each basket has a net gain or loss, which may not be applied to any other basket as a means to reduce taxable gains.

Каждая корзина имеет чистую прибыль или убыток, который не может быть применен к любому другому корзины в качестве средства для уменьшения налогооблагаемой прибыли.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат basket

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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