A sentence with a word reply

Sentences with the word Reply?



  • «an abrupt reply«
  • «afire with annihilating invective»; «a devastating portrait of human folly»; «to compliments inflated I’ve a withering reply«- W.S.Gilbert
  • «the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images»; «an apt reply«
  • «try to cultivate a less brusque manner»; «a curt reply«; «the salesgirl was very short with him»
  • «a mere caption unworthy of a reply«
  • «She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult»
  • «a confident speaker»; «a confident reply«; «his manner is more confident these days»; «confident of fulfillment»
  • «a crisp retort»; «a response so curt as to be almost rude»; «the laconic reply; `yes'»; «short and terse and easy to understand»
  • «crusty remarks»; «a crusty old man»; «his curmudgeonly temper»; «gruff manner»; «a gruff reply«
  • «a favorable reply«; «he received a favorable rating»; «listened with a favorable ear»; «made a favorable impression»
  • «his forbearance to reply was alarming»
  • «an immediate reply to my letter»; «a prompt reply«; «was quick to respond»; «a straightaway denial»
  • «an inconclusive reply«; «inconclusive evidence»; «the inconclusive committee vote»
  • «He thought of a reply but let it go»
  • «a pat reply«
  • «it is neither polite nor politic to get into other people’s quarrels»; «a politic decision»; «a politic manager»; «a politic old scoundrel»; «a shrewd and politic reply«
  • «he growled his reply«
  • «his reply was unhesitating»
  • «The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer»; «The guard snarled at us»
  • «a spiritless reply to criticism»
  • «submissive servants»; «a submissive reply«; «replacing troublemakers with more submissive people»

A reply is a statement or acknowledgment made in response to an interrogative question, request or comment. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You have NO firsthand knowledge about self publishing, witness your reply to another poster that self publishing is a pyramid scheme.


I have a question about that (ill do more research following your reply, of course), did you place your multi-family under an LLC while you lived there or was it under your name?


Many a national toast was offered and accepted, any speeches were delivered, and many essayed in amicable reply.


The European Commission concluded that there should be no changes to AVMSD for measures on accessibility, the listing of events or the right of reply.


Your email will not be published or shared, but you will receive an automatic email if your comment has a reply.


His reply is a comical stream of evasive tripe:


We are available 24/7 to provide thesis writing help and we guarantee timely reply to your concerns.


Consequently in regard to propositions that belong to Revelation it still remains possible to ask the source whence they were known, how they were revealed, and in what respect, and the reply need not in every case be that God, who knows all things, simply made them known.


I have sent messages to hotel via their own site, but no response / reply.


And the reason guys like it is because they’re so tired of swiping right on basically everyone, it’s a numbers game, and having nobody reply to them.


When it comes to crafting your first reply to an online dating message, nothing’s simple…


Often, my request is met with a puzzled reply: «You realize that we want you to come talk to our teachers, right?


Thank you for the reply I did noticed that you couldn’t help but to throw some bussines advice on the report It’s funny because as you said «slapping our foreheads» the data is just there black on white and yet still we see 18 $ ebooks and Trad published authors making so little out of it


You can check availability through our website and get an instant reply.


Arsenal fans for sure loved the reply from their long berated manager who has for once silenced all critics with the triumph in the North London derby last week.


When he was asked about defenses having seen him and could better prepare for him, his reply was he was also better prepared for those defenses because he seen them, too.


PS: FYI it was a 4-part reply… but the 3rd one is «awaiting moderation», for some weird reason.


I brought this to Mikes attention… Mikes reply was that the lights went on so he didn’t see it being an issue.


He was ready with a concise, jargon-free reply.


Once an email comes in, responsibility for a reply can be assigned to the appropriate team member.


She stopped responding to replies after that.


But I guess my favorite reply so far is from S.J M.D. — probably because it matches my current approach.


I’ve posted multiple comments on your website and not once was it left without your kind reply.


With all the deadlines I have on my plate it’s almost impossible to do that, unfortunately, and I generally send a polite «no» form letter reply.


My reply was that the laboratory workers had sabotaged themselves by assuming they could con a bunch of nincompoop dog owners into offering up their dogs» jugular veins to con artists.


So I think that’s why half of the users probably can not sign in and send reply `


With the right communication, you can land yourself more than just a kind reply from that person of interest — you may just find love that will last you a lifetime.


To date I’ve had hundreds of replies from guys who have lost their man boobs using my methods.


I just received a reply from them: The residential or business address is not made public within our online records and are only kept in-house, however, the city and place of publication may be made public.


Good players can come cheap, you saying «let City, United, Chelsea and even Liverpool buy the good players» would seem to indicate that good players MUST cost a fortune as it is in reply to someone saying you don’t have to spend loads, this is not the case as LC have proven.


Sometimes its no reply on dating sites they just have one message or email that they.


You can’t in the second, because you have already been deemed unworthy of a forensic reply.


However, I did see that your reply came in on August 28, in the good year of our Lord, 2012 at 1:49 pm.


They can’t get banned for that but I can sense sarcastic replies from people.


But today when I opened it to check replies to one of my queries, I was surprised to see it all changed.


The more you contact with, the more replies you will get.


Indeed, it reminds me of the time I told a pupil she must remove her feet from a chair only to have her reply that I was ugly.


Hashimoto’s reply: «Armon, ah, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for an email like this.


Only those who are awarded a spot will receive a reply.


once I created and sent a press release to a few places, it was like I was finally taken seriously — soon receiving many replies and requests.


You can upload photos, reply to emails and instant messages, and of course search through member profiles.


On this blog, we have decided to start sharing our exact replies to the questions asked by some of our members because we’re happy to share the knowledge with fellow traders.


As to the rest of your reply, well, your theology appears to be all over the shop, my friend.


I asked the obvious question, of whether this feature will be rolled out to other countries, and while I didn’t get a reply in the affirmative, that certainly would be the plan.


I will surely give you a valuable reply of it.


Then follows an emotionless reply: «Because you were home.»


He’s not quite stunning, but his opponent is so, so poor in his replies it’s not a hard battle to win.


I put the question to Tonry, and am shaken by his reply: «No way, because it came in from the direction of the sun.»


But in TLS, this creates some interesting «triggers»… and (by example) my handing my wife the dog leash for a walk later that day may earn this reply, «Hell no!


9 Steps To The Perfect Online Dating Message classified as a psycho is to message someone more than once without getting a reply.


reply — перевод на русский


He tells me that Dr. Jekyll has not replied to any of Miss Muriel’s letters.

Он говорит, что Доктор Джекилл не ответил ни на одно письмо от мисс Мьюриел.

Dummling replied,

Дурачок ответил:

The radar officer replied that it was impossible.

Офицер-радиолокационщик ответил, что этого не может быть.

The first time, she got a cleaning woman who didn’t know anything. The second time, a young man replied that M. Georges couldn’t be awakened before 3 pm!

Во второй раз коридорный ответил, что мсье Жоржа не велено будить раньше трех.

— I replied it.

— Я ответил тебе, нет?

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So you wanted to deliver my reply.

Значит, ты хотел передать ответ?

Friends, I beg your indulgence for just a few final remarks in reply to my old friend and rival for Congress, Hank Allen, who reminds me of a dog I had when I was a boy.

Друзья, прошу снисхождения всего за несколько заключительных слов в ответ моему старому другу и конкуренту по Конгрессу, Хэнку Аллену, который напоминает мне собаку какая у меня была, когда я был мальчиком.

In reply to your letter of the 15th Mrs. Lane will be very pleased to entertain your friend Jefferson Jones.

в ответ на ваше письмо от 15-ого миссис Лейн будет очень рада принять вашего друга Джефферсона Джонса.

In reply, I beg to state, you were engaged for teaching school.

В ответ, хочу заметить, что вас наняли учить.

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Sometimes I talk to it, and it stirs as if in reply.

Иногда я с ним разговариваю. А он шевелится, словно отвечает.

-And there’s no reply from her quarters.

-И ее квартира не отвечает.

She doesn’t reply to my questions.

Она не отвечает на вопросы.

Master Chen has a reply

Господин Чен отвечает.

When I talk to her out loud, I can imagine how she’d reply.

Просто когда я говорю с ней громко, я представляю, что она отвечает.

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I received a reply this morning.

Я получил ответ этим утром.

I did, and I got a reply.

Я сделал, и я получил ответ.

Do you know if Alan got a reply to his report?

Вам известно, Алан получил ответ, на свой доклад?

I answered the ad and, uh, got a reply from this guy…

Я прошел по ссылке… и получил ответ от этого парня…

Finally received a reply from Japan

Наконец-то я получил ответ из Японии.

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Mother Teresa of Calcutta replied, when asked what we can offer a human being at the hour of death,

Знаешь, что сказала мать Тереза из Калькутты, когда её спросили, что можно дать человеку за полчаса перед смертью?

And you replied I was boring the shit out of you ’cause Doc already told you all about it.

Ты ещё сказала мне, что со мной тоска зелёная, так как док уже всё растрепал про новый угол.

«Receive this talisman,» she replied.

Возьми этот талисман, — сказала она.

«Oh husband,» replied his wife.

«О, муж, сказала его жена»

The kangaroo fairy godmother replied, «I have one in my tummy.

Добрая фея-кенгуру сказала: «У меня есть сумка для ребеночка.

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That renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply.

Возобновление враждебных действий против кораблей США в открытом море в Тонкинском заливе требует от меня сегодня приказать военным силам США предпринять ответные акции.

International reply coupons.

Международные ответные купоны.

Well, I always looked forward to your replies.

Ну, я всегда с нетерпением ждала ответные письма.

-Our replying affidavit.

— Наши ответные показания.

Our replying affidavit.

Наши ответные показания.

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Отправить комментарий

Synonym: acknowledge, answer, react, respond, retort. Antonym: question. Similar words: replace, replacement, deploy, take place, apply, comply, imply, supply. Meaning: [rɪ’plaɪ]  n. 1. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation 2. the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange. v. reply or respond to. 

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1. He was too racked by sobs to reply.

2. I’m looking forward to a prompt reply.

3. «If you must, » came the gruff reply.

4. Her reply displeased her father.

5. He did not reply to her question right away.

6. He grunted a monosyllabic reply.

7. We would appreciate an early reply.

8. His reply reduced me to silence.

9. Derek’s terse reply ended the conversation.

10. I want an immediate reply.

11. In business, a prompt reply is imperative.

12. His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.

13. My letter received a swift reply.

14. I have just received his reply.

15. I am puzzled by his failure to reply.

16. Owen judged it best to make no reply.

17. MacTavish was characteristically forthright in his reply.

18. She waved her hand in reply.

19. He gave a non-committal grunt in reply.

20. I wrote, but she did not reply.

21. He insinuated his doubt of the reply.

22. Please give me an immediate reply.

23. He made no reply to my request.

24. His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest.

25. Hardly anyone has bothered to reply.

26. Do please forgive this tardy reply.

27. He did not deign to reply.

27. Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

28. You should receive a reply within seven days.

29. We look forward to your favorable reply.

30. I should like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply.

More similar words: replace, replacement, deploy, take place, apply, comply, imply, supply, simply, sharply, apply for, apply to, take the place of, comply with, report, repair, republic, report on, reporter, decrepit, repartee, Republican, represent, reporting, reparation, repeatedly, reportedly, obstreperous, entrepreneur, representative. 


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  • A loud noise word
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  • A lot of formal word
  • A lot is not a real word
  • A long word for mean