A sentence using the word either or

You can use either – or to talk about something that is true in all possible ways. Both of these are correct. It’s important to note that either – or does not always result in faulty reasoning, but it can if used incorrectly.

We have written 50 example sentences with either -or.

  1. Either you spend time with your family or you work hard.
  2. Either paint your front door a bright color or replace all your light bulbs with LED lights.
  3. Either he will get a discount or he won’t pay.
  4. Either our relationship will be better or it will end.
  5. Either we can eat in a restaurant or we can get take away food.
  6. Either they will order from us or buy from our competitor.
  7. Either I will stay home or I’ll go out.
  8. Either you do it now or you will regret it later.
  9. Either we make it better or we make it worse.
  10. Either we take the chance or we look back in regret.
  11. You can have either vegetables or the salad.
  12. I’m not either going out for dinner or watching a movie.
  13. I’m not either seeing that film or reading a book tonight.
  14. Either take a shower now or get ready for bed later.
  15. Either I’ll go on the trip or I’ll stay home.
  16. You can either take the train or the bus.
  17. Either you walk or I will drive.
  18. Either you listen to me or I’ll call the police.
  19. Has either John or Karen called yet?
  20. He either ate too much or did not exercise.
  21. Either return the product or ask for a refund.
  22. The customer had to choose either the green or yellow pen.
  23. She either read the news or played games every day.
  24. The client can’t decide either on the red or black envelope.
  25. I can either make chili or spaghetti for dinner tonight.
  26. A hardworking woman either marries a rich man or is miserable.
  27. A gingerbread man was either sweet or not.
  28. Either your boyfriend works or you’re going to the prom with me.
  29. Either you call me back or I’m going to stop showing up at work unexpectedly.
  30. My dog either wandered off or got run over by a car.
  31. Either your little brother loves me or he’s setting me.
  32. Either you are a student or not.
  33. Either get rid of clutter around the house or clean up after yourself.
  34. Either they will like me or not.
  35. You either take the bus to work or drive yourself there.
  36. I either drink water before bedtime or after dinner.
  37. Either it’s raining outside or the sun is shining.
  38. You either have to go to work today or call in sick.
  39. You either want ice cream for dessert or apple pie instead.
  40. The apples are either ripe enough to eat now, or they need another week before they can be eaten.
  41. Either you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or bananas.
  42. Either you’re a morning person or you’re not.
  43. I either need to study for my exam tomorrow or work on a project due next week.
  44. The dog either needs food or water.
  45. You can either buy this shirt or that one.
  46. You can have either a coffee or soda with your meal.
  47. We’re going to do either homework or watch TV tonight.
  48. The choice is yours – either eat healthy food every day if you want to lose weight or just do what feels good at the time (eating junk food) as long as it doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself later on in life.
  49. Either install a new mailbox that matches your home’s exterior design or add an outdoor rug to create more space for relaxing outside.
  50. Either replace old clothes, shoes, and books with newer ones or keep them for memories.

Sentences with Either - orPin

Sentences with Either – or

Either or fallacy

One of the most common logical fallacies in our society is the either-or fallacy. This fallacy occurs when we fail to acknowledge that there are other options available, and instead believe only two choices exist. The fallacy is the opposite, where we recognize there are more than two options. The either-or fallacy can be defined as the assumption that two statements are mutually exclusive when in fact, they may both be true. A false dilemma is a form of this fallacy because it assumes only two possibilities exist and ignores any other possible outcomes.

Either or fallacy examples

The problem with this type of thinking is that it ignores any additional factors which may be influencing a particular situation. A good example would be “how many hours do you work per week on average?”

If you think about this as an either-or question (full-time or part-time) then your answer will not include people who have multiple jobs, even though they’re working full-time hours at all of them!

Another example could be one saying “If you go to college for four years then you will have a high-paying job.” If someone does not attend college for four years they are automatically relegated to low-paying jobs? It’s important to understand that there are many different factors that determine how much money one makes.

Read also

  • No Sooner Than Sentences (31 Examples)
  • 50 Example Sentences with However
  • Do Does Did Sentences (50 Examples)
  • Has Have Had use in sentences | 50 Examples
  • Was Were Sentences | 50 Examples
  • There is – There are Sentences | 50 Examples
  • Is am are sentences in English (50 Examples)

EITHER OR: Usage and Useful Examples in English

Do you know how to use EITHER OR correctly? In this lesson, you will learn the use of EITHER OR with example sentences in English.

How to Use EITHER OR

Either refers to any one of the two things or people. Either is always considered singular in a sentence. Either/or is a correlative conjunction. We use either/or for connect things which are the same types, phrases, clauses or words.

Example Sentences

  • Either he or she cooks dinner.
  • Either Mark or Samuel will go.
  • You can either come with me now or walk home.
  • They don’t have enough time. They can either have breakfast or have a shower.
  • You can either call me at home or the office.
  • I’ll either write to you or phone you next week.
  • Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.

Using EITHER/OR in English | Image


Употребление конструкций either or  и neither nor  в английском языке

Сегодня мы поговорим о конструкциях either…or… и neither…nor…, которые переводятся как «или…или…» и «ни…ни…». С помощью этих конструкций мы говорим о выборе одного варианта из двух, либо когда нам не подходит ничего из предложенного. 

 В сегодняшней статье мы разберем, в каких случаях мы используем эти конструкции и как это делать правильно.

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Правило употребление конструкции either or  в английском языке

Конструкция either…or…  переводится на русский язык как «или…или…». 

Мы используем ее, когда есть выбор между двумя предметами, людьми или действиями, но нужно выбрать что-то одно.

Как произносится either?

Есть два варианта произношения этого слова: американский и британский. Они отличаются друг от друга. Вы можете выбрать то произношение, которое удобнее вам или больше нравится. Вас поймут в любом случае. 

Британское произношение: either [ˈaɪðə(r)] / [а’йзэ]. 
Американское произношение: either [ˈi·ðər] / [и’зэр].

Эта конструкция может соединять между собой:

1. Главные действующие лица.

В этом случае конструкция ставится в начало предложения.
Например: «Или мама, или папа заберут ее из детского садика».

Either + кто-то + or + кто-то + действие.


Either Mary or Tom brought this cake.
Или Мэри, или Том принесли этот торт.

Either I or my secretary will call you.
Или я, или мой секретарь позвонит вам.

2. Два действия.
Например: «Вы можете или написать нам, или позвонить».

Кто-то + either + действие + or + действие.


She should decide either stay or leave.
Она должна решить или остаться, или уйти.

They are either reading or watching TV now.
Они или читают, или смотрят телевизор сейчас.

3. Два предмета.
Например: «Я могу дать или ручку, или карандаш».

Кто-то + действие + either + что-то + or + кто-то.


We want to order either tea or juice.
Мы хотим заказать или чай, или сок.

She can buy either dress or skirt.
Она может купить или платье, или юбку.

4. Два признака предмета
Например: «Он подарит ей или красные, или белые розы».

Кто-то + действие + either  + какой-то + or + какой-то.


You can take either red or yellow dress.
Ты можешь взять или красное, или желтое платье.

He wants either black or grey phone.
Он хочет или черный, или серый телефон.

Употребление конструкции neither nor в английском языке

Конструкция neither…nor… переводится на русский язык как «ни…ни…».

Мы пользуемся этой конструкцией, когда нам не подходит ни один из предложенных вариантов.

Обратите внимание: конструкция neither…nor… является сама по себе отрицательной. В английском языке не может быть два отрицания в предложении, поэтому не нужно использовать дополнительно отрицательную частицу not с вспомогательным глаголом.


He doesnt like neither chocolate nor ice-cream.
Ему не нравится ни шоколад, ни мороженое.


He likes neither chocolate nor ice-cream.
Ему не нравится ни шоколад, ни мороженое.

Как произносится neither?

При произношении этого слова также используются два разных варианта: американский и британский. Вы можете выбрать любой из них.

Британское произношение: neither [ˈnaɪðə(r)] / [на’йзэ].
Американское произношение: neither [ˈniːðər] / [ни’зэр].

Эта конструкция может соединять между собой:

1. Главные действующие лица
Например: «Ни друзья, ни родственники не поздравили его».

Neither + кто-то + nor + кто-то + действие.


Neither he nor his friend knew this girl.
Ни он, ни его друзья не знали эту девушку.

Neither Tom nor Peter did homework.
Ни Том, ни Питер не сделали домашнюю работу.

2. Два действия
Например: «Я не хочу ни есть, ни пить».

Кто-то + neither + действие + nor + действие.


She neither washed the dishes nor swept the floor.
Она ни посуду не помыла, ни пол не подмела.

They neither go to the cinema nor stay at home.
Они ни в кино не пойдут, ни дома не останутся.

3. Два предмета
Например: «Моя сестра не купила ни туфли, ни кроссовки».

Кто-то + действие + neither + что-то + nor + кто-то.


We eat neither apples nor pears.
Мы не едим ни яблоки, ни груши.

They sold neither car nor house.
Они не продали ни машину, ни дом.

4. Два признака предмета
Например: «Ей не нравится ни красная, ни оранжевая краска».

Кто-то + действие + neither  + какой-то + nor + какой-то.


He wants neither strawberry nor chocolate milkshake.
Он не хочет ни клубничный, ни шоколадный молочный коктейль.

They like neither French nor Germany language.
Им не нравится ни французский, ни немецкий язык.

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Итак, мы рассмотрели две конструкции either…or… и neither…nor…, теперь вы знаете, когда мы используем их. А сейчас самое время закрепить пройденный материал на практике.

Выполните задание на закрепление и напишите в комментариях

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Они хотят купить или дом, или квартиру.
2. Ты можешь посмотреть телевизор, или почитать журнал.
3. Я не могу принести ни кофе, ни чай.
4. Ни родители, ни сестра не звонили.
5. Ты можешь или подождать, или идти без меня.
6. Ей не нравится ни синий, ни зеленый цвет.
7. Они пойдут или в кино, или в ресторан.
8. Ты можешь или пропылесосить, или вынести мусор.

Оставляйте свои ответы в комментариях под статьей, а я их обязательно проверю.

Neither nor

Two common sentence constructions we use in the English language are neither/nor and either/or.

Both of these phrases are correlative conjunctions: pairs of conjunctions that connect words or phrases within a sentence.

Correlative conjunctions definition

So how exactly do neither/nor and either/or work?

We use either/or to affirm each of two possibilities, and we use neither/nor to negate them.

For example, the sentence, “I want to eat either an apple or an orange” means that you want one of these two fruits, but you don’t know which one.

The sentence “I want to eat neither an apple nor an orange” means that you don’t want either of these two fruits.

This article provides a complete guide to neither/nor and either/or so you can use these phrases in your writing.


We use neither/nor to negate each of two things.

For example, you might say, “I speak neither Spanish nor French.” This negative statement means that you don’t speak Spanish, and you also don’t speak French.

You can use more than two options in a neither/nor construction by adding an additional nor before each option.

For example, you might say, “I speak neither Spanish nor French nor Chinese nor German.” That means you don’t speak any of the languages in the list.

You can use neither/nor with two words or two phrases.

Neither nor definition

Here are some more examples of neither/nor constructions in sentences:

  • Neither my mother nor my father will buy me tickets to the concert on Saturday.
  • So far, neither my sister nor I have found good job options in New York City.
  • Neither rain nor hail will stop my friends from coming to my birthday party tonight.
  • I want my daughter to join a sports team, but she’s interested in neither soccer nor basketball.
  • I want to wear neither the blue nor the red one.
  • The doctor says you should eat neither eggs nor dairy nor gluten.
  • You are neither particularly smart nor particularly good-looking.

It’s important to note that a neither/nor phrase can function as the subject of a sentence, which performs the action, or the object of a sentence, which receives the action.

For example, you could say, “Neither Tom nor Jim went to class today.” In this case, “neither Tom nor Jim” is the subject of the sentence.

It would also be acceptable to say, “Today’s class was attended by neither Tom nor Jim.” In this case, “neither Tom nor Jim” is the object of the sentence.

Remember that you should use subject pronouns (such as I, she, and they) if you’re using a neither/nor phrase as a subject, and object pronouns (such as me, her, and them) if you’re using it as an object.

Correct Usage Examples of “Neither/Nor”

Let’s look at some examples of sentences from English literature that use a neither/nor construction.

“Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.”—Herman Hesse, Bäume: Betrachtungen und Gedichte

“But magic is neither good nor evil. It is a tool, like a knife. Is a knife evil? Only if the wielder is evil.”—Rick Riordan The House of Hades

“Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me — for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.”—Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”—Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“I can’t think of any greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, endlessly, even though I feel that here in this world there’s no undisturbed place for our love, neither in the village nor anywhere else.”—Franz Kafka, The Castle

“Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what was in nostalgia, nor forward to what it might be in dread or anticipation, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now.”—Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

“Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored.”—Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles



We use either/or to present two options that we’re choosing between.

Either or definition

For example, you could say, “My sister is either at school or at home.” That means that your sister could be in each of these two places, but you’re not sure which one is true.

Here are some further examples of either/or in sentences:

  • Either the trash can or the kitchen sink is emitting an awful smell.
  • If either you or your brother step a toe out of line, you’ll both be grounded for a week!
  • Either mom or dad must have taken the car to work this morning.
  • Mom says I can have either chocolate ice-cream or strawberry shortcake for dessert.
  • You can wear either a pantsuit or a cocktail dress to the party tonight.
  • After school, we can either go swimming or to the mall.
  • Either you tell him the truth, or I will.

According to traditional convention, you should only use either/or with two options, because the word either implies “one of two elements.”

As a result, many dictionaries dictate that it would be incorrect to say, “My sister is either at school or at home or at dance.”

However, you will see this rule broken in some books and articles, since not everyone agrees.

Just like with neither/nor, the either/or construction can be used as either the subject or object of a sentence.

For example, you could say, “Either Susan or Maggie ate my chocolate chip cookie.” In this case, “either Susan or Maggie” is the subject of the sentence.

You could also say, “My chocolate chip cookie must have been eaten by either Susan or Maggie.” In this case, “either Susan or Maggie” is the object of the sentence.

Again, remember that you should use subject pronouns (such as I, she, and they) if you’re using an either/or phrase as a subject, and object pronouns (such as me, her, and them) if you’re using it as an object.

“Either Or” Examples

Let’s look at some examples of sentences that use the either/or construction in English literature.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”—William Shakespeare, Hamlet

“People aren’t either wicked or noble. They’re like chef’s salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.”—Lemony Snicket, The Grim Grotto

“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”—Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”—Helen Keller, The Open Door

“They’ll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.”—Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

“Never trust people who smile constantly. They’re either selling something or not very bright.”—Laurell K. Hamilton, Burnt Offerings

“She would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know.”—Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

“Everyone you meet is a part of your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay in your life. Some people are just passing through to bring you gifts; either they’re blessings or lessons.”—Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

“If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him.”—Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

Conclusion on Neither/Nor and Either/Or

There you have it: a complete guide on how to use neither/nor and either/or.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Use neither/nor to negate each element in a list of elements.
  • Use either/or to affirm each element in a pair of elements.
  • Remember to use subject pronouns if the phrase functions as the subject of the sentence and object pronouns if it functions as the object.

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Использование структуры              either …. or…

Come either today or tomorrow.

He is either in Paris or in London.

Either my father or my brothers are coming.


Either my brothers or my father is coming.

Express the following in English.

1. Сделай это либо сегодня, либо завтра.

2. Купи или яблоки, или апельсины.

3. Он будет или адвокатом, или учёным.

4. Или мои сёстры, или мой брат собираются предложить им помощь.

5.Или мои братья, или мои кузены продолжат эту работу.

Use either or nether to make the sentences complete.


  … be quiet or leave the library.  Either be quiet or leave the library.

1. I like … dull books nor dull films.

2. …. you speak to my lawyer or  I’ll do it.

3. …. Nelly nor Tom can elect members of Parliament.

4. I can offer you … my help or my knowledge.

5. You will … offend them nor protect.

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