A sentence for the word usually

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word usually? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

Traditionally, in China and Korea, only monastics engaged in Zen meditation, usually spending at least six months each year in retreat.
I usually watch that show every week, but I missed the most recent episode.
Adjectives usually modify nouns, and adverbs usually modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
When children go to a different school, it usually takes them a while to adapt.
People with bad eyesight usually need to wear corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses.
A city-state is a sovereign state, also described as a type of small independent country, that usually consists of a single city and its dependent territories.
Still, limited control by the executive and legislative bodies usually exists.
The chief executive of a central bank is usually known as the Governor, President or Chair.
Dust is removed from the airstream by the bag, and usually a filter, before it passes through the fan.
The fans are smaller, and are usually a combination of several moving and stationary turbines working in sequence to boost power.
Smaller versions, for use in garages or small workshops, are usually electrically powered.
Since this central unit is usually located outside the living area, no dust is recirculated back into the room being cleaned.
Formerly, three cheeses were presented by parishioners, and the cheeses were usually rolled by them.
That author usually writes good stuff, but he really laid an egg with that last piece.
Where data is broken down by geographical area, this is usually done by the areas defined in the ONS geographical coding system.
The effective rate is usually much lower than the marginal rate, but sometimes much higher.
There is usually no obligation for stock to be issued via the stock exchange itself, nor must stock be subsequently traded on the exchange.
Central banks also usually oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries.
Many were no longer settled in isolated farms but had gathered into small communities, usually known as manors or villages.
Throughout the period monks remained a very small proportion of the population, usually less than one per cent.

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usually — перевод на русский


We get someone on the outside, usually a junior high kid.

Нужно иметь своего человека снаружи, обычно из другой школы и постарше.

The thing is, usually I’m good at keeping secrets, but it feels weird keeping things from Nick.

Обычно я умею хранить секреты, но мне противно утаивать что-то от Ника.

How long do they usually keep people in here for?

Сколько они обычно держат здесь людей?

This isn’t usually how I am.

Я не какая, как обычно.

Usually, 99% of skateboard jumps land with a broken ankle and me laughing at them.

Эти ребята очень милые. Обычно, 99% прыжков со скейтбордом заканчивается сломанной лодыжкой и моим смехом над ними.

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On schedule as usual.

— Все по графику, как всегда.

— After news, as usual.

— Ради новостей, как всегда.

Late as usual Bruel

Брюэль как всегда опоздал

Same as usual, thanks.

— Как всегда, спасибо.

To the Casbah, as usual.

— Ты в Касбах, как всегда?

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You see, people are usually fighting to keep things instead of…

Видите ли, люди, как правило, борются за свои права, вместо того, чтобы …

That’s usually the reason something is sold, isn’t it?

Это как правило причина продажи?

I should tell you that we don’t usually let this room until all the others are taken.

— Я должна сказать вам, что мы, как правило, не предоставляем эту комнату, пока все остальные не будут заняты.

Because usually each car spends 20 to 40 minutes waiting.

Ведь, как правило, в среднем машина от двадцати до сорока минут простаивает.

There’s a reason for everything, Mr. Mayor, and it’s usually a simple one.

На все бывает причина, г. мэр, как правило — простая.

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But the olives are usually eaten by insects.

Однако их плоды часто уничтожаются насекомыми.

Well, well… Do people in standing room usually check their coats?

Скажите-ка,а зрители с галерки часто раздеваются у вас?

— Men usually have different thoughts.

— Мужчины часто думают всякое.

It’s not usual.

Это бывает не часто.

— Is this how you usually get auditions?

Вы часто бывали на кинопробах?

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I’d decided to go up to that abandoned hunting lookout, contrary to my usual movements in hunting season, and I hadn’t taken the precaution of avoiding the woods, where you had to stop, and whistle.

Я решила пойти в ту заброшенную охотничью хижину. Вопреки моим привычным маршрутам в охотничий сезон, я не стала избегать прогулки по лесу, где приходится все время останавливаться и подавать свистом сигнал.

We’ll have to move him if he comes up, or be ready to dispose of him the usual way.

Мы должны будем перевезти его, или избавиться от него привычным способом.

— not in the usual sense, anyway. — Explain that.

— не в привычном смысле.

So if you’d like to signify your preference in the usual manner…

Поэтому если хотите высказать свои предпочтения в привычной форме…

No, I think the piano’s a more usual sort of thing.

Нет, я думаю пианино как-то привычней.

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He turned it into a studio and then abandoned it, as usual.

Он превратил её в студию, а затем, по своему обыкновению, забросил её.

Hermann thought that it was his orderly, drunk as usual, returning from some nocturnal expedition,

Германн думал, что денщик его, пьяный по своему обыкновению, возвращался с ночной прогулки.

Oh, I lost, as usual.

Проиграл, по обыкновению.

The orderly was drunk as usual, and no information could be obtained from him.

Денщик был пьян по обыкновению: от него нельзя было добиться никакого толку.

Tomsky, being piqued with the young Princess Pauline, who, contrary to her usual custom, did not flirt with him, wished to revenge himself by assuming an air of indifference:

Томский, дуясь на молодую княжну Полину, которая, против обыкновения, кокетничала не с ним, желал отомстить, выказывая равнодушие:

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Yeah, that’s the way guys usually do it.

Да, вообще-то парни так обычно и делают

I don’t usually deal with these matters but they know Corrado was one of my pupils and that I got him that job…

Вообще-то, это дело не совсем в моей компетенции. Но они знают, что Коррадо был моим учеником и что именно я, к сожалению, рекомендовал его на это место.

I don’t usually, but if you’d like me to…

Вообще-то нет, но если тебе хочется…

Usually I’m pretty much booked solid in Vegas.

Вообще-то я постоянно работаю в Вегасе.

People usually pay me to do this.

Люди мне вообще-то платят за это.

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I usually come in through the front door, big as life.

Я привык входить через главный вход.

I don’t usually…

Я не привык.

Usually you call me.

— Я привык, что вы звоните мне по телефону.

That’s way better than usual!

Это не то, к чему ты привык.

If you need to tell me that my father died in prison, hurry I usually bad news.

Если вы хотите сообщить мне, что мой отец умер в тюрьме, то делайте это быстрее; я привыкла к плохим новостям.

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who are usually rich people… think of poverty in the negative, as the lack of riches… as disease might be called the lack of health.

Богатые люди, и теоретики, считающие себя таковыми,.. ..отродясь считают нищету не хваткой богатства так же,.. ..как и болезнь можно назвать не хваткой здоровья.

Clever people usually talk

Люди разговаривают, если они не идиоты!

Usually, will not expose identity Does I’s watch for an opportunity?

Это особенные люди, они не любят себя афишировать.

I don’t usually involve myself with people in the Old Quarter but the river runs its own course.

Я плохо знал людей живущих в вашем старом квартале, но река познакомила меня с ними.

And the tricks and illusions they cooked up, to fool people, were so ingenious, usually…

И трюки и иллюзии, приготовленные ими чтобы дурачить людей,

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— They usually aren’t.

Обычно не бывает.

It’s even worse than it usually is today.

Сегодня даже хуже, чем это обычно бывает.

Well, sir, the usual.

Ну, сэр, как это обычно бывает.

It usually is you know, Dr King, despite appearances.

Обычно так бывает, д-р Кинг, несмотря на очевидные…

But wejust— We don’t have that kind of stuff usually.

Но у нас обычно такого не бывает.

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Synonym: commonly, normally, ordinarily, unremarkably. Similar words: unusual, as usual, visual, casual, casualty, visualize, sexually, actually. Meaning: [‘juːʒ(ʊ)əlɪ]  adv. under normal conditions. 

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(1) Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity. 

(2) The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. 

(3) Fame usually comes to those who are thinking something else. 

(4) Mother usually grinds down the food for the baby.

(5) The alphabet is usually ascribed to the phoenicians.

(6) Business letters are usually formal.

(7) She usually sings in the shower.

(8) We usually go to restaurant on Sundays.

(9) The year 1705 is usually pronounced seventeen o five.

(10) The street lights are usually turned on at 7.

(11) Our cat usually stays out at night.

(12) They usually get together once a month.

(13) Women usually live longer than men.

(14) Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.

(15) Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white.

(16) Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.

(17) Formal communication channels are usually vertical.

(18) I’m usually at home from 5 o’clock onwards.

(19) I usually buy all my vegetables at the market.

(20) Young people usually have more energy.

(21) I usually bath the kids in the evening.

(22) Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning.

(23) A good executive usually gets on well with people.

(24) She usually wears smart/casual clothes.

(25) We usually have a simple meal at midday. Sentencedict.com

(26) She usually stops in on Friday evenings.

(27) Martinez, when she served, usually stayed on the baseline.

(28) A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.

(29) I usually work out after work.

(30) Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 

More similar words: unusual, as usual, visual, casual, casualty, visualize, sexually, actually, annually, gradually, virtually, eventually, intellectually, usury, usurp, suave, assuage, persuade, suavity, persuasive, equal, manual, ritual, mutual, sexual, actual, annual, quality, squalid, unequal. 

Adverbs in English. Determining the place in sentences

как переводится слово usually

  • Pre-Intermediate

    Setting principle adverbs to a specific place in a sentence is based on two points:

    1. The adverb is placed either BEFORE or AFTER the verb.
    2. Adverbs of different categories (mode of action, time, place, etc.) occupy different places in the sentence.

    Therefore, there are several possible options for setting each category of adverbs in a sentence.

    1. Before the verb

    • Adverbs always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, yet, usually, generally, sometimes, still, soon, once… But!!! These adverbs are placed AFTER THE VERB TO BE.
    • Mode of action adverbs, if the verb is followed by an infinitive.
    • All adverbs are placed before have to + infinitive and used to

    2. After the verb

    • Mode of action adverbs.
    • All adverbs are placed after an auxiliary verb, after a modal verb, or after the first verb (if the verb construction is complex).
    • The adverb «yet «to mean» yet «.
    • The adverb «enough».

    3. At the end of the sentence

    • The adverb «yet«In the meaning» already «.
    • Adverbs before, lately, recently.
    • Adverbs too, either.

    4. At the beginning or end of a sentence

    • Sometimes can stand anywhere.
    • Adverbs tomorrow, today, yesterday.

    5. additional information

    • Adverb enough is placed after an adverb or definition. It can also define a noun and stand both before and after it.
    • Adverb too in the meaning «too» is placed before the word that it defines.
    • If the adverb of time and the adverb of place are next to each other, then the adverb of place comes first.
    • An adverb defining an adjective or other adverb is placed before the word being defined.

    Schematically, the principle of the arrangement of adverbs in a sentence can be depicted as follows:


    always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, yet, usually, generally, sometimes, still, soon, once Mode of action adverbs «Yet» means «already» Sometimes it can stand anywhere
    Everything before have to + infinitive and used to Everything after an auxiliary verb, after a modal verb, or after the first verb (if the verb construction is complex) before, lately, recently tomorrow, today, yesterday
    Mode of action adverbs, if the verb is followed by an infinitive. «Yet» means «yet»; enough too, either tomorrow, today, yesterday

    In conclusion, we recommend taking the test — choose the correct option:

  • Source: https://www.learnathome.ru/grammar/the-order-of-adverbs.html

    Conditionals. Conditional clauses

    как переводится слово usually

    conditionals Are conditional sentences in English.

    There are two types of situations for conditional clauses: real и unrealistic.

    1. Future tense (Future)

    We are talking about a real situation in the future according to the following scheme: if then


    If I have the money, I will buy a new car. — If I have money, I will buy a new car.

    A real (quite possible) situation: after all, money can be earned, and the speaker sincerely believes in it. Because if I did not believe that I would formulate the phrase in a completely different way (but more on that below).
    In Russian, it corresponds to the construction without using the particle «would».


    In the English construction, despite the future tense, in the part of the sentence containing if, future auxiliaries DO NOT BECOME! This is the difference from the Russian design (if I have will money)

    If I will have the money — WRONG!

    2. Habitual actions

    Habitual, repetitive actions.
    In both parts of the sentence (both in the main and in the subordinate clause), the present tense is used (Present Indefinite).


    Igor usually rides a bicycle to a shop if he has enough time. — Igor usually goes to the store by bike if he has enough time.

    A familiar (daily) situation, also real. Described by the present tense.

    3. Command (order)


    Please e-mail me if you have a new fun picture. — Please email me if you find a cool new picture.

    The real situation. Note again that in the part of the sentence with if (if you have a new fun picture) no future auxiliary.

    1. Present or Future Time


    If I had the time, I would go to the beach this weekend. — If I had time, I would go to the beach on the weekend.

    Everything, the situation is UNREAL! In Russian, this corresponds to the construction “If only, if only” — that is, what is not in reality. And note that the unreal situation is described by the past tense (If I had the time), although we are talking about the future.


    If I were the President, I would ordain just laws. — If I were president, I would issue fair laws.

    The situation is unreal. Alas, I am not the president, so the laws remain as they are. Again, an analogue of the Russian construction «If only, but if only.» Please note that both in Russian and in English this construction is transmitted past tense (If I was). But in fact, we are talking about the present! If I were president NOW!

    Important! In an unreal situation, the verb to be in the past tense will always be Were and never — was!
    Therefore If I Were the President, not If I was the President!

    If I / you / he / she / it / we / they Were


    If today were Saturday, we could go to the beach. — If today was Saturday, we would go to the beach.

    And again, an unrealistic situation — today is not Saturday, and the beach will have to wait.

    Source: http://www.dinternal.com.ua/grammar/conditionals/

    English grammar

    как переводится слово usually

    I Infinitive — an indefinite form of a verb What to do? to heat to give to give
    II Past tense — Past indefinite What they were doing)? What did (s) do? heated heated (and) gave (and)
    III Passive participle Participle II What is it? heated heated given given
    IV Active participle Participle I What is it? heating heating, heating giving, giving


    1) These forms are basic for the formation of the predicate and all other verb forms, both simple and complex.

    2) By the formation of the form by adding the ending (ed) to the infinitive of the verb, and non-standard, forming the II and III forms by changing the root vowel (to see, saw, seen), the final consonant (to build, built, built), from different roots ( to go, went, gone) and in other ways (see table of irregular verbs)

    3) Participle I (active participle) — the form of the verb, formed from the stem of the infinitive of the verb by adding the ending — ing.

    2. Formation of various verb tense groups

    to be in personal form — is, are, am, was, were, shall be, will be Participle I (active participle) Continuous He is writing He writes now
    to have — in personal form — have, has, had, shall have, will have Participle II (passive participle) Perfect I have written a letter. I wrote a letter. have finished the work. They finished the job.
    Shall, will infinitive without the particle «that» All groups in the future time He will write a letter He will write the work

    3. Table of times. Active Voice

    1 2 3 4 5
    Present I help him.

    Source: http://linguisticus.com/ru/Grammar/OpenFolder/ENGLISH_GRAMMAR

    Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    We continue to study English grammar and deal with sentences in the present tense. Let me remind you that the first step was the verb to be, sentences with which express a state, being, finding (eg She is nice. She is nice.).

    You can read more about the verb to be in my article Present Simple Table. The verb to be.

    Today you will learn to express actions that occur regularly, constantly, in general, usually, and Present Simple table (The Present Indefinite Tense) It will help you with this.

    In addition to the structure of the sentence and the use of this tense, I will draw your attention in this article to the typical mistakes and shortcomings of students when studying present indefinite time, share only practical observations, and not a dry and boring (but, all the same, very necessary) theory.

    Marker words. Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    I want to introduce you to marker words — words that denote certain periods of time, and which tell us what time to use for a particular sentence.

    Marker words for Present simple: every day (week, month, year, autumn) (every day (week, month, year, autumn), usually (usually), often (often), seldom (rarely), occasionally (from time to time), sometimes (sometimes ), never, always, hardly ever.

    For example, if you want to say: “I usually read in the evening”, then the marker word “usually” tells you that in this sentence the verb (“I read”) is in present indefinite time and you need to translate it, respectively, according to the structure Present simple (“Read”) (not “reading, have read, has read”).

    However, it should be remembered that there may not be such clue words in the sentence. Therefore, before translating a sentence, I recommend that you first analyze it: determine the action and understand whether it occurs regularly, constantly, often.If yes, then we do not hesitate to build such a sentence according to one of the schemes described below in Present Simple table.

    V — verb — verb
    S — subject — subject
    Vs — a verb with the ending -s (add this ending to the verb that comes after he, she, it — “He swims, she walks”)
    Ves — a verb with the ending -es (add this ending to the verb that comes after he, she, it and ends with letters — -ss, -ch, -sh, -х, -o — “He dresses, she goes”)

    Present Simple affirmative

    Structure Examples Translation

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they) V
    He (he)She (she)It (he, she, it is about animals and objects) Vs(es)It is important not to lose the -s (-es) ending!
    We live in a big city.
    They live in a big city.
    He lives in a big city.
    She lives in a big city.
    It (for example, an animal) lives in a big city.

    I also want to emphasize that personal pronouns

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they)He (he)She (she)It (he, she, it is about animals and objects)

    in sentences, if necessary, we replace any other nouns. For example: «My sister loves green tea.» — «My sister s green tea.» That is, since “my sister” is “she”, it is understandable why we say not “”, but “s”.

    Present Simple interrogative form

    Structure Examples Translation

    Do I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    Does he (he)she (she)it (it) V?It is important not to deliver the -s, (-es) ending that has gone to Do + es = Does
    — Do you cook every evening? — Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) “Do you cook food every night?” “Yes. (No.)
    — Do they cook every evening? — No, they don’t. (Yes, they do.) “Do they cook food every night?” “No. (Yes.)
    — Does he cook every evening? — Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) “Does he make food every night?” “Yes. (No.)
    — Does she cook every evening? — No, she doesn’t. (Yes, she does.) “Does she cook food every night?” “No. (Yes.)
    Do / does are auxiliary verbs — they only help form the question and the negation, but are not translated. It is important to use only do (don’t), does (doesn’t) in short answers. Saying «Yes, I cook» is a mistake !!!

     (start with special words)

    Structure Examples Translation

    WhatWhenWhyHow many (much, far)WhereWho do I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    dyes he (he)she (she)it (it)
    What do they usually do at the weekend? What do they usually do on weekends?
    It is important not to confuse the first «do», which is not translated, but only shows that this is a sentence in Present Simple, with the second «do», which is translated — «to do».
    Where does your friend play tennis? Where does your friend play tennis?
    It is important not to rush to use do after seeing your. Some students sometimes think that your and you are the same thing. “Your friend” — “your friend” means “he”, respectively, we use “does” before “your friend”.
    Why does she ballet [‘bæleɪ]?

    Present Simple negative form

    Structure Examples Translation

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they) do not (don’t) V?
    He (he)She (she)It (it) does not (doesn’t)
    I don’t like (I don’t like) Spanish.
    (I don’t like — I don’t, not “me not”)
    You don’t understand Spanish. You (you) do not understand Spanish.
    We do not teach Spanish.
    They don’t know Spanish.
    He doesn’t speak Spanish. He doesn’t speak Spanish.
    It is important to say “speak Spanish” and not “speak in Spanish”, which is a common mistake.
    She doesn’t learn Spanish. She doesn’t study Spanish.
    Note that not a single semantic verb in negation has the ending -s, (-es) — know, speak,

    Interrogative-negative form Present Simple (colloquial speech)


    Structure Examples Translation

    Do not I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    Doesn’t he (he)she (she)it
    Don’t you enjoy the film? Don’t you like the movie?
    Don’t they live abroad?
    Doesn’t he prefer coffee? Doesn’t he like coffee?
    Doesn’t she leave in the morning? Doesn’t she leave in the morning?

    Schematic structure of a sentence in The present indefinite tense I would show like this:

    S + Vs (es)

    Do / does + S + V?

    Wh -?
     Wh + do / does + S + V?

    S + don’t / doesn’t + V

    ? —
    Don’t / doesn’t + S + V?

    If this entry is not very clear, ask in the comments. Such a diagram can be printed and pasted together with others into a notebook, for example, a ready-made cheat sheet, where everything is short and concise.

     I look forward to your comments and wishes!

    Now let’s check how deeply you penetrate Present simple.

    Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/tablitsa-present-simple-the-present-indefinite-tense/

    Present Simple marker words: definition, rules and examples

    “Time markers” are words that make it possible to determine that the sentence should use the present Simple temporal form. Let’s see how this works, taking the example of Present Simple marker words.

    Present Simple time

    One of the first topics when learning English grammar is Present Simple. This is the Simple Present Tense, which applies in the following cases:

    • to indicate a state, habitual, repetitive action;
    • to describe scientific facts, accepted statements, common truths, laws of nature;
    • when listing the following one after another actions;
    • practical guides, operating instructions, instructions;
    • various schedules (trains, buses, cinema sessions, etc.);
    • newspaper headlines;

    The English language itself helps to understand all cases of using the temporary form of Present Simple. He may suggest special signals — time indicators.

    What are time markers

    The verbs in the sentence describe actions and events, and they unfold in time. Therefore, the verb itself is directly related to temporary circumstances: when the event took place, how long it lasted, by what moment it ended, etc.

    Tense circumstances are not accidental in sentences: they serve as indicators for different verb forms. Such pointers are called temporary markers. For each time in the English language, its own set of indicators is allocated, including Present Simple markers.

    If you master the verbal indicators, it is much easier to detect the use of this or that tense. Present Simple pointers will prompt you that in such a context it is the simple present that is used, and not, for example, Present Continuous.

    But you should always be careful. Some markers can refer to multiple times. The choice in such cases comes only from the context and understanding of the essence of the situation. And there may be sentences in which there are no circumstances of the tense at all and an indication of the verb form. Therefore, in order to use Present Simple correctly and correctly interpret the indicator hints, it is necessary to master the values ​​of the present simple.

    List of time markers

    There are often more difficult situations. Sometimes we talk about events inherent in Present Simple. Sometimes we use Present Continuous and other times. It can be difficult to figure it out here, and temporary pointers make our life very much easier.

    Basic temp pointers for Present Simple Tense (simple present tense)

    always always
    often often
    usually usually
    sometimes sometimes
    never never

    Without these pointers, nowhere. You definitely need to know them. Often we are also asked the question: «How often do you do it?» (How often do you do this?)

    And here there are often variations — twice a week, three times a week, every day, etc. How to say it?

    Temporary pointer table for Present Simple Tense (simple present tense)

    every day Cada dia
    every week every week
    every month every month
    Every year every year
    two times a week twice a week
    three times per week three times a week
    four times a month four times a month
    on weekends at weekends
    on Mondays on Mondays
    on Sundays on Sundays
    rarely seldom

    This is a more extensive list of temporary pointers. Very often students forget how to say the word «rarely» in English. Not everyone knows the words seldom and rarely. In this case, you can say sometimes and everything will be clear.

    It is also important to pay attention to the differences between British and American English when we talk about temporary pointers. How do you say “on weekends” in English? UK version — at weekends. The American version is on weekends. That is, a different pretext is put.

    So, for each time in the English language there are auxiliary words — clues that show what kind of temporary form we have in front of us. Present Simple is no exception, and has its own list of auxiliary words.

    Examples of time markers

    Sample sentences with adverbs of frequency in Present Simple:

    • He always gets up at 7 am — He always gets up at 7 am.
    • They are usually at home in the evening. “They’re usually at home in the evening.
    • Miranda and Greg often visit their grandmother. — Miranda and Greg often visit their grandmother.
    • She rarely meets her friends. — She rarely meets with friends.
    • We are hardly ever late for work. — We are almost never late for work.
    • I never borrow money from my friends. — I never borrow money from friends.

    Usually adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb of the sentence, in particular:

    • I sometimes have a shower in the morning. — I sometimes take a shower in the morning.
    • Mark doesn’t always give his girlfriend flowers. — Mark does not always give flowers to his girlfriend.

    However, there is one situation where this order of words is violated — when there is a verb to be in a sentence, adverbs of frequency are established after it, for example:

    • She is hardly ever worried. — She almost never worries.
    • Helen and Mike aren’t usually at work at this time. — Helen and Mike are usually not at work at this time.

    As a rule, adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb of a sentence, in particular:

    • I sometimes have a shower in the morning. — I sometimes take a shower in the morning.
    • Mark doesn’t always give his girlfriend flowers. — Mark does not always give flowers to his girlfriend.

    However, there is one situation where this order of words is violated — when there is a verb to be in a sentence, adverbs of frequency are placed after it, in particular:

    • She is hardly ever worried. — She almost never worries.
    • Helen and Mike aren’t usually at work at this time. — Helen and Mike are usually not at work at this time.

    Phrases expressing frequency — they are usually placed at the end of a sentence.

    Phrases formed by the word every:

    • every + day / week / month / year
    • I go shopping every day. — I go shopping every day.
    • Scarlett watches a new film every week. — Scarlett watches a fresh movie every week.
    • She visits her mother-in-law every month. — She visits her mother-in-law every month.
    • Molly goes on holiday every year. — Molly goes on vacation every year.

    Phrases formed using the words once and twice:

    • once + a week / month / year and twice + a week / month / year
    • We see each other once a month. — We see each other once a month.
    • Ivan has English lessons twice a week. — Ivan studies English twice a week.

    Starting from 3 times or more, we use the word times: three times a month, four times a year

    Charlotte’s daughter usually comes to see her about ten times a year. “Charlotte’s daughter usually visits her about ten times a year.

    Source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/slova-markery-present-simple.html

    Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

    An adverb is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an action and describes where, when and how this action is performed. Often, usually and always refer to adverbs of frequency and answer the question «How often?» Where often, usually and always are put in a sentence — we will consider below.

    In English, adverbs of place, time, mode of action, measure and degree, adverbs of frequency of action and adverbs-interrogative words are distinguished. Often, usually and always refer to the adverbs of the frequency of action or otherwise the frequency — Adverbs of Frequency, but are not the only representatives of this group.

    Examples of adverbs of frequency of action:

    These are far from all the existing Adverbs of Frequency, there are a great many of them. They can be conditionally divided into adverbs of a certain frequency (definite frequency) and adverbs of an indefinite frequency (indefinite frequency). The adverbs of both groups answer the same question: «How often?»

    Adverbs of a certain frequency of action:

    • Daily — daily
    • Annually — annually
    • Every day / hour / month / year — every day / hour / month / year
    • Once a week / month / year etc. — once a week / month / year, etc.

    Let us dwell on the group of adverbs of an indefinite frequency of action, since often, usually and always represent this particular group. The most common adverbs of indefinite frequency are sometimes presented as a scale on which the difference between them is clearly visible. The frequency of the action is presented as a percentage.

    When using these adverbs in speech, the speaker’s subjective opinion plays an important role: for some, «often» is three times a day, and for someone — three times a month.

    Action frequency adverbs, including often, usually, and always, refer to Present Simple time markers. The simple present tense is associated with periodicity, regularity, or constancy. Accordingly, the meaning of its markers-adverbs of frequency is also similar.


    As a general rule, if the predicate is expressed by a single semantic verb, then the adverb of frequency should be placed before the verb.

    He often visited us. — He often visited us.

    I usually drink tea in the morning. — I usually drink tea in the morning.


    In adverb matters, frequencies also take place in the middle of a sentence, after the subject.

    Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — He always drank tea for breakfast?

    Also, adverbs of indefinite frequency are used in short answers to questions before an auxiliary verb, when the speaker agrees or disagrees with what was said earlier.

    Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

    Mary is upset again. — She’s always like that.

    Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

    Tom only talks about himself. — Yes, he always does that.

    Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/often-usually-always

    Texts (topics) in English 5, 6 grades with questions. Part 1

    Subject texts (topics) for those who are studying English at school (grades 5-6). Data texts in English are intended for repetition of the topics covered, the development of writing and speaking.

    Questions to the texts can be used as a basis for dialogues. Words and expressions in the texts correspond to the vocabulary passed in these classes. A dictionary is connected to the site. To find out the translation of an unfamiliar word, you need to click on it 2 times.

      The texts are accompanied by lists of words for repetition on the topics indicated below, as well as assignments on the topic «Personal letter».

    Texts (topics):

    * * *

    Text 1. About Myself

    My name is. I am years old.

    I am in the th form. We learn different subjects but my favorite subject is

    I live in. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly and loving.

    I am tall (short). My hair is straight and long. I have big brown eyes.

    I have got many friends. My best friend is. We often spend time together. We to.

    * * *

    Lyrics 2. My Family and Me

    My family is large. There are 6 of us: father, mother, my sister, two brothers and me. My family is friendly and loving.

    My father’s name is. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession.

    My mother’s name is. She is busy and loving. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife.

    My elder sister’s name is She is a very beautiful girl. Her hobby is singing.
    My younger brother’s name is He is very active. He s sport.

    My hobby is drawing. I to draw in my free time. Also I reading books. My favorite writer is

    At the weekends all the members of our family spend time together. We go for a walk, visit museums, go to the cinema or to the theater.

    I love my family very much.

    * * *

    Lyrics 3. My Friends

    Source: http://englishinn.ru/tekstyi-topiki-na-angliyskom-yazyike-5-6-klass.html

    Usually sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use usually in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for usually.

    • You usually do. (9)
    • Usually a woman feeling . (10)
    • This is usually ¼ inch to the foot. (17)
    • Usually we go the wrong way to work. (10)
    • She was alone; she was usually alone. (12)
    • Mr. Pasmer usually lunched at the club. (9)
    • He usually lay in a state of convulsive rigour. (12)
    • And it is usually the end of a sentimental dalliance. (10)
    • They are usually made too large and too wide and fat. (17)
    • But not as many of them as perfectionists usually allege. (16)
    • Diana preferred a hard pillow, and usually carried her own about. (10)
    • That swinery of a place she insists on visiting is usually crammed. (10)
    • Usually Tasso came running in when the hall-door was opened to him. (10)
    • He is usually a graduate of one or the other of the great universities. (7)
    • Speech that has to be hauled from the depths usually betrays the effort. (10)
    • A kerchief is usually worn on the head, and the feet are habitually bare. (20)
    • She usually appeared toward evening to sit with Michael for an hour or two. (12)
    • There were a few clothes, but very few, all older than those he usually wore. (8)
    • Usually swift, almost careless, she was a long time that evening over her toilette. (8)
    • There might be personal reasons for this, but usually his kindness of heart moved him. (9)
    • And because he would not give it away, he was more than usually affectionate to Sylvia. (8)
    • He devoted uncommon attention to the Countess, whom he usually shunned and overlooked. (10)
    • Dining alone, as he usually had to do, he was astonished to see the earl enter his room. (10)
    • Yet I suppose it must be done, for what other people report is usually thoroughly wrong. (12)
    • Now and then, but only very rarely, one of them speaks out, and usually on the unpopular side. (9)
    • Weyburn and Aminta were strolling to the playground, thinking in common, as they usually did. (10)
    • Both types are usually laid 4 inches to the weather and nailed with 1-inch galvanized nails No. (17)
    • Few travellers ever visit Sulina, because the passenger boats usually touch there in the night. (20)
    • Miss Naylor usually attended them; the little lady was, to a certain extent, carried past objection. (8)
    • Of very important, very recordable events, it was not more productive than such meetings usually are. (4)
    • The other two strings were usually tuned as Tonic and Dominant, thus giving a drone like the bagpipe. (3)
    • Their experience was that these things always came right of themselves at last, and they usually let them. (9)
    • The former had three strings tuned in fifths, the latter four to six, usually tuned in fourths and one third. (3)
    • From the moment he heard of it he hardly spoke, and a perpetual little frown creased a brow usually so serene. (8)
    • Tea at Worsted Skeynes was served in the hall on Sundays, and was usually attended by the Rector and his wife. (8)
    • Mr. Rushworth, however, though not usually a great talker, had still more to say on the subject next his heart. (4)
    • He had dealt with building committees before, and he had found that trustees usually took their duties lightly. (13)
    • Usually the exchange of courtesies could best be accomplished by preparing a feast for the assembled tribesmen. (18)
    • So we must be charitable with them and let them show how little they know, as they usually do in a bombastic way. (18)
    • Upstart families or races usually have bad manners, and the newspaper, as we know it, is very much of an upstart. (16)
    • Usually the walls will be faced with some variety of face brick, in which case they should be bonded into the wall. (17)
    • He usually carried about with him a handful of black and strong cigars, which he dealt out on the slightest occasion. (13)
    • Certain it is she brought her wounded brother safe home to England, and prisoners in that war usually had short shrift. (10)
    • Every two or three hundred yards a tree had fallen across the river, and usually involved more than another in its fall. (2)
    • He spent a good deal of time with his mother, and read to her, and got upon better terms with her than they usually were. (9)
    • Instead of using copper the flashings are usually of tin, which is permitted to rust out because of neglect in painting. (17)
    • She knew the city, and limped through the streets and alleys toward the tavern where the strolling players usually lodged. (5)
    • In fact, fire-stopping can be cheaply done with odd-and-end bits of material which usually go to waste around the building. (17)
    • Supposing it furnishes only dramatic entertainment in that usually vacant tenement, or powder-shell, it will be of service. (10)
    • All use sheathing-boards of ⅞-inch stock to cover the outside of the studs, and these are usually 6 inches to 8 inches wide. (17)
    • Diagonal bracing at the corners evidently was found to be useful in resisting high wind-storms, and it was usually employed. (17)
    • He is usually an idiot from birth, the Tamtonians having a great veneration for such, believing them to be divinely inspired. (7)
    • Usually those blocks which are cast in a very dry state are porous, while those which are poured show considerable compactness. (17)
    • The size of the lower rail is usually 3 inches wide, the sides and top rails 2 inches wide, and the meeting rail 1⅛ inches wide. (17)
    • They have continued very good friends, and their wives are almost without the rivalry that usually embitters the wives of partners. (9)
    • The material of which the house-drain, soil-line, and waste-line are made is usually cast-iron, and of a grade known as extra heavy. (17)
    • These articles, corresponding, as far as a monthly could parallel a daily, to the leader of a journal, were usually one to a number. (14)
    • He wrote his poems at a heat, and the manuscript which came to me for the magazine was usually the first draft, very little corrected. (9)
    • Interior doors of veneered woods usually have flat panels, ⁵/₁₆ inch thick, except the one-panel door, which is as thick as ⁷/₁₆ inch. (17)
    • The interior is in charge of a lecturer, who is usually either a magician or a Punch and Judy man, he thereby serving a double purpose. (21)
    • Usually this will be a material one, for our current literature deals with things rather than thought; it is healthy but never top-heavy. (16)
    • These are usually levied upon the ticket wagon just before the evening performance or upon a pole wagon as the tents are being pulled down. (21)
    • We find them after hard buffeting, and usually, when we find the one fitted for us, our madness has misshaped our destiny, our lot is cast. (10)
    • In the spring of 1902, Tops, a usually good-natured elephant, stamped the life out of a man who offended her with whiskey, in Brooklyn, N. Y. (21)
    • But it is not so common a reflection, and surely more consoling, that we usually find ourselves a great deal braver and better than we thought. (2)
    • Cold-rolled or soft copper sheets, usually 20 inches wide, are used for this roof covering, weighing not less than 16 ounces to the square foot. (17)
    • His manner was usually decisive, abrupt and self-reliant, but now he seemed to her like a clock that points to one hour while it strikes another. (5)
    • Her sick father, now slowly recovering, could refuse her nothing, and, if Semestre tried to do so, Xanthe usually succeeded in having her own way. (5)
    • These peasants we found polite but reserved; the Servians were usually noisy and talkative, and the Magyars cheery, sympathetic, and communicative. (20)
    • An incessant struggle of one man with the world, which position usually ranks his relatives against him, does not conduce to soundness of judgement. (10)
    • Usually there are at the most four rooms which must be arranged on the ground floor of the small house: the living-room, dining-room, kitchen, and pantry. (17)
    • It is usually ignored by the writers on early music, not because there was no musical culture, but because there was not continuous and original development. (3)
    • During the polyphonic period, composers were singers or organists; during the period when the violin dominated instrumental composition, composers in that form were usually violinists. (3)

    Also see sentences for: commonly, customarily, generally.

    Glad you visited this page with a sentence for usually. Now that you’ve seen how to use usually in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site Sentencefor.com to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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