Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bare, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bare in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bare».
Bare in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bare in a sentence.
Their bare facial skin and legs are yellow.
Joe makes a bare living as assistant to his father.
Nothing worked, short of sandblasting to bare metal.
Their dark eyes are lined with dull, reddish bare skin.
Over half of the work is unpainted, essentially bare canvas.
It is easily recognised by the bare blue skin around its eyes.
Seeds germinate almost solely in bare soil, at temperatures between 10 and 40 °C.
The bare skin around the eyes is dull orange, the legs and feet are yellow-brown.
Burning is ineffective, as it only creates new bare areas for seedlings to occupy.
In his testimony, Grover stated «A nude woman is no moreindecent than a bare tree.
Shoe polish is applied to the shoe using a rag, cloth, brush, or with bare fingers.
Colton is baffled by the lack of entry points and the apparent removal of the livers with bare hands.
No change was to be made to Liberty’s bare right breast, but the dolphins would not regain their place.
It is slimy to the touch, bare, smooth, and glossy even when dry, and the cuticle is easily peeled off.
No sculpture, no carving or bas-relief, almost no painting or drawing—the interiors are completely bare.
The bills, pouches, and bare facial skin of all species become brighter before breeding season commences.
However, poor access to the remote area and the lack of accommodations kept visitation to a bare minimum.
The Winter War laid bare the disorganisation and ineffectiveness of the Red Army as well as of the Allies.
The colour of the male’s plumage remains unchanged, although the bare patches of skin also turn light blue.
Once the legislature convened in 1922, the inexperience of the Premier and his caucus was further laid bare.
I hear the thrush, and I seeHim alone at the end of the laneNear the bare poplar’s tip,Singing continuously.
The bills, pouches, and bare facial skin of all pelicans become brightly coloured before the breeding season.
Consolidated also built a small number SV-1s up from a bare chassis, and these were also sold as 1976 models.
Great mullein most frequently grows as a colonist of bare and disturbed soil, usually on sandy or chalky ones.
Before nesting, the females of most bird species gain a bare brood patch by losing feathers close to the belly.
The nape is also covered in white feathers, while the hindneck is nearly bare, revealing the orange-yellow skin.
Some men put gloves on before they start to cut the tree, and from then on never touch the badnjak with their bare hands.
They are able to grow on inhospitable surfaces, including bare soil, rocks, tree bark, wood, shells, barnacles and leaves.
The show was popular in the 1950s among amateur drama societies, because of the large cast with no star and the bare stage.
Fighting back with sticks and rocks, or even bare hands, is often effective in persuading an attacking cougar to disengage.
Weyrauch in his 1978 journal article, «Cardozo’s famous opinion reduced the complicated facts of the case to a bare minimum.
With his bare hands, he packed the fuselage with snow to keep the flames away from the pilot and struggled to pull him free.
The obverse of the half dollar depicts Confederate generals Lee and Jackson, the latter with head bare, mounted on horseback.
It differs from them in its much larger size, brighter plumage, more gregarious nature, and larger patch of bare facial skin.
The eyes have a light grey iris surrounded by a pale blue eye ring, and bare black skin on the face which merges into the bill.
The final few hundred yards of the climb consists of a 30-degree slope often scoured to bare rock and tundra by the fierce wind.
Next to the Kolonnenweg was one of the control strips (Kontrollstreifen), a line of bare earth running parallel to the fences along almost the entire length of the border.
Only the bare walls of the theatre remained, and most of the adjacent shops in Pall Mall, and the Clergy Club hotel in Charles Street, suffered damage of varying severity.
Female emus court the males; the female’s plumage darkens slightly and the small patches of bare, featherless skin just below the eyes and near the beak turn turquoise-blue.
The eggs may be laid on bare sand, gravel or soil, but a lining of debris or vegetation is often added if available, or the nest may be rimmed with seaweed, stones or shells.
In the case of allography, the bare numeric code was assigned to what Barthel believed to be the basic form (Grundtypus), while variants were specified by alphabetic suffixes.
Synonyms for bare
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word bare has the following synonyms: au naturel, naked, nude, unclothed, bald, denuded, denudate, undraped, unroofed, barren, bleak, desolate, stark, inhospitable, marginal, narrow, mere, simple, plain, spare, unembellished, unornamented, unadorned, undecorated, scanty, meager, meagre, meagerly, stingy, scrimpy, stripped, empty, unfinished, unpainted, unsheathed, denude, strip, publicize, publicise and air.
General information about «bare» example sentences
The example sentences for the word bare that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bare» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bare».
Synonym: bald, naked, nude, open, uncovered. Similar words: bar, barn, barely, barrel, barrier, snack bar, embarrassed. Meaning: [beə] v. 1. lay bare 2. make public 3. lay bare. adj. 1. completely unclothed 2. lacking in amplitude or quantity 3. not having a protective covering 4. lacking its natural or customary covering 5. just barely adequate or within a lower limit 6. apart from anything else; without additions or modifications 7. lacking a surface finish such as paint 8. providing no shelter or sustenance 9. having everything extraneous removed including contents 10. lacking embellishment or ornamentation.
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1. Believe somebody on his bare word.
2. Bare words, no bargain.
3. The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.
4. Bare your head when the flag is raised.
5. I can’t bare it anymore.
6. Don’t walk on that broken glass with bare feet.
7. He was standing there,(sentence dictionary) completely bare!
8. They attacked him with their bare hands.
9. Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive.
10. He killed the snake with his bare hands .
11. He is on the margin of bare subsistence.
12. They wore shabby clothes and their feet were bare.
13. I can’t sleep on the bare floor!
14. The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
15. Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet.
16. She likes to walk around in bare feet .
17. Don’t walk on the cold floor with bare feet.
18. He throttled the guard with his bare hands.
19. That room unadorned with pictures or curtains looks bare.
20. She felt the sun warm on her bare arms.
21. The room was bare and empty.
22. My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.
23. The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.
24. We have pared down our expenses to a bare minimum.
25. The bare concrete floor was cold on my feet.
26. The walls have been stripped bare.
27. The apartment had been stripped bare .
28. The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
29. She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress[sentencedict.com], and her feet were bare.
30. The boy likes to walk on the sand with bare feet.
Sentences with the word Bare?
- «a vast desert all adust»; «land lying baked in the heat»; «parched soil»; «the earth was scorched and bare«; «sunbaked salt flats»
- «bare bodies»; «naked from the waist up»; «a nude model»
- «a bald spot on the lawn»; «bare hills»
- «a bare hill»; «bare feet»
- «bare rocky hills»; «barren lands»; «the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes»; «the desolate surface of the moon»; «a stark landscape»
- «a bare majority»; «a marginal victory»
- «only the bare facts»; «shocked by the mere idea»; «the simple passage of time was enough»; «the simple truth»
- «a bare livelihood»; «a scanty harvest»; «a spare diet»
- «the bare walls»; «the cupboard was bare«
- «bare wood»; «unfinished furniture»
- «unsheathed cables»; «a bare blade»
- «bare your breasts»; «bare your feelings»
- «they needed rugs to cover the bare floors»; «we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent»
- «his bare feet projected from his trousers»; «armored from head to foot»
- «young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable»
- «they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill»
- «a rough-and-tumble fight»; «rough-and-tumble politics»; «undisguised bare-knuckle capitalism»
- «the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self»; «the bare skeleton of a novel»
- «social security provided only a bare subsistence»
- «bare uncarpeted floors»
- «the table was bare, the candles unlighted»; «held an unlit cigarette»
bare — перевод на русский
That’s almost as sad as a girl coming to a strange bar by herself.
Это почти так же грустно, как и девушка, которая приходит в незнакомый бар совсем одна.
That’s all this boat is: just one long bar.
Все корабли одинаковы — один длинный бар.
I’ll see if the bar is open and we’ll get cockeyed.
— Пойду посмотрю, открыт ли бар, и тогда мы обое напьемся.
— With a private bar, exclusively mine.
— Целый бар? Только для меня?
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Я сниму их сразу, как только ты будешь за решёткой, не раньше.
But you put ’em behind bars and they’ll look little and cheap… the way they oughta look.
Но за решёткой они окажутся ничтожными, какие и есть.
That big, handsome lad of yours looks quite natural behind bars.
Твой красавец прекрасно смотрится за решеткой.
The assassin is known, she’s behind bars, she can’t deny her crime, this crime touches you, you are better than an innocent man.
Убийца известна, она за решеткой, и не может отрицать свое преступление это преступление касается вас.
Tell him he’d better give himself up, or he’ll spend the rest of his life behind bars!
Передайте ему, либо он сдастся, либо проведёт остаток дней за решёткой.
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Killed a man with your bare hands because he shoved you?
Убил человека голыми руками всего лишь из-за одного толчка.
You tried to kill me with your bare hands.
Хотел убить меня голыми руками.
Bare hands?
Голыми руками?
With your bare hands, captain.
Голыми руками, капитан.
Squeeze out his life in your own bare hands!
Выдавить из него жизнь голыми руками!
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I’ll catch you with my bare hands. Without props.
Возьму вас голыми руками.
And with my bare hands. ? [Dramatic Sting]
— Голыми руками.
How’s that? Now i’ll go after them with bare hands.
теперь я пойду на них не с голыми руками.
Take it out with your bare hands, and it’s all yours!
Вытащи их голыми руками, и они твои!
If she tells anybody about this, I’ll kill her with my bare hands.
Если она кому-нибудь скажет, я придушу её голыми руками.
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There were 1,200 boxes of sugar, 800 bars of tobacco, 5,000 pounds of gold dust.
Там было 1200 ящиков сахара, 800 табачных слитков, 5000 фунтов золотого песка.
I can pay you five bars of latinum.
Я заплачу тебе пять слитков латины.
And they could be yours for five bars of gold-pressed latinum.
И они могут стать Вашими за, скажем пять слитков латины. Что-то много латины.
We’ll let you have them for… five bars of gold-pressed latinum.
Мы отдадим их Вам за… 5 слитков латины.
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Sure, thanks. Give me a blast, Leo. Leo, I left my «blast» at the other end of the bar.
Лео, я оставил свой стакан на другом конце стойки.
Go get two glasses at the bar.
Принеси бокалы со стойки.
Back in my hometown, there was a certain little cafe with an amusing sign over the bar.
Рядом с моим домом было кафе с забавной надписью у стойки.
I was with you at the bar and you were playing solitaire.
Мы стояли у стойки, ты раскладывал солитер.
— On the other side of the bar.
— Да, но по другую сторону стойки.
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He was barely conscious.
Он почти терял сознание.
It barely gets used.
Им почти не пользуются.
I can barely sleep.
Я почти не сплю.
Captain, we’re just barely in range.
Капитан, мы почти вне досягаемости.
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— Here you are. — One Hershey Bar with nuts.
Шоколадку с орехами.
I went and got you a candy bar.
Я принёс тебе шоколадку.
-How’s about for a Snickers bar?
-На шоколадку поменяешь?
— Would you like a Hershey bar?
— Хочешь шоколадку «Херши»?
Give him one candy bar a day.
На месяц. Давайте ему шоколадку в день.
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We’re at cold; 30, Bar.
— У нас холодает, 30 секунд, Барри!
— Fifteen, Bar.
— Пятнадцать, Барри!
Yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask you about, Bar.
— Да, и вот о чем я хотел спросить тебя, Барри.
— What’s wrong with curve balls, Bar?
— Да что за крученные мячи, Барри?
Five, Bar.
— Пять секунд, Барри.
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We barely scrape by.
— Мы еле сводим концы с концами.
— Cable got loose, ferry is barely moving.
— Да трос ослаб, паром еле тащится
You both barely got back alive.
Еле успели, Джим. Вы чудом спаслись.
I just barely got him.
Я еле у него выиграл.
You can just barely see the fender.
Крыло еле видать.
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