A sentence for the word theirs

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word theirs? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

Usually my compromise is to air-kiss them, or simply touch my cheek to theirs.
In terms of my favorite songs of theirs, I immediately veer towards their loungey stuff.
Older bulls lose their antlers in December, following the rut, while the younger males may keep theirs as late as February.
They started dancing, and I smiled sadly, wishing I had a relationship even half as wonderful as theirs.
Some employees saw increases in their salaries while others had theirs reduced.
Before that, the excitement of the opening ceremony and the sheer majesty of the Olympic experience will be theirs to relish.
Both were sympathetic but lacked the will to tackle a problem that was not exclusively theirs.
The rest I put back into their boxes, scratched out my address and replaced it with theirs, and sent them off.
America and the West cannot assume that theirs is the only political and economic model.
The other evening I placed an online order with a well known company for some products of theirs.
Scorsese’s film of course centres around these people, but it is his film, not theirs.
After the war much of the prime land that was once theirs lay in the Soviet eastern sector of the city.
Some will nod heads knowingly while other saddened souls will simply shake theirs.
Our footballing exaggerations are not as big as theirs but then neither is our level of success.
After an early morning ride and breakfast the host had his work to do as usual, the soldiers theirs.
Why don’t these people just get on with living their lives and leave others to live theirs?
I stayed silent during the meeting and people imagined my pain was much worse than theirs.
Bette says she knows what he’s thinking before he says it, and theirs is a special bond.
I hope it works for their sake, after all it’s not my main gig but it is theirs.
This makes a certain amount of sense, as theirs is the only network that can do this.

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Examples from Classical Literature

These things are trifling grievances, but, on the other hand, the Prussians have theirs also.
So Punch spends the winter in Pasadena and I rather fancy he is theirs for good.
As Shakespeare is the amplest of poets, so were theirs the most fruitful of courts.
Still, it is difficult always to assort your company to your satisfaction and theirs.
I wanted that the angels that had ministered to my spirit should attune theirs also.
But the Richlings were becalmed in theirs, and, not knowing it, were satisfied.
Let Old Eaton have his way, if thereby they might beguile him into paving theirs.
Also it is a notice to the gods of the enemy that theirs is the stronger god, and to beware.
You can see the trench and the head of the bloke what’s working that tac-tac of theirs.
As with the cave bear of ancient song and saga, no weapon of theirs was adequate to meet this dreaded monster.
Had the Cimbri come at once after their victory at Orange, Italy had been theirs.
The Barbarians had no need of a circumvallation on the side of Africa, for it was theirs.
But how can you expect, when there must be a concession on one side, that it should be on theirs?
Evidently they will not be consubstantial with existence, if this existence of theirs be in the future or past.
It was not that his dress, although a uniform, was better or costlier than theirs.
I’m not used to be cross, and my own crossness is much harder to bear than theirs.
I have dandled your sons and daughters, Roberta, and may I live to dandle theirs!
It is detectable in every utterance of theirs when they are talking about us.
Then others who depend on us will indulge theirs, to our detriment and misery.
So far as I could learn, the Stopfords had given no ornaments to state or church, but theirs was pre-eminently a safe house.

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Asked by: Guillermo Heathcote

Score: 4.4/5
(39 votes)

Theirs sentence example. Now, take theirs and do the same. «Pay for theirs too,» he said. My place was on the street behind theirs , one house over so the corners of our lots touched.

How do you use the word theirs?

a form of the possessive case of plural they used as a predicate adjective, after a noun or without a noun: It is theirs. Oh, you know Walt and Liz—are you a friend of theirs?

Is there a word theirs?

The idea that theirs needs an apostrophe comes out of the fact that on virtually every other word, ‘s indicates possession, so English speakers sometimes think theirs should be spelled their’s. However, this is always incorrect – theirs is the only correct spelling.

How do you use yours in a sentence?

Yours sentence example

  1. Is this yours , Mrs. …
  2. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine. …
  3. Tell me about yours , Jenn said with a smile. …
  4. I hope to have a love like yours some day. …
  5. Please, my home is yours for as long as you like. …
  6. «It’s like this,» he said thoughtfully, «if there’s a battle soon, yours will win.

What is a example for sentence?

So, you might say, “Claire walks her dog.” In this complete sentence, “Claire” is the subject, “walks” is the verb, and “dog” is the object. (“Her” is simply a required pronoun in this example.) Finally, examples of complete sentences need to start with a capital letter and end with some form of punctuation.

17 related questions found

What is sentence and give 5 examples?

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

What are three sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

Is yours or your’s?

Always use yours and never your’s. Although they look almost exactly alike, the version with the apostrophe is incorrect and will make your writing look unprofessional. Yours is a possessive pronoun that can show ownership of something. Your’s is a misspelling of yours.

What is the difference between you and yours?

As pronouns the difference between you and yours

is that you is (object pronoun) the people spoken, or written to, as an object while yours is that which belongs to you (singular); the possessive second-person singular pronoun used without a following noun.

What are the 3 different yours?

But isn’t it difficult?

  • your – possessive, the thing belonging to you. See how it ends in “our”? Use that as a reminder. When it belongs to us, it’s our thing. When it belongs to you, it’s your thing.
  • you’re – a contraction of the words “you are”. The apostrophe is your signal that the word can be split into two words.

What is difference between their and theirs?

Their is a possessive adjective. It modifies a noun: «their house», «their dogs», etc. Theirs is a possessive pronoun. It is used without a noun: «these books are theirs».

When to use theirs or its?

(Its is replacing the company’s name.) You would only use “their” when the noun it is replacing is plural. The managers offered all their employees a bonus. (Their is replacing the managers.)

What do the Theirs mean?

1 : that which belongs to them —used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective their. 2 : his or hers : his, hers —used with an indefinite third person singular antecedent I will do my part if everybody else will do theirs.

Can you use theirs?

language note: Theirs is the third person plural possessive pronoun. You use theirs to indicate that something belongs or relates to the group of people, animals, or things that you are talking about. There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.

Is its and it’s the same?

It’s is a contraction, meaning a shorter or «contracted» form of «it is» or «it has.» (Example: It’s going to rain.) Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, «belonging to it,» or a «quality of it» (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.)

Is yours formal or informal?

We use yours sincerely in informal letters or message and we tend to use yours faithfully informal letters or messages.

Is your a possessive?

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There’s also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes.

Where we use my and mine?

The difference between My and Mine is that My is a possessive adjective and pronoun while Mine can only be used as a possessive pronoun. “My” comes before a noun, whereas “Mine” comes after the noun. … Example: “Look at my new pens and notebooks for school!” It can be used for both plural and singular nouns.

How is yours meaning?

1 something or someone belonging to or associated in some way with you.

Is other’s correct?

Other’s is the correct possessive singular form of the word other. Others is the plural form of the word other. Others’ is the possessive plural of others.

Is it yours truly or your’s truly?

When to Use Yours

When you are indicating possession, yours is the correct choice—not your’s. You do not need an apostrophe to indicate possession because yours itself is a possessive pronoun. In this sense, yours is similar to other possessive pronouns like its, whose, and ours.

What is the main sentence?

For a sentence to be complete, rather than a fragment, it must include a main clause. In English grammar, a main clause (also known as in independent clause, superordinate clause, or base clause) is a group of words made up of a subject and a predicate that together express a complete concept.

How many pages is 30 sentences?

Answer: 30 words is 0.1 pages single-spaced or 0.1 pages double-spaced.

What is simple sentence in English grammar?

A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. These kinds of sentences have only one independent clause, and they don’t contain any subordinate clauses.

Use ‘theirs’ in a sentence | ‘theirs’ example sentences

1- These transgressions of theirs are considered sins.

2- The great stamp collection of theirs helps too!

3- His wrists are fully visible where theirs are hidden behind his.

4- The functions of bags are beyond theirs fact value.

5- This action of theirs had many effects.

6- The architecture of three villages was theirs .

7- That whole idea and scenario was theirs .

8- Our operation was totally separate from theirs .

9- From every aspect theirs was a changing world.

10- We should solve ours before trying to stop theirs .

11- Politicians apparently never learned to control theirs .

12- Well ours has got loads more pupils than theirs !

13- Since when has anyone else ever minded theirs ?

14- He warns others to turn theirs off.

15- Yet theirs was no ordinary family life.

16- And is better then theirs ever was.

17- But theirs was never a free market.

18- Success is theirs , failure is ours.

19- Push your knees against theirs and squat slightly.

20- All else was theirs for the taking.

21- Our families will never mix with theirs .

22- The war bird was theirs for the taking.

23- What business was it of theirs anyway?

24- But her childhood was very different from theirs .

25- I am certain that this church is theirs .

26- Anyone else notice these features on theirs ?

27- It is their business and theirs alone.

28- The opinions expressed by people providing comments are theirs alone.

29- Showing your own grief may help your children express theirs .

30- His surprise was as patent as theirs .

31- What is my burden compared to theirs ?

32- Other groups then compete to raise theirs .

33- And theirs was nearly twice the price of ours.

34- The priesthood is theirs by a lasting ordinance.

35- Some teams continued to wear theirs throughout the season.

36- For theirs is a strange and wondrous tale.

37- Your birthdays come round faster than theirs .

38- Another son of theirs died shortly after birth.

39- And theirs is music that speaks to every generation.

40- My clan had dirty guns and software on theirs . theirs is a large householdtheirs is an old family.

41- His ideas accord with theirs.

42- Our team triumphed over theirs.

43- Our school is larger than theirs.

44- Our car met theirs near the station.

45- The policeman asked the girls if that car was theirs.

46- Some have come to meet their friends and others to see theirs off.

47- Some people are good at remembering their dreams, others forget theirs.

48- There is an old proverb which states that the first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them.

49- Thomas Harding once wrote that it is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.

50- G.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
grand theft – identity theft – theft from – theft of – thefts – their – their own – theirs – theism – theist – theistic – theists – thekedar – them – thematic –

This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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«That’s farther from my mind than four tons of aluminum is from theirs

Describe your philosophy of life, and help them develop theirs

Emma suggested a cock and bull idea of moving Barney into their bedroom and thus making space for me, but I know how small that house of theirs is

» He knew that from listening to some of the gossip that went around in theirs

«So your word against theirs then

Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any

And so I decided to die by my own means rather than theirs, and the tears started again

They believe that theirs is a true religion and although they also believe that our brothers and sisters in Judaism have a true religion, it is the Christian message alone that bears scrutiny

Theirs was a despair that comes to a life without purpose, to a soul for whom there is no revelation beyond the recognition of desperate impotence

But why will they hate us? They will hate us because our works are righteous and theirs are evil

Turns out my version of success is way different than theirs

No one considered their things to be theirs, but shared all their possessions with one another

Alan taking the responsibility for his own tasks and also being considerate of others, Nuran shirking her own tasks, taking others for granted and pleading with others to shirk theirs for her own selfish reasons

They would bond strongly that night and theirs would be a strong reign

Daniel and Lady Kate sent word that Big John and Diana would stay in a newly made guest cave near theirs

Your life becomes theirs, and theirs,

This could be theirs

Yes, all the brains of the crew had theories, but he could tell none of them were very confident of theirs but Thom, and his was too preposterous to take seriously, an alien intelligence lurking in the dark matter

No descendant of theirs survived in flesh

focus on yourself by making it seem as though that focus is actually theirs

Dance with those that would share theirs with you

Theirs was a long and passionate relationship, but that is another story

This wil not only benefit your life, but theirs as wel

She said I have to accept her punishment or theirs

No doubt they would be ready to defend theirs and accuse others

While Billy sits quiet and still amid the heavy metal sounds of the custody suite, his companions reach out and take his hands in theirs and the three of them begin to mime and mug like savant idiots, and with the sound turned down, with the picture fading to a single white dot, they start to belt out Billy’s favourite song without shifting a single molecule of air:

to raise their guns, but Blair and Anastasia raised theirs and riddled Laurens with

Lester’s been way too good a customer of theirs

As he made the sudden lunge forward, they dropped their own staffs, grasped the ends of his just as suddenly and with the strength necessary to heft a two hundred pound timber, they pulled him forward adding his own momentum to theirs

Theirs hadn’t been that innocent, and she knew she had to keep a close eye out, so it didn’t happen again

Kaitlyn and Harry embraced and then kissed—real passion is the mere shadow of true love requited—and theirs was the very heart, blood, and soul of that rarest of all treasures

She wouldn’t have chosen it, but she was still trying to pretend theirs was a real marriage, so she felt obligated to wear it

He twirled her a couple times more to the stage where he hoisted the large cup above his head and the crowd again shouted out cheers, indicating it was theirs

them, but blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

took his arms possessively in theirs

This doctrine of theirs is all nonsense

He rubber-legged it way down with his lween blowing and rolled over on his back still playing this old saw of theirs they used to do with a previous yandrille player

For their last song they did one of theirs that sold four thousand tapes before Desa joined them

Much of their ways are lost to us, making our task more difficult than theirs ever was

his own part as well as theirs, he had to admit that he felt

it was due this week, you see the other children have already been given theirs, so Grandpa rather used you both to do the test if you understand my meaning

He and Marsha had not brought theirs, she had only one maidservant and Delos had too many to be seemly

Like Adros, his life was theirs – the children’s

Their realities are not yours and yours is not theirs

others come to leave theirs

I would rather be torn to pieces by a pack of wolves than been a victim of theirs

Let them look well after their own expense, and they may safely trust private people with theirs

When our neighbours prohibit some manufacture of ours, we generally prohibit, not only the same, for that alone would seldom affect them considerably, but some other manufacture of theirs

But all things have a limit and shortly before the Bretons found theirs, the machine collapsed to the ground in a groaning roar

It hinders our own workmen from furnishing their goods for so small a quantity of silver as they otherwise might do, and enables the Dutch to furnish theirs for a smaller

It tends to render our manufactures somewhat dearer in every market, and theirs somewhat cheaper, than they otherwise would be, and consequently to give their industry a double advantage over our own

And not theirs

In case of any of those accidents to which no trade is more liable than theirs, they would find in their ordinary customer, the wealthy corn merchant, a person who had both an interest to support them, and the ability to do it ; and they would not, as at present, be entirely dependent upon the forbearance of their landlord, or the mercy of his steward

People steal because they want things that are not theirs, and which they perhaps cannot get honestly

The people became clamorous to get land, and the rich and the great, we may believe, were perfectly determined not to give them any part of theirs

proxy server (this allows you to pretend you’re searching from the USA), so that your search results emulate theirs exactly

moon base of theirs was simply a way to get

This world was theirs for the moment

From the nature of their situation, too, the servants must be more disposed to support with rigourous severity their own interest, against that of the country which they govern, than their masters can be to support theirs

Men of inferior wealth combine to defend those of superior wealth in the possession of their property, in order that men of superior wealth may combine to defend them in the possession of theirs

Where the masters, however, really perform their duty, there are no examples, I believe, that the greater part of the students ever neglect theirs

“Was that your opinion or theirs?”

“Our trenches faced theirs and the distance varied between them anywhere between sixty and one hundred and fifty yards

‘Raiya would give her life in order to stop the population of Earth losing theirs

blasphemed cavern with your corpse as well as theirs, seeking my answers elsewhere and acquiring

Spain seems to have learned the practice from the Italian republics, and (its taxes being probably less judicious than theirs) it has, in proportion to its natural strength, been-still more enfeebled

Hubert has breakfast at 7:00, like Mom, and supper at 4:30 when Mom and Dad eat theirs

She told me about the animal shelter near the medical center where she often stopped to walk the overjoyed dogs, as much for her therapy and relief as theirs

Animals who have been abandoned, especially those who’ve been abused, as we suspect Autumn had been, are often the sweetest, so relieved to have found steady love that they give theirs freely

Adem wanted to fight; this was his battle as much as theirs

Maybe she didn’t want her wedding day overshadowed by theirs

Even his war was different from theirs

Doubtless the council would decree; as it seemed, executive power had become theirs, without any formal declaration

If they hadn’t died the instant of the ship’s death, then theirs would have been a horrid

The looks we got from the toiling mass were indeed beseeching, and we felt obliged to return and to load theirs as well

I don’t know if that was true but we were indeed ordered not to polish it, but by time a few cadets already had theirs shining like a mirror and earned the sergeants wrath for being “commies and f longhaired liberals who is trying to improperly influence him, Sergeant van der Merwe by the grace of General Coetzee blah blah blah

Great, who set this child to following me? Enforcers used youngsters as informants, since adults tended to ignore them, but she could not assume he was one of theirs

» The fact it that despite my sneering comments, their hands were also tied, and theirs is not my grievance

Theirs but to do and die

her own little ones warmed his half-frozen hands in theirs

«Isn’t it your vacation as well as theirs? Do make that child stop pulling your hair!»

As this was in the middle of a city I was puzzled and called the local Zoo to hear if they perhaps lost a cheetah but no, all theirs are accounted for and I can come and look if I don’t believe them

I checked on the Internet and noted that the Indian Defence Force (who has the most Casspirs now) took the trouble of mounting decent lights on theirs

They even designed their mortars (and other ammo) to be a few millimetres larger than the NATO ones so that they could use NATO ammunitions but NATO could not use theirs for it was too big

The new members swore by it until they got seriously embarrassed on the mean streets, and then discarded theirs also

Theirs looked exactly the same as ours, just with different coloured curtains

Lo, the strength of Samson shall be theirs!

That they may receive of My life, In place of theirs, and be healed

Or they are expecting some Arab Sheik mate of theirs (they tend to be «friends» with the rich and famous) to make an investment at some stage in the future which is always next month

We prefer not to see clients at our offices or theirs for merely meeting with us have consequences or may have in this world

Theirs was a generation that blindly pursued its (own) idealistic assumptions for a ―better world‖ without proper forethought or knowledge that would leave many disillusioned, frustrated and intolerant of subsequent generations unwilling to continue fighting the good fight

Theirs was a simple way of life

Despite most Anglo-Americans living in Texas less than a year, they declared the land to be theirs and rose up in an insurgency

believe and do not see for theirs is the kingdom of heaven on earth

Similarly, on March 11, 2004, when in my home of Los Angeles, my American friends offered me theirs for my lovely Spain where I had the privilege of being born

• How to know if the issue being acted out is Your Issue, not theirs!

• The Litmus Test that shows you if the issue is Theirs, not yours!

That was my job, not theirs

It’s not that we didn’t have our own propaganda, but theirs was very effective

Examples of how to use the word “theirs” in a sentence. How to connect “theirs” with other words to make correct English sentences.

theirs (n, pro): the one(s) belonging to or connected with them;

Use “theirs” in a sentence

Our problems are nothing compared to theirs.
That book is theirs.
She is a friend of theirs.

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