A sentence for the word picturesque

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word picturesque? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

Situated in a scenic valley surrounded by picturesque mountains, Medellin is a city of lush parks and tree-lined boulevards.
The narrow, leaning buildings and the large city park, Vondelpark, make Amsterdam a picturesque city for walking or biking.
In the picturesque port city of Bahia, Flor, a lovely young woman, marries the wastrel Vadinho, a compulsive wencher who beats her.
The developers are determined to keep the picturesque grounds intact and the hospital’s grandeur appearance.
Small it was, with a picturesque inn, gingerbread houses, and a stinking brewery looming over the landscape a few miles outside of town.
Those trollers are so picturesque, and I’d always wanted to step aboard one.
Its present appearance, a picturesque ruin surrounded by a wide moat full of water lilies, masks its serious military purpose.
The lyrics are merely picturesque and somewhat reminiscent and suggestive of far-away places.
The bar and DJ decks are located along the back wall, allowing clubbers to enjoy the music and the picturesque views.
Just a few miles off the highway, Blair is a distinguished prep school with a picturesque campus that rivals most colleges.
Bright twinkles of stars had also started to emerge and the whole scene had become even more picturesque than previously.
While there you can take in its picturesque hillsides and valleys, along with visiting the Mekong Delta.
A group of kids escorts his motorcade to the picturesque town square, where a crowd of about 100 has gathered.
Low agricultural lands are now submerged in water due to heavy rains, which will dry out in Autumn and will generate another picturesque view.
The blushing bride looked picturesque and beyond anything we might have imagined.
Depicting underpopulated picturesque rustic scenes had become commonplace by the 17th century.
Walk through the mountains, bogs, and coastal islands of Ireland’s picturesque West Country.
The houses were in a picturesque village, and the first one was absolutely bogging.
Scenic beaches line the island and are just minutes from the picturesque countryside, quiet sleepy lanes and stunning views.
They often looked quite picturesque, the womenfolk in their bonnets and the men folk in their straw hats.

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Examples from Classical Literature

Moonlight is always picturesque, because it substitutes mass and breadth for the obtrusiveness of petty particulars.
Count Rumford, however, was a picturesque character, and a good advertiser.
We passed and repassed picturesque groups of Mazatec indians with their burdens.
It stood two storied, verandaed and hideous, a blot upon the soil of picturesque Mexico.
Kastamuni in wintertime is a picturesque Turkish town, and has a character all its own.
The picturesque effect of the birches is remarkable, flanked by the massive outlines and drooping tassels of the rimu.
The picturesque old fought a brave battle with the tinsel and tawdriness of the new.
The walk, too, along the side of the mountains by way of marling and picturesque St. Anton is one to be enjoyed and remembered.
In picturesque beauty their attire would favorably compare with the court dresses of most of the European monarchies.
Most picturesque of all the figures to be seen in Edinburgh are the newhaven fishwives.
This is called a ‘loshuis,’ or open house, and very picturesque it is to look at.
The railway carries us westwardly to Ameca, a picturesque town, and thence the saddle is our means of conveyance.
Tuesday morning, August 19th, found us paralleling the picturesque river Yonne, which waters the vine-clad valleys of Burgundy.
The outer garment was the mantle, or peplos, shaped like a shawl and capable of a variety of picturesque drapings.
On the west side appeared the rocks of which kobo had told them, and which presented a most picturesque appearance.
We passed some Swazi kraals, and got directions from their picturesque occupants.
He looked at the bow-windows, the cheap picturesque gables, the terracotta dragons clawing a dirty sky.
The wharves and godowns which line Makassar’s water-front form an unattractive screen to a picturesque and charming town.
The kibla in this mosque is a picturesque domed structure higher than the rest of the building.
A mob-cap was once upon a time a picturesque finish to a pretty face, and it was of home-manufacture.

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The route is attractive and picturesque.

Тем не менее, маршрут интересный и живописный.

Guilin is an ancient picturesque city located in southern China.

Гуйлинь — это древний живописный город, который расположен на юге Китая.

These picturesque towns are fraught with unexpected opportunities for a unique stay, so watching their development will be the most interesting.

Эти колоритные города таят в себе неожиданные возможности для первоклассного отдыха, поэтому наблюдать за их развитием будет интереснее всего.

You will hunt in various picturesque places worldwide.

Вам предстоит охотиться в различных живописных местах по всему миру.

It has beaches perfect for visitors as well as picturesque scenery.

Он имеет пляжи, которые идеально подходят для посетителей, а также живописные пейзажи.

Popular hotel on the picturesque cape among gardens with vegetation.

Популярный отель, расположенный на живописном мысе среди садов с пышной растительностью.

And this means that there are picturesque mountain landscapes here.

А это значит, что живописные горные ландшафты можно найти и здесь.

It was crowded with tourists but so beautiful and picturesque.

Так чтобы без толп туристов, но при этом красивым и живописным.

In the morning the road runs along its picturesque coastline.

В первой половине дня наша дорога пролегает вдоль их живописной береговой линии.

The route is very picturesque in any season.

В плане фотографирования — очень живописное место в любой сезон.

Tolo today presents picturesque, romantic and undeniably beautiful characteristics.

Толо сегодня представляет живописное, романтическое и, несомненно, красивое место.

There are number of small but picturesque villages.

Среди них находится несколько маленьких, но крайне живописных поселков.

They tend to be musicals that include songs filmed in picturesque locations.

Эти фильмы, как правило, являются мюзиклами, которые включают песни, исполненные в живописных местах.

Many are wide, while others are small and nested in picturesque marine bays.

Многие из них широкие, в то время как другие являются маленькими, вложенными в живописные морские бухты.

Possibly the most picturesque place on the island.

Ведь это, возможно, самое живописное место на всем острове.

In this picturesque town no cars are permitted.

Интересно, что в этой живописной деревушке запрещено движение автомобилей.

Tuapse attracts tourists with its picturesque places and well-developed resort infrastructure.

Город Туапсе привлекает туристов своими живописными местам, а также развитой курортной инфраструктурой.

We were stationed in a small picturesque German town.

Однажды он поселился в небольшом, но очень живописном, немецком городке.

Marseille also forms the base for excursions to nearby islands and picturesque resort towns.

Город Марсель во Франции также формирует базу для экскурсии на близлежащие острова и в живописные курортные города.

Hotels located on the riverside offer accommodation in quiet picturesque districts.

Гостиницы Екатеринбурга, расположенные на побережье Исети, обеспечивают своим гостям размещение в тихих живописных районах.

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Picturesque, but there can’t be much profit in it.

Живописно, но не слишком уютно.

Very picturesque, perhaps.

Должно быть, очень живописно.

So picturesque. I just love it.

Так живописно. Обожаю это.

it’s not picturesque but it is unique

Тут хоть и не живописно, но своеобразно.

It’s picturesque, isn’t it?

Как живописно, правда?

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  • picturesque: phrases, sentences

1. You can see the picturesque shores beside the river.

2. The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.

3. It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and well-preserved buildings.http://sentencedict.com

4. That was a picturesque phrase.

5. We came to a picturesque cottage.

6. The castle stands in a picturesque setting surrounded by hills.

7. Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn, the Blueberry Inn.

8. We visited the picturesque fishing village of Lochinver.

9. Blue Ridge is nestled in the picturesque White Mountains.

10. Devey has created a masterpiece of the Victorian Picturesque.

11. Inland, picturesque villages nestle in the wooded Brendon Hills.

12. It was a rambling old place, crooked and picturesque.

13. It has no regional or picturesque name.

14. The small port supports a picturesque fishing fleet.

15. Perhaps all we are here witnessing is a picturesque way of making a scornful reference to alien religion.

16. The courthouse in Kirkwall is in a particularly picturesque setting.

17. A member of the picturesque Aberfoyle Golf Club, with a respectable 15 handicap, Roy remembers his inauspicious beginnings.

18. Park Hotel A picturesque building of white walls and crow-stepped gables with a fine view of the Tweed.

19. Nearby Newark is a picturesque market town with a cobbled square overlooked by buildings of architectural interest.

20. There’s this picturesque white elephant development on the Costa del Sol, apparently going for a song.

21. Hallborough turned out to be a picturesque Cotswold village with one main street.

22. The picturesque view, which envisages life as art, took a long time to die.

23. The picturesque Neumarkt is worth a visit before heading back to the Limmatquai.

24. Fribourg is a small town built on a picturesque hilly site on a bend of the river Sarine.

25. Alte, in the hills northwest of Loule, is the Algarve’s most picturesque village.

26. The room itself and all its fixtures and fittings are so filthy as to be almost picturesque.

27. The frustrations arising will be recognised by those engaged upon the contemporary scene, even if present day issues are less picturesque.

28. The main centre is Portoferraio with a marina, a renaissance fortress, a picturesque old town and Napoleon’s town house.

29. Cramond Inn A favourite resort for all who enjoy good food in picturesque surroundings.

30. The marked paths lead to spectacular view points and picturesque mountain villages.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word picturesque, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use picturesque in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «picturesque». In addition, we also show how different variations of picturesque can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are picturesquely and picturesqueness. If you click on the variation of picturesque that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Picturesque in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word picturesque in a sentence.

  1. It is distinctly American, and very picturesque.

  2. Little Thetford «presents a picturesque appearance from the railway.

  3. Brynner termed Rodgers’ account «very picturesque, but totally inaccurate».

  4. Rogers’s text had avoided politics and focused on picturesque and sublime scenery.

  5. In Rambles, Shelley contends that interacting with picturesque scenery can heal the body.

  6. The island’s largest settlement is Portree, which is also its capital, known for its picturesque harbour.

  7. Sometimes, a dark man or tawny female was introduced, for picturesque contrast with a fair form of the same sex.

  8. The castle was subsequently dismantled, and was left as a picturesque ruin until its purchase by John Fuller in 1829.

  9. Route 118, Kitchen Creek plunges over three picturesque cascades (18, 25 and 10 feet high)» (5.5, 7.6, and 3.0 m high).

  10. It tells the story of an upper-class family spending an afternoon in Darjeeling, a picturesque hill town in West Bengal.

  11. He generally followed the normal style for light music of his day: picturesque and romantic, with colourful orchestral effects.

  12. His shorter piano pieces include picturesque miniatures such as In a Vodka Shop (1915), A Hill Tune (1920) and Water Music (1929).

  13. Turner was renowned for his love of nature and was at the forefront of the picturesque movement, during which such ruins became fashionable.

  14. The east coast is composed of low cliffs and has several sea caves, including the picturesque geo at the extreme northern tip known as Geo of Ork.

  15. In the treatise, Thirtle shows his interest in depicting the weather, and his opposition towards contemporary ideas of painting in a picturesque way.

  16. Hardy’s opinion was that, «if only it had an open timber roof instead of the plain ceiling, it would be one of the most picturesque College Libraries».

  17. He said that the buildings «make a picturesque group of gabled Cotswold roofs», adding that «[t]heir design is simple and depends for its effects upon its just proportions.

  18. In 1851 Francis Clark wrote that «Waterfall Gully is the most picturesque place for a picnic that I have ever visited», and by the 1860s the area had become known throughout Adelaide.

  19. Beresford largely avoided the Victorian architecture and other picturesque elements of Waxahachie and instead focused on relatively barren locations more characteristic of West Texas.

  20. Several picturesque islands—Alcatraz, Treasure Island and the adjacent Yerba Buena Island, and small portions of Alameda Island, Red Rock Island, and Angel Island—are part of the city.

  21. He made paintings of harvests, wheat fields and other rural landmarks of the area, including The Old Mill (1888); a good example of a picturesque structure bordering the wheat fields beyond.

  22. Upon its opening on May 10, 1938, the Cloisters was described as a collection «shown informally in a picturesque setting, which stimulates imagination and creates a receptive mood for enjoyment».

  23. Unlike those of the Norwich School, these artists did not benefit from wealthy merchants and landed gentry demonstrating their patriotism by acquiring picturesque paintings of the English countryside.

  24. In the same months that the Anti-Jacobin Review launched its first critiques of the Analytical and other journals, the Analytical published extensive articles on the picturesque and other aesthetic theories.

  25. Unlike the artists of the Norwich School, these provincial artists did not benefit from wealthy merchants and landed gentry demonstrating their patriotism by acquiring picturesque paintings of the English countryside.

Picturesquely in a sentence

Picturesquely is a variation of picturesque, below you can find example sentences for picturesquely.

  1. It fails because it is neither picturesquely nor formally symphonic».

Picturesqueness in a sentence

Picturesqueness is a variation of picturesque, below you can find example sentences for picturesqueness.

  1. All he shows us is war’s disasters and squalors, without any of the glory or even picturesqueness.».

  2. I went in search not only of beauty, and light, and colour, and the picturesqueness in general, which delight the eye and emotions of all artists—but of something deeper—something less easily expressed.

Synonyms for picturesque

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word picturesque has the following synonyms: beautiful, colorful and colourful.

General information about «picturesque» example sentences

The example sentences for the word picturesque that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «picturesque» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «picturesque».

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